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▶Previous: >>473168582

▶Day: 863 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Hungary's PM orbán meets putin for talks on Ukraine
>A day of mourning has been announced for Thursday after a Russian missile and drone strike killed at least five people and wounded 53 in Dnipro
>The US officially announced the new aid package for Ukraine: $150 million will be provided under PDA and $2.2 billion under USAI
>Big smoooking accident in Kursk, reportedly near military unit and military warehouses
>Zelenskyi met with Hungarian Prime Minister orbán in Kyiv
>EU and Ukraine signed security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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I fucking hate russians
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Thanks for SMO
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>Thanks for SMO
My favorite TikTok challenge
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Imagine dying for this, lmao
this shit is legit too funny.
thrilled for the next one already
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> Day 864 of the SMO
> russians are now shooting each other
Going really really well
Do you have any Russian tourists, Turkbro? We got a lot of them around 5-10 years ago (can't remember the exact year), but thankfully it only lasted for 2 summers. Everybody who worked in tourism had only the worst to say about them, hands down the most hated tourists along with the...jews.
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according to kremlin tv those are ukrainians
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Why isn't Russia posting bangers like this anymore?
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Ooooh ooooh aaaah aaaaah aaaaaah status?
>They definitely weren't the same, we're quintessential Whites, we can definitely tell the difference between jews and actual citizens
go make like a Greek and declare bankruptcy Constantine
Fugg, is TZD the key to world peace?
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If only you knew how brown things really are
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only moderate beige territory desu senpai
>that broken ass engrish
turn off the vpn jeet
always has been
>Putin bottles himself
This is NATO's fault.
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>“The SM-6 Air Launched Configuration (ALC) was developed as part of the SM-6 family of missiles and is operationally deployed in the Navy today.” - U.S. Navy Spokesperson
The program could go as far back as 2015. This is your reminder that a lot of Goated stuff happens/happened/ is happening behind close doors. i wonder what else they hide
I don't get what you're trying to say, but yes, even I could tell the difference and I thankfully don't work in tourism so I didn't have to deal with them. They were ugly, fat, shortnecked, loud and rude bastards with ugly wives and hot daughters.
The jews had big noses, curly hair and the women had big tits.
Russia had a Major victory today. A retired 2-star general died in California
>Whites, we can definitely tell the difference between jews and actual citizens
Yeah, chang it's easy for whites to distinguish caucasians. We can't tell apart the chinsects tho
Their fucking horrible. I used to stay in a house with russians and they would drink alcohol, play very loud music and start fights. Death to russians.
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Where's NASAMS?
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lots of gems today
If it's a dig at leafs, they paid for it and you didn't deliver
how about german tourists?
and i'm not talking about the almanci eseks, but actual germans
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So much for the +30 HATO countries supporting Ukraine according to vatniggerians in chug
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Does it work?
I refer you to OPs image of the previous thread >>473168582
Germans are fine, very cultured people. I never witnessed racism from them. Russians would always insult Islam after getting drunk. Degenerate people. Niggers in white skin.
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also this
