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Do the videos of Russian soldiers getting killed make less Russians sign up to invade Ukraine?
Probably zeroes out.
Some get spooked, some become more angry and more willing to sign up.
Looks fake
No really is there just some random guy holding a camera from 2004 aimlessly filming this or something?
That's a Ukrainian soldier
Is Russia using a volunteer army vs Ukraine? Not sure why anyone would volunteer to become drone target practice in some cratered remote field
That's a bad day.
Nope, there are no effect, because most russians don't see those videos. And those which do think they're fake, cgi, doctored, etc. Many of these videos get a russian logo splashed on top of them and reposted in russia as their videos of "AFU soldiers killed".
It's a drone filming it you dumb fuck
Nah it's a fucking Russian all right
Okay so youre telling me a drone dropped a bomb on a guy and then just decided to hover there and film the after math? You fags are bad at this. Fake af
correct, the information space in russia is heavily policed. Exact same shit as the soviet union, and when they come out from under that blanket it is going to be a crazy world for them.
>Do the videos of Russian soldiers getting killed make less Russians sign up to invade Ukraine?
yes in the minds of transexuals
>Ukrainian text in the left top corner
Yeah, they would surely record their dying soldier and put the video online. Retard.
>Not sure why anyone would volunteer
Bruh... for some context:
- most don't understand the realities of war, the newst says they're winning and killed dozens of F-16s every day and such;
- many just go for money, the monthly salary is often 10x their regular income, the one time signup bonus in some regions is now $20,000 (that's right, 20 thousand dollars);
- many go assuming it's a six month contract, so they think "I'll go spend half a year there and return with a ton of money", not knowing that there's stop-loss in effect and contracts are indefinite;
watch nafo travesties ignore this shit
When it drops out all of it's bombs, it's what operators do, have fun and get to record a gore kino. War is hell.
>When it drops out all of it's bombs, it's what operators do, have fun and get to record a gore kino.
Yeah that probably fools 12 year olds. Thats the dumbest thing I ever heard
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No, clearly doctored videos like this with POW executions are made for westerners as advertisement.
Russian videos are real and they actually make hohols shit their pants.
>information space in russia is heavily policed
That's not the only reason for it. That propaganda crap is also reinforcing what many people already think and believe historically and culturally. Thus, a middle of the road russian doesn't see the reason to search for alternative information. It was different in USSR, where the lies obviously clashed with reality, so many would try to listen in secretly to foreign radio.
I don't think so since suicide is their national sport but I don't condemn those dysgenic steppe beasts , being a Russian living in Russia is a fate worse than death
>nafo glowniggers still spamming gore 3 years in
I guess it would work a bit if these people actually got to see the videos.
There are many drones with different types of usage:
- some drones are strictly recon/observation;
- other are attack drones which are single-use (so-called "kamikaze" drones), usually FPV drones with RPG warheads and such;
- other drones are multi-use and drop bombs from above;
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Definitely shows. Russia has been gaining all over the front.
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Okay, 12y old.
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Ukraine isn't? Have you tried googling anything positive about Russia lately? Anything at all? Is it not obvious to you?
Yeah I'm not a little kid, that is stupid and wildly implausible
>I know you are but what am I >:(
how many NATO generals died there
Just makes hohols look less human by robotically filming and posting online for the keks. That's all I see everytime I look at the catalog... almost all exclusively from the chug leaf poster
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It motivates them to mobilize and kill those who kill them.
If that's true, it's really really evil and serves only as a pr.
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>Killing all of your enemy but still losing ground
>wildly implausible
I'm not sure what do you think is implausible here?
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>"its AI"
>"Its Arma footage"
>"its a POW"
>"Its hollywood"
You niggers are pathetic.
Many of them are shills or just brown
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To the last Russian like China ordered.
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You win champ.
This is worse than the radical goatfucker execution videos.
So there is severe lack of understanding in some of these videos you are filled with over a gallon of blood. If your body is not singed when blown open there is nothing stopping a massive splatter everywhere. Dude isn't even bleeding. This seems to stem from a misunderstanding in how target dummies are not filled with fluids so they do not understand that is what happens to real targets.
You're implying you guys didn't literally believe in 2007 ARMA footage
I accept your concession, little guy
Nope sorry you can't reason with orcs enjoy your surrender towards end of the year
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they're not hiding it, they're praising it
No, they live to crash out
Don't think anyone over there is actually volunteering to go over there. Most are conscripted or mercs
