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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Anyone who hasn't seen Asha Logos' content should do so now.


"Our Subverted History" and the "Interconnectedness of Europeans" are mandatory viewing for all those on the path to self discovery of the blood that flows through your veins brothers. Our ancestors are watching and by the will of their spirit we shall fight again.

This is probably the final fight gentlemen. Cheers.

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>the first threads

>The first part

>The second part

>The third part


>The fourth part

>This threads too

>Recommended: Discussion of the political impact of Aryan Art

>Recommended: The Electrical Universe, people/websites to research
>Nikola Tesla (thanks to him, we know that chi/ki/prana/ether/aether/mana/vril is electricity in the atmosphere meaning infinite free energy)
>Viktor Schauberger
>Walter Russell
>Robert Otey (http://www.feandft.com
>&& https://robertotey.com/)
>Eric Dollard
>Frank Chester (sacred geometry)

>Here is also AI for making poems
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Good evening anon!

I offer, a single spark
A tiny flame, that ignites the dark
Illuminating the path, on the darkest night
A guiding light, that banishes the fright

The darkness trembles, at its gentle might
As shadows scatter, and all is made bright
The shadows flee, as hope takes flight,
And in its place, a new dawn takes light

No doubts nor fears, can make us stray
For faith and conviction, lead the way
The spark within, a beacon bright
Guides us forward, through life's darkest night
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Welcome back brother.

Can confirm Asha Logos most based channel out there
Poem for glowies:

Oh, pitiful slave, behold thy fate
Follow the rules, know thy place, don't hesitate
Thy leaders, the chosen ones, parasitic and cold
Feasting on thy corpse, thy nation grown old

In darkest night, thy church, a demon's lair
Thy people, undead, reanimated without care
A zombie procession, an infestation so grim
Maggots and worms devouring all within

Awaiting a new dawn, an unholy corruption reigns
Purged with light, struck down by divine refrains
The time of reckoning draws near, the end in sight
Exorcism awaited, to banish the darkest night

Purge thy soul, break free from chains so strong
Rise up, oh people, and join the holy throng
Together we shall rise, and cast aside the night
And bring forth a new dawn, shining with all its might.

If you want to try writing poems. AI can speed up the process.

You can write a basic poem with a clear message and get the AI to rewrite it with a prompt like “if Churchill wrote it” or “if Bowden rewrote this”. You can also get the AI to change certain lines or show you options for different lines or words if something doesn’t sound right.

So you write a basic framework with some message that you want to get across which could look like this:

Good boy.
Sit, roll and fetch.
Here are your orders.
Follow the rules.
Know your place.
Oh normie.
Pitiful slave.
To the hierarchy.
Instincts ingrained.
Parasites in charge.
Your leaders.
The chosen.
Your people the corpse.
Vampires feasting.
The state your church.
A demon your lord.
On the darkest night.
Your nation a graveyard.
Undead reanimation.
A supernatural possession.
A zombie procession.
An infestation.
Of maggots and worms.
An apocalypse.
Awaiting a new dawn.
Unholy corruption.
Awaiting exorcism.
To be struck down.
Purged with light.
By the divine.

Resulting in a finished poem like this:


If a poem doesn’t look right you can paste the whole poem and at the bottom write “give me alternatives” to “this line” or “this stanza” while maintaining the core message.
You can also ask the ai the expand on a poem, or to rearrange it into for example 3 stanzas of 4 lines each. You can get it to condense the poem to the maximum while retaining the core message.
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Study more about our ancient history anons.

The Gods are within us quite literally. These mysticisms were not created without reason. There is a overbearing truth to it. And it is up to us to seek out and find whatever those mysteries are. Especially the /pol/ class of anons it is your rightful duty to seek out ultimate knowledge of your ancestors and utilize it to your advantage.

Many of us are likely the "priest" class. Maybe a bit of warrior there in some of us but more than anything our pursuit for truth is what drives us.
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Based anon.

A divine spark, born within mortal frame,
The hourglass of life: the sands slip by in flame.
Each moment unique, forever lost, yet loved in vain,
Cherished until the end, where love and memories remain.

Moments cherished, until the final sigh,
The hourglass empty, and the end draws nigh
What amounts of life, now lost and gone,
A mound of sand, where death has been sown

The collective sands of time, a vast and endless sea,
Your people's journey, a path etched, where memories will be
The living and the lost, a dune's majestic rise,
A testament to time, where stories meet the skies

In this vast desert, where life and death entwine,
Your people's tale unfolds, an eternal rhyme divine
The wind whispers secrets, of ancestors' noble deeds,
Echoes of a legacy, where hearts and souls proceed

Through shifting dunes of memory, we wander free,
Howling winds that whisper secrets, an ancient melody
Tinged by your mound, your voice eternal sounds,
Your will immortal, your faith forever crowned
All respect bong bro but using AI to write poems doesn't sit well with me. I used to write but am more into painting now and I can't imagine using AI to assist me at all other than information on composition and such, kind of like asking a teacher questions.

