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>EPA recommendations include keeping your thermostat at 78º when you’re at home during the day, 82º at night, and 85º when you’re away during the warm months
Utility companies already planning to raise prices to combat this behavior.
No u.
I must be comfy.
Many must suffer so I may be comfy.
Simple as.
lol no
My house will be 68 you will build me nuclear plants to support it

Nigger behavior. No care for the future.
>No care for the future.
Believing you have one.
mine is at 65 degrees 24/7
72 is fucking freezing, who actually does this other than geezers?
The trick is to set it at 58 and put on a sweatshirt.
Build the nuclear power Goldberg
Or just build underground so you don't even need ac.
geothermal cooling works to
82 at night is not survivable and will even cause your home to rot
Release Tesla's free energy technology and there won't be any problems
This isn't the future I was promised.

LOL 82 DEGREES AT NIGHT FUCK NO. anything above 71 for the thermostat is way too hot. Even in winter.
Ooga booga I don't give a shit. I live in Texas and it's hot.
>geothermal cooling
>hot cooling
I prefer what this anon says, minus the sweater
60 chad here
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fuck the future

jews already destroyed it, what is me making it a little worse?
>82 at night
Nigger fuck you im not a lizard
My thermostat is at 68. Fuck spiritual eurofags and their hatred of things that give sane human beings comfort and joy.
what thebpoint of ac at that point. just get a desk fan
Fuck off. I’m blasting it. It’s gonna be like 110 this weekend.
>The shallow ground, or the upper 10 feet of the earth, maintains a temperature between 50 and 60°F (10-16°C).
Kek climate queer
I will keep it at 69.
Yeah, no. It stays at 66-67 at all times in the summer. Can’t abide heat because I’m not a nigger
66-67 optimal temp. 62-64 if it’s hot out.
What’s the problem with Nuclear Power anyways? I get the chance of meltdowns but hasn’t the technology progressed enough to the point it’s a negligible risk?
Kept it on 79 when kids were teens. On cooler nights fan in the window. It's so hotttt. Go lay on the porch. Now they have their AC in their own homes down in the 60s have huge electric bills, mold, and a couple of total system replacements over the years. Mine is still on 79.
> Utility companies already planning to raise prices to combat this behavior.
At some point people will just start stealing electricity. Some people might even build their own diy power plants and use old tires as fuel.
what's this logic? make it hotter in your house to stay cool? wtf
My house is 62 degrees year round.
The real answer is the oil&gas lobby and also russian lobby before sanctions
They never build anything to keep it from flooding. Just do that. No flood no melt. Shoot the waste into space. Hell shoot garbage into space. Get innovative.
>To many people, sleeping in 82º heat is simply outrageous. (Not to mention terrible for your sleep, according to experts.)
even they admit how stupid their proposal is
Anything above 67 year round and you’re not white
>woah 6%!
Anyway, I have mine at 69. Fuck off.
Fossil fuel jews won’t allow it
>82F at night
>The best room temperature for sleep is approximately 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18.3 degrees Celsius). This may vary by a few degrees from person to person, but most doctors recommend keeping the thermostat set between 65 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit (15.6 to 20 degrees Celsius) for the most comfortable sleep.
I'm about to sleep at 20C with blankets on, maximum comfy. Anything more than 24C and the body needs to do active cooling and it's harder to sleep well.
72 is weak
My house stays 69F day and night.
72 can get too cold. I do a lot of work outside in the East Texas sun and come back in the house and if it’s below 74 it’s too cold for me.
Every government office I've ever been forced into was always really cold.
I love how these dumb niggerfaggots need an expert to weigh in on literally everything because they literally cannot think for themselves. I know sleeping in 80-degree heat is shit because I lived in a college dorm without AC, I don’t need to be an expert
Fuck your future.
Anyone else like me check into hotel turn ac as low as it goes. Open the windows?
This. Suck my dick and build more nuclear, otherwise shut the fuck up.
Pro tip: My 3 ceiling fans and 1 ground fan use 1/5th the energy of the AC and they keep it just as cool, albeit it's noiser but I am autismo so it helps me zen and sleep.
i will laugh at the grid going down while poorfags die of heatstroke while me and mine are sittin in a nice and cool 60 degree home with gennys runnin on natural gas get fucked imagine not having a 1000 gal propane tank always filled for emergencies non preppers are fucking stupids
70 when I'm at home, 73 when I leave if I remember to change it
I usually keep mine on 75 year round. I live in Florida btw.
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Simple as. Fuck them and their satanic compulsion for everyone to be goddamn miserable and endure constant humiliation rituals.
White but just likes it a degree higher










Southern white boomer




>they literally cannot think for themselves
Less cannot, more will not.
The NPC is ignorant, not due to ability, but due to fear.
An "expert's opinion" allows the NPC to punt responsibility and absolve themselves when confronted about their opinion.
Fucking right?! I can tolerate 75, sure, but nothing above 71 when I'm going to sleep. I wish I could go to sleep with it a little higher, I've tried and I can't.
I keep mine at 70 fuck you niggers.
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.
>What's the matter, poorfag?
>Is your AC unit not digitally programmable nor compatible with digital programming and/or wiring?
>No AC for you!
The most catastrophic meltdowns of the 20th Century came from nuclear facilities with ancient midcentury standards.

