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Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>US set to announce over $2.3 bln arms package for Ukraine - https://archive.today/kxBLx
>The Ukraine has a month to avoid default - https://archive.today/OVZkX
>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
>Hohols in car hit mine
>3 minutes of unpublished Krasnopol strikes
>Hohol 4th of July cringe
>VDV clearing apartments in Chasov Yar
>New Russian GoPro combat footage compilation
>Precise strike on some Kherson houses where hohols were spotted
>Hohol cosmonaut
>FABing of positions in Kharkov direction
>A Russian soldier has help from his squad to propose to his girlfriend
>Lose your legs, get 1500 hrivna in return (34 euros)
>Guided bombs versus building with FPV operators
>Iskander strike on Dolgintsevo airfield in Krivoy Rog
>Comfy morning in Dnepr
>Repelling night attack by sea drones in Novorossiysk
>2S6 Tunguska destroyed by two Lancet strikes Kharkov region
>Hohol Marvel
>Hohol FPVs vs Russian Tank
>Cluster missile strike on Mi-24 Heli at airfield in Poltava
>You dont need hand grenade if you have AT mine
>Street combat in Volchansk soldier POV
>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
>Destruction of multiple Su-27s at Mirgorod airfield

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kek I love kim so much it's unreal
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fine bread
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i am not a leaf i am a russoid-yuromutt as per a sibling's zogged dna test
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Kill niggers.
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can someone bake next im kinda busy
got business to attend to
Don't eat bread it's fungus!!!
Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, commonly known as zombie-ant fungus

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Behead niggers
the flag is enough to rake you
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I denounce the Talmud

Miku ^^
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We're all off to Ukraine in September then.
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i accept my fate all the same
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will do, thanks I had a double 300 second timeout too
Roundhouse kick a nigger into concrete.
Every nigger elf must be raped
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Miku has fallen
It's over
Gonna burst out laughing seeing this guy announce conscription
when you see sun rising in the nigh, duck and cover
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And people say that Russia is not democratic, lmao
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improved actually
Total leafnigger death. Kill leafniggers. Behead leafniggers. Roundhouse kick leafniggers into the concrete. Slam dunk the leafniggers into the trashcan. Crucify leafniggers. Defecate in leafniggers lunch. Launch leafniggers into the ocean. Fry leafniggers with a TOS-1A. Toss leafniggers into an active volcano. Drop a grenade into leafnigger's room. Judo throw leafniggers into tank treads. Twist their heads off. Urinate into leafnigger's maple syrup. Report leafniggers to the FSB. Curb stomp leafniggers. Crush the fags underneath a Russian tank. Liquefy leafniggers organs with a tank shell. Smash the leafniggers with a sledgehammer. Dissect the leafniggers. Exterminate leafniggers in a gas chamber. Stomp their skulls with steel toed boots. Lobotomize the leafniggers. Mandatory castrations for leafniggers. Grind leafniggers in a garbage disposal . Boil leafniggers in a cauldron. Drown leafniggers under the ice. Vaporize leafniggers with a Kinzhal. Kick leafniggers down the stairs. Feed leafniggers to alligators. A sledgehammer swing for every faked leafnigger bread.
VDV flag hoisted over chasov yar microdistrict
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how does one defend first past the voting if you are in favour of democracy?
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Wtf is this and why is she looking like she's about to get into a wok to be my Chinese takeaway

We need hot college girls and more pictures of spiderman!!!
The 10 million labour voters hopefully firs tto go
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Launch an offensive for Vodyane.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Import foreign prisoners to serve indefinitely in penal divisions. Conscript all liberals, illegals, criminals, PoWs, and suspected traitors into Storm-V. Focus on increasing the deployment of non-Russians to the frontline. Use summary execution and other methods to ensure military discipline.
4. Deploy combat infrastructure and engineering group. Pay "Northern Bonus" to civilian volunteers for this effort.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU. Advance ecumenical efforts with Latins.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Ensure firearm education for boys in grade 4. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. An event on 10 September to remember the heroes of WWI and the Russian Civil War, and to venerate the Romanov Martyrs and remember that, before the Bolshevik Revolution, Russia was a great Empire which spanned from Kalisz to Novoarkhangelsk.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
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absolutely adore these guys
they do not have peer outside of some other forms of russian forces
idea numero uno:
shut the fuck up and kill yourself
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We all know it won't be them
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You aren't alone OP.

