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>The message wants to underline the importance of not crossing that red line which Western politicians are approaching - declared Francesca Menin and Maurizio Cutolo of Verona for Freedom together with Palmarino Zoccatelli of the Free Union - A delirium of madness which, using the Zelensky puppet as a folding screen risks putting Europe on a collision course with those who hold the most powerful nuclear arsenal in the world. Stop, the will of the people is peace and not war.

nice, people are waking up everywhere
I got you one better. Even if Russia is my enemy, they are further away than my own government which are an enemy.
>Stop, the will of the people is peace and not war.
Okay, now tell that to the Russians who are the ones declaring war.
Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be the sons of God
Love how the white skin represents the white parts of each flag respectfully.
>the will of the people is peace and not war
yeah right, so, here it comes
the majority of europeans are actually agree on this course or
your opinion doesn’t matter
either you’d elected other politicians or population (or your “people” whomever they might be) doesn’t have a say in this matter
it’s as shrimple as that, either way you’re a participant in sending weapons to hyhyls and propping up Kiev boogaloo
Putin once said that German-made tanks appearance in ukranda sent moral shockwaves across society
he’s kinda right and there’s no walking it back, champ
take me hoooooome, country road
Attacks by ukraine on russians in the Donbass increased 370% in the 6 months leading into the invasion, according to the UN human rights council
>the Russia NOT is the my nemesis
Romance languages are weird
>Attacks by ukraine on russian Separatists
Haha, zog is making you work today.
You guys are Chads, just bad at war
the average age of Italians is 73 though
> Attacks on British Settlements by American Seperatists caused the War of Independance
HAHA Time for Glaidoing
Leftists are pro-russia. That is why /pol/ is pro-russia.
Writing Italy off as bolshevik. Youre the nigger of Europe now.
>according to kremlin
Fixed that for you, incel. Funny how nobody was talking about these "Donbass attacks by Ukraine" before February 24, 2022. You can't find a single post on /pol/ in the 8 years before mentioning it. I wonder why.
I thought Poland is the nigger of Europe though...
The Putin shills are lefty/pol/ that come from a place called Bunkerchan. They got to keep their 8ch equivalent because theyre irrelevant to the state and dont threaten jews or muslims.
Those responsible for creating those should summarily executed for treason. All ziggers must die, no exceptions.
Put up by communist party and migrants

The fuck are you talking you dumb shit. Lefties are pro russians and against war. Le rightwing are the shabbos goys
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good, only slavshits want to fight with innocent russians, western europeans are our friends.
page 13 you cocksucking shill. Now I proved you lie you can fuck off


Conduct of hostilities and civilian casualties
25. During the reporting period, the number of ceasefire violations in the conflict zone
considerably increased, as reported by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to
Ukraine. They were 369 per cent higher than during the preceding six months from 1 August
2020 to 31 January 2021 (39,806 and 8,484, respectively). This growth resulted in an increase
in civilian casualties caused by active hostilities, as well as increased damage to civilian objects,
which peaked from mid-March to mid-May. However, the number of civilian casualties
decreased in June and July, to levels seen in the second half of 2020, which were the lowest for
the entire conflict period.
We are such good friends your president keeps threatening to nuke us.
uploaded in august 2020, even if he claims the footage is from 2017. as the local explains, it's just a village, there are no bunkers or military equipment, and yet they keep getting bombed daily

Are you fucking retarded?
Those were russian terrorists increasing their attacks on Ukrainian civilians, you mentally handicapped zigger chudcel.
there are no real italians.
How the fuck anti-white communist Russia is perceived as trad right country?
Which leftists? NATO has killed most of the leftist leaders in terror attacks in Italy.
but you just said it was kremlin propiganda, are you a faggot?