>genocidal Russian animals invade Ukraine to starts a war, massacre families and steal their land
>nooo, why are the criminal Russian invaders getting blown up into pieces on the frontlines?!
It makes me sympathize with Russia to be honest. No matter the conflict, single soldiers should never be held accountable unless its proven that these particular soldiers committed war crimes.
Some of these guys probably just received a letter to come fight in Ukraine and since they were part of the army before the war even started they have to go.
Killing them in such gruesome ways is really unnecessary.
There will always be Russian parasites willing to murder innocent people while looking for teenage pussy to rape.
They are in the Donetsk republic though? That isn't Ukraine.
>Many of these videos get a russian logo splashed on top of them and reposted in russia as their videos of "AFU soldiers killed".
Many such cases
You can't blame that on the soldiers. You can blame the Russian government.
>massacre families
The hohol cope will be delectable.
idk how this kind of grotesque display of human suffering doesnt turn people anti war en masse.
No. These videos are totally pointless
Maybe you guys should try harder with your propaganda?
>glorifying the brutal killing of others on video under any circumstance
Yep, it's a subhuman.
>no guns
No, they 100% deserved it since they are invaders and faggots.
Recording, saving, and posting stuff like this is fucked.
I agree. Ukraine needs to leave Russian land.
Based schizo unbeliever. Stick to your convictions king
>t. Gypsy
It shows the failing state of humanity. Why don't we just have them duke it out in a enclosed colliseum with swords?
Russians are invading Ukrainian land. They recognized the borders and the sovereignty of Ukraine in multiple agreements long before the invasion.
>jewgle is fair and balanced information
You will never be a real woman
>You can't blame that on the soldiers. You can blame the Russian government.
They are part of the government
Oh? Tell me more about the Donetsk republic and how it is Ukrainian land? Was it Ukrainian when it seceded? Was the minsk agreement a fictitious article that never occured? Please anon help me understand you seem to be an expert in things you know nothing about probably don't have the attention span to read the history of what's been going on in the last decade.
So did NATO, but I guess NATO doesn't give a shit anymore about said agreements?
They have no say in what they're ordered to do. I'm talking about politicians like Putin. If you really want to blame someone.
You misunderstood the post anon. Those are Russian gains.
You loved him when he sold you gas, but your handler didn't.
Bro are you fucking stupid? It’s a drone with a camera zoomed in watching other drones suicide into soldiers or drop grenades on them.
So you telling me Ruissans are faggot liars that don't follow their own international agreements? Okay, can't argue with that.
>So did NATO
Name one former soviet country that was attacked by NATO and was forced to join it. By they way NATO isn't a country if you didn't know that.
Oh? But zelinsky threw the new agreement out? It was ready to be signed? Did Russia do that? You seem confused anon. Do you need some help reading basic information?
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troonbros our response? how can we make ukraine less corrupt?
Probably many of them don’t have a choice
>But zelinsky threw the new agreement out?
What agreement did he threw out when russia attacked Ukraine and in 2014?
I'm all of Germany?
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My honest reaction to your post:
This thread makes me laugh as soon as you start asking basic anatomy questions in what is occuring in the video the Ukrainians run off. Every time some shills still stay to spout shit they don't understand though.
This isn’t a hypersonic missile
About all you could post in response to it since you come from a sub 90 iq country.
>WEF faggot post
Did you use natural gas at all during that time? Did you put juden in the oven? You didn't right? Not once?
I would say judging purely by them kicking ukraines ass. No. Probably makes warriors join to defend their brothers.
Not really, most Russians don't even understand English let alone read 4chins.
You could using a translator to post this shit on their local sites, you might get more of them to enlist.
Please don't look into my cellar you won't find any gassed jews there, I promise.
Holy shit. That gives me a headache just seeing it. I couldn't imagine having these rain down on you or even sleeping and living with the threat that these may rain on your positions. I can imagine unless you are seriously entrenched you are going to feel that when you wake up. Do the threat of FAB 500,1500 and 3000 make ukranians not want to sign up for the forced mobilization?
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>sign up for the forced mobilization
You shouldn't take pleasure in killing soldiers. You can take pleasure in winning a fight and things like that. You could even take pleasure in making clean kills. You should never take pleasure in killing soldiers. Soldiers need to be professional. Otherwise you end up with way worse misery and suffering for everyone
I meant to say take pleasure in the suffering of killed soldiers. Its borderline to take pleasure in killing enemies. Yea you are happy becuase you arent getting killed by them but you dont need to needlessly torture each other just for the sake of suffering.
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They can refuse to do it.
>But they would be killed!
They will be killed either way, so you might as well just grab your gun and shoot your "superiors" instead, at least you are doing the world a favor.

