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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472919634
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I want more MAGA jiggly milkers.
get a job
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niggers are above Poojeets
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my pay is chuckles
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Trump raped children
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you are so very very jewish.
Most of the PNW has banned those Dyson hand-dryers thanks to the pandemic. There was some scare that you'd catch covid from them, so now there are a ton of hand-dryers disconnected from power but still hanging on the walls of men's rooms, next to new paper towel dispensers that they were supposed to obviate.
You are jewish.
More likely a Pajeet hired by jews for pennies
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I remember this story.
> It was the end of an incredibly strange case that featured an anonymous plaintiff who had refused almost all requests for interviews, two anonymous corroborating witnesses whom no one in the press had spoken to, and a couple of seriously shady characters — with an anti-Trump agenda and a penchant for drama — who had aggressively shopped the story around to media outlets for over a year.
> Those shady characters — a former reality TV producer who calls himself “Al Taylor” and a “Never Trump” conservative activist named Steve Baer — had been mostly unsuccessful in getting the media to bite. There are a few very good reasons for that, which the Huffington Post’s Ryan Grim succinctly summed up: Taylor and Baer have been really sketchy about the whole thing, and since the accuser is anonymous, journalists can’t do anything to verify her claims. The only journalist who has actually interviewed Johnson, Emily Shugerman at Revelist, came away confused and even doubting whether Johnson really exists.
When even Vox calls out your bullshit...
I hope Trump pardons Vince McMahon because I'm like 99% sure the only reason the feds are fucking with him is because he and his wife are Trump people.
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I am the Grandson of Charlemagne, heir to the holy seat of the Vatican.

Make America Great Again!!!

Democrats want war with Russia.

Who was Americas Ally in World War 1 and World War 2? RUSSIA!!!

There was never a cold War between Russia and America!!!

We gotta save Space Broski!!!
MAGA and all.
AWOOing too and checking
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gm gm
something fun happened while i was out?
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I am the comfiest of the snug.

I have neanderthal DNA. I am the fist of the First Men of Valeria!! I am Vai Kai El Loki Elohim.

Commencing awoo music!!


Man ya ling wah, shu shi wan ling!
ukraine lost
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the salt keeps flowing
>starting a sentence with "But"
What an illiterate loser.
"Trump won"
- Stephen King
>something fun happened while i was out?
bro thinks he’s a celebrity
I dreamed about him the other night, me and Trump were calling him names and making fun of him
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Search inside yourself Luke!!! You know it to be true!!! Seek your heritage. Find who you really are...

I love this reality!! The true celebrity, was always, you <3

Matrix? You're awesome!!! Thanks for the stories !
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>Alvin Bragg calls for delaying Trump's sentencing two weeks as they go over the ruling made by the Supreme Court on Presidential Immunity
>Sentencing now happening after the Republican Convention
Trump still winning
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also the sentencing has been postponed to September 18
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>and then everybody clapped
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>if such is still necessary
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>Two weeks became two months in two days
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Not the first time she told that story… that she stole from Martin Luther King, Jr.
> Twitter users @EngelsFreddie and Andray Domise, a contributing editor of the Canadian publication Maclean's, noted that Harris' story resembled one told by King in a 1965 interview published in Playboy.
> "I will never forget a moment in Birmingham when a White policeman accosted a little Negro girl, seven or eight years old, who was walking in a demonstration with her mother," King said at the time. "'What do you want?' the policeman asked her gruffly, and the little girl looked at him straight in the eye and answered, 'Fee-dom.' She couldn't even pronounce it, but she knew. It was beautiful! Many times when I have been in sorely trying situations, the memory of that little one has come into my mind, and has buoyed me."
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kek exactly
also Weissman big mad
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Tasty salt here.
ukraine lost despite all your efforts lol
I'm probably going to vote for trump this time.
Last time was different, he was a nazi, but i think another 4 years of Joe is going to mean refinancing my house for groceries and not being able to drive my gasoline vehicle.
So i guess I'm a trumptard now.
Sorry Olbermann. Maybe next time.
Whatever happened to RFK, Jr.? He was big for a while and then just sort of faded away.
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What if Trump makes him secretary of health, and just gives him carte blanche to investigate all of this shit?
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>Whatever happened to RFK, Jr.?
Apparently he's the target of some smear campaigns. Pic very much related.
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better than getting walked through a hotel kitchen
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they're eating each other
They are now trying to claim he eats dogs and I believe they've dug up some whore claiming he raped her. Usual shit.
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My copy of the New Testament in Koine Greek just arrived in the mail, reading ΑΠΟΚΑΛΥΨΙΣ 18,23 gives me the chills
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Debated the debate in real time. Sad!
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Christ means creator in Greek and Latin.