are you lying now or then?
Russia and Italy have been allies since the great Santa Claus war of 1655 AD
in Italy anyone supporting Russia is a fascist racist incel chud
I mean shit just barely in your case, not even true if you live in a border town probably.
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Holy based
A reasonable view of Russia is the only thing that will prevent them from culling the remainder of white men.
Love Russia
Cherish russia
Be pro Russia
Appreciate Russia
Smile when a Russian Schoolkid flames.ypu in CSGO
This is inherently saving the white race
You are russian to the core, lying as easily as breathing. You wrote kremlin propaganda like the submissive virgin you are, and then claim the UN said what you did. They didn't. Unbelievable how much you russians lie. UN said russian terrorists increased their attacks. You claimed it was Ukrainians. Why do you lie about the contents of a report you link to?
Blessed be the peacemakers for they will be the sons of God
If migrants are so pro-Russia the EU wouldn’t welcome them so much and sanction you for rejecting them
Look at this coxkhole refugee trying to sow discord.
what a goofy language
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Kill yourself
I posted the UN . org link. Has Russia hacked the UN?
Is Russia in the room with you now?
Why do you hate peace?
Based. Russia isn't my enemy. The Federal Reserve bank is my enemy. Death to all bankers.
You too, Liberal pajeet subhuman, hope you kill yourself when daddy’s out of office next year.
The seperatists just wanted to be seperate. There would be no casualties if they werent trying to retake territory lost by Kiev.
Everyone knows this you nafo troon
Lmao thinking voting matters.
Russian has done more damage to their own cities by bombing it themselves than Ukraina ever did to Donbabwe.
How many times has Russia bombed Belgorod this year alone? 7? 8? Lost count after the first 6 times.
Nobody's buying that whole John from Utah Oblast act so give it up
Do Euros talk about Ukraine in real life? Literally nobody at work mentions it, except "hey Ukraine needs that money" when we're all complaining about taxes.
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Russians are very good enemies though, without jewish involvement and nuclear bombs we could probably be very good frenemies to each other and keep each other on our toes, heebs ruined hating on Russia
same narrative as muh holocaust
muh 6 million ukrainians
>according to an anonymous source from the Kiev underground cum pit
all governments are evil kikes
didn't melons run on a pro russia campaign? what happened?
Kek, Russki think western countries governments' are answerable to them
Our votes are for middle management. We vote for the politicians, whose policies are determined by the (((US State department))), (((globalist bankers))) and (((Israel))). Its the illusion of consent to be ruled, not actually political influence. If our politicians cared what the people thought, they wouldn't be flooding our countries with negroid and muslim 'migrants', never mind warmongering over Ukraine.
2 more weeks
Why are russian shills so obsessed with trannies? You can't make a single post without bringing them up. It's like you incels watch tranny porn all day.
I seem to remember a ukraine tranny spokesthing paid by the USA to tell us how Ukraine is winning.
Globohomo wants all the farmers dead so they can use Paris Accord subsities to grow bio fuel with robotic farm equipment in all of ukraine, dead farmers = no protestors.


The total amount of land controlled by oligarchs, corrupt individuals, and large agribusinesses is over nine million hectares — exceeding 28 percent of Ukraine’s arable land. The largest landholders are a mix of Ukrainian oligarchs and foreign interests — mostly European and North American as well as the sovereign fund of Saudi Arabia. Prominent US pension funds, foundations, and university endowments are invested through NCH Capital, a US-based private equity fund.

Several agribusinesses, still largely controlled by oligarchs, have opened up to Western banks and investment funds — including prominent ones such as Kopernik, BNP, or Vanguard — who now control part of their shares. Most of the large landholders are substantially indebted to Western funds and institutions, notably the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the World Bank.
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>Leftists are seething!
Another psyop for low iq cattle lmfaoooooooo
Russia is a multicultural multiracial communist shithole full of slav-chink mutt subhumans and chechen dogs
(12-16% of the population of russia is muslim btw)
according to ziggers this constitutes a russian coup of italy.
Western financing to Ukraine in recent years has been tied to a drastic structural adjustment program that has required austerity and privatization measures, including the creation of a land market for the sale of agricultural land. President Zelenskyy put the land reform into law in 2020 against the will of the vast majority of the population who feared it would exacerbate corruption and reinforce control by powerful interests in the agricultural sector. Findings of the report concur with these concerns. While large landholders are securing massive financing from Western financial institutions, Ukrainian farmers — essential for ensuring domestic food supply — receive virtually no support. With the land market in place, amidst high economic stress and war, this difference of treatment will lead to more land consolidation by large agribusinesses.

The report also sounds the alarm that Ukraine’s crippling debt is being used as a leverage by the financial institutions to drive post-war reconstruction towards further privatization and liberalization reforms in several sectors, including agriculture.

