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Previous: >>473094204
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>US set to announce over $2.3 bln arms package for Ukraine - https://archive.today/kxBLx
>The Ukraine has a month to avoid default - https://archive.today/OVZkX
>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Guided bombs versus building with FPV operators
>Iskander strike on Dolgintsevo airfield in Krivoy Rog
>Comfy morning in Dnepr
>Repelling night attack by sea drones in Novorossiysk
>2S6 Tunguska destroyed by two Lancet strikes Kharkov region
>Hohol Marvel
>Hohol FPVs vs Russian Tank
>Cluster missile strike on Mi-24 Heli at airfield in Poltava
>You dont need hand grenade if you have AT mine
>Street combat in Volchansk soldier POV
>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
>Destruction of multiple Su-27s at Mirgorod airfield
>Hohol forgot to hide tattoos
>UR-77 demining charge in action
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction

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enjoy the boobas bread and remember to be antisemitic every day!
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Launch operation to destroy enemy land-to-sea capability.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Expand military engineering service to ensure supply lines remain stable.
4. Pay benefit equivalent to "Northern Bonus" to encourage participation in infrastructural efforts in the liberated areas.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. Celebrate and memorialize Russian Empire, ceremonially using Bozhe, Tsarya khrani! etc. Dedicate a day to the Empire and the Romanov martyrs.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
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americans of /chug/: what did you do for your 4th of july?
i antisemitically put up a chinese and russian flag
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I was at work
It's still daylight for me. Got until 9 to do anything fun.
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did you know that 4 bikes is not mechanized infintration/recon in force but a meat wave? yet /ugh/ trannies believe it wholehartedly!
Based hope they have good lives
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I kept thinking, where have I seen her before, and then it hit me.
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They're both jews so...
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So unbearably smug.
I denounce the Talmud
Wazzup /chud/

Been away for a while, how's things?
Labour winning big
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You cant MOSSAD the ASSAD
I recognize this
Did he actually call for Assad to be toppled?
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>your sides goal is denazification
>romanticize nazi imagery
Sasuga Chug
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Psyops within psyops within psyops.
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You would.
seethe liberal
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This is the guy running the US. Can you guess his background?
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There's even less consensus on what to call Hungary than there is for Germany.
btw happy 4th of July, burgers

Super-size burgers must be good
Fuck Nazis
Heil Hitler
Stayed home and got drunk
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>Super-size burgers must be good
Is that even a thing anymore, in Burgerland? Last I heard, McDonalds enjoyers stopped enjoying it due to wafer thin meat patties and other shrinkflation tricks.
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>talks about nazis
>cannot define national socialism cos its verbotten topic
sasuga, r/ugh glownigger
I will fuck her to death
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I don't know shit about history. Kindly edumacate me. Please tell me, did the naughtzyies print fiat currency geometrically like everyone before and since?
It's true. You pay more for less food.
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They stopped after an alcoholic made a documentary that made them look bad like twenty years ago
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ziggas you will not believe who just replied to my comment
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Oh, the one who recently died from taking the jewjabs? Every bad decision they've made seems to be in reaction to someone shitting on them. I heard that switching from frying their fries in beef tallow to frying them in seed oils was because some kike accused them of giving him a heart attack by frying in beef tallow.
yeah, they printed lots of currency to fill their war chest before the war with actual money, i.e. products of value. like every socialists they also had price controls before and during the war and due to sanctions being applied to them by the international jewish bankers they did all kinds of retard schemees like byuing entire trucks to get rubber of their wheels (one of the things they couldnt produce), then dismantling rest of the truck and selling it in parts.
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He merely never said them words a single time.
dont dox yourself
how has a good qrd on the bong elections. I honestly don't understand their tomfoolery government rules to this day or the parties.
Interesting. Everyone must print I guess.
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Is your mom single lad? I'll be your papi.
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Apparently, it's some queer faggoted shit where the number of seats in parliament isn't proportional to the percentage of the vote. Not even roughly or approximately. Complete fucking disconnect. Orders of magnitude difference.
I should have read the full youtube comment, fuck me.....
He got what he fucking deserved
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Anyway, off to bed.
I wish I could fornicate that smug off her face.
Better hope Archlich Putin is willing to grant you a favor.
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Yeah the switch to (((heart-healthy vegetable oils))) was the result of a personal campaign by some jew millionaire who apparently hated 2% milk and coconut oil too
I can't wait to steal a boat with my boys and sail to cuba to flee the draft
not me
who the fuck even writes shit like that on a MRE video
Yeah McDonalds is bullshit now. The patties are thinner, the bread is soaked in grease, the fries suck when they used to have the best fries, and they charge more for it. Id rather just go to Five Guys.
Fuck you kek he asked.
I dunno man, that kind of personal info should be family or colse friends, but here we are. Im a bit drunk and all. My mistake.
Jesus, thats just fucked up.
Alpha should just let the kid(59 years old) enjoy her idols while we get busy increasing the Russian population.
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Remember the Assad Curse?
This is the upgrade.
Last time I followed this, Ukraine was "winning" according to MSM, but the frontline looked the same as today.

