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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>473206246
Ultra MAGA.
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god i haven't seen the common core images since 2017
because that was one of eva's triggers back when he was a baker
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Don't they want to save democracy?
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>because that was one of eva's triggers
Was eva a teacher?
Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/ondoegvbbg

ND 6/11: yes
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

Have more kids!
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My understanding is the interview was better than the debate on that Joe wasn't a mumbling bumbling mess, but it was bad because he just looked like an arrogant retard who isn't facing reality. So he really thread the needle between the stay in and drop out crowds, which is an amazing feat by itself.
>Kamala called on Al Franken to resign over some 20 year old photo shit
>Kamala says Joe should stay in
no he's an autist that just had a folder he'd dump in autistic rage any time the phrase "common core" was mentioned
>Project 2025 was a hoax
/pol/ was wrong again? Shocker!
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https://swampthevoteusa.com -- help old farts vote here
https://trumpforce47.com -- start here if you want to help in a grassroots fashion, but are unsure of where to start

remember, they're not really after him. they're after you. he's just standing in their way.
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There are common core threads in the catalog every now and then
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friendly reminder
Why aren't we?
senator john kennedy was talking on fox a few minutes ago and he was talking about how the democrats lied and hid bidens health for years and im thinking to myself hmmm didn't john kennedy say mitch mcconnell was fine and healthy when mitch froze up on live tv twice? yeap, john kennedy sucks and fox news portrays him as a truth teller, his answers about mitch's health proved otherwise.
Checked. If Trump were a fascist, maybe it would be worth talking about.
he mumbled and bumbled in the interview too
when Goerge asked him if he watched the debate and he paused to think about then replied "I don't remember" was not exactly a sign of cognitive strength
what is the point of your post
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Common core is so ridiculous. I remember arguing with the math teachers before common core and saying I shouldn't need to show my work. Now it's just retardation about showing work and it's wrong if you don't get the teacher's retarded answer.

We need to post more of this.
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Awesome two-harness rustic Finnish rug loom.
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Give Biden a map of the world and ask him to point to various countries.
I want to see that very much!
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reminds me of MILK ENGINE
>we could have done this the easy way Joe.
Manchildren larping as political experts as they post childish anime shit. Oh yes let’s see what Mr Basement Dweller Neet Anime Lover has to say about world events, he always has the hottest takes.
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Fetternigger was just on (((MSNBC))) doing quite the shilljob for Dementia Veggie Joe...I guess he empathizes with all the dementia he has
>Jeet Heer
fucking lol
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They never shut up about ".it "
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>jewish pedophile wall of text
As per usual!
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I dont think your man cave has room for one
for the record there is nothing wrong with not knowing where countries are on the map
The way John Kennedy is perceived pisses me off. He votes for every war, votes for every budget, and basically does everything he can to mimic McCain and Lindsey Graham, but a lot of MAGA voters think he's based. Also, I think he was educated at Oxford or some other international scum limey institution so that country accent folksy schtick is a lie as well.
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you're on fucking 4chan's /pol/, you're the one who wanted to see what animeposters have to say about politics
where do you think you are
Here’s some more of them.
Truly everyone wants to hear what anime neets have to say about the world and current events.>>473211364
I outgrew anime 10 years ago at least. You?
MAGA - voting trump. Wife and I getting ready to practice for the 3rd baby, always a fun time
It's going to be hilarious when a snap general election gets called when the leftists tear down their own majority over Islam vs. Jews.
Thank you for this.
It’s someone being honest. I wouldn’t expect a paid shill for this white nigger to understand.
>Oh yes let’s see what Mr Basement Dweller Neet Anime Lover has to say about world events, he always has the hottest takes.
where do you think we are right now?
Hes amazing in judiciary committee though
Makes all of bidens picks looks like absolute fools
We want Joe! Speak up and be loud in your support! But slowly and with easy to understand words, or else he won't comprehend what you're saying to him.
every home should have one.
>voting Trump
Israel thanks you for your service, patriot. Trump is the only one who firmly stands with Israel unlike the crooked democrats.
skibidi skibidi
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Oh, now I see why they let them win.
Just like Mexico, curious!
this is apparently very common a lot of people talk about this place called "palestine" but i can't find it on the map
anon again: you are on 4chan/pol/, you chose to come to a site of autistic anime-watching losers and came to its political section and you are trying to act like you're above reading what autistic anime-watching losers have to say about politics. why did you even come here?
kek i remember silently thinking
>just because you can't doesn't mean i can't
>makes them look like fools
big deal, they still get confirmed to a lifetime appointment
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>How will Biden feel is Trump wins?
The absolute state of things.
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Geez, he's not amazing. He's fooling you, bro. All he's doing is pulling the wool over your eyes.
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>Now it's just retardation about showing work and it's wrong if you don't get the teacher's retarded answer.
My (catholic) high school second year algebra/precalc teacher was like this.
The four smartest kids in the class got stomped on for being able to work problems in a way different than he thought was right.
He--who always wore a three-piece suit, and gold-plated (he always said) glasses (non prescription)--declared his solutions/process to be
>more elegant
He was the prize pet negro of the liberal parents on the school's board, and he was also converting to catholicism.
He was without question one of the 5 stupidest teachers I had in the entire 12 years of mandatory schooling.
But he gave four really smart kids a C in that class, for being able to think at a higher level then he could.
I had to really claw hard that next summer to be ready for calc.
Common Core is absolutely perfect for retards who cannot learn, will never learn, and will never learn any of the stuff taught. But it's absolute poison for kids in the right 1/4 of the distribution.
It’s one of the few websites you can freely talk about kikes and the talmudist cabal, which Donald Trump loves.
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>over 9 years of drumpf
>hillary dead
>biden dying
>the jews are giving up on democracy
What is their next master plan?
as long as supreme court is based thats all that matters
ww3, maga is winning too bigly and they have no more cards to play
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lol so on top of all this, you came to the trump thread to get mad about trump
i don't think you actually want to discuss anything i think you just want to be mad
That Kamala Memo is hilarious.
When I see anti trump posts here I just scroll right past them and so does everyone else. You faggots will never be successful here.
I wouldn't give them that much distinction but this current court is much better than the ones of past decades
hey you missed the first post this thread
i even prefer a few radicals on the lower courts so that rulings get pushed up to this court asap and precedents set now
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yt ppl dont be seasoning they charco.
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kennedy is part of the establishment to conceal the truth from the american people. if he was willing to just straight up lie about mitch's health then what else is he lying about or willing to lie about to protect his class?
>a lot of people talk about this place called "palestine" but i can't find it on the map