The state of the art has advanced tremendously over the past 70 years and many jurisdictions have embraced such without issue, but most Americans have been psyopped into rejecting it for generations. Oil lobby, hippies (CIA), etc. pushing fear. There's also a metric fuckton of red tape as a result.
Future for whom?
Kek, what a woman. I work outside in thr southwest and it hits 110°. Fuck that 82° at night, though.
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I don't have kids and women don't want to date me so no, I don't care about the future. Or even the present. If you wanted me to care you should have made a society where I could get a wife and have kids.
I do this anyway just to adapt myself to the heat, makes sleeping outdoors easier in the summer months
72???? nigger what???? i can't sleep if its warmer than 65
I keep mine at 79, but I'm in the South so that's a comfortable temp.
>muh future
show me one person who gave a shit about my future
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during winter - 60 F

during summer - I use fans

not being a pussy is very economical and eco friendly. if you're cold, put on more clothes. if you're hot, put a fan on you and the sweat will do the rest
>using fagrenheit
>reddit spacing
>mass replying
>phone posting
You're probably obese anon, that's why you always feel hot and sweaty.
I'll run that AC until the grid collapses and normies beg for nuclear.
northfags overheat at 80F

southfags freeze to death at 50F
I just set it to whatever keeps the humidity at bay.
69 and lower is absolute woman behavior
I work my ass off nonstop, I will be confy.
EPA is gay.
We have cheap nuclear here so I'm ok.
Literally nothing.
It's a steam turbine that uses less resources that has people like
Scared absolutely shitless because they're too stupid to know how it works.
The only two meltdowns to ever exist (and I do mean EVER) happened from Soviet-tier negligence over multiple (MULTIPLE) weeks with an absolute shitload of scientists bringing up warnings and getting told to go fuck themselves because someone wanted to retire with honors. The other took not one, but TWO black swan tier natural disasters and was cleaned up in literally less than a year because four scientists basically sacrificed themselves and you don't even know their names (same with the Russian officer who didn't launch missiles back in the cold war and basically saved the world by doing so).

If people weren't so stupid, they'd know that only Uranium reactors actually meltdown. There are so many plans for non-uranium nuclear power but the government won't hear it because you can't get fucking YELLOW CAKE from it.

God I hate people like you.
Fucking kill yourself so the national IQ raises a few fucking points you absolute glue-huffing piece of shit.
for heat or cooling? Very different things. Women generally prefer higher temps than men because they produce less heat
they can FOAD My T stat is NEVER set above 74
This is incorrect. 50F is fine in the South, but it takes a few weeks for the bodies to acclimate at a minimum. It takes longer to acclimate to warmer temps.
73 during the day
67 at bedtime

Fuck you
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Pray to gawd you don't drop that shit
Maybe, but you get all bundled up for 50. In the north you see people, even kids, outside in summer clothing playing when it's 40, as long as it's sunny and not windy
Let’s be honest here. AC use has be stable for a couple decades. Something other things have been added to the grid recently that have increased demand. And I’m not cutting back just so those jerks can get cheaper jiggawats
AC is set anywhere from 18c to 23c
64 to 73 for you yanks.
>chilly boy
Should be the other way around you need less cooling at night not more. Are you exercising in your sleep or something?
there's nothing like sleeping in the cold with a warm blanket. sleeping in the heat fucking sucks
If someone who says this hasn’t experienced a summer in Florida then you can go fuck themselves
Once my body acclimates, 50F is just a light jacket and thin pants. You can't do the same when that humidity hits 100% and the temp is like 98F though.

Fahrenheit is superior to Celsius and has higher resolution, it's the only exception to metric. Celsius is just shit.
You know I actually kinda agree with you and believe global warming.
Not because of some imaginary pollution but because of conservation of energy. Sure we have pollutants like excess CO2 which decrease IQ by as much as 10 points in urban areas.
We take things that contain a bunch of energy and release that energy into a power grid and use it in various ways.
It's not about gasses but the simple fact that turning a nuclear fuel rod into electricity is going to lose a bunch of energy as atmospheric heat.
We're pumping more energy into a system than entropy can account for so temperature will inevitably increase.
The real question is the rate of atmospheric loss into space and how much temperature affects that.
There is some critical point where temperature causes atmosphere to leave orbit rapidly and another critical point where atmospheric concentration becomes too thin to support intelligent life due to thinning atmosphere.
Think of it like putting energy into a very large pot of water that has nowhere else to put that water.
I sleep way better in the cold, I’d rather let it be 105 when I’m awake than 83 when I’m trying to sleep
Nuclear fusion energy could have solved our energy crisis. But we can't have the goyim having cheap energy.
I keep mine at 74. I don't like to be chilly.
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>Fahrenheit is superior to Celsius and has higher resolution,
21.1C is a valid temperature.
Yellowcake is depleted uranium, fuckboy.
Fuck Florida, man. I visited there once, during the winter, and it was still too fucking hot. I tried to cool off with a cold shower, and the full blast cold water was still fucking lukewarm. Hellish.

