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Pro-Russia Westerners are so stupid that they'll believe fake, untrue news created by Russian propagandists:
>It would have been a bombshell report - if it were true
>Olena Zelenska, the first lady of Ukraine, allegedly bought a rare Bugatti Tourbillon sports car
>The story appeared on an obscure French website just days ago - and was swiftly debunked
>complains about people gobbling up propaganda
>uses a BBC article to support his claim
Kek. Westoids aren't even human. Imagine being so lacking in basic self-awareness.
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>nooooo trust my jewish media outlet!!!!
YWNBAW nafo tranny
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>Fact checked and verified by Snopes and vax approved by Anthony Fauci xerself guys!

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Checks out
In the US there’s a lot more of an anti Ukraine crowd than a pro Russian crowd. Too many boomers still think the Soviet Union exists to be pro Russian
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>launch fake news to the internet
>debunk their own fake news shortly later and present it as Russian disnifo
ah, sneaky fucking anglo dogs
have weak muscles, but are absolute masters of fake news, false flags, political assassinations, divide and conquer and similar activities

meanwhile this is what Russia's state news is showing about it:

now crawl back into your cave
Very glad to see all the crying in this thread

All I've stated is the truth: the state of Russia is pushing lies to influence morons in the West

And all of you morons can't accept the truth, so you cry instead
The British media is literally edited by MI6. He also explains how the educational system trains children into unquestioning subjects.
Zelensky’s Jew parents absolutely are NOT living in mansions in Israel right now.
Because we debooonked this concocted russian propaganda about Bugattis.
Remember to beware the 6 gorillion shekel russian propaganda machine my friends. They are trying to trick you.
So strong but together we shall defeat their lies.
Facts verified by snopes.
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Did you know that Trump and Biden are both shape-shifting lizards? It must be true because I just claimed it.
I still remember playing Red Orchestra with Russnigs long ago. Didn't even really think much about Russia desu 15 years ago other then they had a decent hacking scene
Nigel how do you get instantly clowned on by someone from fucking MOLDOVA lmao
Sad! no bump
Russian state media and state officials tend to lie by omission or by using deceptive phrases, but they generally don’t outright lie at the official capacity. Their media therefore uses the same tactics western media uses when they want to be dishonest. They are however more censorship happy than at least the United States
what he said is actually true though retard, you're not trying to have a discussion you're trying to shill
>They are however more censorship happy than at least the United States
i actually disagree because Yandex (russian google) you can find all kinds of redpill shit about jews with a simple search when google just gives you the ADL website
>they generally don’t outright lie at the official capacity
They do though, if they think they can get away with it. E.g. Putin denying that Russia poisoned Litivinenko in 2006 (a lie, because they did), denying that Russia poisoned Sergei Skripal in 2018 (a lie, because they did), denying that Russia poisoned Alexei Navalny in 2020 (a lie, because they did).

And there are more examples of people like Putin and Lavrov lying over such issues as Crimea, the Donbas, and their intentions to launch a bigger invasion of Ukraine in 2022 (they denied for months they were going to invade, when the West already knew that an invasion was exactly what they were going to do).
See: >>472931395
kek true lol, i think his overlords played some mind games to convince him that the british state media is good while the russian one is bad
>Pro-Putin Westerners Are Morons
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By supporting the neocon and EU elites proxy war in jewkraine you are supporting the regimes that are intentionally displacing/disenfranchising/replacing Whites in their own countries.
Yeah that's true, I probably should have said that. It's not Russia that is bad. It's Putin's regime, and its supporters, that are bad.

What no pussy does to a mf
Stop trying to blame Russia for everything that is uncomfortable for you.
It seems that self-proclaimed liberals in the West are desperate to maintain their worldview built on flowery delusions.
Both Russia, China or Trump are simply drawing attention to the deep cracks in your society.
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You are a mongoloid ukranian ork, by the chance? Looks like you all you have left if to beg people you immigrate to to reject European stable of security while personally being a part of north african and mongolian racial groups.
fuck you read a book instead
BAP sounds like he has a yiddish accent kek
>the private company founded by jews hides bad info about jews
That isn’t the same as state directed censorship. Hating jews is a legal right in both countries
>Being "pro" countries while having 0 sway
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Yea these retards are so gullible they would believe anything as long as you mention jews or Klaus or something similar.
They are detached from reality and live in their own world.
Really makes one wonder if they are not just overgrown kids.
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biggest lie in history is that british are le "white"
1 ruble was paid to you for this post