King means the word kind and child (ling).

We are king. Christ isn't a baby. That's why we are ki and christ is chri est.

We are baby kings.

Christ is creator. He is Lord God. We are Lords.
Are you happy /ptg/?
I can do more.
I've been so bored lately.
kek I hope Trump uses ever legal authority the president possesses to destroy the lives of everyone who has harassed him.
You are a kike
Christ means "annointed one"
Aka "chosen one"
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>Whatever happened to RFK, Jr.?
There is exactly one issue on which the Republican and Democrat parties are in 100% agreement (collusion) without fail.
And that thing is: there shall be no other viable parties or outside candidates allowed.
They have rigged and stacked the system from the most local level all the way up to make it next to impossible for anyone to gain any kind of political traction if they don't join one of the two old parties.
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Good morning frens, Wednesday is here! Only 1 more day till the best day to celebrate the red, white and blue followed by the best day of the week, Caturyday!
it's time to MAGA MAGA MAGA!
jewish department
Yeah it's by design because you literally can't get on the ballot unless you go through the DNC or RNC, even standing as an independent or green party candidate they usually go through DNC to get on the ballots.
The whole thing is unconstitutionally orchestrated by DNC/RNC to maintain their grip on power.
>says good morning
>but its afternoon in poland
hows the weather in portland, fag?
Christ came to end the blood libel of passover.
That is why he is king of the jews.
He is bloodline if king david and the sorcerer solomon.
He came to end that specific sin.
I found why jesus exists.
I found why worshipers of yahweh either accepted him or rejected him.
That is why.
That is who.
The name of the cow is YHWH.
This is why what Pmurt did to the RNC in 2016 is so funny. They despise him and they're powerless to do anything about it
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Did you see how they hired "meme specialists" after my posts.
I'm not even real am I?
As if we don't do it for free.
For the lulz.
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Dems arent prepared to fight a suddently hostile press kek
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Henlo Belgium, you're so kind.
Wow, Axios, which was founded as a new anti-Trump outlet, is running negative coverage of Biden? There really is a movement to get him out of the race.
Someone give me the big enchilada on OP's pic. I have no idea what I'm looking at.
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Losing their lynchpin. This won't end well
He made them meltdown with the implication that Biden has Parkinson's, he's wrong though it's Dementia.
A chocolate bar full of dreams
A misty mountain full of memes
Bloated creams
A wistful gleam

