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Previous: >>472897739
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>The ukraine has a month to avoid default -https://archive.today/OVZkX
>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Hohol FPVs vs Russian Tank
>Cluster missile strike on Mi-24 Heli at airfield in Poltava
>You dont need hand grenade if you have AT mine
>Street combat in Volchansk soldier POV
>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
>Destruction of multiple Su-27s at Mirgorod airfield
>Hohol forgot to hide tattoos
>UR-77 demining charge in action
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field

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>Powerful EXPLOSIONS are reported in #
I denounce talmud and every paper disguised as religion.
This post originally had too many letters in it so I deleted a line.

>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
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Welcome to thread, enjoy your stay.
sauce, UN-nigger?
Sabot is an insant death.
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new york status?
stinky status?
spy x family: code white. status?
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New baker needed.
>New baker needed.
New baker needed.
>New baker needed.
Thanks for the bread, animalanon
What is your issue?
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what the fuck does this mean? I'm a twitter thread where ukranians are complaining about the futility of the war just to lose a bunch of land either way
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it's perfect the perfect end to many things. it might happen or not, but if it does i wouldn't worry too much for one both sides where far more preoccupied with how many they had not if they all worked. and they're like 40 years old now. so most won't even launch or plop down for friendly fire. secondly if it happens they are not going to give you a warning. the elites will have been warned but us nah.

And thirdly fuck em.
I agree with you after reading it... sounds like too much.
Why every major YouTuber is a retard?
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All this talk about nuclear holocoaster when the BRICS-aligned bloc is the only one with functioning nukes and delivery systems. ZOG can only try to do dirty bomb tactics at this point.

Having mass appeal to normalfags means being at the lowest common denominator
Really I don't think nukes are in the cards. Washington DC is filled with mediocrities, not complete retards. People that were trained to forever check boxes at the end of history aren't going to blow everything up out of sheer nihilism.







thanks for bread
5.30, this fucking mosquito remained unsatisfied until i got up, turned on the light, and sprayed her. 30 sec later i heard the cunt crash and buzz her last. Now her sister buzzes at a fucking extended range.
hence politicians, retarded enough they don't make the normies feel uncomfortable

also Dunning Kruger, ignorance enables you to be very confident, people vote for confident politicians (idiots)
people like watching vids of people confidently telling them something (actually talking bollocks)
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well unless you're planning on shooting it down with your rifle or slingshot or by flinging a brick at it, it's kind of pointless to worry about. because we all know we're not going to be bringing it down.
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it means: US-tard drafties should be send in to be sacrificed for balckrock, the neo-cons and the "rules based order" (US imperial expectation).

not gonna lie here, US-fart: if my government forces me to ley in the trenches next to you then maybe my commading NAFO-troon officvers will alt-f4 out of life first and after that maybe, who know?, some mortar or 30mm auto greneda lauchner gonna accidently went of in your dorcetion.

people who will be evacuated in advance and not actually experience the war because they're in a VIP bunker?
This will win the war for NATO, chud
>and not actually experience the war
The aftermath of a total nuclear exchange is likely to be so bad, you probably don't want to be around for it, even if you're able to escape it in a bunker for a while.
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No, i mean the Ukranian word "зeїблaнiв"
i google translated it and it comes off as some name.
I'm thinking is either a slang for Russians or Ukranians pro russia
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its all the yankess fault.!

2025 ist schicksalswahljahr - tod oder selbstbestimmung.
Yeah, so if I was a commander I would call back everyone in that country.
War can only be won by total devastation.
>call back
>bomber runs
>fuck drones fuck nato
a lot of these people don't do outside, or manual labour, they live in a bubble, they all share the same silly ideas, everything is an abstraction to them,
America wouldn't be in the mess it is if the leadership were wise, things would be good,

the leadership is stupid, stupid does evil things, wisdom does good things.
sorry, mate - i dont know and i dont care anymore. but just to keep you safe: stay the fuck out of europe not matter what. no. matter. what. you got that?

over'n out.