We're not living in the age of sail anon, you don't need a map to go to another country anymore.
You especially don't need a map if you're not going anywhere.
this. It was the perfect play
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Nah I'm just phone posting and forgot to delete the name
I hope this is not accurate. Dolan needs the old broken down pile of crap to last until November.
>Laura Loomer
>Source tells me
AKA Source: Trust me bro
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Here's to a 1972 landslide sequel
>"Medical emergency"
Either he shit himself again or they're killing him off for being stubborn.
Based delusional believer
I don’t like Biden but the “We are America, second to none and we own the finish line” quote goes hard.
I'm not sure I believe her, but you would think at a certain point you're getting blacklisted by the DNC for continuing to work for Biden, like it's going to be Hunter and Jill alone in a room with the old coot here pretty soon.
okay sure but what's the point of your post
>kennedy wants to protect the class of elders
>kennedy lied about X's health being good
>and now kennedy is lying about Y's health being bad
it doesn't make any sense nor is it particularly useful in the overall conversation
If only it were true. There is no America anymore. Not since the regime imported God only knows how many shitskins in the past century.
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>staffers spewing ableist bigotry
fire them all, good riddance
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Trump stuck it out through the pussy tapes, in an alternate reality where Biden was actually a decent dude this would be pretty impressive of him to fight so hard.
And legitimate source of Biden crapping his pants on Air Force One? Twitter retards isn't a source.
>Still getting covid
Anyone who refers to "their partner" isn't married in the eyes of God.
> democracy is all about having other people pay for the medicines and medical procedures you want in order to sustain a sexual lifestyle that your ancestors shunned as immoral
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That's not what my sources are saying!
DJ Slope from Slopes Game Room got covid last week.
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hey time to ruin your day again
i'm guessing she (he?) has aids
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lol this is great, no grand stumble to gracefully put him out to pasture. Biden is going to have to be deposed in a messy, party-ruining fashion or drag his whole party kicking and screaming to a loss in November. Have fun! Enjoy the bed you’ve made
Communism is falling out of a cocoanut tree?
ngl I got a half-chub reading this
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yes that is the correct takeaway
>getting hard from Laura Loomer
jesus dude, raise your standards
They'll need to demand kamala's resignation as well for covering up his impairment. It would be odd if they stepped over kamala for newsom.
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hey did you know the english translator of gramsci's prison notebooks was buttigieg's father?
when a decrepit man on the apparent verge of death suddenly appears lucid, brighter, and almost naturally glowing, it usually means his number is being called soon
at 18:17 you can hear Biden shit himself
laura loomer always wins :)
What the fuck was that? A shart?
In all of 2023
>1,440,000 White newborns to two married or cohabiting White parents
>275,000 White bastards from single White women
>165,000 mutts from White women regardless of martial status
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hey i actually want them to run eats cum and gets fucked in the ass because he'd lose in an electoral landslide and there will be at least three articles about
>is america really not ready to accept the first gay president?
and i'll laugh a lot
At least it's unburdened by what has been theorized.
first openly gay president*
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Shit now I need to reverse this
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and to think there were people in 2016 that wanted this cunt in Trump's cabinet
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those single mothers to niglets have became "alone forever" status
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i think the best part is not the nate silver tweet, but the response lmao
allan lichtman is a fucking skeleton and i can't wait to watch him cope in a few months
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While I don't quite believe this medical emergency thing or even a possibility of such a convenient leak...is Loomer just adding some more needed stress to the wh/dems/media to scramble to deboonk it like with the shidding at Normandy thing and, once again, letting slip the other fuck ups they've been lying about? "Oh no. joe is having medical emergencies because he's been an incompetent puppet for years, we just found this out. Honest injun. We can rig in another puppet so you forget and we face no accountability, let us please."

