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>Quick Rundown
Beryl is currently at CAT 3 strength and intensifying as we speak. The shear is just about gone, and generally the storm structure is better than expected. Storm has been trending north to somewhat likely Texas implications. Strength can very to Cat 1 to Cat 4 for second landfall (if there's a first one) and there are serious implications down the road. The shear should wear off in the next few hours and we'll see the environment improve for intensification for Beryl to Beryl her way to H-town.

>Sats and visuals

>Info and Data


>Twitter Feeds

>Preparations and Safety

Previous thread: >>473047777
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we comfy frens?
>moving at 16 mph
This shit's arriving at fucking 6 am. There's a curfew already in place and there's not even wind blowing, I'm going to bed.
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Reposting this here at the top for reference:


9:30 PM EDT Thu Jul 4
Location: 19.6°N 85.1°W
Moving: W at 16 mph
Min pressure: 962 mb
Max sustained: 115 mph
Can anyone tell me how this affects niggers? Niggers are safe right? How can I help any niggers that might be affected by this?
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heading out to get some food and drink, then ill be comfy as fuck, fren

much appreciated
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need some good streams before im really comfy
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always fren, comfy is king after all
You can't see shit in the ones I posted earlier in the day. We should try to find more. Playa Del Carmen and Cancun.
Here's one with 3 webcams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwM-GGP04wM
Kid is sleeping peacefully. Just turned on Godzilla x Kang. Hopefully the action is good.
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im glad so many anons is comfy
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the day after harvey
Only town that matters is Tulum, it's not going to affect the places in the webcam much
She's definitely a fighter but this chart from the last aircraft recon pass strongly suggests that her eye isn't fully closed off yet.
Tulum hasn't been good since the 2000s. It's a bunch of B-tier celebrities and social media influencers sitting around doing yoga and playing with crystals. You have to keep going further south try Bacalar.
Thanks anon
Well, he asked for Playa and Cancun. Tulum is such a shithole you can't find any streams from there.
Beryl's here, a heavy rain just started, it's finally time to get comfy.
Torontofag here. How fucked am I?
I meant it is the only place of size that will get affected more seriously by Beryl.
The wind sounds like it's really starting to pick up on those feeds
I'm outside your place with olive oil and oreos.
With how resilient Beryl has been I would be surprised if she simply doesn’t give a fuck and intensifies anyway
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It's getting close
if it hits San Antonio I'll post pics
Checking comfy gets and blowing stuff up
Happy 4th frens
Okay break it down for a new fag who knows nothing about hurricanes

>worst case scenario?
>most likely scenario?
>will it be worse than Katrina
It's picking up a bit now. https://files.catbox.moe/zvqv8r.mp4
Worst case scenario is probably a direct hit on Houston. Most likely is landfall between north Mexico and south Texas, in an area no one gives two shits about and a weak Cat 1.
No way it’s worse than Katrina.
>worse than Katrina
Highly unlikely
>worst case scenario?
Look up Hurricane Harvey-2017
>most likely scenario?
Hard to say for sure right now but stay tuned.
Chances for significant Texas impacts have been growing though.
Sure is. Are you in the path anon? If so, stay safe.
What if Beryl hires a mexican witch doctor and revives Katrina?
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While Beryl has an abundance of fuel to work with for now, once she gets into the gulf the heat energy content situation won't be quite as ideal as many people think.
You absolutely don't want it to hit Houston or major metros, not even to lol at niggers. Niggers don't have home insurance. Hurricanes displace niggers and governmental housing agencies end up relocating them to other parts of the state or country.
Yeah, but no worries, i lived through the 00s seasons it's not so bad nowadays.
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>>worst case scenario?
a storm that stops on top of houston.
>>most likely scenario?
a decent storm cleans up aransas pass.
>>will it be worse than Katrina
sorry about toriyama bro
They will rescue all the air jordans from flooding!
you know of any live streams of the action, frendo?
It's moving at enough of a pace to where it doesn't even touch that. It's really just touching the surface water temps and probably 20 feet below. If this was moving at 5-10 might sure, but it's moving at 25 mph so raw SST are probably more applicable here.

