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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472952618
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If you want peace you need to vote for Trump
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hey why didn't he post his IQ?
>black farmer's association
I remember when Biden promised he would give more farmland to black farmers and then food prices went up, coincidence?
A Canadian can't buy from a campaign store because that's a political contribution, the same way I can't (as much as I wish I could) donate money to Reform UK. He'll have to buy from a reseller, such as on eBay.
I don't think Republicans should be cheering Biden dropping out of the race if he does indeed do that. Isn't he a worse candidate that whoever the Democrats replace him with?
Actually yes.
no the hilarious part is he's not
Harris actually polls the same or worse.
That would require something called "critical thinking"...
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>entire Democrat party facade is imploding and the OP is about Tractor Supply Co
I'm sorry, wat?
There is no telling. None of them are great
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Trump will be finished once the DNC Billionaire Corporate Donor class selects our candidate to replace Biden with. It's nice we don't have to hold stupid primaries to pick a candidate like you idiot Republicucks. This is how we keep selfish dirtbags like Trump & Bernie Sanders out of the electoral process.

And because this is the democrat party, you know the DNC Billionaire Corporate Donor class will select a candidate that will stand up to the Billionaire Corporate Donor class.

And PLEASE STOP BEING IN A MINDLESS CULT & always vote blue no matter who or regardless of policy! America is almost back!

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because it's much easier to respond to the other bad faith poster!
hey do you know that multiple foreign nationals are donating bitcoin, ethereum, and other coins to [REDACTED]
>black farmers
are there actually any?
Cameltoe got 3% of Democrat votes in primaries

It depends on how quickly they can coalesce. I am nervous about their ability to hive mind in short order. There is a path where they all delude themselves into thinking Kamala is an inspiring charismatic figure regardless of how retarded she sounds whenever she opens her mouth.
We used to call them dirtfarmers
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The farmhands ain't sposed to speak, y'hear now boy?
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You will lose.
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>Isn't he a worse candidate that whoever the Democrats replace him with?
Boomers are a stubborn lot so actually no.
My take on the whole situation is the left sowed chaos to get Joe Biden into office with their covid restrictions and BLM riots, then they sowed chaos to protect him from public eye and any attempt to primary Joe out. Now they're reaping all the chaos.
>Black farmers
>That one nigger unsuccessfully growing watermelon
Yes, since we all know farmers have immense political power, we whites should try to monopolize the farming industry as much as possible. Same goes for home-steading.
Those are not good numbers
Or...now hear me out...orange man just lost...
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>cheering on
I don't really think anyone is cheering it on more so they're sitting back and enjoying the retards flail about and infight, maybe throw out some bait to rile them up even more.
Hear me out... post your balls.
Typical immature ptg response.
There’s a few but they’re mostly mythical. I imagine the few who do farm never get enough support from the black community to be successful. Maybe it’s different in Mississippi.
>niggers admit that they can't compete on equal footing.
Where’s the Ukraine shill polak? He’s been awfully quiet ever since the Ukraine lost!
You insinuated you were fucking anon's Dad.
By doing this, did you mean his dad was fucking a woman, which isn't insulting at all actually, or fucking you, a dude, pretending to be a woman? Doing so makes you the disgusting part of the insult.
Maybe they should go help there skin folk over in Africa a stead of trying to make a white company founded for white people bend to their nigger will.
They also expected Trump's campaign to be just as ad hoc and wild as in 2016, or run by a dumb person like in 2020, but instead it seemingly has no leakers and is run by seasoned, laser-focused professionals, so Trump is not stepping on the news cycle about the DNC's meltdown as he probably would've in 2016.
Don’t worry, Trump’s Gibs for Ni- I mean Platinum Plan will have our based right-wing blacks on the mend in no time!
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GN frens. New baker needed.
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"Black Farmers"
Every last one of them can be painted with the same shit-filled brush as Biden. They all knew he was this bad and lied about it this entire time.
gm m8
Is that one guy going to be really mad and scream in all caps about jews in his walls the whole thread again? I have some breathing exercises that might help him if he's interested
fugggg my Roundup Ready Goy Corn is now less likely to be grown by a tranny of color? This calls for a hunger strike.
Answer the question dude.
Less than 1% of farmers are black.
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>"Black Farmers"
Blacks haven't engaged in farming since the 1800's.
There are more jeets in the USA than the UK
But I see you’re upset that based Trump is funding our black kings. You’re probably a demoncrat bidet supporter
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>no amount of DEI is enough
He should fire every nigger, right now, today!
>'Gov. Gavin Newsom will travel to Washington on Wednesday to attend a meeting between President Joe Biden and Democratic governors amid the fallout from the president’s disastrous debate with former President Donald Trump.'
Madame presidente is about to have her turn stolen by another white man!!!????
fuck no
farmhands and laborers hired by the government, probably. the people who aren't making decisions on tractor parts and repairs
I should also add, Trump being sequestered on Truth Social has the unintended benefit that anything he actually posts will get far less attention than if he returned and posted on Xitter, so even if he does comment, it's easy to miss.
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>the deep state is starting a publicity coup via their NYT outlet against the president they installed to force him to step down
Nope, Trump wants more based black owned businesses and employees: >>472959147

