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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Also did he change his studio?
Do you guys actually sit there and watch this virgin babble on these dull ass topics for hours every night? Mindboggling to contemplate
Kosher Doppleganger. Astroturfed by tons of fags and kikes.
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Nick Fuentes is my hero
Been watching since 2018, honestly at this point if someone is shit talking him I just assume they are a Fed.
Try reading a book
he has been peaking 20k live viewers accross his rumble and cozy platforms several times lately, so yes a lot of people watch him.

a lot of butthurt atheists and pagans seethe at his mere mention because they know the movement is not theirs.
Meme Flag + Dem
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He's great, we love him, not much else to say about him. Honestly this thread is not complete until fifty kikes run in here with demoralization memes. Moshe where you at you fuckin soap bar get in here before you get fired nigga
Thought not
hes a shock jock. that's it. that's the post.
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Nicks studio is the Incel HQ
What I'm most depressed over is the sides being confused. Well-bred, upper-middle class Americans of Anglo or northern-German descent (not the brown squat Rhinelanders of brown French and Roman blood that flooded the midwest by way of Pennsylvania, Franklin was right to call those Catholic and Quaker niggers swarthoids). So you have attractive, high IQ, middle class people joining the Democrats purely because the Republicans are the side of the low IQ white trash, and while the proles are willing to support some good ideas like ending affirmative action and immigration, they're opposed to eugenic measures like allow abortion which mostly kills niggers and retards, and against public education because they want to teach their kids about Rebbe Jesus.
Basically America is a sad state of confusion and should be nuked. Kill us all and put us out of our misery. I view America like Himmler viewed Eastern Europe. A few decent people whose kids should be kidnapped and raised by Europeans and then a mass of niggers and mudbloods who should be put up against the wall or used for slave labor until automation can replace them. This is what breaking away from an ethnic monarchy does to you.
fag fed asset, cantwell replacement
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>Rebbe Jesus
That man surely is american. Is that german or Irish descent?
He explained his relationship with Loomer is tactical
And it's not like he is limiting himself in terms of what he say
Civnat, not my thing
The background still looks like a greenscreen

Or is it just me ?
If you watch ecelebs and refuse to pick up a damn book every now and again, your brain is already halfway fried
I thought that too, but the sky appears to be moving when you skip around in the time

https://cozy.tv/nick/replays/2024-07-03 (The first ~10 min is a waiting screen)
Kill yourself kike
Or they could just be homophobes.
nobody's fooled by that memeflag, rabbi.
damn is this and the ali pic still the only hits you got on him? Gotta be difficult to cope so hard

Total Nick Domination
All political eceleb grifters are glowies

No exceptions.
He used to be good but he peaked in 2021. After that there's been zero improvement, and he's become an embarrassment.
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Pic? Nah we have a video of him joking about his pal Ali being a pedo groomer in 2017. This is the slime you shill for.

how do grifters like him get so big in the first place?
>he would like to sexually interract with young fashy white boys like myself
nothing about this indicates that nick thought he was a pedo.
he was literally roasting ali throughout that entire clip for being a weirdo, lmfaoo

we gotta need better material from anti-nick homos. this aint it
get a load of this fuckin kikebot
When he dragged out the zombie corpse of David Duke I knew he was controlled opposition. Many J6-ers went to jail for far less than what he did yet somehow he walks free? What sort of deal did he cut? I denounce kikes and niggers btw.
denounce the talmud
The fact that he's doing MIGA again is fucking gay.
>Norway VPN datamining for (((Nick Fuentes)))
Just these threads alone are a clear indication that he's a glownigger.
Let's see how late he'll be tonight.


Nick clips.
Decided to play his stream for my wife (who is very non political and hates when I talk politics) because he got a new set that is more normie friendly.
She ended up laughing and enjoying the entire time.
>He's really funny! Who is this?
>Your future president, honey.
Cope and seethe you fucking faggot leftist. You're going to the camps. This will happen.
Wow only six minutes late. Impressive.
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>on time two days in a row
Faggot spic.
>inb4 kike
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Jordan Peterson was right. He's a rat.
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You and your wife are stanning a twenty year old virgin with a fanbase of pimply teenagers whose ensign is a cartoon meme. Do you think you're serious people?
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Is 100% white whiter than you? What about Nick?
Look how fucking triggered you are! kek. Are you mad that groypers are getting into high places of power while pretending to be leftist so we can mass exterminate you when the time comes? Does that make you emotional?
Are you genuinely mentally handicapped? I'm not joking, I'm starting to feel bad. If you are please be straight up and tell me
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extremely base post, fren
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I really don't know how I feel about him. The groypers raiding Charlie Kirks bullshit was hysterical but Nick himself is clearly gay.
what board or social media do you guys raid from? is it gab, telegram or something else?
Is it really inconceivable to you that anons here would enjoy Nick's show?
>b-but I'm smart and you are handicapped!
Into the oven you go, faggot
>N-no! Don't turn on those burners, anon!
Here they come! Just remember, you wanted this.
I just wanted to play videogames.
what discord do all the nick haters come from?
sirs this is pol not a synagogue
>Nooo this is my super speshul groyper website!!
Do you own a kekestani shirt? An edgy young adult streaming slurs to gamers isn't as popular as you think despite making him your world
>spam an e-celeb
>know you will get flak for advertising
>have bots ready to play victim and to call anyone a jew who doesn't fall for your astroturfing