It hit the Yucatan at the absolutely most ambiguous spot possible, too. Literally at the split between the Brownsville tracks and Corpus or north tracks.
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Still relatively average water temps for this time of year.
Not to mention the precipitable water isn't exactly off the charts either
EWRC happening. we're gonna see cat 3 landfall maybe better. good luck beanerbros
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Oh yeah there's still a non-negligible amount of pesky windshear too and don't even say that Beryl has completely ignored the shear because we both know that isn't true. If there was no shear present over the last 48 hours she'd be a 225 mph galaxy eater by now.
shear is gone in 10 minutes tops. rip gulf coast
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>shear is gone in 10 minutes tops
lol it is, all gone. cat 4 in 3 hours
Fresh NHC update & Cone:


10:00 PM CDT Thu Jul 4
Location: 19.6°N 85.5°W
Moving: W at 16 mph
Min pressure: 964 mb
Max sustained: 115 mph
>hurr durr if shear wasnt present shed be stronger
Holy fucking shit, we have a met over here! Shear is barely causing an impact on her now. Give her time.
Stop, I’m going to Cancúm.
Stay home leaf. This anon will show up with oreos and olive oil >>473112719
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Sorry if I prefer pragmatism and integrity to wishcasting and hype. She's done fairly well in the face of stacked odds so far, I'll be the first to admit.
>Give her time.
That's all I've been preaching from the start.
Another 18-24 hours from now once she's cleared the Yucatan, then we can really start preaching damnation with confidence.
Shear makes your shed stronger?
Houston actually in the cone now, not just west suburbs.
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Houston is fine. Let's refocus our energies on TTD.
And the olive oil is not the lube either.
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What is the lube?
Raw dog, no spit, balls deep first push
Live cam feed. Cancun resort. Waves picking up

Literal nothing burger. You guys have been wrong about so many storms. A cat 2 in Texas is nothing. There would have been rain storms that came through in fronts that have dropped more rain. It will move fast. Why are you guys so consistently wrong? Is it because you are chuds who try to trust "science"
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That's what concerned me
I'm gonna hate this season aren't I? House already sprung a bunch of leaks from the first storm of the season...
>A cat 2 in Texas is nothing
Hurricane Ike, TS Allison, Hurrican Alicia and Hurricane Harvey would like to have a word with you
I came out as trans to my parents today. They immediately kicked me out of the house. I’m 27 with no money, no job, and don’t know where to go. Should I sue my parents to force them to pay for my gender affirming care and surgery?
Oh damn. Who knows anon? For those of us that live in hurricane alley it's just an unwelcome lottery. I have some fencing that needs to be replaced. This early start has me motivated to do it next weekend.
Go to hell, Satan.
Wanna know why they were "devastating" brainlet? Because of their speeds. This thing will be moving faster than 15 mph before it touches land and just curve out. The trannys who run these threads are literal troons who use discord to organize. They are also, very, very ignorant of weather. Especially the fake tranny southerner
Don't care unless it washes Ethan Ralph out to sea.
I'm layin rough blacktop from colon to mouth.
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You said a Cat II is nothing in Texas. Ike and Alicia moved quickly.
I'll give you 30 bucks so you can get 8 feet if rope and a cheap stool. Just go find a nice rafter or branch.
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Check out the surf in the link Mexican anon posted earlier. She's coming soon.
I think that come autumn I'll have to replace the entire roof waterproofing and make some major additions to fix it for good. This wouldn't be happening if the stupid roof was properly designed...
>This wouldn't be happening if the stupid roof was properly designed
been there myself. it sucks and can get expensive.
My dad in the valley is hoping to get enough wind damage to the roof so the insurance replaces it.
Ike wasn't moving at more than 15 mph lol. And this storm isn't as large as Ike was. Good try though brainlet
hope your dad gets the insurance payout he needs and finds out some additional ways to bleed the fuckers dry
Kek. That is the calculus in our areas now that roofs are higher than giraffe pussy.