We need to get these numbers up folks!
Biden will be president for 6 more months. Shouldn't republicans start the 25th amendment process? 6 months is too much to have a president with dementia. China could invade Taiwan
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>drop out because of a cold!
Retards in /ptg/ I swear
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/lsvwqgomkk

WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

Soundly ignore the DEI farmer association!
kouhai republicans should only do that if they attempt to swap biden out of the candidacy but not the presidency
He must be following my advice and taking his lithium. Good for him
25th amendment has to begin with the vice president and the cabinet.
Are you going to answer my question or not?
‘Black Farmers Association’

Is that guy acting up again.
What was your question?
Kamala is hated more then biden, and nearly everyone else is either unelectable outright or lacks the name recognition to go against trump. They have nothing.
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I'm not taking lithium my meds is meth and benzodiazapine!!!!

I don't need lithium because I eat bananas.
The thing about that is that it's not going to happen. The gigakikes have already dumped billions into electing specifically biden, and to just "lol no" that before the election is absolutely not kosher
>Black association of yadda yadda yadda
racial bullying plain and simple
Thanks anon. I didn't know this.
What if republicucks start publicly talking about it? Would it make democrats look bad?
>NYT, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune
>non-partisan voices
Election season. The budget for paid shills went up. Rather than just a few discord shills raging because it gets what's left of their chopped off dick up, there is an actual concerted effort to post nonsense as a group.
Notice the biden tripfag is back?
Money came through.
I'm glad you're doing well. It's hard to take our medicine sometimes. Some /ptg/ regulars abuse meth and benzos and alcohol and they need to be careful but it sounds like your meds are working
what an awfully jewish thing to do
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>3 million new jobs for niggers
Draft every nigger in America.
Fly them to israel on a peace keeping mission.
Give them guns & ammo.
Don't ever go back for them.
So you refuse to answer the question because it is an admission that even you know that you are a disgusting abomination. Got it.
keep the coons away from him
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Why did they moved trumps sentencing to September tho???
Dirty trick up their sleeve before the election???
I wonder if Biden reads from a prompter in those situations kek
Woah, you haven't even asked me a question dude! Chill out!
Shill bros what happened? I was assured by your shilling that Biden would win by stealing the election again and that voting for Trump wouldn't matter as you said numerous times.

Why is the media, social and dems freaking out all of a sudden? Did something change? Care to elaborate??
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when they say "biden spoke" which biden?
why are you so mad that an anon called you a staffer?
rich baris is pretty reliable for this as an independent pollster who spends all day looking at the electorate - he says no, Biden is the best Dems have and I believe it.
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months ago I had an odd premonition about September about something happening, I'm spooked. Shit, civil war maybe
Why is /ptg/ so obsessed with what's between my legs? Do you guys think about transgender people non-stop?
Hey little buddy! Did you take your lithium?
>black farmers assoc.
what, like 5-6 old niggers?
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They mean he fell off a bicycle with spoked wheels again.
> Listen, here's the deal... Mhmm, (mouth agape) we did whaaa...t. Is necessary... Ehmmm ... Snndjmdlks shiggy diggy asks.. we're in a situation where...re ... Medicaid... ,
Self evident "
>civil war
the democrats have been pooing and peeing about this since last year.
the electorate isn't buying it
>I just posted my freakish, deformed genitals and now people are laughing at them
>Black farmers association
All 17 of them?
>China could invade Taiwan
I fail to understand how that's America's problem.
>Why did they moved trumps sentencing to September tho???
That's when the ballots go out. If he's not going to poo poo jail in September he's never going as far as voters are concerned.
>little buddy
you're from jim watkins pedo group.
got it.
Greatest ally.