This Ukraine is holding Russia with scraps of The promised scraps
They were like 1 week too late with their spin. I wonder if anyone on telegram bought it at that point.
Yes (no)
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Bumping le epic NAFO general.
Remember fellas, they will write books on the psy-war you're waging now.
LET'S FUCKING GOO! (Back to Plebit)
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>Niggers in white skin
They have them in their own stock. They don't need to wait for us to deliver them. They can back fill if they wanted to ship now
Keep bumping janny and the Bugatti thing will be proven real
here your (you)
lmao they have priests at the assault staging points so they can bless their feral niggers
Fair enough
Had some in the hotel we stayed at in Portugal years ago. Every morning we had to make tactical decisions how to liberate a table before they occupied it, and how to get to breakfast buffet before they destroyed it.
>1 week too late
yeah they're getting more sloppy the longer the war goes on.
i remember when their heli landing on snake island got rekt they pretty much immediately put out the video of roasted ziggers claiming those were ukrainians until their audience found out it were actually russian bodies because of some characteristic belt buckle on them
is it hilarious to anyone else how so many orcs are just scattered alone in the woods to treat their wounds themselves? how do they end up like this kek. this is supposedly an orc woman but i cant tell desu
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Literally me.
Bet you can't even Triforce.
i always expected zigger death to be total, but nobody could've prepared me for it to be that goofy as well
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It's a bit embarrassing that Obama didn't do the right thing in 2014. Wonder why....
Obama was betting on white Europe falling.
>a working nigger
Obvious fake
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This thread better starts praying Trump wins and prevents Obama and his cucks like Sullivan from getting a fourth term
Yeah, Shebongo getting elected is the worst case for Ukraine
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I don’t know what’s funnier, the jeet in the biden shirt, or the jeet with the industrial grade kneepads on
Jestem Lwowiakiem. Chciałbym aby Ukraina wygrała tą wojnę. Czy jesteście w stanie to wygrać? Czy Rosja zawsze będzie nam zagrażać?
he misjudged the situation.
king nigger was never good at foreign policy, instead his speciality was medium scale community organizing. dem programz fo dey nigger keedz and such, not geopolitics. he bought into the time and time disproven myth of russian trustworthiness or most likely didn't give a shit at all about what was going on outside of chicongo, atlanta and st louis
>Jeet in Biden shirt is wearing flipflops
What are the chances he went to fight in them?
>What are the chances he went to fight in them?
What are the chances he went and died in them
hol up, isn't it PRESIDENT and a face of putin?
Checked. It's clearly Biden in is his signature shades
it is
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>image use for illustration purposes
i am confusion
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yup its putin
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>prevents Obama and his cucks like Sullivan
It's not just Obama, and it's not just the Democrats. There were a bunch of people/groups in the West that took advantage of the corruption in Russia and Ukraine.
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Not sure, but the guy with the kneepads definitely wore them to the front
what a shame
>a working ukrainian with a 4-figure salary
also fake
>in dollars
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Fake news
Real shirt
i like how it steals the well known american phrase instead of writing it in russian, or simply saying PUTIN or (MY) PRESIDENT.
russoids and other turdies are so brainwashed by american cultural influence they can't help themselves but display their subconscious cargo cult behavior at any time.
like most of their photoshopped propaganda shit uses dolph lundgren, the terminator or some other hollywood caricature of a russian or badass individual