Russian soldiers are mostly sadistic psychos who want to kill and rape freely, they are not victims of the consequences.
They won't be killed, they will be treated as deserters and punished.
But obviously its not as easy as you describe it. Many Russians are Patriots, they feel threatened by NATO and want to defend Russian speaking countries.
They like their country and have a good opinion of it.
If you're a soldier you most likely don't want to just ruin your entire career and ruin your family.
If you're conscripted you might see the need of taking the place as a conscript, since another less fortunate person might be conscripted instead.
You might be urged to defend Russians in Ukraine by the society around you. Masculinity is still very much prevalent in eastern European countries. So that most likely also plays a big role.
So its not as black and white as you portray it.
>Russian soldiers are mostly sadistic psychos who want to kill and rape freely
You could say that about anyone and cherry pick a conflict where soldiers committed atrocities.
So you agree its their choice to go to war. Good.
I think if you're really unlucky like this guy seems to be, the explosives are hot and cauterizes the blood vessels so your body holds onto blood and some guys lay in the field waiting to die for days.. probably one of the worst ways to go. It is possible just very unfortunate. At least that's what my army buddy has told me
Guess OP was just a discord tranny after all, like every other time.
Yes. Keep posting gore.
That will surely deter Russians from wanting to leave no Ukrainian alive after such scumbaggery.
It will also increase non-psychopath support for the Ukraine.
I just don't get the point of this cope, i mean, what for? Drones are cheap and accessible, you can assemble one even in the empty field, there's plenty of vids in tg channels, not to mention the first who started using drones against you were somali battalion, yet you're trying to present it as some sort of wunderwaffe that only you have access, what is it if not childish infantilism and magical thinking?
Ukraine has 10 to 1 advantage in drones compared to Russia
that was never the case.
I almost forgot about you Occidental mutts your fate is not much better either
What makes you to believe so other than informational bubble of your own posted propaganda, albanigger?
The recent wave attacks near Vovchansk have produced a few videos of Russian soldiers complaining about heavy heavy losses to drone strikes(just a single area of the front I know, but The Ukrainians are employing them to great effect there)
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So since according to propaganda hohols have absolute advantage in drones you must have videos of so-called wave attacks?
So far the only wave I see is the mooobilization one
No, it's the opposite.
>self debunked faux propaganda
That correlates to your infantilism quite well, you're like the epitome of dunning kruger effect, you think that you outsmarted and outwitted everyone, how cunning you are and they are just so fucking stupid, this is all you, you lost all the touch to reality
In what way does that mean that our side doesn't use small or large suicide drones?
Do you actually think soldiers are anons or visit gore sites? The answer is no.
And now the burgers know Russia is a shithole. Ukraine is too but in my experience they're nice people and have good software developers so that's okay.
Wait I thought diversity was democracy's strength
>Do the videos of Russian soldiers getting killed make less Russians sign up to invade Ukraine?
>sign up
Pussians don't "sign up", they get dragged off the street much like the Ukrainians. The difference is that the Ukrainians at least get high quality NATO standard equipment and vehicles that actually give them a high chance of surviving, while Pussians are sent on chink bikes armed with shovels and WWI Mosins lmao.
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It's actually more. Because most people signing up already have nothing to lose. They've seen poverty hell in their daily life, they'll see war hell in the war, so death wouldn't be much shittier than their reality.
I post gore because it makes ziggers seethe. I don't need any other reason. This is 4chan you bunch of trannies
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Just helps me masturbate.
they probably don't even know it's still going on and likely think it only lasted two weeks and all current deployments are unrelated anti-terrorist activities...russia is not known for free press or free thought.
You do harm to yourself alone by indulging in the suffering of others.

