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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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it was me. kneel before your King
I don't get it
Some nigger and/or jew stole it.
Excalibur, the legendary sword of King Arthur, is one of the most iconic and important elements of Arthurian literature. The sword has become a symbol of Arthur's virtue, power, and rightful sovereignty over Britain[1][4].

Excalibur is often described as a powerful magical weapon, with the ability to shine brightly when drawn and slice through iron and steel[1][2]. Its scabbard also had protective powers that could keep Arthur from losing blood, making him invincible in battle[1]. The sword was forged on the Isle of Avalon and given to Arthur by the Lady of the Lake, rather than being pulled from a stone as in some versions of the legend[1][4].

The name Excalibur derives from the Welsh *Caledfwlch*, meaning "battle breach", and is related to the Irish mythological sword *Caladbolg*[2]. In some stories, Excalibur is wielded by other knights like Gawain and Lancelot, but it is most closely associated with Arthur[4].

Beyond its magical properties, Excalibur is significant because it represents the noblest aspects of Arthur's kingship. The sword comes from another realm and must be returned there when Arthur is defeated, rather than being passed on to another ruler[4]. This motif is borrowed from Celtic tradition and resonates with Christian themes of betrayal and the divine will[4].

In many ways, Excalibur has become more famous than Arthur himself, appearing in countless adaptations and serving as a symbol of heroic leadership and the rightful rule of a just king[4]. The sword's enduring legacy demonstrates the power and significance of the Arthurian legend as a whole.
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>police have confirmed shirouel hydemiya is the prime suspect
The time has come brothers
tweekers will scrap anything
Yeah, nah, this is a CERN time shift or something.
I've never heard of this sword before.
I'd know if there was a sword that was lodged in a rock for 1300 years. That's a thing I would know.
And I didn't.
Which means it's fake, or there was a time shift.
No third option.
Caliburn is the sword in the rock, excalibur is the sword given by the lady of the lake you fucking low iq brainlets.
New Hitler was just crowned

Nah just kidding a migrant probably stole it.
He cannot keep getting away with this.
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>have groceries delivered from Walmart
>the only missing item is the fried chicken
i heard that biden pulled it while he was at normandy
Wait wtf? Excalibur was real???
Everyone knows Excalibur but no one knew it was actually real and in a stone… w t f???
>demon fox escapes from stone in japan
>chaos ensues
>jews sacrificing cows or something
>now the sword gone from the rock
>reclaimed by an angel for the final battle - or possibly even a man
Shits getting real spooky in world politics. It's as if the old ways are returning and the new age of reason is dying.
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He has returned
Bro King Arthur is HARRY POTTER BRO
Remember these are the people you are trying to convince of things.
>Everyone knows Excalibur but no one knew it was actually real and in a stone… w t f???
Not news
That is an anvil
If you have to explain Excalibur then they are probably a nigger.
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Guess they really was kangz...
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Ok nigger the whole story of King Arthur is that Uther Pendragon had no heirs and the person who pulled the sword from the stone would be King and that person was Arthur
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>have groceries delivered from Tesco
>the only missing item is the 2kg of chicken breasts
The Story in Brief

1. **Uther Pendragon**: He was the King of Britain, but had no heir to succeed him.

2. **The Sword in the Stone**: Merlin, the wizard, arranged for a sword to be placed in an anvil on a stone. He declared that whoever could pull the sword from the stone would be the rightful King of Britain.

3. **Arthur Pulls the Sword**: After many failed attempts by the lords, a young Arthur, who was Uther's son, was able to pull the sword from the stone, proving he was the true heir to the throne.

4. **Arthur Becomes King**: Arthur then went on to become one of the most famous kings in British history, establishing the kingdom of Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table.

In summary, the story of Arthur pulling the sword from the stone is a central part of the Arthurian legends, where the rightful heir to the throne was determined through this legendary test.
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Kinda funny how dumb and uneducated /pol/ is nowadays.