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Niggers in Moscow
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My friend bought me a shirt from a thrift shop with this on it, it's still in my closet somewhere
>a working ukrainian with a 4-figure salary
You mean annual? I'd be really pissed off if I had one beige
Qrd me ukiebro?
Just got home
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Wtf, pidors have the same backward custom of dropping dead bodies into rivers - like India does?
your country has been occupied by the american military for 80 years
But Russia is like one of the top 10 in Uranium reserves, why would they need to buy from the US?
They couldve also gotten from China or Kazakhstan..
>quote from a russian lesbian song from early 2000s
Another SMO veteran got wacked in puccia with "Thanks for the SMO" scribble on his car
What the hell am i watching
Fuck them.
Pretty much this - Obama even made a speech chastising Euros for not dealing with the problem festering in their own backyard.
>Ooooh ooooh aaaah aaaaah aaaaaah status?
If it's too hot, put some cold in.
funny enough one or both of the singers went into politics and are in putin's party
russian trash disposal
Dare I say, they became political lesbians?
What's it say or mean?
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75% of hohol rapefugees refuse to work and want gibs.
Let that stink in.
Just send them back bro. We'll take em
you are a russian in denial
It's too large to large fit through my door.
It might be a tub.
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>puccians started to sell monkeputin
are they mildly self aware??
>Stalin statue
Based, I wish I could buy it.
They won't carch up to us
theyre all women
self hating russian
kek wtf
russians man
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Do y'all ever stop thinking about Russia?
>Based, I wish I could buy it.
Just stop buying weed and get a job nigger
hello sasha, how is alicante? :)
Stalin should have finished you off
what do you do when youre temporarily left without water because of russia and cant flush after taking a shit
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That's literally you beige. You tick both boxes
>why would they need to buy from the US?
Cornering the market so they can jack up the prices after removing competition. Of course the ones involved got a kickback. The US has a problem with corruption, and it's a deep corruption and not shallow and visible. Just look at how we sold out to China
i saw those kneepads on a guntuber channel, maybe in a demo ranch video. they're 'bulletproof' (spoiler: they didn't stop a .22) kneepads from ali express lol. some russian commander probably sold it to him for 100 bucks telling him they're an invincibility cloke.
Miss me with your scat fantasies nigger
You were the niggers of Europe until the USSR gave you a fucking education
Shut your fucking mouth
Russia is winning
its more embarrassing for russians who claim america is the great satan and responsible for everything wrong in their shithole yet they also treat them like gods and love all their exports.
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>is in denial about the women of his ethnicity being whores who at one point have worked as prostitutes if they have ever been in the european union
>is in denial about being russian despite being an east slav who speaks russian
>is in denial about losing the war
poor piggy cant face reality
Ooof, a black hebrew. A rare gem
Hitler was right about your kind.
how do they get in the position of being completely alone in the middle of an open field in daylight?
Your aunt Aisha can finish me off, if you catch my drift
>go to a Muslim country
>start shit about Islam
I was about to ask if they had any notion of how to be a good guest but then I remembered you were talking about Russians.
That's pretty based though.
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Meat wave tactics. They'll send as many as they can by any means, and have them regroup at a tree line or village. It's all about gaining land by any means necessary.
Russians are Saudi Arabians now?