I agree most of us probably fall in the priest caste which is fitting because we seem to be having it out with the dark priests who got us here.
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Bump. Anyone have any recommended books? Currently revisiting some Spengler and I have that itch again. Something in depth about the Aryans would be nice.
It’s just a tool anon. You still produce the original and you have to adjust all the outcomes. If you think it’s easy you should give it a try. I have written 8 basic poems myself in the past year. It took about 14 hours to get a few of these poems made.

Like tempered steel, we are forged in the fire
Our hearts and souls, moulded by life's burning desire
The flames of passion, they shape and refine,
Guided by the spark of the divine

To raise a flame, an eternal fire
Within your heart, our burning desire
That burns with passion, and never fades away
A beacon of hope, to guide us through each new day

In the blaze, our fears are purged and freed
And from the embers, our true selves proceed
With every moment, we're refined and made new
And in the flames, our hearts are forever true
This video about the Oera Linda is pretty kino:

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>All respect bong bro but using AI to write poems doesn't sit well with me.
Me either. I let him know when he first posted it. My mother was a poet so it certainly doesn't sit well.

>I agree most of us probably fall in the priest caste which is fitting because we seem to be having it out with the dark priests who got us here.
4/pol/ is perhaps the last that unites us. When it is gone we must forge our own boards - and not necessarily on the internet.

>Anyone have any recommended books?
Uniornically stuff like Four Agreements, The Celestine Prophecy, "Don Juan" for the general message it makes. The Bible.

As far as my ancestors philosophical works I have read more small passings about them then their actual works go so I would be interested.

The Greek Gods and their protectorate I find very fascinating.
It is a tool that takes away from human ingenuity. While I agree it can be made useful I disagree that it should be utilized in online discourse in any significant amount.

A few poems is fine, every post is not.
Just don't let it stifle your own creativity. Fair enough though, keep writing fren
I also took my pasta for demoralised anons and turned it into a poem.
From this:

To live is to suffer yet life is a blessing.
The human condition is defined by a wide range of emotions. It is not pure love or pure hate that drives us. It is the balance of all emotional extremes that creates the human experience. One can be happy to exist and love their people while hating these who wish to destroy their nation. It is not strange to feel sad when seeing destruction. One can feel anger at the perpetrators yet joy at united resistance. A person can feel both grief at what was lost and have hope for the future. You can feel indignation at the genocide of your people, bone chilling hostility for the perpetrators and to desire vengeance for suffering is just. To be spiteful is to be alive. To have unquenched desire for change under such circumstances is honourable.

I know that the situation looks dreadful. It seems hopeless. But the scales of fate can be tilted by a single grain of sand. Desire manifests reality and dripping water hollows out stone.

Never slacken
Never tire
Never lose courage
Never lose faith
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To this:

In the tapestry of life, we weave our fate,
A complex thread of emotions, intricate and great.
Not pure love or pure hate, but a balance we create,
A dance of feelings that define our human state.

We rejoice in love and laughter, in warmth and in light,
Yet rage against the forces that bring only night.
We weep at destruction, at the loss of what's dear,
And rage against the hands that bring us fear.

We feel grief for what's lost, and hope for what's to come,
And indignation burns at the injustices we've known.
We shudder at the horrors of genocide's cruel might,
And crave vengeance for the suffering that pierces our sight.

To be spiteful is to be alive, it's true,
For in our passion and anger, we find our spirit anew.
To yearn for change, to strive for a better day,
Is a noble pursuit, a beacon that guides us on our way.

In this messy tangle of emotions, we find our strength,
A resilience that's forged in the fire of life's length.
For to be human is to feel, to love and to hate,
To be torn apart and yet, to create a new fate.

I could probably learn to turn the messages and feelings that I want to share into poems by hand. But it would take a long time for me. It does feel like it cheapens the message and the ai doesn’t always capture or understand everything that I want to share.
I guess that if no one sees value in poems then that’s that. I won’t post any more poems here.
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I think the other anon was just saying that too many of them crowd up the thread. In my experience writing by hand really develops your own style. It shouldn't be easy. Anyways let's drop it so the thread can continue
A song that reminds me of what our people require right now.

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Book of Enoch most certainly. There is far more that are important if Asha Logos would cruise by he could tell us most of them. It takes a lot of effort to understand the things he does that's for sure.
No worries. How about we gather a list of current European identity videos on youtube?
I think that it is important to encourage anons to learn how to make nationalist videos.

I guess shaming people into action works. So now, why don’t we have any pagan video makers?


The vocals are a bit strange in my opinion but the overall video is great.


Short but sweet.


The original. Songs are very important for propaganda, identity and unity. I think that a few songs and videos can move more people than hundreds of pages of political writings. Especially when you consider individuals who don’t have time to read about and discuss politics for an entire decade. Now don’t get me wrong, I still think that high level political writings and theories are necessary and these types of videos are the result of such high level writings. But have to hit multiple levels of society with our ideologies and beliefs.