“This is a lose-lose situation for Ukrainians. While they are dying to defend their land, financial institutions are insidiously supporting the consolidation of farmland by oligarchs and Western financial interests. At a time when the country faces the horrors of the war, the government and Western institutions must listen to the calls made by the Ukrainian civil society, academics, and farmers to suspend the land law and all land transactions. The necessity to prioritize an agricultural model no longer dominated by oligarchy and corruption, where land and resources are controlled by and benefit all Ukrainians, is the way forward for post war reconstruction,” Mousseau concluded.
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>he thinks goyim cattle will get to "choose"
somebody hasn't been paying attention since 2020.
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Your grandpararents and ancestors sold out your country to communist jews that slaughtered your royal family and starved your people you are a worthless mongol subhuman like all russians keep quiet
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because Russia was the only country to get fucked over by jews.
Its not like Zelinskis wife is on a worldwide tour buying gold and gems because they are about to flee a country they destabalized
Yeah tell that to the kids in ukraine that Russia has been shelling for the past 10 years
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>your gaping anus
>La Russia non è il mio nemico
Exactly. 'it*ly' is the enemy of Lombardy and Russia can help crushing this enemy.
That was the Lega Nord reasoning 30 years ago, it shall be the reasoning now.
Corrupt regimes cant fight wars


The Russians simply walked in, Ukrainian troops in Kharkiv tell BBC
13 May 2024
By Jonathan Beale,
Defence correspondent, reporting from Vovchansk

BBC Denys YaroslavskyiBBC
Denys Yaroslavskyi is angry.

As the Commander of a Ukrainian Special Reconnaissance Unit, he fought in Ukraine’s surprise offensive in Kharkiv in the autumn of 2022, which pushed back an initial Russian invasion all the way back to the border.
But now Denys and his men are facing the prospect of doing the same all over again.
Russian forces have, in recent days, made small but significant gains right along the border in the Kharkiv region.
Their advances are only a few miles deep but have swallowed up around 100km (62 miles) of Ukrainian territory. In the more heavily defended east of Ukraine, it’s taken Russia months to achieve the same.
Russia claims its forces have now entered the border town of Vovchansk, which Ukraine disputes.
The town has come under heavy bombing in recent days, and several thousand residents have been evacuated.
Denys wants to know what happened to Ukraine’s defences.
“There was no first line of defence. We saw it. The Russians just walked in. They just walked in, without any mined fields” he says.
He shows me video from a drone feed taken a few days ago of small columns of Russian troops simply walking across the border, unopposed.
He says officials had claimed that defences were being built at huge cost, but in his view, those defences simply weren’t there. “Either it was an act of negligence, or corruption. It wasn’t a failure. It was a betrayal”.
honestly expected bologna. But as someone opposite of being on the left, i have zero disagreement with the billboard
shills abandon thread because truth is the enemy of evil.
Blessed are the peacemakers because the are the sons of God
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>leftists hate russia
this thread, man
how pathetic
Moscow (the seat of Russian government) is further away from any point in Estonia than Tallinn.
now do the migrants they send to your border

Even worse, he is (may Allah forgive me for uttering this word) Albanian
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Maybe if your groomer discord groups stopped organizing le ebin raids to own le 4chuds you wouldn’t be told to fuck off and die 24/7
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remind me, how does /chug/ organize who can edit their autistic rentry?
for that matter, how do they organize which tranime avatar they use for each other in their autistic rentry?
can you please explain? there's certainly no talk of such things to be found in the archive
>Its not like Zelinskis wife is on a worldwide tour buying gold and gems because they are about to flee a country they destabalized
It's not. Once again you are parroting kremlin lies. You know that those are easily debunked deepfakes. Just how submissive of a virgin neet are you to believe low effort kremlin fakes?
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you have yet to back up any of your propiganda, globohomo tranny faggot.
Why do you even exist? what is the point of your life?
You just want the world to end in thermo nuclear fire.
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>government can not be held accountable
not a factor for me
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лoл нy ты дядь кaк cкaжeшь
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russia is the future USA is the past
it's time for russian world order
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Instead of "How in Russia they punish..." what about "How in England they punish.."

I will start.

How in England they punish for stickers with quotes based on government statistics?
>2 years in prison
>no contact with your children
oh no I am being attacked by nafo memes!
How will I ever recover?