So, who's actually winning? I'd argue Russia taking 2+ years to do whatever it planned to is a loss by itself, but whatever
kys memeflaggot
macron already also fired
today 3rd party (macrons is 4th) in popularity said its not gonna do any gay ass coalitions to keep macron in power because they are fucking sick of him
it's true that we can't afford thick burgers any more, but thick burgers were always gross
thin patties #1
yeah and then you remember that russia is facing combined military inventory of 30+ nato countries while being subject of most intense sanctions in human history and facing all sorts of dirty tricks like industrial sabotage of nordstream 2 and yet still somehow winning
but then you remember that its the country which broke mongols, french when they had whole continental europe bheind them and germs when they had most of continental europe bhind them. so its just another day in russia.
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time to goon myself to sleep
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Stayed home. Bought more milk. Got a burger with fries. That was it. Wanted some alcohol but remembered I took something that doesn't mix well and called it a day lol
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the fireworks are going crazy outside my window
is this what its like to be a ukrop?
>they used to have the best fries
They weren't the best, but they were always the most consistent of the goyslop franchises
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Kek had the same thoughts on new years night, myself.
You can get a big ass burger at Five Guys any time you want. It's more pricey but it's worth it, at least you get what you pay for.
For fast food they did if you ask me. A close second would be chick-fil-a waffle fries.
Ukraine is doing most of it by using drones. Your shitty S-400 systems wouldn't stop spitballs That is the reason I do not fear Russia. I know that in a war with us, we would easily kick your ass. YES, even in a nuclear war we would win. Russia has shown its hand early and revealed what it can do. NOT A FUCKING THING.
Russia's being helped by advanced aliens
labor's gonna be pro-pigger no? Or they gonna cut gibs cause they promised to pump more money to NHS or something.
Dude... hohols are such fags wtf.
Had a masive batch of refugees from hohland come into a store and God damn not a single one of those ""boys"" looked like they could carry their women.
Why are they all so stringy and petite looking?
>inb4 that's normal
No the fuck it isn't. These aren't some kids or teens or what have you, grown ass dudes that I only recognized as such due to the 5 'o clock shadows, otherwise they're androgynous as fuck
>Heil square circles.
You asshats contradict yourselves too much.
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I can find thicker patties for my burger at a food stand. They have this one called "The Travesty" thick patty with chicken fillets and a pork chop and it's delicious. I always get those on a Friday. The stand is run by Latinos and they have a cutie pie working there.
Labour will do whatever they're told by the US with regard to Ukraine, won't be any change in policy here.
Putin is weak and inferior. The Russian military is a shithow.
congrats, I hope Britain can fix itself
Imagine being a colony of your former colony truly grim bros :(
what an insane cope, most of the casualities in the war are done by good ol arty. thanks for confirming that /ugh/ trannies cannot handle reality
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Yeah, fuck you dick sucking faggots. If you want to do something, then why don't you? Fuck you and your Russian queer culture.
I would tank those bullets for putler
Yes, but only inside your window
AFAIK those drones are just infantry support weapons. Hit an APC or MBT with it to disable it and let infantry move in.
God, I remember the dorito drones... I miss them so much dude
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gm fellow liberators
Do you charge movie tickets for this bullshit you're projecting of yours or?
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>now we came to insane projection
keep talking, I want to see limits of your self-embarassement
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Biden might be fired as well
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>even in a nuclear war we would win
magic...they seem to be 2D and 3D sametime
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heh, he's still in a prison/home arrest.
>russia is facing combined military inventory of 30+ nato countries
Don't be delusional, Ukraine barely has any people or training to operate the stuff they got as donations, they don't have nothing resembling the "combined military inventory" of NATO, a non nuclear war between NATO and Russia would be so one sided it wouldn't even be funny