>You can't do the same when that humidity hits 100% and the temp is like 98F though
Yeah, fair enough. Having lived in both climates, I prefer weather that freezes my eyes shut over weather where there's nothing you can do to cool off besides an icebath. If you're cold, you can always find shelter or put on more clothing, get near a fire, out of the wind, whatever there's always something you can do. But when you're hot and the shade and the water doesn't help, you're just fucked.
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68F always.
>nowhere else to put that water
nowhere else to put that energy.* So the only alternative is ejection into space.
Warm on winter and cool on summer
I actually did this recently and am saving over 150 per month on my electric bill now.
I put my AC down to 74 at night, but during the day it's on 78 and I don't even notice it anymore. If I get a little hot I just run a fan next to me and it feels fine. It also helps to have ceiling fans running to circulate the air in the house while the AC isn't running.
i live in the south, in Louisiana so I'm no stranger to heat / humidity and honestly I can't believe it took me so long to do this. I used to sleep at 68 and when I turn it down that low now it just feels freezing to me and I turn it back up.
>keeping your thermostat at 78º
77f is considered a heatwave in the UK.
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yeah nah ill be keeping my ac on 68 LOL

dont like it? build more nuclear power plants
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You know CO2 vs heating effect is a logistic function right? If people weren't total fucking ignorant morons and retards, that's all I would have to say and that would be the end of the climate change bullshit instantly.
so the grid that is so lousy asto make shit like this nevessary is the same grid that will support EVs charging left and right?
holy shit. do you live directly on the equator or something?
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>has higher resolution
...are you actually retarded or did education fail you this badly?
cali heat wave
Its all reverse psychology. The elite want you to cause coal to be burnt and thus carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere. This will lead to a completely tropical planet.
You can keep it on minus 40 as it will never reach it with that outside heat and US. cardboard walls.
Tradeoffs. Spring and Fall in FL is pretty based. I do a lot of fishing, there's nothing like when you're on the water in fall when the temp drops, but you still get warm breeze off the water. I love that shit. Summer is a bitch. Jan + Feb usually bitches too.
In Celsius, freezing is 0 and boiling is 100. So there are 100 degrees of difference between freezing and boiling.

In Fahrenheit, freezing is 32 and boiling is 212, so there are 180 degrees of difference between freezing and boiling, almost twice that of Celsius.
Ooooooo a whole 6%
Even if I couldn't afford to be comfortable inside my own home (which I can) that's not enough money to matter.
Explosives are made kut of sulfur. Sulfur comes from oil. Psy op the niggee masses into using EVs and then youre ready for war with china
>doesn't know the Fahrenheit interval is smaller than relative C
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Have you seriously not figured out he who controls energy controls everything. The climate agenda is a trick
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>meanwhile at walmart
>they set it at 60
>then gets paid by the government to do so
Yeah, no. Deport all the illegals and suddenly there's ample supply AND a better economy.
How about you inhale my balls and I will continue to keep my home comfortable.
>85F at night
Yeah right. Get a fucking grip you satanic freak. That is so fucking hot that it might actually mean I never sleep again.
>82 during the day
What is this? Was it written by a reptile or something? These are not temperatures that a human can live in constantly.
Mine is comfy right now at 70 but I think im gonna set it to 69 as well as leave the windows open just to spite this shit.
nest is a google company
i called support one time to help with an uncalibrated temp sensor. and was greeted by an unhelpful israeli who just told me to system reset it(despite this being my first action)
i told him to go fuck himself, and the nest was remotely disabled

since that day, i have never doubted how petty the jew is, or just how much control they wish to seek over your life, they have remote control over your e-thermostat
i also will never use jewish-IT products after that experience, and my homes will never use nest
74° day and night.
90° when I'm out of town.
Ithink you might be fat
CO2 is irrelevant. You're dumping energy into a more or less closed system.
We evolved sleeping in caves, pretty sure you're wrong
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>Noooo! You must do your part and suffer for the good of the planet.
Meanwhile, every year rich have have a Suck each other off fest in the name of the climate change and throw an avg joe's lifetimes of pollution in the air from all the private planes, boats and powers needed to serve them. No way fag, ain't giving up shit. But I'm sure someone is working on something to make it mandatory.
Only two types of people set their AC that low
1. Dysgenic unhealthy subhumans with high blood pressure
2. Incel rejects who spend all day indoors so they never acclimate to the summer heat
There are zero exceptions to this rule
My A/C isn't outputting cold air after a power outage this morning and I feel like death at 76 degrees. I want to fucking die. I can't understand how darkies handle more than this comfortably.
That does sound pretty cozy. It's the rest of it that I couldn't deal with. However I don't think you'd like the opposite, where it stays below freezing temperature for months straight, or even below zero for weeks.
I monitor CO2. I grow plants so I supplement to 1200 ppm. The atmospheric bounces between 300-315 ppm. The planet needs MORE not less CO2. However if you want to kill everything and everyone depleting CO2 would definitely do it.
You would be sorely mistaken. I'm 6ft tall and weigh 155lbs. You really couldn't have picked a worse physical property to assume on. I am a lanky streak of piss that often gets mistaken for a hat stand.
Back in /b/ days it was called 'ottermode' and it was supposed to be a temporary thing but I'm almost 32 now and have always been a bean pole. And I eat 3000 calories of amazing homemade wife food every day. Just skinny.
Not even remotely a closed system in terms of energy. They teach you this in physics, Earth is relatively closed for matter, but considered open system for energy.
reddit word, go back
Shut up faggot
Croney capitalists can't benefit from national policy supporting it as disproportionately as they can from oil and "renewable" boondoggles. Boomers and Gen X whining about "MUH TMI" and Millennials gargling whatever news entertainment tells them makes it dead from grassroots.
But I'm rich and jewish. What are the rules for me?
You definitely fall under the #2 category. Go make some friends
Okay, where does the energy go that isn't lost to entropy?
I don't mind temps in the 40s/50s. Lower than that I don't have much experience with. I mean we get some days in 30s, sometimes even drops below freezing for a few hours, but never any length of time to evaluate how much a body can acclimate. It'd be interesting to find out one day if I can acclimate to lower temps, maybe in nuclear winter.
>setting your thermostat close to its highest setting
>can't actually go much higher than 80 because of safety regulations for the manufacturers
>almost the highest legal temperature for an unmodified thermostat
And you say that's low? What shade of midnight black are you?
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Fuck no!