The sword isn't Excalibur, it's called Durendal or Durandal and it was supposedly the sword of Roland the paladin who fought against the Mohammedans under Charlemagne. Since you guys are retards who only know about anime traps, here's another piece of info that you may find more interesting: Charlemagne had 12 paladins, basically elite knights, one of them was the aformentioned Roland, another one was Astolfo, who was known for his extremely good looks. They were basically colleagues.
It's the same sword just different origin of the word. One being Welsh one being French.
No, this was France, so it was Niggers.

All hail King Nigger!
99% sure this is fake and gay.
It was the Sword of Roland, nephew of Charlemagne. The Sword is named Durandal.
It was given to Charlemagne by an Angel, who gave it to Roland, his top Paladin.
He tried to break on a cliff side when the Moors were coming, which created the 'Gap of Roland' between France and Spain.
They he threw it and it flew away to lodge itself a far distance away, stuck there for 1300 years.
So yeah
-Jews/Lfeftists to dececrate it due to the 'far-Right' gaining traction.
-Right-wingers who wishes to rise it as a Holy weapon of sorts for their cause.
I'm more leaning for the 1st one, there, so much evil in the world now that no longer hide in shadows.
Durendal was the legendary sword of Roland, a famed paladin and knight under Charlemagne in French epic literature. Like the legendary Excalibur of King Arthur, Durendal was said to possess mystical properties and was considered indestructible.

According to the 11th century poem *The Song of Roland*, the sword was brought by an angel to Charlemagne and then given to Roland. Durendal was said to contain holy relics within its golden hilt, including a tooth of Saint Peter, blood of Basil of Caesarea, hair of Saint Denis, and a piece of the raiment of the Virgin Mary.

At the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, Roland wielded Durendal to heroically hold off a vast Saracen army, slaying many enemies and even chopping off the right hand of the Saracen king Marsile. When mortally wounded, Roland attempted to destroy the sword to prevent its capture, but failed - just as King Arthur was unable to destroy Excalibur before his death.

Legend states that after Roland's death, Durendal miraculously flew through the air and embedded itself in a cliff in Rocamadour, southern France, similar to how Excalibur was returned to the Lady of the Lake. The sword held deep significance for the town, with officials escorting it back when the Cluny Museum sought to showcase it in 2011. However, in a recent mystery, the sword has now disappeared from its perch in Rocamadour, just as Excalibur's fate remains unknown.

In people's defense the title is misleading, FRANCE'S EXCALIBUR
Truly the power of god and anime.
Every head shall bow and every tongue shall confess
Sounds like a start to an anime. Also according to the wiki it's indestructible and can slice through borders
Dumb nigger, what, it fooled you so you're mad at me for posting it?
It was always real in my timeline
diversity moment
Some shitskins probably stole it for fun and it will end up in the trash somewhere

Expect that to happen to the remainder of your history in time
I'm bumping this hoping that some anon will post the would berry meme
It's just the name not the option field guy, it adds itself automatically.
And it's the New York times. If they wrote 'Durandal gone missing!' not one mutt would understand, but everyone who speaks english heard of Excalibur
>In people's defense the title is misleading
Not really, you are just dumb as shit.

Exacly, that doesn't mean it's Excalibur. You fucking Pajeet idiot. L2English.
It didn't.
Yeah and it was probably stolen because of a treasure hunt, the holden owl. One of the riddles is related to a sword in a rock and roncevaux, the 470
>hey, that's my sword
"Caledvwlch" means "Hard One", or rather "peerlessly hard sword" since caled and vwlch both mean hard.
this is the sword durandal which was wielded by roland, a paladin of charlemagne. this was a part of french history which was stolen by the brits to create the arthur mythos.
I thought the French had Durandal, not Excalibur
Also Excalibur was not the sword in the stone, that was a separate sword that only indicated Arthur's right to kingship and had no other magical properties. Excalibur was granted to Arthur by the Lady of the Lake, who took it back after Camlann.
Ah SHIT, you can't just take the Durandal and not expect me to be mad and disappointed.
But we all know (((((((who))))))) is behind these mysterious cultural defacements.
Nah dead rabbit radio did an episode on it this is old news, apparently they even got some scientists to confirm the sword's age and yup, it was really that old. They also confirmed that yes, it was an entire sword in a stone.
Pretty sure there was a saint who was credited with it even, to become a saint you need to have some kind of miracle done and there are literally more than 10,000 saints. There are more than 10k official stories of miracles with real-life evidence like the sword that was in the stone.