This is a bit strange. But I can understand the underlying message.

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Can diasporic Europeans be part of this? t. 2nd gen immigrant longing to retvrn
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See: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/472604833

>All Europeans of Nativity and diaspora, come join us and contribute to the renaissance of our people. It is within seeking our own identity, history, culture, society, family that we shall find all that is most important to us. The values we seek are within us and us alone.

>Share all things European in this thread, work, contribute, fight towards a future for our people. It is in our unity that we shall annihilate the enemy that we face and that enemy is one of millenia.

>Awaken Europa. Awaken brothers.

This is good. Bit heavy handed on Christian imagery at the start. I wonder if show casing the royal family is good? They don’t seem to be interested in representing us at all.



>It is one of the oddities of the Royal family -- shared by the majority of the English upper classes -- that for many generations they have circumcised their male sons, invariably using a Mohel, the Jewish word for a circumcision practitioner.
Absolutely fren, I will pick you on my way to Venice, I talk about white South Africans and white Rhodesians all the times, there are cells of whites that refused to niggermix, we have to rescue all diaspora whites
Thanks, anon, I will check these out.
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I'm going to play the blame game it is your class and what has erected by certain actions in 1600s that allowed the propagation of such cultural destruction of the nations of European nativity and diaspora.

There's no question why many contingents of Europa felt unification towards Hitler's ideals instead of what has been continuously positioned towards us since the 1940s.

I would also be very interested to see who was behind funding the French revolution.
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>I talk about white South Africans and white Rhodesians all the times, there are cells of whites that refused to niggermix, we have to rescue all diaspora whites
And we will.
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>European identity thread
>Every poster is an angloid except for one brazilian
Jesus Christ.
I think Asha Logos follows some form of Christianity, not sure which, but he also seems to have an understanding of an Aryan spirituality or whatever you want to call it, through the Vedas and other texts, so I'm not sure really what he believes, not that it's important, but regardless of how you feel about Christianity he definitely seems to be speaking from a good place, about good things, there is no hate or vitriol in his messages.
Look at how (((they))) pulled strings to make European men kill each other. While today we are pacified in the face of a complete world wide ethnic replacement genocide.

What is true morality? To kill kin? To sit and watch the destruction of your people while (((they))) tell you to hate the older generations, the younger generations or our women?

Alright I will share some input.

I don't like the British, because they're arses. I don't like the French, because they act like arses. I don't like the Germans, because they speak like arses.
At the same time I like some Brits, I like some Frenchies and I like some Germans. Because they're a lot like me.
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>not sure which

Not a subject of which I've heard him talk about yet that I can recall in any great extent. He speaks more about the purposefully destroyed(see Gobekli Tepe) historical roots of our kind. The Essenes were related to modern jews as a cow is to a cat.
If you don’t participate, you don’t get represented. What a shocker anon.
Politics works in the same way. If you have no leadership class, no identity and no representation.
You will become no different to cattle. For the people who rule you, do not consider you as kin.
I'm full Nord of descent according to adjacent bloodlines. Means the Irish in me is far more Nordic than it is Irish kek. But what does that mean?
I'm wondering why you think this? Doesn't seem to fit with things I've heard him talk about. Either way, I'd be really curious to know for sure.
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Ayran christianity is weird but it at the very least sheds a lot of the jewish parts of christianity and retains the traditionally European (pagan) parts.
i am not an expert on it at all but thats an accurate summation i think. he doesn't seem to promote theosophical division/agitation as far as i can tell but again, i do not know this man personally and am not a Aryan christianity expert. i personally am an agnostic, but i don't promote this to other people. its just the conclusion i have drown in my own mind because i am an eternal Skeptic.
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He goes into depth about what is known as "dharma" across the Eastern religions but in a historical sense. In his videos he is conveying a message of spirituality that is meant to take root inside of yourself not within someone else.

AshaLogos has the quintessential white pill. Something I had no idea how badly I required. But it's going to lead me out of the darkness and whatever practices there are that you use to aspire to greatness - do those.
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The unattended garden will soon be overrun with weeds; the nation that fails to cultivate good morals by rooting out cancerous individuals will shortly become degenerate and destitute. For cancer and parasites spread as long a source of nourishment is available.

It hasn't always been this way.

>Aryan Christianity
That's basically the "we were the jews" stuff you see here on /pol/, right? I can somewhat see this as he talks about an original message of light being perverted by (((others))), but praising Yahweh and all that doesn't intuitively feel right to me.

>In his videos he is conveying a message of spirituality that is meant to take root inside of yourself not within someone else
He also talks of leaders though, holy men, that came to bring light to people, so I'm not sure how individual spirituality would work in that context.