I am pissed I can't cool the room to my compfy 55!
fuck off back to redddit homo
global warming is real but the human contribution to it is vastly overstated, mostly as a red herring to distract from the many other ways we are destroying our environments. The Earth has always gone through periods of warming and cooling, long before we started with industrialization, before we even existed. We'll survive this time just like we always have, the temperature is not a big deal.

the whole thing is to distract from the real problems that we are causing. For starters, people today can't even imagine being able to drink from a river or creek, and that's fucked up.
Go run from lions while you’re naked in the African heat like your ancestors did you dumb nigger
>Shitskin DYEL faggots sleeping at 82°F
The EPA can Chevron my dick in the their mouth
Mine is at 63, what now?
You should try it sometime. Walking down frozen rivers, or across frozen lakes, and being able to see through it is really cool.
hey nigger come to the mojave, let's see how well you acclimatize when you drop dead as the sun hits its zenith during summer
not even nature itself can do it out here

you might actually die come noon
It’s gonna be 116 on Friday I’m setting my ac to 60 because it’s the lowest it goes. Fuck your hot weather
I keep my AC at 71 and use a thick comforter and a fan at night for maximum comfy. Also I leave a window open and the heater on in the winter because I like the fresh air.
They want more heart attacks! Literally that's what's it all about.

They want people dying.
Heat and cold kills people, especially the elderly.
They want hot homes in the summer and tell you to keep it cool in the winter and throw on a sweater, it literally is so you die.
They can suck a dick. 66 at night (with a cooling blanket), 72 during the day. Dallas and I still don't give a fuck since I make bank.
Lol, same! :D
So you find out your underlying assumption is completely wrong, like literally polar opposite of what's actually true, and now you want me to teach you system dynamics. You know you can pirate like every physics related book on the planet right?
Stfu and contribute to my comfort!
Good point. Very good point indeed.
Every time I see some cuck in a tesla, I hope that their 'car' erupts into a blazing lithium fire as the SmartLock system prevents the occupant from escaping.
I wouldn't even piss on one if they were on fire. I hate those cuck karts and the trannies that sit in them.
I also love to imagine them getting stuck deep in the hood at night and having to ask around for a 'charging station' lol
If you sleep with your thermostat over 69 degrees you are not white
>I didn't invalidate your assumption but I'll pretend I did
Okay retard.
Climate queer!
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fucking kikes are literally trying to tell me what to do with the air in my own home now
>check what's 78 fafnirhait
>it's almost 26 degrees celsius
I walk around naked at those temps 23 is bare minimum for comfort
That's hilarious that you somehow think I should care how ignorant you remain about the world, lmao
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I do not own an AC, I live in California, and I enjoy suffering. Sweat releases toxins broooooo
Isn't the burden of proof on the accuser? The accuser in this case, being the person who is challenging well established Newtonian physics.
I am all ears to be honest but you can't tell someone they have been taught a lie and then not even point them in the right direction. It's just not very convincing otherwise.
>21.1 C
>70 F
Celsius requires two extra characters to write and takes longer to say.
Fahrenheit thermometers can be calibrated using body temp and ice water. Checkmake, celsius fags.
>I live in California, and I enjoy suffering
So that's why they're so retarded.
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because tesla fags literally want to outlaw my way of life. They’re control freaks, and they disguise it with virtue signaling.
I can't sleep if its over 72 and over 70 is hard enough.

At 72 i sleep with he sheet just covering m y dick and balls at that point.
Was that meant for them? Because earth is literally considered an open system for energy.
I cannot function if it's not 68 or below. My gd mom has injun genetics and constantly jo0s my thermostat to 69-74 and I can tell within 60 sec when it changes. Tha ventilation in my place must suck because I literally become like Floyd and begin to choke on thicc air.

