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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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You guys are sickos for supporting pedotrump
Don’t strain your hamstring running from Biden’s presidential record.
All politicians are pedophiles. Or worse...
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I don’t care about pedophilia. I only use it as a weapon so we can kill woke tards and get them arrested
>epstein leak only includes evidence against Trump
>happens 4 months before election
>happens right after DNC implodes over realizing sleepy joe is in fact very sleepy
This is too obvious. Fake and gay.
You folks are getting very desperate aren't ya?
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>Document from 2016

>Not being used by lefties 24/7 since the second it was available to the public.

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say this was when the left tried their old tricks of paying women thousands of dollars to attack someone they met in passing twenty to thirty years ago.

Horseshit, as usual.
Lmao didn't we already go through this exact same thing in 2015 and it turned out the accusations were some schizophrenic druggie whore in Arizona who never met him
we really need to get to the bottom of all this
Its still better than a covicted felon sexual abuser con artist racist. All these have been confirmed for Trump.
Did he pee on them?
Extremely fake and very gay
RFK isn't. You guys can vote for other people stop falling for 2 people shit.
Then tell the gop to stop Christian ethics nonsense?
Wow, Pedo Defense Force got in here quickly
Nope. This is from 2016, but it was never debooooonked. MIGApedos just decided it wasn't true.
Then why are you guys virute signaling abortion if you have no morality
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read like complete fanfiction, even including an abortion refrence, god are leftists pathetic
No this just came out. more recent Epstein documents dropped the other day.
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Crazy bitch makes up claims and gets laughed out of court, part 2

Because it makes you mad nigger
>another round of false accusations of the most heinous shit
Democrats are evil scumbags. How do they even live with themselves?
Oh look, this shit again. Somehow, none of the dozens of accusations have been credible. Nothing but boring, ineffective kike games
>a single girl, procured from Mar-a-Lago a decade later never fucked Trump personally
That settles it, Zion Don MUST be innocent. To be guilty, he'd have to fuck every single girl Epstein trafficked, right?

How are Trumpniggers so stupid?
How much is the DNC paying you?
What's the going price for your soul?
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Oh no, no, no.
>b-but Snopes says!
It's cute that /r/The_Donald rapefugees think they're somehow better than their fellow redditors who exiles them.

Per your link, what's false is that he paid a $35 million settlement - which nobody here claimed.
are you ready for 4 more years of Donald? LOL
Not an argument, nigger-lover.

How does the fact that Virginia Roberts ) and one other girl) said they never saw Trump somehow prove that he never did anything with Epstein's hundreds - if not thousands - of victims?

And since Virginia Roberts said the same about Clinton, is he also "exonerated"?
>mostly false
>everything was a lie
fucking niggersnopes
I'm kind of looking forward to the 4D chess copes you faggots come up with this time around, when he does literally nothing for you - again.

But I'd prefer a Genocide Joe win, further discrediting the system, and sparking a boomer chimpout that will result in many of you being put down by ZOGbots unphased by your "back the blue" flags.
So, where are the indictments?
That would only be a valid argument if others compromised by Epstein had been indicted, but they haven't.

You don't understand blackmail, but, how it works is, it only comes out if you stop cooperating with the people holding it over you, and since Trump is literally saying he's "for Israel-first" mossad doesn't have an issue with him.

Speaking of indictments, you niggers were saying something about "sealed indictments". Whatever happened with that? Was Tom Hanks picked up yet?
No it didn’t you dumb fucking faggot.

This came out in 2016 and the Jane Doe accuser was supposed to do a live press co fervency but backed out at the last minute and the case was withdrawn.

It’s purposely being recirculated now to make people think it’s a recent document.

I sincerely hope the next matzo ball you shove down your kike hole chokes you to death.
It isn't magapedo. Care to actually REBUKE IT or just use your emotional responses. What happened to facts and logic
No bigger own to the libs than putting a patriotic pedo in the white house
Based if true
Didn't republicans say this website is bullshit?
Don't hate the player, hate the game
The website that was supposed to host the press conference was taken down, by an attack that Ed Oppermam, who worked on the case, at least hinted came from Kikestan.

