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Asking because my African friend said he took a contactor job in Russia, and also said he found a bride. He's worried because he's seen videos of things happening in the war and in Russia. But he's told the opposite, everything is fine, come to Russia.
Yes. Provided Trump wins and democrats don't pull some amazing candidate out their ass, Russia will have peace on the current borders or a little better. Sanctions relief will take years, but there will be jubilation in Russia. All that said, going up on a work visa right now sounds like a great way to end up in ukraine as the worst cannon fodder on any side.
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half a million dead Russians while Africans flood in to replace them. Does that sound like winning to you?
I guess to Africans, it sounds like winning.
How do you know Trump would agree to let Russia have the land they occupy?
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>Asking because my African friend said he took a contactor job in Russia, and also said he found a bride. He's worried because he's seen videos of things happening in the war and in Russia. But he's told the opposite, everything is fine, come to Russia.
try a 100k, cunt shill
Got nothing to say huh?
Are you promoting NAFO too?
It depends on whether the organizations that saw eastern Ukrainian resource discoveries as theirs have cozied up to the Trump campaign or not. They would have been more W. Bush types and never-Trumper adherents of the establishment I think.

If they're not on his side then Trump would be happy to let Putin have Crimea and some level of control over parts of eastern Ukraine. If they are on his side Trump is going to push more strongly I think, though that might end in partnership deals where Putin gets most of what he wants but Trump gets American companies some %age of the take from those Russian resource developments.
>half a million dead Russians while Africans flood in to replace them. Does that sound like winning

>Russia will have peace on the current borders or a little better.

They are not stopping with Holodomor 2.0.... They've said this like a thousand times, Moldovia, then Poland, then Finland are next if they win.
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Being a Russian contractor is very safe, and a very easy way to get le trad waifu while fighting globohomo
>If they're not on his side then Trump would be happy to let Putin have Crimea
They've had Crimea since Obama you stupid fuck.
Ok, rabbi.
imagine losing 100k soldiers in 2 years because the US sprinkled some scraps on a country that used to be controlled by Moscow lmao.
Fuck steppe niggers. Those dumb faggots were so afraid of building their own harbor on the Black Sea because Ukranie wanted Sevastopol back, that Ukraine has been tossed for 20 years due to them. Including now 10 years of war.
Fuck Muscovites, the name Russia meant nothing after 1920, and the good of the earth should remove it completely so nobody else has to see it sullied by these fucking niggers. Am I victim blaming? I don't hear Muscovites complaining about Putin being a half jew.
Not going to happen. Trump wants to make money Nato is a money printer so he is going to push for more. Nuclear war however will be off the table because Trump is actually willing to talk and does not fear Putin like Biden.
Just because Putin has it doesn't mean that the other side doesn't still consider it theirs, and especially doesn't mean that Trump won't take advantage of giving it up in negotiations officially to gain something else.
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Russia is winning so hard that they don't even need armored vehicles. They use motorcycles just to make it more sporting.
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i mean worthless hohols getting their s300 fucked up is winning?
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hohols getting 5 of their figher jets fucked up in 1 attacks is winning?
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barricading mig-29 behind containers is winning? 300 iq hohols
considering 700k ukrainian soldiers are "missing" thats impressive. That number includes the LPR and DPR fighting for thier freedom too.
>fighting for thier freedom
Ironic way of saying that Girkin stuck a gun in their faces and told them to move.
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getting your last powerplants fucked up is winning?
2 more weeks to Kyiv am I right?
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Any day now you'll be in Kyiv, and the Ukrainians, seeing your eyebrow raised, will decide
>These are really our brothers who love us so, we should stay with them
Fuck you dumb niggers. And I mean you, you fucking Jeet.
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they wish the war ended in 2 weeks, but no, 1/2 of all hohol women population is now being fucked by niggers in EU, so.much winning!
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Russia is 30% Muslim. So.Much.Allah!
No. Not in top 10 GDP anymore, lots of men dead with no signs of recovery, refuses to end the war. Russia is fucked. Even if they win this they are still fucked because no one wants to live in Russia or do business with Russia. India is happy with Russia destruction though.
> African friend
why are you friends with a nigger?
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this is a war of extermination, and Russia is doing that pretty well.
nah we are good
you are a nigger, your opinion is invalid.
Russia is not interested in negotiation. Trump winning will be terrible for Russia because he will force Russia to back down.
Supporting Russia is a tell tale sign that someone is a shitskin. Stop projecting.
maybe he's a tranny tankie
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to the last hohol, selenski is making sure that is the case too.
thats straight from the NAFO tranny faggot shill flowchart
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>Russia is 30% Muslim. So.Much.Allah!
Not by mass immigration, but because they're indigenous to the land.
We're trending towards 50% muslim in a decade WITH mass immigration
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West: It's okay if you are gay

