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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Happy 4th July, kek
At least he died doing what he loved most. Drinking jew cum
how many NATO generals has Russia killed thus far? At least 1000 by my reckoning. Same as HIMARS systems.
Twentynine Palms is located in California, USA retard
I'm sure this low resolution screenshot on Eurasian basket weaving from is real
Brought to you by Pfeiz-ACK
I love dead zogbots and I cannot lie
When did they move twentynine palms to Ukraine?
to be fair, hoholistan is as gay as cuckacommia, so i can understand the confusion
You don't mention that he was retired, not in an official capacity, is still a Marine and an American

Lord Christ rest his soul and end this corrupt zionist war, they are slaughtering our people in Christ over lies
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Even if you retired, once you are a Marine, you are always a Marine.

People have the right to know what is happening in East Ukraine.

Mass slaughter for a zionist settlement project, "New Israel"

"New Jerusalem" and Hasidim to settle from Palestine.

They evacuated Jews when the draft hit in Ukraine.

It is specifically the Christian that are poor dying.

>It is specifically the Christian poor that are dying

It is a genocide, Russians and Ukrainians, civilians as well

Christians are being genocided by zionists in Ukraine for a settlement

These were much like the anti-Christian Bolshevik horrors of Soviet Russia

Christians slaughtered and enslaved en masse, churches were suppressed

Like the zionists are doing now in Russia and Ukraine, oppressing the church
Wait how did he die at a training center?
Holy shit that dude was base general of 29 when I was at MCCES in 2017
Sure bro, he was "found" there.
No one saw him after he left Ukraine suddenly
why are they deadnaming him?

He was Colonel Asspup
He died doing what he loved. Dying.
pretty easy to find out. count everyone who was bellow 60 and died of unnatural causes, then minus 20% (generously!) for those who really died in car crashes or on a hooker or whatever, then you get the number.

Steroids are a hell of a drug.
They say he was found dead at Marine Corps Base 29 Palms. What they don't say is he was in the back of a US Air Force C5 that had just flown from Poland.
When will you win?
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>reviewing military training
Great job!
trainings is hard job.
He was retired so all he was doing is getting paid to train these jewish henchmen. Every general I met was either a piece of shit or a government lackey, also a piece of shit
Well, that's where the plane landed. Better than Edwards I guess.
Yep. We pulled this shot in Iraq all the time. He died at Ramstein. Blown apart in fallujah, but died at ramstein!
when the ukies break.

he wouldn't have been promoted to general unless he was completely retarded

which clearly he was
>living ON base for four more years
Yeah those two don’t go together.
Burn in hell, zogbot.

>died for israel
Don't get much more American than that. Semper-Die I guess
Wouldn't have happened if he trained harder. Many such cases.
You can retire and still live on certain military installations. Sorry you're a civilian or only served less than 2 years
Prob vax.
I thought NATO wasn't in Ukraine, NAFO trannies?
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Hey goy, its hot outside, thats what did it, climate change!
Press S to spit.
>end this corrupt zionist war
>shedding tears for one of the zionist warriors
lmao stfu faggot
>Sorry you're a civilian or only served less than 2 years
literally nobody but faggots, niggers and retards want to become a zogbot. are you proud of feminizing the west?
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At least he died doing what he loved serving Sodom and Egypt and going to Hell for eternity
I did my time and built up my resources and knowledge. Better than you shit for brains. Have a nice day
You're nothing but a jewish golem and always will be
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dog bless :DDDD
Seems he's training the ukranians well.
Death to all Zogbots.
>the government would never lie to us
lol and... dare i said it...? lmao
probably forgot to tip the whore and her pimp killed him.
based spaghetti chef
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special forces guys pretty frequently "die during training" to cover up where in the world they got killed/what they were doing when they got killed
Another life sacrificed to the jews. Thank you for your service!
Russian and NATO military doctrines are different
US general died doing an inspection tour
Russian generals die in FOBs COPs and other installations near the front
Hey Pedro, it says
>'recently reviewed training in Ukraine'
you stupid niggers are an embarrassment to actual humans.
You remember the first few months of the conflict? Ukraine literally claimed to kill Russian generals every week!
Retirees are on base often.
BX/PX/Class 6
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Fellow stump fren.
jewish war so i dont care. if he had died defending america i would actually be sad and respectful
29 stumps is in Ukraine? I'm more concerned why would anyone stay in 29 stumps voluntarily after they retire.
Rest in peace General Pup
Why wouldnt you get taller legs extension? Fuck if your legs are blown off might as well atleast wobble around 6ft+
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All you did was allow them to put DARPA IoB research tech into your body (did you enjoy your "anthrax shot"; ever feel "funny and weird" after taking that one?), destroy your body through repetitive activities that really served no real purpose, poison your body with their purposely toxic food and water (protip: they know that their own has the greatest chance to ever turn on them and be able to supplant them; thus, all active and former military are designated as enemy number #1 for the breakaway "National Security" apparatus that is really running this country. Better to ruin their "future enemies" bodies now when they are under your "legal authority" and control), and putting not only yourself, but your entire family, on all the future watch and terrorist lists (see the previous point) just to receive "training" that you could have learned on your own.