>its the country which broke mongols, french when they had whole continental europe bheind them and germs when they had most of continental europe bhind them
Not saying Russians can't fight, but these military victories were mostly because Russia had bigger numbers back when numbers were the most important factor in a war

My theory is that Russia can't get more territory now because it has far worse technology than what was provided to Ukraine, because by any other metric they should be planting their flag in Kiev by now

Happy now, fagboy
Then fuck her. Some of those latinas will rock your fucking world man. Just don't impregnate her. Kek.
We have a similar place here that's awesome. They put this sauce on one of their burgers called Da Bomb, it's one of the hottest hot sauces in the world but with celery and ranch on the side you can balance the flavor and the burn. Highly recommend.
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>Your shitty S-400 systems wouldn't stop spitballs
is the dumb nigger maybe hoholina leaf on vpn?

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Good night anon

No contradictions whatsoever.

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hoholina was a chatgpt bot, anon
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We're only getting rid of zionazis (jews)

Probably, it's almost like a rite of passage for a PM

I also want to buy hohol rapemeat.

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>dat bridge ova der
> The head of "OVA" Sinegubov states that the FAB-500 now flies to any point in the temporarily occupied city of Kharkov.
>“Due to the new modification, it is capable of flying 80 km, which is why each alarm for 12-16 hours is real and poses a threat.”
>Somebody break it to him but the UMPB with the Deutz engine flies far beyond 100 km…
80km for FAB-500? Damn!
Thinking about it, considering what's coming up later this year, maybe enjoying this 4th more was a good idea. Might be the last, after all.
Hey /chug/ I heard that biden is quitting and Camil Harris will be taking over, allegedly.
>Don't be delusional
ah, let me guess, nato never wanted to win? and them COMPLETELY EMPTYING arsenals of 30+ countries of patriot systems and such iss nothing because their paper tiger has imaginary weapons they havent used they could use to win because... I guess they were sucessfull in bullying sandniggers with rusty ak... wait a sec they lost to those too
>because Russia had bigger numbers
even germany had MORE manpower than russia when it fought it. Do you even understand what you are talking about? not at all. so let me break it down for you: in ww2 russia was invaded by entire continental eu ruled by germs minus itally, sweden and sqitzerland. do you understand how many countries is that?
and the rest is just laughtable, when napoleon invaded russia he had army of 500k+, in borodino russia was only been able to field 150k and it still lost
russia wins because it has superior will to win which hitler was obsessing about in his triumph of will film. how ironical.
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happy meal
Biden's the first black female to serve with the president
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Labour is literally run by a khazar and will do for their khazar allies Israel and hoholstan anything they need to do. The UK is actually more pro-hohol now than it was previously.
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>The Ukrainian Armed Forces are losing more M142 HIMARS and M270 MLRS. What does this mean?
moar HIMARS rekt
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Believe me man I think about clapping her cheeks sometimes. I should ask if they have any hot sauce they could add to my burger. I love the ones that make you gasp and make your nose runny. Best ones
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Who told you that?
Hard to beat someone that will rather destroy every inch of land than let you take it to be honest.
Napoleon attacked and Russia just scorched everything that the French were going to take.
No supplies no fighting.

Every time someone attacks Russia they stupidly advance deep into their territory thinking that the Russians wouldn't spite them for every cemtimeter taken, always always always they fall for the same blunder- underestimating them.
IIRC a leaked conversation that Trump had somewhere.
I don't know if Biden will quit the run for re-election or quit being president currently that is all I heard that he will "quit and Camila will take over" sorry broski.
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death to brittain. noone on earth likes brittain
Those slimey kikes on their dirty little island need to be kike'd out of existence by pajeets
the perfect american president = niggerjewtroonpedo
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There's no such thing as the combined might of NATO, not against Russia. Libya perhaps, Iraq in 1991 perhaps. But not even against the Houthis today.

