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Why does /chug/ call the war in Ukraine comfy? This Russian soldier doesnt look comfy at all!
is he thinking about his $2000?
is he thinking about the trophy washing machine?
is the thinking about the trophy toilet?
is the thinking about dad's new white Lada?
so many questions, so little time left
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military commissars manhandling old ladies on the street is also not comfy. Don’t worry RVS is working on correcting this.
They called it that early on when Pussians could massacre unarmed Ukrainian civilians with total impunity. Now that the tables have turned, not so comfy anymore lol.
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>the failure of its sanctions regime and worldwide support for Russia has dealt the death knell to DC's unipolar hegemony; multipolarity is finally back
>EU's economy shitting itself while its governments blatantly overplay their hand, helping nationalist parties like AfD and National Rally
>blowing America's debt out even more, which is nice when a debt implosion is the only realistic hope that DC will lose control over America
>Russia showing that even after decades of Communism and a decade of near-collapse, it's possible to come back from the brink in the same manner that I hope the West will follow one day
Yeah, it's comfy. Rest in peace to that soldier and to all the others who fight the good fight.
They're living in total denial. How else can you say "we will win soon" for 2 years straight?
yes, multipolarity is the future
Chechya, Dagestan, Tuva, Altai, Bashkortostan, Buryatia, Chuvash, Ingushetia, Kalmykia, Karelia, Komi, Yakutia, Tatarstan, Udmurt
all need to become indpendentt states and participate in the new multipolar world free from imperialism!
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It’s joever
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Every time
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aint too comfy for piggers either, but thats war
The observer is comfy, you utter spastic
cannot refute my point
resorts to meme
everyt time, John of Ohio Oblast
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>The total denial in question: Russia's war-driven economy is so hot that the World Bank upgraded it to a 'high-income country'
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I have more
me too
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Fake news, this war is super comfy look at how comfy this guy is!
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it's comfy seeing you butthurt about it
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>This Russian soldier doesnt look comfy at all
who gives a fuck, dude, they're volunteers who signed a contract with the army, that's their job. While the ukrainians are being forcibly packed into buses
If you want to resort to sophistry to dodge an argument, you need to do better than that. As I explained, Russia is benefitting my interests and the interests of any other white in the West. DC would destroy our people if provided the chance.
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Only subhumans find pleasure in suffering ziggers. Take this kot for redemption.
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voluntolds! amiright?
because those who shill this board dont have to be there personaly
for them its comfy
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>they're volunteers who signed a contract with the army
All that does is justify reveling in their deaths and laughing at them as they suffer. No moralfagging anymore.
yes they are, 30% cons / 70% poorly trained contract soldiers. In rare cases - mobiks (you have to be guilty of something big to be sent on an assault as a mobik).
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that's, like, your opinion, man.
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You know those are pissiyans getting blown up in that webm
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jesus it's one wounded guy, why waste that much explosives?
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imagine being this desensitized, bet your PC is just full of videos of dead russians and russian gay porn
yep, better dead than red
/chug/ is a bunch of turd world shitskins jerking off to loli anime. They dont care about russians dying horribly anymore than putin does.
You do realize jews are going to throw all europeans into the meatgrinder, right?
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Gay opinion
Suffering ziggers is funny
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going to be a short one if all the euro's join in mate. i'd say sub 8 weeks once the actual force crosses the ukrainian border.
finally a sane Ukrainian
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chug enjoys seeing Russian goyim die and support brother wars.
So why do pissiyans moralfag when their Mercs get blown up in 4k?
The fact that they're Mercs makes it worse even since they are in the invading side and chose to be there for the sign up bonus of one week of my wage lmao
There poor evil peasants deserve to be filmed getting blown up, it's actual moral and just
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It's a russnyan glowies in occupied territory, go eat some adobo
It's my argument, and it never seems to get challenged in these kinds of threads. This war has had several benefits for Western nationalists, and the regions that Russia wants to annex are ethnic Russian and want to stay that way (which is implicitly acknowledged by neoliberals who cheer the war mostly taking place in "Russian regions," calling Donbas "Donbabwe," etc). There's no reason for me to cheer against Russia. The only reason I can think of for a white guy to rabidly hate Russia for this war is historical resentment (which would be as stupid today as Poles and Germans gorespamming each other) or because they seriously think DC has white interests in mind.