If he's actually having new medical emergencies GOOD fuck him but there's shitloads of these breaking newses right now so it's suspect. I'm in the mind that it should be countered: "Conservatives come together to reject the gaslighting that biden is now having medical issue being reported since he was ALWAYS a medical/mental issues that were UNREPORTED, therefore deserves to remain president and further destroy the democrats and the neverTrumpers. 'You will sleep in the bed you made faggots!'-Matt Gaetz."
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I don’t know how real these numbers are but it is probably close regardless considering
If they really do believe the election choice is between orange Hitler and a vegetable, what exactly do they like about this whole democracy thing?
Idk, it sounds odd. Especially because he has a long pause. Sounds like him clearing his throat.
Lefties are treating him like some sort of a wizard and it's their favorite cope in these sundowning times, but it should be clear that guessing the incumbent is going to win reelection is usually the safest bet.
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hey read this article
i hope our lovely fundraising anon comes i'd love to talk to him about this!
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The jews cancelled primaries so registered dems couldn't choose a different candidate.
You tell me!
>Mr. Biden’s fund-raising schedule is often fluid


it's funny, when it looked like trump was going to win in 2020 (before they stole it), allan lichtman was preemptively coping about the results lmao
anyways him losing will be great
Loomer is a rat fucker, after all. I doesn't matter if Joe had a medical emergency or not, it only matters that the White House feels like they need to respond.
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Stella, Akariposter is wondering when you'll come back to the tranny discord. He'd like to apologize to you and listen to you earnestly.
sharkposter is in the vc right now
what do you mean! his throat doesn't move at all!
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Biden hater here. I'm almost certain these sound effects are being added at this point. There's been too many of them and never correspond to what's going on with his face.

He's shit himself at least twice I think and the democrat establishment which includes their media is using it against him.
That really did sound like he just shit himself. Or at least let out a wet fart. It could also explain the "medical emergency" in that he may well have just shit himself and they noticed it on the plane.
Ok, he grabbed the armrest a little oddly there. Like he was trying to hold on to something. I need to analyze this further with some audio software. It might be a fart, but it sounds really wet.
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im busy with rural retard things so imma ask a thing and then hang up and listen
my sources tell me that joe did a 1 man recital from memory of an aristophanes play in the original greek that left george weeping and rending his garments for how joe honored his heritage, can you confirm?
nn for like an hour
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>going on an anime website and complaining about anime


Sounds incredibly accurate. There was even an infamous controversy in the school about how if the valedictorian was the smartest kid in school or some dude who went to summerschool on and off.
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Please tell me the tranny discord is a meme and it does not exist
please let me know the results of your sound analysis.
the tranny discord is a meme and it does not exist
Actually this household's man cave has four...
Joe has died.
Expect an announcement shortly.
The tranny discord is a meme and does not exist
streets is sayin' this
no but a hannity discord exists
tranny discords are very real and innumerable, and everyone who disagrees with me belongs to one
>lesbian can't get a frankenbaby
I'd call that a win.
Did you know the tranny discord is real and exists. Akariposter runs it. Also, I feel the need to restate that Akariposter is bald.
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Also was this interview recorded on a blue yeti microphone? The quality is turds
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also they have 45 days to the DNC
they could supposedly still swap with harris after, but they have four months to the election: that's not a lot of time to reassure the public about the campaign

can you fucking believe this is all because of one (1) debate that democrats (democrats) called for?
>her father is a scholar of economics from a post-Keynsian analysis
Is that why that nigga abandoned his offspring?
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The tranny discord is literally in the room with us right now.
>275,000 White bastards from single White women
You mean
>275,000 white children abandoned by their whoremaking white sperm donors
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Anon, I...
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Green is the new black.
>Akariposter is bald.
Akari is a glow in the dark
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>Dementia Veggie Joe actually shit himself during the interview and his dipshit handlers/(((ABC))) producers missed it during the editing process

This what happens when it's a rush job and you don't give yourself a few extra hours to go over it with a fine-toothed comb
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Because light reflects of his chromedome
Kek, the Lyndon Johnson special.

