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Jesus christ lmao
>% of Finland in photo 46%
>% of Russia in photo 0.00000000000000000001%
>Soul vs. soulless
Okay? What ever city you live in, there is a nice area and within a few miles is a super run down ghetto. The premise of this picture can be applied to anywhere.
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What are some popular finnish lawnmowers?
Lol. Feel free to check out the Finland-Russia border with your own eyes.

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seethe and dilate tankytranny
What's the difference?

Are you tripping over the length of grass on the far edge of the country?
Kill yourself
Russian has more soul
Russia is a nuclear superpower

Finnish crackheads suck Russian dick to get cheap smuggled vodka and will be thrown into a meat grinder operated by Russian artillery whenever NATO feels like it
You see both of those views in my shitty little town of 600 people
Tuna, canned rotting tuna, and 37 syllables but no vowels that return 0 results
We have roads in America that look like both pictures
Is one of these supposed to be worse than the other?

Which one?
This nigger went full shill
Glow hard
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There are neighborhoods in my town far nicer and far worse than those and much closer than 6 miles
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>meanwhile in "first world" muttistan
Russia is Africa with snow
>Millions of square miles of nothing
>Americans are scared of tall grass
>it was probably more of a joke about the vast size difference between the two, meaning the area in photo was likely more valuable to the Finns than the photo area is to the Russians who have much more territory to develop.
Only a matter of time until the next Palestine-tier train derailment. We're
all in the clown level of hell.
Sounds like someone else could make better use of all that Russian land.
Nice cherypicking /k/ faggot lmao
Here is your glorious liberal open society of Finland
the jews? hey, it gets em out of the danger zone
>the jews?
Nah mein neger
>old cherrypicked garbage

slide thread
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Now show detroit and windsor.
that russian neighborhood needs some sheep/goats or cows, such a waste of good land
Oh, I get the difference now. The people on the left simply pretend they don't hate you and wouldn't sell you out, when they actually would. The people on the right would do the same, but are honest about it.
That’s from 2017 and they’ve been repaired
So you admit Finland is a nice area and Russia is a nigger tier ghetto. Thanks anon.
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Do you NAFO faggots actually think this Reddit cherypicking shit wins people over to your side? You can find infinite examples of the right in Finland, and left in Russia. You can do this with any country that borders Russia. And wtf is wrong with a natural landscape of the left anyway, it's a typical rural comfy scene you can find anywhere anywhere in Eastern Europe.
Ticks thrive in tall grass and will give you horrible diseases. A finfag posted some articles a few days ago of kids dying within a few weeks due to tick borne illnesses.
So when you look for a comparable neighborhood to Russians, you have to pick one made up of Africans?
there's a video about it
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That's Finland that's getting filled with niggers /k/ glowie. Thats the liberal globohomo wonderland you are paid to shill for Private Sanchez. Tell me do they feed you the good organic tacos at your US military base?
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>meanwhile in finnland
Yes, the West stole roads and nice neighborhoods.

Also without the pain, the struggle you get soft ans squishy.


This is why can't have nice things.
Again, the closest comparisons to Russians you could find were literal nogs. Thanks for confirming Russians are nog tier.
>soulless mutt burb
>SOVLFVL rustic village
But Palestine photo should be switched to Israel
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You're brown /k/ glownigger lmao
(right side) SOVL
man the amount of Russian seething this produced is unreal
This has to be fake. No way.
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How's Korea, do you like living there?
Almost any rural town in Russia looks like this. See Google Streetview
My town has both types of area, just walk a few kms you will see abandoned farm houses n shit, walk other way and it's all modern houses
Niggermongrels are indeed synthetic aka fake, so you're right regardless of what method produced that image.
boreal forests are lame and aesthetically boring
Amerimutts see 10 McHomes lined up next to each other with tiny little mowed lawns and start søyfacing
Even in the US midwest or UK countryside, its not uncommon to see a bunch of derelict farm housing on dirt roads just a few miles from an actual neighborhood of more modern housing.
This anon speaks the truth.
No offense Finland. You guys are bros in my book.
But Russia is huge and you are smol.
You can always taliban your shit. Play insurgency IRL. But, personally, I wouldn't want to war in the first place.
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Fuck you i wanted to see if that train got through
If instead of wasting money on maintaining pristine roads in the middle of nowhere, had the west invested on its military maybe it would've actually won the war against Russia already.
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Russia is getting Muslim churkas instead.
These are especially seasoned railroad tracks, to make it more fun to ride the train
Meh. It's just another country.
I posted a picture of a gypsy town in Spain once and retards on /int/ thought I was making fun of Mexico lmao
Why are non russian flags so assmad if you make fun of the HIV epicenter that is russia?
Go back or stop being brown
zesty as fuck the lot of em
Finland is depressing shithole, blacks at least bring some energy to that soulless plastic society.
They know, they're bad faith posters.
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Finland and Sweden are the most beautiful places on the planet
what kind of brown sub human are you?
The one on the right looks far superior.