German flag promoting an American e-celeb. Are you the Turkroach?
>what board or social media do you guys raid from?
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see >>473002399
Its too obvious. You're shooting yourself in the foot with these threads. Its not 2016 anymore, we can spot your bots now.
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>Its too obvious. You're shooting yourself in the foot with these threads. Its not 2016 anymore, we can spot your bots now.
>hitting tens of thousands of online viewers during his live stream
something tells me you aren't doing enough to stop our movement.
some basement in india somewhere, kek
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Do you think that's a lot?
>trusting view counts on his own website
you're totally not an advertising shill bot
>Its too obvious. You're shooting yourself in the foot with these threads. Its not 2016 anymore, we can spot your bots now.
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What does it mean if a woman gives me this look that Nick gives to Jake?
He's gay
Bvsed. How long have you been wifesharing for?
That's a look of disgust and discomfort actually, what the fuck did Jake say?
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memeflags and leafs, its like you guys are some visajeets right off the boat
they sound new too, not the regular shills
they probably downgraded to india or chatgpt3.5
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this is not how this works
yep amateur hour, countering antisemitism with "you are muslim/you are le brown" does not work by standard pol logic
Being whiter than you isn't how it works when being white is your only cope reply?
He’s gotta be doing something right with all this organized resistance. I’m not interested in streaming though so whatever.
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>"you are muslim/you are le brown"
anyone who does this is a jew or paid by the jews 100%

if you were posting from a white country you wouldn't need to hide your flag, lmao
That's a cool proverb can you tell me what text it's from so I can add it to my meme collection of kike shenanigans or did some boomer make it up? I only ask because there are plenty of reasons to hate the yids and made up quotes might win over white-skinned negroes from the lower class who don't know what google is but makes us look like retards to any real person (as in an a fully actualized human being not worn down from life at the gas station or Lowe's) who might come across it and then make us more ineffectual.
>I’m not interested in streaming though so whatever.
Spic Fuentes shills for gay pedophiles like Ali Akbar, nigger rapper pornographers like Kanye West, anti-White Muslim invaders like Sulaiman Ahmed, and Zionist Jews like Laura Loomer while rejecting White nationalism.
Not hiding anything just repping
You will never be a real anti-semite. You have no European ethnic state, you have no culture to protect, you have no race laws, you have no weltanschauung. You are a Mexican-American man twisted by /pol/ and Nick Fuentes into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your goblino appearance behind closed doors. Whites are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed white men to sniff out untermensch with incredible efficiency. Even latin americans who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a white man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk christian tradwife white woman home with you, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second she gets a whiff of your sweaty, overwhelming beaner BO. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, the Catholic Nazi revolution is coming, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name Pedro Antonio Edgar Martin Diego Sanchez, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know an indio is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is clearly not aryan.
I don’t personally like him, I find him quite annoying. I’m also not a Christian so I find his zealotry unappealing. That being said, I do appreciate him calling out kikes and blacks on their behavior.
even more retarded, kek
I'm sure
He's lying about having a wife, so that should say it all
This is America not Mexico, paco
But he's based and Catholic!
Honestly Catholic churches have always made me sick to go into. Always, without exception, they're full of fat people. Old fat boomers and young fat Mexican families. They're dingy and dusty, they stink, dark light over the faces of brunette or even dark haired statues. I had the misfortune of being born with a brown Italian grandmother who insisted I be baptized a papist instead of Episcopalian like her husband and my grandfather so here I am trying to connect in some with a God I know is real and being confronted with ugly places of worship, ugly attendees, and a religion that wants poor people, retards, and immigrants to breed like rats. It was always the religion of filth. Poor West Irish tenants, poor Sicilian peasants, poor Mexicans, poor Haitians. Episcopalians might be gay but at least it's mostly attended by Nordic WASPs with some pedigree and not the offsweepings of Europe who came here because they were too poor to keep living off a half acre of land in Calabria or thee Rhineland.
gay and mexican
dark skinned statues*
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If you can't beat them, join them will never work with Zionists. They are the undisputed champions in that regard. Corruption requires infiltration.
But in the same breath: in a world as disingenuous as this one, assuming the worst about humanities worst enemy is the right course.
Picrel shows, they will do whatever it takes to get us to an 'equal footing' society, so that they can rule us.
Immediately indicating to anyone with a mind the disparity between the ruler and the ruled.
They have a goal of success that has them on top, and that means everyone, EVERYONE else is on the bottom.
No thanks.
>I'm sure I'm a retarded kike
exactly, yes
Keep trying you'll be right eventually
Stop shilling this piece of shit Jesuit coadjutor. Fucking loser.
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>stop listening to nick, stop it, just stop okay?
Very cool but a but a bit TL;DR and I did;t bother to read the pic. Is it a real quite or did some boomer who thinks Richard Spencer, Adolf Hitler, Queen Elizabeth, and his local postmen are all Jew just shit it out?


>The Energy of the Groypers is Inspiring!


>Should We Vote for Donald Trump?