I basically can't move or think if it's above 68.
>I can't explain how freeing 25k terrawatts a year from terrestrial and extra terrestrial sources into the atmosphere doesn't raise temperatures at all.
Okay retard.
72°F is now too cold? That's what I keep my house at in the summer when I'm trying to save money, and even then my electricity bill isn't that bad when I have it set to 70°F during the day. I MIGHT set it to 75°F when I'm gonna be gone, MAYBE 78°F if I'm going to be gone for over a day. Most of the time it's just 70°F in the day, and 69°F when I'm sleeping. My thermostat has never displayed into the 80s except when my furnace fan broke for a day 2 years ago.
It has been scientifically proven that around 72F or slightly lower is the optimal temp for brain function. People’s IQs literally drop when the room temp is 78F. This is why corporate offices are freezing, and why Europoors without AC can’t compete with Americans, despite similar genetics.
I don’t have AC and haven’t since I moved out of my parents house. Never felt the need even during a heat wave. While everyone bitches about the heat I’m fine because I don’t get shocked when I go from cold dry indoor air to natural air. I develop a tolerance and I believe it is better to experience temperature fluctuations and seasonality. Same reason why I swim in a freezing cold ocean.
>82ºF at night
>27.7C at night
>just fucking die of heatstroke when your trying to sleep bro
Get fucked EPA my AC runs all summer because the best sleeping temperature is -5C to +5C ambient room temp while sleeping under a thick duvet
I'm gonna set it to 70 whens its 110 next week. What are you going to do about it you spandex wearing homo?
You don't belong here warmnig
generally speaking, men prefer 68F and women prefer 72F
floridafag here.
77 in the day
74 at night
82 at night? what the fuck are they thinking?
the syangogue of satan must die.
im not sleeping warm so fucking jews can make AI fag video and AI fag text
Brilliant work
You might just need a better furnace filter or a completely separate air filter box in your room. That or get your house checked for mold. There's no reason that it getting slightly hotter should make you choke in anyway. It sounds like you have a bunch of shit in the air and the constant air movement from AC running is helping to mask the issue.
your smart themostat will be adjusted remotely, and your response will be recorded by your doorbell camera and your household security cameras and uploaded to youtube and tiktok, making fun of your response
Same. We bought a HVAC that is twice the size recommended for our home because they don't freeze up like the smaller ones.
I like my home to be 18°C (65°F). 72 is too hot; that's as hot as what I want it to be outside in summer.
>im not sleeping warm
Seriously tho
Who the fuck sleeps with it set warmer than they have it set during the day? You're under blankets and shit at night, and it's easier for an AC unit to cool a house down at night when the sun isn't beating down your house. Keeping your house cooler during the day than you do at night would not only be the opposite of what people want, it would use MORE electricity.
72 degrees is king
Fucking tell me about it.
t. bong in Nevada
Who the fuck has aircon here?
Fuck salty ass tranny jannies that fuck their dogs, deleting the pet thread. It was 99% cats and they couldn't handle it.
Why? Why what? If it's 'why do you hate teslas', the answer is that they're hideous, a leftist psyop, a scam, and once again they're ugly. They look like a 'car' that's designed specifically for geriatrics or disabled people. They look like they were designed with incontinence in mind. This makes sense considering they're made with incompetence in mind too. Old/incompetent/incontinent.
They are the vehicle equivalent of one of those loud mugging alarms that grannies buy from shopping channels, or one of those infirm toilet seats that rises up about 8 inches from the regular seat.
It's the 'car' equivalent to having large sturdy bars next to your toilet, and a stairlift chair going up to the second floor.
That's just how they physically look. They honestly turn my stomach. They make the Pontiac Aztec look good.
Next is how they're a scam, which is fine on the individual level (I love seeing fags in teslas and thinking about how their battery will cost like $80k to replace).
They're a scam on the macron level though for obvious reasons which I won't go into here because I am sure you're already aware.
I hate how 'electric vehicles' are being pushed on people because I know that comes from the WEF and I want to murder and mutilate Klaus Schwab and all wef acolytes.
They exist because in a few years, according to their plan, nobody will be able to drive because these shitboxes will be the only legal thing, and there's not even 1/5th of the lithium required to replace every current car.
It's a scam. The fags that buy them are like sheep to a slaughter but I'm happy about that part. What I'm not happy about is how fucking outrageously ugly they are and how leftist trannies love them, despite them being an ecological disaster.
Fuck tesla and all of elons other tranny companies. How dare he use the name of Tesla for his junk? Tesla would fucking spit on him and his stupid fake cuck kart.
So yeah basically if you 'drive' a tesla then you deserve death.
Dont you have to be producing grain for king arthur in brita nnia?
Offices do. You've got to constantly fight all the fucking admin women to stop them setting it 2 deg too high.
Hahaha. No.
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lol, mines at 68 .. my girl creatures complains, but it also just makes her shove her butt into me harder at night ;D

non meme answer
the initial setup costs are much higher
therefore it takes much longer to be profitable.
alternatives are also incentivized by government.
so its just a money thing (jews)
If I was that flour wouldn't be so shit. Fucking useless for a Victoria sponge.
kinda emotional there, pal. Personally I think it would be cool to have a vehicle with both a diesel engine and an electric engine. you'd have all kinda of ways to keep it moving
based beyond comprehension
75F is about 25Celsius, that is pretty reasonable temperature, during the summer i have even 28Celsius inside (82F) and it is fine.