The easiest way to destroy NATO is force it to invoke article 5. Europeans will implode politically in days because their ~15% approval governments are not only illegitimate but are deeply unpopular. Same story in the USA. The second there's a draft here or even a war without a draft against Russia then America ends. NATO military capability is like American market caps and asset speculation, like FIAT: it's all fake, all bluff. Ain't no Americans dying for Ukraine, not the least of which is America is a expeditionary colonial force, not a serious continental military power in Europe. The war will continue in Ukraine through Ukrainians until the idiots figure out the Ukraine government and America is their enemy, not Russia.
Indoctrinated my nephew into my anti- federal government ideology. No burgers or anything.
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>Hey /chug/ I heard that biden is quitting and Camil Harris will be taking over, allegedly.
well we are in the same situation right now, nigger nato decided it can fight russia on its own border, they got what they deserved
I like britney
britan is cool
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>i antisemitically put up a chinese and russian flag
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ok, if you say so, chad bro. fish'n chips is actually great ngl
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Well, pic related was JUST SAYING the same. It makes sense, because if the democrats and public opinion deems he's unfit for running for reelection, it is only obvious he's also unfit as a president right now, so he should be replaced.
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Dude who stole the tank already got the citizenship.
They always say that Russia would fail like the U.S failed in the middle east.
Which I don't fucking understand as to how they could fail in that way.
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They project their own flaws unto Russia. We're not talking about self-actualized people.
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>Liquidation of the Magyar unit. Kherson region.
>For a long time we were tracking down these FPV drone operators from Magyar’s unit who are valuable personnel for the enemy.
>For some time they managed to hide, but even the most careful always makes a mistake, forgets to turn off Starlink, allows himself to talk on WhatsApp, and does not always follow information hygiene.
>We discovered the PVD of UAV operators in the village of Gavrilovka and that for safety reasons they prefer to be in different buildings, and sent them winged cast iron.
the anglo-z*onists of today never were alive, but lived a slow death. far more deserving, good and right.
first of all its a myth that nato can field combined force, they all speak in different language and their equioment has little interoperability because they want to keep licenses for contract to repair it when they sell it out.
second of all, they are all occupied countries so they wont do shit, europe itself is not united as you pointed out, it all works out because mutts tell everyone what to do and have occupational garrisons and glownigger overseers in place, whole occupational goverment headed by the high commisioner.
It does matter anyway because they did everything they could and more and still lost. they havent filded combined force because they cannot. they havent put boots on the ground because they cannot. denying that is just a wishful thinking, reality is they said they will move heaven and earth to defeat russia and then lost like a bunch of pussies.
its always a thing with failing empires, they start believeing in their power, and indeed often they are powerful but however powerful you are there will always be those who would be able to check you because absolute power does not exist. and the more stretched empires become the more their power dissapates around their enormous borders.
its quite literally return of the history.
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>loicense to kill
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>sent them winged cast iron.
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Kamla Harris a fucking RETARD. She's unfit for the office as well.
Tell me how many minutes you last: https://x.com/Doranimated/status/1806787771320905868
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Could have been worse
At least she is not a tranny like michelle obama.

No bully britney
They have cute cars
kek... classic opsec fuckup.
btw, did you watch this vid? russians hacked into their drone.
ussr failed with it empire badly but russia learned from its mistakes thats why putin doesnt even want fucking ukraine, because its a nightmare to keep it subjugated. perhaps it can be re-integrated one day but only when hruks would want it. by now cutting them from the sea would be enough.
what an ugly ape. looks like some troon. what's with her forehead?

>nato never wanted to win
I have no idea what the plan was, to be honest

>COMPLETELY EMPTYING arsenals of 30+ countries of patriot systems
They didn't empty anything, and refer to what I said about personnel and training

>even germany had MORE manpower than russia when it fought it
While fighting on two fronts? Are you fucking dumb?

>in ww2 russia was invaded by entire continental eu ruled by germs minus itally, sweden and sqitzerland. do you understand how many countries is that?
It was only by Russia occupied countries like Finland and Yugoslavia. Germany tried to do a blitzkrieg before giving the Russians time to reorganize, which didn't worked out

>when napoleon invaded russia he had army of 500k
And he lost because the Russians kept moving east, until the winter, which was what actually defeated him

>russia wins because it has superior will to win
You just drank Putin's kool aid, don't be a retard

I was referring to what a hypotethical war between Russia and NATO would be like considering their inventory and tech, an actual conflict would play out very differently