>Analyzing the Trump Conviction with Alex Jones

>It's Time to Tell the Truth about Jewish Power

>The Fake Controlled Right Wing

>Group Chat Leak EXPOSES Jewish Bribery Network

>Tim Pool is Controlled Opposition


>Nick Fuentes x Keith Woods x SNEAKO

>Nick Fuentes x Cheesur Stream

>Nick Fuentes vs Gavin McInnes | Zionism DEBATE
stop trying you'll never be right, kek
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look at these faggots.
kys nick you are such a loser
we all know you use a million accounts to fake consensus
I'm right every time, without trying
>being right ever
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(I'm milking you for bumps, btw)
Is something about that statement breaking your tiny zoomer brain?
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only two people on the american right who are interesting are jack posobiec (in limited capacity) and nick fuentes (as longshot)
posobiec is doing an OP by rehabilitating falangism and ratcheting up the dehumanisation of the american left, the Issue is he got zero youth support and its almost apolitical in how he is trying to run that

fuentes is about the only non gamed out counterplay to what the american left does (ethno nationalism is demographic impossible by now, military coup got ruled out by purges and the installation of rainbow commissars) his approach: catholic monarchism is part of the communist rogue gallery

my own prognostication is that its already over, the moment the 101s airborned got deployed to force the end of freedom of association at little rock it was ogre
first white flight out of the cities, now white flight has gone interstate the next logical progression will be international
Red pill me on mexican fingernails please.
>100% white
>don't even care about it like you
>impeccable instincts that leads to me to pro-human politics while you daydream about genocides with your negative canthal tilt
>telepathic 100% white person powers that allows me to intuit incoming phone calls before my phone buzzes
You're so mad
what's with this tranny style of posting?
is this how a redditors think 4chan posting is like? like everything has to be a gotcha insult?
you all sound like literal mad troons, lmao
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you're a paid kike, lmao
posobiec is a jewish cia asset
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>what's with this tranny style of posting?
>seek help
>touch grass
>who hurt you
you understand that you don't speak our language? you stick out as alien element
and are unaware to what extend thats how bad it is
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I have no idea if it's authentic.
But it reads true to the ideals of every Jewish person I've ever met, decent idealistic spoiled people, and rings true for the mental arithmetic and aesthetics of every elitist I've ever met.
And study and experience has taught me, Zionists are the most lucratively successful and mind numbingly focused on ruling the world.
Not through channeling idealism of the best traits of human beings, but through the science of psychology they created the predictability of our worst instincts and habits.
he's a bit of a faggot but he's saying the right things
He's a twenty year old who had the groundbreaking idea to make racism and Christianity a political position, try not be so enamored
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>you understand that you don't speak our language? you stick out as alien element
>and are unaware to what extend thats how bad it is
lmao, literally
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>17 posts by this ID
I'm having fun
what is the difference between the final result of this final "peace" and pure, unadulterated human shit?
>Just realized other countries don't have Bomb Pops
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>I'm having fun
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He is doing the jewish right alliance thing for his income. What he is doing is uniquely useful in the dehumanisation unlike what bannon does.

I suspect that I know where this stuff is coming from its from pol and filtered upwards over years into the zeitgeist. We talked here with russian and spain anons over the various communist revolutions and identified that what is going on in the US right now is a cultural revolution reaching its first crescendo soon. The iconoclasm of statues of churchill and licoln during the summer of broken glass 2020 gives it away for sure if somebody still got normalcy bias.

Normally you get 100% an attempted military coup when it goes down most often it fails as splinter faction (taiwan/white army)
The US is somewhat unique with the 2nd amendment but as I see it on the south africa track with race quotas, DEI and so forth.

1.9b muslims and 1.4b chinese think that the US is under jewish minority rule, because they are right you lose your lifelyhood if you say it.
>The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good Thing?
I don't understand how he got to be famous. He is easily written off as extremist because of the overt racial hate. Also, I hear alot of complaining and not much constructive stuff. Maybe it's shock talk like a GGAllen, or a opposite bookend to Howard Stern
did I hurt your feelings, faggot?
Notice how Nick continuously fails upward?
Notice how he seems to fail at every single thing he does ruining his image and those around him
Notice how he always looks worse and never succeeds except when sleuthing out cum?
Just like Destiny.
Just like Hassan.
Just like Jordan Peterson.
Just like H3H3
0 authenticity. Nick is as real as the plants and window in that image, but at least they don't lie to you.
They take L, after L, after L. But the powers that be put them in very interesting positions.
Why is Nick the spic continuously in bizarre places. Why was he with Kanye of all people. He annihilated his image, yet never seems to slow down, openly hates his audience and insults them, hates the groypers. Calls Carpenters and tradesmen losers, then claims to be a worshipper of a...Carpenter...
He get's so angry when people call him out for being a gay federal agent his mask drops constantly.

All we know now really is that the feds want a puppet with a lot of retarded dirt on them. Nick the spic is the last person you want as the face of your movement at all. What I'm curious to is the why. Not why this retard, its obvious how exploitable Nick is, but why are they using him and what for?
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>did I hurt your feelings, faggot?
see what I mean? no one talks like this on 4chan, lmao
>eCeleb shilling