>legend has it that during one of Lyndon Johnson’s congressional campaigns he decided to spread a rumor that his opponent was a pig-fucker. LBJ’s campaign manager said, “Lyndon, you know he doesn’t do that!” Johnson replied, “I know. I just want to make him deny it.”

No, the president did not shart himself on airforce 1 this afternoon!
>May we see him?
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>can you fucking believe this is all because of one (1) debate that democrats (democrats) called for?
i have a question but first let me provide some context. i know that most anons on /ptg/ and the right have a general distrust of polling and find it mostly inaccurate. likewise, i also know that the left generally likes polling, but are able to handwave away any disagreeable polls. this leads me to my question:
do you think that if biden was ahead or even with donald trump in the polls at the time of the debate, the media would have covered the debate up?
did I mean that?
Have they responded?
post hairline
I'm going to go visit him down in Hilton Head.
Yes, even candy has race.
craziest part is he paused, took the shit, then resumed talking
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When will the downloadable file be posted
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>I'm going to go visit him down in Hilton Head.
Someone got the reference
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Hey, fuckhead.
Maybe no one has mentioned it to you, but your screencaps need to be increased by 200% in size.
You've been posting these pictures for ants for almost three weeks now.
If you want to fit in, stop posting fucking thumbnails.
(he's posting in bad faith)
Staffers leaking fake news about medical emergencies to accelerate the panic...You can't make this up.
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>join the guild of bakers discord
>have to take a picture of myself measuring my erect cock to access any rooms
>kind of embarrassed because my penis isn't that big
>after posting the picture i'm assigned as a centipede janny and given access to most rooms
>apparently members are ranked based on penis size
>awoos are < 5 inches, jannys are < 6 inches, wojaks are < 7 inches, pepes are < 8 inches, and bakers are 8 inches or above
>centipede jannys have to follow all orders from higher rank centipede, while all centipede above jannys have rights but they're still in a dominance hierarchy
>awoos aren't allowed to say anything but "awoo" and are "owned" by high ranking members
>weird as fuck but okay
>try to make friends with other magabros
>usually get ignored, berated, or forced to do embarrassing things
>one awoo gives a laughing gif to one of my jokes
>add them so we can actually talk
>get to know them
>they're funny and kind, we hit it off really well
>pretty soon they send me a picture
>i'm shocked to find out they're trans
>they pass really well and they're cute
>start to fall in love with them
>have never really had a girlfriend and this is the most serious relationship i've ever had
>eventually tell her how i feel
>she turns me down, says she's already taken
>get pretty depressed
>baker from the guild of bakers discord adds me
>he starts sending me pictures where he's fucking her
>tells me that he was the person who forced her to take HRT, said that all awoos are blackmailed into it
>says she moved to the same city as him so he could fuck her ass five times a week
>sends me all sorts of videos of them fucking, orders me as a janny to fap to it
>ask her how she can date such a jerk
>she tells me at least he has a big cock and he isn't a weak little janny
I'm so fucking torn up over this bros. Why's the bakers guild so fucked up?
Stop posting thumbnails, faggot.
If Biden were ahead in the polls he would've never debated Trump, so your question is not really answerable
im pretty sure someone at abc increased the audio gain on the biden poop

the knives are out, blood is in the water
More fucking thumbnails.
This new crop of faggots is obvious.
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>They're throwing EVERYTHING at Biden at this point to install Trump in
>Biden is still not budging at all