Lie to yourself all you want. You know it's true
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Russia is running out of criminals Asians and Muslims from the provinces forcing Putin to order a secret General Mobilization. He's importing millions of Africans to replace the Slavs he's sending to die and they'll keep the women happy
Absolutely no difference whatsoever. Ukraine is fucked sooner or later either way.
>And those which do think they're fake, cgi, doctored, etc.
no we mostly think hohols are vile subhumans and putin should be hanged for not nuking you from day 1
Leave 4chan faggot
Nope, it just means russians are going to start treating ukrainian POW the same way ukrainians treat russian POW. Every warcrime the ukrainians commit just makes things worse for themselves.
It reminds me of the cartel and isis videos, don't think even the maras here like to film individuals dying.
russians are doing it, kek
Savage Russians make videos of themselves sawing off a man's genitals because they're what? More human? Please bitch.
It is the same in Hungary. We have a complete fabricated bubble. Upper middle and upper class people willingly and knowingly spreading these lies in tandem with agitation propaganda bc they can exploit the serfs for quick bucks.

So average guy thinks it has to be true.
It's a closed information space that has an easy answer for every thing in life.
these videos are the best anti war Propaganda you can imagine. this counts for all sides.
>Tell me more about the Donetsk Banana republic
Igor Girkin says Putin sent him and his battalion of Russian SpetzNazi soldiers there to pretend to be Ukrainians and fabricate a phony secessionist movement. there was never a mention of that anywhere in Donbas before Strelkov arrived.
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who woke up the nafotranny discord?
Idk man i dont like russians either but im just never going to war with them, thats all just not going to fight russians.
Which hardware checkpoint are we at?
yes. two more gore vids and russia will be forced to surrender due to the lack of soldiers
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Gore spam by NAFO /k/ trannies was what actually swung me away from neutrality and into being pro-Z. I wanted to join the fight last summer but my grandma in Russia refused to help make it happen kek

It's crazy how all of the different races and nations of the world and their characteristics are all on the internet, freely available for anyone to study. But the overlords still thought it would be a great idea to try and wrestle away the entirety of Ukraine from the Kremlin's sphere.
> Let's play a big game of chicken with some of the most psychotic, suicidal people on Earth! Let's play a game of attrition against the country that always wins its wars through attrition!
How could that idea possibly have gone wrong?
Gore videos basically killed any empathy for piggies
Seeing how they're not struggling with manpower they're doing fine. But honestly Putin should be killed.
Russian generals are already sending cripples to the front lines. The 30,000 that voluntarily join the assault groups each month is not enough anymore.
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There’s my little subhuman tranny

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they don't see the videos for the most part, so no. Most of these russians are from very rural, poor areas.
Remember that they can't read english, so all of their news sources are in russian, and russian sources aren't going to be playing videos taken from Ukraine troops showing the horrible things happening.

They're very poor, live in what would be considered third world conditions in the US and are offered essentially 3-4x their salary to go to Ukraine. They're basically willing to take the risk of death because there's no other real prospects for them to ever earn that kind of money ever again, and it could completely change their families lives.
>But honestly Putin should be killed.
Not just him but the whole political class must be purged. But I'm afraid it's impossible.
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Das rite nigger you have been flagged and everyone will know what a faggot shill you are
Well at least your country won't get torn by foreigners while Russians leave the Russians in Baltics and Ukraine to get genocided. Probably, hopefully not. You still have nukes.
Otherwise the fucking cuck that decides to play easy on your enemies which got and is being paid in liters of Russian blood should be burned. Not only was this war not supposed to happen but it should and could have been finished a long time ago.
and ukraine is sending pregnant women. what a shit show all around
They don't watch them so no.

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