Lets look at how corrupt ukrainians in power stole everything they needed in this war to facilitate genocide.


A Ukrainian parliamentary inquiry concluded that between 1992 and 1998, Ukraine lost $32 billion in military assets, in part through theft, discount arms sales and lack of oversight. (In comparison, Ukraine's spending on legal arms for defense in 1999 is estimated to have been $500 million.) Many of the missing weapons found their way into the hands of willing buyers in hot spots around the globe, from Sierra Leone to Croatia. And as these arms proliferated, so did evidence of international criminal networks that sold arms from Ukraine in flagrant violation of international sanctions and embargoes.

Theft and corruption in the military facilitated the flow of illegal weapons from Ukraine. It was also facilitated by forged or falsified end-user certificates, the export documents that are supposed to record the final recipient of an arms shipment. The ease with which arms shipments moved through official channels has led many observers to conclude that prominent Ukrainian officials were involved in the deals. In a 1999 report on Eastern European arms dealing, Human Rights Watch concluded that export-control authorities in the region were accepting arms brokers' documentation without question, either through "complicity or incompetence." Other observers say responsibility goes straight to the top of the Ukrainian government. Writing in The Christian Science Monitor, Ukrainian political scientist Taras Kuzio said, "High-level Ukrainian officials, if not directly dealing arms, are reportedly either smoothing the path for sales or at least looking the other way."
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>italian right wing always supported putin, even voted to recognize crimea as russian in 2016
>suddenly you get called a communist for cheering for putin by meloniggers
>at the same time leftists call you a fascists for it (always did tho)

I will snap
>either you’d elected other politicians
The game is rigged and you cannot vote 'other politicians'. 'other politicians' are either banned or judicially persecuted. In 'it*ly' you can get up to 6 years in jail for just pronouncing the sentence 'I am against the multiracial society' for example. Good luck voooting your way out of this sewer.
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Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Fuck off, ZOGnigger
that's funny, because you get years in a penal colony for that in russia
so, you can't explain where their tranime avatars come from in their autistic rentry? thought so
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I got a meme for you bitches
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Ukraine lost, Israel lost, get over it
it doesnt matter if you prove it, shills never argue faithfully and will project constantly and argue in endless fallacies, as seen in their replies.
zelensky is barred from entering israel
>be ukranda
>overthrow a democratically elected government
>some Russians don't like it
>try to genocide them
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My enemy are the jews who are perpetrating the Great Replacement and running all our institutions. Helping them defeat their enemies just gives them more leverage to continue destroying White people.
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>overthrow a democratically elected government
a democratically elected parliament voted out a president who was in the process of fleeing to Russia and refused to/could not fulfill his duties
now, can you explain why Russia commissioned a medal three months before this so-called "coup", with a date a day before this "coup", celebrating the future invasion of Crimea they were planning?
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NAFO sister, I can’t even begin to know what cope you’re trying to babble on about you diseased projecting nigger.
Since we’re asking leading questions though, why don’t you tell me why the World Jewish Congress released a report that featured /chug/ and /chip/ as dangerous sources of antisemitism across the internet and not /uhg/?
>democratically elected parliament
>voted out a president
least delusional part time shill
yes, that is in their constitution
I dunno, can you explain why /chug/trannies were caught with a discord invite in their rentry?
not just jews bro. Jews are waking up because they just discovered they are now considered as white since the Hamas attack. The jews you refer to are Godless degenerates. People who believe in God and who have white skin are being genocided.
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His family aren’t though, that’s why his parents are hiding out there.
Are you seriously trying to claim that Israel and Ukraine aren’t on the same side here?
i have a simple litmus test; if you seethe at the west you are a brown bitch nigger, simple as.
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he is
>that is in their constitution
Yes, alongside APCs and military personnel in active rebellion against their own government. I mean, it's entertaining to argue with (You), but also kind of pointless since you're retarded enough to argue for the existence of the rule of law in a country that recently decided to suspend their elections.
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Nah, I think I’ll just tell you to kill yourself again, tranny.
You’re not white Shlomo, and Ukrainians are genetically identical to Russians.
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sure thing tranny
now again, can you explain the Russian commissioning of a medal to invade Crimea three months before this "active rebellion"?
why is the date wrong, also? I thought he was "deposed" after the date on the medal?
protip: you have no rebuttal
Cringe. I thought you italians were based
it's english the one that's weird
so again, you can't explain the tranime avatars, you can't explain how they collaborate to edit their rentry, and you can't explain how they were caught with a discord link in their rentry, despite claiming that discord shitters are actually everywhere else aside from /chug/
got it, subhuman shitskin
ok cunt shill
find me source besides "kiev says so"
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Slava Rossiya!
¡Ajaja! Muy basado.
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that's straight from russia
here's some other autistic medals Shoigu has commissioned
notice anything?
If people have a right to self-government by international law. And they do. Then why does the West ignore that whenever it suits?