Where is the butter? Find the butter, /ptg/, and find the Golden Ticket. I will destroy the enemies of the Ticket Holder.
That bald fag formerly from CNN is implying that Biden has Parkinson's and noted the timing of Biden signing an act that'll help combat Parkinson's. The dwindling biden base is going piranha on him.
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Look out chuds Big Mike is coming for you
The democrat party is shattered.
All we had to do was nothing.
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Harris tied with Biden on PredictIt
Rogan's new podcast is about Parkinsons and dementia and how closely related they are to all the industrial seed oils you consume.
Where's the implication though? Is something happening today or something? I don't see the implication the bald jerk-off guy made.
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Do people really think the Democrats can replace Biden without electoral consequence? Like, they can't just replace him like a burned out light bulb and expect to keep on going without any damage. It doesn't work that way.
You have autism.
The implication is that the money is not flowing in from the Biden campaign.
>Today of all days
That's an implication, the news is roasting him for his performance at the debate, saying his on a cognitive decline and he decides to end the Parkinson's Act. The guy is fucking gone.
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Good morning and good awoo
There is nothing they can do to take Biden off the ballot except kill him right? He has to choose to step aside and then an open convention would destroy the party. Without the old white guard keeping diversity in place it will explode
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that’s a huge bitch!
If it is an operation to quench the thirst of the tree of liberty.
They'll replace him.
And she'll win.
He's not ending a Parkinson's act. He signed the "End Parkinson's" Act
I despise Axios' power-point-deep bullet-point style of writing. Prose should be in paragraphs (of more than two sentences) fitted together into an organic whole.
Their calculus is that they can put whoever they want on the ticket and their voters will fall in line. Will it work? Who knows at this point
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You are a rootless cosmopolitan
Democrat voters are consistently the least informed voters of all, they will fall in line. They are very good at doing what they're told.
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...I still don't see the implication but whatever. Unless something is happening today, he could be trying to imply anything or nothing. I think those tweeter fags in OP's pic are jumping at shadows.
No. They're fucked. It's just a matter of how they continue to fuck up. Most of the people hate Biden, Whitmer, Kamala, Big Mike, Jill, and Newsom.
They don't have a single leg to stand on.
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Sup, bros?
But will they be told to vote RFK Jr., Kamala, Big Mike, Pelosi's nephew?
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Gooooooood morning.
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Gm little awoo
Not if Hunter has anything to say about it. Biden's son's freedom depends on his own campaign, and for some reason Joe loves that junkie asshole more than his other kids so he's there to stay.
>I still don't see the implication
The commenters extrapolating the implication is what is effective.
and hilarious.
the 2nd debate is supposed to be in September
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This old gag
When have the dems ever cared about the law or due process?
A pardon is all it takes.
The mob daughter is giving orders.
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Yes, it absolutely backfired -- just as Trump blew up the GOP... Bernie blew up the Democrats.
The Dems just openly fucking cheated to keep Socialist Bernie out, but the GOP had to cope and seethe and deal with populist/whatever Trump taking over, just because people were sick of the same old swamp rat neocon bullshit.
They refuse to allow outsiders, yet they can't understand why both of the major parties have basically been in ideological civil war since the 1960s.
Sure, but what about independents? Hell, even some Democrats will be pissed that they never voted for this.
Ah I thought Hunter's sentencing was post election.
Either way his family's propping him up.
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gm and checking
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Yoooo hol' up mah nigga.
Who dis lil qtp2t?
They've already proven they will vote for the literal ham sandwich that is Joe Biden(thanks vote-by-mail and sneaky post-midnight shenanigans).
Is this real or did you make this?
This is why the left is so mad too, Trump is an outsider, a variable they didn't count on. None of these fucking retards thought anyone other than the people they pick would be president. They couldn't believe that people were that fucking tired of establishment politics. They've been trying to get back to the way things were before Trump Biden's entire presidency. They pushed Rodent in Ass forward in hopes that everyone would gather behind him but even he is too establishment. Politicians have not realized that if you've been in politics for 50 fucking years like joe and all you've done is make things worse for the American people and you keep getting reelected?
Yeah, ok.
I'm genuinely scared they're gonna replace Biden with a candidate that can actually win.
Trump really may have done too much winning at the debate
More votes than voters tells me that there weren't enough nevertrumpers to win legitimately then, and even less now.
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Is there an extension to put a lil awoo in the corner of the screen? If not, there should be
Good awoofternoon over there
They don't have a candidate that can actually win.
>that can actually win.
You mean without cheating?
>for some reason
Hunter brings in the foreign bribes
He has made that family very rich
There isn't a single charismatic candidate on their base. Just assholes with a lot of dirt themselves. Replacing biden would be a continuing disaster for the dems.
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Never you mind. Also, Ohio Eggo
Kamala already outperforms Biden
Normies will gravitate towards her for being "young and fresh and normal"
That family married into the black nobility.
They don't know what money is.
Do you think joe is shamless? Or just to senile to legally sign a pardon?
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to you too.
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Good afternoon anon.