Hah, stupid russians, they think they're going to win just because they have more artillery and manpower and money and time
Don't they know there's still 24% of the prewar population of the Ukraine left, and after they finish their transition they'll be marching straight to moscow! You better watch out, they'll be there by winter ;)
His ass... Its a wide source of shit information
Dont give idf kike any (((you)))
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I searched for зeїблaнiв on twitter and used the translate on image.
I have no idea what it means.
>Uses twitter
Just stop being homo
Social media makes it worse for them.
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cant tell if bait or genuine shitpost in the current year
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this is the only social media I use, I've closed every other account or been banned,

I don't do MSM either, no tv or national newspapers, no adverts, no radio,

I don't have any of the fashionable silly ideas in my head, they're all kept out.
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>calls them sheeps
>will sell themselves for money and even their own mom
Yeah, I'm thinking is some pro russian ukranian slang.
The exact context and etymology may never be known.
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The Ukraine defaulting on its debts is all part of the plan ZIGGERS wouldn't understand the brilliance of western necrofinancy
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she's so irritated by the cultural beacon behind her
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blackrock approves of this post.
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Maybe it's just Z-eblan (z-retard)?
schlampen äffen "baywatch" an einem tümpel nach - höhepunkt amerikanischer kultur....
>Maybe it's just Z-eblan (z-retard)?
Notice the dates tho... many predate the 2022 SMO and Z....
I think they are in Brazil, anon. Is the chink who is not conforming to the macaco
They think that they will have enough food, water, child sex slaves/breeding stock and other supplies to survive at least a decade. After that they'll emerge as degenerate gods ruling over the survivors of the mess they caused.

In reality they will be among the first targeted in a nuclear exchange as the bunker locations are known. And chances are they will die or be killed in their bunkers before then anyways. Unless they are the ultimate good goys, I don't see why a servant would stay loyal to the kikes they are stuck with for that long.
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>Yeah, I'm thinking is some pro russian ukranian slang.
Makes sense.
that's where the anon saw the term.
>gassing the blood sucker
You germans never learn, don't you
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we should create a fake war alert, let them all go hide in their bunkers, then weld the doors shut,

all it requires is the co-operation of those just below the elite tier,
no one actually fires a missile, they just go through the motions, once the demons are underground and welded in we can have a new age of peace and prosperity, whilst Bezos drinks his recycled urine 90 metres below ground.
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>or been banned,
the honorable way - this way some souls will still get that something fishy is happening.

>got banned myseld from
>reddit, hanime, 4chan (now and then)
kvetches in Hebrew and Yiddish, comes with a glow in the dark Talmud.
it's weird, I've gone back without signing in and all the normies are chattering away, much happier now that no one is bringing up uncomfortable ideas, they really do silo themselves in a normieworld
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noice meme - didnt know it yet.
>saved for random raids on the UHGlies
interchangeable limbs available in the expansion pack for only $19.99 (trillion)
Ive never done anything but manual labor. Pay sucks, but at the same time I hate blackpilling loser types. Things aren't as bad as they say, and while yes I do carry a gun just for safety and have worked in the worst parts of the city (my boss held a kid in his arms while he died from crossfire while working the night shift) and the thing is bro, it's only that fucking bad if you grew up sheltered like youre talking about. They defunded the police here and I like the freedom of not really having to worry about cops I smoke weed and carry without concealing I keep my gun on the outside of my pants so people see it and don't fuck with me, and if we're being honest, I kind of want someone to fuck with me because I want to shoot someone kek. This is actual freedom, anyone who thought it would look different should just study the Old West.
Are you the "20 years life left" anon from the previous bread?

It's staggering to think of someone who presumably remembers black-and-white TV (and only two or three channels thereof, at that) going on to watch anime and post on /pol/.
vlack&white kot has some real guts.. just look at its posture! not one inch retreaded.
Thanks, Anon. I'll fit that in somewhere
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It’s a pigger slang for Zelekike supporters, something like Ze-fucktards
this is the closest you'll get to an unmoderated old skool message board these days,

everything else is homogenised woke globohomo nonsense,

I can remember when digital watches were the latest things and considered pretty neat!
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>After that they'll emerge as degenerate gods ruling over the survivors of the mess they caused.
and thats why it should be common sense to KILL EVERYONE AS SOON AS THE VAULT DOORS OPEN - N O M A T T E R W H A T.