Americans should learn how to live better, wasting resources on electricity does not help anyone. I would ban all AC in america, you dont need it, just build your home so it does not heat up so much.
>getting a "Smart" thermostat
Alright there mate I'm a Britbong in the Midwest and the heat made me sluggish and damp today.
72??? Who keeps it that hot in the house???
I never let it go above 70.
It gets hotter in America than anywhere in Europe, including Spain and Italy
Local host everything once it's mandated to become 'smart'. There are always ways around this shit but it takes extra effort.
it also gets colder than anywhere in Europe, btw
>Southern white boomer
LOL ... I love how you picked this one up. My Dad would throw a fit if I turned it down to 72, would keep it at 77-78 year round.
>and 85º when you’re away during the warm months
Do Americans really leave the ac on when they're not in the house? What a tremendous waste of both money and energy.
I've reconditioned 2 mercury stats so far, they can pry the thing that just fucking works from my cold dead hands. I've had it up to here with styrofoam houses and wonky sockets.

Forecast 120 here next week, fml.
I've honestly never noticed wamen wanting it warm like a lot of posters keep bringing up. My mom (southern euro decent), 2 sisters (half southern euron decent), and my GF (eastern euro decent) all like their homes frosty as fuck (67-69°F).
Not really. I do this and my electricity bill is like $30/mo in the summer. It's fucking horrible coming home to a home that's roasting and it takes ages to cool and it's noisy.
It scares single mothers.
You have to, the entire thing is designed with air conditioning in mind. It's kind of like leaving the heating on low so your pipes don't freeze, but instead of being due to physics it's due to houses being designed by kikes and built by spics.
I forget that electricity is dirt cheap over there. I'm Aussie and we get raped on it, it's 400 a quarter for me without running ac.
Fucking hell lad how are you getting on the? I was in Vegas a few years ago and it got to 109 and that was something else. Still not quite as uncomfortable as some days here though or even a really horrible day in a saaarf British summer. (The worst heat I ever felt was surprisingly in London when I went to get my visa. The humidity was ungodly. I wore a suit and once I saw how sweaty I was, I had to keep the jacket on, which made it worse. I was sweating like a pedo in a playground by the time I got to the embassy. Good times.)
Other ungodly heat I've experienced has been in Kentucky and Tennessee. It's fucked everywhere basically
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Also America holds the world record for the biggest temperature change in a single day

enjoy the triple (you), friend
>Leave home
>Turn off AC before I go to be the goodest goy
>Comeback to 100°F home
>Dog is dead from heat stroke
>Electronics are all over heated
>Turn back on AC
>Finally down to 87°F an hour later
>AC unit breakdown from overstressing everyday
Yeah lol it's dirt cheap here but only to me. Everyone else says it's outrageous, however I come from England, and I'm sure you know how fucked utilities are there. It does seem wasteful to leave it on, but the cost is so low and the difference it makes is worth it to me. We pay next to nothing in the winter either because unfortunately we are on the top floor.
Wolseley pattern helmet and aussie dress code, unironically.
That shit works and for bonus points puts the fear of God Almighty into local wogs.
Nice. I have been wanting to get me a pith helmet for a while. What's the Aussie dress code though?
Couldn't give less of a shit about the environment or whatever but I just leave mine on 80 because it dries the shit out of my throat otherwise.
This is why I have solar on my house. I don't pay for my 68 degree thermostat.
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Shorts everywhere m8.
>stop setting it at 72
mines at 64 this summer


>what is a dezimalstelle
based retard. celcius has an infinite solution between freeze and boil. burgereinheit enjoy your "180 degree difference" that is not a comfy and based 10 to the power increment
Oh fuckin sick m8 I can get down with some business shorts for sure. I think I follow Aussie dress code anyway without knowing it. I also rock the backwards baseball cap to blend in here.
67f is the ideal temperature for indoors
we can do decimals too, yknow. but we don't have to because our system is better suited for humans. yours is better suited for science. and yet...all innovations come from America since 1822
Women are the problem yet again
They have been raising prices. It is called peak-hours where they charge more per kW. These peak-hours are typically between 1-6pm where demand for AC is higher.
But these tstat recommendations are pretty crazy. Most people have it at 75. Guys can save lots of money since they can easily deal with the AC at 78 and 80 when at work.
But it is once again the women that are the problem. They gave the ac so low complaining aboht the heat whenever it is above 76. And they have it on 24/7 even while away at work. Women are putting to much of a demand on our electrical infrastructure.
What is coal and oil made out of again? Where did the chemistry to make that come from? How long does it take for crust material to recycle? How many hundreds of millions of years has coal been forming? This is all so stupid. Meanwhile your race and ethnicity are being exterminated.
Dangerously based
energy lobby and dumb hippies don't like it
inches uses fractions. which is more based. how can you do your decimal points by hand. not as good as divisions. which are human based
Oh look, a sophisticated European!
They're now making recommendations on the fact most of America will be shitskins and niggers from places that don't have electricity let alone AC.
Rule #1: Face the wall.
Baseball cap doesn't do shit about your ears and neck burning, it just covers a bald spot due to shitty mutt genetics. Out of summer I'll wear a wide brim panama because that fucking sun is still up there. Push it back a bit and it doesn't even interfere with a scope, only down side is hat stands are unknown technology here.
>to combat this behavior.
I love how literally greedy price-gouging corporations are recasting themselves as loving nannies
You suck at reading comprehension, retard. The guy you're so pissed at agrees with you. He isn't "scared shitless" he is correctly pointing out that the only two catastrophic meltdowns happened at old style facilities and that newer reactors are much safer. Which is true. Modern reactors basically can't melt down, in the event of a total systems failure the reaction will wind down on its own rather than run out of control. Negligence or black swan events aside, it would be impossible to even intentionally recreate the conditions of past nuclear meltdowns at modern plants because of differences in their designs.