Ama ga maga.
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Good morning, /ptg/...frenly reminder that:

>Jill Biden is a cunt
>Kamala Harris is a cunt
>Michelle Obama is a cunt
>Gretchen Whitmer is a cunt
>Nancy Pelosi is a cunt
>Elizabeth Warren is a cunt
>Maxine Waters is a niggercunt
>Diane Feinstein is a dead cunt
>Rachel Maddow is a dyke cunt
>Nicolle Wallace is a still somewhat cute cunt
>Joy 'Kill Whitey' Reid is a niggercunt
>that fucking doctor all over the fucking airwaves the past six months shilling her fucking (((all body deodorant))) which costs $15 a stick/tube like an annoying cunt is a cunt
>fedora is a cunt

Let's have a great morning before the 4th, /ptg/
Kamala would have to be in the spotlight for the first time since the 2020 primaries, during which she was so popular she dropped out in December 2019
see >>472929293
Harris is NOT a winning candidate. She's only polling better because people haven't seen how retarded she is yet.
Ma chii reyuuuuu!!!!~
Do you ever use a handle that starts with J?
>That family married into the black nobility.
Imagine what evil shit one even has to do to accomplish that feat
jen psaki
>k-kamala will win! You'll see!
This is the current state of concernshilling.
Christ how pathetic.
So how long until there's a statement from the Biden team that they've agreed (in "the interest of ensuring that the will of the people is followed" or whatever bullshit they cook up) to an open convention?
Because that's how they'll do it. Just wait until there are all of these articles about faithless delegates and superdelegates and technical majorities and shit in an attempt to justify the fact that they can just pick the candidate at the end of the day
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Imagine a black person having aex anon. Despicable? No. Just sex *>.<*
Imagining that invites demons.
One tweet.
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Thanks for the reminder, dweebposter. Enjoy your breakfast
Eeeeehhhhh ggggggggggg ooooooooo
Was bakarin right and the VC was open at 1130 est
kek you think they'll do him like Feinstein where they announced her retirement before they even told her so was retiring?
Tripping invites demons. They come to steal the drugs from your body when you get high.

So if you don't do drugs, then demons don't harvest you for loosh.
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VC better be open by 1900CST today. As soon as I'm done mowing tonight I'm drinking and playing vidya.
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Wait a minute, is this true?
Trump isn't a convicted felon anymore?
Shaman's will.
I'm drinking Gordon's Pink Gin what you drinking
The verdict isn't entered into the record until sentencing, which was originally supposed to be the 11th July, now delayed until September, there's no conviction at the moment.
It's kinda in no man's land as they review the case. If they find trump was convicted off evidence that is no longer admissible by the scotus decision then he is not a felon and needs a new trial.
I'll be probably eating grilled borgers at a company event then.
Nothing yet as it's not even 8am and I'm at work. But I have a fridge full of beer for tonight.
Well, technically he doesn't become a conflicted melon until sentencing but I think more that Dilbertman is stating that because of the SCOTUS immunity decision the trial in New York is invalidated because of all the "evidence" involving Trump's presidency.
anon please it's 9:00 AM nobody in america should be drinking right now
it is NOT five o'clock somewhere
Maybe, but honestly? I think they're going to give him the chance to go quietly. I don't think anyone would agree to be the public figurehead if they knew there was no way out at the end of it all, personally.
I think he may be a bot
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Is Hunter x Hunter any good? I saw a few episodes of some arc where they were fighting different levels of a tower to reach the top. The main kid and his gay white-haired friend.
Oh, is that the one with the bug dude and the autistic chess playing girl? I saw a few episodes of that arc in a hotel room while on a business trip. Looks like a neat show but I also don't like 800+ episodes of an anime...
>Was bakarin right and the VC was open at 1130 est
What? Like last night? I dunno, I almost missed DnD so I wasn't the first one in. Couldn't tell you when it was finally opened.
Okay, can you guys stop using this weird metric time units? There aren't 1900 hours in a day. Please speak America, mk?
Didn't they say that only the supreme court could judge a presidential crime?
Or was that not concrete?
Sha ka man mati yokai alohi.