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>I don't understand how he got to be famous
maybe it is because he is the one who got it the most right?
the pyramid in this meme accurately reflects the american social hierachy and race law based privileges
it determines employment, freedom of speech, physical safety, legal protection and is outcome oriented in education

candace owens, kanye, kyrie and the claudine gay saga were the yard sticks by which I determined that it got more predictive power
than the progressive stack as taught about in left wing academia meaning they are frauds while pol got it right

the american society is fully racialized in all walks of life de jure and de facto
bro, limit your gpt max char, no one's going to read this shit, lmao
you got a canadian flag so you are a jeet or an ukrainian (being jewish optional)
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It is actually amazing, memeflagfaggot, that idiots take this guy seriously.
The only way to enact any of Nick's half-baked whims, you would have to delete the constitution through a bloody revolution that isn't as idyllic as his already idiot audience believes.
He hits on topics that need to be addressed, but there are other valid ways to solve the problems with basic reform.
Nick represents the naivety of youth. Nick is just one faction of young, well intentioned, ignorance. At least, he is a right wing commie.
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>you would have to delete the constitution
the civilkike act did that already and the demographic change

liberia got the same constituion as the US
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>johndaveirving sent $5
I haven't watched a single hot take by him because he's a spic
franco and mussolini were med more you are too nazi for this world and for sure for the modern day US
>you would have to delete the constitution through a bloody revolution that isn't as idyllic as his already idiot audience believes.
Don't clip my sentences and give me brochures, anon. Don't do that, you gain no sympathy.
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>I haven't watched a single hot take by him because he's a spic
medbugs and iberians are leagues above spics, they made rome and athens. Hell slavs are above spics and so are balkans
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>you gain no sympathy
here have some kosher bacon as apology
Waste of time
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we got here because communist deconstruction tactics work
if I let you nitpick something after I have described why it is useful and think its fruitful while you have not put forward what you support then you are clearly not operating in good faith
Give me a fucking break...it's official you are a terrible representative of nick's audience. Jesus, i've found more agreement with naive groypers who are at least intelligent. You just give me brochures like a faggy local punk band. You started with the "upper-hand" of intellectual dismissal, but you have proven yourself to be contrived series of nick-like insults and a psedo-intelectual.
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I'm not a groyper. I'm doing this because they took my videogames in 2014.
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I swear all the nick hate is a psyop to get people to watch him, they all call him gay and retarded, they dont really make real critiques, about the weakness of christ cuckery and especially Vatican II
This intrigues you to watch him, and he completely breaks your expectations because nick is a very smart and interesting person, but he doesnt really mention the stuff which is obviously weak sauce at all until hes there in real life giving speeches about how the jews killed jesus...in 2024
completely idiotic and no one will take that seriously
anyway, i like nick still because he makes kikes seethe and he is clearly smart
Haha, that is funny and legitimate, anon.
You are ok.
>the fact that he's a gay spic isn't a real critique
fuck you, goddamned poof.
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I have not seen you put out what your vision for the dissident right is.
What would that be?
No, its actually not, at all
The dude has light eyes, skin and hair, he is white
Hes also not gay, hes just an autistic incel like 80% of this board
These arguments do not work
>The dude has light eyes, skin and hair, he is white
Good, so Ashkenazis are too?
what is your opinion on birds? real or fake?
Its also the shape of the skull too, you can tell that someone is ashkenazi just by looking at them, evidence that they are not part of the white race
Uh huh
Its funny because your idiocy is the only reason why I even started watching nick, i completely forgot about the dude
>>the fact that he's a gay spic isn't a real critique
You have two big problems here:
1. He's not.
2. If he was, it wouldn't matter.
You're the one who got owned
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>22 posts by this ID
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i guess youve given up now
Anon you're at 17, be serious
I don't mind Nick at all.
>who got owned
This is a 50+ yo paid employee, probably (Israeli) intelligence or a subsidiary civilian op, probably female.
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Nick "Cat Boi Lover" Fuentes
Nick "The Optics King" Fuentes
Nick "Stalin is my hero" Fuentes
Nick "Throws like a girl" Fuentes
Nick "Criminals are BASED" Fuentes
Nick "Part Time Gunt Gaurd" Fuentes
Nick "Mr.Yiannopoulos is my boss" Fuentes
Nick "Getting sussy with the bois" Fuentes
Nick "Loving niggers is vindicated" Fuentes
Nick "Euphoria is my favorite show" Fuentes
Nick "Having sex with women is GAY" Fuentes
Nick "The Black Light Cummie Detective" Fuentes
Nick "Half naked tickle fights with Baked" Fuentes
Nick "Fuck the blue collar workers and especially carpenters" Fuentes
Nick "Go on Baked, enter the federal building. Me? No, I'll wait here" Fuentes
You've been seething for hours that people enjoy Nick's content. We are not the same.
This just makes you look really lame and stupid, go in on the actual stuff
I guess youre probably some kind of tranny freak kiwi faggot, but this is just making more fans
I have seen no indian shill be that tone deaf and incompetent. So maybe you are right.
This is another copy-paste post from a paid worker:

You've been my reply guy the entire time. You're right, we're not equals
You can ignore or hide threads which don't interest you. You're not forced to engage with people who have different opinions.
Why else would a Democrat come to /pol/
>swindle a bunch of retards at christmas time for donations
>swindle even more for a cancelled event
well, he learned from the jews pretty well
he's a spic. he's not going to save white people. he's a liar.

>If he was, it wouldn't matter.
fags don't conserve anything. fags can't be "right wing". you're dumb.
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>f fucking kiwis
You are the one on the side of pedos, trannies, furfags, daiperfags, and Keffles.
Good job, fed.

The only paid employees on /pol/ are AFags posting Nick threads.
Just remember Nick, he won.
democrats dont belong on the internet after ruining al gores invention
You aren't white.
Says the pigfucking muslim.
Don't respond to me again nazi flag
These threads are the least organic threads in the whole board. Most posters can't justify their presence in them, plus many are just nonsensical copy-paste reposts, look:


My schizo 6th sense tells me he's three things
1) Fed plant
2)Huge faggot
>fags don't conserve anything
Meaningless statement.