Swallow air into your stomach.


I Swallow air and drink Gin and Lemonade. And I'm healthier and less depressed <3
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don't listen to him anon keep going
>verification not required
me not like corpse fucking larpers
Maybe a few thousands hardline Keir supporters as barrier troops for the other million toryjeets and labour cattle
Janny man mad.
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Anon, stop!
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All Russian garbage shot down by Ukraine over night. The Russians sent 32 drones and Ukraine shot them all down.
Bosniak wanted to make threads all day but went crying
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I won't stop until I get more pictures of spiderman!!!
Nigger you lied to me
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Good morning sanction sisters , we sanctioned so hard that Russia overtook the German economy

And old people in my country have to collect trash (bottles ) to survive
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Nigger we never lied. We just brought that whale home that snacks was fucking and set their babies free into the wild which is why there is fat chick's everywhere.
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>still means jack-shit
'Ate niggers. Simple as.
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>more pictures of spiderman
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>The management of the ArcelorMittal Krivói Rog iron and steel works has kindly shared the results of combined missile and drone strikes on the energy infrastructure of the Kiev regime. The company is asking the authorities to reconsider the requirement to import at least 80% of electricity from abroad.
>The decision on the minimum import bar was made due to the destruction of generating capacities by the Russian Armed Forces. This led to the fact that the enterprises are forced to buy electricity in Europe, where it is much more expensive. "ArcelorMittal" reports that because of this it will reduce budget revenues by 210 million hryvnias per month, and foreign currency earnings will fall by $90 million (3.6 billion hryvnias) per month due to higher product prices and lower competitiveness.
>If the company continues to import 80 per cent of the electricity it uses, it will have to cut production and send 1,200 employees on holiday at its own expense. The management is asking to reduce the share of European electricity to at least 50 per cent.
>This is a pretty clear example of the position the Kiev regime found itself in after the drone attacks on Russian refineries. It was fun, the crowd cheered. The retaliatory strikes on the TPPs, of course, did not have a sobering effect, but it was even better. Now they have to choose either enterprises and revenues to the half-dead budget, or ordinary citizens with electricity.
I wonder what Kiev will choose?
why are you so mad, janny?
come on
tell us
Realistically speaking, the UK is the only place where I could see them enforcing a draft, at least on white people. There's not another place so thoroughly lobotomized anywhere in the rest of Europe.
I shat down his throat while he was cleaning my anus.
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>3 minutes of unpublished Krasnopol strikes
>building still standing after three strikes from muh fab bomb
Maybe it should have remained unpublished because that was embarrassing
A nato Jdam would've flattened that building
digits confirm this as truth
He's come to realize his compensation isn't enough
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based and checked
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Brother I have missed you!!!

But where is your costume we are meant to be undercover spider clowns.
Of course a SLURPzaSISSY would be a GAYfoshart.
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GM, /Chug/! Anything to report?
>There's not another place so thoroughly lobotomized anywhere in the rest of Europe.
Lets get a list of EU countries
shit you post looks like something done by vivziepop
you're equally AIDS-ridden, faggot
dafuq is this autistic janny doing?
For what purpose? You know perfectly well that britons evolved to be the perfect bystanders.
Of avatarfag spam and shill spam
>Krasnopol strikes
>three strikes from muh fab bomb
Smartest NATroon.
Evolution takes place over many years and from what i recall, the last few centuries were dominated by bystanders
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>14% vote gets 1% seats
very democratic!
Ok Gabriel
My aids is stronger than your aids because I got my aids by molesting naked cats in street corners.