This is an example of the latter. Under DC's vassalage, the EU is struggling to produce shells just for Ukraine, there was that damning report earlier this week of the German army not even having enough rifles for its troops, many Euro economies like Germany's are in decline, and more. Europe will regain its respect when it casts off its chains, not when it licks America's boots even more.
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>So why do pissiyans moralfag
a natural psychological process, i don't think there's anything to explain
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Why does pol enjoy seeing white men being maimed?
They'll give a smarmy response about Russians not being white, probably, but they're simply neoliberals. They've been tricked into thinking that their masters are their friends.
copper jet one shot 2 kills.
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russians are niggers
Because Russia can leave any time it wants, Ukraine is stuck defending its liberties.
But it's fine, we'll just accept the Empire mindset.
And I'm serious, the next step will be to take Belgorod, then on to Moscow. If we have to bomb St. Peterburg to ruins because they don't quit, we'll do that and split the oblast between Finland and Estonia.
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The point of my gore dump? War is le bad.
where did his left arm go?
Lol at that orc landing on the hot as fuck engine after getting droned.
Kek, Exhibit A. DC is destroying his people at home, but he's more worried about larping as an imperial somewhere else.
world record toss. the sad part, you'd be out from the G's and all that flight would be missed.
how the fuck does a grenade size explosive propel 2 bodies 100 ft each way
back to Mother Russia
can't carry them back it's too risky. he's the only target left. mercy killing the Russian command isn't sending anyone for him.
Russians arent white, especially the russian army and they are invading another country. Their deaths are their own fault.
katsap, are you okay?
katsap, are you okay?
are you okay, katsap?
>EU struggling to produce war shit
yeah its because the EU isn't at war. if it went to war, it would struggle for sub 6 months, then blow russia out of the water. at the moment the EU/Nato can't do much because it has to not piss off the population, if it went to war, it wouldn't have to worry about that anymore. if NATO/EURO actually joined the war, it would last weeks, i guess, as i said, about 8 once troops cross the border.
the size different in militaries between NATO/Russia is laughable. Russia would crumble very quickly. wouldn't be surprised if they served up Putins head on a platter within a few days of the war going hot.
Putin's own oligarchs would eliminate him for fucking up their and their children's prospects in the West
By sending migrants to the west? I know you're retarded and/or baiting but you can't be so retarded as to think that Russia is somehow benefiting the interests of us. Sending hordes of mongoloid mystery meat to "russify" Europe, propping up Islam, importing shitskins from India and Syria just to export them to european nations like Finland or Poland isn't really in our interest. And with "us" I mean actually white people, not some mutt like you. Now that I think of it, it makes sense that you race mixers are so supportive of russian mystery meat. You are essentially the same after all.
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obviously it's not grenade size. depends on what explosives are in it.
They're Ukrainians. I only know of that one because it got spread on Russian TGs a lot. If your lot are claiming something as blatantly wrong as that, then I question how much of this gorespam is even Russian.
They are, as anything from the genetics to your own eyes could tell you. The regions that Russia occupies are ethnic Russian, which is why they got upset at Ukraine's post-Maidan treatment of them. Are you going to say that Hitler was wrong for caring about Germany's minorities in Poland?
>isn't at war
Cope. The EU has very vocally been trying to maximize arms production since the start of the war. They set and failed to reach an artillery shell pledge last year, for example, and the reason why is clear when looking at how much their industrial sector is suffering.
>doesn't understand the difference between and "please make more shells" and "make more shells or we'll take over your company and we'll make more shells"
dumb ziggers gonna zigger. you're not smart, you're just a dumb contrarian.
>By sending migrants to the west?
I love this. Russia's the reason for Europe getting mutted, not the legions of migrants that were let in by the EU? Migrants who got the go-ahead when America and NATO blew up Libya and the Middle East? What a statement. It's crystal-clear that DC and the EU both hate their native populations and are in the process of replacing them. Russia pointing a couple illegal border-crossers of their own to someone else isn't accounting for the collapse of European demographics. Meanwhile, everything I stated before still stands.
