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General Election 2024 sub-edition

BBC live thread:

ITV live coverage

Channel 4 live coverage:

Sky live coverage:
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I miss her so much bros
my previous thread became a sticky. i saw the election poll and went out for a walk. its like covid out right now. literally no one on the streets. which for my area is VERY unusaul. i just got back, i cant keep up with all the posts in the sticky.

What have i missed?
what does all of this mean?
how are the normies taking this?
how are the journalists taking this?
how is /pol/ taking this?

i promise this will be the last time i ask this.
i second guess myself all the time my dude, as well as numerous other people - you're one of the few people that i know who sayis it how it is, no strings, no lies (cringe but its true d00d)
She wasn't the hero that we wanted, but she was the hero that we needed.
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Norf Ireland anon threadly post.

I will be posting NI updates as they come in tonight and tomorrow. Pic related is the layout of NI Westminster Seats last election, and my predictions for this election. Feel free to AMA

Here are the seats to watch:
>Belfast East
The last part of Belfast that still as a Unionist MP. It too is at risk, however, as all 3 major Unionist parties are contesting it; Alliance are the favourite to steal it. In the previous election, which was a 3 way race between the DUP/UUP and Alliance, Alliance only lost out by a thousand votes or so.
>Lagan Valley
More Unionist heartlands, it is also very vulnerable to Alliance. It was previously held by Jeffrey Donaldson, leader of the DUP, but he was recently outed as a nonce so it could be over.
>North Down
Currently held by Alliance, many Unionists hoped to "take back" what was once a relatively safe Unionist seat. However, several Unionists are running-meaning that it's highly likely Alliance will retain it.
Usually safe for SDLP, but some think Sinn Féin will take it. If they do, it's curtains for the SDLP.
>North Antrim
If Jim Allister doesn't win, it will also likely be curtains for the TUV.

Party List:
>Sinn Féin (Nationalist)
Once the political wing of the IRA, they're the largest party in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland.
>SDLP (Nationalist)
Irish Nationalism, but opposed to the IRA.
>DUP (Unionist)
Once the party of various Loyalist Paramilitaries, they're the largest Unionist party in Northern Ireland. Previous leader recently outed as a nonce.
>UUP (Unionist)
The party in charge of NI from its founding up to the Troubles. Now, they're trying (and failing) to be a more "progressive" Unionist party.
>Alliance (Neutral)
No official position on the constitutional question, but generally align with Nationalist parties due to similar social policies. Main threat to most Unionist seats by mopping up moderate Unionists.
So far:
>South Belfast
Looking incredibly likely to be retained by the SDLP.
>South Antrim
UUP Robin Swann probably keeping it too.
>North Antrim
In play, DUP vs TUV. The seat is held by Ian Paisley Jr, son of the famous Ian Paisley who founded the DUP. One to watch - if the TUV can steal it, it's a biggun.
>East Londonderry
In play, DUP vs SF
>North Down
In play, Independent Unionist vs Alliance; UUP have conceded for some reason considering only a third of the votes have been tallied.
>Fermanagh and South Tyrone
SF looking set to hold, but by a slim margin.
STROUD: Labour victory w/ >25000. Conservatives 2nd w/ >14000 votes.
Beaten by a lettuce
>Suspected ballot fraud in Glasgow
Harrogate and Knaresborough: Lib Dem Victory w/ >23000 votes. 2nd place Conservatives w/ >15000 votes.
Sosban we can still save Wales
Let England burn for all I care
But we must save Wales
i'm 400 posts behind in the sticky now ffs
Rayleigh & Wickford: Conservative victory w/ >17000. 2nd place Reform w/ >12000.
DARLINGTON: Labour victory >16000. 2nd place Conservatives w/ >14000.
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>Northern Ireland Update