>fags can't be "right wing"
Meaningless statement.

>you're dumb.
Ad-hominem attack.
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Imagine this actually being you.
>erm the jooz love white homogenous societies that’s why they’re sending millions of brown Christians into America and millions of brown Muslims into Europe
He has a child’s understanding of antisemitism
It's not that serious
>>erm the jooz love white homogenous societies
I don't recall Nick saying this.




Mexican VPN.

No one in 4chan would ever make this meme.

Unrelated reply. Meaningless statement.
>the jooz
Not a 4chan poster.
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allah is the son of a whore and mohammed is a pedophile pig fucker now that I have proven not to be a muslim
you denounce the genocide israel is commiting in gaza and the unjust war of agression zelensky wages against russia
I hate that the meme flaggot and leaf
Maybe not because 4chan is getting browner and browner….
where'd you pull that quote from? there are real criticisms of nick, thats not it
the problem is he think the jews hate christ, they only dislike christ because he goes against their principles, but thats the point
they needed a poison that the goyim would WANT to swallow
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>You aren't white.
You're having a schizo melty and I'm letting you know it's not that serious
>Mexican VPN
De que verga hablas pinche gringo?
Why are you defending the twink fed plant so desperately?
Meaningless statement.
>You're having a schizo melty and I'm letting you know it's not that serious
Meaningless statement.

I'm not defending anyone, I'm just pointing out your replies are no genuine / organic.
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>Meaningless statement.
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>No one in 4chan would ever make this meme.
yes, as said its like they don't speak the language the issue with the meme for one is that it shows a clear agenda
second that the creator takes it personal both huge no nos for memes

AI can make good memes now so I dont get it
Meaningless statement.
Not a single poster I'm replying to sounds like an actual human.
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>Meaningless statement
No refunds lol. Imagine getting grifted by a fed fag.
I can't actually answer that in a thread post.
Too long and too much to list.
But some simple stuff...
Close the border immediately, with military if needed....deport illegals immediately. That's a lot of work right there
...basically actually enforce the laws already on the books. Public Indecency at fag parades should be aggressively enforced. Welfare abuse should be treated as fraud, stop supporting bad behavior with public money. There is a need for a " down-on- your -luck "saftey net, but this current welfare state is atrocious...literally creates more crime.
Explore the meaning of religion, in the context that many secular beliefs are a allowed to radicalize with a religious like devotion beyond what we accept from any so-called religion, whereas Christianity is prevented and persecuted, marxist progressive stack of victimhood is taught in schools with impunity.
Tighten up loopholes in legal system, exploited by jews
I could go on all day.
>I can't actually answer that in a thread post. Too long and too much to list.
I hope you will find that person and movement until then stop counter signalling.
>they don't speak the language
Exactly, it's clearly not a 4chan meme. Plus they overuse these "memes" and spam them constantly which is also not 4chan behavior.
He's a very naughty goy
>Stop counter signaling my twenty year old Fortnite streaming virgin fuhrer!!
>Why yes I am a grown man
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Ask Uncle Adi
>Meaningless statement

Talking point.
>I'm just pointing out your replies are no genuine / organic.
Jesus Christ anon, touch some grass.
>Jesus Christ anon, touch some grass.
Meaningless statement.
I get off work, get home, turn on the PC, go to /pol/ and almost like fucking clock work there is a Nickers thread up. Freshly made. Almost like Nickers or his AFaggots make these threads to signal boost his stream going live.

Nickers is a grifting faggot and some kind of Fed. Either an actual agent or an informant.
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>I get off work
but you are at work right now or some facebook boomer undocumented immigrant to this
dynamyte fishing board
When I say "meaningless" I don't mean "not important". I mean not relevant to anything or not addressing anything at all. These replies could be fully automated and used to reply to any other post and it wouldn't make any difference at all.
"frustrating the process"
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You don't even have the proper version, you fucking incompetent kraut
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The dude sucks dicks.
No you don't understand, he's going to t pose in a Minions shirt while groypers carry his Mustang in the March on DC up to the White House and instate him as Mememaster Supreme by the Grace of God
faggot loving queer, die. no real men want a fag, real men want women. all fags should be removed from public offices.
The behavior described doesn't make any sense.

It's a semi-automated process to disseminate information. The goal is to smear a person, Nick Fuentes in this case. They compile a list of talking points and proceed to make these threads everyday. The sub-goal is to post the same list of smears everyday in the most organic way possible, which is impossible because it is a very inorganic endeavor.

Meaningless statement.
This doesn't make sense to me. There are rich people of all different
colors religions etc. Nobody is holding back a straight white man with money. They can try, but it's the ignorant that accept mistreatment without complaining.
It's the ignorant that don't have the communication skills to assert thrmselves
snd protect thier rights.
But, things are pretty courrupt these days. The system is totally broken, but I do my part and speak up.
A doctor told me that If I didn't like the politics that I could move to Canada.
I was born right across the street from her office, so I told her to move to Africa. I quit doing business with them.
Spewing a bunch of hate really accomplishes nothing as long as these biggots keep getting paid.
I had this chick at the gas station tell me I cant fill my propane tank (Forklift Type) so she did not know how to vent it snd only got a few gallons in. Pissed me off