NO "STRATEGIC PRIVILEGE" for all of them, including their offspring - especially their offspring.

learn the locations and as much as you can about their "continuity"-strategy and when the time has come.. just act.

remember - they didnt give a shit about you nor your loved ones. otherwise ehy wuldnt have let it come to this...
KEK - sound plan! but not gonna happen.
I need examples of the most audacious Ukrainian propaganda from the early 2022. Ghost of kiev, reaper of odessa, fat soviet general, the samurai of mariupol. Those sort of things. Thanks
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Makes sense, thanks.
Do you remember when they insisted that Azov and that marine brigade were merely being "evacuated" from Mariupol, and that it totally wasn't a surrender?
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I only kept things related to the clown show of the Kiev regime.
1.5+ million dead holhols
Yes, that was hilarious.
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oh, there's this exaggeration of the Azogstahl cumpit
Sure thing
Well the longest running one is that Russia is low on supplies when in realitu they’ve sustained the war all this time.

My personal favorite is when they tried tk pass ARMA III footage off as actual war footage. It was an actual thing. They flooded it all over social media and then someone realized it was ARMA III full specs with filters. There were even independent news articles about it.
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The internet should be segregated.
The only opinions that are worth hearing are either from Russians or Americans, it would be two corners of the internet retarded and autistic.
Foreigners should pay to comment.
Leafs included with a tariff tax of %30 on each continuous post merely for being a leaf.
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the media feeding frenzy
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no daily payment? fuck off, kikes!
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well you could donate, blood, if you're a schoolkid,
your post is illegal according to your own demands. i bet you cant wait to get annexed by the US-of-farce.
kek saved
The insane propaganda has been my favorite part about all of this. You never know what nigkrainians will come up with next
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christ no! they want blood? and i have to bring sweets and shit? fuck off, kikes!
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Why is Russia so unpopular?
Truly they know no bounds
I remember that one clip of a supposed aircraft shootdown, just didn't quite feel right
Because US propaganda in movies, games and the rest of it.
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for the first time in forever the normie cattle is allowed to hate something.
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>Why is Russia so unpopular?
cause we are the actual cool guys. and the troons know it. its envy, nothing else.
This one is a favourite of mine
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Oh dear, what a shame, looks like 90s times are coming soon for Russia
Yeah. Well for starters in footage was night time so the in game shaders would mask the textures. I’m pretty sure that’s how it was discovered though. Someone recognized on of the textures on a helicopter or something.
>Ukraine says it thwarted a plot to overthrow the government | CNN
I'll take these guys come November
ww3 within a year you heard it here first, screencap me
Jews collecting the blood of children, then accusing us of making up fantastical blood libels against them,
I think they jumped the shark with this clown show,
5 mins of hate for faggot normies
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so, theyre killing ukro and POW females for propaganda "reasons" now?

>goddamnit cant find the soutthfront.org links to staged POW execution videos...
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Sounds about right, iirc the shootdown was with a VADS or CIWS type system too. Unrelated but Sam Hyde as the Ghost of Kiev was pretty good, Tucker had to debunk it for the normies
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Show flag
serbian president saif 3-4 month in late june 24. your to late, US-fart.
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Nah, have a glimpse of Russia’s future instead
I was watching Kim Iverson’s stream about this. She seems to think the Azov Battalion guys are in charge when I think it’s more likely that Zelensky is trying to appease them because of such low moral on the battlefield. However Kim pointed out that the US lifted sanctions on the Battalion and are allowing them to re-arm if that’s true then Kim’sm probably right and the US is going to use Azog to oust Zelensky.
Go fucking kill yourself lazy fat stinky nafo troon.
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"freedom of the press" - you fucks get it now?!
I had the vid bookmarked but it's been taken down,

I don't watch news. How's New York? Holding?
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It was truely a meme gold mine this war was.
But at the end, hoholistan will be Russia and HATO will burn, just as should be since day 1.
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Can still picture it in my mind, might be buried somewhere in the catbox archives. Anyone ever find out if it was created specifically to be passed as war footage or did someone pull it from a let's play or something
i agree actually goes along with the how the us just edited the draft. us edits draft within a year a war happens. theres been more changes to the draft a year b4 a war than any other time. anon in the thread b4 this said the same thing but used an llm to back up the claim
We Tifa posting now?
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Think this one's been my favorite moment so far