>Ike wasn't moving at more than 15 mph lol
Your dad lingered longer than Ike and Alicia before he went out to buy smokes and never came back
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Honestly, I'm just trying to keep things measured and objective while occasionally playing both sides.
Also imagine using kikecord in current year
If there is one thing that invigorates my old man it's outjewing the jew.
Yup, you definitely are a discord tranny. When you get btfo out about this storm being a nothing burger will you be here next week hyping up the wave behind this, too, tranny?
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you're old man's a good one. next drink is for him, god speed old faggot
It's so over
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I never said this storm was a something burger. I'm here hanging out with the homies and watching livestreams. I am a Houston chad and we will be fine. TF is wrong with you?
That's not very impressive. Welp
Digits check out, call satan for your "gender affirming care" you are his minion now.
She had us fooled there for a couple hours huh
I wish i was 10 feet tall so i could grab him by his ankles and swing him into a brick wall.
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That's where a lot of niggers live, isn't it?
Rolling for maximum nigger death
A Cat2 in Florida is literally nothing. A Cat2 in Texas is a problem. Learn to copy our based infrastructure like underground powerlines and a stupid amount of man made canals.. After Andrew fucked us, we got our shit together.
you don't need to be that tall
You are lying. You are a discord tranny like every other fat slob in this thread pretending to know anything about weather lol. How many times are you slobs going to be wrong about hyping up a storm? Two more weeks. Oh wait.
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People have been telling that to me all of my life. You don't know what I need.
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tick tock
Whew, talk about lopsided
>You don't know what I need.
well, for starters you need water
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I prefer to make my own water, thank you.
Nigger tea?
Imagine being such a sad faggot that the best you can do is try to shit up a comfy thread full of weather nerds hanging out and shitposting about storms.
Spot on
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>lost 2 pounds in 93 days
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well the gulf should be interesting because it is record heat so...
Interesting that there were 4 shark attacks at South Padre Island today. This is unheard of... Water temps driving sharks into new hunting grounds.
Hope you had a good day, fren
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Back from work anyway and checked. Anyway Based on the Sat, it seems it's being pulled north by the convection so it might do something similar to this.
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Check out the storm surge lower left Cancun cam on Mexibro's link. It is rapidly building.
Going cat5 right before landfall?
Btw /ourmodel/ has trended back east with another Houston Hit.
No, but 100+ mph winds are still more than you want to take on the nose
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shark attacks lately have been wild.
convenient path of warmth all the way to Houston. we will see what beryl does with this

heads up, work in the morning, sleep will take me and the shiba in 1 - 2 hours, new baker will be needed
probably me
Sucks for coastal bros but the hurricane will slow down enough to just give my yard a bunch of needed rain
>Interesting that there were 4 shark attacks at South Padre Island today. This is unheard of... Water temps driving sharks into new hunting grounds.
Really don't want a Houston hit - Corpus Christi works much better for the rainfall I'd love to see. Any chance of CC, or further south, hit?
I mean yes, but the stronger Beryl is, the more it's going to aim north and east along the coast. Though referring to >>473123618
It seems to be making another northern jolt like earlier today and might spend very little time over the Yucatan than anyone expected. What this also does implicate is more eastern paths if it enters the gulf sooner from the yucatan.
Every major weather source I've seen says a Houston hit is highly unlikely but possible with most predictions saying it will end up around the border between Mexico and Texas. This hive of autists is the only place that seems convinced it's heading to Houston.
I need to correct misinformation, kek, it was one shark who attacked 4 different people.
Luckily, this one t'was merely a flesh wound.
Well fuck. Thank you for elaboration
This is the most excellent answer and I hope you're correct. Fingers crossed
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I hope it doesn't fuck up my home away from home, or Nuevo Progresso for that matter - really nice people there.
>Yucitan looks like muh dick
Looking at the current track, this bitch does NOT want to stay on the yucatan long. she is taking the northwardly track to heart
This is the part of the forecast where intuition has to play a part because every single global model underscores the pressure in initialization and the intensity plays a MAJOR role in the forecasting of Beryl. So yeah, I say more north of Brownsville because understanding the intensity, we know it'll probably go further north and yes this is considered now because Houston is now in the cone entirely.
Why do you hate Houston? Tampa is the real villain here.
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I don't, I'm just saying the trend is looking that way, and having some Intuition, it appears we're looking at favoring a more eastern path.
Yeah, but niggers can't swim.
Stupid fake southern nigger to fucking stupid to realize the storm is already going over land and losing strength. They need to ban these tranny discord threads. Not politics one bit. Just blatant dogshit meteorology for doomsake. Imagine being such a faggot tranny that has to cope with how shitty their life is that they have to play pretend meterologist and be wrong, everytime
Sounds like typical Mexican quality, you build cardboard houses down their too.
Holy shit he posted a 6 hour model run that seems to have changed. Once again! He is so smart!
>cardboard houses
It's a 40 year old house
What is your problem, faggot? You come off as an insecure loser who is shitting up a comfy thread. I bet you drive a shitty yellow Monte Carlo which is held together with zip ties and duct tape - you just strike me as the type.
My house was built in 1880. So if You're trying to say because it's old it's better quality, I win. My house was built with field stones and hardwood. That's why it's still standing.
While 967 MB, this seems... odd
The plane is obviously crashing - do they fly Boeings?
Comfy thread full of discord trannies. Loser. These threads aren't comfy. They are just for fat slob discord trannys. Always wrong. Doomposting faggot.
Fat slob sucks off jewish dropsondes while completely ignoring the * flight level astrik. How fat and disgusting
967 MB is a pressure, not a wind measurement.
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our houses are built using cement blocks and bricks
You make your sentences out of cardboard boxes kek
Well, Beryl may have lost some intensity. But this nigger's seethe is cat 5.
It really is kek. Ignore that faggot
another pass eh?
thanks anon, storm should land south of here
For once a Hurricane isn't buttfucking me. I'll take it. Should be fun watching live.
>964 MB
HUH, what the fuck is going on in this storm?
The Iron Cross formation.
It seems the GFS and HWRF have now set their eyes on Corpus Christi with a rapidly intensifying hurricane. It'll be interesting to see how this evolves over time. Major changes occurring tonight
Iis it going to hit Florida and if so which side?
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>forget's to upload pic
probably just going to hit texas.
971 MB?
Ok thx
So if it did change course to Florida it would be on the Gulf side?
It's not hitting florida, it is at it's closest point to florida it will ever be
Yeah, but it won't. We've gotten to the point where the track models are never that wrong.
Welp, seems the storm might directly hit cancun at this rate.
It's been a long time since I've been to Texas.
What does this mean to the struggle between Del Taco, Taco Bell, Taco Bueno, and other Taco affiliates?
There could be dozens of other Taco chains since I've been there, please advise as to the Taco situation and likelihood of Taco damage.
I assume we'lll need to set up Taco relief stations and Taco rehousing centers.
Let me know what Taco efforts need the most support and how to proceed in these Taco tough times.
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Comfy af
Land fall should be any time now?
in the next 3 hours
Taco Bueno supremacy
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There's a new sheriff in town.
When it's all over how many dead can we expect
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I came out as trans to my parents today. They immediately kicked me out of the house. I’m 52 with no money, no job, and don’t know where to go. Should I sue my parents to force them to pay for my gender affirming care and surgery?
H... hurricane?
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Take a look at this radar
Ok now what
Structure seems there, if it can survive into the gulf with let's say 980MB, then we're in for an interesting time to say the least, as well as more eastern paths in texas being much more validated.
Think of all the unsheltered people at the border crossing trying to get in to Texas
There out there by the thousands
Hopefully the hurricane doesn't go over them
>buck friendly