Also from our uncle Moot molesting me.
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not much left
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Jannie rn
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lil spiteful janny bitch
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Russia lost
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That's does not look like Miku...
>I got my aids by molesting naked cats in street corners
why you moved to Ireland pramafurry?
Double his salary
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Great now a janny is breathing down our necks, don't u have a war to win & putler to kill?
Cuck warfare
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to get the free meth and benzos injected into my veins
Nope it's meth.
Who the fuck is just giving away perfectly good meth for free?
>random 1 post by id posting /k/ope
>janny killing posts
>just a handful of /k/ope threads in the catalogue
They are in that deep zrada phase again
Do you even know what your replying to?
Ireland if you're irish.
Fuck Ukraine.
Nosoyob eto ti?
Na nosi drochish nebos :)
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AI thinks it's Miku
Are you questioning AI?
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>people getting delet left and right
it seem someone is mad
all those over time and no pay make janjan a dull boy
>After the "peace talks" with Viktor Orban, Vladimir Putin declared that Ukraine must continue to withdraw from Ukraine in order to achieve a ceasefire. It worked perfectly.
He told me there was an irish beer I liked at an pub in Thailand. There wasn't and this bitch was nagging me to buy their shitty IPA the whole time I was there.
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Why is this general targeted by so many shills and butthurt niggers? Why are the jannies excessively prohibitive in here compared to the rest of generals? Except of course, againts spammers
Why does Russia makes kikes seethe so fucking much?
>Not even Miku is safe from modern, soulless corporate garbage
I refuse to accept anything made after 2012, the world is not canon after 2012
We are living one big filler episode, a very bad filler episode.

Some weeks ago I was playing a classic Mugen stage called Miku City, it was a nostalgia trip for OG Miku


Cute tenshi asuka
Well, my great-grandfather was from Cork, so do you guys deliver by mail or what?
The same image ive seen for 2 years?
Guinness? You only get that in Ireland.

Or rockshore.

I drink liquor.
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Are they close to getting the other big cities like Slovyansk and Kramatorsk?
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>I drink liquor.
>Anything to report?
The US will seize Russian assets and give them to the ukraine as a loan.
>But what's there to report?
The Russian assets in question are US Federal bonds Russia had to buy in the 90s in order to trade with the west.
Combined with the fact that said bonds will be sent as a loan on which ukraine will have to pay interest it means the ukraine will have to pay interest to the US because the US owes money to the ukraine.
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By the hospital visit but you need health care and to know what you're asking for.

You can get lsd in hospitals too if you complain about the right illness.
Taking, no. But Kramatorsk might already be in artillery range, considering the Ukrainian army retreated from eastern Chasiy Yar.
I make Beef Burgundy, some of the wine does not make it to the pot
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Pooland is so weak it begs help from Fingolia, Goymany and Greece to secure it's borders
Yeah that shit was good but the faggots and whores at my flat stole my wine after I cooked. Fucking indians.
Ukraine Will WIN! Ukrainians won't FUCKING lose to Russians.
Ukraine will be the final WINNER and that is all that matters!
Ukrainians will fucking TORCH Moscow and it will BURN entirely to the FUCKING GROUND!
Ukrainians will not be paralyzed by fear, they will not be tormented anymore.
Ukraine alone will defend her independence, it is Ukrainian hands that will secure victory!
Ukrainians will reclaim their homes and remember how the world snubbed their nose at them.
When Ukrainians take their home be ready for retribution all of you!
Ukrainian Victory is assured, by Ukrainian Domination!
Ukraine will win! for Ukraine will WIN!
Ukrainian Victory!!
Ukrainian Domination!!
Ukrainian VICTORY!!!
Ukrainian DOMINATION!!!
Good thing is mods has removed their ability to ban people but that didn't stop the troon from deleting posts
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I'm gonna fuck your 2b loving boyfriend in the ass if you won't stop with this shit hoholina
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How are my fellow /chug/gers doing?

>playing ZZZ
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Maybe he should have send them 1 leotard to destroy entire russian army
That is extraordinarily jewish
And they wonder why the chinks never let any of this kike financialization shit into China
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ukranda is weak, it cannot win
jew stabbed them in the back
Good morn
I'll play hoshizora soon
Shinigami wife awaits me
Send the employees on a holiday in New York(don't tell them which one)
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>better venti.jpg
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After failing yet another no death/no bonfire run I've decided that it'd be a better idea to go back to drawing, instead. Especially since I have a half-finished WIP.