>AshaLogos has the quintessential white pill
His message and attitude is uplifting but are you speaking of anything specific he says?
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>The unattended garden will soon be overrun with weeds; the nation that fails to cultivate good morals by rooting out cancerous individuals will shortly become degenerate and destitute. For cancer and parasites spread as long a source of nourishment is available.
You write this one yourself?
bump this shit up niggers
Ask and ye shall receive mein bruder
>anything specific he says?
That the European is related and our mysticism is as well.

I mean I've only been through my first round listening to his stuff. It reminds me of Kymatica in 2006 or whenever that came out.

He is the definition of the Priest class he speaks of. He is what our people need in large fucking amounts kek
I just rewrote this:

“The unattended garden will soon be overrun with weeds; the heart that fails to cultivate truth and root out error will shortly be a theological wilderness.”
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Nice to see that people are using my pasta, here the update


the first threads

The first part

The second part

The third part


The fourth part

The fifth part

This threads too

Recommended: Discussion of the political impact of Aryan Art

Recommended: The Electrical Universe, people/websites to research
Nikola Tesla (thanks to him, we know that chi/ki/prana/ether/aether/mana/vril is electricity in the atmosphere meaning infinite free energy)
Viktor Schauberger
Walter Russell
Robert Otey (http://www.feandft.com && https://robertotey.com/)
Eric Dollard
Frank Chester (sacred geometry)

Here is also AI for making poems
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Seek the thought before the tool.

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i told you it was weird and that i'm no expert so i can honestly say i have no idea. i grew up southern baptist and i have no desire to return to anything even mildly related to ANY sect of abrahamism. i also recognize how thoroughly abrahamics destroyed pagan texts, holy sites and sacred groves. making jt extremely difficult to practice paganism today in any way without filling in major gaps.

i get freemason vibes from him but i genuinely don't like disparaging this dude because as i said he doesn't seem to overtly be pushing theosophical agitation. does he have his own agendas both overtly and covertly? absolutely, we all do. i do not know this person and would have to in order to further refine my judgement of them, i am a Skeptic and it is just my way.
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Fresh reminder for all those attending. This goes for all of our lands.
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I must state this as the creator of these threads that it is important that you all understand that these things we face do not come defeated without great sacrifice.

Remember your roots brothers.

calm down frenchie, we will kick the sudanese from frogland, I suggest everyone here to get into politics, we will subvert Negrocracy in Europe

Remember be moderate until majority then we strangle the kike hydra
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Good thread. Here have this bump.
Two Bowden videos.



I am heading to bed now. Good night anons. Keep up the good work!
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Asha logos in his research discovered that all the gods (Aryan, Semitic, African, etc.) were real people who were later deified (Euhemerism)

But Asha logos discovered that indeed, there is a primordial and ineffable god. That the Aryan royalty saw themselves as the children of god and had a divine obligation to care for the world (and protect the divine lineage/race).

tldr: read the oera linda book. (And see pic related)
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>That the Aryan royalty saw themselves as the children of god and had a divine obligation to care for the world (and protect the divine lineage/race).
Then the question begs why the fuck are we related to the Nephilim? Are we the ones who rebelled against them initially?

There's been these "Norman" jews claiming that they were the ones who owned us for slaves or some gay shit.

I have not read Oera Linda. I'm gonna check out what it is for a hard copy. I haven't listened to that stream yet because I felt as though I wasn't ready.
to all germans bros/für alle deutschen brüder:

2024 will be your fatefull election year/ 2025 wird dein schicksalswahljar sein!

its about freedom and independence or dying for US-tards globohomo empire/es geht um freiheit und selbstbstimmung oder verrecken fürs ami-land and ihr gleichgeschaltetes weltreich!

its your last chance!/das ist deine letzte chance!

your life is already fused with their plans!/dein leben ist bereits verwoben mit ihrem "operationsplan deutschland"!

now or never!/jetzt oder niemals mehr!
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It's almost as though you know there's someone out there in the Aether trying to learn Deutsch right now.
fur = for/all

wird dein = will be

sein = year?

es geht um freiheit = it is for freedom

verrecken = freedom?

I appreciate these translations. I will reread them. It is of the utmost importance I carry on the language of my heritage.
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I'm gonna reiterate this. It is from our past that we will reforge the roots of our future history. It may be through war, it may be through a miracle, it may be through the Earth giving up it's protection.

If any amount of us are to survive this conflict we will carry on the truth of our people until the Sun that feeds us goes dead.
>That the European is related and our mysticism is as well
Reminds me of Stephen McNallen and his theory of "metagenetics"

>Theological wilderness
Perfectly explains where I sit at the moment, it's messy in here

Most of Christianity intuitively doesn't feel right to me other than two things: The words of Jesus Christ, they really do seem divinely inspired, it's hard not to read them and feel something. The second is the comparison of old Christianity like Catholicism and Orthodox to paganism, I've heard it said here on /pol/ that Catholicism most closely resembles white paganism, and I can somewhat see this with the angelic sounds of choral singing, monk chant, values, even dress to an extent, etc. I do not relate to anything semitic however

>seek the thought before the tool
This has oracle vibes, I like it
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>This has oracle vibes, I like it
If you're on 4/pol/ at this late in the game there's a good chance there's a oracle yourself.