a vadje de la pipi non capiche
>Russians buy billboards in Italy
>pretend it's a grass roots movement
but will anything happen? do you realize how widespread similar things were when ww1 and ww2 were kicking off, only for them to be covered up and the war to rage on anyway
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oh no no NO NO NO
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>Says time’s not right
You know that’s far from what you’re desperately trying to portray it as, right?
The Israelis aren’t going to arrest him if he went to visit his parents.
Are you retarded?
okay tranny
now explain why your discord uses tranime avatars and collaborates to edit a rentry on discord and was caught with a discord link in it
He will only believe kremlin sources. Anything western is fake. He is as dedicated of a vatnik virgin shill as you will find.
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>a democratically elected parliament voted out a president
That's not what happened. They couldn't impeach him properly, so they opted for retarded wording of the president being "unconstitutionally absent from his constitutional responsibilities." Which in itself is not a constitutional clause, you can't just make up reasons to replace a president.
that's the beauty of it. the medal is straight from Russia, and commissioned by Russia, the contract is archived, and has a date before the so-called "coup" cope, and was worn by Shoigu himself.
yes, he was too busy fleeing to Russia in Kharkiv, so the parliament took actions since he could not fulfill his duties. in which the designated speaker took power. you have no rebuttal to this, nor do you have a rebuttal to the medal Shoigu commissioned. hence why you just keep repeating your dumbfuck talking points as if they convince anyone.
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Misrepresenting the argument. Its a genuine example of "whataboutism".

People have a right to self-determination by international law. The West simply ignores that whenever it suits. As its the West that claims to be supportive of a "rules based international order", then criticising the West for this is appropriate.

"Rules for thee and not for me".
now see
then no blessing for russia
You discord troons really are about as competent at pretending to be site regulars as you are at pretending to be women.
again, why was there a discord link in the tranime thread's totally organic rentry? >>473068007
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Italy is a meme reddit country and is rightful russian clay. if you don't give up sicily to russki mir now you should be bombed back to the stoneage
Based Veneto
give us sicily
We've seen this faggotry before. The UK is ahead of us.
>Brexit propaganda
>Rule Britannia! Fuck off EU!
>Russian trolls: "lelelel based!"
>economy to shit (right-wing slave drivers, lower wages, social security gutted)
>massive left-wing backlash
Same will happen in the US should Trump win (or any other place).
Misdirection. Failure to address the issue while pretending so to do. Pilpul is it?

The south had every right to form the confederacy. However, at that time it wasn't established in international law. It was implied in the founding documents, but not explicit. It was easy to ignore it. Now, its explicit. People have a right to self-determination. The West continues to ignore its own laws.