Does he have plot armor?
It's just that he talks too quiet so they have to compress his mic too much and turn it up so you hear every tiny noise that anyone would make.
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the answer is: probably
i would need to fish through all the stuff i've been sharing over the last week, but there have been numerous statements that said
>the biden campaign seems to want to stay the course and assure trust, but even before the debate "staying the course" was still losing!
>the debate was supposed to dispel fears about him and it only strengthened them!
i think had biden not been behind in the polls, they would not have even agreed to a debate this early and in such a format. the goal for biden was to just appear merely boring in contrast to trump's "craziness," so no one would have to raise any alarms about him and they could run a "vote against trump" campaign like 2020, where biden hardly even appeared. the debate was held because they wanted to establish that baseline for biden and instead they only proved all the unknown worries
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is this any better?
(it's going to get a lot worse on monday)
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shades of Nikki Haley before she dropped out. It looks like they’re going to put him out to pasture after all
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Was not on my bingo card but here we are!
why monday?
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How bad?
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I've heard that Akariposter haets dragons. I wonder why he'd haet dragons.
>Trump 2015. Media amplifies him to mess with the GOP race.
>He wins.
>Biden 2024. Media amplifies his senility to force him out. He stays in the race and all those hits wound him badly.
>He loses BADLY
One possible timeline.
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muchas danke gozaimasu, mi frère
Joe just needs time to prepare for the next debate with Trump. He'll spend the next 3 months at Camp David.
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because that's when congress comes back from the holiday break. much of the congressional pressure has been waiting for that
the dam is going to burst soon after they come back monday
I distinctly remember DeSantis and Haley both boasting they'd never drop out, only to drop the next day. It might not be the lord almighty that comes to visit, but every single big donor pulling their cash like what nuked DeSantis/Haley.
Well, you're probably right.
I have this filthy habit where I assume that people don't know any better for their first offense.
It's disgusting, and I hate that I can't get around my desire to help others before their idiocy proves to me that they should have been executed long before I ever had the opportunity to try to help them.
Yeah, play it at quarter speed. It's a fart though, not shit. I'm surprised it was so loud considering the seat cushion.
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You'd be the expert on sniffing out the difference of ass cheeks flapping.
(reminder that many on the e-right were upset that donald trump didn't spend the whole debate attacking biden and that because of this trump has lost his edge) (meanwhile that was obviously the winning strategy)
oh no! that's awfully embarrassing! why did the sound engineers leave that in?
>I'm surprised it was so loud
the sound was edited
you can hear the gain increase during his pause
abc or one of its editors did it on purpose
lol wut?

They absolutely increased the gain to pick it up. The room is dead silent. That's so weird.
Looks like it's gonna be Laffin Kamala on the ticket after all
A lot of them didn't want the debate at all
>it's an obvious trap, don't go.
>there's no upside to it.
Cernovitch isn't your friend.
what do you mean! the gain was increased for the whole interview, partly because biden's love of whispering to get his point across
you can hear the popping noises for most of it! do you think the sound engineers simply missed it because of how rushed it was?
Imagine the headlines if the Biden camp claims abc is editing fart noises into interviews.
you can hear the background noise increase at the pause and then decrease again when he begins talking
even bannon was upset with trump
>why are you walking into this trap
>you are going on CNN
>you have agreed to all of their rules, all of their stipulations
trump, as usual, proved everyone wrong
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most of the eright isn't even paying attention to the actual political rrats they're too busy dicksucking ecelebs and accusing each other of being jewish homosexuals, so i would place their opinions about how to run a campaign lower than whatever garbage biden babbles out
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>They absolutely increased the gain to pick it up
i'll be man enough to admit i agreed with bannon, i was expecting constant bullshit of the moderators demanding he concede 2020 and that he did a heckin' insurrection and all that nonsense
The overall white noise in the background picks up when you look at it in Audacity™. The frequency and wavelength is consistent with a fart though. A shit would have a spike in frequency, a small pause, then another spike after the blockage is moved. It's a fart.

I looked at the sound in Audacity™. It's a fart.
(kouhai if you have something autobalancing the audio it's going to gain when it is quiet)
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>friendly reminder
that the enemies are kikes
got it, thanks
This will be fun.
Reminder that I am still baking, but this one will be my last.
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while this is generalizing silghtly, kings would dress in plainsclothes to mingle with commoners, and they also tended to abdicate to a younger protégé for no reasons, whatsoever.
yes, i was going to say before the poop thing that the audio seemed to be ai edited
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What did Sky News mean by this?
they didn’t want to look like pussies, you talk big, put up the big fight, and then you bow out “graciously” after, even though most people can see right through you. They want(ed) Biden to back down gracefully, but it seems like they’re gonna have to do it the hard way
who will be VP? and would speaker Johnson succeed as current VP if Biden gets 25th’d? Or does she get to appoint one?
if you have something autobalancing the audio it's going to gain when it is quiet!
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Who knows if they even have a VP pick lined up? Hopefully it's Newsom so Trump can destroy his career too
They could've edited out though.
This must be how Romans felt watching Marius' retarded stroke addled ass try to rule as consul with his ex slave raping and robbing the city.
GLOBAL WINS: RNC MAGA takeover, Merrick Garland Contempt of Congress, SCOTUS Chevron Decision, GLOBAL LOSSES FISA renewal, USA Last Foreign Aid Bill
>Donald Trump 2024 Campaign https://www.donaldjtrump.com
AZ – DEM Gov
>KAWC: "A look at the power that Independent voters hold in AZ's Senate race" https://www.kawc.org/npr-news/2024-07-04/a-look-at-the-power-that-independent-voters-hold-in-arizonas-senate-race

GA - REP Gov, WINS: HB 974, HB 1207, SB 189, End big Fani’s witch trial
>Center Square: "Presidential election spending in GA projected to hit $244M" https://www.thecentersquare.com/georgia/article_404a9432-3970-11ef-a686-17271dceb348.html

MI – DEM Gov, WINS: Case No. 24-000041-MZ
>AP: "Gavin Newsom touts his support for President Joe Biden and sidesteps replacement talk" https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-gavin-newsom-democrats-2024-drop-87786cf6c15edf25e383962a1da9db52

NH – REP Gov
>No updates at this time.