You can bring your broken bucks along?
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That's a shame. Livecams?
We're so close to landfall and threads dead
You all go to bed or something
Yes, also maybe /pol/ is just filled with a bunch of bots now IDK. WHERE DID THE HUMANS GO?
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i was sleeping, wife woke me up now im up
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Because it's another nothingburger "storm" with winds barely enough to rustle leaves on trees and sparse rain after landfall. We get stronger storms every week.
Is it joever yet?
apparantly not
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That would be just terrible
>No eye
It's not gonna make it
Man, if it keeps heading north like that Houston might be on the itinerary after-all.
Flag checks out
Digits say she's going to make it and go straight to Houston
You too anon >>473133328
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Anyway, finally got Cancun radar working and it's looking... alright
Calm down Salinas
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Here's the weather station of where's it's expected to go over, we can see what the pressure will be.
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seems it might of gone through an EWRC and it just never really got rid of the inner one
It being more lopsided on the north end definitely helps the core stay more organized since more of it should be over water even as it interacts with land
I think being lopsided in general does not help the core stay stabilized in the first place.
Shouldn't Cancun be getting wrecked right now
Not yet, it'll be close but they might get the eyewall at this rate or close to it
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Euro now central in Corpus, and this was before the big NW pull
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On Water Vapor you can really see the outflow on the south west start to improve a lot the past hour
Wrong image kek
Yup its a texas bonk incoming. Beryl has basically done excatly what I said it would since it was a tropical storm, slightly north the ENTIRE way. Big question now is how much beryl can intensify before texas.
Real question is what's the core structure and what's the pressure once she leaves the Yucatan?
Yup. It's dead in the water, literally.
Anything sub 985 leaving the Yucatan is bad news for Texas. Anything above 990 is unironically Joever
Beryl has consistantly defied expectations, I expect weaker but structurally more or less intact.
IDK if it's that tight. If 990 still has an eye, then sure, but is it's 985 but it has no resemblance of an eye, then it's 60% joever
Now if the storm is 980 and it has an eye, then we're in for some BIG trouble.
More Euro enensemble, definitely settling on Gulf Coast Texas impacts
We're now going to measure the wind by seeing how much palm trees sway
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Do hurricanes not make landfall at night?
It's making one right now you faggot
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Daaaamn ok then, just wondering
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At this rate the eye might not be on land for any longer than like 12 hours, maybe even less
Even beryl does not know where she is going, houston we have a problem.
I knew this shit was going to happen, just didn't expect to end up here this way.
NW eyewall now going over Couzamel
You some kind of faggit or something
Mexicans casually having a Hurricane party when they didn't even expect to get hit at 3:30 in the morning is hype
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Just making sure y’all faggots are awake as paying attention
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And... we are north of all of these
checked and kekd. we're even north of most of those fake streams (where they have the storm now)
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I mean this is the current situation atm
when it gets to 920 millibars is when you know you in big dick nigger territory
t. getting hit by flying corrugated sheet metal during typhoons pro
oh wait I forgot America doesn’t have any infrastructure for handing storm surges so hurricanes will completely submerge highway underpasses and everybody on the road drowns
better cut an escape hole in the roof of your attic now while you still have electricity
Laugh it up gook, how nuclear plant?
kek nice vpn you weeb
I think those tend to be zogbots in japan.
looks like a bunch of them lost power. tons of cosumel streams down
yeah if he's even actually there kek. i've seen someone use a 4chan pass and run their vpn to say japan when they know damn well theyve never even been
or like you said it could be a zog bot. probably private melendez
I live in Corpus Christi and I'm pretty sure this one is going to fuck us hard. We're long overdue for a hurricane.
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wow way to gay it up nigger.
>by a woman
Don't worry at the pace it's going, it'll just end up going to Freeport and quickly into Houston
this hurricane is doing what the fuck it wants. fuck yes
Okay, Beryl is going to find a way to beat Harvey's landfall somehow, Beryl can't be fucking serious
being in Japan isn’t the flex it was in say 1990. They let any asshole in these days.
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bro and some of these chats
you cant re create this
Same bro, South Side reporting in
I'm envious. I can't even get a good snowstorm where I live anymore, let alone a tornado. No fun allowed!
Just saw a lightning flash on stream, that shit was spectacular. she is still going strong. Start to lose hope when she no longer has lightning in her eye
tons of good flashing. all these beaners think it's aliens or some shit kek
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>not a single Queen Beryl reference/meme/vid/post ITT