More cope. Again, Euro leaders have cast this war as an existential crisis from the start. "We aren't really trying" is a pathetic excuse, especially to Ukrainian ears. And nationalization wouldn't magically fix the decline of the EU industrial sector when the prohibitive issue is energy supply..
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>s anything from the genetics to your own eyes could tell you.
Maybe you should at the "russians" dying horribly in OPs vids. Russia isn't an ethnostate anon. Its a multi ethnic multi racial civnat empire.
>muh excuses for putins zog war
Doesn't matter what cope putin comes up with to warmonger. The russian solders are mindless zogbots that signed up to invade and destroy another country. They cant even say they were forced to be there by some draft. Their deaths are their own fault and rightly deserved for being mercenaries.
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nothing ever changes
you're all either reddit tier niggers posting your "-1 from le bad guys" or jews celebrating whites killing each other. There's a special place in hell for all of you.
>only trainers and maintenance actually on the ground
>this dumb zigger thinks that means EURO/NATO is at full war posture and trying to win at 100% effort
EURO/NATO is doing fuck all COMAPRED to what they would be doing if they actively joined the war. cope harder you dumb zigger.
So tell russians to stop dying so putin's jewish pals can get richer.
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Shutup and watch the gladiators die for our amusement plebian.
> Russia isn't an ethnostate
Which isn't the discussion. The European ethnic group of Russians are clearly white. Calling them mutts for still having their empire would be like calling a 1890s Frenchman a Nafri for owning Algeria.
>Doesn't matter
If you don't have an argument, then don't respond to the point. You can't reasonably call something an excuse without explaining why.
>is at full war posture
Lel, what? You've been claiming that Euro industry hasn't been trying despite what Euro leaders in their government and industry have themselves said. Your type argue like leftists by trying to subtly change the point of the argument after losing the original point.
These are Russians kek you can clearly see they're wearing the fake chink multicam Russians use now.
Again, neither you nor pussyans have any claim to the term "white". Russia is quite open about their willingness to racemix. "White people" in your eyes are Tuvans, Degastanis, pajeets and sandniggers. Sure, the current situation in the EU is problematic. However we don't need halfniggers like you acting as if your racemixing ideology is somehow better than the current one. We'll fix this shit on our own.
>Which isn't the discussion.
Yes it was. You claimed russians are white and they arent. They are a empire of mutts and shitskins. Something you should be familiar with. Russia isn't white and it isn't european.
>N...Not an argument
Yes it is. Sorry if your small mind cant comprehend it tho. The russians dying horribly by the tens of thousands in endless drone vids for over two years now all signed up to invade and destroy another country. A white country. One that didn't attack them or threaten them in any way. They deserve their fate for being mercenary zogbots waging a war of aggression. There is nothing abnormal in this option and the same is regularly said when applied to american and other solders dying in wars in the middle east.
>acting like russians never spread videos of russians getting killed while claiming them to be ukrainian
my goodness, your retardation levels are fucking up my Geiger counter
Nah he's thinking about cheetos
i'm claiming euro industry is doing what they can do without pissing anyone (including the boards) off. if EURO went to war, that shit would not matter anymore and production of shells etc would take priority over EVERYTHING else. you dumb fucking contrarian loser zigger. kys. society hates you so you hate it, so boring.
>if EURO went to war,
just imagine
>wartime economy announced
>martial law established
>curfews established
>fag, lesbian, abortion shit told to stfu because we're at war
>treason punishable by death
>sucking russian cock punishable by death
>everyone goes to work in ammunition factories
>we go kill tatar-mongol once and for all
one can only dream
>Sure, the current situation in the EU is problematic.
Delusional. Europe's demographic situation is utterly fucked.
>We'll fix this shit on our own
You've been failing at that for seventy years. DC losing its grip on Euro governments will help, but people like you trying to gargle its cock harder are counterproductive.
>You claimed russians are white and they arent.
You already conceded this point by switching to "it isn't an ethnostate," and now you're trying to switch back. Am I not white because I live in a country that's just about to become minority white? Again, was a Frenchman not white because his people controlled Algeria? Your logic doesn't follow.
