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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Exit polls are IN:

LAB: 410
CON: 131
LD: 61
REF: 13
SNP: 10
OTH: 25
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Why did SNP crash and burn?
Dead country. The paki pm was bad but this is even worse.
does the exit poll publish a breakdown of results by constituency?
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whats he thinking right now?
How long before Labour voters turn on them?
>why the fuck didn't I purge the blairites
My £5 of winnings from R Nige are safe.
Your Labour vote.

no proper plan for scoxit and scandal upon scandal for the party
>local mps attempting to diddle little boys
>misuse of funds
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when do actual results start coming in?
>ITV calling Reform far right

anyone watching C4? I assume they are seething over Reform since they already pushed the AI nonsense and undercover actor
gb news

how long do i have to wait to claim JSA
Exciting to see if Sunderland votes labour (they will)
But enough about the tories.
their previous leader was a spastic paki and the leader before that is currently under police investigation for embezzlement and their leader before that is a sex pest
This is the thread
>13 seats

Fucking pathetic. My sides are in orbit :D
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Exit polls are in
He got a higher vote share than Starmer btw
FPTP is inflating labour numbers
Vote reform get labour
Vote conservative get a dinghy wog delivered to your door
Laura kunesburger giving Rayner a nice bottom clean here, 5 years of this
Another paki first minster for Scotland
Boomers scared about their pensions.
Ruralfags who haven't been touched by immigration
Richfags happy that the three houses they bought in 1987 are now worth a billion quid each.
Hindu fundamentalists
He can't wait to get a round in with Nige and George at the bar
>Tories annihilated and powerless
>No more Scottish cunts talking about muh independence

A beautiful Thursday
im going to bed
as long as our nige wins 10+ seats, i think thats a win
lad that's insanely good for where they were
What even is an exit poll? It's just a final poll prediction?
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>13 seats for Reform
This will never be allowed, not even Nige will get a seat. Would be funny if he did but I can't see it.
Blackpilled lads. It's over.
Massive result for Reform
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the job given to the most useless politician of the party as per normal
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Jesus Rory Stewart is a retard

>bring boris back
he's not even an MP and the people who voted reform hate boris now




They are both Fabian Socialists, it is called a "Scissor strategy", the job of the tories is to be purposefully awful and then get Labour in so they can push further left, it's the classic hard left + center left bullshit that your Think Tanks use in all of the Anglosphere.
Canada, New Zealand, Australia it's the exact same modus operandi, with Fabian Socialist branches and the so-called Labour/Conservative divide.
This was their leader before the current placeholder.
Wtf browsing this forum I thought REF was gonna win in an epic landslide and that Europe is going to be taken over by a right wing wave.
>OTH 19
>18 seats in NI
Who is the other? Is it the Speaker?
My dad's on the inside. He works for Gregg's and he's predicting a Reform landslide
>r nige
youre all back to this grifting?
Mogg is getting flogged?
This but jews
They literally poll people after they’ve voted, as in, as they are exiting the polling station, and then model it to get an accurate picture of the way things will go.
>Mogg 50% chance to lose his seat
They poll people as they're leaving poll stations to get actual vote reports instead of intentions. Mostly in battleground areas.
its brexit 2.0
sunderland all over again
they are a brand new party. 13 seats is really good. they were expected to get 1 to 3 seats.
>pisslamic leader
>weird draconian hatespeech and trans laws always trying to outwoke the rest of the country
>endless scandals
>never stop whining about scexit
Hope so. Can't stand Mogg, useless wet fart.
Imagine how destroyed Ange's arsehole is
Fucking slag
>Mogg has a coinflip chance of losing his seat
It's over.
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He’s a posh weirdo who’s out of touch.