Of course, this could be a different story. Didn't read and won't read the article, there could even be a few swords out there embedded in stones.
No. i think it was some french child (pierre, jean etc), a future aryan nationalist and world wide leader, took it as he is the annointed one. coming from the bowels of FRANCE where white civilization most perished under the hordes of noirs. this child will grow up and take us to the promised land. he will be our hero! a new napoleon and big AH combined!
its happening....
I never got it wrong YOU RETARD
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If France wasn't 99% black, the sword would still be there.
This reeks of immigrant behavior.
Lucky nigger must have rolled trips
You're all such niggers
"Mannnn why did you write excalibur in the article."

nigger rly
And like the rest of this hunt, it’s shit. A shit legend worth nothing.
>He was the King of Britain, but had no heir to succeed him.
Who builds dragons out of his pens? Nerds that is. Pussy repellent. Some things never change.
Fuck off and go to English class, Pajeet.
the title of the article is saying that the french version of excalibur that is durandal has vanished.
>Two swords
That seems needlessly complex
The creator of the golden owl quest is the legal heir of the French king, yes.
The royal sword was Joyeuse, sword of charlemagne.
But I doubt an exiled dude will come and save the white lineage/tree.
Marie Le Pen will be holding it at her coronation
>-Jews/Lfeftists to dececrate it due to the 'far-Right' gaining traction.

Remember when destroying and desecrating historical monuments was the first act of an arch villain after gaining power....
our border has already been sliced
If the sword had such significance why didn't the Nazis nab it during WW2? Hitler was bananas for relics
Kek, let me make it simple for you, I never called that sword Excalibur, I called it a "sword in a rock". I understand why you were confused, you're a fucking retard, but that statement didn't hide the fact that it was you who assumed I was wrong, when in fact it was some other anon who may have referred to it as Excalibur. Moron.

Go get subjugated by a Kike
Fibbity bibity
Someone's trying to monopolise it for their own use.
See 'The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail', 2nd edition of 1996.
In short: there's a group of jewish families in France who are not judaist, nor loyal to Israel.
They have been there since the time of the druids.
They pretend to be catholic and infiltrate that cult.
They claim Charles Martel (Charlemagne) had no right to be king.
They can now use it for their ceremonies.
Stealing it also undermines French identity as it is, so it can be changed.
someone willbecome a Kang of French now
French rightful King was a black man the whole time.
Took a lot of Jewish machinations to get him there from the other end of the world, but in the end, everything was all according to God's plans.
All the suffering and enrichments were for this very moment. Trust the plan.
Dual wielding.
> literally

was that even needed?
tfw you live in the Naruto, King Arthur, Indiana Jones timeline.
Third post, most accurate post.
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>That seems needlessly complex
Bruh you have not dived down the rabbit hole that is the Matters of Britain and France. Arthurian literature is a hell of a drug.
It's not Excalibur retard it's Durandal. It's hilt held relics of St. Martin and when Roland wielded it it shed 20 rays and 10. When he was dying he threw it a billion miles into the rock face of Rocadamour so the moors couldn't take it.
If that's the case then where is my fucking kitsune wife japs, Chop chop present her to me now.
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nope its devil may cry 6, after all the immigration from india, the underworld will finally open its gates and be unleashed upon humanity releasing demons and ghouls to attack humanity, the final holy war is about to commence so get ready
>Durandal and it was supposedly the sword of Roland the paladin
Even better.
Paladin's swords are usually heavily magical, like +5
>King Arthur

French people replace water by alcohol
They had much from the sky, no need to take care of it, to make it divine, nor to drink this poison

Pork and alcohol. They are the team of ganondorf, to be erase.