If zogbots want to die for zipperheads that's on them.
Its never been more joever
Not possible.
Get that Irish Blood Pumping, go challenge Trump on a golf course or something. YAAAAS
Why are you fantasizing about people's genitals?
Yes little buddy the jews in the walls and the secret pedophiles, we know, just please don't start screaming in all caps again
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Maybe they're right. Lets do a trial run and start with taking away the rights of journalists.
go back to pedokun
eh for all we know this exchange didn't actually happen and the dems who want biden to step down are just leaking false info to help pressure him. Trump faced the same kind of tactic all the time about nearly every policy decision. I won't believe it till it happens.
Taiwan is an American strategic asset.
Every person Biden tries to reassure leaks out to the press that he's fucked kek
The difference is that normies can get behind the idea of "Biden too old", but if they get someone else, then trump automatically becomes the greater evil and loses
No more gpus and no more amd cpus.
RN is the best moment to do it...kinda scary.
The establishment clearly wants Trump back in the White House. Only Trump can inspire white boys to sign up for a war against Iran.
all these years and you still don't know who you are talking to. still.
>le epic flavor of the month /pol/ theory that just 'organically' appeared
A big important big boy!



Don't let normies win ANYTHING
A neocon strategic asset. Taiwan is also recognized by America as Chinese territory.
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>people abuse it with alcohol

I don't need meds I need drugs.

They thought I was schizophrenic because I know about the hollow Saturn fortress and the shadow people.
say hi to your assfreind for me
Hey that's more sane than most of what I read in here.
Your dad?
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nonono he's gonna reboot his campaign lmfao
Sounds like a glownigger excuse. The fuck is strategic about China, The Island? Computer chips? Should be made here in the US.

China's influence in Asia? Another bullshit excuse considering China's influence here, directly in the US from farmland to commercial and residential real estate property.
one of your "influencers" as you know
That is what brown communists literally believe in.
>First Amendment is out of control
Keep it up, and the Second Amendment is gonna end you.
You missed my point. Every single potential replacement for Biden KNEE he was this bad and LIED to us all about it for nearly four years. Meaning they'd have lied to us for another 4.

Americans only care about being lied to when they can't plausibly deny knowledge of being lied to.

All trump has to say about WHOEVER they pick is

>Yeah, great person I'm sure. Knew Sleepy Joe was a completely braindead meat puppet, didn't care. Profited from it. Great people. The best, surely.
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>All five members of the Black Farmers Association are demanding the CEO of Tractor Supply resign.
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That's because they are nazis that replaced humans because of nuclear bombs and the shadow government is replacing human souls with clackton!!!
>black farmer's association
May as well call it the unicorn association
>The fuck is strategic about China, The Island?
It's a big aircraft carrier and missile platform for keeping red China's navy bottled up close to shore. Keeping containment is a lot harder without it.
>sources say
this dem civil war is fucking delicious
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I can't support Donald Trump anymore, especially after his name surfaced in the recently released Epstein files. It's appalling to think that a person who held the highest office in the land could be associated with such a notorious figure as Jeffrey Epstein. This isn't about political differences or partisan bickering; it's about fundamental human decency and moral integrity. Epstein's criminal activities were heinous and exploitative, preying on the most vulnerable. Anyone connected to him, particularly someone with immense power and influence, must be scrutinized and held accountable. Trump's association with Epstein, whether through personal meetings or social gatherings, casts a dark shadow over his character and judgment.
Biden was never given a fair chance desu. The progressive voters never supported him the way they said they would.
There are no fucking black farmers WTF
Right, your dad. He influenced my insides last night
concede some more.
Eric Clackton?
Stfu and Heil Zelensky!!!!

1.2 million dead Russians because of Hunter Biden and his cocaine pals in Ukraine.

800 billion to defeat Russia!!!! Betray your ww1 and ww2 Ally anon!!! Vote Biden!!! Vote Democrate!!! Vote killing Russian space bros!!!!