Of course he thinks if you wheel the clown out the plebs will come back to the conservatives

he really cucked out, well deserved
What website has a good map?
No, the hope was tories would burn and ref would replace them.
410 isn't that amazing, it's less than Blair got. 131 isn't annahilitation at all. All a bit boring desu

13 Reform would be fun though
Sky, scroll down
need to get your ears checked, he was outlining Nadine's position
I voted Labour:
...don't threaten me with a good time! Oh, and thanks for splitting the Tory vote, Faragetards: you've given the keys of No. 10 to Sir Keir.
Let Starmergeddon begin.
I'm happy to see the motherland has rejected the far-right conservatives. It's important to show that there is no movement towards the right and ultimately the left wing is the party of solutions and answers.
Good job.
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mogg out nige in is a good thing
FUCK christians and FUCK catholics in particular
vile foreign nonsense thats serves only the jews and never the people
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>Penny will have to go back to doing charity swimming events
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Oh no not jeremy hunt
anne widdecombe about to die live on c4

vince cable might join her
reall clear-out, Sunak will keep his seat tho but will still run off to California in a few months
The UK is poor af most people here want the austerity measures to stop and tory cunts take gibs from the bottom echelons of society

Also no one wants an unelected paki leading the country
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4 weeks and 13 seats
The Blairites strike back
> Scottish trannylover traitors completely fucking annilhilated
Perfect. Thanks.
if that tosser mogg loses his seat it'll ll be worth it
threadsplitter nonce got a sticky, migrate:
LAB: 0

CON: 0

LD: 0

REF: 0

SNP: 0

JEB!: 650
What will change in bongland? or promised to change anyway
Exit poll might not be correct
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>Fabian Socialists
Wes Streeting is the final form, watch him worm his way to power
polcels lost
Don’t forget the exit polls have never had a bigger chance to be wrong, due to changes in boundaries. There is no prior data to compare against. Keep praying for zero seats.
Because they’re evil.
Pretty impressive whichever way you look at it
The SNP collapse is comedy gold.
>Reform party prediction now revised to 19

This is weird. Why is this the only one that’s changing?
based on my covid modelling reform will rule the world by the end of 2024
>13 seats
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How long before she's our new kween bros?
Jacob Rees-Mogg getting ousted will be this election's Portillo Moment
Who the fuck voted labour? No cunt leaves here until I find out.
Remember it's FPTP, so Reform could get 20% of the popular vote - 130 seats if using STV.
How does he do it? Literally out of nowhere. Is he a master campaigner?
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You know another big wave of immigrants fresh of the boat soon
Fuck that
They only need 1 seat. Noisy Nige, at least he's a voice for a lot of people without one. Shame he's controlled opposition
Rory Stuart hates Boris. His point was that Tories basically have two choices now, based on election results and the leading figures in the party:
- Become more centrist; working with Boris to suppress far right and return to moderation. This isn't as attractive because the leadership here isn't strong (i.e., Boris)
- Become more right; leaning more towards Reform and Suella Braverman. This is more attractive due to successful leadership but worries more moderate people.
>thinking Reform split the Tory vote
Ironically they hate Scotland and the Scottish people and Scottish nationalism.
We can go to war against ukraine or some rubbish.
lefty subversion. They used to be a centre right party.
is keir starmer /ourguy/???????
No. The exit poll is conducted in 133 seats, same locations since 1997, that are considered marginal or bell-weather seats. We don’t have prior data though, since we’ve had the biggest boundary changes in decades.
He's a populist. Cut from the same cloth as Trump. Simple people flock to someone who speaks muh common sense and pretends he's in touch with the working class.
Epsteins great friend Lord Mandelson
Has there ever been a more useless cunt in British politics.
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one of the best speakers in the UK, can't barrage the farage
are they goinig to call the result 'just a protest vote' like they did with Brexit.
She begged muslims to vote.
>Your vote matters mate
>btw your choice is between two bloodthirsty, old money rich tribal camps that cannot and will not stop creaming themselves over great reset, mass immigration of the worst kind and taxes pumped into the gaping hole that is social benefits and NHS
>Norf East vote count war
An underappreciated element of GE night
If we get enough in they might take the black bin weekly again. Sick of it sitting for 2 weeks rotting when there's enough bames to refuse collect 24/7
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it's over
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>FUCK christians and FUCK catholics in particular
...and there's now an atheist PM with a Jewish wife: it'll be nice to see a menorah in the window of No. 10 this December: and many more to come.
Fuck inferior subhuman antisemites. The British electorate have proved your retarded opinions wrong: hopefully antisemitism becomes a specific criminal offence (but then, there's Section 5 of the Public Order Act already), and - via GCHQ - you subhuman Nazis no longer have the right to have opinions. Good.
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change the rules all bitches entering parliment must be naked
free the rayner titties
>stammer will call a snap election in two years and lose to reform
the absolute city of scotland
Depends if it's 13+ seats they'll be shitting the bed. He got those seats in 4 weeks. Imagine the carnage if he's around after 4 years of campaigning
Basically this.
It's gonna suck for a while, not gonna lie.
More BAMEs incoming
I had to close the BBC stream, the BMWF propaganda was too strong.
>implying Reform voters are telling journos that they voted for the "racist" party
I expect Reform to take even more seats, most of which will come at the expense of the Tories.
>Norf, Midul & Souf killing Tories
Wes streeting will backstab him and take the throne, then sell us to the judens
Moderate people will be split when Labour have a disastrous term in government fortunately
No idea. There used to be a constituency that took pride in being first and setting counting records. Used to take about an hour.
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When would be the next vote? Would Starmer have to call it?
Will be interesting to see if there is a 'shy reformer' effect
Lib dems won't get more than 30 seats
Between now and like 5am
Rory Stewart,
public school,
army glowie,
of course he's a complete idiot,
Tim nice but Dim.
>implying they don't do that already
only difference under Tories is that you don't get to watch it on BBC and ITV reported as a le good thing
Retarded brit/pol/tard is deluded , and reality proves it wrong
>cons eat seats
>but I don't want to be labour
muh reform voters are just disenfranchised by the 2party they're in and preyed on by a party claiming to understand and have solutions
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Favorite 'hu?
>LAB: 410
>CON: 131
>LD: 61
>REF: 13
>SNP: 10
>OTH: 25