Captcha: SPY4R
What are you asking me to do, moot?
Not really. Mostly because if anyone does the same to Russia you guys start the chimp shrieking. I think the bigger issue is that you have nothing to offer anyone, and should just remain in your containment zone with your outhouses and 64.21 year male life expectancy.
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lol, that's a new one for my Discovered Brownoids folder.

Up to 37 now.
I really want to visit Ukraine but I'm afraid I'll be stuck after entering. I have dual citizenship, is there really any way to visit relatives then leave?
post hand+outlet, 1pbtid anon
you are poor
Just travel with the Canadian passport?
you are a nigger
>Mostly because if anyone does the same to Russia you guys start the chimp shrieking.
That's on the churkas and the anti-White government. At least the people has enough sense to not respect mudslimes.
>I think the bigger issue is that you have nothing to offer anyone
Turkroaches are free to reject tourists if they don't need the money.
hey bro. haven't seen you around in a while. I was worried you got deported or grenaded or something
>doesnt deny it
imagine living in the supposedly richest country in the world and still being poor
youre a loser like all hohol supporters
Name one ethnicity whose women aren't whores.
Don't they have databases of who has an Ukrainian passport? They can just check my name to verify
Go and kill pidors cuck.
>Don't they have databases of who has an Ukrainian passport?
Yeah, they do that
Ever even been there before? You want to visit your relatives now? Do they know you? Have they met you?
Nice projection, nigger
>No EU mandate
>No NATO mandate
I'm glad you enjoyed Orban's holiday trip and photo opportunity though.
He probably had his basic training, so he knows what his "duties" are.
>oficial ru embussy account
Never change zigegrs, never chaneg
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REMINDER: We must support Putin in his effort to reestablish the Soviet Union.
>We must support Putin
we must?
I remember visiting Κριτή seven years ago, my Ukie buddy got stung by jellyfish and some Russian tourist gave him some tip about doing something about it. Weird, taken he's from around Donetsk, that at that point in time even Ukrainians believed that kacaps still can be human. What fools have we been.
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REMINDER: pre-war borders must be restored
good map.
This, women of all ethnicities can be whores, just find one that isn't.
>t. engaged after five years of happy relationship
Has nato commented on Orban's diplomatic efforts?
why was it deleted?
I can't be the only one tired of the idea that women from the east are trad and loyal?
Pajeettes because no one wants to fuck them
High caste poojetas are actually fuckable
Why do slavs love glass bottles
It's bullshit sold by commies to plant agents in the West. Eastern women can be as whorish, if not more, as western ones. ESPECIALLY if given freedom to do that, you know, getting high on freedom. Unironically the most trad and pure would be a girl that had the temptation whole her life and decided to act against it, not the one that had it enforced upon her. I see how women in Poland act because now they are on third wave feminism phase which is retarded in post-communist society and Poland especially, where women have infinitely stronger position in society that they ever had in the West.
Eh, I dunno, I have thing for women with darker skin tones and some of them are actually quite hot. I remember one pajeeta I met in Amsterdam, face was awful, but dat ass tho. Bag over head and for fatherland, as we say in Kurwaland.
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jewish elites destroyed ukraine in 2014 so a jewish fag in heels could start a war and then give all of the ukraine lands to the jewish rats from blackrock, all of this nonsense is pure kikery
there's vodka inside it. glass bottles are their life-giver, a religious icon that alleviates the incredibly depressing life most of them have to go through day by day.
and sometime a slav gets overzealous when indulging in worshipping it...
lmfao the levels of cope... rabbi, you would be fucking happy if jewkraine keeps 50% of their pre-war territory
What was he doing to that dog
Absolutely based. Rare ruski w. Pigslam is a plague upon humanity.
>Freeze frame
>Yes it's me, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanovski, you may wonder how I put myself into this
>The State Duma (tl note: ru parliament) discussed the planned tax on childlessness. State Duma deputy Evgeny Fedorov said that in the Soviet Union the tax was 6% of the basic income, but now it must correspond to the expenses for a child - from 20 thousand RUB for a person who does not have children.
>Let us recall that in the USSR this tax was called “Tax on bachelors, single and small-family citizens” (tl note: the so-called "tax on balls") and was introduced in 1941. It was paid by childless men aged 20 to 50 years
Qrd ?
Is that a russian "bishop" blessing pajeets volunteers before assault on ukrainian lines ?

Russia don't have equipment to give them ?
Punched the pupper while drunk, multiple times, got in the shop, got back, punched the pupper again.Got gnawed and discovered too late the unspoken rule of nature (every animal is an occasional carnivore)
After watching this countless times I've come to realise... WTF is a camel doing in snowy russia ?
Arent they desert animals ?
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>puccian soldiers dying or getting shot by their own
>But at least we have cool logos))))
That's an alpaca with two cancerous tumors it got from having to deal with ziggers on a daily basis.
We had figured it out in like 15th century were everyone been living under a rock?
i bet putin is piloting those drones himself
/chug/troons have always been pretty open about not caring about dead Russians. They just like having a similar minded circle jerk to seethe about America and validate their axe wounds.
Why do so many ruskies vacation in turkey?
I wouldn't be surprised if chug posted the infamous russian report on this. THey would all believe it.
>celebrating a thread number
How gay lol
Camels (two humps) are from Asia.
Dromedaries (one hump) are from Africa.