There's no evidence she was lying.
>Biden is creepy
they don't care
>Teachers molest kids
they don't care
>subject little kids (not teens) to trannies and drag shows
they don't care
>MAPs were a left wing thing first
they don't care
>pedophile preists
they cared and said it delegitimized religion
See this is biggest retard play ever. I'm going destroy the country to own libs. We don't care it ultimately hurts yourself unless you are a millionaire getting tax cuts.
Laughing at magapedos isn't being mad
That has nothing to do with this post was about Trump getting Epstein treatment of watching 2 12 year olds going at it.
You know, I remember there being a spike in women claiming Trump sexually assaulted them just before the election. After he won, no one moved forward with any of the lawsuits.
I just assume the jews in the bureaucracy are trying a variation of those lies.
What the fuck does the website going down prevent her from speaking and telling her story publicly.

Oh because it’s entirely made up bullshit with 0 evidence.

How come no major news is running this story? Because they already tried in 2016 and no one bought it.

Enjoy losing this election with Biden or Kamala lol

Nothing you kikes push can overcome your decrypt or retarded candidate,
>last republican president
The demographics are shifting cracker. GOP can't even win the popular vote anymore. Trump is the last candidate on the GOP side who isn't a boring white guy.
All jew-party fags are the same way. You're just as biased, but from the other side of the spectrum.

As far as pedophile rings with actual proof behind the go, that's the Franklin Scandal, which was pretty much all Republikikes.

But even if we pretend it's just those nasty Demokikes, Zion Don was a Democrat back then, and buddies with the Clintons.
It is. It was run by two boomer liberals and their cat. Just a random boome couple that they somehow appointed as fact checkers. Credentials aren't needed.
Why do democrats want to be the one to go there Biden's own daughter privately admitted she was molested?
No he didnt.
Look at the document you stupid nigger,
It is the same shit they tried pulling in 2016 and it failed miserably.
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Hey you Child Grooming Jew Rat Democrat

Try all you want with this bullshit, but you know what it won't change?

The fact that Trump made the Supreme Court 6-3 Republican.

Since then, they have
>Overturned Roe v Wade
>Overturned Affirmative Action
>Overturned Chevron Deference
>Constitutionalized Conceal Carry
>Cancelled Student Loan Forgiveness
and they're just getting started.

Even if Trump loses 2024, the Supreme Court won't change.

But due to how fucking dumb you Child Groomin Jew Rat Democrats are, Trump will likely win 2024.

Meaning that the 3 old conservative Justices will hand-pick 3 spicy young replacements.

That's 6 Supreme Court picks by Trump, all young.

The Supreme Court will be majority Republican for the rest of your life.
and they're just getting started!

Enjoy paying your student loans you dumb fucking faggots.
he did
based turmp
fook kids
How does that prove he did anything?
Stupid nigger.
Show the fucking proof you subhuman vermin. Hearsay is not proof.
>b-but the jewish media didn't report it, that's how you know it's not true!
So, everything in the "fake news" media is true now?

Anyway, lots of MIGA-approved figures are convinced she's legit. Like Wayne Madsen, who was the source of the Rubio stuff in 2015, and Robert Morrow, whose Clinton book Trump endorsed.

Why is it that, despite Maria Farmer telling everybody who interviewed her about Trump and Epstein, none of them ran it? Go on YouTube, you can find her on every network you hate, but never a peep about the God Emperor.

The media only goes after Trump in ways that don't implicate jews and Israel.
>getting this emotional
Magapedos are more emotional than liberals. Trump doesn't care about you and you are dumb fuck because there is no source on this being debunked.
How do two victims (out of at least hundreds) not fucking Trump or Clinton "exonerate" the two of them?
the rate things are going, i'm almost expecting deepfakes days before the republican convention
Your people think pedos are hiding under pizza restaurants.
They were asking for it
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I'm not Republican or conservative. I'm not some fat boomer retard who worships Israel and thinks Trump is going to save everyone. Democrats and liberal people claim they're morally superior when they're not. They think they're good people because they vote Democrat. It's no different from thinking you're a good person because you go to church. The party of intelligent and rational people that is supposed to protect us from stupid racist rednecks and evil rich White men is in fact full of low empathy psychos and creeps, and a bunch of fucking stupid people who think they're smarter than they actually are.