They culturally HATE water, the temple basis.
Every if them is satan in disguise, a betrayer to someone else. The leech nation (most resilient in murky waters).
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Arthur was a metaphor for Jesus iirc
not me
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Ambrosius Aurelianus is Merlin - Myrddin Ymrys.
Arthur really is just Arthur. He is mentioned by name in Y Goddoddin, written about 600.
He who is made of swords shall be the sensei for this thread.
It’s the sword of Gryffindor
Any good introductory books?
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They need the power of Durandal to defeat Putler's power of darkness that command necromancers to bed bugs.
Mandela Effect at play here. I used to be hard core obsessed with Arthurian legends. Never heard of this sword.
Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.
The Song of Roland

The Song of Roland translated by Dorothy L. Sayers (Penguin Classics)
Song of Roland: An Analytical Edition, Vol. I: Introduction and Commentary edited by Glyn Burgess

Durendal and Roland

Durandal by Harold Lamb
The Song of Roland by Dorothy L. Sayers (includes information on Durendal)
Paladin: Warriors of Charlemagne (RPG sourcebook that references The Song of Roland)
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The one true King took it back.
Its a fake internet
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Thanks, will check these out
The Romance of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table - abridgement of Thomas Malory's Morte d'Arthur (most of the abridgements are repetitive jousts featuring literal whos, everything significant from Malory is in there) by Alfred Pollard and illustrated by Arthur Rackham
The Great Book of King Arthur - John Matthews (includes almost all the stories Malory left out)
The Lore of Gawain - John Harris ; Sir Gawain Knight of the Goddess - John Matthews (scholarly works detailing major Arthurian legends that remain largely untranslated or else abridged in Malory's Morte)
Howard Pyle's four volume "The Story of King Arthur and His Knights" - almost impossible to acquire without searching for antiques or getting shitty e-pubs or print-on-demands from Amazon
The King Arthur Trilogy - Rosemary Sutcliffe (Prose novelization of the major Arthurian tradition for younger audiences)
Storyland - Amy Jeffs (semi-scholarly overview of all the mythological lore of Britain)
Bulfinch's Mythology - Thomas Bulfinch (includes a prose summary of the Matter of Britain, mainly a reference work for laymen)

That's just for the authentic tales, there is a heap of historical/fantasy literature regarding Arthurian myth such as Sword at Sunset by Rosemary Sutcliffe, Hawk of May by Gillian Bradshaw, The Last Legion by Valerio Massimo Manfredi, The Drawing of the Dark by Tim Powers, The Fionavar Tapestry by Guy Gavriel Kay, et cetera et cetera et cetera.
You're a brainlet [1].
who gives a shit.
All whites are bitchmade

Who gives a fuck
Erase white culture faster.
They won't mind
They haven't mind this far.
So lets go.
There's two different versions of the tale. In the Vulgate the sword in the stone is Excalibur and only later does he give it to the lady in the lake. In the Post Vulgate the sword in the stone breaks in Arthur's battle with Sir Pellinore and he receives Excalibur from the lady in the lake. In Le Morte d'Arthur which is probably the most popular Arthurian book, it's an unholy mixture of the two where the sword in the stone is Excalibur but it breaks and then he receives Excalibur from the lady in the lake.
By the way there is no reason to read a full unabridged La Morte d'Arthur, it is needlessly convoluted and tedious. The abridged version by Alfred Pollard is 800 pages; the one by Howard Pyle comes out to about 1500 pages; and both of those excised probably 50-70% of pointless, rambling, and uninteresting lists of irrelevant nobody knights, their genealogies, their heraldry, etc. It'd be like reading Leviticus or Numbers or 1 and 2 Chronicles in the Old Testament, except about ten times as long. You will not miss out on anything by reading an abridgement, except for those things that Malory missed on account of the tales being written in Italian, Dutch, Welsh, or German instead of the French and English that Malory, as a Medieval Englishman, would have known. Again, those tales are either told in full or else summarized elsewhere.
>1300 yr old world famous artifact
Totally normal. Not comms or a ritual.
Thanks for the info!
Why are you, fucking NIGGER, posting this cringe chatgpt bullSHIT?
>In Le Morte d'Arthur which is probably the most popular Arthurian book, it's an unholy mixture of the two where the sword in the stone is Excalibur but it breaks and then he receives Excalibur from the lady in the lake.
The perils of writing by comittee
Because he think roncevaux and durandal are equivalent to avalon and excalibur. He doesn’t understand that roland mimicried the legend to appear stronger
Most of the french lineage is wacky btw
Too much alcohol, that altered genes
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>king arthurs

is it on the list?
can we borrow it its returned for a little bit.
The only 2 French man worth a can of beans. Fignon and Hinault! Frens forever uWu
>the rod and the ring will strike
The spelling is "Caledfwlch", there's no "v" in Welsh.
"Fwlch" is a mutation of "bwlch" which means "gap".
Its meant to be pulled out so...
Seriously though if you haven't seen this movie you have to leave /pol/