Russians don’t understand that even before we were ruled by Jews that our foreign policy was schizophrenic and changed wildly almost every decade.
Ethnicity isn't important
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You will never be a woman.
NATO lost.
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It's not nearly as moronic (or cucked) as supporting the system replacing you.
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Lost what? They ain't even here.
You've got a point indeed.
im one of those, i grew up playing games and hanging out with russians they are more honest than 99% of all the people i come into contact with in real life here in the united states by a fucking mile, i trust the average russian more than here for obvious reasons everything here is a carefully controlled cheap piece of wallpaper that cannot stand up to honest critique, russia for better or worse is what it is to your face i respect that honesty.
>Lost what?
Lost the proxy war it started against Russia.
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Damn might as well dissolve it then.
And destroy all the equipment with tanks, airships and ships so we can capture Europe.
Putin outplayed the west, 5D chess player.
Vatniks are so cuckolded that they mention their number one daydream, transgenderism, whenever their cuckoldry is pointed out
I believe it but would like a better source than "anon car salesman".
It was reported locally in NYC that his wife bought 250k worth of jewelry and got the saleswoman fired but they scrubbed the story from the web.
>says the country that let the blacks in after ww2
The truth is two generations of your family loved blacks soo much they went and died for them.
I remember that story of Zelensky's insufferable trophy wife spending foreign aid money on jewelry and demanding a poc minority sales girl get fired. Any captures or archives please post.
You're posting this on the board where dumb westerners that gobble Russian propaganda hang out, why would you ever expect to get a positive reception here?
Why do you allow Pakis to rape your kids? Does your country even have a navy anymore?
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good thread
good work
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What about the fake untrue propaganda created by the west?
Also is my Pic fake and untrue? Is it just Russian propaganda? I believe it
Ironically, wanting a Russian victory in this conflict is the actually pro-western stance: if Europeans are to exist in the future, the current system has to go. A major defeat on the international theatre would make this more likely.
Oi m8 have you paid the loicense for ty telly?
Russian victory is a terrible idea, it emboldens Russia that their imperialism will go unchecked, to keep taking territory and endangers all the countries that border Ukraine. It also proves the EU and NATO are toothless which Russia has repeatedly asserted as propaganda, but allowing Russia to win would prove it to be true
If anglo anons lived in ww2
>Pro-Germany Westerners are so stupid that they'll believe fake, untrue news created by German propagandists:
>It would have been a bombshell report - if it were true
>Adolf Hitler, the german führer, has been repeatedly pleading for peace
>The story appeared on an obscure French paper just days ago - and was swiftly debunked
>Links to the Times
Anglos are just extremely butthurt at Russia because their pirate jew empire collapsed and they are now getting replaced by pakis and nogs lmao
They miss the days when they used to call the shots and seething about Russia, which largely avoided their same fate of decline and obscurity, is how they cope about it
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All of that is vastly preferable to strengthening the system that does picrel.
>It also proves the EU and NATO are toothless which Russia has repeatedly asserted as propaganda
Really it wasn't cause NATO and the EU got butt fucked by Serbs and Africans in the 90's?
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I do agree that the current leftist system is horrible but you are forgetting one fact.
The Russian system is the same shit.
They are importing muslims en masse and killing off Russians in a worthless war.
I'm not sure how it benefits anyone but the kikes in our governments.
All western societies look like this currently because of birth rate issues. It's entirely unrelated to Russia taking European territory
/pol/ is a glowie board. half of the board that worships russians are paid shills. the rest are useful idiots
>NATO and EUs credibility is at stake
It couldn't be less of my concern when the later are doing all what's in their hands to turn Europe into a grey goblino mass.
Furthermore the destabilization of supranational organizations that support all the current thing is on my benefit
The BBC has it's staff vetted by intelligence agents.
People who blindly trust Russian Today are retarded but so are people who trust the state run media of other countries.
Have you tried being desirable.
How did NATO get buttfucked when Milosevic ended up in the ICC. You are retarded
who ever kill kikes,angloids and their pawns is my brother
cope more agent rajeet
says the faggot shill. 85% of the shills are nafo troons like you telling rediculous lies
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You faggots have no fucking idea what you're shilling for
>Damn might as well dissolve it then.
Indeed. If nothing else, I'm sure we can both agree that Amerigolems are subhuman and that Amurderica is a cancerous mole upon the face of this planet.
The anti-Russia people have been exposed as liars repearedly and have endured loss after loss. They know so little about Russia that they honestly thought the sanctions would work.
>How did NATO get buttfucked
Who ran from the Tutsis? Fucking Ireland had more balls then all of NATO.
nato lost its legitimacy as a defensive alliance when they attacked yugoslavia and all the third world got wise and started preparing for hostile interactions, kgb got wise too and started preparing for war in ukraine in early 2000s because of it
I heard it on local radio. did a search but all I get is "fact check false"
so the russians hit something big if piggers are so desperate today
/pol/ once again confirmed for the dumbest board on 4chan. Look at all these submissive bootlicker incels believing obvious russian lies.
Ever seen the tally for the Kosovo war? Nato spent one month of endless raids, day and night, to destroy a couple dozen tanks and apcs in and area as small as Corsica. It quite literally proved their much vaunted aerial capabilities were massively overrated and that against a non third world army they would have to send ground forces, which they were reluctant to do
If that were old US I would've said no.
Can't say anything good about the current day America.
Honestly I wouldn't mind China and USA destroying each other. Might as well take India and Africa with them.
>I hate /pol/
>posts in /pol/
How does this help you gather support for Ukraine?
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Pro Russia all the way, FREE PALESTINE!
russians lie, so do americans. I like americans having a counter because if they don't they will fuck us all in europe. it's called the countervailing power theory. soviet union was also great for western europe.
Open borders now.
Ignore the glowies
they're just losers who society has rejected, so they reject it back. contrarians. pathetic losers whose parents are disappointed in them. 4chan is a refuge for morons like that, just gotta hope they get some guts and kill themselves.
>And there are more examples of people like Putin and Lavrov lying over such issues as Crimea, the Donbas, and their intentions to launch a bigger invasion of Ukraine in 2022 (they denied for months they were going to invade, when the West already knew that an invasion was exactly what they were going to do).
The way you can tell they wanted to do no such thing was because they were resching out to the US and NATO the whole time those troops were stationed there. It was a show of force to indicate they're not bluffing.