>I actually don't have empathy for poor people
>fuck poor white people
>fuck poor people in general
>i will cry about minorities but i won't live near them
>i hate my own race, or i'm not white
>i have violent fantasies about MAGAtards and people who did a racism
>i vote democrat and that means im smarter and better than everyone else
They're full of shit. They're unempathetic hateful people who have wayyy too much faith in the material.


i'm a nice person, i care about minorities, i vote democrat :)
>Overturned Roe v Wade
This helps grow black population. How does it really help you republicans out?
>Overturned Affirmative Action
Bullshit some post on reddit other day asian guy with perfect scores got rejected from most colleges.
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Fuck, this was so hot, I wish trumo was this based but you know he's actually just some faggot who's attracted to girls 15 and up.
Are we really expected to give any credence to "reports" that state that donald trump is actually the faceless fat man in every hentai manga and he personally wrote the plot for all of them? If so I would vote for him, I'd vote for him twice even.
Trump objectively walked in on 15 year olds changing. He OBJECTIVELY told Epstein has good taste for liking young women.
Yes democrat nigger/pedo lovers sure did
Why did you leave out this BASED Supreme Court win?
>The Supreme Court on Wednesday said the White House and federal agencies such as the FBI may continue to urge social media platforms to take down content the government views as misinformation, handing the Biden administration a technical if important election-year victory.

>Of immediate significance, the decision means that the Department of Homeland Security may continue to flag posts to social media companies such as Facebook and X that it believes may be the work of foreign agents seeking to disrupt this year’s presidential race.
/ourgirl/ Amy Coney Barrett - who cried about Greg Floyd - even wrote the opinion.
He was close friends with serial child rapist Jeffrey Epstein.

He also hired the lawyer who gave Epstein a sweetheart plea deal for child rape, Alexander Acosta, as Secretary of Labor after said sweetheart deal.

He has been adjudicated as guilty for sexual assault on adult women.

He has been accused of rape by a former wife (who withdrew said allegations, but likely under coercion).

He has made comments suggesting he is willing to sexually assault people and gets away with it due to his money and influence ("grab them by the pussy")

He has made sexual comments about his own biological daughter, graphically describing her body and musing over what it would be like to have sex with her.

He was known to leer at undressed girls under 18 in the Miss America changing rooms.

He's pretty obviously a serial sexual predator with dangerous and immoral sexual deviance. Is this specific accusation credible? Hard to say, but it's in line with his character. Bad character evidence isn't allowed for conviction in court (typically), but it should inform decisions like voting for someone or nominating them for office. Get blown the fuck out magapedos. OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE.
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ur gon git graped
You're a retarded Trumpnigger. You create fantasies in your head about positions Trump secretly holds and things he's going to do once elected - none of which come to pass.
LOL the convicted felon angle bombed so youre back to peddling the pedo shit.
this nigger was on reddit yesterday bitching about SCOTUS and all the federal judges destroying the progressive worldview.
That is all Trumps doing and dont forget it.
Civil war 2.0 vs you boy loving dem fags should be fun
Still trying to play your fake shit.
You tried that the last two times as well.
Might I remind you of your fucking AI fakes.
Pics or it didn't happen.
I'm not interested in your intra-reddit conflicts, nor do I base my views on what the "bad" plebbitors think. I wish you'd just go back.

But before you do, is this a super BASED jewpreme court win?
Most of them are catholics you tinfoil buttplug enthusiast
I'm glad you draw a line between the "bad" Democrat boy-loving fags, and the "good" Republicans who sodomize boys, like Trump's mentor Roy Cohn.
Guarantee you were one of the niglets crying over rittenhouse

The irl purge is gonna be lit
>Trumpnigger openly defending jews
Every time.

Our entire government is jew-occupied, and the Supreme Court is disproportionately jewish, with even Sotomayor having kike ancestry.
>tinfoil buttplug enthusiast cant got off jews cocks

You fucking retards belong inside insane asylums
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>FBI may continue to urge social media
yea that's fine

government can make all the recommendations they want

they can't actually censor or remove information though

but you are right, i did forget the most based decision
>Trump is immune from prosecution

>So, everything in the "fake news" media is true now?
no, of course not, but this story is so fake that even the fake news dropped it back in 2016

if the fake news took this story seriously, how would they then have to deal with Joe Biden's own daughter accusing him of RAPING her in the shower

the fact is all of Trump's kids are well-adjusted and happily married with a family

while Biden's kids are all crack heads with mental and sexual problems lel

gee, i wonder who would be the better ruler

the guy who can't even raise his kids right, or the guy whose kids are all prospering in happy relationships

had Joe Biden even acknowledged that girl Hunter had with the stripper


all i have to say to you groomers is:


lol no

But I'll be honest, I couldn't stop crying when I saw that beautiful picture of that poor jogger in his tuxedo.