North Down looks like a LOSS for the Alliance, and a gain for Independent Unionist Alex Easton. The UUP really wanted this one, but will be happy that at least a Unionist has taken it back.
Peter Gibson loses Darlington by 2,298 votes on a 60% turnout, first time the BBC have mentioned Reform (6.7k) costing the Conservatives a seat
where the fuck did the interesting person fuck off to?
2am and only eight results announced. Fuck sake.
Labour stole votes from Reform. Mark Francoise was a good brexiteer though. Also just missed apparently Cops called into Glasgow count due to voter fraud. Think the SNP Mps were in at the count earlier. Probably caught moving bundles of ballots around
3-4 is peak time I believe
Mark Francois loses 36% of the vote from last time but stays in his seat in Rayleigh and Wickford
NUNEATON: Labour victory >15k votes. Conservative 2nd place.
Reform's looking at 5,000,000 votes
they REALLY are comfort eating on sky news arent they?
It's not the number of overall votes that counts. It's focusing on capturing the majority of votes within a constituency.
BARNSLEY: Labour victory w/ >18k votes. Reform 2nd place w/ >10k
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I was going to stay up but now I'm bored and sleepy. Wake me if reform wins a seat.
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well at least thats over now.
you will be asleep forever
Surprised, Barnsley was supposed to swing to Reform.
LEEDS WEST AND PUDSLEY: Labour victory w/ 18k+ votes. Conservatives 2nd place w/ >10k.
i would like the nark ti post, only because idgit
Once they start coming in, the msm cunts cant keep up with the speed.
And neither will I lol.
Reform will win five seats at most. More likely they'll get three.
EASTLEIGH: Lib Dem victory w/ >15k votes. Tories 2nd w/ >14k.
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guardian's map seems a bit slow
Talking to yourself again aye?
SWINDON NORTH: Lab victory w/ >17k. Cons 2nd w/ > 13k.
Still bringing to my attention things not being quickly acknowledged on the broadcasts.
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KNOWSLEY: Lab vic w/ >24k. 2nd place Reform w/ >5k
what the fuck
why do they all look like they watch their wives get fucked by black guys?
There's absolutely no way Reform are winning 13. Nothing in Barnsley and no Castle Point.
Reform win a three piece suite.
Fucking hell
Widnes and Halewood: Lab vic w/ >23k. 2nd Reform w/ >7k.
blocko getting rekt in the sticky
Kek, the candidate in Barnsley North came second to Labour but totally mogged Conservative in 3rd by 10799 votes to 3083 votes. had hoped he would have won thoughas would have been keks in parliament. Probably establishment rigged it for him to lose
thanks anon
Telford: Lab vic w/ >18k.
Welcome to the world of AI shit
The grooming gangs that fucked rSamantha will continue to operate freely

So far:
>South Belfast
Looking incredibly likely to be retained by the SDLP.
>South Antrim
In play; UUP vs DUP. UUP's Robin Swann the favourite.
>North Antrim
In play, DUP vs TUV. The seat is held by Ian Paisley Jr, son of the famous Ian Paisley who founded the DUP. One to watch - if the TUV can steal it, it's a biggun.
>East Londonderry
In play, DUP vs SF. Major, major upset if SF take it.
>North Down
In play, Independent Unionist vs Alliance; UUP have conceded for some reason considering only a third of the votes have been tallied. Looking like Alliance might lose it.
>Fermanagh and South Tyrone
SF looking set to hold, but by a slim margin.

>East Belfast
Too close to call between DUP/Alliance.
Barnsley North guy got Reform party support withdrawn for criticising lazy niggers complaining and acting like savages
ASHFIELD: Reform victory 17k+. Lab 11k+
>Reform gets their first seat
>Tories down to 4th place
Labour fatty needs a consilation plapjacking
Broxbourne: Con vic w/ 15k+. Lab 2nd w/ >12k.
anderson was already the incumbent and was pandered hard to by the tories before defecting
good showing by reform but I'm more curious about their results besides him or farage
actually interesting threads tonight lads
Battersea: Lab vic w/ >22k. Con 2nd w/ >10k.
Cannock Chase: Lab vic w/ >15k.
Vale of Glamorgan: Lab vic w/ >17k.
runcorn taking the piss, won't be counted till 3am apparently
Bridgend: Lab vic w/ >16k.
>tory -40%
holy hell kek
The problem smaller parties have had is having to find decent candidates at incredibly short notice because of Sunak's snap election, it's almost as if that's why he called a snap election.
Castle Point: Con vic w/ 15k.
Colchester: Lab vic w/ >18k
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>Northern Ireland UPDATE

The DUP have conceded Lagan Valley to Alliance. It has been in DUP hands since 2005, held by UUP MP turned DUP Leader Jeffrey Donaldson.