>One that didn't attack them or threaten them in any way
Tell that to the ethnic Russians living there. This is the same cuck argument that tries to shame Germany for invading Poland to protect its minorities there.
>and the same is regularly said when applied to american and other solders dying in wars in the middle east.
This comparison is nonsensical. There were none of my people asking for liberation in the ME. I and every other regular American got nothing out of those wars. Russians have already liberated Crimea fully with the landbridge, and they'll come away from with at least several other regions being liberated as well.
oath. imagine the keeno footage of 100+ bombers raping moscow + any putin hiding spots
>i'm claiming euro industry is doing what they can do without pissing anyone (including the boards) off
You're flailing to invent their intent when they themselves are claiming they're running at max production. You buffoon, have you been living under a rock? The EU promised full support to Ukraine. They aren't sparing expenses. The factories they have are unsufficient, and spinning up new factories takes a ton of time.
how many times do i have to repeat it for you single digit iq zigger to understand. "we're at full production capability without pissing anyone off" you're so fucking stupid its pointless talking with you.
you think they couldn't build a new factory? forcefully aquire another factory and repurpose it? they could if they went to war. they are not at war, so they have not. you're fucking retarded. kys.
he thinks that if russians reach the Atlantic, he'll get laid somehow
I can't figure out the cause-effect, but it's real in his mind
No anon. No amount of deflection can change the fact that russians arent white. It didn't make some long and convoluted argument that you need a novella of cope to unpack.
>The russians living there
There are no russians living there. Russia has no claim on the citizens of another country. By the way the russian speaking areas of ukraine full of russian speaking ukrainian citizens that you are referring to has been depopulated and destroyed by the russian army. All the cites you've seen bombed and destroyed and completely abandoned by all that once lived there are in these russians speaking areas of ukraine.
>the direct comparison isn't applicable
What cope. Its exactly the same. If somebody in ukraine wanted to be a russian citizen so bad they can move to russia. Just as you can. Russia accepts millions of immigrants from just about anywhere.
> without pissing anyone off"
Your own quote that's incongruous with what they've actually said.
>forcefully aquire another factory and repurpose it?
Fucking kek. Do you know what a factory is? You need the particular equipment to make a particular product. Your dumb ass can't take a car factory and turn that into an artillery shell production line in a month.
>It didn't make some long and convoluted argument that you need a novella of cope to unpack.
What? You provide nothing in this part that's an argument. You just gave up while claiming that I'm deflecting.
>There are no russians living there
Looks like the people living there disagreed. And the only difference between Ukrainians and Russians is the accent of Russian they speak anyway. It'd be like Austrians discriminating against Germans.
>If somebody in ukraine wanted to be a russian citizen so bad they can move to russia.
That's what the Jew on Kiev would've said. It turns out that oppressing and shelling a slightly different population with its parent population just across the border is a bad idea that costs you the entire East of your country. As with the Poles, fuck around and find out.
spoken like someone who's never worked in a factory.
You are deflecting from what is an objective and observable fact. Russians arent white and their army in particular is very brown and nonwhite.
>Endless cope justifying putins zog war
Sorry anon but thats just cope. Russians dying horribly in these vids are imperialist warmongers thats signed up to invade and destroy a what country. The have gotten what they deserve. By the way the russian army has killed more russian speakers of ukraine than zalenskys troops ever did. With bombs, shells, bullets, mines and everything else. Guess they got what they deserved too huh?
Look at America's own attempts to rapidly expand military production once the war started. Real life isn't HoI4. Getting a fully functioning new ammo factory takes a ton of time and a lot of money. And again, your argument hinges on the existing factories not operating at full throttle already when every other source and the officials themselves say otherwise. It's not like they're throwing spare scraps to Ukraine; reserves have been heavily cut into.
>You are deflecting from what is an objective and observable fact.
An argument involves providing reasons to believe that what you say is fact. You've failed to do that. Indeed, you sabotaged yourself several times already with that "Russians aren't white / Russia isn't an ethnostate" flip-flop.
>Russians dying horribly in these vids are imperialist warmongers thats signed up to invade and destroy a what country.