NV – REP Gov
>Center Square: "NV U.S. Senate candidates have differing views on inflation, the economy" https://www.thecentersquare.com/nevada/article_2e0c1b4a-387d-11ef-b0cc-dbe22f5961b9.html

PA – DEM Gov
>AUDIO : RNC Research tweets: "Biden tells a Philly radio station that he's "proud" to be "the first black woman to serve with a black president"" https://x.com/RNCResearch/status/1808939748934795503
>***UPCOMING!*** DJT: "President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Butler, PA!" https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-to-hold-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania

WI – DEM Gov, WINS: WI Ballot Question 1 & 2, map unchanged for 2024, LOSSES: DEM redistricting, Robin Vos recall failure
>ABC 12: "President Biden to visit WI Friday amidst potential campaign turmoil" https://www.wisn.com/article/president-biden-to-visit-wisconsin-friday-amidst-potential-campaign-turmoil/61512066
>FBI obtains a warrant on Hunter Biden and raids every Biden property
normally news studios interviewing the president dont have shitty audio, the only assertion is that the poop being so loud was intentional. could have easily been hidden.
EXTRA: Trump truths: 'Happy Fourth of July to all, including to our highly incapable ‘President,’ who uses Prosecutors to go after his Political Opponent, who choked like a dog during the Debate but tried to pretend it was ‘International Travel’ (only 12 days rest!) and, when that gig was up, he blamed it on a ‘cold.’ Therefore, why would anyone say he’s cognitively challenged? Also, respects to our potentially new Democrat Challenger, Laffin’ Kamala Harris. She did poorly in the Democrat Nominating process, starting out at Number Two, and ending up defeated and dropping out, even before getting to Iowa, but that doesn’t mean she’s not a “highly talented” politician! Just ask her Mentor, the Great Willie Brown of San Francisco. Someone else that I have to compliment is a Deranged Biden Prosecutor named Jack Smith, who has become a Legend in his own mind for all of those cases he has lost. The Corrupt Prosecutors are working hard for Crooked Joe, but it will never be enough — MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112729384937320696

EXTRA: VIDEO : Trump truths: 'Real Gangsta Shit!" https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112729339300837748

EXTRA: The Federalist: "July 4 Has Always Been About Resisting Tyranny, And This Year Is No Exception" https://thefederalist.com/2024/07/04/july-4-has-always-been-about-resisting-tyranny-and-this-year-is-no-exception/

EXTRA: VIDEO : The Times: "Putin comments on Trump wanting to stop the war in Ukraine" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vrnygjSL9M

EXTRA: CNBC: "Disney heiress, wealthy DEM donors say they won’t finance the party until Joe Biden drops out" https://www.cnbc.com/2024/07/04/democratic-donors-wont-finance-party-until-joe-biden-drops-out.html

EXTRA: VIDEO : PBS: "A Capitol Fourth 2024 | PBS" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu6fVhYBZ2k (Rhapsody in Blue was fantastic!!!)
>The frequency and wavelength is consistent with a fart though. A shit would have a spike in frequency, a small pause, then another spike after the blockage is moved. It's a fart.
Could it have been a wet fart though?
Would be funny if the interns kept tweeting even after he's dead.
but the sound engineers didn't have much time at all! it was recorded an hour before it was broadcasted!
they were too focused on whether you could hear biden + the words he was saying, not the moments where he was (mostly) silent!
GLOBAL WINS: RNC MAGA takeover, Merrick Garland Contempt of Congress, SCOTUS Chevron Decision, GLOBAL LOSSES FISA renewal, USA Last Foreign Aid Bill
>Donald Trump 2024 Campaign https://www.donaldjtrump.com
AZ – DEM Gov
>AZ Sun Times: "AZ State Rep. David Cook Challenges State Sen. Wendy Rogers amid Controversial Election Integrity Stance" https://arizonasuntimes.com/news/arizona-state-rep-david-cook-challenges-state-sen-wendy-rogers-amid-controversial-election-integrity-stance/ralexander/2024/07/05/
>FOX 10: "Top issues for AZ voters in the 2024 presidential election" https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/arizona-swing-state-2024-election

GA - REP Gov, WINS: HB 974, HB 1207, SB 189, End big Fani’s witch trial
>No updates at this time.