It was the saddest thing since I wept with my black children about the lynching of Greg Floyd.
How much are your monthly Student Loan payments?

Didn't Joe Biden say he will cancel them?

Will you put all your Hopes and Dreams in Kamala now that Old Joe has no choice but to resign?

What will she do about your Student Loan payments?
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democracy is fake and gay.
just make Donny Emperor already.
America is a republic leaf authoritarian loving boot/asshole licker

Day of the rake soon
Pure deflection projection.
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Groomercrats are in such a sad shape that even Kamala has better odds than their current front runner.

And it's not because she's suddenly doing better, it's because Biden is doing so much worse now that his dementia is out of the closet.
You're coping so hard. Like Biden's Trump's "well-adjusted" children are largely married to jews, and both Trump and Biden had incredibly inappropriate relationships with their daughters. Had Biden said the things Trump said about Yael Kushner, you niggers would never shut up about it.
You tds nigger cattle should all be gassed
yeah sure, when is the ai video "proof" coming out?
You didn’t have to sell me on him more, shit, I’ll vote for him twice now!
I love how the best you can come up with is "y-you must vote for the other guy".

The only person I've ever voted for is Ron Paul.

And the funny thing about the student loan talk is that, the retarded Republican talking point about just learning a trade is why all these major institutions are being taken over by liberal mulattos.
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Biden has actual jewish grandkids born to a jewish woman.

jews can only reproduce through their women, so Trump has 0 jewish grandkids and only a jewish son-in-law who he already called out for being Israel first

How come Biden has so many jews in his cabinet, when jews only make up 2% of the US populaion.

What if his cabinet was full of Chinese?
they also make up 2%

would you be ok with that?

I'm sure you shameless Groomercrat would.

There is only 1 president that called himself a Zionist.
and that's Joe Biden

And what the fuck am I coping over? The fact that Trump is all but guaranteed to win 2024?

It's obvious Groomercrats are the ones shidding and farding right now desperately bringing up fake stories from 2016.





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Doesn't matter who you claim to vote for.

There is nothing more politically jewish than attacking Trump.

and i can smell the matzo ball on your breath
Trying to over compensate now to hide your philosemitism?

>Yael's rats aren't really jews!
The Kushners are Chabad Royalty, you dumb nigger.
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I see you did well in civics class, but semantics aren’t your strong point
let’s see what the dictionary says:
> democracy. noun
>a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly ***or indirectly*** through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
Nigger trying to use big words does not hide the fact you are a retarded tds suffering sheeple
Go lick your supreme leader trudeaus asshole
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>The Kushners
Jared Kushner can not have jewish kids without making a jewish woman pregnant.

it's the jew rules
(and the muslim rules too, they're both the same retarded shit)

you know that already
>not interested in reddit
youre not fooling anyone
Newfag niglets should be killed

People have been doing that for decades ya ignorant cunt
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>this pilpul again
American jews are primarily Ashkenazis who lean left, but both parties are entirely jew-owned. This time around, there are jewish Democrats who see Trump as better for Israel, and are joining the usual cabal of Elders of Zion behind him.

He's also the more popular one in the central hive of jewry.

Jews are a race not a religion. A custom, which doesn't even apply as she's a convert, doesn't somehow make her little satan-spawn gentiles.

>I still don't know what reddit-spacing is
>Even if Trump loses 2024, the Supreme Court won't change

/Our nigger/ is getting up in years :(

>John Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice - 69
>Clarence Thomas - 76
>Samuel Alito, Jr. - 74
>Sonia Sotomayor - 70
>Elena Kagan - 64
>Neil Gorsuch - 56
>Brett Kavanaugh - 59
>Amy Coney Barrett - 52
>Ketanji Brown Jackson - 53
Nigger, this was in the news very briefly in 2016 before the accuser dropped her frivolous lawsuit. It's nearly decade-old news.
Niggers crying oceans about spacing should be ground up into feed
enjoy your free and fair elections
You don't seem to know what that word means or how to use it. How would one subjectively watch someone changing?
youre not fooling anyone either
its funny how you speak fluent hebrew
uh huh. yawn
KYS shill
Fortunately newfag niggers are not relevant
wrong, nigger. now fuck off back to r/sodomy.
Funny how they bring this up months before election and not last year, the year before last, and the year after that. Big hmm if you ask me
yeah no niglet

Redd it if for fags

I enjoy vagina thx
>I enjoy vagina thx

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