A what country? I'd accept Jewish as an answer. Go cry about your imperialism somewhere else, fag. You're on /pol/.
>The have gotten what they deserve.
Your english is noticeably deteriorating. A bit upset? What they've gotten is Crimea, Luhansk, Donbas, and more regions for their people while watching their main enemy bloc lose influence and bleed resources. It's clear why your ilk try to focus on individual deaths so much: the big picture isn't very rosy for you.
>he thinks the USA is at 100% production and can't expand
you're legit dumb af
I stated fact and you have been attempting to claim its some debate. you cant argue facts anon.
>What country
Huh are you retarded? The nation of ukraine. An internationally recognized country by everyone on earth including russia.
>What they've gotten is Crimea, Luhansk, Donbas,
They had those before putin's failed war. The people living there got death and exile to the west. By the way putins latest peace offering gives up half the land they have taken during this war and offer a joint rule of crimea with ukraine lol.
>NATO countries are cutting into reserves on purpose
Sure, sure. They also leave Ukraine begging for more shells on purpose too. "We could've won if we tried" will be the cope mantra of this war in the same way that it was for Afghanistan. This is clearly the more rational explanation instead of looking at the deindustrialized wasteland of Western economies and coming to a different conclusion.
>posting POW snuff video trying to dehumanize russians
i dont think propaganda works the way you think it does. i hope they hang every last one of you for war crimes.
He's a child anon. Even during the iraq war when new factories were needed for rapid production many went up across the US to meet war needs. That isn't happening now because aside from shell production nothing is running at maximum capacity now much less requiring new production lines to meet demand.
>I stated fact and you have been attempting to claim its some debate. you cant argue facts anon
Are you a child? You're on a political discussion board. How do you not understand how discussions work? The facts are that Russians as the Euro ethnic group are genetically indistinguishable from other Slavs, and thus closely related to all other Euro populations.
>Huh are you retarded?
Kek. I wasn't exactly subtle in mocking your spelling mistake.
>They had those before putin's failed war.
I'd love to see your map of the pre-2022 borders.
>By the way putins latest peace offering gives up half the land they have taken during this war and offer a joint rule of crimea with ukraine lol.
I think you really are underage. This is simply made up; the last Russian offer was Ukraine withdrawing from all provinces claimed by Russia as a precondition to negotiating a serious peace.
Also, dont forget about: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

all need to become independent states in this brave new world of yours and participate in the new multipolar world free from imperialism!
Why are you nafo trannies so desperate for attention? Is it because of HRT and that your parents hatred you from birth?
>The facts are that Russians as the Euro ethnic group
No they arent.
>are genetically indistinguishable from other Slavs
Wrong again. Theres a reason you can tell someones ethnicity from genetic testing anon.
A russian wouldn't be mistaken for a serb in any genetic test anon.
By the way russian itself is as meaningless a term as american is. A russian can be any race or ethnicity because russia is a civnat empire and not a nation state.
>Ha ha I posted cope
>I'd love to see your map of the pre-2022 borders.
It barely different than now in terms of what russia controls. Russia has held the vast majority of its "gains" since 2014.
>This is simply made up
No anon and posting "no you're a child" after I and others called your obvious childlike posts for what they are is very childish. Putin himself demanded just a withdrawal from donbass and luhansk. He's offered to give up the other two proven ices he laughably annexed and he offered a joint administration of crimea with ukraine. Hardly the offer of someone thats kicking ass but it seems putin's kike pals have made enough money and its time to move on to the next thing.
Kek the look of defeat on this zigger’s face
He was dead long before he got blown up. He was being eaten by flies
Most European heavy industry, not to mention the production of strategic natural resources has been outsourced to china and to other poor thirdie countries like mine due to their retarded policies of degrowth and what not. Even if they decide to strongarm the industry to suddenly gear up for war with the Ruskies its just gonna take them tremendous political not to mention bureaucratic and public backlash in doing so and such effort will take years and years to happen. Europe has more problems within their borders, another massive land war isn't gonna bode in their psyche that well and their elites too.