MI – DEM Gov, WINS: Case No. 24-000041-MZ
>No updates at this time.

NH – REP Gov
>WSJ: "Election Battleground Shows Signs of Expansion for Trump as Biden Struggles" https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/battleground-map-shows-signs-of-expansion-for-trump-as-biden-struggles-77d19e67

NV – REP Gov
>RSBN: "Trump's 'No tax on tips; promise seems to be faring well in NV" https://www.rsbnetwork.com/news/trumps-no-tax-on-tips-promise-seems-to-be-faring-well-in-nevada/
>NY Post: "RFK Jr. campaign refiles signatures in fresh NV ballot bid" https://nypost.com/2024/07/05/us-news/rfk-jr-campaign-refiles-signatures-in-fresh-nevada-ballot-bid/
it was a pre-recorded interview, literally no excuses
PA – DEM Gov
>AG: "PA State Constable Under Fire For Disturbing Social Media Posts Targeting Trump and Conservatives" https://amgreatness.com/2024/07/05/pennsylvania-state-constable-under-fire-for-disturbing-social-media-posts-targeting-trump-and-conservatives/
>AP: "Biden cancels speech at teachers union convention in Philly after union staff goes on strike" https://apnews.com/article/president-biden-union-strike-national-education-association-936478700f74db08039ff3dc3e960721
>Center Square: "PA presidential ad spending may break records" https://www.thecentersquare.com/pennsylvania/article_311556a8-3aee-11ef-a10e-b7b3c045ea0d.html
>***UPCOMING!*** DJT: "President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Butler, PA!" https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-to-hold-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania

WI – DEM Gov, WINS: WI Ballot Question 1 & 2, map unchanged for 2024, LOSSES: DEM redistricting, Robin Vos recall failure, unsafe drop boxes reinstalled.
>BREAKING!!! FAR LEFT WI SUPREMES "RULE TO OVERTURN 2022 RULING AND WILL REINSTALL DROP BOXES FOR 2024 ELECTION!!!" https://www.breitbart.com/news/wisconsin-supreme-court-changes-course-will-allow-expanded-use-of-ballot-drop-boxes-this-fall/ (This is a bad outcome!)
>VIDEO : Bannon’s War room: "Gableman: WI Judge Rules Ballot Drop-Boxes Legal" https://rumble.com/v55r6nn-gableman-wisconsin-judge-rules-ballot-drop-boxes-legal.html
>VIDEO : TGP: "Biden in WI: “I Will Beat Donald Trump! I Will Beat Him Again in 2020!”" https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/biden-wisconsin-i-will-beat-donald-trump-i/
>Center Square: "Wisconsinites continue to favor Baldwin over Hovde in U.S. Senate race" https://www.thecentersquare.com/wisconsin/article_ea96dc8e-3876-11ef-bb9d-d7a967a4cfae.html
>joins the guild of bakers
>complains about the bakers guild

Anon, I…
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memed skibidi biden into reality
EXTRA: Trump truths: "I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them." https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112734594514167050 (I like Project 2025. They’re a good blueprint. Not sure what Trump’s angle here was.)

EXTRA: BREITBART: "The Labor Market Is Supported by Government Payrolls" https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2024/07/05/breitbart-business-digest-the-labor-market-is-supported-by-government-payrolls/

EXTRA: AG: "Americans Want to Know Who is Really in Charge in the White House" https://amgreatness.com/2024/07/05/americans-want-to-know-who-is-really-in-charge-in-the-white-house/

EXTRA: VIDEO : OAN: "Fine Point - With Chanel Rion" https://rumble.com/v55dgl9-fine-point-with-chanel-rion.html

EXTRA: VIDEO : Bannon’s War room: "One on One with Joe Biden" https://rumble.com/v55rd1l-one-on-one-with-joe-biden.html (That interview will do nothing to stop the calls for his removal.)

EXTRA: ***UPCOMING!*** DJT: "President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Doral, FL!" https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-to-hold-a-rally-in-doral-florida
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Just like that scene from Heat.