I can see them doing it too. They wait until you're asleep and then they cause hangovers by harvesting it from your body.

Dark shadows hiding invisibly in your houses protecting you and then sucking the drugs from you body ×~×
In my now 8 years of employment at my current job I have so far successfully skipped all but 2 company events. I hope to skip them all from here on out. Nothing against my coworkers or anything I just don't want to spend a second longer than I have to around work and the people I work with.
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Everyday since last Thursday has been like Christmas.
I'm Irish, I drink whenever ;)
Never truly was. SCOTUS killed the case. September is a delayable date. By the time Trump wins it'll fade out entirely.
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You should be careful what beer you drink. You could get a yeast infection.

Fungus like yeast is a zombie pathogen. So best stuff is hard liquor with lemonade.
>Joe has actually dropped below Kameltoe in the betting odds
The absolute state of this. As an oldfag, I never thought I'd live to see another Reaganesque landslide before this empire collapsed or I died, and this still probably won't be that big.... but it's going to be massive.
We're going to see several hardcore "blue states" flipping over
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150 episodes of that gay white haired kid murdering people.

It's about summoning magic and aliens eating people.

Kinda gay because it's for a younger audience but skip the fillers and bulkshit training episodes and you get about 50 good episodes of straight up murder for a kids audience.
Still four months until the election. I agree with (You) in that if the election were today and excluding fortification it would be a Trump blowout but there's still plenty of time between now and Election Day.
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>Joe now a worse bet than people who aren't even running, specifically his own VP who still supports him

just lmao
My kami is a non-vampiric fox girl who feeds off my climax.
She protects me from random lesser yokai.
I conjured a shikon no tama but I don't tell her for she might leave if she knew I didn't need her.
You put the lime in the coconut...
Same anon, same. I get paid to hang out with those folks, I'm not going to do it for free.
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Imagine being overshadowed by your VP.
Huh. I wonder if I can find an abridged version or something so I know which episodes to watch. I'll look a little into it.
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Women raped Trump and grabbed him by the dick and they are jealous obvs.

He slept with a pornstar and they think he's evil because it was between consenting adults and they aren't getting any.
I think Trump just ended racism.
If niggers vote a majority for Trump.
Racism = over.
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>Democrats used diversity and inclusion
>It Hurt Itself in Its Confusion!
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>had sex with an old whore who just told him she doesn’t use condoms
Sounds like a succubus to me

incidentally has anyone seen the blacked poster? Have not seen him since I asked the succubus to go haunt him
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12 episodes of maybe.
they are plotting to remove trump

Mine is a fourth-tier chocolate gremlin with a cat tail and green eyes.
She's 5'3" and has a fat ass.
She only cums if I have old Tucker Carlson episodes playing when we bump uglies.
The entire world just saw with their own eyes that Joe Biden is totally fucking senile, beyond any denial.
The Dems are now in a fucking knife fight behind closed doors, trying to figure out how to save things downballot.
This is not anything near normal, and it is absolute not recoverable.
Trump WILL win in a landslide the likes we haven't seen in a good while. The only question is how big.
Has a campaign ever won that was even half this chaotic and self cannibalizing? Even 2020 they were at least confident in the rig. The dems are having a collective stroke over one (1) debate
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....why do they keep coming in with names now
>The entire world just saw with their own eyes that Joe Biden is totally fucking senile, beyond any denial.
It's not as if it was a secret, anon. Everyone knew Biden has been on the decline mentally for years. Any belief otherwise was just pretending.
>Trump WILL win in a landslide the likes we haven't seen in a good while. The only question is how big.
From your lips to God's ears, fren.

Nani ka desu!!!
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>GOP plotting to remove a surefire landslide winner for their party.
Stop being a fucking retard.
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>nigel will never personally give you an autograph
why even fucking live
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Oh wow, there actually is an abridged version. Fine, I guess I know what I'll be watching this morning.
Also: bring back Snacks.
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Harris is about to catch Joe in the betting odds lol, she might by the end of the day.