Heil Zelensky!!!!
>You missed my point. Every single potential replacement for Biden KNEE he was this bad and LIED to us all about it for nearly four years. Meaning they'd have lied to us for another 4.
they all have plausible deniability, actually. Even Kamala apparently hasn't met Biden in months
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I just do not understand how people only after the debate figured out Biden was a frail, senile old man. What the fuck is wrong with people?
Sounds like an adia problem. You want to be the worlds police go vote for Romney faggot.
Asia problem*
Nobody but the most hardcore zealot or unsalvageable retard will buy that.
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Like your dad conceded in me last night?>>472961283
Let's not act like children.
I can believe that even senior cabinet members like buttigeg didn't know, because the reports say that biden basically only speaks to 4 people at this point, 2 of which are family members
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Aids Clackton?
Boy the bats are out this afternoon.
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Fucking kek!
i miss battlebots so much man
Pretty sure trannies no longer have their batwings or bat.
I just love schizophrenic people so much
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Hunter B CrackDon.
picrel is for you
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>I just do not understand how people only after the debate figured out Biden was a frail, senile old man. What the fuck is wrong with people?
You cannot begin to imagine just how stupid liberals really are.
It's an America problem because we have had a lot of other interests in the western Pacific for the past 150+ years that get messed with if China is the major naval power in the region. Go be a chink somewhere else.
You will never be a real bat.
Hey why are you getting BTFO by a tranny lol
You'll never be a tranny but I think with your tit's you're really missing out on getting laid at least once in your life.
>triggered by image
I don't think you guys are comprehending the true dynamics of this race right now.

This is the current average normie mindset:
>"man, trump is a crazy schizo felon, but Biden has dementia. I think I'll just not vote or vote third party. Or maybe trump cuz we can't let Biden get the nuclear codes

But if they SWITCH the Dem nominee, it'll be:
>"trump is a crazy schizo felon, but this dem nominee is young and seems normal. Guess I'll just vote them for fresh leadership"

If Biden is replaced, it's OVER for Trump
Hey who’s triggered? Also, why did you not answer my question?
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Did you write that? It's... ok, for a person on medication
That's not the only thing that's getting blown out today (my holes, by his dad, again)
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these are the people that tell you to touch grass and have a normal one
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"What can be, unburdened by what has been"
Kamalah thinks this statement is deep as fuck.
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>If Biden is replaced, it's OVER for Trump
That explains why they're so afraid to do it.
>America has to fuck with this island that is right next to China and is full of Chinese people because reasons
lol the neocon kikes of /ptg/ drop the mask.
Oh no you're going manic again!
No. Glowniggers have vested interest in the pacific. And again, you talk about "containing" China while they control and manipulate many policies and policy makers here at home in the states so they can rape us in manufacturing and trade while those same policy makers rattle their sabers over Taiwan.

You are a hypocrite and a lemming.
it wouldn't over, it just wouldn't be as easy as it would with biden
having a 'fresh face' doesn't cancel out soaring inflation, the border etc. which all dems have been silent on for the past 4 years
and if it's kamala then you can easily just say "well she's the administration that got us into this mess"
Im anti communist, far right, and your grandmother loves me.

She asked me to clean her gutters and she told me to pick up some tissues afterwards.

They were wet.
Oof, you failed to answer a single one of my three questions in two replies. Looks like you lost again!
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hey see this hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Need to fix that image.
It's "want", not "deserve".
If Biden hadn't given up he'd come to the podium and talk himself.
oh noes you're a deflecting mess now.
guess i called it.
you both are from the pedophile.
I wonder what else I can trigger your asses with?
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Trump is so shit he will result in the first nigger woman president
I'm sure the Young turks will love that
No it's deserve because that's what they actually believe.
Are the pedophiles in the room with you right now? Is your dad one of them?
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okay this is my new favorite timeline please let it happen
>we're turning the page on that
>it was a bad night, we said it was a bad night
>obviously I can't speak to issues I've not been read in on
>I will circle back to you on that
>many conversations are being had, as you well know
>I appreciate the question
>the data shows the facts
there, just saved you 30 minutes
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>first nigger woman president
That was Barrack Obama.
no, they are on jim watkins' pedophile website, which you came from!
wtf are you talking about this is a politics thread go bicker elsewhere.
He's ignoring all questions, just like Bidets admin.
>rip the mask off and literally replace Biden with the bankers themselves
Lmao that cliff...
facts, lol
>No. Glowniggers have vested interest in the pacific.
Hey dipshit point to me on a map where Hawaii is.
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Fucking kek!
>Somewhere, Bruce Wayne sheds a single tear
Is Jim Watkins in the room with you right now? Is he the one who touched you?
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yeah i am now diamond for dimon
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She's only 60.

Vice president. Lawyer.

Looks great anon!!! Better than hillary!

When Ireland had a female president it was the most prosperous time in our history because she was a lawyer.