I'm moderately looking forward to the 7th, when Le Pen wins.
Not that she'll change anything, but I can point at Bongs and say "Ha! See?! In France people voted and got change, while all you can do is seethe, impotently, and celebrate whole-ass 0.5% of the Parliament being (kinda) based"
>jew stabbed them in the back
The plan was to kill goyims to make way for new khazarian anyway
>that pic
who's the mexican?
You don't understand this because you are all fucking russians and are incapable of understanding Human emotions, Ukrainians are not fighting for a leader and his orders they are fighting for their children, daughters and sons they are fighting for the ones who will lead the future of Ukraine, what are they doing that is wrong? What is so wrong about Ukraine that you want to destroy it and erase it from history? Ukrainians won't allow themselves to be erased again, I can assure you that.
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Even though darktide's setting is better I prefer vermintide 2's gameplay
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This is what nonstop orgasms from the Big Zigger Cock does to a hoholina
>when Le Pen wins.
Jews will steal the election. Mark my words
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>who's the mexican?
Some r/uhg regular with self-delusions of grandeur.
>no pubes
What is /chug/?
At this point i think the russians are doing it for the memes
Oh wow, I haven't seen you for almost 2 months.
So I see you've recovered from the 9th of May shoe incident?
A miserable pile of secrets.
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Why are you like this?
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Finished work, getting drunk
>What is /chug/?
Where Ping to complete the holy trinity #3
Yeh my caveman boner is only at 99%
took the photo.
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nah, they are fighting for the leader, jew send them to the slaughter to kill them and create neokhazaria. he said it himself. he betrayed their sond and daughters by sending them to certain death. he hates goys.
also you are contradicting yourself, you are saying they wont allow to do it again which implies that they already did and it would ahppen again.
ukranda weak, jew strong.
bow to god chosen people you filthy goy woman.
>“Russia and Hungary cooperate on many directions, primarily the energy sector.

>Healthy pragmatism and mutual benefit are key to the development of cooperation between Russia and Hungary”

>- Putin

>tries to genocide Russians since 2014
>Russians defend themselves
>spreg projections when the Ukraine reaps what the Ukraine sowed
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>Jews will steal the election
Like I said - when Le Pen wins, yes.
I am under no illusion that she'll be any different. I just want to mock the Brits.

I'm here almost every day...
I even draw shit.
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Clearly Putin is taking a selfie.
Those 3 need to make a car based programme
>implying ukrainians are human
Wat nou
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how many dead hohols?
What is the number on dead and on wounded?
Checked for satan's lies.
>Ukraine reaps what the Ukraine sowed
Found satan's lie. They reap what kikes sowed, rabbi.
Ukraine did a partial fall back from Chasiv Yar the eastern side is demolished beyond use, it is a pile of rubble with a few structures as cover, Ukraine is not going to waste soldiers defending rubble.
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Rude. What hurt you?
>I'm here almost every day...
The fact that you no longer use your name and your flag is now Russian frightens me as now you can hide in plain sight.

Also your drawing has improved.
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god damn
It's not Janny, it's the faggots who report. Janny just does his job.
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Why are threads so slow?
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New robutt.
Dont care tranime incel
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Exorcisamus te omnis imundus
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Britain's new foreign secretary is David Lammy.
Here is the man who was appointed to "advise" i.e. control David Lammy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Judah
Member of the Atlantic Council, member of the tribe, written several books hostile to Putin and Russia.
Check em
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football is on
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Euros have to work. Except I.
I have too many flexible hours
illegal, unjustified and environmentally unsound cooperation
It's Friday bro, nice summer evening.
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probably football
Based on one source more than 2.5 million total casualties of which 1.2 million irrecoverable losses of which 600k KIA.
He sure does look foreign though
You don't have to. Jannies can do all of that be themselves for free at that
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>Imagine being a man who thinks he looks like this
Ohhhh nononononono tranny janny on suicide watch lol
Because you didn't spam it more
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>Also your drawing has improved.
I know, but it's also not where I want it to be.
And I'm not even sure "where" it is that that I want it to be.