Personally I think Biden should just resign, then Kamala gets to govern for six months, we can officially say we've had the first black woman president, then she'll lose and Trump can take office. Everybody wins!
also it's only going to get more hectic as the election draws near
It's not just one debate, it's a year of strange behavior culminating in a big public meltdown
They can't talk or make points without pop culture references. Its pathetic
this is how they remove and replace by getting rid of the Delegates Elected at the State Convention for the candidate they got rid of trumps and replace them rinos.
That's another thing that has to be considered. If the Democrats acknowledge that Biden is incapable then doesn't he also have to resign? How can he serve out his term after acknowledging dementia?
just rewatch some old Sailor Moon like I plan on doing. Especially with hurricane Beryl bearing down on the carribbean
Snacks have become legal in Europe again.

Code name: CBD

Mission: to secure the future of the snacks.
Mission: Success!
You could just scrap all the meta shit ann engage.
Maybe make it fun?
A little more not less interesting?
The thing is people have been saying Biden is senile for over a decade, and he always managed to at least appear normal in public and during unscripted events up until the last year or so.
Around 4 years since Biden was acting weird as shit before 2020 (the debate in 2020 the drugs only barely worked) but it's funnier to say the debate was just that disastrous.
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>they think he's evil because it was between consenting adults and they aren't getting any.
This anon gets it!
anon i have not read a single post of yours nor do i care about anything you have to say
i was only responding to the anon saying
>why do they have names
i said
>they always have had names
>/ptg/ is going to encounter even more different anons as the election draws near
it's very simple, anon

Ever since they faked the Steele dossier to gain a warrant to use wiretaps on his campaign in 2016, they’ve pursued Trump ever since. Crazy when you think about it isn’t it?
Yoy dems are going to feel real strange when that tds resolves.
/ptg/ is the Joker.

The Democrats are society.


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Sheeit nigga, you think I haven't been rewatching Sailor Moon this whole time? I'm on Season 1; Episode 18 right now. Haven't encountered Jupiter yet. Could have sworn she was in S1.
Maybe. But I need to exorcise more.

I died of an overdose so I'm waiting for the sulfer they injected me with to be out of my system.

Doctors injected sulfer into my veins and called it medication.

Still recovering and it will take awhile before I'm getting any again.

I don't even do drugs. I just woke to snacks.
FPMO Condemns Missouri GOP Efforts to Steal GOP Election Media

Much like Jackson, there won't be an honest accounting of Trump until basically everyone who was alive at the same time as him are dead. TDS will never resolve itself unless we have some big national crisis event which forces those people to account for their behavior in a very personal and visceral way, an American Nuremberg trials if you will.
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I'm about to give ep 16 a watch. I just find it funny
>queen beryl wants energy sucked up for reasons
>hurricane beryl sucks up what ever is in its path
sister... did you see the leaked dem internals...
what's your cope about that
That debate was great wasn't it! I liked the part where Trump totally ignored the question about deporting illegals because he has not fucking intention of dong anything about them. Also the part where he admitted Putin's terms for peace in Ukraine were not acceptable proving he is part of the swamp.
He's currently ignoring current events. He'll be insisting that Biden's gonna win for the rest of his life, long after the end of Trump's second term.
It's the fucking summer time. I might be more worried if it was October. Biden will rebound after the DNC.
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he's getting to that cope! sheesh
>captcha VPN XX
I wonder how many have realized that they look insane in the history books.
Much more insane than the autistic frogs who elected Trump.
They even dressed as demons.
Put our situation in ancient greece.
Of all the groups in politics infamous for stupidity, groypers, berniebros, Kennedy supporters, none of them are half as dumb as the #NeverTrump true conservative types, like holy shit what a lost cause at this point.
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>implying Bidet campaigned in 2020
In a few weeks will you change your name to President Kamala Harris?
Why do they always blame Russians? xD