Donaldson was recently outed as a nonce. Alliance's Sorcha Eastwood looks to have taken the seat; official announcement due soon.
My sister lives there. Easy to vote labour with those demographics. I'm volunteering them for 100,000 social housing newbuilds. Loads of empty land just lying about ready to be built on.
Whitehaven and Workington: Lab vic w/ > 22k
Redcar: Lab vic w/ >15k
I can't keep this up all night lol.
evening, bingbong frens
how many Reform seats so far?
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>South Tyrone
Blackpool South: Lab vic w/ >16k.
the trouble for reform too was they weren't doing that great pre nigel returning so you didn't have many people giving a damn, came to bite them in the ass hard the past week and a half but seething at the tories mitigated the problem somewhat
Runcorn and Helsby: Lab vic w/ >22k
Tyrone is the English word; historically it was Tír Eoghain, an Irish Gaelic Kingdom.


>South Belfast
Looking incredibly likely to be retained by the SDLP.
>South Antrim
In play; UUP vs DUP. UUP's Robin Swann the favourite.
>North Antrim
In play, DUP vs TUV. The seat is held by Ian Paisley Jr, son of the famous Ian Paisley who founded the DUP. One to watch - if the TUV can steal it, it's a biggun.
>East Londonderry
In play, DUP vs SF. Major, major upset if SF take it.
>North Down
In play, Independent Unionist vs Alliance; UUP have conceded for some reason considering only a third of the votes have been tallied. Looking like Alliance might lose it.
>Fermanagh and South Tyrone
SF looking set to hold, but by a slim margin.

>East Belfast
Too close to call between DUP/Alliance. Reports say it could be just a few hundred votes between it.
Widnes and Halewood: Lab vic w/ >23k
Fingers crosseed conservative lose North West Essex as we dont want Bad Enoch taking over the Tory remains once the poojeet scurries off to Silicon Valley
Widnes and Halewood: Lab vic w/ >19k.
It's over for you lot Billy, only a matter of time before the calls for a united Ireland become shouts. As a fenian myself I don't even take any pride in it.
>Tories: Shabbat Goyim controlled by the Jews
>Labour: Also shabbat Goyim controlled by the Jews
Britain is done for, lads.
1st reform seat delcared. Lee anderson.....
Reports are that the DUP are getting hid hard everywhere; some "safe" seats are suddenly causing them a lot of worry.

Minimum of 2 seats lost, now. They had 10 in 2017, 8 in 2019, and now look to be down to 6. The most dire outcome would likely be 4.
>for you billy
I am not a Unionist and I share your cynicism toward a border poll. Waiting up to see FST and East Belfast. East Derry going to the Shinners would be funny as fuck.
ta lad
pure labour hold here, always will be
Galloway lost
Middlesbrough and Thornaby East: Lab vic w/ > 16k
losing both hartlepool and barnsley north isn't a a great sign for reform when both were 90%+ believed to be reform in the exit polls desu
may be high single digits instead of 13 though may be some surprises of course
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what the fuck is "peerage"?
>be dogshit politician
>forced to resign because you're retardedD
>your rich mate says "don't worry, be an aristocrat and maintain influence in politics for life"
>paid thousands to show up when you wantand examine legislation with no real ability to stop or amend it for the rest of your life
Fuck, George Galloway lost to Labour
SNP got BTFO in kilmarnock
Kilmarnock: Lab vic w/ >19k.
Another Josh victory
Rochdale: Lab vic w/ >13k.
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Both Barnsley seats to Lab.
Conservatives HOLD Castlepoint. Reform getting rocked.
Pontypridd: Lab vic w/ >16k
We need to bring back Norman rule
Chessington: Lib Dem vic w/ >25k.
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I see. Well I'm not one to judge your customs.
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They have predicted Kemi Badenoch will be the new Tory leader because she is the only "big beast" left standing.
>monster raving loony party
BTFO by a trough feeder thats been a councillor and fed off the NHS for 34 fucking years? She will do fuck all besides feed herself and her bank account.No better than an snp cunt. https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/person/22340/lillian-jones
Swansea West: Lab vic w/ >14k.
Kemi is pretty infamous for being a cunt to work with so I don't know how long she'd actually last even if the membership like her policies
Fingers crossed she loses her seat
Wrexham: Lab vic w/ >15k
Lib Dem who joined the Record-Immigration-Party (Conservatives) and briefly cosplayed as someone on the right so she could sell her book.
Runcorn and Helsby: Lab vic w/ 22k
Norwich South: Lab vic w/ >21k
Oof, the Galloway result was quite close
Coventry East: Lab vic w/ >18k
Massive loss for the SNP in Kilmarnock. Decent showing for Reform.
Tynemouth: Lab vic w/ >24k
Jarrow and Gateshead East: Lab vic w/ >18k
richard holden definitely knows he's fucked judging by his constant pacing
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>Former prime minister Theresa May will sit in the House of Lords having been nominated for a peerage alongside the former justice secretary, Chris Grayling, and the chair of the Conservative backbench 1922 Committee, Sir Graham Brady.
I hate how peers are just upper class benny mongs.
Gateshead Central and Whickham: Lab vic w/ > 18k.
Washington and Gateshead South: Lab vic w/ >17k
election updater anon is a good lad
Putney: Lab vic w/ >20k
Ealing Central and Acton: Lab vic w/ >22k
another labour gain in scotland with west dunbartonshire
Leyton and Wanstead: Lab vic w/ >20k.
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Why are men considered evil and yet women, the only people to care about trannies, and to create a hate party, are never slandered?
West Dunbartonshire: Lab vic w/ >19k
>nick timothy being one of 3 current tory survivors
that strategist weirdo for may right?
Whitehaven and Workington: Lab vic w/ >22k
Southport: Lab vic w/ >19k
Sefton Central:Lab vic w/ >26k
The friends of israel pulled out all the stops to sabotage him.
I can no longer keep up lol.
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last man standing
Niggers gonna go looting now
I shall now only give key updates going forward..