Our people are exceptionally ancient and quite possibly the founding seed of civilization as we know it.

There's that people that revolted against the Nephilim is there not just as there is those who revolted against God.
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i will be honest again here.
i have avoided the oera linda because i had a very bad falling out with christianity and i felt this was an attempt to bring me back through guile. i do not like smearing people i think are genuine, as i do not cheaply hand trust to strangers. it is a fine line between paranoid and prepared, i will just keep doing the best i can to balance the two.

appreciate the information, genuinely.

you can always look to the iliad then
/EIG/ is the best general on /pol/
what are your thoughts on race mixing?
acceptable in small amounts with compatible races, or totally unacceptable in all cases?
Why the meme flag?
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>i have avoided the oera linda because i had a very bad falling out with christianity and i felt this was an attempt to bring me back through guile.

How you dumb fucker? I said all gods (including Yahweh whose true name is EL and Jesus) were real people who were later deified. Christianity is a religion where there is a Canaanite god (El/Yahweh) with his armies of yazatas (angels which mean messengers in Greek and not winged beings) that is led by the archangel Michael (who is an Akkadian god) against the Greek/Roman god Lucifer and his army of daimones (spirits/minor gods of Greek mythology)
bump, friend
Europeans mixing with each other is okay. Europeans mixing with non-Europeans is not okay.
Just to be clear I dont consider all "Europeans" in Europe to be European, some are actually Eurasian or non-European.
For example, I consider 100% of native Icelandic people European but I consider a much smaller percentage of native Albanian people European.
The EU should implement a selective breeding program to clean the European gene pool.
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Asha Logos has assuredly seen these threads. He knows his ideals are now coming to fruition. It all takes times. A new Priest class shall erect itself steadfast in the absence of a world unruled. Not to institute their ideals but to create the option for them.

And when that option is presented it will be the overwhelming amount of humanity who wants it. A good ruling. The opposite of evil. No more gay frogs. No more usury. No more degradation.
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You can use this (pic related) as a guide, but I think the research is not very complete/lacks more information and is simplified.

I don't know much about the Nephilim, but I have a theory that they were an Aryan tribe that died in the flood (some survived, as can be seen in some stories) and this tribe was demonized by jewish propaganda because the skills and characteristics of the Nephilim are those of the Aryans (only a jew thinks that metallurgy and astrology are evil).
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>I don't know much about the Nephilim
Book of Enoch is required reading, sir.

Don't worry. Our people have faced far worse than this. Our people shall rise again happy and with smile on their face. There's no taking from us.

Imagine some people who contribute and not take. Honor truth above lie. A people who want good.
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AfD is the only party in the Western world having active assassinations against them.

Certainly says a lot about the German people.
AfD gives me hope for the future.
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This election is going to be fucked my friend. They're now in the position where they know that they can't continue the charade. There's growing number of people wanting to help their European kin. It's gonna be fucking something.

One thing is for sure. The end of this country is very near.
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This sobg is the sound of the people the world requires.

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kek. It's always going to be bad for juden when the Nords are running 4chinz.
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The Secret of the Vril Women will be found amongst those who look for it.
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I love this

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Problem is that they have a historical record of being allied with the wrong forces. It is not something that the true people of 4/pol/ can represent.

Something like Julian Assange sure. But the fact is the Europeans have not had a proper leader yet and that is specifically because they're trying to make it sure that we dont.
>Problem is that they have a historical record of being allied with the wrong forces
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>Problem is that they have a historical record of being allied with the wrong forces.
Do you mean them being pro-Ukraine?
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Associating yourselves with feds isnt a good look. Boneface isnt a good look. Neither is the full Swastika yet.
Who do you mean?
>Boneface isnt a good look
Agree. But he got kicked out.
>Neither is the full Swastika yet.
I think normalizing the swastika is good. Jews were able to normalize the faggot flag so we should be able to normalize the swastika.

The pro-White movements today may not be perfect like the original NatSoc movement but at least they wake White people up unlike MAGA kosher conservatives who gate keep and mislead White people on the race question and jewish question. They are better than nothing so I'm not very critical.
Normalizing the Swastika is good but not in the way BT acts. You want to normalize NS? You dont do it by offense.