I agree that europeans wouldn't want to give away their lives for their immigrant importing socialist governments, but the US already has enough manpower to wipe the floor with Russia.
She was only picked up for the VP slot to appease the woke people.
/chug/zisters, our response?
Indian x Negro
oh god
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Oooooook oooooook oooooook
Yeah. They'll say "USSR Failed miserably" but then on the same spirit say "we pulled out of there, we d-d-didn't run!"
Fucking kikes, man.
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she was Montel's side-piece. She fucked her way to fame & power.
i suspect bibis orange cocksleeve is their "get out of urine card", because tapping the sign and war fatigue.
I'm a Russian-American mutt, but anyway I flew to Florida with the hoholina wife and went to a beach with my russian-identifying-hohol In-laws to watch some fireworks. I drank ten beers and took a few shots of vodka, and was the only person sober enough to take everyone home a few hours later in the pitch-black darkness. Driving someone else's car in a state with shitty drivers with no knowledge of the streets or their wack road rules. Not that enjoyable but better than sleeping through the fireworks like I usually do
Mate, everyone is a fucking retard and/or a clown including orange man.
>Tell me how many minutes you last
I want those 30 seconds of my life back
>fsbnigger does anti-American thing on Independence Day
I flew the Betsy Ross flag and 3d printed another unregistered silencer/surpressor
culvers kopps in n out or at worst chikfila
most fast food is dog shit including 5 gays.
mcDs is dog shit
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> Super-size burgers must be good
Super-size pancakes are the real shit, huehue... I had a full on food coma after eating these, sitting with an empty head on my sofa like a good little sugargolem


> Might be the last, after all.
It won't be the last and you know it
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Based, very based.
fucking jew piece of shit died of heart failure
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Sad thought
the plan b if no more habbenings. live on air police chases

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death to america
wake me up when we dont have a kike government
pseudo nigger whore "married" to a fucking kike
Don't take the enteral sleep pill....
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The worst thing about Florida is that you can't lane split here. Absolutely draconic
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aint nothin wrong with being FSB

>FSB glowniggers: based and funny
>CIA glowniggers: cringe and leftist meme tier humour
Mongolians whupped Russian ass until they fell into civil war
Germany beat them in WW1
China and Japan did as well but they weren’t in Russia’s heartland so it doesn’t really matter
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On motorcycles you mean?

Also any advice on getting a hoholina wife?
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>They didn't empty anything
you are coping, they literally zeroed their arsenals. do you think wars are fought by the ways of untrained conscript and having missiles, artillery, tanks, planes everything is just a side gig? a given? are you seriously that stupid?
>While fighting on two fronts
in 41? are you? again, you have very little understanding of what you are talking about. you picture ww2 as it started in 44, when it was decided in early 43 in stalingrad before usa even joined the war. I recommend first researching what you want to talk about and then doint the talking, wont expose yourself as a compelte moron that way.
>It was only by Russia occupied countries like Finland and Yugoslavia
I dont know what the fuck you are talking about, again, the only countries which have not participiated in invasion of russia were switzerland. I retract my statement about sweden and spain because I remembered that they had volounteer divisions.
>And he lost because the Russians kept moving east, until the winter, which was what actually defeated him
No he lost because russia mobilizied entire country, sripped every single church bell it could, melted it down, forged cannons out of it and then napoleon under borodino suddenly realized that russia has more artillery than him. thats called will to win.
>You just drank Putin's kool aid, don't be a retard
Nah I know history and what unsurmountable odds russia had faced through history while you talking out of your ass with your main point being
>nato never wanted to win
which takes 5sec of google search to flood you with contradciting statements by all leaders of western hegemony you could imagine

you either win or lose in a war, there is no "but if they this or they had that", if they dont have this or dont have that they couldnt do it and you are just coping.
Mad cope hohol. It's independence day and we couldn't give less of a shit about your gay nigger country.
Now replace that stupid nigger license of yours to reflect the state where you do live and not where you got your gibs of a car.
lol you can't even defeat the Houthis.They are downing your heavy recon drones by throwing rocks into the air and sinking your jew ships by just looking at them angrily.
Its over.
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>On motorcycles you mean?

Yes absolutely. I have so much space to lane split and take but the other bikers will honk at you and look at you like you're an idiot. Crazy. Or am I the crazy one?
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there is something about war trucks making a man feel comfy
Rusanons, what was it like when Crimea voted to join Russia, did the whole country celebrate?