Is there anything you like in particular about Korean language/culture/history?
Thats got to be it since russians are known for their honesty lmao
God americans are fucking retarded
To be fair, Swedes are some of the most cold and vain people simultaneously. Imagine being born in Sweden as an unattractive person.
I would just play hockey and hit everyone
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We also have a lot of rain, cold weather and niggers. Austria is my number one in terms of beauty
Russian looks comfy
that's weird, i don't think 2 BWCs will be enough to please them
You got Hamas mistaken with pisreal you NPC
Finland is sexless, lifeless plastic shithole filled with incels and degenerates. If you wanna use some country as a counterexample to Russia, use China at least.
You just described China though.
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Woah a ragebait picture? Thanks for posting OP.
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Imagine another winter war with troops who can’t blend in
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Blessed be this thread
urbanite /k/opers who think that some Russian village is uglier then what we have over here in hamlets with 6k populations is hilarious
Anon says
Your country will invade
Ours and win. Please God let it be so
Don’t worry, Canada. I’ll invade gently.
Chinese at least have decent sex life, and % of virgins is pretty low in there in compare to that nordick faggots, every finnish men is either a fag or a bbc porn addict sissy.
I’d rather live in the Russian property. More land, also who cares about cut grass. Cutting grass is boomer nigger tier. I prefer wild flowers
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On purpose, because they want to feel like it's riding a horse
The replies in this thread are so fucking retarded it's unreal.
>dumb bait image
>endless seethe from poltards
Now add a Japanese flag to the one on the right.
I never understood why euro countries have so much land but the people live on tiny little pieces of it only.
Oh great, you got digits. So you're going to share your Israel and Mexican problems with us? You get to have the poo people and chinese in return. be careful what you wish for
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>Trips of truth
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Toronto will be the Jew and negro quarantine city, Montreal will be for the poos and Vancouver for the chinks
I don't see any difference
what? russian countryside is desolate. I've done this roadtrip to russia many times
I'm not saying Russia isn't much shitter than Finland, however I've been all around Finland and seen plenty of places that look like the image on the right.
I think 2024 will be about biden stepping down

anywhere land is plentiful, you see these types of abandoned houses.
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difference is nobody lives in dilapidated buildings in Finland. Third of Russians don't even have running water.
That is your idea of fixing things? Let the shit continue on? Come on anon. Lets fix all those problems first then we can talk about combining.
Actually funny. Have an upvote
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Fixed our problems by making them all concentrate in certain areas, can’t leave containment cities. Do as you please with them after we get all moved in.
>Third of Russians don't even have running water

This is of course a blatant lie. According to official statistics, 88.6% of the population have access to running water, the rest are remote dying villages of 100 elderly people where it is simply impossible to lay a pipeline, because the nearest large city and pumping station are 200-300 km away