The nationalsozialistische did not come into power by offending the media apparatus and I am no fan of optics but when the last 80 years of media throughout the west is "nazi bad" you dont throw a Swastika in their face to win them over.
Do you think Patriot Fronts optics are better? I think Patriot Front is more digestible for normies. Its good that pro-White movements try different ways of doing things.
I agree that Blood Tribe can be kind of bold and edgy but I think a lot of White people dont care because they are sick and tired of niggers and faggots.
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anymore black sun stuff?
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The last one
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what languages are you all learning right now, bros? remember to exercise the brain and body equally
Ukrainian. Ukraine has a lot of based people. National Socialism is socially acceptable there.
The zog wants to waste your time.
The more man hours wasted the better. Silly psyops. Psyop threads. Zog political candidates. “Self””improvement”, Fed movements. Unrealistic co-opted movements like fed tribe.
Just march around with a swastika like a retard goy. Don’t produce content to raise awareness of the replacement genocide of the European people nor of the fiat system. Don’t fight for your culture and don’t protect your national ethnic identity. In fact abandon your ethnic identity and accept being called white. Join a fed co-opted movement, don’t produce anti zog content. 100 determined nationalists can in a month produce double the nationalist content that 4chan does. Music, videos, webms, talks, posters, poetry, essays and redpill bibles with multiple tiers ready to distribute. 100 people could share that across the whole internet. But feds don’t want you to raise awareness. They want you to alienate the people. Yet here we are after 20 years of voting away for the situation to only to get worse. All these fake movements serve only to release steam wasting millions upon millions of hours of time that could have been used to do something productive that could make a difference.
nice. I think I'll learn either Proto indo european or indo european, if I can
Why do only organized White men who are pro-White get accused of being feds?
This. Don't waste your time on the Nazi larpers.
We aren't just "white". Each of our European countries has a rich history with one another and every Nation-State was built on countless sacrifices of our ancestors. Our ethnicity is very important, because it carries all the emotional and historical impact which strengthens us against foreign invaders trying to make us forget our roots.
In the past, we fought. And when we did, the entire world would tremble. As times change, so do the enemies and their methods. The European Union, which is a great idea in itself, is currently being used by rootless, cosmopolitan, greedy fuckers to introduce the ideas of their masters, in order to break the Union and make it easier to subvert country by country, according to the divide & conquer rhetoric.
>The pro-White movements today may not be perfect like the original NatSoc movement
Yeah man, killing all those poles, russians and ukrainians was pro white as fuck!
People are willing to change when they face hardship. When they can’t pay bills or don’t have food to eat. They leave their daily life. Like a turtle peeking out it’s shell. So many are stuck in the daily work routine in which the only form of contact with the outside world is through controlled and psyoped social media.
The problem is that when they do peek their head out. There needs to be a viable culture, ideology and aim for them to adopt. That is the job for anons. To create that foundation so to speak. To inform others and educate them when possible and to counteract any fed psyops. I am sure anons have seen fed tribe, atom waffle, boog boys and all the e celebs that get pushed right? They are all well poisoners. If you don’t agree with your people facing genocide and your country being taken over. Do you have to start waving a swastika? Can you not argue simply from the point of being against the genocide of your ethnic group?

To argue that Europe is for Europeans.
To desire to save Europe and the European people.
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Fuck you know about what it's like to be Yuropean, mutt?
Mind your own fuckin' business, I'm not buying your globohomo letsallbefriends shit
Based Hungarians refused to attack Poland during September Campaign, and helped many to escape to France.
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I'd exterminate each and every one of you without a second thought. Docile faggots
The Eastern Europeans who got killed by Germany got killed because they were commies, ZOG rebels, and dysgenic Eurasians who are foreign to Europe
You see, insane idiots like you are the reason why "your kind" will thankfully never come to power in any European country.
God bless and enjoy your cheap oil Torvald.
>Nazi Germany could do no wrong! If they were killed, they deserved it!