Oh well.
I'll keep working on it.
Maybe it'll "click".
The table corner.
He is not the leader of Ukraine remember? You were all proud to acknowledge that and he has no influence on the Ukrainian military, Syrskyi is the commander and it sounds like you are speaking about your own fugitive president.
Because they fucking are, they are not fucking pigs or pixels for the last time they are people a entire group of people suffering.
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There's a janny that lurks /chug/ deleting and blocking anons
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Can you draw alya in Z uniform?
sportsball niggers are gay
imagine watching 20 manlets running after a ball
I don't think janny can delete without a report and I think janny can only ban for 3 days. Longer bans are from Mods.
>they are not fucking pigs
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klaus schwab can fuck off, he should be raped by niggers
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I support Putin because I am a Jew. Why do you support Putin?
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>gets very upset seeing a female
No, that's me. Remove yourself immediately.
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>Can you draw alya in Z uniform?
I might draw her eventually.
I need to watch the actual anime first, though, and I have a fucking backlog...
They can't ban at all, only hand out 15 minute blocks that come with a ban suggestion
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>they are not fucking pigs
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kots are so retarded
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considering the others are coalitiooning and macronists are withdrawing in 3 way election districts to avoid a RN absolute majority (peak our democracy™) i'm not so high on hopium

also there is still the risk that the RN betrays it's electorate like Meloni and goes full ZOG but i hope i'm wrong in both cases
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Do you have any information from a non-russian source that lists the casualties of Ukraine? and how do you get 2 Million people from a standing army of half a million?
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It's great. You should put it in the front of the list
>it's seething
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4chan mods and jannies are fucking retarded
Marine Le Pen said that if she wins the election, the prime minister from her National Rally will block the sending of French troops to Ukraine, CNN reports.
She also intends to revoke permission for Ukraine to use French long-range weapons on Russian territory.
>“If Emmanuel Macron wants to send troops to Ukraine, and the Prime Minister is against it, then there will be no troops in Ukraine. The prime minister has the final say,” she said.
He would love that.
>Do you have any information from a non-russian source
That was from a non-Russian source.

>and how do you get 2 Million people from a standing army of half a million?
Same way you get from a country of 40 million down to a country of 13 million.
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This kills the pramafag
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>another """far right""" politician outing herself as zogbot
It's so tiresome
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>it begs help from Fingolia
max kek...
Pooland is fucked.
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the western liberal world will reeeeeee at India next
>don't threaten ms with a good time
-klaus schwab after being threatened with nigger rape
isnt deceit like this signifier for higher than regular intelligence?
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>considering the others are coalitiooning and macronists are withdrawing in 3 way election districts to avoid a RN absolute majority (peak our democracy™) i'm not so high on hopium
Oh man, you guys are about to see the same thing that happened to us 2 years ago.
The liberal opposition that spent 2 years calling the ruling party a mafia that needs to be persecuted ended up coalitioning with them.

It is fucking beautiful when the curtains fall and they stop pretending this is a democracy.
> The description say Krasnopol
> The NATO-faggot says it's FAB
. . .
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Re-read the post.
>they're not fucking pigs
says the piggy...
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Based far-right world leaders®
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Like the cookie tests for kids
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>sportsball niggers are gay
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Guys the counteroffensive is on hold until Ukraine gets more staff to their brigades. 14 brigades are understaffed! HR is going to have to fix this.
So the worthless fucking whore will continue to send aid to hohols. What a wonderful "democracy" in EU
You know very well what I meant by Russian source and Ukraine doesn't have a population of 13 million, how do you even manage to create these numbers? Do you believe every single Ukrainian left the country the moment war started and with what? They abandon everything to go live in fucking poland?
Well that's stuff is the reason the RN wasn't in power in 2017 to begin with. Biggest party since a decade and they're constantly pulling that stuff to the point they need absolute majority against many other parties. Shows how much democracy is a farce
How is she a ZOGbot? She is the very opposite of a ZOGbot. ZOGbots want to send help to Ukraine.
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"representative democracy"
Beats Macron at least...
>thinking a shill cares about the difference between an artillery shell and a 500kg bomb
>They abandon everything to go live in fucking Poland?
Yeah, the average Ukrainian would suck 200 dicks to live in the modern utopia that is Poland (when compared to Ukraine). One can only wonder how man one has to suck to reach all the way to Canada..
>She is the very opposite of a ZOGbot
Anon, don't delude yourself
If she wasn't a good goy, she would have been Fico'd already
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Not surprised

Counteroffensive on hold till 2025, until they can get F-16
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goddamn look at how fucking T H I C C she is
What good can f16s do aside from bluffing russians because it can carry nukes?
>You know very well what I meant by Russian source
Any source that disagrees with you apparently.