I think those are circus animals though, so origin wouldn't matter but seeing a camel in (eastern) Russia isn't weird at all.
I must have missed this.
it's not even an accurate number since they're known to increase it a couple hundred at a time
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Every country located on continent of Europe should join EU and NATO
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Russia warns if peace deal is not respected, it may have to 'respond'
>not caring about dead Russians
I mean... who the hell do care?
The camel was probably told russia was white and trad. You can see the frustration into the video when after thousands of miles of travel it realized that.
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That's a good question
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The belt buckle in question, always like keeping this to remind russniggers how bad their shilling is kekarooo
>nothing but underage faggots posting tranime
>nothing but underage faggots posting gore/monke
These threads fucking suck how the hell is this boring stalemated war still taking up 10% of the board?
That was actually a good one. Surprisingly good for a French. You might have some British ancestors, I think.
I like going over there and trolling them with each death milestone
I usually get two threads of seething out of it, and whining about how everyone is responding to me
>dont respond to shills gais
Feel free to go post in some 1pbid thread instead, niggerfag.
Posting fail/rekt videos is funny
Because this war is the beginning of the final collapse of progressivistic religion worldwide?
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This is tough anons, do I add it to my nigger folder or my pajeet shitskin folder. Who am I kidding, I should combine the two since they're the same thing KEKAROOO
More gibs for the EU to spend and more lands for US soldiers to defend. And for what?
I'm Hungarian. Az the end of WW1 a small part of Hungary called Subcarpathia was taken from Hungary and is now a part of Ukraine. The people living there are majority Hungarian ethnics. Ukranians hate Hungarians, they make anti-Hungarian laws, they don't even let them speak their own language in shools. Subcarpathia is at the West side of the country too, far from the warzone. Yet theese people legally classify as Ukranians. You know what that means...

There was once a right-wing youtuber who talked about how the draft really goes there. Basically you shouldn't be out in the open on the streets or have should have enough money with you to pay off the drafters. He had a friend who went for a walk and got drafted because of it. They take your ID away so when you die you are classified as missing, not deads so the government doesn't have to pay you family when you die. The average survival time for soldiers is weeks I believe. You are literally not expected to go home. Since you're an untrained you are only there to draw the enemy fire.

So imagine being a Hungarian ethnic who is hated hated by Ukranians, living in peace in a village and getting drafted just because you are a man. And nobody is talking about this.

Getting called a coward and getting beaten up is one thing. In reality it's much more than that. When I was more into this topic I saw a video where a man wo was trying to flee the draft was dragged out of his car and got shot.
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I believe this might be organic general™ last victory
>The people living there are majority Hungarian
Fake & gay
World domination commie faggot.
Total commie extinctions.
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russniggers can't even afford vpns anymore, or did you fuck up little fsb faggot lmao.
But not the part about Ukrainians hating Hungarians, right?
Henlo, Hungarian. I'm CIA.
Lmao, fucking estonian flag made that thread

Defend from what, pidor?
odd that's only 2k more than /uhg/, seems they've been stuck there for as long as Russia has been
Why should I point out other fake and gay points, if you start out with fake shit right from the start?
Your pasta is shit. Get a better one.
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What are Ukrainians dying for?
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KEK, I did 0day drops on EFnet XDCC distros faggot. Anyways, in other news

I thought you'd ask what ziggers are dying for. No, for real. Do you have, like, any kind of an answer? ANY?
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Cleansing their land of dead russniggers, problem?
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To defend their country. Wha are levies dying for? 50k ruble salary?
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Shelomovs vila, rothenbergs bentley, abramovich yacht of course.
So just move to Hungary?
So /uhg/, can anyone please explain /chug/ to me, like is the entire point of the thread just to spam to bump limit over and over every single thread? Are these even real people? Outside of the child drawing styled drawfag I can't believe they're even real.
>>473199443 a thread like this is 98% shitposting, there is no discussion it's just spam I don't get it.
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>IRC rat
Carry on ancientfag
Most Ukrainians don't care about the land that Russia wants though. It's far away from their homes and most were never planning on visiting anyway.
Don't have a link or webm of it but they took a drone footage of a russian soldiers finishing another wounded russian

They said they were all ukrainians, and aired it on tv. This was sereval weeks after the video was in /uhg/
Does narrative framing like this work.
A big common market so I can sell my chinese marchandise to more boomer online eheheh
>Ukrainians don't care about the land that Russia wants though. It's far away from their homes and most were never planning on visiting anyway.
How does it differ for russians?

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