Look up the term "gunboat diplomacy".
as opposed to low iq conformists?
My Grand mother is Russian and she could beat the piss out of any of you shemales.
>The Russian system is the same shit
Irrevelant to us - that's Russia's issue. What's necessary is for us is (((neoliberalism))) to lose/collapse.
Wrong, low birth rates alone don't do that - see Japan, Korea or Hungary. Low birthrates PLUS mass migration do that. You can argue about the birthrate, but the mass migration part is definitely done deliberately, and unlike Russia it's an existential threat.
Russia getting in a win is relevant because its in a conflict with the system that is responsible for said mass migration. The lesser evil beating the greater evil is a net improvement.
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>Any captures or archives please post
they are mopping the web up and will deny everything
there used to be an article here: https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/zelenskys-wife-reportedly-spent-40000-euro-on-a-trip-to-paris-while-pleading-france-for-more-money-for-the-war/
but now it doesn't exist
/pol/ is entertaining but the sheer amount of clinically retarded people that post here is wild
Lol you'll get even more immigrants and neo communism instead.
What a trade.
The population distribution would be more messed up without migration, though the west is going through a big reckoning at the moment where migration is becoming extremely unpopular. Russia also has 20% muslim population and migration from Syria and other third-world hellholes. They are even worse off than the west.
You proxy shills are extremely easy to spot. I hope you realize there will be physical consequences to the job you chose and the opinions you allow yourself to publicly express. Probably for your whole family, too.
>Doubt the purchase
Rather then say it didn't happen, confirmed?
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appropriate flag
How so, retard? The amerimutt led system is the main promoter of this shit, if its power wanes, we can only benefit from it
>But Putler imported like 1 million churkas
Vastly better than the wild congoids we got AND irrilevant to us, Putin can not even create the geopolitical and mediatic conditions to prime us for coprodermic takeover that the mutt led world order can
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>also has 20% muslim population
Kek that bogus figure keeps increasing by 5% each year, shills do not really know how demographics work
At any rate
1 Russia is not flooding Italy with muslims
2 Most muslims in Russia are native to various areas of Russia
3 A large deal of those muslims are racially Europoid (picrel, Tatar woman)
4 Many of them are also fairly laicist
5 Most of them reside within their own designated territories
Ofc there's some Central Asian immigrants which elude points 2 to 4 but even with that it's not analogous to our situation
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Whatever you say sweetheart.
If/when american system dies you'll get the russian one. Or else you'll get denazified.
>Vastly better than the wild congoids we got
We are getting all of them. Accepting syrians as well.
>AND irrilevant to us
You sweet summer child.
We white Brits hate these beige cunts as much as everyone else.
1st one, installed by party against the will of the people
2nd one voted for by pakis, whites are a minority in the capital
3rd one, installed by party against the wishes of the people
4th one, no idea how this dick licker got in, he's neither white, British, or Irish. Paddybongs need to explain themselves, being drunk is not an excuse.
The truth about Russia is nobody wants to be part of Russia
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>Pro-Russia Westerners Are Morons
NATO lost and your handlers are going to ditch you when their ship starts sinking fast. :^)
those FSB clowns
misspelled the address of the Bugatti dealer
on the the invoice
no further debunking needed
>all who don't agree with me are low IQ conformists
yep contrarian loser confirmed. neck yourself you wannabe zigger.
>those FSB clowns
>misspelled the address of the Bugatti dealer
>on the the invoice
>no further debunking needed
>binary thinking smoothbrain
There is zero reason to assume if (((neoliberalism))) collapsed, a russian-like system would be installed. Most likely result would be either a far right or far left takeover.
>it would be worse without migration
No. More people doesn't mean better. More productive people does. But most migrants are a net drain. Like 40% of Syrians in Germany are on welfare for example. And thats not even looking at the societal damage immigrants do.
>Russia is worse
That's their problem. Russian internal policy has no bearing on western internal policy, irrespective if they win this war or not.
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It's always people outside Russia that are the most pro-Russia. If they were actually legitimate about their patriotism, they would live there, but they never do. They're very loud about how great Russia is though, while sitting comfortably in Germany or Serbia.
i'm lost, are you pro or anti russian?
>no u
Every word an Ukranian posts reeks of proyection
>person with a networth of 25mil buys a bugatti
>russians/contrarians lose their mind
money buys things. not a hard concept.
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Yea so lost they got two new members.
Do you seriously think you'll be left alone? Even if it won't be Russia it will be China instead.
>far right
maybe in your dreams
>far left
Yea, neo communism.
>You'll get the Russian one
We won't, you are and have always been shit at power projection and you utterly lack the capabilities to enforce the same shit socially that the much more tentacular and well establishment US media does. Will we get boomervyov telling us in bad Italian that niggers are our multipolar allies and that will convince us? Lmao
>Do you seriously think you'll be left alone? Even if it won't be Russia it will be China instead.
one of the few intelligent posts in this thread. It's always actual Russians that get it more than Russia nuthuggers living in EU or US.
>person with a networth of 25mil buys a bugatti
beside the point but:
spending 1/4 of your net worth on a car would have been unreasonable and niggerish
just saying
Russian borders ends nowhere, therefore it's people inside Russia who are the most pro-Ruissia.