She read every bill.
Why don't they try running Bloomberg again lmao?
People don't care. They want to watch the circus. They'll passively accept whatever comes along as truth. It's how the media complex works.
no, but i'm sure you'l go cry to him about it later.
or maybe gislane. she runs the larp now.
as you know
I can just see the Joker writing up a whole version of the YWNBARW pasta about bats and Batman and having Penguin engrave it on a solid gold block mounted on an office tower somewhere.
Deserve has the implication that it is correct to give attention.
I don't give a fuck about them, they "deserve" to be put to death.
Want is used, because it is only in their mind, no one else's.
To use the word "deserve" is to give credence to their delusion.
No I mean an actual strategic asset, we use them to make our high end electronic chips. In a few years we won’t have to but until then, it is what it is.
I can see you aren’t on your A-game today. Last chance or it will be another concession in the record book!
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>Our per-capita GDP was all the way up to 0.2 of yours!
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hahahahahahahahahahahahahah i forgot that he was a contender lmfao
or actually, gislane's sister runs it.
Are Taiwan and Hawaii one and the same? I bet your retarded ass thought you were being slick when typing that shit out.
Bloomberg is an angry old self hating Jew who jails niggers, calls women sugartits to their face, and follows fat people around making fun of them when he's bored.

He'd obviously win and be one of the greatest presidents of all time, so no he won't be the Democratic nominee.
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They went to look for him, but there was a chink convention and they couldn't find him in the crowds.
So Gislane touched you? And Jim Watkins, and your dad? That's rough man. I'd be a manic-depressive and schizophrenic loner too.
You lost :)
How could you forget the meatball Bloomberg memes?
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not like this /ptg/ - pedo trump general
nsg lost
trumpo won
The whole sentence is a joke anon. It's supposed to be nonsense.
To call Bloomberg a "contender" is generous. Didn't his entire campaign last like a month? The only people who won there were the smart lads who "volunteered" for easy money to do nothing.
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Trump's victory will be even easier than she is.
Lots of rumors about Biden resigning tomorrow. This is the Democrat’s best option, Kamala can safely transfer the delegates and run for president without risk of contested convention.

Its clear Newsom doesn’t want the baggage and risk.
And that’s a good thing.
Your dad's dick won (in me)
(and in you)
Remember the Tim Cooper guy who only ran to say hey to Boonie Sandals? Reminder that I am still baking.
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ngl mf dripped out fr
This. Who is the Key Ally? That could be his doorman for all we know. How was this told? What were the exact words? The words "it's just not working" didn't come from him? It's all baseless. Still great we get to sit back and watch though
He has that tv interview on friday he wants to do before committing to anything apparently.
so he has your vote then?
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did someone say...secure the delegates?
>more money for ukraine
Holy shit I can't wait for this shit to be over

I'm sure the 6 black farmers in America will make a huge impact.
I can sort of see it.
The sentence just irritated me grammatically in what was otherwise quite a good joke.
Those poor editors.

I thinks it's a tossup whether George Snuffleufagus licks his balls or tries to bury him. He's a clintonite after all and it is still HER TURN.
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> Black Farmer’s Association
We grow straight freaks
karine lookin like president camacho today
>Are Taiwan and Hawaii one and the same?
In terms of naval power projection they're right next door to each other, yeah. Leaving Taiwan to the enemy cuts a big fucking hole in our ability to contain Asian mainland adversaries, whether Chinese or Russian or otherwise.
lol, back to being degenerate then?
that's more pathetic than a verbal concession you know
Bloomberg is oddly exactly the kind of democrat that Trump appeals to, he's a guy who basically didn't pay attention for the last 30 years and now he's waking up to the reality that a bunch of delusional women and niggers run his party. He just realized it a few hundred million dollars too late.
As opposed to raggedy ann dipped in cow shit like she does every day?
based Joe
Imagine using yourself to insult random strangers.
Such low self-esteem. No wonder they an-hero at professional rates
>Leaving Taiwan to the enemy
Lmfao you truly are a retarded lemming.
If he actually resigns that's awesome, we can get the first woman president AND the first black woman president out of the way, we no longer have to hear about it ever again and Kamala will only be president for like six months.
Biden talked to Cruz lemao
>black radio interviews
Please someone play-by-play the press right now because I can't listen in at work. Thank you
Biden betting odds about to recover a bit?
Given the sudden heel turn in the press I expect him to try to bury him.
The donors run the party. You know who the donors aren’t dontcha anon? They weren’t ignorant, they were malicious. Lots of money to be made by having goyim on HRT.
CRINGE PIERRE: I don't have anything for you about that.
Reporter: No followup

Repeat 23 times.
More money for Ukraine! YES!!! /nsg/ wins again! Vatnik supporters SEETHING
'Nooooo not my tax dollars for Ukraine, noooo stoopppp'