you've done enough tonight lad
its been appreciated
cons lost chelmsford and cheltenham to the lib dems
first loss of chelmsford for the tories since 1945 I think
Good job lad
Thanks :)

I've been relying on this map a lot. It's already becoming too filled out in ways I can't recall, and increasingly quickly.

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starting to come in now, still shy of 100 seats reported
Best resource I've had :)

> (((memeflag)))
Labour started the destruction of Kilmarnock & Loudon like many Scottish constituencies, SNP did the rest. Not much left for Labour to destroy in any of them now apart from the actual council offices, the bennies offices, vape shops, hipster barbers & BAME hand car washes. Also, how the fuck did the Tories even think they could beat Starmer with the Friends of Afghanistan candidate? Tory party took the piss right up until the end. https://www.cfafghanistan.org.uk/people/mehreen-malik
BBC have brought back mandelson to either gloat over Farage's defeat or to shit on hs victory
shapps donezo
no party will ever elect a brown skin leader again after >>473110947
Hopefully, critical illlnesses will get both May & Brady who fucked the party since the EU referendum. Brady was the one who wanted Sunak, removed Truss and Installed Sunak. He also never got rid of that treacherous cow May when the country was screaming for her to go. Also bye bye Shapplestein
Did the speaker of the house democratically retain his seat?
I wish people would aggressively vote against the speaker no matter his seat
>Northern Ireland Update

Belfast East, the last seat in Belfast held by a Unionist, may have been taken by Alliance's Naomi Long.
It's very close, though. Most recent figure:
>43.4% DUP

If Belfast East is gone as well as Lagan Valley, this is a disastrous election for Unionism-and for the DUP.
My Home Constituency: Lab
Hows the night going boys?
Going good in Norf Ireland. Some predictions correct, others wrong, all very exciting.
Have SNP cunts retained a seat yet? They need scottish elections to get rid of snp in scottish parliament too
ian duncan smith one of the few survivors officially
Not aware of any SNP victories yet.
Nice, sounds like its been an entertaining evening.
What about the Waleswog refusing to go? Did he eventually leave? Gething or something similar to getting, as in getting his wog ass to fuck
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>naomi long
Douglas Alexander (Lab) has won Lothian East.
>>naomi aslongassheiswide
>this is a disastrous election for Unionism
Oh no. The failed economy will be Ireland's problem... if only...

more like naomi wide
Folkestone and Hythe: Lab vic w/ >15k
Welwyn Hatfield: Lab vic.
Only the Green party stood against him and he monged them by 25k votes to their 4500
Exeter: Lab vic w/ >18k.
Torbay: Lib Dem vic w/ >18k.
Fylde: Con vic w/ >15k. Lab 2ns place w/ >15k.
Glasgow going red
Makerfield: Lab vic w/ >18k
I hope that annoying lib dems cunt from edinburgh area / Christine Jardine gets fucking howed out on her arse. Apoparently Clacton count close according to Mike Graham on TalkTV
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>tfw in the last election we had NI seats by 1.30am