When they become part of Russia, they engage healthy criticism of Russia, that nafo takes for their 5th column, because their concept of social relationships is based solely on american model of sports, so if the "good" team loses their baton in a multiple runners line contest, they just need to redo the competition till the good guys win, then kill the winning team and throw their heads trough a stone hoop
> russians are panicking
this but unironically
yeah it would be, which is why it didn't happen.
>Russian borders ends nowhere
good one Ivan
Do you say "paid shills" as a form of gotcha when I tell you I cause you butthurt for free?
>>Olena Zelenska, the first lady of Ukraine, allegedly bought a rare Bugatti Tourbillon sports car
Im not surprised. All that money we sent them clearly isnt going on weapons or training. It has to go somewhere.
Nobody lies like russians, they take it to a different level. Only chinks and jews lie with as much conviction.
They are not being sent money, they are being sent weapons to the value of money. Did you seriously believe the story about the bugatti? How thick are you?
>clearly not going somewhere
>1:6 ratio in favour of ukraine
imagine how good it would be going if they did use it.
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But you are already hooked by the propaganda. What makes you think it's not working?
They'll just shift its gears when the US is gone. And you WILL believe whatever it says. Not instantly, but in like 10 years you and your kids will be spouting the very same shit.
enemy of my enemy is my friend
NATO lost and Americans are subhuman.
I bet Olena Zalenska could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.
We send them a load of cash too or they would be bankrupt.

>Stop disagreeing with my made up statistic
>ryccki propaganda is fake news
>*cited fucking BBC*
Im glad westoids are gonna dissapear by next century. It's your own fault for trusting your government bullshit.
They still have a functioning agricultural sector that exports daily container ships worth of grain to Africa and Europe. They are not at any risk of bankruptcy
Agriculture is usually subsidised in every country.
Plus all their non agriculture businesses are also subsidised by the west.
That Mexican needs a bigote
Are you sincerely stupid? The reason why a large share of italoid normocattle are swayed by american propaganda is because the US has a well establishment, capillar mediatic system sole devoted to propaganda with billions worth of investement which reaches into every subject country. Russia wields nowhere the same amount of mediatic power that the US has, much less having the same savor-faire which mutts used to have to enforce their soft power
>Plus all their non agriculture businesses are also subsidised by the west.
Like in every country nowadays. Some businesses here get half of their revenue from subsidies (I know because I worked in one of those and I was the one that redacted the forms to ask for them)
They're just boys with daddy issues who patched onto the shirtless, horse riding pics of pootin and selected him as a strong leader.
It's a shame, just broken boys that can't see the woods for the trees.
Dam I wish my business got that.
When times are good they rape you with taxes and when times are bad they say just give up and close your business.
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Russian propaganda system also has giant investments. Journos are even free from conscription during mobilization.
>nowhere the same amount of mediatic power that the US has
Maybe it's not on the same level but it's pretty close. They used a lot of petrodollars. And it's insane numbers.
And numbers will get bigger later.
Also Italy and Spain are some of the biggest RT slurpers of Europe so your rants are not surprising.

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