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>No they arent
Great argument. Pic related or any other picture of the average Russian shows how stupid this claim is. That blonde guy in the foreground sure looks like a shitskin, huh?
>By the way russian itself is as meaningless a term as american is. A russian can be any race or ethnicity
You're repeating previous attempts that already got taken care of. By this logic, there were barely any Europeans at all during the colonization period. The Russians kept their non-European terriories while everyone else lost theirs.
>It barely different than now in terms of what russia controls.
Russia controlled 20% of Ukraine before the war? Again, I'm very curious to see the timeline you came from.
>Putin himself demanded just a withdrawal from donbass and luhansk. He's offered to give up the other two proven ices he laughably annexed
He legally can't, per the Russian constitution. What shithole source gave you this info?
>and he offered a joint administration of crimea with ukraine
Just how retarded are you? Holy shit.
God i wish

Imagine watching all those pigskins dying en masse, im having an erection rn
Holy shit. KINO
It's because Russians are not happy if they are not existing in a state of suffering. Simply put, it's all they know so they find comfort in it.
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>the average Russian
Is a shitskin
>You're repeating previous attempts that already got taken care of.
Holy ESL zig zog! And you have the nerve to laugh like reddit about spelling errors. There are no europeans in russia because russians arent europeans at all.
>Russia controlled 20% of Ukraine before the war?
It doesn't control 20% now and yes it controlled over ten percent before the 2022 invasion.
>He legally can't,
lol lmao even
>Just how retarded are you?
Not as retarded as you clearly. Putin made that offer. Not me.
>the average Russian
>Is a shitskin

remember the time when people like these on /pol/ lumped ukrainians and russians together as slavic shitskins like the smug Nazi larpers they are but now they refer to ukies as honorary whites too lol

Another memoryholed fact thanks to the west's propaganda efforts in swaying the public in supporting this useless and gay war
>shitskins can be blonde now
The neoliberal is full of wonders.
>Holy ESL
You found that difficult to understand?
>It doesn't control 20% now
Shameless lying isn't too effective when I can just google it to see even MSM admit as much.
>Not as retarded as you clearly. Putin made that offer. Not me.
I asked for your source already. No one reported something as idiotic as that. The fact that you're pushing this with a straight face is hilarious. Joint control of Crimea? When Ukraine's counteroffensive to reach Crimea failed so miserably that it barely reached the first defense line in Zaporizhia? When Ukraine hasn't made any advances for over a year (I think even longer than that)? When Ukraine itself is screaming that it needs more aid packages just to survive? Utter brainlet. Notice how the rest of your ilk have abandoned you here; the gorespammer for example conveniently stopped quite soon after the thread got filled with arguments that he'd rather not see bumped. You should've been half as wise. This won't be the last thread of its kind, but the cretins who make them will continue to get embarrassed until they learn better.
The average russian is a shitskin anon. Slavs are a elderly and rapidly shrinking portion of the demographics of today's russia. The youth are all brown people and russia imports more muslims every year than does any EU country. You can larp about ww2 and the soviet union while others talk about the real world right now if thats you thing but its irrelevant to discussing whats happening right now.
Good thread, anon
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>shitskins can be blonde now
There are very few blonds in russia but yes on rare occasions there are blond arabs too.
>You found that difficult to understand?
No it was just very awkwardly stated and obviously not coming from someone whose native language is english. I answered your poorly phrased cope as you ignored.
>Shameless lying
Nope. Russia hasn't controlled 20 percent and more since early in the war.
>I asked for your source already.
Search putin peace offer to the US. Its being reported by multiple news outlets. Its not up to me to keep you informed about the war you're desperately shilling for.
because for them it is
they sit in warm, eating cookies and drinking tea when posting anime girls, talking shit and ignoring reality(or any Russian blunder)
pathetic but still better than posting gore that make pro hohol side look retarded
>yeah its because the EU isn't at war
it is tho, at war with usa and losing hard
>oinkranian draft dodger goreposting again
go back and fight for your country faggot
we dont care about russia (ukraine supporters also dont care about ukranians they would willingly send them all into the meat grinder for americas interests) we care that russia is wasting the resources of a global jewish cabal that wants us all dead, thats comfy

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