So, you're saying that Excalibur has vanished because King Arthur died again?
v and f are the same in welsh, that's like complaining about spelling it with a u instead of a w or a th instead of dd
now I HAVE THE POWER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is no letter "v" in the Welsh language and your translation was wrong; just take the fucking L mutt.
Ferme ta gueule mohamerde tout le monde s'en fout de tes conneries d'attardé congénital
almost certainly the most kino version of Arthur put to film but historically inaccurate late-15th century armor in a 6th-century setting is CRINGE
Let’s drink daily one bottle of wine and let our brains become orcs, easier to control.

You are wrong. Sauron lied there since a long time.
that demon fox shit is terrifying lol
same with increased demon like being sightings
N’oublie pas ton petit verre de cognac ;)
Faut bien nourrir le ver que t’as bouffé dans les cerises quand tu étais petit
Angels reclaimed it, ready to give it to the next Charlemagne.
No way a nigger could climb that high, brake that chain, they couldnt even brake chains during slavery without whiteys help
Et toi n'oublie pas de fermer la porte derrière toi avant de te barrer de notre pays cloporte
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No way thing is 1300 years old. It would've rusted and crumbled in less than 300 years exposed to the elements like that. This is "foreskin of jesus" tier bullshit.
I think the town this was in has since changed the story to this being a replica of durandal since the carbon dating doesn't match.
joyeuse does date back to that era and that's pretty cool. I'd go to that faggot country to check it
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Kitsune witch broke out of her shrine last year in Japan, now Arthur takes his blade back in UK....Shit's goin' down soon...
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I could probably stab a Leatherman Wave somewhere in these rocks if you want. They are stainless so they don't rust as easy and I could coat it with something also. Most of the rock is Diorite and it's pretty hard or I could actually search for Brown Stone, that's real hard.

Harmonics, to vibrate the sword out?
>1300 years
>exposed to the elements
why are french always lying?
I just remembered I have a Victorinox multitool and that might be classier.
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It was me, just gonna use it beat up some blue retard!
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Probably stolen by the city to wipe away more white history.
Return of The Kang
It finally found the hero who would pull it out - Xir Nigsalot.
Bullshit fucking lying cunt. Shit like that just doesn't "vanish".
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>Have groceries delivered
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picrel quick sum up
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i be kang muffaga bix nood
>bed bugs
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first someone cuts the tree down, now the sword. sounds like one of those RICO apps seen in Westworld 3rd season or crew that does missions like Fight Club
It was Mordred.
This is bullshit. I would have heard of this and tried to pull it out.
It's starting to seem like a more sane way than our current system.
You are forgetting the important part. Its poisoned. The last thing it killed was a dragon thats blood made it impossible to touch.
There's going to be a curse unleashed and it has nothing to do with Japanese stones.
Man, that's depressing.
Stoolen and sold for copper
>strange women
T'was a moist bint you poofter
Some fuckin Muslim stole it. This is what they did in Egypt and the rest of north Africa after they conquered it.
Jesus is gonna rock a Katana in the millennium? Not sure what to think about that.
Me either, king arthur, the sword in the stone, watched countless fucking hours of documentaries about it and not once ever heard of this sword in france that appears to be in a wall and not a stone on the ground
Good. World is healing. All things whites built should be destroyed
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lol, i just realized why it's an anvil and a sword.
3 6 9 pantyline, give it to me give it to me 1 more time
start with your phone then zoom zoom
made me laugh
Sarah Nicole has been freed from the Venables'!
The prophecy is real!
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>the lady of the lake
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Did you know they were actually hoping to film the Lord of the Rings? And then that fell through, and they reused the armor and made it about Arthurian legend.
tfw King Arthur is a nigger.
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Someone say Lady of the Lake?
Probably Archangel Michael grabbing his blade for a little unfinished business.
this is one of my all time favorite movies
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He returned.
The Jew Slayer has returned bros.
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Where did you order of fried niggers go?
Based oldfag.
Is that the dude from iron giant
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Movies like that are a feat that are beyond the grasp of mortals nowadays. We will never live to see a shinier skullcap nor a sharper tongue.
Go back to your timeline, nigger, we're full.
too true
i am a huge fan of practical effects and stunts
It doesn’t seem like anyone really cares
I thought people would protest or riot
No way it exists
format ys
>paki is retarded and haven't heard of historic relic
>sar it sure is the Mandela- Gandhi effect from the bangoodvagida collider
mohamet was a common caravan thief you stupid paki also poo in loo
You gonna become a great king and start a war to save Christendom? A war so bloody France will be destroyed?
As was fore told by Catholic seers
It is a replica of numerous copies.