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This 2025 thing was based the only based thing trump did in 8 years. If that got denounced and they use the trump supporter list as blacklist while they hire gay neocons it means you guys get paid if you are still on board.
Makes me wonder how far they take it, dredging up all of the Biden family's nastiness is a very sharp double edged sword, why exactly was Hunter's laptop or Ashley's diary fake news until the democrats wanted Biden to step down?
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where is my pudding
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see a lot of democrats are using rrats like this to say
>see, the media is pro-trump!
no, the media is solidly democrat, they are antibiden because they think biden is going to horribly lose, so they are being hypercritical to try and spur a candidate swap. if they succeed, they will do nothing but sing praises for camel
and not to mention the donor fears discussed earlier. a lot of democrat big donors own these outlets: they are certainly willing to push rrats that agree with their political aims through them

none of the parties involved are trying to help trump - they all want him to lose, they admit it readily, they are giddy any time he was indicted or in court or they have any angle of attack, they've been covering him with heavy breathing even when he's out of office out of that obsession. they might accidentally be helping him that way, but that's besides the point: they don't intend to
the current democrat party infight does not have any participants that want trump to win. the infight existing at all is what helps him, not any faction's goals of themselves
Youtube vlogger Tyler Oliveira asked people on the streets in NYC and LA who they're voting for, and it was an unbelievably two-sided response that was demographically unpredictable. You had white managerial class people clutching their pearls about felonies, and homeless niggers, California Iranians, and NYC Jews voting for Trump. The only constant was that young men who aren't white and don't speak English consistently said they were voting for old pudding brain, in Spanish of course. That's the new Dem voter base. An army.

who the fuck cares how biden feels lmao
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you have to finish your meat
cosby ate it
do you think trump will announce his VP during the florida rally?
I want project 2025 trump, not rick grenell, bill ackman and nikki hailey

if you disagree you are getting paid
Yeah you're probably gonna get weird answers in NYC and LA.
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Fuck you, faggot retard.
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>weeks of drumpf court room farts
>ABC gives us Biden fart audio for free
if Trump does not tell john deere to get fucked he is a traitor
anon the person you are responding to is an unironic turkish groyper
Stop posting thumbnails, ya fucking dicksucking faggot.
top kek
that news about biden having a medical emergency on air force one was probably put out by biden's inner circle as a way to smoke out a leaker or its just fake puke by x users
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Ashley Biden gets a weekly segment on The View about how to handle being raped by relatives.
>nothin personal joe. lol jk. you should have played ball.
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anon they are not thumbnails
can you keep your low IQ agitprop restricted to facebook and foxnews audiences? I'm not getting paid for this so I dont have to lie
Hopefully he doesn't take a flight there. I don't want him to get jet-lagged.
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Fuck off germ. Trump will give nothing to you grifters
All well and good. Ignore him, or insult him.
I like calling faggots and retards faggots and retards.
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Why doesn't Joepedo want to save democracy?
You are a shit eating weasel, and I won't be convinced otherwise.
Im going to post a screen recording of the analysis. The first blip is his buttons hitting the armrest. The second blip is the fart. You can see by the wavelength it's not a shit.
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It's 2025. The US has millions of traitors to process.
Who do you give the contract to?
Elon Musk? Or Boeing?
desu I think I would go with Boeing. They have a better track record for this sort of things.

He alone can save democracy
please do i am very curious!
you better include a real fart in your analysis graphs
the national guard
as said, this astroturf BS does not work agenda 2025 was the only based thing in the trump orbit in 8 years
has he told john deere to get fucked? if he doesnt by next week and you niggers defend him still then you are on a payroll
Two Canadians appeared in New York and said they would vote for Trump if they could, and they think most leafs probably would too. Time for you to be annexed.
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First blip is the buttons/rosary hitting the armrest. Second blip is the fart. It is confirmed not to be a shit.
This shit doomed his presidency. You don't fuck with bad meme magic and expect something good to happen. Digits confirm
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disagreeing with some and wishing them luck doesn't sound very much like denunciation
oh no dummy you forgot your trip!
And his flag!
lmfao hahhahahahahahah
hey remember sisters, dark brandon was actually theory crafted by the best and the brightest
bill ackman said he will run hiring for trump can we get a denouncement? the guy is a libshit unlike project 2025 who were trump loyalist
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wendy roger's is so hott right now.
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double based
Common core is literally designed to keep people unintelligent according to marxist principles. That's not even a "secret conspiracy theory", that's literally how/why it was designed.

The basic premise is, at the start white kids always performed better than black kids in schools, so maybe if they just made testing easier, black kids would catch up and it would all even out. But they kept making the curriculum easier and easier, and whites still kept outperforming blacks, because obviously they would, in any comparison of logic at any level, that's just going to happen when you compare two groups of varying IQs to each other. So they reached the brilliant conclusion of "the method of education ITSELF must be racist!" and set about constructing an anti-logic, anti-learning, anti-reason system of anti-truth so that the field would be so corrupted no group would be able to outperform any other group in sheer principle.
It's a meme in the sense there is not "one" discord. It's a sea of little gay bubbles of seething zoomers and troons. Most of them are just angry suicidal morons lashing out randomly, but a few operate under a principle of "generate as much noise in 4chan so they'll want to leave", and you can see this on any board you choose to browse. It's different from the usual shitposting, it's very concerted towards a purpose.
holy shit that hits me

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