all bongs showing this poll, is this the only one ?
I think it was Sunderland
Their pitch was a load of fucking bollocks and Scots knew it. Sturgeon, way back when, won a huge mandate for the independence referendum, she got it, she lost. Then she tried to get another, the UK government told her to fuck off because she just had one.

She kept on squealing about referendums. Then it turned out she'd been pissing away her party's money on fucking camper vans and paying loans to her own fucking husband.

Then they brought in Humza who was just shit all around and seemed to genuinely hate freedom, and loved pro-tranny laws that turn off the average voter.

Then Humza's replacement only pitch was "vote for us guys we'll get another referendum, honest this time" despite the UK government straight up telling them it's not going to fucking happen.
I'm too lazy to research other countries today, QRD on if the poo lost or not please?
Wishing you the best England, you didn't deserve the browning
>Nazi Party win 12 seats in Parliament
>Nazi Party are leaders of coalition government
>Nazi Party have a majority government
>Nazi Parti have total control over government and occupy every seat
>Reform win 13 seats in government
You are here
Could be but it'll be 5 seats max
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based bunnymen stacy
Yea, they compete with Newcastle
Mini North East rivalry between Newcastle, Sunderland and Blyth to be first
And so it begins..
>atheist PM with a Jewish wife: it'll be nice to see a menorah in the window of No. 10 this December: and many more to come.

they get beheaded by islam in 6 weeks,
just like my austrians
I am watching the pickle rick rick and morty episode.
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Looks like another win for the globohomo uniparty, nice work everyone.
Monster Raving Boomer Party
Probably get a few more than 13 as people will be wary of mentioning them. I asked my dad if there was a reform candidate in our area and he called me a fascist.
Sunderland and Newcastle have a competition to be first
Breaking | Early exit polling indicates immigration NOT a key factor in voters mind

12122 polled

38% said “it’s a problem that needs sorting

62% said “بە هیچ شێوەیەک کێشە نییە”
He's the only person I'm aware of who is extremely well travelled and still just a run of the mill lefty.
Rishi removals van when bros
express ticket to California
This is a board, not a forum. The campaign has been zero seats for tories. Farage is a controlled opposition cunt. Still voted for him, next time it will be for an actual nationalist party.
honestly I used to think brit/pol/ was redpilled but its basically just:
>drug addicts
>reform shills
>armchair natsoc larpers
>in-the-closet ginger gayboys
>childless old men
>lazy married cucks
>generic mentalists
>bourgeois Farage shills
>feminised men
>tripfag obsessed nobodies
>wannabe e-celebs
>thread monitor spastics
>wannabe jannies / mods
>fat cunts
>future sex offenders
>mainstream media consumers
>the irish
>blackpilled twats
>PA faggots / laura towler simps
>epic titus
>berty brincel
>sly cunts
>wrinkly fat old men
>reform voters
>fake exit poll believers
the absolute state of this general