They had a 600 gallon tank for the taco trucks within 10' of the property line, so NFPA violation. I got the gas station shut down for months with one phone call.
I'm fighting the bastards every day.
Intersectionality and third wave feminism has these people fighting for an idology that is really limiting consiousness. These people are getting used and are essentially zombies. It's sad really because If I could break thru the predujuce they have been fed we could join up amd fight the real ememy. We can stay seperate, but alighn to defeat the common foe.
I guess I'm a different kind of woke.
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double nigger
>no real men want a fag
>real men want women
This is a terrible chatbot.
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>This doesn't make sense to me
you don't understand how your own society operates in all walks of life? did you brainwash yourself into being deaf and blind?

the american society is fully racialized, its how the system operates and every single american understands it
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>the zoomer can't comprehend going to work and coming home then shitposting on the internet.
>insist that it does not make any sense
Why do whites need a Latinx to speak on their behalf?
kill yourself faggot.
lady "maga" should be shot.
log cabin republicans is an oxymoron.
it's 2024, Hans. Put a Fez on that ball.
buy an ad nick, you brown faggot
posting shit like this with that flag only makes me hate ukraine you understand this?
What flag is it
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Your story doesn't justify this behavior:


Moreover, people like you can't justify either behavior or a rational motive behind your posting. This is very easy to prove.
the ukraine flag
I can't fucking stand him. Murdoch Murdoch has a great episode explaining why he's a faggot.
You seem unhinged and can't convey your argument. This looks completely unrelated to the topic.
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lol, Good job kraut.
Murdoch Murdoch *was a cartoon show.
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I understand it perfectly. Why can't you?
It is not a coherent argument and it's not related to the topic.
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You talk like leftist.
In fact you remind me of Nickers crying about Jim not taking things serious enough on the internet. Is that you lil Nicky?

>Y you can't just go on 4chan and make fun of grifting homosexuals! You need to be a internet activist!
Rape kill and die for Nick
mr medicaid does the gen X fake apathy stuff, he is a relic he too got cancer from furry exposure the price for going eternally after easy targets for money thats why he got a youtube channel despite violating most youtube anti harassement guidelines and so forth
Rhennish Germans are the tallest, score the highest on IQ behind Bavarians, and are the closest relatives of the original Saxons of Frisia.

You are retarded.
/pol/ gay man crush of the moment.
>You talk like leftist.
Ad-hominen attack mixed with meaningless statement.

>In fact you remind me of Nickers crying about Jim not taking things serious enough on the internet.
I have no idea what this refers to.

>Is that you lil Nicky?
He thinks he's talking to Nick Fuentes. I seriously doubt this individual would be able to hold any kind of job.
Everyone who's ever been his friend becomes his enemy. Why do you think that is?
fags go to hell. fags do not belong in politics, they belong in front of a firing squad.
he used to browse /pol/ on Youtube streams.
He is one of us.
>nobody could be disgusted by my e-celeb not NOT MY ECELEB HOW DARE YOU
Kill yourself.
>one of us
>whores himself for money
Don't think so.
PaulTown and a lot of the people who worked with him are still friends with him.
The common theme with people who turned on Nick is they are either Simps, Fats, or literally gay.
>free show
end it, Bruce.
We are a Consttutional Republic and if you know the law and can communicate effectivly then one man can leverage the power of the state. Because everything here is illegal (protectionism for courruption) one man has power.
Ok, I admit this is in theory and in practice its really hard especially lately. Our government is not enforcing the law
I'm learning German because this place is dangerous.
>Everyone who's ever been his friend becomes his enemy.
Literal fallacy.

I think you're a rape victim but even if that's the case this still completely off topic.
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the cost of being his friend is eternally high, the reward for betraying him eternally alluring this is the price of being a dissident

him debating destiny, tim pool or the krassensteins is the clownmakeup the american regime forces on him
as punishment for winning the arguments
>Names one
>And also a lot
Meanwhile Jaden, Baked Alaska, the potato racist can't remember his name, many others who were his besties now loathe him
> Our government is not enforcing the law
They enforce the new constitution the civil rights act.
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are you jewish by chance?
This resembles a woman talking about a reality-show personality not a 4chan poster talking about a political figure.
It doesn’t get any darker after 3 hours. It’s some kind of video like the old background.
The perspective is also from a parking garage, so it can’t be a real window anyway
>political figure
Anon pls
>I think you're a rape victim
i'm not, just really hate them. grew up around lots of people who had fucked up lives and told me shitty stories: statistics show that fags are the majority share of pedos. all fags should be locked up for life and kept away from society, if not outright slaughtered for basically being a rabid dog that threatens to infect society.

fags do not care about the defense of the nation, don't mind if a few more orphans are out on the street after mom OD'd on coke or whatever, that's fresh meat for them.
He is a grifter looking for easy marks. He knows 4chan was a major source for IBS/Jim/Keem/DSP/Sargon popularity. He desperately wants what they had/have. Remember, he showed up at the ass end of GG crying about the "optics" and how it was a BAD thing to call out niggers, kikes, women, and fags on their degenerate behavior.

Do be a favor, go look like Medicaid's channel. Notice the lack of content. He just out played Susan.
Nobody cares about that Mexican
Are you being serious? It is clearly a picture background.