>Who was it!!!
>Damnit we need more pictures!!!
>*gets leaked again*
Damn you Spiderman!!! xD
Not until 2028.
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oh thanks, I forgot to say the same thing. If anything, he is campaigning moar
Go getum tigers.
oh okay! i'll make sure to keep that in mind whenever you post a poll in the future!
hey what's your cope about the betting odds favoring kamala harris over biden has the presidential nominee
imagine having to shill kamala ;__;
It only seems insane to the untrained eye, a careful observer will see it was a symphony of memes directed by a higher being Kek
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Heh, I never put that together. Mainly because I didn't know the hurricane's name that everybody was talking about.
Oh yeah, now that you mention it, did they even let me know why they want to exploit teenage girls' emotions and suck up all the energy yet? I must be missing something unless they haven't fully explained it yet. I just know they're bad dudes and the Sailors have to save everyone with cool mist bubbles, fire shots, and boomerang tiaras.
Still such a fucking great show though. Holy fuck.
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will you try to get out of your promise to self immolate when biden dies/ is removed for the Harris/Klobuchar ticket?
>betting odds
Literally the biggest joke of all time for political predictions. Trump led those the entire year in 2020.
surely they wouldn't be dumb enough to put up another unlikable annoying woman? It'll be a white or white passing man for the VP.
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oh no yet another new poll just released
look at that enthusiasm gap lmao!
Against cultists with prostitute priests under noah's flag.
What'll he do if Biden really does step down within the next few days?
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I really can't wait to collect scalps in November. Just like in 2022. And 2020. And 2018. I will haunt this general indefinitely.
Why did Trump dodge the question about deporting illegals? Do you have an explanation for that apart from the obvious truth that he does not intend to deport them?
Missouri presidential delegates rejected by Republican National Convention committee

A chaotic credentialing process at the GOP’s May 4 state convention had so many problems that the party was given until Friday afternoon to select replacement delegates

You should just change your tripcode to Kamala now. You know, get used to it before it's official.
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This appears untrue.
There was an enthusiasm gap in 2020 lol.
>MoE poll
>durr durr why is trump politicking in a debate
yeah man what a mystery
cope :)
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The west has fallen so bad that fucking poojeets are able to run espionage circles around our glowniggers.
>Republican presidential candidate leads in national polls
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>haunt this general
lol, the tinky poster is more memorable
Choosing between grandpapa Biden and daddy Trump is difficult.

Biden is awesome, but needs to sit with Putin.

But Trump could take the heat. And world peace can be secured.

But if Biden sits with Putin it would be HUGE!
uh no sweetie it isn't a MoE poll because trump still wins in a biden +1 or biden +2
What's he change his trip to when Trump wins? Will he keep it in the hopes of Biden winning 2028?
Who sacrifice unborn children to an ancient cow diety long forgotten.
UK election tomorrow. Pulling for Are Nige.
Good morning, everyone.
Biden won't be able to run in 2028. The constitution prevents it.
Bible mentions it, not forgotten by a long shot as long as there are Christians
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he will hide and never post with his trip out of fear. Like the others before him
National polls are one thing, the swing state polls are where it gets brutal. Biden hasn't been in the MoE in PA for months at this point, the map is expanding every day and if they don't get Harris in soon we might see New Mexico and New Jersey as swing states.
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gm fren
How does swapping Harris for Biden help Democrats, exactly?
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Biden needs the 2024. He needs his nap.

If Biden doesn't get his nap he starts wandering off stage talking to invisible spirits.
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>just put bread in over
I think he's too desperate for attention for that.
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reminder still baking
yeah its starting to get really ridiculous when even states like Colorado and New Hampshire could be in play
I'm going to brutalize this general just like I did after 2020. I have a pretty good track record of predictions.
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hey good morning. You missed five (5) posts right at midnight! Also NTNNN said he'll be away 'til Friday
I woke up a little late and had to take the garbage out early.
Politicking? All he has to say is 'yep I'm deporting all illegals'. That's what he says in his rallies so why was he afraid to say it? You don't have a good explanation do you.
I was done for the night and busy watching fire emblem videos.

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