Those exit polls are absolute bullshit
>Germany had proportianl representation and nearly achieved a majority in 1936 and burnt down the reach stage an blamed it on the commies

Can't wait for old Nige to have a "smoking accident" in Westminster
Fuck me she's cringe
My favourite Rory Stewart story was when he tried to shut down funding for jihadists in Syria only to be told no by the civil service, who proceeded to actively censor his letters to the prime minister. Then when someone sufficiently high up noticed they were funding jihadists it was abruptly stopped.
Despite this he remains a blob creature to his core. He literally can't comprehend that the institution is the problem.
>t. toryboy
I like Jerricky

every flood starts with a trickle
131 is the biggest loss for the tories since 1906 I think.
the uk doesn't have any right wing parties
Flight to Rwanda for mini rishi
well he can afford it. so .
Trust me m8 if real Nazis were allowed to be put on ballot European Union would be gone 9 years ago during the migrant crisis. The best u get are those neoconservative nonces that distract your ear with some bollocks re queers or online pornography while they import 500 000 doctors and engineers every year, so the rich cunts behind council housing development can make billions every year
13 seats? What a waste of time.
He'd be in charge if he wasn't up against Blair's shadow government.

Actually I’m not. Reform have more seats than is predicted here. Just watch….
Torybros.... Not like this....
Remember anons, FPTP causes disproportionate elections. 2024 will be the worst for this and minor parties will suffer.
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ooooh broooooooos
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So, are they gonna let in even more immigrants?
Is that the plan? Were bongs so dissatisfied with Rishi Sunak letting in so few of them?

I have no strong feelings for or against any of these parties, but it really makes me wonder, what's the point of this vote?
Like, what do people think they'll get out of a labour government?
That geert wilders guy turned out to be zog, I'm sure le pen will be the same
I think they lost more seats but still ended up with 150+
Biggest ever
If Sunak doesnt lose his seat then its a bad omen
he's a nice enough guy, well intentioned, but simply too dim to realise the establishment is evil, he has hereditary Stockholm Syndrome.
Exit polls are based on people being honest when they're asked outside the polling station.
How many people do you think were too scared to say they voted Reform publically, so said something else?
I hope the 13 Reformers are all White.
Initially competent technocratic managerialism, followed swiftly by infighting and chaos as labour has too many nutters with seats. Meanwhile growing and strengthening ethno-nationalist parties such as Homeland, English Democrats, and socially conservative parties such as Heritage and SDP.
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sadly the jews infest everyone
So will the media turn on Labour and if so how long will it take?
And proportionate representation causes hung parliaments and rainbow coalitions that get gridlocked and you end up like Belgium who didn't have a functioning government for 13 years.

PR doesn't work at all and FPTP has stopped working because we have people in the country who aren't acting in the interest of Britain and British people.
this. i would lie just to fuck with them.
total reform victory.
Farage is actually underrated as a politician. He's unquestionably the most influential politician of the 21st century.
He got Brexit, he got Trump in, he ended Cameron's career, he destroyed the lib dems, he ended Russell Brand's career, he fucked the EU, he does what he wants. Can't wait for him to take his seat in Parliament after deserving it for so long.
why no popular vote prediction?
Vine going fucking berserk on BBC
The only real choice in England is whether you want European immigrants (Slavs & Africans with Euro passports, vote Labour) or colonial immigrants (Pakis & Bhenchods, vote Tories)
Do I have to start calling everyone comrade now?
They will get to feel good about themselves while having to tell themselves more lies. New Labour did bring in the minimum wage but they were also strict and cruel with benefits.
Why don't they get it anon? Farage is wheeled out to absorb dissident energy when it builds up. He considers his greatest achievement to be the destruction of the BNP. Reform are center-right, John Major territory
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Imagine the exit poll is wrong and its a landslide Reform victory
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Your retarded opinion eviscerated now
...or your retardation shot to shit by officers of His Majesty;s constabulary armed with H&K MP7s
...and your opinions go into the trash!
Your dad sounds like a faggot and you should give him a smack
They bbc will be shitting it if reform win.
>Like, what do people think they'll get out of a labour government?
Majority did not vote for Labour, they voted against conservatives. People literally don't give a fuck and are not intelligent enough to understand politics. The fact they voted is proof of that.
It's is a puppet show, an mid 2000's talent show with even more tribal undertones.
pretty sure you're not supposed to hold it like that
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It's a fair question because if Labour are planning on a big round of public spending then they'll have to pull the money from somewhere and there's only so much you can raise in taxes. So at some point they'll have to get a grip on migration because it is the root cause of all our issues really. Housing, health care, education, transport. It's all creaking at the seams because of the exploding population growth.
He's alright really.
>Imagine the exit poll is wrong