Russia: You WILL be sissified by your superior. You WILL have gay sex as is tradition in the Russian military.
Have you considered not importing the 3rd world?
So you get btfo in another thread and post the same lies in another thread?

meanwhile in reality

PPP GDP measurement is preferred by many economists, as it takes into account the difference between local prices and nominal prices similar to The Economist’s famous Big Mac inde> despair index has fallen to its lowest level ever this year – the sum of inflation, unemployment and poverty.
so where are the videos of DPR vanning people?
PPP is for poors everyone knows that.
Yeah but what if you're just spouting bullshit, NATO would have lost this proxy war pretty handily
I don't constantly see updates in all threads. That is PPP, not GDP.
Ukraine has received more aid, inflation adjusted, than the USSR did in WW2 and in a shorter time frame.

I suppose the state department will try to spin it as we didn't really try after we lose again though.
PPP is worthless when it comes to country power. You don't know what you're talking about. It just means products are cheaper in Russia.
>ZOG: we're coming for your children and will indoctrinate them while you slave away on the goy farm
>Russia: bans fag propoganda, bans adoption to fag supporting countries
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>thats straight from the NAFO tranny faggot shill flowchart
400,000 jeeps & trucks
14,000 airplanes
8,000 tractors
13,000 tanks
1.5 million blankets
15 million pairs of army boots
107,000 tons of cotton
2.7 million tons of petrol products
4.5 million tons of food

US has given Ukraine 2,000 HMMWVs
So a random faggot like you telling people ukraine is winning knows more than a german economist who works for MSN

you must be a delusional tranny
It's interesting how shills/bots can't quite figure out how to fit in.
being a fag is an expected tradition in the Russian military. No propaganda needed since Russian men have zero problem being butt fucked by other men.

real NAFO niggers think it's about stopping Russia now, subconsciously or not. There's an easy way to do that, it's just politically unpalatable for them. You know who loves controversial short-cuts on foreign policy? Orange man. He'll take the shortcut in Ukraine, saving trillions and countless lives, and he'll be celebrated for it.
Yeah that article is not very popular because all the other economists know PPP is a bullshit metric when it comes to country power. Ever considered that?
Russia is getting they ass kicked, Ukraine been splitting they wig for the past year. Russia only hanging on because they got mad people so they just pull up to Ukrainian positions and make them all run at they opps until they all get got.
You know whats great for GDP?
Importing 10 million uneducated shitskins and giving the free healthcare, housing, food, and cash.
Also 3000$ for a 1 bedroom apartment in the USA is GRET for GDP.

now go fuck yourself
are you fucking high or just retarded
Nice VPN shitskin
So? None of that matters in this context. It doesn't matter how cheap living cost in Russia is. You found a pointless metric to say Russia has a great economy when in reality it doesn't mean shit. If we're going with PPP Luxemburg is way ahead of everyone else.
>half a million dead Russians
kys zigger chud, it's ackshually 6 gorillions. the ghost of kiev xirself said so on twitter
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>Lend lease
>$180 billion in today's currency

Source: US government https://ru.usembassy.gov/world-war-ii-allies-u-s-lend-lease-to-the-soviet-union-1941-1945/#:~:text=Totaling%20%2411.3%20billion%2C%20or%20%24180,common%20enemy%20%E2%80%94%20bloodthirsty%20Hitlerism.%E2%80%9D

>Ukraine aid:
>175 billion from USA

Source: https://www.crfb.org/blogs/congressionally-approved-ukraine-aid-totals-175-billion

>105 billion from the slave states, totaling 380 billion (so far, no refunds goy)