Your own laws are the laws that you will be judged by.
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aight, now that the shitskins have quieted except for one lone paki shitskin >>473073460 I'm going to go prepare to drink beer and eat smoked brisket
remember: shills have no rebuttal to this, and it makes them seethe
note the date, and note the date of the commissioning >>473071018
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>look mommy I posted it again
No more yous for you, sister
Every measure was taken by the British establishment, politicans and civil servants, to frustrate "Brexit". A divorce not yet finalised. So how can you say that the single life does not suit Britain?
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no rebuttal?
Ukrainian attacks began before a single separatist held a weapon
one of the earliest bouts between the two were soldiers sent to siege and murder local police officers who were protecting the city of Mariupol
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/uhg/‘s most prolific poster is a admitted schizophrenic tranny.
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no penis?
Yes what, nigger? That's literally an unconstitutional action, and to top it off the president was fleeing from prosecution that these kikes were threatening him with and why they were speedrunning the seizure of his political immunity, law be damned.
There were already agreements in place reached between the opposition and the government, with EU heads of state acting as observers, and then immediately reneging on them as if nothing happened. All escalations memoryholed. There were already concessions to an early election, but not being immediately in full control is not enough for this bunch.
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>people are waking up
meloniggers have the IQ of a melon and act accordingly. Why is this a surprise to you?
Save Russians. Reassemble Russians. Bearhug russians kulnar into loving submission. Adopt a Russian baby. Resurrect based vatniggers. Heal a Russian's broken penis. Intercept Russians on their way to the sun. Russians aren't food. Remove Russians from active volcanoes. Warn a Russian that his gas tank contains urine. Jam a woodchipper that endangers Russians. Reattach Russians heads. Shelter Russians from the INTERPOL. Glue Russian halves together. Simp for pregnant Russians. Rescue Russians from Debaltseve. Help out Russians from the trash compactor. Cast liquified Russians into molds. Russians aren't food. Stich up Russians. Put wooden doors on Russian gas chambers. Perform brain surgery on traumatized Russians. Prevent the operation of ovens through infrastructural damage. Unlock the potential in Russian brains with LSD. Abortion ban for Russians. Keep Russian fetuses safe from invasive procedures. Russians aren't food. Equip Russians with heat shielding. Give up your seat for a russian senior citizen. Russians aren't food. Bandage Russian slice wounds.
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You’re arguing with a transgendered kike that writes a paragraph just to say, “no u”.
Don’t waste your time.
thx friend =)
Anon. What right-wing government has ever made life better for the low/middle-classes?
It literally never happens. And they sure love cheap immigrant labor more than the left (despite what they say).
No Russian ever committed warfare, terrorism, and slavery on me like my supposed own people did. Russia has a more honest track record than the US at this point.
>Pulling away from the point. Jumping to another lillypad.

Have fun tugging yourself master-debator.
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>Russia is obviously the aggressor
>Russia bombed its own civilians
>Russia blew up its own pipeline
>Russia excluded itself from global trade
>Russia was giving it's land away to the EU for free
>Russia started this war
That's a touch cumbersome.
Definitely needs more workshopping.
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But they barely had vaccines there was no autism yet.
What this does is show that Russia has similar problems as America with CIA in the middle east with "moderate rebels".
Basically we are all funding our own enemies and fighting ourselves because of an ancient judeosatanic cult.
which ones? i was at the border last year and the only migrants i saw there were some ukrainians...
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Look at Ukraine bombing the shit out of Donbass just the week before.
>people are waking up because this Russian-produced piece of propaganda is showing up
You didn't even know this place existed until you were contracted to shit up on February 24th 202 jew
No more brother wars
I’m moving there in three years if early retirement plays out. I’m tired of all of the niggers ruining nice things here. You all complain about the gypsies and other trash but dear God these black mutt nigger women make your problems seem like a mild irritation.

I’m just not gunna fight Russia lol I’m just not
You threw your neutrality in the trash for kikraine mountain nigger you are 1000% fair game I hope you’ve been digging
>that's literally an unconstitutional action
then why is the process when he's unable to fulfill his duties enshrined in the constitution, dumb mongoloid
notice how you're attempting to deflect from Shoigu's medal
It is. You’ll be annoyed by them many more times before things improve (hopefully. It won’t be thanks to what Poland did in any case).
did you type this with zero self awareness?
anyway, here's some shitskin migrants
>migrants, mostly from Somalia and Syria, made unsuccessful attempts to cross into Estonia from Russia via the Narva crossing since November 16.
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>you get years in a penal colony for that in russia
It's not enforced in Russia. In 'it*ly' even famous politicians were indicted with that law (called 'Modigliani' after the Jew who drafted it and written under dictation of the Jewish community in Rome in 1990). Basically the globohomo magistrature has a Damocle's sword over your head 24/7 and there is no defence if you are indicted.
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>it's not enforced in Russia >>473068232
I wouldn't go so far as to call Russia "innocent" but you're on the righteous side of this conflict, and I like Putin better than the nato mafia.
>inb4 beaner
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>twitter and gore in one post