just like my brexit

go fuck yourself you raging faggot
Dust off the boiler suit and dm boots.
she has good taste tho
let the Net Zero blackouts countdown begin!
Adopt optional preference AV (IRV) like NSW, it combines the best elements of FPTP and PV.
Rayner doing international diplomacy will be when the media goes at them. A gobby phil neville lookalike slag making us look thicker than before on the world stage
Reform needs a new logo, it looks like complete shit compared to all the others.
>they voted against conservative
This is what I did. Plus I'm a civil servant and I'm more likely to get a pay rise under Labour.
>a fucking arrow
They're all zog. Meloni, Le Pen, Wilders. They're all neo-con pro zionist globalists.
The guy from Labour canvassing basically was only on about conservatives, not what Labour has to offer. Even on a campaign level it's all retarded.
i feel like the arrow is a psychological trick to make people check their box on the ballot paper
I'd taste her tits and cunt.
Not many. Exit polls are traditionally very accurate.
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We need a real right leaning party, reform aint it.
So nice of that train to deliver that Darwin Award to the subhuman retard schizo Terry A, Davis, eh?!
...now there's an idea: racists executed by trains: inferior subhumans splattered under their wheels.
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if Vine is upset then I'm very, very pleased!
Kek, can't wait for the beeb to publish this cope.
Live results?
>Waaaah zionists are the real issue
Your time is rnning out Ahmed.
Weird innit. Almost like they're installed to prevent any real opposition
He was absolutely maniacal over the target seats Labour were winning
Oh fuck her off
Horrible bitch
Proportional representation doesn't cause that, that's caused because the country is polarized and the parties don't know how to work with one another.
Maybe 40 years ago
Go home you slag.
I'd rather just deport all the foreigners and execute all the marxists.
I physically winced at this lol.
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mfw my mp is probably going to be reform
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good mate. You gotta shift that Overton window to the right before we're cooking with gas.
Stupid fucker
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what will happen to my schizo/neet bennies under labour?
Whore. Wears attire totally inappropriate for her job.

Would smash tho.
A big night for the other party.

Considering some polls were forecasting that Tories might not even be the opposition party, I guess they'd be pretty chuffed with 131 seats.
Because of raised expectations about a humiliating Tory loss, these results would seem a bit disappointing.

Anyways Starmer has promised vague but insignificant changes so hard to know what's in store for britbongs. He's a former prosecutor and has a very strict reputation towards respecting law, so maybe stronger hate speech and anti Street protests laws will be passed in the next six months.
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>BBC presenters are clearly loving this

It’s over
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>reform aint it
...you got that right. But then, the right are eternally wrong: as a pro-Israel Nigey proves. Congrats, you've voted in an agent of your nemesis o /pol/. You've voted for something that doesn't care about you
Penny will be saving her own pennies now. Bitch
I know mate, I know. That's why I voted Reform. I was going to spoil my ballot but I may as well vote Reform, if only to cause seethe in this Labour safe seat.
police have just arrived at my house with three bames a wind turbine and an fpn for misgendering my dog and said i have to attend sensitivity training
You're under fire from every party. Welfare bill is too big. Get a fucking job
I mean historically Labour was the gibs party so I think u will be fine and dandy
I don't think they'll allow us to ever get something like the BNP/National Front off the ground again.
They'd be crushed and run out of the country like Mosley was.
>ooooh you flagshagger
deport. immediately.
fucking shit eating grin on this paki bitch
It's a huge majority but it's hard to ignore that it's less than was predicted.
She's the one who described her tits as "boiled eggs in socks":