Still no official announcements, but a couple seem to be done deals:
>Lagan Valley
Held by the DUP since 2005, it's gone to Alliance.
>North Down
Alliance have lost out to Alex Easten, Independent Unionist. Potentially the only "win" Unionists will have tonight.
Ynys Môn: Plyde Cymru vic w/ >10k
I love democracy
It's the will of the people

When someone tells me we should have mandatory voting with ballot spoiling being illegal, I would like to tell them we need mandatory choices and responsible parties first, but they'd not understand
>according to Mike Graham on TalkTV
Very biased media. Not saying you're wrong, but I don't trust their word.
>labour majority
>reform btfo
>snp btfo
>muslims btfo

flawless blob victory
Lib Dems are taking much of South London.
How did my man Galloway do ?
Lost his seat to Labour
redpill me on the blob lad?
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By a couple of thousand votes.
corbyn won in islington north
pretty good margin too
are/badunitedkingdom talks about it a lot
Seems to be a way to refer to the civil service, the media, your local council, and anyone you want.
Beats Labour
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He did it
SNP have fucked Glasgow like Khan fucked London. Big problem is the SNP Mafia in all tentacles of its council. They need be gone while the city can still be salvaged
Lmao, stupid reform voters. You gave us a Labour supermajority.

Now we will have mass immigration and rape gangs
ah ok, ty mate
>"one of our Gaza seats"

It's over.
Mandelson really is a horrible venomous prick
Uncle Nige wins
looks like we're back
nige won and by a healthy margin
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Nige has it
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>Now we will have mass immigration and rape gangs
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They're not laughing now
I know bud, I'm Glaswegian
nigel won
checked and true
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Fuck it, final post of the night. Looks like UUP have snatched South Antrim from the DUP.

I will return tomorrow to give a QRD on major developments. From what I can see:
>Fine night for Sinn Féin
>Okayish night for the UUP
>Very, very, very bad night for the DUP

If you're staying up, the ones to watch are:
>East Belfast (potential Alliance gain from DUP)
>North Antrim (potential TUV gain from DUP)
>East Derry (slim change of SF gain from DUP)
House of Lords is the same as your senate. Un-elected politicians appointed for life.
Technically the peerage is the direct line male descendants of the various warlord that invaded England in 1066, with a few additions for being bastards of kings, good war lords (leaders of WWII got peerages), former Prime Ministers kicked upstairs to keep them from talking out of line and bankers that owned the king, such as Rothschilds. They acted as a brake on the power of the elected politicians for the establishment.
In recent years its been turned into a means of rewarding failed politicians, actors and businessmen for their party loyalty, with the award of a peerage for life. This used to be done by giving them a knighthood. Grade inflation has taken hold in politics as well as academia, to benefit the same people.
eh need to start seeing more reform candidates win desu
him and lee anderson were practically shoo ins imo
we would've had the same with conversatives. we're giving you this win so we can build morale for something better than conservatives.
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corbyn back too
Leicester East: Con vic w/ >14k.
night anon and thanks for the updates
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We go out and vote / participate in this but it really is a fucking shit show. We deserve better, we deserve honesty and we deserve candidates that have the values and intrests of Britain as their priority. Also, manifestos that they can be held accountable to deliver and if that means sacking civil servants that dont do as they are instructed, start sacking the cunts immediately
Kimchi Bad Enough as leader of the conservatives. I can see the political cartoons now.
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he's coming for you
Coventry East: Lab vic w/ >18k
Were they running? Is Screaming Lord Such still alive?
>now instead of mass immigration and rape gangs
>we have mass gangs and rape immigration
North Warwickshire and Bedworth: Lab vic w/ >14k
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>Also, manifestos that they can be held accountable to deliver
I too would like accountability, be it financial or criminal
>Is Screaming Lord Such still alive?
>Were they running?
In some constituencies, yes.
If they breach 10 seats like the poll claims it'll be amazing
She used to drink with Jimmy Saville at the bar where cops found his list of victims and co-offenders. Last person to visit the Queen, announced dead the next day. Hmmm...
Bolsover: Lab vic w/ >17k
Stratford-on-Avon: Lib Dem vic w/ >23k votes.
Good. We want white girls getting raped. Crime off the charts. Open borders, fucking boat wogs everywhere.
The next 5 years need to be shockingly shit.