It is not the original sword
I've come to appreciate these all the more. Modern movies may have great special effects, choreography, and costume design, but the acting and writing is garbage.
LePen pulled it out shes your queen now.
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The legend grows each and everything and now King Arthur is already persecuted
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Behold, the mighty Zephyr blade.
someone is collecting the catalysts
No it wasn't.
Legend states that he was unable to break the sword so he threw it in the air where it landed in that stone. nigga you have to read, it says in the article what happened and the backstory.
stupid zigger
The stop oil trannies did it
It's not like the Fr*nch have any use for a sword or any other weapon, anyway.
Nah, there is certainly a number of surrender rituals that involved dropping or destroying or giving away a sword.
Joe Biden was there when the sword flew into the rock. He borrowed it to beat Medicade, then returned it as a good man with good morals should. Corn Pop, he didn't need the sword, that he handled with just the back of his hand. If needed Joe could always go back and borrow the sword but now that it has been stolen, I guess he will just need to use an F-16.

But yes, the French people ceased to exist after WW1, and that's a good thing.
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They will return it once they realize what a dick Excalibur is.
Martel was "The Hammer", not Charlemagne, you been havin' too much of that sniff unna.

The rest, it's just as likely it was nicked on commission by a "quirky" kike scion between lines of cocaine, spinal fluid and eight year old cunny.
The king has returned, jews better be shook.
this reminds me of that one tribe in africa that tells all the women that they went to seal the men's buttholes in a coming-of-age ritual.

but it was probably niggers.
Of to Christchurch with the sword I assume?
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Oh look, some moist bitch is about redistribute a sword again
the one in Tuscany is still there
>Charlemagne Time Coms
It's like those Ted Turner stones getting blown up. It's a signal that something is in play. A shift in plans or a go-signal on something that's been coming for a (long long) while.