Holy fuck this thread is garbage.
I don't know what horchata is, but I don't want to drink horchata.
Those same anons are just making AI art of Jamaicans stealing TVs and proceeding to spam 70% of the thread with them. AI was a mistake
>sailor moon reference
you faggot
should have guessed a snowmonkey would say some stupid shit like that. what's next, any chick we post isnt gonna be hot as saggy tits sid from ice age, or she doesnt have a tail?
to be fair I kept thinking about it but my mind would always get sidetracked by the idea of fistfucking sailor Jupiter
As long as she has all that deep black, white, and flashes of pink convection on IR this thing is far from done
most jewish thing youve said all day
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Well it’s a picture book, of course it was written by a woman
>AI art of Jamaicans stealing TVs
That's just raw documentary footage.
and the day just started
>911 digits
She will fistfuck you.
I would rather have a thousand Russian tailposters than one insufferable faggot like you
I hope that when you die, god makes a clerical error and ships your immortal soul off to nigger heaven for all eternity
I accept it
With a little luck, Tulum will be razed to the ground
kek. bro what are these books?
>(((tom wheelwright)))
just gonna guess that without even looking
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>thousand Russian tailposters
Furrfaggotry is not welcomed here. Tolerated, at best. Mostly because 98% of CIS' furfandom was defiled by yiffers.
>nigger heaven
do you not see how this doesnt make sense?
Half the system is already sitting nicely over the gulf waters kek
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Wrong! He’s Mormon…and they do not like the government (it was once legal to hunt and kill Mormons)…he is teaching me “tax strategy.” Only way to out jew the jew is to think like the jew.
if you saw nigger heaven, you’d understand
Where's all the storm chaser footage
It's Yucatan, you're lucky if you get a stream at all
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Houston's fate draws closer
>re wraps eyewall mid impact
this storm is a gigachad
Yeah and as noted here >>473140208 this thing is gonna be out of the Yucatan no later than the afternoon. Plenty of time to get reorganized, and the more north it goes, even more time
Houston is 30 miles inland
Oh fuck I posted thread too early, anyway I'll post it once we reach 300
The effect is honestly eerily similar to what it did when it crossed Jamaica
Where can i find this data
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NW motion is still as strong as ever.
That's paid (I stole it) and here's the best free version https://www.weathernerds.org/models/ecens.html?&inittype=zoom&initfield=MSLP_Surface&initcycle=determine&initfhour=006&initimdimx=1050&initimdimy=685&initrange=50.000000000000:258.000000000000:0:350.000000000000&initcx1=0&initcy1=0&initcx2=0&initcy2=0&initcross=False&initsound=False&initsoundx=1&initsoundy=1&initloop=False&initoverlay=False&initlstart=000&initlend=240&initlint=6&initol1=MSLP_Surface&initol2=null&initol3=null&initol4=null&initol5=null&initcities=Off&inithgwys=Off&inittracks=On&initlows=On&initlatlon=Off
Beryl literally gives zero fucks
How can I steal it too?
Hurry TF up already
Just when I thought I was out
She pulls me back in
I'm glad it won't be a cat 5 hitting Florida full force. God bless America.
Almost daylight
Cancun might be gone
Updated probability that this touches US soul at hurricane speed winds (over 74mph)?
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Filling it up
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“Built” mmhmm
What is this image?