The only benefit you got was ill gotten gains fiat coin (which you could have made more of doing literally anything else in that timeframe, when you add up the total time committed to them while spent in service and added costs they didn't tell you about (i.e. Future healthcare for the inevitable injuries and chronic damages that you get during your time in there)) and experience on weapons systems; and it only costed you mostly everything that really matters.

Yeah, some "resources and knowledge" you got there.
Did they at least let you take some TAPT off the base before you left?
Died serving globohomo. Shameful.
Dead zogbot is a good one.
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Zogbots aren't known for their smarts. He's just thankful that he's back in the battle.
is this one of the losers and suckers Trump talked about?
California is rightful Ukrainian land
He was killed an a russian strike,this is just a coverup this is because they said he was found dead while not disclosing further details and implying that he wasnt in the base the last time he was seen alive
>pecial forces guys pretty frequently "die during training" to cover up where in the world they got killed/what they were doing when they got killed
then it sounds like they're a bunch of retards signing up for something like that
He probably wasn't a Trump supporter, so perhaps not.
bwahahahaha so much for elite military only to be killed by vodka drinker with no ammo, tech, and armed with potatoes. image making it to 2 star general only to die on some training grounds in jewkraina where you had 0 reasons to be at
>found dead in twenty nine palms.
>died in ukraine.
Op is a moron.
They want to humiliate these pigger neo nazis. Remember sgt. torso's roman salute?
Nothing better than dying like some pawn for unaccountable bureaucrats to make black money and to further their shadow agendas wherever they go.
But at least you get "rockstar" status of being something like "SOF" this or "seal team" that, and bit of that ill gotten black money.
Sooo coool and hardcore.

Yeah you lot and yours will be swinging for all this, alright.
The MoD of Russia says at least 40 GENERALS of NATO countries
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Low quality shill post faggot. You're going to the front line with the North Koreans, get ready to compost in Ukraine loser.
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>Ching chong ping pong
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The answer is zero. But here's one of the Russian generals that got killed by ukie nazis.
Uh uh... Can you tell me that number from feb 2022 then Ivan?
Based as fuck as usual... Bulgarians...they just come hère AND tell thé truth...
If you're going to shitpost you should learn to read.
you are objectively worse than chinks trying to come here and 'save face', not even chinkoids are this blatantly inept
fucking fed mongrel, shut the fuck up. Maybe stop sending your best men to die for literally nothing, then you wouldn't have anything to save face over -- too fucking hard of a concept for you to comprehend you retarded yiddish slave?
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> Gay Asshole Yiff Treason Organization general dies of aids
I thought I was a Russian bot?
whatever you semantic obsessed semite
either fab strike in kharkiv or clot shot stroke out…
You are obsessed with Chinks,Burger!
Stop it.Your kikes moved production to China to fuck you.Now,that you are fucked,you are supposed to go to shitholes,like Ucraine AND Izrael AND defend people,who fucked you in thé first place...

3000 kilos of zogbot LUV!
maybe you retards should stop joining the fucking weimarican marines and there wouldn't be any more ziopig terror in the world to start with.
Nice. Death to zogbots.
It's an honor to have served and died for the US military, except when we need to be embarrassed for our military actions and your death isn't allowed to bring honor to things we conceal and are embarrassed about!

Oorah marine!
FPBP, death to Great Satan!
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Good. All soldiers in illegal wars should die. Only congress can declare war and it hasn't.
real in my mind where i cope at with seethe sauce
cope, at least russian generals go to the front unlike yours that will send you to die for their freedom to suck huge negro cocks. you lost more land today, nafocuck, tactical retreat and so on.
wtf kind of retard child brain nigger idiot shit fuck answer is this grade school faggotry you fucking faggot?
another cracker dead
that's what he gets for insulting india

white people dominated by BRICS

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