>and Ukraine doesn't have a population of 13 million
You're right. They probably don't have even 13 million.

>how do you even manage to create these numbers?
By typing them on this thing called a keyboard.

>Do you believe every single Ukrainian left the country the moment war started
Not all of them apparently.

>They abandon everything to go live in fucking poland?
They draw a refugee credit and then when they exhaust it they flee to the next country.
Rinse and repeat.
Jay in Kyiv? More like Gay in Хyй.
>“The Latvian army will begin spelling Russia with a lower case 'r' in official documents” — Sandra Brale, Public Affairs Officer for the Chief of defense of Latvia
its ovyr....
>2.5 years and still no F-16s
Try 12.5 years and still no F-16s
Even though we actually paid for ours. Twice.
The 12 year old's rebellious burn
Just wipe the Balkans off the map please
And when you buy from russia or china they will try to coup you for not being a good goy
this is so pathetic
Take that russia!
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they really love to bark
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I tend to do 10-11h days of work. If I pass around 40-50h over the limit to where they are lawfully obligated to pay overtime, HR complains. That's why I killed 2B anon
Your country just killed a flock of glowing niggers a couple months ago i'm pretty sure, but yeah "Russia and Chyna"
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>The United States canceled joint Noble Partner exercises with Georgia due to Tbilisi’s accusations that the United States is forcing “to open a second front against Russia”
>The Pentagon made a statement about the cancellation of the exercises.
>Previously, the Georgian government accused the United States of putting pressure on Georgia to open a second front against Russia.
Yes, I am right because Ukraine has a current population of 37 Million and it is currently growing and don't try to play smart it doesn't do you any favors and Ukrainians are not fucking beggars that go from country to country begging, you can look at any construction site and you will see the engineers and machine operators are all Ukrainian.
Poland of all places is a modern utopia? you should become a stand up comedian lach because your jokes are not funny.
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What did I miss?
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Hey guys, are hohols still winning?
Getting ack'd left and right by fap6900
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27-year-old Philip Siman from the Czech Republic, who was a mercenary in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, admitted in court that he removed gold jewelry from corpses because “that’s what all” Ukrainians from the “Carpathian Sich” battalion did.

The mercenary also said that they shot people, including in Bucha:
We were the police, we were the court, we were the firing squad, for that matter.

looting and extrajudicial killings of civilians are the basis of Western values
In the USA, the death of General Mullen, the main “trainer” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, was “discovered”

Marine Gen. William F. Mullen retired in 2020 as commander of Training and Education Command and was officially in Ukraine recently, also conducting military training there.

And then the body of 59-year-old William F. Mullen was discovered at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms in California. The cause of death has not been announced.

He's right you know
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There's nothing wrong with looting to be fair
He intercepted a Khinzhal.
Is he a jew? Kinda looks like one.
He meant "pidor". As we all know, hohols are pidors.
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Hi hohlina, you seem upset today. Hope things are going well with your mother.
Of course. Strong Ukrainian ass will break the Russian cock in about two weeks from now.
tragic antitank mine training ackcident (remains were dropped from a helicopter)
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Shrapnel Overdose , sadly a common epidemic lately in Nato Officers
M and L is good
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>Is he a jew? Kinda looks like one.
Jew fighting jewish war...for real anon?
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I'm gonna choose to believe that this was an FSB liquidation as revenge for the beach attack
When compared to Ukraine even 2nd world shitholes like Poland are an utopia, yes.
Wonder if he's gonna have a closed casket funeral.
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He got FABbed for sure.
Or maybe it was climate change??
soon they will start doing overnight sea burials
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Narco business gone wrong.
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Technically they already did that. Remember all the plane / helicopter / training accidents?
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Good evening anons
Ukrainian anon reporting in
What has happened in my country today?