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>BBC presenters are clearly loving this
>It’s over
>with three bames
how old?
Then we need our own native dissident paramilitary outfit. If they won't hear our grievances then we'll have to inflict some on them.
Holy shit, Farange picked up 13 seats?
Getting out of the house and engaging with other people and having a routine and being financially independent and so on will be really good for your mental health. That's why labour will invest in getting you the support that you need and gently helping you into your new job as cannon fodder against the russians in ukraine.
Probably more. There are a lot of tight seats not included in that and shy reform voters may be affecting exit polls.
They factor that sort of thing in. The exit poll will be very close to exact. Reform could gain or lose 2 or 3 seats realistically
I think Labour will do a few things that'll be deeply unpopular with their base, because if they don't they'll be getting their own wipeout in 5 years time. The decline has become too rapid and the normalfags are getting pissed off.
NHS will be party privatised.
Benefits will become less generous.
There will be a mariginal tightening of the borders.
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wow 13 seats. its ogre
id rather do that old dear than that ugly smelly poojeeta
Sex with Angie!

Insane, even UKIP never got near that. If immigration continues as it is that will be 50 in 5 years.
Oh darling sugar honey
When it was nice and sunny
And when I had some money
We would go and see Echo And The Bunny
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It took him six weeks to get 13 seats

How many seats will he get in five years?
which party is for gassing the invaders in britain and are they winning?
>hung parliaments and rainbow coalitions that get gridlocked
That's an issue with Party-list PR rather than STV.
none :(
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Is this supposed to be impressive? I was expecting him to be closer to the tories. What’s his end game?
>he ended Russell Brand's career,
how? can you please explain i never heard this
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>mariginal tightening
...as the actress said to the bishop
2 more seats

Cope. Seethe. Dilate.
The minimum wage was a disaster and is ignored in enriched areas anyway
About what?
sorry brit anon
i could be you if my ancestors didn’t decide to say fuck britain and came to america instead. god speed
Things need to get considerably worse before that becomes an option IMO.
The state is still too strong, their authority needs to essentially be limited too cities before you can look at organised armed resistance.

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>How many seats will he get in five years?
...when that lazy cunt that doesn't care about its constituents doesn't show up in Parliament for months and is proven to be in it purely for its self-aggrandisement - otherwise why didn't ol' Nigey stay with Trump and that thing's campaign? - and the money+ expenses, it'll get the boot from Clacton in five years.
will anything change? isn't basically every brit*id party pro-inmigration anti-eu now?
Someone bake.
Scotland has zero chance of independence now when it looked inevitable a few years ago
Who will you vote for at the next General Election?

None of the above.
I'm from England but only since moving away was I able to see that the UK is the national embodiment of crabs in a bucket. Gluttons for pain.
Brits really can not fucking help themselves, can they? Whatever shred of patriotism I had for the UK has long evaporated into the ether. I care deeply about Britain but this is like seeing a beloved family member get addicted to Heroin. You want to help them, the solution is clear, but they go back to jacking-up immediately after you give them an intervention.
I'm just continually disappointed and ashamed by my country. The nation I was born in and grew up in is not in danger. It's gone.
Fuck the UK honestly, maybe about 30% of the people there are top tier and deserve to be saved. The other 70% can not be saved. They don't want to be, and they are a lost cause.
>let's vooot for Tories!
>that didn't work let's vote for labour now
>that didn't work let's try the Tories again
>that was no good let's try Labour again
Every day I get more and more fucking embarrassed to come from that shit hole.
>Cope. Seethe. Dilate
...when ol' Nigey - for being a self-serving subhuman that doesn't care about Clacton - gets the boot in the clackers
It'll have to Cope and Seethe as it sees its political career Die Soon
Captcha: NFSOY
>when it looked inevitable a few years ago
when was this even on the table? how would a rump state that could maybe compete with slovakia work?
because we have first past the post. 13 seats is probably 20-25% of the electorate have gone full fascist
As long as SNP are ruling Scotland they would keep pushing for it so it was only a matter of time, they became more popular because of Brexit as Scots wanted to rejoin the EU
This will be the most seats they ever have
he has a 99% in the exit poll
In fact, the UK is irrelevant. Hasn't been relevant since 1997. Since then all we have seen is a zombie UK, staggering around in various stages of death.
Get out of there anons it's gone. It's already gone. You're all fucking fucked.
Looks like Reform picked up around ~15%, Tories got around ~26%. Under FPTP that translates to Tories getting ~131 seats and Reform getting ~13
huh. but back to my topic: scotland aside, will ANYTHING change?
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>Who will you vote for at the next General Election?
Labour. Did when I first voted when I turned 18, did so today. And always will.
They should just all be executed publicly. Tories, labour, lib dems (do they even exist anymore?). The lot of them. Have a clean out. Start over. Vooooting is pointless when the system is so fucking rotten to the core. They are all literal employees of the world economic forum.
Probably nothing exciting, we just flip flop from labour to tories to labour every few years, taxes go up regulations go up under labour
>26% = 131 seats
>15% = 13 seats