Then, and only then. Can Nige become PM
Green candidate nodding like a mong behind Corbyn
Cheltenham: Lib dem vic w/ >25k
A walk from the top of Buchannan street along Sauchiehall Street says it all. Empty shops and burnt / arsoned buildings. Susan Aitken and her croonies have fucked the place proper. Also Glasgow Universities crammed full of BAMES / Chinks taking up most of the allocation while Scots kids get lumped with crap courses at colleges such as the one they built in Kilmarnock after destroying the Johnnie Walker whiskey factory
New Forest East: Con vic w/ >17k
bbc now has tories up to 150 but snp down to 6(!!!) and reform down to only 4
BBC revising their numbers based on exit polls + results

Labour 405
Conservatives 154
Lib Dems 56
PC 4
Reform 4
Green 2
Others 19
Eastbourne: Lib dem vic w/ > 23k
Labour Johnathan Ashworth lost seat in Leicester to a BAME Independent. Fucking KEK
>we need to let our women be raped so we can get the right person into power
sorry but this is such a cucked point of view. you could deal with these issues yourselves from a grassroots starting point. you don't need your favourite man in suit to be PM to do that
using women as bait to score future political points is just insane and sociopathic
and this is coming from someone who hates women
Sky tracker saying 3 Reform?
Harrogate and Knaresborough: Lib Dem vic w/ >23k
tories would be ecstatic at that number desu, and I'm not shitposting that's on the high high end of anything they could hope for
would be a pyrrhic victory for farage if this somehow pans out
>would be a pyrrhic victory for farage if this somehow pans out
Not really
We have mandatory voting and government funding of political parties based on their previous vote count. This has made party membership completely irrelevant and all candidates are pol-sci graduate social climbers that kowtow to globohomo.
I hope reform get more votes than the tories but only 4 seats just to highlight the silliness
only 13 seats lmfao
Are you really
It's a major possible achievement for a new party in first past the post. The number of votes Reform will get will not be reflected in Parliamentary seats.
if the tories are on their high end of expectations they'll think they don't need to pander to reform that much. it's one thing for reform in double digit seats and tories with sub 100, it's another with 4 reform and 150 tories, it'll change the dynamic markedly
which raises the probability that instead of an election in 2029, there will be a civil war
they're currently calling for only 4 more lmao
nats getting BTFO
Same as it ever was.
That's weird. We don't have mandatory voting nor government funded parties and all candidates are Oxbridge humanities graduates but they also kowtow to globohomo.
cope hard my paki friends
East Thanet: Lab vic w/ >17k
Bizarre mong
Kirsty Blackman & Stephen Flynn. A right pair of cunts. Expected being SNP I know but still. Labour fucked up and puta BAME up against Flynn. Not the best idea to do that in Aberdeen
Wonder what's going on in Basildon - close between Tories and Reform?
Leicester South: Taken by Independent Shockat Adam w/ >14k
>bbc now has tories up to 150
Is this the thread we are raiding?
Lagan Valley: vic Alliance Sorcha-Lucy Eastwood w/ 18,618
Fuck sake, Braverman's safe
Suella Braverman RETAINS HER SEAT
greens won bristol central from labour
Is are Priti still safe and sexy
The best part was that Ashworth was gonna be in Kiers cabinet and also that he is a member of Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East. That helped him at the end getting defeated by a BAME. Just heard that cunt Gillian Keegan lost seat but that traitor Braverman woon hers
Not Cruella! The refugees she imported will never be safe now!
Wokingham: Lib Dem vic w/ >25k
Bracknell: Lab vic w/ >14k
Mid Ulster: SF vic w/ >24k
Bristol Central: Green vic w/ > 24k
Kek. That Labours Thangham Debonnaire was a right fucking piece of work needing removed anyway. The BBC will probably employ her to go on politics programs and diss her former fellow MPs
con majority of 20 in basildon!
Ireland for the Irish anglos out
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the lucky cunt holden won by a mere 20 votes over labour in basildon
Caerfyrddin: Plyde Cymru vic w/ >15k
and theres the so called 3rd and final reform seat accord to the BBC declared
Tice wins!
Typically an Aussie understands little nuisance to a situation.
Sunaks seat count coming up apparently
Perth and Kinross-shire: SNP Vic w/ > 18k
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Staffordshire Moorlands: Con vic w/ >15k. Lab 2nd place Lab w/ >14k.
I think there was already a recount
That's why the security forces ran ops such as Dunblane and Hungerford.