Charlemagne was invented to set the calendar forward so the year 100 would happen within certain people's lifetimes. Probs means they're about to either pull a similar fiction or reset the to the og 300(?) years-off timeline so they can come back and do another swing at The Age of Aquarius/Horus once all the recalcitrant autists (who have been psychically/memetically blocking it) have died off (and no more heavy metals in infant vaxxes, so no more max-autism generations to booger their shit up).
*Year 1000
Excalibur wasn’t the sword in the stone
Bint. BINT, you fookin' knob!!!
so the person who pulled it does he get to be king instantly?
I have decided this is the answer.
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kek based souleater enjoyer
Anall nathrak, Uth'as bethud, doth del deinve'.!
Excalibur has always been real.
The meme ten plus years ago is proof: “I buried my dick so deep in her ass not even King Arthur could pull it out.”
The mummified body of a knight who fought in the crusades was a famous tourist attraction in St Michans church in Dublin. Legend had it that if you said a prayer or made a wish you would find your true love.
In June we had the European and local elections and a large amount of votes went to nationalist and anti-immigrant candidates. As you can imagine the usual suspects weren't very happy.
A few days after the election an immigrant broke into the crypt and destroyed the body of the crusader by setting it on fire.
Was it a coincidence or did someone pay him to do it?
>Kinda funny how dumb and uneducated /pol/ is nowadays.
It goes hand in hand with /pol/ becoming majority non-White. The spics who flooded in after 2016 lowered this board's intelligence by quite a bit.
Nigger stole it
he's gonna fight Tamamo no Mae
forgot image
>The time has come brothers
to eradicate all americans from the face of the earth?
Digits and it’s happening
I never get digits so I canceled the happening
Niggers and Indians bring in diseases but also parasites. Plus the whole no hygiene thing.
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Niggers, Nafris, or Pakis
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So now that you stole the sword what do you do with it?
You can't really sell it
Cut it into different pieces and sell it
You just got a really cool paper weight now
slay evil
niggers dont give enough of a shit. i doubt it was pakis, since theyre basically muslim pajeets, and pajeets lack thess kind if spiteful niggerlike traits
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It was wielded by Hibiki in the first season of Symphogear. The whole series is a whose who of European artifacts both Christian and Pagan. and the final season ends with the defeat of Shem HaMephorash. Which is just another name for the God of the jews.
Now we dont know it was an illegal migrant it could have been anyone.
why is it that americans can only think as far as how much money can you get for something?
3rd option is you’re a moron and I screwed your momma for fresh pancakes and bacon and the bitch didn’t even have maple syrup, you need to straighten that ho out son.
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Truly nothing more aesthetic than sword in ancient woodland stone
Well what the fuck you going to do with it?
You can't really show it off either
Someone can snitch later
So wtf do you with it genius from some shit irrelevant country
I think the likely reason why you've never heard of it is that it is likely total bullshit.
Durandal was a mythical sword but reference to it actually being in the town and its validity has been scant.
I wonder if there is any evidence at all that backs it up truly being there.
This seems like an odd stunt. That said if it was known it might have been taken much sooner.
it'd be funny if the thief just took it to prove the legend a joke and it being a town scam and then returned it.
Its a fucking sword what do you think. You stick it in a different rock, dumbass.
Just wait. The loch ness monster will go missing next.
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I wager niggers, jews, or both are behind this
Wild hunt soon!
First time I remember seeing titties on film.
>keeps burning down churches
Totally random, let more niggers in to France!
The detroit of Europe.
There will be nothing left.
Nafris won
France is under their boot
It fits the medieval artistic anachronism where they put medieval armors and clothing on every historical period they depicted
French hotels and BnBs are almost all infested with bed bugs due to niggers, nafris and pakis, which led to a decrease in turism since people dont want to catch bed bugs and bring them home.
Wasn't it a copy of a copy to the nth degree, since people kept stealing it?
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>Angels reclaimed it, ready to give it to the next Charlemagne

Watch and see if France does some cuck shit like officially allow the Haitian immigrant who stole it to keep the sword. They'll reference the legend and say the nigger is part of French culture or whatever
>Call it sword in the stone
>The sword isn't in the stone
Bitch ass nigger I am a nephilim and Americans have done nothing but attack me as a man of God.

You have no idea the hell that is about to be unleashed upon this earth.
I can here many year ago and warned you guys here this process had started. I’m glad you all are finally starting to understand.

The rest of America is fucked. The overwhelmingly majority of this nation has defied and challenged God. God is very real. I cannot stress enough how foolish of an endeavor they are partaking in. Good luck, you guys are going to need it.

If it’s a divine weapon it’s possible. These arch angels are working with technology that looks like science fiction shit.

Wait until you see the blue plasma and orbs and get back with me
The chosen one...
He will save us from the Jews
Hasn't it been just about a year since they unearthed that giant sword in Japan and the Kitsune rock was split? Weird shit is going on with myths and legends
Then you don't belong in my timeline .
The sword goes THROUGH the anvil, because it's stuck in the stone part. Eyyup someone forged this anvil around that sword. Just Coz.
Fat American too retarded to know what a Norman is
Looks like another bullshit "relic" some faggot townie made up back in the day to draw medieval pilgrims to town for all the tourist bucks, like how every bumfuck church and Jesus' big toe bone. Yawn.
Never heard of it.
NE*RO did this
What Eldenring lore does to mfs
Ohhhh Carlos!
Actual Medieval History scholar here. That sword was a local fake anyways.