Nick Fuentes is a political figure much like any other relevant political commentator. You are clearly not interested in politics or even his political views whatsoever. You are laser focus on gossip about his personal life much like a woman discussing a celebrity, not a man discussing politics.
Spic Fuentes the catboy afficionado is saving America by talking into a microphone!
BASED! This is totally the alternative to us having kids and giving them military training!
Civil Rights Act 1963, no the EEOC will not investigate. EEOC is a federal agency and I know of at least 1 resingnation. The government is failing here
he hasn't broken the kosher glass ceiling
What office does this political figure hold?
I agree with much of that you say but this is completely off topic.
Nick Fuentes is not pro-gay but actually very vocally anti-gay.
The fact that you are pretending to be anti-gay while attacking someone who is also anti-gay doesn't make any sense.
A political figure doesn't mean a career politician. Many key political figures have never hold office but play a big role in the political field, including many relevant political pundits.
>Nick Fuentes
>anti gay
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its sophistry, 90% of twitter discussions I had with jewish american users never progressed beyond the semantic level because of shit like this
do we have to do this? this is pol, you got a meme flag do stupid semantic games, do I have to ask you if MLK Jr was a political figure?
Do I really need to pretend like a Fortnite streamer who drops N bombs is like MLK jr?
this is endless,you lost the argument and come with more bullshit

answer if you are jewish or not
Not an argument.

>One who is actively involved or skilled in politics, especially one who holds a political office.
>One who is actively involved or skilled in politics

Steve Bannon, Rush Limbaugh and sadly many jews like Ben Shapiro are important political figures despite not being career politicians.
Lol, this is Nick's new cope?
>Y yea well you see, I don't actually need to be involved in the government to be a political figure. You can just stream to a handful of zoomies... that is good enough.

Fucking embarrassing. Atleast Sargon TRIED to get into the political arena. Not hide behind his favorite hollywood nigger rapper and a homosexual coke fiend kike boss. Remember when they got kicked out of Maralago and Trump told Kanye he has no fucking idea who this loser is or why he is here when referring to Nick
I literally posted a screenshot objectively refuting the notion that he's a political figure but sure I'll take the L if it makes you feel better, good vibes only in this thread
The term you're looking for is political commentator or pundit, political figure is too strong and doesn't mean what you think it does
lol says the faggot shill. did nick promise to give it to you up the ass if you praised him on /pol/?
That is the mechanism yes. The question is why are they here (or on twitter) doing this everyday. I really don't think it's a "hobby" like the "I just get home from work and do this for fun" guy is trying to play it to be.
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Don't need an argument. A picture is worth 1000 words.
>One who is actively involved or skilled in politics, especially one who holds a political office.
>One who is actively involved or skilled in politics

Steve Bannon, Rush Limbaugh and sadly many jews like Ben Shapiro are important political figures despite not being career politicians.
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>lol says the faggot shill. did nick promise to give it to you up the ass if you praised him on /pol/?
Yea, they are involved in the system on some level. They don't just stream on a tiny platform that has a whole lot of glow activity around it.
The term you're looking for is "politician", a "political figure" is a broad term that encompasses many people in the political arena.
the person is still pretending that they werent wrong and that their central point of seeking public office or being in office being necessary to be a public figure wasnt retarded, malicious and annoying

the goalpost have legs at this point
I'm not "looking for" anything I'm trying to help you understand something that a dictionary couldn't help you with, so my work is cut out for me
But let me put it like this.
A political FIGURE directly impacts policy.
A political PUNDIT comments on policies over which they have no impact.
Nick is the latter. You're trying to gas him up like he's the former. He isn't. He's a goofy zoomer giving meme opinions on current events for superchatters
The Supreme court didn't grant TOTAL PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY so this is just another example of nick being a pathetic little clickbait faggot
the president of israel mentioned him by name, congress does all the time and the ADL put him on a list of 8 (with the former president) who should never be allowed on twitter again
Still not an argument. Nick Fuentes platform is explicitly anti-gay.
A screenshot from an old video doesn't change this fact.
>Yea, they are involved in the system on some level.

>They don't just stream on a tiny platform that has a whole lot of glow activity around it.
Ad-hominen attack. You are an operative paid to post these talking points.
is that a picture of you memeflag? i bet nick is the perfect shabbos goy eh?
The moment you admitted that MLK Jr is a political figure was the moment you lost the argument the question was the degree to which you were wrong and retarded. You are a hopeless case.
They don't even care about being right or wrong, they lose the argument but recite the talking-point. Probably that's what their paid is based upon.
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>is that a picture of you memeflag? i bet nick is the perfect shabbos goy eh?
Political pundits are political figures. Specially relevant-polemic ones.
He's funny and charismatic although not as smart as me and my IQ is 130
MLK jr directly impacted policy, genius
nick fuentes is being quoted to change policy once a week or something
What the fuck are you talking about? Stick to video games please
Exactly. If he was "irrelevant" this wouldn't be the case. If he was "irrelevant" we wouldn't be here. If he was "irrelevant" they wouldn't get paid to post these talking-points everyday. It's a self-defeating argument but they don't care.
He is arguing about politics, you are arguing about celebrity gossip. You don't belong here.
can we stop it with this?
Sup Nick
presidential immunity was already a thing tho this isnt news. it was the whole justification for obama drone striking that american kid.
it was never tested but abraham lincoln for sure broke the scope of it and so did obama/biden with their actions against trump (wiretapping and so forth)
We are hundreds of posts in and not a single actual argument has been discussed. Not one.
Yes yes, you are spamming the canned responses you are trained to give. Again, you talk like a leftist.

Nick will NEVER EVER get on the level of Milo or the kike Shapiro, not Bannon, nor any of the other people you want to name. He is a grifting faggot and most people saw though his shit long ago. Because all he does is stream on a tiny platform. Every single time he gets involved in actual politcs, it's thanks to someone like Milo. A kike.