Your dad was degenerate inside me last night (and you, when you were a child)
You honestly think Trump is going to do any different?
Im leaning that direction as well.
He was Clinton's bimbo eruption handler
"He's meeting with a huge number of Democrat leaders, but not for any reason you might think. It's about roads and stuff."
"He had a cold."
"He wasn't feeling well."
"He took ownership, but he's staying in."
I am an American Maximalist. I want us to *annex* Taiwan and retake the Philippines. I want us booby trapping the launchpads on Hainan Island and promoting return of Hong Kong and Macau to American or at least white rule. I want Total Pajeet Death.
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>Michael Flynn
how did Trump fuck up this badly
chegged and correct.
Even still, use the Jew's weapons against them.

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okay hear me out- President Doctor Biden
>we don’t want to explain this away
it sure doesn’t sound like it
take your meds
Interesting if not fabricated and homosex.
Yes, yes, Jews this Jews that, but we are nearing the end stage golem, and the actual story of the golem is a parable about why a Jew should NOT make one, namely because it will eventually turn on and destroy you.
What does this mean?
"His schedule asked him to travel a bit, so he was jet-lagged."
"Plus that cold."
"Please forget that he took an entire week off at Camp David before the debate. It was totally jet lag."
(I might have paraphrased that last one a bit."
A Democrat/Independent VP like Flynn with a Republican P could bridge the aisle.
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You're a stupid faggot that unwittingly cheers for endless glownigger conflict is what you are.
If Flynn is actually the VP choice then heads are quite literally going to roll and Trump is coming in to be the new Lincoln.
>Black farmers call for Tractor Supply after they ban globo-homo, trannies, faggots and niggerworship
All three of them huh?
Whatever will Tractor Supply do?
Think of the children
Mike Flynn would be awesome.
Can you explain this so a non-burger can understand?
it's not hard to figure out where all the larpy shit is coming from, and that's why you're being so degenrate at me right now.
Because you don't have anything but your own fear.
>you fucked with me it's time to pay
Yeah but saying Bloomberg was not aware is asinine. He’s buddy’s with fink. Those guys knew what they were doing. Feminizing white Christian children, tanking our birth rates, exporting jobs, importing illegals. It’s economic and social terrorism.
"President biden is absolutely NOT considering stepping down."
"He understands it was not his best night." (Actually it probably was, considering all the shit they had him on.)
"His record is awesome, according to us."
I tend to agree.
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fuck the anti white us navy and us military. no border? fuck Taiwan. fuck south Korea. fuck Japan. Hawaiians don't even believe in the constitution. they are already traitors. they will gladly betray USA for chynuh. piece of shit war mongering us military.
If you lurkers haven't noticed, it's lunch time for the shills, that's why they got quiet all of the sudden.
i promise you it's not worth knowing
Why not, she's got just as good a chance as any.
I can't believe she's actually trying to push that retarded jet-lagged shit. Motherfucker was hold up in Camp David for a fucking week AFTER he got back.
Trump isn't picking a normie conservatard, he's picking a guy that himself went to jail for judicial fuckery
Flynn is an outsider figure
But I'm curious
>I can't believe she's actually trying to push that retarded jet-lagged shit. Motherfucker was hold up in Camp David for a fucking week AFTER he got back.
Liberals are so fucking stupid they will believe whatever they are told.
You are brown.
National security adviser from Trump 1st term who was forced out instantly because of the Russia bullshit. It's not too far off from Biden picking Tulsi as his VP.
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I don't know who Tulsi is either.
Anon claims to have found where Trump has already filed to have Mike Flynn as his VP.

Mike Flynn was always one of Trumps biggest supporters/friends and was run through the ringer by glowniggers because of it.
They almost put him in prison but he was eventually acquitted.
Mike Flynn is no fan of globalists or degeneracy.
He would be a good VP because he's way more outspoken than Trumps last VP, and he thinks like Trump does and doesn't hesitate to push back. Plus he's a retired General.
>black farmer's association
there is no collection of two or more people into which the antiwhite marxist grift cannot insert itself.
Lithium! Now! You'll feel so much better!
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He doesn't need lithium!!! He need penis shaped fruit because he's a ragging faggot and he's avoiding his doses of bananas!!! xD

Remember. Just light "it" up and I'll come find you. Baba lon ganja.
Lol you are absolutely right!
the tranny-bots have arrived to fuck the thread
They might want to fast forward and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior
Then why did they cheat him out in 2020?

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