These are commonly accepted figures, did you really not know? Are you that unaware of history and current events? Shameful.
It's not just living costs, it's domestic production, labor and resources. It's why Russia can out produce the entirety of ZOG.
That's a cool story but if your GDP is going down that means you won't be able to support domestic production much longer, especially when your workforce is dying 30k a month.
>Have you considered not importing the 3rd world
I'm not Urho Kekkonen. I don't possess the power.
No. But they'll spin it as a victory no matter what. Then again trading some Russian men's lives for Land is a good trade. Russian women will get drunk and forget their birth control and shit out more Russian boys for free so Russia is trading an abundant resource for land which is finite.
You are disconnected from reality. If your GDP is going down? Incoherent point. Russia's economy is GROWING you fool. They're thriving. Incredible what non Jewish policies can do, right friend? Speaking of Jewish policies, 30k casualties a month for Russia? Oh man you're too far gone for reason, imagine believing a Jewish countries currently losing a war on enemy casualties.
From the perspective if a Russian oligarch - yes. They're trading men for territory. Have you never played an RTS game or board game like Risk? In the long run they only get stronger. The only way to "lose" is if they give back the land they've already taken.
>They're thriving
Your ignorant American perspective is shocking. Russians are alcoholic nihilists. They don't even want to "thrive" as you conceive of it. They want to drink, eat shitty Russian cuisine, and die young either via ATV accident, car crash, or war. They really don't value life at all.
>where are videos of KBG guys who attach batteries to genitals and kill your kids in front of you?!
yeah. funny that.
Yeah.. sure. In your pointless PPP metric they are growing, not in real economic power. They are shrinking compared to others, not even in top 10th place anymore and they used to be in 8th place. Your prediction will age like fine milk. I don't expect Russia to win much economically in the next 10 years. The only way they can do that is if somehow their BRICS pals have miracle grow.
>It's why Russia can out produce the entirety of ZOG
Anon, do you actually believe this? If so, hows the kremlin these days?
even the women dropped. That means its emigration, not war deaths.
Butthurt belt gonna have a hurt butt
The Ukranian shills script shifted to just straight up denying reality after the counteroffensive failed.
Your brain is so small. You actually believe the Jewish lies. GDP ranking is relative to the dollar. Russia is sanctioned from trading in the dollar, so their currency is worth less to trade with the dollar. Because their currency is worth less in relation to the dollar, their gdp looks smaller... And all their production boosts aren't reflected. Your Jew numbers, like gdp and Kyiv independent casualties, are unreliable because theyre only created to keep goys placated.
>Russia's economy is GROWING you fool. They're thriving.
Bullshit. You've got an American flag, you should be able to recognize papering over an economic downturn when you see it.
>where are videos of KBG guys who attach batteries to genitals

On telegram. Did you not see what happened to the recent muslim terrorists? It was a fun vid. Never saw them killing kids though, that's more of a Jews style like in Gaza or other zog campaigns.
> Blah blah blah blah
Whatever moron
>Russian wages rising
>Russian production increasing
>Russian food/gas not increasing

Yeah, they're using their economic tools to win a war instead of enrich Jews like here.
I accept your humiliating concession of defeat.
Hopefully your nigger friend will be liquidated
No, I gave up in making you realize how dumb your logic is. There's a point you know you can't fix retards. But if it makes you happy to think I feel defeated, go ahead, I don't care.
Lmao, good luck faggot
It's called deficit spending, dumbass. Fake growth. Only jewish (((economics))) could possibly conclude that fighting a war is good for the economy. They're diverting manpower and resources towards war production. That's not turing land, labor, capital, and raw materials into desired goods and services. It's sending stuff to the front to blow up. The only way the war could presently be economicly beneficial is if either they're carrying off copious amounts of loot from the battlefield or the territory they've captured is so absurdly wealthy that it's already paid for itself. Unless those things are happening(they're not), Russian (((accounting tricks))) aren't growing their economy any more than your clever arrangment of magnets and gears produces more energy than it consumes.
Fuck off with your retarded (((keynesian))) nonsense.
why are you jews so anti-semetic?
Russia was 28 billion in debt when the war started.
USA spends 1 trillion a year just on intrest
Black had pleaded guilty to theft charges, but denied allegations that he had assaulted and threatened to kill his girlfriend, who has been identified as Aleksandra Vashuck. The 35-year-old army staff sergeant reportedly lived with Vashuck in her Vladivostok apartment for around a month earlier this year. Following an argument, he allegedly choked her and took 10,000 rubles ($116) from her purse.

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