He is also most likely a Glowie or a Glowie Pet. Remember, he was there on 1/06. He is on video encouraging people to enter the federal buildings.
Yet, he did not get in any kind of trouble at all. A whole bunch of others did, they are in prison. Nick's friend, Baked Alaska turned informant to avoid prison. While Nick got away scot free. Because he is a Fed plant or an out right fed agent. Just like that one cuck with the beard. Jack Doresy? The one with the secret club of men. One of which become a mass shooter.
oh the insane level of shilling is how you know you're over the target
arguments died the moment youtube banned stephan molyneux we are no longer in the arguments timeline the NAP has been forever broken
>Yes yes, you are spamming the canned responses you are trained to give. Again, you talk like a leftist.
You are accusing me of the exact thing you are doing. You are a jewish paid-operative.
and as far as nick fuentes goes, he needs to ditch the christianity if he wants a future. its a dead religion, and traditional catholicism is the most dead version of christianity. literally nobody is lining up to worship a jew, not after mexico. its right there, plain as day for people living today what christianity has done in every country it has ever touched: handed power to a jew. if christianity is supposed to be opposed to judaism, then it could not possibly be doing a worse job. its very to argue its doing such a poor job opposing judaism, that its actually of benefit to jews.
>y you are just a KIKE!
Canned response AFaggot. Tell Nick you need new buzzwords to sound smert.
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>and as far as nick fuentes goes, he needs to ditch the christianity if he wants a future.
its the opposite you need to get over your ego and accept that christ is the best friend enemy distinction you got
>Canned response AFaggot. Tell Nick you need new buzzwords to sound smert.
Ad-hominen attack, still not a single argument.
This is the guy that does this everyday for fun when he gets out of work.
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>complaining on pol about being called racial slurs and antisemitism....
>and as far as nick fuentes goes, he needs to ditch the christianity if he wants a future.
Malicious intent statement. It could be a jew or dumb pagan.
It's hilarious how bad they are at their job.
Hola amigos!
Mi nombres Nick Fuentes.
I’m White, so don’t call me Hispanic!
I swear I’m White I eat my chicken with no spices.
I’m Nick, whiter than your dientes, amigo!
Yes, because it's funny to watch you spam your buzzwords and deny reality.

Nick is a homosexual grifter.

>Chrust is KANG!
>watches Euphoria
>hangs out with the Hollywood Nigger Kanye
You need to use those Aryan brains and really take a good hard look at Nick and his behavior over the years.
The late night talk show host aesthetic seems off for his brand.
>Nick is a homosexual grifter.
Ad-homimen, not an argument.
Yes, Nick used to cry about that kind of thing. He called it "Bad optics".

Because he is a nigger lover.
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its mechanical the best thing you got try it
christ is king or rather exclusionary christianity pisses off all the right people t.atheist
I pretend to be a fundamentalist christian for two years now
This is literally the only on-topic post I've seen since I entered the thread.
Again, you talk like a faggot leftist college freshman.
Meaningless statement, gratuitous ad-homimen attack.

Gratuitous ad-homimen attack.
Remember, this is the guy that does this everyday for fun when he gets out of work.
I guess the larger point, besides exposing how blatantly obvious this paid-operation threads are, is how utterly unsuccessful they have been so far.
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two questions:
1. why would i want to join a church which never stops losing?

but more importantly:
2. why would i worship something that isnt true?

the answer to those questions is i wouldnt, and i know im not alone. the digital age, modern scholarship, archaelogy, biblical scholars and translators who arent jewish apologist christians, adam green, theres dozens of compounding factors which spell the death of christianity, and then, inevitably, judaism.
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Yes. Yes I do.
Because it's funny to go in an shit up your day at work. You know, posting and bumping these threads.

What happened to your co worker who'd spam the AIslop with his meme flag?
No one believes this. You do this everyday. This is your job. The curious part is that you're still doing it despite being completely meaningless.
its the truth. guy got rekt by destiny of all people and every time he joins a space literally anybody can btfo him by saying "mexico" or "why dont you move to the congo if you love christianity so much?"
its not going to get any easier for him. christians cant stop losing.
Malicious intent statement. It could be a jew or dumb pagan.
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their issue is heuristics not something that you can trick your way out of
>pol watches a video of a black guy disrupting a library (leeching WIFI in a corner, eating snacks)
>everything he does and represents is hated by pol
>everybody sides against him for two hours
>ohhh second perspective
>the person complaining was jewish
>she claims he made an antisemitic remark
> the entire thread switches to side with the black guy
was one or two years ago I think but its vaguely what happened
I think he's closeted. Guy never shows any sort of attraction to females, and has had so many gay shit happen to or involving him.
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Almost...like I do it....for my own entertainment.
You'll never understand zoomie. The internet is for shitposting.
My thread needs some bumps:

Basically. They make threads everyday accusing Fuentes of things like being pro-gay at the same time he's been accused by leftist media of being anti-gay. It's so weird.
>internet is for shitposting.
its for porn, you are so bad at this
Just wanted to say you're totally right and ignore the anti-Nick shills. Half are Jewish and half are jealous. The shilling will only intensify as Nick continues his climb to power
This is clearly not "entertaining" for you. You are upset about a political figure. You are upset about other people watching a political figure. You are complaining about losing. This is the opposite of "entertainment" for you.
Your lies don't make sense.

Ah yes, I almost forgot.

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