The (((official))) media are telling us that:
- The war in the US greatest ally continues. Day 273
- VIKTOR ORBAN ANTISEMITICLY VISITED RUSSIA. Ursula von der Luge screeches that he was not authorized to do it. The kike's minions seethe
- The expired jew confirms that Goymoney obediently sent the 3rd Patriot system to Ukraine
- Le Pen antisemiticly claims that if elected she will deny the expired jew striking targets in Russia using French weapons and will not send French soldiers to Ukraine
- 2 new deputies of the kike's goon Syrskyi both graduated from Russian military schools
- THE KIKE'S BORDER CONTROL TO START DEMANDING MILITARY ID FROM EVERY GOY WHO WILL TRY TO LEGALLY LEAVE THIS JEWISH DYSTOPIA STARTING JULY, 17th (even those who have legal rights to do it). This is what a true democracy looks like, Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is antisemitic, goy
- The kike's police fined a girl from Kharkov who dared to dance to a Russian song at Maidan in Kiev
- Democratic donors ask to replace Dementia Joe (Financial Times)
- The kike's ministry of education to make post-graduate students, who failed to defend their PhD thesis within 4 years period, eligible for the draft
- Blackouts for goyim continue
- Stoltenberg hopes that Ukraine will join NATO in the next 10 years
- The kike's minions claim that F-16s will stop Russian air domination (Reuters)
- Ukraine's F-16s will be destroyed as soon as they arrive (The Telegraph)
- The kike's minions claim that its illegal to fire the prime minister now
- The kike's goons arrested 2 doctors from Odessa who helped goyim men leave this jewish dystopia
- Spain to monitor access to porn

Anything else anons?
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Kek, what a eulogy. Whatever it was, I hope he suffered.
Hello there.
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good to see you today anon, stay comfy
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Man their claims are getting more and more retarded.
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>The kike's police fined a girl from Kharkov who dared to dance to a Russian song at Maidan in Kiev
Damn, next they'll fine anyone who dared to yell in Russian in a CoD lobby.
That'll show Putin!
Stay safe.
>Or maybe it was climate change??
Covid got him
He was unvaccinated

Hello anon
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Good evening, goslinganon. Stay safe and comfy.
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Hello anon, stay safe!
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they said similar shit about avdeevka and how afterwards they would have no troops for future assaults anywhere...
>- The kike's minions claim that F-16s will stop Russian air domination (Reuters)
>- Ukraine's F-16s will be destroyed as soon as they arrive (The Telegraph)
Nothing ever happens
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Good evening, frens and sers.
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Hi :3
Thanks, fren :3
Stop noticing things, goy :3

P.S. A new Ukrainian draft motivational song just dropped :3
Russia is using time skipping bullets, they killed him in Ukraine, but the bullet only arrived when he returned to the US
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Thanks for the update! Stay safe and away from the kikes and their goons
>- The kike's minions claim that F-16s will stop Russian air domination (Reuters)
>- Ukraine's F-16s will be destroyed as soon as they arrive (The Telegraph)
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I will bake for the sake of the injured servicemen of the Russian federation
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In love with the Mujahideen.
the reasons the vote for the Tories collapsed is why I think we're going to see the vote for Labour collapse in 2029,
if they carry on doing uniparty globohomo shit they're going to get the same treatment,

Reform needs to keep working and organising, we also need a "Real Labour Party" with all the people currently booted out of "New" Labour, at the next election both legacy parties, Blue and Red Tory, will pretty much cease to exist.
Is that Sergei
Go ahead and bake.
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gud ebening sar
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Hello Nazunafren!
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Hello Miyufren.

Hello Foodgore fren.
It upsets me greatly that he's using such a smal pan on that heating plate.

Hello Kuwaiti Alphafren!
They won seats with less enthusiasm and votes than under Corbyn. There is no real support for the gov. They will have to actually do things that people want in order to stay popular, if its business as usual then yes they will be fucked. Reform's goal should be destroy Con party forever inside and out and salt the earth where its ashes were. Also I think Farage should've stood down in Bradford to let Galloway in who can be useful in destroying Labour from the left, as you say.
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>broken pasta
yeah, wonder why he didn't just buy precut spaghetti
>broken pasta
real problem is that he is doing that without water
If they are standard 30 year bonds then repayment is coming due. When the US says it is lending the bonds to Ukraine it will be lending the bond principal that is due to be repaid to Russia.
This means the USA is now defaulting on its treasury bonds. Right after the petro dollar agreement ended. Interesting times.

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