A Ukrainian Sukhoi Su-27 fighter jet was shot down over Kyiv early Friday, Ukrainian Deputy Interior Minister Evgeny Yenin tells CNN's Matthew Chance.
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To be fair, we "mutts" can be very White, Blanquemiento is a colonial practice the Spanish invented of breeding out spics, literally turning them White bro. I'm 2 generations into it, my mom was only half white and look at me. We really can breed the spics out, it's the niggers we should worry about. One more gen with a White woman and the spic in me will be pretty much gone.
pretty late to the party poolander, no? or just a shift-change in your US paid "fact-check network"?
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Speaking of mutt politics. Is PedoJoe 100% fucked right now? Who's gonna replace him? Killary?
Always has been

not perse what you asked for but it was funny.


"Russian" tank crushes car with old geezer inside in Kiev, turned out to be a drunk Ukroid.
After the 2020 steal, anything is possible.
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as of today, yes. its now mandatory!

>eco-terrorist freedom fighter hot melee chick one-san love!
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I remember that, was dodging friendly fire from jittery militia who shot up a flak truck at the head of their column, there's another camera from the other side of the street filming that truck and its crew getting shot to pieces when the Strelas come racing by and the second one in line hits the car.
Well, the spic in my blood will be gone.
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Michael Obama
That was the whole first few months lmao.

Ukrainians killing each other and the usual retards jacking off that all of those were Russians.

Clearly injured Ukrainian troops pouring out of the back of those transport trucks, nope, Russian soldiers.
Civilians getting shot up in their cars by criminals given all kinds of weaponry, nope, those were Russian saboteurs.
Oh its you
Go back to india poojeet
Every NATO and khokhol accusation is actually a confession.
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I dunno. For me Garnet was BAE of those PS1 era titles.
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>Who's gonna replace him?
they are holding a virtual convention a month ahead of schedule to eliminate that possibility
by "they" I am not sure if that is the Democrats or whoever it is that is actually running the Biden Family Crime Syndicate
(if he isn't capable of being President then, it's because he just showed that he isn't capable of being President now - see how that works?)
the unintended consequences of "Faithless Electors"
>making obama presidency more obvious
Not sure if the dems are that dumb
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It might be stupidity, but could also be desperation. Can't let Orange Man Bad win.
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One thing I don't understand out of this ordeal is why did biden agree to a debate when he did none in 2020?
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5D chess move by the powers that be is the only way it makes any sense
Bingo. The question that I have not seen asked anywhere else. It looks to me as if Biden was set up to fail in order to finally force in him out.
they got away with a lot of shit in Syria and Libya because it was just too dangerous for Western journo's to be on the 'rebel' side observing,
but the Ukraine has been an endless stream of vids and propaganda, it's made the West look ridiculous, their clown car hero's supposedly fighting the ebil Russians, but actually committing war crimes or killing themselves, then uploading it for the updoots,

the West looks fricking stupid now,
This is an existential threat because of Harris, if team Biden had picked a qualified candidate instead of the loudest self-proclaimed DEI quota filler, they would have an option. They can't pass her over for an even blacker 'female'.

with you on that, and why in June instead of September, like usual? It seems self-destructive, and smells like Pelosi.
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Why are Polish women like this?
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Good form old chap.
DAM I JUST COOMTACTED A "COLLEAUGE" FROM KAZAKSTAN, WOWOWO, i gotta learn russian, i know it now
Shit looks like a Home Depot or Menards or something
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What's my niggers. Not looking forward to tomorrow. I have to crawl around the attic and figure out why it's overheating causing heat to enter the house. I think I know the problem and it's going to cost me a lot of money. Fuck Ukraine I swear to god. Hohols did this.
Putin's biggest mistake was not having the FAB-3000s ready at the beginning of the SMO. Would have been perfect to land right on those propagandists.
Never been to an IKEA?
Russia bros do you go for the khazakh beauties? I have seen things
You need better airflow inside your house. Insulation doesn't work very well against heat.
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