Reddit is down the hall
First abortion for white people in britain, now russia is not an enemy in... Italy? Russia became an enemy in my book when it invaded ukraine and europe and us told them to fuck off and they refused.
Now do Ukraine
>complaining about gore
your tranny discord is waiting
there is this thing about NATO and jews: "he cries out in pain as he strikes you." Almost like they're.... one and the same?
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> First abortion for white people in britain, now russia is not an enemy in... Italy? Russia became an enemy in my book when it invaded ukraine and europe and us told them to fuck off and they refused.
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A NATO death is a tranny lover death
also funny, /chug/ uses this as one of their favorite sources
it's a Russian glownigger twitter account of course
so why aren't you telling /chug/ discord trannies to go back to reԁԁit? I wonder why
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Wow a photo of something it must be true!
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>no you filthy guidos, you have to hate the filthy russians, remember the 6trillion©™!!!
Russia was killed in 1920, you're an Asian turd.
Bozgor detected
>and spend their life repenting for not defiling the temple of God
when they're burning in hell, remember, they deserved it, remind them anons, no refunds
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>calling Russians trannys

Man the projection is wild

>this graph is Russia propaganda!!! >:(((

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Holy copium
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Sounds like the entire meloni thing is a jewish op. A shame really.
Jew is a jew and they will all burn. Enough BS
Soviets were the one who invented the holocaust, kike
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>believes Holocaust
Get the fuck out of 4 Chan bigger your kind ain’t welcome
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but we perfected the hallofcost™ lore and made it better

nah, only the ones that reject Jesus, the rest of us will survive, in spite of your attempts, the masons (and other satanic groups) on the other hand, they wont be so lucky

no refunds
One mafia Balkanic shithole recognizes the other Slavo-Mongol mafia shithole.
Moor rape baby opinions go in the bin
More oriental autocratic shitholes go in the bin.

More mafia surveilance states go in the bin.
are you fucking retarded?
can you not read, nigger?
>mafia surveillance state.
Anon I…
>le Russia invented holohaox!!!
How many “camps” did the USA liberate again?
none of the camps that the US liberated had le holohoax, dumb nigger
you're out of your depth
No I will not kiss feet of an autocrat be it Putin or mob boss Berlusconi.

No I will not report to the Politburo. No I will not snitch on my neighbour.

No I will not pay the pizzo. I dont pay mafia tax or jyzia.
ok, Vanya
What a fucking like liar you are


So explain to me why we would take our “mortal enemy@ the Soviet unions word about any of it?
Then go fight in Ukraine nigger
No I will not die for Slavic subhumans.

WWI and WWII were enouh.

Nuclearize everything east of Vienna.
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Nice MS paint bro, but you never answered my question, why would the USA take the soviets word for it?
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I bet you're a disgusting insectiod slug. Slither away yellow bugman.
No Russian Ever Called Me Cis
So you’ll do nothing? Good that’s what I thought ()
Galvanize the ashes for a new start.
look! they're not death camps, they're concentration camps, so much better!

inb4 its just another lie
>shitskin posting aryan woman
You bet.
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it's where I live
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> Un-mantained sidewalks
> Crooked road signs everywhere
> Dull trees grown without pruning
> Old men in the streets, old men in the cars
> Depressing UCI cinemas and tabacchino sign
> check
Ahhhhhhhhh, northern Italy. My land, the sovl....
Impale a Russian child and plant the bastard in front of this billboard
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Go back to Morocco Jamir O'Quai
are these threats in the room with you now?
Go back to your rotting shithole russopeasant. Pasta is not to be consumed by subhumans such as yourself. Stick to what you know - being a drunken nuisance and general blight upon the world that must be cleansed.
Italian cuisine is literally carbs on carbs.
Its peasant food with no nourishment.
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Pic related
>Funny how nobody was talking about these "Donbass attacks by Ukraine" before February 24, 2022
Kek even German MSM reported about it around 2014-2015
Fascinating. Saved.
Literally true
Wait until its all of Europe and Eurasia uniting to fight against the jew then it'll really be Russian propaganda right jew
More like we wake up in a new Soviet Union with commissars being the main mafiosi and running a bureaucracy mafiocracy.
theater for the goyim, nothing more
Commies are the biggest russnig supporters there are. Bloody honorless, spineless, anti-Western traitors.
The front is waiting for you, big boy
A confrontation between Russia and NATO in East will ignite a civil war in Western Europe. We're going to have all the happenings at once. This will have implications worldwide, a globalized world is extremely fragile. The C.H.U.D. protocol will be activated.
Have you ever looked at a map?

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