You seem to be thinking that >>473016323 is arguing against nuclear power and calling it dangerous when he's doing the opposite.
Tried this once and it absolutely did not save me 20% or whatever these electric jews claim it does, house was hot as fuck TKD
Because the point is to make you suffer. To make you uncomfortable. Because they hate you.
--and also-- a single degree over 74, and i want to kill and overthrow all of society so i highly recommend you shut your fucking mouth about what i do with my a/c.
Mines at 69
>all innovations come from america since 1822
like your von braun space program? :^)
I literally just spent thousands of dollars on mini splits to supplement my central air so that I have more zones in my house instead of relying on just one thermostat.
I will set all of them to whatever I damn well please.
The thing is AC is cooling the air inside your house. If it's cool to begin with, it's not working as hard to maintain that. Up to a point, of course. A few degrees makes fuck all difference. Burying your ground floor/having thick walls/double skin roof makes a massive one.
22 degres celcius is warm. My house is usually 16 lol.
yeah, and a bunch of other stuff like that. sorry about stealing all your top guys, Hans. would've been better if you fellas won
>Was it written by a reptile or something?
Yeah, this. This shit is the written equivalent of walking in on the author with his jaw distended swallowing whole ass fat rat, and then having him tell you to try it yourself with no irony. David Icke was right, the lizard people are among us.
>posting this
You know that 90% of the heat that goes into something does so through the windows?
Cover windows in a UV reflective coating and you'll see massive reductions in the energy needed to cool homes and cars.
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77 during the day, 75 while i sleep
simple as
t. Cali
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seemed backwards to me and then I realized americans actually have air conditioning, a totally alien concept to me
>mUh CriMaTe ChAnGe iS nOt fRoM hOOmAnS !!!
fucking amerikkants not thinking humans are the greatest creatures in the universe
Depends how big your windows are and if they're in direct sunlight like a retard in the first place.
But yeah, that's rolled into "thick walls", windows being essentially a hole. Point is you're removing heat introduced from outside either way, which is only going to decrease if you prevent it heating your living space in the first place.
ac is set to 20C 24/7
vox, like vice, is just cia mouthpiece
That's not a thermal unit.
Zoom out.
In the day 72 is fine but at night I keep it 68 and I also have the fan on. I can't sleep when it's hot.
we are the greatest. Your chart doesn't mean shit. CO2 emissions are going up, so what? It's fucking nothing compared to what the Earth itself, and all the other life on it, puts out.

we are fucking this planet in so many ways. The planet will survive, don't worry about Mother Nature, she's tough. Worrying about human carbon dioxide emissions is retarded. There are bigger fish to fry, but they've got every environmentally minded person caught up in this bullshit, and people who should care about it instead do the opposite just to spite the climate fags.

Any right thinking man should care about the environment around him and what he's leaving behind for his descendants. And what we've got going on now is poisoned water, poisoned animals, poisoned everything. You remember that shit about how they're "turning the frickin frogs gay" well it's true, primarily from pesticides, mostly atrazine. And it's not turning the frogs gay, it's making them into trannies. Endocrine disrupting chems, hormone mimicking chemicals, all that shit is real and it's all around us. That's a real problem. Not being able to drink from natural waterways because of all the bullshit in there, that's a problem. People treating their lawns with all kinds of poisons so they can have pretty, and useless grass, which works its way into insects, and into everything that eats them, and eventually into us, that's a problem. Trash islands in the ocean, that's a problem. The list goes on. CO2 emissions are small fry compared to the real issues.
>watts can't be converted to BTUs based on simple laws
Okay retard.
and don't get me started on deforestation.

>but we plant more trees than we cut!!
doesn't mean shit. It's like if you killed all the adults over 20 in an area and then said it's no big deal, we replaced them with twice as many 5 year olds. It's gonna cause problems.

Forest ecosystems run deep and can take 100 years or more to reach proper maturity. It's not just the trees, it's everything that grows around them and relies on them. Animals and plants growing up in their shade, forming complex interaction, deep fungal networks connecting their roots and everything else, so much going on there. Simply planting more trees than you cut down (and planting the same type of trees in a uniform pattern) does not undo the damage and won't for literal centuries.
You're going to feel really embarrassed. Here's a homework assignment for you: If a lightning bolt is on average 300 million watts, and there are roughly 8.6 million strikes per day, how many terrawatts per year is the total?
68 degrees it is then
I set mine to 25, I don’t know what the rest of you assholes are doing
do you live in the attic of a crematorium? fucks sake
My house will remain at a constant 68°F, my comfort level is beyond your understanding. As an addendum, my local nuclear plant was shut down. Now my power is provided by two coal and two natural gas plants. My pursuit of comfort is providing poor coal miners with job security.
We're using freedom units over here not cucksious, yojimbo.
My AC is at 16C.
If some woman gets cold here, she can either suck my BGC to get warmer or leave, idc.
I have a homework assignment for you calculate the combined energy of every pound of coal, petrol, oil, natural gas, uranium, etc.
This is all energy we're putting into this system.
A lightning strike is a discharge of energy already in the system.
>already in the system
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My AC stays at 18°C(65°F), I turn it on at 12:00 and turn it off at 20:00.
t. inhabitant of nature's crematorium (steppe)
>conservation of energy doesn't exist
Invent ftl travel then you fucking genius.
I only turn AC on at night and turn it down to 18C. I actually like when it's scorching hot then I get blasted with cold air and go to sleep.