Are there really Westerners who seek refuge in Russia?
I don't know, and I don't care
How do you like being Russian? I mean, what the fuck is all that about. Not to ask such an obviously obnoxious question it's just I don't "get it" if that makes sense
No because OP did neither. You are posting in bad faith. I can do the same thing with the US Canada border.
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oh no no ha ha ha
the city play mat is a nice touch
Only ragebait for retards
true, swedes are insufferable
What do you mean, like I should envy you guys or I should hate myself for being born russian or something? Life here is not as bad as it is shown in these russia hate threads
Your point being?
Being this fucking stupid
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Give up your free health care while there's still time.
>Hurr moar roads = moar better
North Haiti.
A lotta cunts ITT never set foot in Russia. Russia is awesome but it totally lacks ordnung, I'd have a fucking anneurysm if I had to live there. Anyone who isn't an American from appalachia or the northern wastes, fuck off.
Bumfuck village far removed from the core of the country's civilization, Japan: https://www.google.com/maps/@45.3994978,141.6818339,3a,75y,292.44h,79.97t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sSlcCkgO1MkQXUMs9bl9NtA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DSlcCkgO1MkQXUMs9bl9NtA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D70.652596%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu

Same thing on the opposing island next door, Russia:

It's like comparing Luxembourg to an African shanty town.
I feel for all the Central Asians who are forced to be subservient to the Empire of poverty that is Russia, Eastern Europe has been there too.
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Amazing! Thanks fren.
clone of american suburbs (invented by a jew)
SOVLFVL village each house is unique
>Has to take an well knowed abandonned city as example
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Why do /pol/tards take bant on russia so seriously.
Its your role model now ?
It's the same old bullshit cherrypicking.
It's a big fucking country and any big country is going to have massive wealth disparities. With that said find me 1 Russian city as bad as LA with homeless tents on every sidewalk or SF with human shit on every sidewalk.
No cap this is cherrypicked image but russians let the bordering villages die. They are extremely poor and starving near the finnish border. Cant have shit in lapland
>it's ok for people to live like shit because they are less of them per capita
there are more Russians living in villages than Finnish population
fpbp, finntroons btfo KEK
>Not Israel
Nice try kike
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Anyway all your villages will be destroyed and you will die under our art shells.
But why are you so emotionnal about it ?
Why do you instinctively post "whatboot USA" ?
Russia still has unpaved villages where the biggest happening is construction of a new bus station.
Pic on the right isn't even a rare occasion just a village without plumbing.
They actually almost killed me with the sound of 15 lawnmowers earlier this summer.
>But why are you so emotionnal about it ?
I'm not though?
>"whatboot USA"
It's a valid comparison you frog shit. It's even less excusable for the US.
I'd prefer to live on the right. Fuck living in a suburb.
not very different at all.
No need to get defensive
>I'm not though?
You are.
I can feel the outrage through the screen. Someone insultes the master and so the dog must bark
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You seem very labile emotionally.
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It really do be like that.
Nupoltards should have just open google maps.
i hate somalis so much bros...
>its not even a meme that they replace dead white soldiers with mudslimes
I'm in northern finland and it's really nice. There's day for several days now
Don't care. Still supporting Special Military Operation.
Lucky for the border Fins getting cheap whores.
I fucking hate living in the suburbs, I'd rather live on the right desu
>who needs roads lmao
>niggers in Finland have better living standards than Russians in Russia
I don’t know what jew propaganda trick you are trying to do, but it may be not working as intended.
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>I can feel the outrage through the screen.
You don't feel things correctly at all, take your meds maybe.
>Someone insultes the master and so the dog must bark
What are you talking about? I insult our masters all fucking day, matter of fact my last few posts were just insulting them for the appalling state of their big cities.
Like nigger this is (still) a free country, somehow.
If you guys go outside and speak to people the vast majority of normies and NPCs are pro-palestine and the gov are seething over it and damage controlling, nobody gives a fuck about Isr*el except for (((them))) and their pets
>what's the difference
>shacks with no siding, no windows
>no paved road
>powerline about to fall
are you retards for real?
you can't even buy this shit in most of europe
Go back, Artyom.
Now this is some real cope. Russia turned the sacred Finnish land of Karelia into an utter shithole and neglected its infrastructure. Finland has given enourmous gibs to the Karelian government after the war in an attempt to preserve and help the area at least a little - to no avail of course. These are unfortunate objective facts. It is what it is.
>inb4 some burger flag comes to explain how it really is
both has its charm
Finland that russia stole and left like as it was in 1939.
abandoned russian village. next time show poverty by meat affordability.
Russia has some shitty rundown roads, therefore i must support my anti-white government agenda