That's the power of those with faith in God. When will similar faithful emerge in the West to overthrow the demons ruling them?
That's not what girkin was saying

I think it's slowly happening now. The evangelicals are losing their legitimacy in our political process, and younger people are looking to more traditional faiths, like the tradcaths, orthos, kjv1611, etc (they're not all converting to them, no, but these groups are having an outsized influence on the discourse), and this is combined with the decline of legacy media, the slow death of boomers as a voting/economic bloc, and increasing sophistication of Russian/Chinese psyops on American soil. Give it a cycle or two, and these voices will not be ignored
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The west is a spiritually dead people. That cannot be resurrected.
They will wither away and die like all other peoples who consumed from the perfidious yid cup through history.
Whatever comes after them might have a chance, but they won't be the people here now. And those demons will move on to another host somewhere else as they always have.
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next poster writes bjoerk a love letter
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Guys why are 14 Ukrainian brigades prepared for the counteroffensive understaffed? Does Ukraine need a new HR department? Whats going on !
christcuckery has always been a tool of political and social control and it will never recover, because might and power is shared/given but never given up. and the parasites are wealthy enough to buy out every new stream/branch that pops up.
millenial proto feminists will die alone and get their faces eaten off by their own cats
>prison/home arrest
Rolling for ACKd
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meanwhile crime-qt
patriots haven’t been doing too hot at protecting ukrainian cities from being hit every other day, I wonder how they’ll fare against 3000 nuclear warheads at once
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Dumb goy trusted a jew, and now he'll be memoryholed by western media.
There's no hypothetical war. Only the reality that NATO can't fight and can't take casualties. Now put that in your juice box idiot.
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how long until they take this highway interchange?
patriot doesn't do icbm defense, retard
Beneath all of that is the fact that NATO can't take casualties. NATO's military power today is like the British Empire bragging about the military power of its colony India. All the dynamics you observe are correct but it's even worse. NATO has nothing to die for and nothing to gain. The politicians? Sure but the actual people doing the fighting? No way. The recruitment crisis shows this over and over again. All these "hypotheticals" the idiotic shills talk about are worthless.
Depend on how fast ukrainian defenses continu to collapse.
Their counter offensive even failed in Kharkov.
>minus itally,
actually italy send a contingent like 300K+ troops to fight in russia

I don't deny there's some truth to this, but I think this happens with all social movements. There's plenty of perennialist/natsoc stuff going on in the scene too that will have some influence, it's a big reason why the evangelicals are reduced on the far right
>lol you can't even defeat the Houthis.
lol and how they should do that? apart from using "smool" nukes there is nothing they can do except "vietnam" invasion with draft...cough thats why they want it back btw.