Seems backwards to turn it up when you sleep considering it's proven humans sleep better at cold temperatures. If they want to recommend those settings do 78 at night, 82 at day
>initial costs
lol sure, considering that the energy to cure the concrete for the base of a windmill takes a decade for that same windmill to recoup.
If I kept mine at 68, my electric bill would be almost 1k USD a month. Shit is madness.
lolwat? if you're going to use conservation, you have to add the sun to your "closed system" or else you end up in a copefest claiming that lightning is somehow slurping up earth energy
Regulations and NIMBYs make them very expensive to build and operate. Gas, oil, and coal are still considerably cheaper per kW/h.
>Watts cannot convert to BTU
You suck, fucking idiot, given a timeframe, all power can be converted to BTU.
Lightning is essentially a conversion from the differential flow of air molecules. How much power is in the air around the entire Earth? Fuck you, that is the only answer.
The whole point of AC is not having to be in 80+ degree temperatures.
It's ok under fan, but AC ofc is more comfortable.
68 degrees is the best temperature for sleep, it’s been scientifically studied. I keep the thermostat set to 68 year round unless it’s really cold during winter then I will drop it to 64.
>American niggers die like flies when they don't have AC

soooo, did we mean 25k terrawatt years... per year? I'm confused where you think he posted a thermal unit.
Why are you a niqqer?
>68 degrees is the best temperature for sleep, it’s been scientifically studied
bullshit. it depends on what you're used to.

the main problem with nuclear power is that they always put out a steady amount of energy, all day, all night. While IRL, energy demands fluctuate, with certain times requiring more than others, and various small and mostly random fluctuations along the way. Coal and natural gas plants can adjust output, but nuclear plants cannot. Same with renewable energy, wind is highly variable, and solar obviously depends on the weather and the time of day.

overloading the lines is bad, it causes even more problems than underloading them. without better battery tech, we can't make everything nuclear and renewable, because they are too variable, and we need a cheap and reliable way to store excess energy when it's not needed, and a way to put it back out when it is needed, without replacing the batteries every year.
>Modern reactors basically can't melt down
I sleep at 20c (68) and just cover myself with a blanket if it gets too cold
>adding energy to a system disproves energy is increasing in a system
Lightning is a net zero symptom dumbass.
>cold war era rbmk
from this idiot >>473021650
>t. doesn't know shit about nuclear reactors, including how control rods work
And when the fuck did the future give a shit about me -_-
You just earned my AC another -2 degrees with that potty mouth.
Hated for telling the truth
Show me a single nuclear power plant with variable output. They've been theorized but none have been built yet (though some are in construction right now) to the best of my knowledge.
No it isn't. I think you all need to go back to school and quit slacking on your summer vacation.
>Things that happen in the system decrease the entropy of a system.
You can't be serious.

Mitsubishit. They sabotaged the San Onofre plant on the coast of SoCal, wouldn't let US examine their replacement steam engines claiming intellectual property and competition stealing their design bla bla bla. Failed within a year, meant to last 20 - 40, and their slimeball lawyers limited liability.

Karma served them the Fukushima disaster on high.
This AC is stupidly expensive in Bongland but now I've bought one I'll blast it as cold as it goes.
I agree with anon here. Nuclear plants would give us plenty of power. Especially if parts of the country on solid bedrock. Maybe with current technology it would allow for the to be safe in earthquake prone areas like California.
fuck that I set it at 71, because at 72 I start sweating. I moved from a much colder state and wilt in 70+% humidity and too much over 70 degrees.
The 78 degrees they advise sucks all the energy out of me.
This is why they had niggers do all the work down here.
Plot twist. Many of the people here claiming temps here don't have accurate thermostats and don't have a good sense for the actual temperature of their home.

In any case 70 is a hard upper limit for sleeping in a light blanket comfortably
and I'll say 71 was the compromise, it's the absolute highest I can take before I start beading up.
I'd be more comfortable at 68-70.
>harass your local government worker
>threaten any local journalists
>protest any unelected official in a 3 hour radius
>kill these fucking tyrants or reap your slavery
I just sleep with the sheets on and the AC still going.
no blankets from April till October.
>leave house
>let ac on
muttgolem gets 400k memecoins just to spend it all on electricity for his ac and gas in the car
Damn I didn't know running my AC 1 degree hotter would save the world. Is my air conditioner jesus?
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>Zoom out on atmospheric GHG emissions.
comfy 73 here. sometimes i use a blanket on the couch because it gets so cold with the a/c
But 1.5 billion Indians and 1 billion Chinese polluting the world is totally okay, right?
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Retard, yes you are right, but you are still retarded. You fell for the oil Jew propaganda.
See >>473025496

China is awesome. I hate Muslims, I hate Jews. China dislikes Muslims but likes Jews, I hate China for this.


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