that footage is sped up because the branches are moving faster than they should.
I would much rather live in a bumfuck nowhere village with dirt roads rather than a huge sprawling nigger-filled city in Western Europe or USA. Just because all the glowing lights look cool at night doesn't mean that it's actually any good.
Finland wasn't so filled with niggers as Germany when I visited 10 years ago, but I'm sure your Nato overlords will fix that problem soon enough.
look what the fucking animals have done to our darling Vyborg...
Yeah in case of a real war at best we could hold off Russia for a little bit as we try work cease fire deal with them (like during winter war) and brit kikes would probably try to prolong the war (like during winter war)
It's a satanic peoples
The Russia-Globohomo border keeps the gay out of Russia
How can it be sexless if its full of degenerates?
>6 miles apart
If it's close to the border, then the right side was built by Finns too.
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Both pictures could be from my town
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>finland has a town and roads on this map
>russia doesn't have either
russian has sovl
>pic: kekd
>numbers: checked
>compliment: taken
Based Swedebro
not somalis, nigerians.
>Someone insultes the master and so the dog must bark
off-road training
>picture of an abandoned barn in the middle of nowhere
>russian has sovl
lol, imbecile
I'm curious who brainwashed you to think that everyone who hates the Russhits must support mass migration and other kikery. You never met a Ukrainian?
And look how Russhit insects maintained the land they stole from Finland.
I'm not going to shit on russians for being born russian, none of us fucking choose where we're born, but fuck man this shit can't be good for a mans soul.
>1. neekerikomppania
It really is the other way around when you think about it.
Lmao that post is about to fall over
>Russian village
>+Full of nature
>+Only some shitskins

>French village
>-oldest trees look like drug users
>-Africans everywhere
>-in France
Always faggot propaganda. Either dishonest shit like that or they post Russia in autumn with no sunlight. Reeee see see Russia has no sunlight like Mordor so gloomy so depressing right right it's ovyr.

A few days ago i had such fag tell me images of green in Russia were photoshopped. Because we have no colors here. This deluded.
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Brainless retard.
Russia is a third world country
Fug I am drunk. But Finns are disgusting too! Happy 4th niggers.
America has more railroads tracks than any other place in the world
It probably along and old track that’s only used for parking loads
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What's the graffiti on the bottom of this building say? I've seen it in a few places.
Good point that’s also not a freight train ether
It’s probably a private industrial use track
The khrushchevka at the bottom pic still looks like shit, there is no way to make commieblocks look nice
Both images look like they've been AI generated, battered and crumbed, deep fried and mustard on top. What the fuck is up with that jpeg compression.
>Both images look like they've been AI generated, battered and crumbed, deep fried and mustard on top. What the fuck is up with that jpeg compression.
Genuinely looks like it has some sort of fucked up filter on it, almost like a poster edges filter. Just makes everything look kinda painted with dark outlines.
Brainwashed fucks
>size doesn't matter
your mom would disagree Klaus
A superpower means being able to fight a war everywhere in the world and having the logistics for it.
Puccia has even logistical problem fighting a poor shithole on their border.
Only China and USA are superpowers.
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>Australian made ARB 4X4 accessories in the middle of buttfuck nowhere Russia
I don't know why I find that so funny, unexpected honestly.

Would have loved to seen the expression on the cunts face who shipped that out trying to get the address right.
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Sneaky cunt
Jesus christ took the narrow path not the wide path for camels and merchants. The irony in your picture and statement are astounding.
Well duh it was temporal 60s post-war ultra cheap housing. They were being replaced in 70s already but free house program died with USSR.
Beat road police and.... something something scum
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got me good
How so faggot???

Globohomo vs. culture.
Yeah and like Canada Russia's population is mostly concentrated in smol pockets around the handful of cities
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Russia is THE third world country. See, third world doesn't mean poor and rundown, but Communism does
You can see worse examples in the USA.
This is retarded
So what, most of Russia is literally nothing.
Uninhabitable, worthless land.
I can show you the same shit between a middle class white neighborhood and low class white neighborhood in the US within 6 miles.
Russian side looks comfier. Boomercore castrated nature areas are soulless. Let shit grow wild.
This but unironically. Total road infrastructure death. Total rewilding victory.
now do Canada vs US, we have dirt roads next to US highways

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