fraud system ngl senpai
fak out of beer.
deliveroowogs only other option.
Lost £50 betting, lads. But it's okay because I bet on the things I didn't want to happen to cushion the blow if they did.
>meme flag
>retarded country that allowed the irrelevant zombie Trump to exist
...and your irrelevant fucked opinions go out of here and into the trash
Fucking goldfish memories. I don't understand how these creatures haven't been hunted down and murdered yet.
Britain will continue to fall into obscurity.
It's even worse when looking at lib dem percentage and seats

>9% = 61
I'm not a foreigner, I said that I'm English in my first post here you stupid twat, learn to fucking read cunt
Gerrymandering, no way we'll ever get proportional representation other than through violent action
How scared are the Tories now of Farage on a scale of 1-10?
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>meme flag
You should just all be executed publicly
If you do anything but agree with the above statement, you don't have the right to have opinions about anyone else
Subhuman mutt rightard hypocrisy. Not even once.

A shame Starmer is such a tedious drip I too would have urged readers to vote Labour in 1979 and in 1983.

Odd isn’t it that ‘Labour’ Mayor Genghis Khan thinks it’s right to target working class people in London, especially in the outer boroughs where there are no tube stations. How can builders in Orpington afford to pay £12.50 a day to drive to work?

You’ve got Rishi Rich’s mob waging a war on businesses and Keir Starmer who still doesn’t know what a woman is and doesn’t seem to stand for anything.
I think if we get continually get results like UKIP got in 2015 eventually they'll be forced to hold a referendum on FPTP.
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Reform thrashed conservatives in Sunderland South.

Labour hold with a large majority

i think the possibility of Tories not even becoming the opposition party raised the thrill of this election considering a labour was certain. as I said before, it's a huge majority without any certain idea about what it's going to do. Only thing I'm certain is 2 years from now there would be huge pressure on Starmer to rejoin EU. UK is far too weak to survive and prosper alone.
>meme flag
>still a foreigner
...and you still don't have the right to have opinions when you chose to be a foreigner. You should just be publicly executed. Disagree, and you're a subhuman hypocrite.
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Hellooo saaar madame bitch arrr you da prostitute??? why yuooouu redeeem my card madame? hello bithc. HELLO MADAME BITCH!!!!!! WHY YOU REDEEEEEEM?!?
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fuckin nooooooooo
>Labour win precisely because of a split created by Farage's retards
...and (Un)Reform(ed)'s first fail.
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>where did it go wrong
>Rory "Tory Nonce" Stewart now trying to justify centrism when Reform are clearly surging and raping the tories
oy nigel I think 11668+5514<18837
Vote Tory get Labour.
Theyd still lose even if you combine reform and tories
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First results 29.2% for reform holy shit
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>where did it go wrong
...you were allowed to exist, Jerkoff Pees-Bogg
>tfw we lost the immigration election
how did you find this image of my brekkie?
>failing is a new party getting double the tories’ vote in a labour riding
Shut up poojeet
The area has gone for Labour since 1963 retard
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I refer you to: >>473090963
For once the Daily Fail doesn't fail:
>meme flag
...and your opinions go into the trash!

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