>Evidence of previous police interaction with Hamilton was presented to the Cullen Inquiry but was later sealed under a closure order to prevent publication for 100 years.[24] The official reason for sealing the documents was to protect the identities of children, but this led to accusations of a coverup intended to protect the reputations of officials.
Nice one anon. Its the only way we can ever really win out of politics
BOSTON: Reform >15k vic
>muslim seats vote for gaza
>gammon seats vote for reform
we're watching it in real time
At 20 votes, id be wanting a few counts to be sure when that close. Im sure you are entitled when so low
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>tories still projected to get 150 seats despite all the shit they've done
I hate this fucking cuntry
Niall Fergson has noted the same in America.

>To see the extent of the gulf that now separates the American nomenklatura from the workers and peasants, consider the findings of a Rasmussen poll from last September, which sought to distinguish the attitudes of the Ivy Leaguers from ordinary Americans. The poll defined the former as “those having a postgraduate degree, a household income of more than $150,000 annually, living in a zip code with more than 10,000 people per square mile,” and having attended “Ivy League schools or other elite private schools, including Northwestern, Duke, Stanford, and the University of Chicago.”
>Asked if they would favor “rationing of gas, meat, and electricity” to fight climate change, 89 percent of Ivy Leaguers said yes, as against 28 percent of regular people. Asked if they would personally pay $500 more in taxes and higher costs to fight climate change, 75 percent of the Ivy Leaguers said yes, versus 25 percent of everyone else. “Teachers should decide what students are taught, as opposed to parents” was a statement with which 71 percent of the Ivy Leaguers agreed, nearly double the share of average citizens. “Does the U.S. provide too much individual freedom?” More than half of Ivy Leaguers said yes; just 15 percent of ordinary mortals did. The elite were roughly twice as fond as everyone else of members of Congress, journalists, union leaders, and lawyers. Perhaps unsurprisingly, 88 percent of the Ivy Leaguers said their personal finances were improving, as opposed to one in five of the general population.
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can't win 'em all
mordaunt felled by labour
RIP mommy mordaunt
G'day Moot.
Coventry East: Lab vic w/ >18k
Good. She's an American glowie plant.
its the boomers innit
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this one's ok because i have good odds on Tugenhadt, so can risk a trade on either Patel or Badenoch


Coventry West: Lab vic w/ >19k
therese coffey and johnny mercer also felled
Coventry South: Lab vic w/ >20k
Personally, as awful as the Tories are, I think she was one of the better ones. A little sad to be honest. And it's not just because I may never get to oggle her tits again.
Upper Bann:DUP w/ >21k

Just to remind everyone, I can't keep up on everything. Please refer to the link.
thanks lad
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oof gillian keegan got raped by the lib dems
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he's back, lads
SNP really have been slaughtered here
Bridlington and the Wolds: Con vic w/ >14k
Odds were too close for me. Aside Jezza, none of the candidates i would have bet on have come in yet. I got caught up with stuff and when i went to recheck the odds, they had shortened to fuck. I would have been placing on Barnsley North, Barnsley South, Blackpool North, Blackpool South, and the 3 Doncaster Constituencies which havent declared yet. As the odds had shortened while i did my research on previous two elections and the way they voted in the EU referendum, i was so pissed off that they had more than halved in a day that I didnt bother. Im not really a gambling person and was gonna have to set up new accounts to place them. I was only going to place a few pounds on each and spread my options. Was gonna do a double on the two blackpool seats, another on the two barnsley seats and a tri fold on the three doncaster seats which would have paid good money back as they were all up between 30-1 & 50-1 when i initially picked them out.
Westmorland and Lonsdale: Lib dem vic w/ >31k
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Tim Farron with a majority of ~25000
Look at Cambridge lol. Labour surrounded by Whigs.
West Tyrone: SF vic w/ >22k votes.
Was quite close though considering the establishment would have been working hard against George. I wonder how much Labour ACTUALLY spent on the campaign? Probably exceeded the legal amount just like the Tories did to Farage a few years back. That guy got off with a suspended sentence but he should have been put in jail for electoral fuckery
Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk: Con vic w/ >18k
I see Pete Wishaart survived. That guy from Big Country will be rolling in his grave. Some say that it was Petes constant droning that pushed him over the edge and suicided himself to get away from the cunt
Dundee Central: SNP Vic w/ >15k. Lab 2nd place w/ >14k.
North Ayrshire and Arran: Lab vic w/ >16k.
rumors truss is in third in her seat

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