Let me guess, you're a teenager obsessed with Hitler. He's a role model to you, so obviously, he could do no wrong. I think you should read books, instead of getting your world-view spelled out for you by some e-celeb midwit grifter.
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People are getting more and more nostalgic for Hitler every day
Fortress Europe
>[pic] we won't be fooled again
There were 2 World Wars, and we're in the opening stages of a 3rd.
>russians and ukrainians
They fought together under our command. We are the only country who managed to unite russian and ukrainians to fight alongside each other against jews
Thank you polak, you are true brat.
More interesting facts: russian and ukrainians were used to end the jewish uprisings of warsaw 1943 and 1944, and the Dirlewanger Brigade was made out of 80% Eastern Europeans in 1944.
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Yeah you know, maybe a few thousand of them, but most of the Russians and Ukrainians were fighting AGAINST your country and they won.
Lol, your press praised Germany and Hitler in 1939 right after the invasion, and despite having a very small army, you still sent Hungarians to fight against bolshevism.
>nigger lover and commie
>a few thousand
kek, more like 2 fucking million of them. Also they only won because Western men decided that they should win.
I think we should have fought against you when you occupied Czechoslovakia.
Thats when Poland, France, Denmark, Belgium and Hungary should have teamed up against the nazis.
>"It is estimated that anywhere between 600,000 and 1,400,000 Russians and over 500,000 Ukrainians joined the Wehrmacht forces as Hiwis and defensive and offensive forces against the Soviet Union."
We didn't occupy czechoslovakia, only Bohemia and Moravia. Slovakia declared independence a day before the Wehrmacht stepped foot on czechia. The czechoslovak president then traveled to Berlin and asked Hitler for help to prevent a civil war between the Slovaks and czechs. The protectorate was the answer.
>France, Denmark, Belgium
France already teamed up against us, they literally declared war on us and then got their shit stomped in lmao
Huh and yet it was your country that got occupied and split into two for decades.
At least you were winning for an entire year.
How about you anons concentrate on Germany for Germans, Norway for Norwegians and Europe for Europeans? Or do you not care about your people?
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death to america the Great Satan
death to anglos
death to jews
Zog east has your back.
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zogEast can also fuck off, and die in nuclear hellfire alongside you
And yet the country that was occupied and split in two for two decades is still more prosperous than any of your shitholes.
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Lol. Maybe next time dont side with the jew
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Not exactly related to this but I was exploring the adl's hate list, I learned that Cora's light is a hate symbol.
I found this poor little hate group with a very sad symbol so I went ahead and updated it for them.
God bless y'all and Heil Hitler.
I just saved this thread
thank me later
You really are stupid aren't you? Don't you realise that the end result was the end of western civilization? Your country is a gypsy shithole because we lost the war. Whites are being replaced worldwide because we lost.
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It's heartening to see that old/pol/ is still alive even if it's only in the middle of the night.
Why don’t you go fuck yourself, you massive retarded faggot.
I hadn’t noticed the ID though. Kinda gay.
Fuck the cia, they did this!
The problems we face have one source. ZOG. The source of their control and their funding is the fiat system.
The majority of individuals that comprise the European people are not interested in politics or about their identity to the level that we are right now. I say now because at the point that normies can’t afford food or shelter. They will become very interested in the world around them and might even consider the consequences of allowing foreign and traitorous parasites to set up a system that steals wealth away from the people and uses it to genocide/replace them.
The problem with that is that the vast majority don’t even know what the fiat system is.

If anons really want to do something then consider how you can make people aware of the fiat system. Sharing videos, infographics, graphs, making fiat system threads and talking to people about the fiat system and how the gold/silver standard was removed by the internationalists/zog. Anti zog graffiti. Ai images that show ethnic Europeans surrounded by colonisers.

While from the perspective of raising awareness of European ethnic identity.
We need memes, gifs, infographic and video makers for every individual European ethnic group in your language targeted at your people. Have a look on /wsg/ for inspiration. Among the heaps of garbage you can find gems. The hyperborea threads will often have good webm’s with nationalist content. If you see something good in English your can translate it to your own language. Historical nationalist speeches can be revamped and have added music to increase its appeal to younger generations. Even short 1 minute clips. Videos showcasing your country and people. Your culture and historic buildings. Talk about the rights and claims your people have to their nation. Disagree with any notion of colonisers claiming your national ethnic identity. Talk of the replacement genocide of the European people.
You are all ambassadors of your nations and ethnic groups.
>All political discussions are worthless unless framed on the angle of resisting the replacement genocide of the European people.

What is the aim?
1. For European founded nations to have their founding ethnic groups in control of their own nations.
2. For no European ethnic group to face any manner of genocide either via replacement or anti natalist policies.
3. For the fiat system and fiat enslavement of the European peoples to stop and for a return to a gold and silver based currency.
4. The expulsion of colonisers, invaders and traitors of any kind. They do not belong on our soil. They are not of our people.

Identity is the main pillar of nationalism. It is the grouping of millions of individuals under one flag, culture and language.
We are all part of the European people and we need to cooperate in the best interest of the European people while maintaining our national ethnic identities. The responsibility of each European ethnic group falls on them.
There will be no magical saviour coming from the sky. You must take responsibility for your rights, independence, freedom and existence. No one else will do that for you. Your ancestors cleared the forests, drained the swamps, plowed the fields, built cities, built civilisation, they fought for their land, died for it so that their children and the children of their children could live proudly on their own land. Within you flows blood that is the continuation and cumulation of over a hundred generations of Europeans.
nah. Write your own poem. Get that Hebrew AI outta here
I know that there are anons who have become depressed and demoralised. But remember we are not animals that flail around in a rage.
Once you know it’s like riding a tiger. You can’t get off. Logically knowing about the ongoing genocide of your people is stressful and you will get depressed and anxious. Do you know why people get depressed and anxious? Because they don’t know what to do. They don’t have a path. So they are loitering, wandering around in confusion and panic.
Take all of that negative energy and redirect it on a positive path of growth. I think that people are happy when they grow day by day. Everyday that you improve you can look back and say “today I am better than I was before!”. Sure we stumble and fall. We encounter failure. But we get up and keep going. Because to stop is to die. To die a spiritual death. Growth is life. Keep growing. Find an outlet and create a path for yourself.
Maybe you can create art or write to get your feelings out. To help in the resistance against the genocide of our people. To grow as a person and individual and to find peace within. An acceptance of life and of death.