The REAL Durendal was taken from Roland by Bernardo del Carpio, Knight of Asturias, who was buried with it. When Carlos I (Charles V) became Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain, the first thing he did upon arriving on Spain was to go the tomb of Bernardo del Carpio and take Durendal. The sword is in the Archive of the Spanish Army, amongst other famous swords like El Cid's "Tizona" and Fernando III's "Lobera".
>Archive of the Spanish Army
Is that place run by Jews, as are all of Western museums and libraries? I ask because they take the real items, forge them, and then put the fake ones back. If any artifacts go against their Marxist narrative, they "lose" them by destroying them, a good example would be pictures and testimonies of North American black slaves saying goof things about their life or their owners.
Angel may have pulled it if it’s legit. If so we may have an answer very soon.
was waiting on this one..lol
I wonder if they ever got together.
There was a reddit post a month ago about it

Some faggot redditor took it
This is the most likely explanation or crackhead or niggers. Knowing how god is niggers probally stole it
Clearly a Bharati
Nice Jewaboo fantasy
it's not Excalibur, it's the "French Excalibur" Durendal
You start a holy war!

An interesting theory, and not unbelievable by any stretch of the imagination.
Imagine the level of hubris -- and downright chutzpa -- to think one can outsmart and out-lawyer Heaven/God, and these are the people (for lack of a better term) pulling the strings of power.
The world truly is in dire peril.
>muh millenia spanning plan
Humans don't really think like that, even the elite that you think are that far beyond everyone.
The Knights of Christ have risen.
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its joever, who did it will trash it to avoid jail. this is so clown world I cant even... a whole place destroyed for nothing.
Not Nessy! Those monsters!
The story isn't important. The symbols are.

Egyptian God Thoth
>I'm a proud atheist who believes in nothing mystical, btw quantum entanglement is totally real
Oh it's that hard hard, thanks nigga now I get it
They're calling the person a thief, but only a true hero could scale 100' sheer cliff face and pull out a magical sword from the stone. These people don't even honor their own tradition.
round table is the heavens much like the disciples were the constellations. sun worship was universal after the massive planets worshipped until then moved to become tiny wandering stars.
Pen means head in welsh,
He got the name pendragon or pendraig in welsh from a comet that flew over a battle between him and the saxons, which he later won and so his men named him the dragons head after this event.
Never been much one for luck. Unless it were bad. Faith is all I need friend.
>find on page
>1 result
You people are niggers.
i am going to get a macaw, i forgot how badass they look when they blush. that fucker looks like its ready to do some biting.
nope it's gears of war when all the locusts come out of some underground shithole
Imagine being so thoroughly domesticated tjat you buy into CERN turbofaggot-gaslighting -- believing your owners to be in control of time itself. Just do a flip already.
It's not a plan retard it's a religion for aristocracts.
one of the reasons we love it so much is the soundtrack. the wagner is timeless and used to perfection in this film. its one of those movies that translates well to younger generations, it is one of my kids favorite movies.
The American king author story as written mid century is an aborted attempt at esoteric gnosticism. It should make sense that everything is false within.
Wtf no
Merlin put ezcalibur inside stone with a gay ass spell because england at the time was without a suitable heir to the throne
Not to mention they make the unknown knight a cuck.
Proof of it being done by blacks? And who cares about some piece of iron, this was a shit legend anyway
French people also steal!
>merlin running the show
>merlin puts sword in anvil
>who ever pulls sword from the "stone" is king
>proceeds to teach the king that he should become a goose
>also murder 1/10000 subjects because he is a malthusian jew

Yea... don't listen to that story, original story at least has fun shit like the green knight and round tables.
>having your groceries delivered

go to the store and get some exercise you fat fuck lard ass
given the swords history i guarantee you its in some pakis collection now
Don’t worry anon. I’m from the same timeline. Literally have never herd of this and I’m a huge Arthurian legend and medieval reinactor
You can sell it to private collectors
Don’t blame you one bit
>I've never heard of this sword before.
That's because you were too busy watching Le Mandingo Effect documentaries.
TBF the Aurthurian romances are mostly French.

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