It won’t reach Texas until 8 July
can someone help me out, i'm looking at upper atmosphere wind speeds, and I'm wondering where to find the height of hurricane, so I can see where it actually "is"?
BOCA CHICA Good time to run through your Hurricane Prep Lectures. You're almost certainly gonna get straight line winds. Look at how you move the families out of flood plain, move furniture to attic second floor, have pet cages for travel.
That's middle of the storm, out rim straight line winds and possible lightening would be there in a day and a half by this hour? Roughly 36 hours.
building strap-down, site clearance, yard clearance, automotive prep if it's going to be left behind (bad idea), gas-line shut-off, electrical shut off, fresh-foods care, toilet blocking, oh and, duh, window covering.
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Boca Chica to Houston, time to send the wife and kids inland northwest. Just get and go, today. You cannot risk a car breakdown in 2 days, you need to be on the road tonight or tomorrow early. Remember EVERYONE WILL BE LEAVING WITH YOU, so give plenty of time to drive, and find hotels!
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Oh sweaty...
San Antonio should be far enough for a starting point. It will certainly be high enough that the risk will be mostly flash-flood in low grounds, much lighter straight lines, and rare tornado, if the hurricane tries to plow that far. But if it does, being in San Antonio means you can take 10 or 35 at your choice, to get more distance. You can also leave a car in a parking garage and consolidate if Dad stayed behind to batten down at the last minute.
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I'm completely fine with it for as long the whole entirety of Commiefornia and Salt Fartcisspoo get completely removed.

Those two are the same model Timing is backwards, top is noon, bottom is midnight 12 hours earlier.
This is a different model, you can see Brownsville is in straight line, flood, and likely storm surge.
Sorry, picrel is the different model
>you can see Brownsville is in straight line, flood, and likely storm surge.

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Hurricane Beryl RSS Feed icon Satellite | Buoys | Grids | Storm Archive
6:05 AM EST Fri Jul 5
Location: 20.3°N 87.4°W
Moving: WNW at 15 mph
Min pressure: 975 mb
Max sustained: 110 mph
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How long is that in dog years?
So of 7 models, 6 go through B-Ville with the Eye.
1 scrubs Barriers with mid-storm eye over water.
Get out.
About 316,800 6-inch bone lengths, or 9,504,000 days.
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Thanks for clarifying. Coffee yet to kick in, I'm not even sure what language you're speaking.
Storm surge and flash flooding kill most people in hurricanes.

I presume that poster was implying that Houston being 30 miles from the sea, means there's an expected lack of hot water rising from the surface.

That hot water vapor can work as an electrical circuit for the energy transfer currently happening between earth and it's varying atmosphere layer shells, as impacted by Sol flare plasma and hole energies, or any intergalactic passing energies, etc. etc.

Basically, meaning, if you get to Houston and get a hotel, you'll generally be way better off than hanging out on the barriers or coast anywhere from just south of Brownsville, up to Galveston.
But, in all things, God has the final say, do what is right, put the rest on Him.

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