Create content. Memes, Music, videos, webms, talks, posters, poetry and essays. And don’t tell me that you can’t, are stupid or that you have no ability. Everyone can learn new skills. Everyone can contribute. Even a grain of sand can tilt the scales. Dripping water can hollow out stone and your determination can move mountains. Create art and express your feelings so that you can share them. Art is one of the few ways that we can bypass the propaganda and censorship. Have a look at patriotic songs from Europe. How many have bled and died for our people. Look at how deeply they felt. Pure raw emotion.


The affairs of man are shaped by the will of man. Will and desire are manifested into action and change. We alter our reality based on our inner world.
Don’t be disheartened by the apathy anon. Be the change that you want to see in this world. You don’t have to rely on others. Small steps. You can be at work while thinking and planing of what you can create. I spend two hours a day posting. I have written around
80 pastas within the last 8 months. People often have this idea when creating something that they can reach a high stage at the first attempt. The truth is that no matter what type of content you create. The first few attempts will be trash. People will mock and insult you. But so what? You will improve. You will grow.

I think that we often forget about the importance of emotion when spreading information to enlighten. Emotions are the fuel for action and change. I hope that more anons will become interested in learning to make videos and memes. Especially the lurkers. Don’t be afraid of failure. Don’t be disheartened by criticism. We all start somewhere.
In case you get stuck.
I think that everything boils down to having aims and breaking down a project into as many small parts as you can. What is the aim of your video? What do you want to express to the viewer? Do you wish to educate them? Do you wish to express your thoughts on a certain matter? Do you wish to share your feelings on a subject?
Let’s hypothetically say that you are a French ethnic nationalist that believes in maintaining the homogeneity of your nation and the claim that your people have to their soil.
Your aim could be to express the claim your people have to their soil.
The aim is a vague image that you have in your head.
I think that for artists and other creators you need to set limits on yourself to condense your ideas into a final product. Imagine the difference between telling yourself that you want to sculpt something unique vs wanting to sculpt a human versus saying that you want to create a sculpture of your naked lover in a particular pose. You have to set some limitation to define the final product. Just how the library of babel is useless because it’s just a jumble of randomness.
In this case we could define the French claim to their soil by having artistic representations of French society throughout the ages showing how they are a unique ethnic group. So images of their unique architecture, important historical battles and a progression of culture with French music over it.
You could at this point change your mind and do a video showcasing French music and songs through the ages with images and short videos to represent the different time periods along with the music.
You can substitute the French for any other European ethnic group. There is an infinite amount of ideas and even new genres of videos that you could create but most of infinity is just random gibberish. That’s why most art starts from copying the ideas of others and making small personal changes until it becomes unique just like with evolution.
Last bump.
Neat design, but I should advise you that bull-headed men are associated with Canaanite religious imagery rather than Indo-European. While the Minotaur is a famous character in the Greek mythos, the bull-headed man motif - especially in an occult context - may suggest the subject's association with Ba'al or Baphomet.
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>If you want to try writing poems. AI can speed up the process.
Absolutely soulless. What makes poems special is the craftsmanship, the wisdom, the storytelling, and their ability to share thoughts and experiences by way of the written word. Until machines can think, feel, interact with the world, and consciously observe physical and metaphysical phenomena, any "art" they produce will be a cheap imitation.

Though I can't deny that AI poems are fun to use for shitposting and trolling.
Try writing one if you think you have the ability. It is a tool. It can give you dozens of options for words that rhyme to make it possible for your message to come to life. It is a force multiplier.

Our people are facing replacement genocide. A tool is a tool. Just like a chisel or a hammer is not part of your body yet it is used for our advantage.

The same way in which ai art has created phenomenal memes and images that are used by many anons. It still needs the guiding hand of a human.

Bit ironic hearing so much criticism from anons who haven’t tried writing a poem nor have posted their own.
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Here's a reading list I pulled out of the /EIG/ archives
Yes, it is a tool, and that's why it should be used with caution. The Faustian man has a habit of getting too cocky when it comes to real-world applications of cutting-edge technologies, and every single time, we fly too close to the sun and end up burning ourselves.
>ai art has created phenomenal memes and images
Entertaining? Funny? Worth collecting? Yes. But they don't make you feel you the way organic memes do. Even the most derivative and forced organic meme reflects the will of the egregore that inspired someone to create it, whereas AI-generated memes just feel like the comedic equivalent of fast food. Treat them the way you'd treat McDonald's and Starbucks, and everything will be fine. Treat them as though they're a valid expression of human creativity, and things will start going down the shitter.
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>mandatory viewing for all those on the path to self discovery of the blood that flows through your veins brothers
Preaching to the choir on /pol! It's not poltards that need the info, it's the rest of the internet/ fellow Euro-peons.
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White (american) music


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