>The evangelicals are losing their legitimacy in our political process
The time of Kike it's slowly ending because boomers are dying
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Not a Russian but I was still on /k/ when Crimea went down. Those threads were fucking fun. No one knew what had just happened. Obongo and his staff were also clueless.
Everyone tried to copy this look!
This pic is the first thing that comes to my mind from that takeover.
>stuff going on in the scene too that will have some influence
Yes, influence to minimalize any risk to the z*onist world order.
I won't get old enough to see meaningful changes. but the demographic and economic changes of the last 20 years allow for enough ideas how things will play out.
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>counter offensive
I can see it already. Saying those words in hoholand will eventually be a worse taboo than saying nigger in the US.
That's an entire dead American crew per launcher when will US admit they have boots on the ground in Ukraine ?
>The worst thing about Florida is that you can't lane split here. Absolutely draconic
Nah, the worst part is the heat, humidity, mosquitos, boomers, tourists, and constant storms.
>Also any advice on getting a hoholina wife?
Yeah, you just have to be an ethnic Russian lmao. Hohols outnumber non-kike Russians in the US 20:1. 30 years in the US and I've only met about 10 genuinely Russian families besides my own. I've encountered more Byelorussians than Russians for fucks' sake. Despite disagreeing with Luka and Pooty in many regards, they're still far more based than any American and/or cuckhole. Most Slavs in the US shy away when they see the rare "rus'kaya morda"
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Axewound with the latest insight.
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You are problably right.
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> Exclusive: A BRITISH Serial Killer of Serbs Spotted in Belgrade - SPECIAL AIR SERVICE (SAS) MAJOR PAUL THOMAS BYRNE - killer of Serbian children during the Kosovo and Metohija war. He participated in the genocide against Serbs with members of the terrorist organization the so-called "Kosovo Liberation Army" during the fight against the Islamic State on the occupied Serbian territory of Kosovo and Metohija. He distinguished himself through his work during combat missions and training terrorists.
glory to the banned insurgents
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>In Ukrainian Tik-Tok they are now actively distributing a publication about one hero - Mr.Yuri Velichko, a resident of Volchansk, who sacrificed himself and was blown up along with the bridge at the entrance to the city during the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces, gaining time for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In the comments, everyone is crying, lighting candles and writing that “we, Ukrainians, are unworthy of such a person!”
>Only now, the face and hairstyle of this “Volchansk native” raised some doubts. They searched through pictures - the portrait of the hero of Ukraine turned out to be taken from a clipping of one of the magazines, where his name was listed as Franco Sagal. This Monsieur Sagal turned out to be not just anyone, but a popular Slovak-French gay porn actor. The gayest gay of all gays, in short.
>Well, we think Ukrainians deserve such a person.
It's Putler's fault!
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Every dead foreigner is a "medic" and "volunteer".
is his hair tattoo'd on?
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how is he walking free
kill him
notice how toronto is facing a massive rat problem after the surge of hohol refugees
>i got your rat reduction strategy right here
>fired daily from a position
Sounds like Ukies are getting careless.
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i love her so much. tnx for the vid
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rest in piss you fucking tourists
How MUCH MAHNEY would it take to rebuild Ukraine if Putin manages to get it all?
kek, no more questions, Your Honor!
You don't know the half of it hahaha. Going back to christcuckery is the opposite of a spiritual awakening.
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If Russia keeps up the killings the mutt golems eventually can't hide it and will have to declare minimal support on the ground
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is +monies
look at mariupol
much jobs
so much work
place was a shit hole anyway, it's an improvement
They have to relearn the same lessons since they lose the knowledge every few days-weeks
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she doesnt like kots. what now?
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kek. i wish the leaf hohols were actually going home to be vaporized by ruskie tos, but they are not.
>doesn't like koshka
nail her to a cross and burn her
don't underestimate me because i can't be arsed to post paragraphs full of my very own theological conclusions
Just a german thing.
Nice ass, tho.
as german as your revolution was french!
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I'm afraid Putin is not in the business of helping anti-Russian Ukrainians run a country for the make benefit of glorious Ukraine (exporter of potassium and Ukrainium). They had over 30 years to prove they could do it like the other adults and look how that experiment turned out.

A good metaphor for Ukraine is the Podolski bridge: construction started in 1993 and is still ongoing. This is a major bridge smack dab in the center of Kiev. A picture in a 1000 words. A land of wasted potential ruined by petty villager spite more than anything else.
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conduct yourselfs with dignity; upwards of 25k retreating hohols have been turned into fertilizer by ruskie fabs and artillery in june
they should have surrendered
That's cool. You should study Sanatana Dharma.
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Did any burgerfrens do something special for 4th of July?
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2 weeks and hoholinas will surrender
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we are burgers. canada is not a real country.
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Both sides of this war are Globohomo
Fuck the ZOG
Fuck the UN
Fuck the NWO
My fellow Nat Socs taxation and capitalism are both lies of the kike Marxs. Long live the war economy, 1488
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Pic rel is a great fucking show. Reminds me of a time when America still had a strong sense of culture.

People who say America doesn't have culture are wrong: it just doesn't have it anymore. When America was bringing in working class European immigrants like the Italians, the Irish, hell even the fucking Jews... it had plenty of culture. What happened is they erased themselves through increasing forms of degenerate consumerism which erased everything they spent centuries building up as Real Culture before they came to the US. Capital and consumerism filled the void of culture and politics became a binding glue displacing kin, language, religion, tradition, sacred things, shared culture and time/space.

America was meant to be multiethnic but between Europeans only and Europeans who intended to stay European not "American." Everything went wrong. Becoming an American was supposed to mean you dropped monarchy, not stopped being European.
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dont remeber the jews having a nation state and nuclear weapons until along came you and your big ideas
You should watch 1996's Independence Day, schizobro. It's kino.

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