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▶Previous: >>473204147

▶Day: 863 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>russia drops from the top 10 worldwide economies
>Hungary's PM orbán meets putin for talks on Ukraine
>A day of mourning has been announced for Thursday after a Russian missile and drone strike killed at least five people and wounded 53 in Dnipro
>The US officially announced the new aid package for Ukraine: $150 million will be provided under PDA and $2.2 billion under USAI
>Big smoooking accident in Kursk, reportedly near military unit and military warehouses
>Zelenskyi met with Hungarian Prime Minister orbán in Kyiv
>EU and Ukraine signed security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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>russia drops from the top 10 worldwide economies
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Sorry putin, no amount of begging is gonna save you faggot lmao.
Kill da ziggers mon
*steel drums*
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>another gore nigger thread
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Don't like it? Provide proofs that I'm that twatter nigger and I'll never post in /uhg/ again KEKAROOOO
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Use energy weapons to control the weather and kill ziggers
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why are you happy some white guy is dragged to his death? you are horribly unhappy with your life for sure, and likely a shitskin. you will die a virgin with a micropenis. goodbye incel.
>Basedbean farmers in my home state say otherwise
What do you mean anon?
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Russian technology marches into the future
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Show neovagina tranny faggot. Russia is going to make Ukraine roll over and rejoin Russia again.
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Send more russnigger meat assaults with mosin nagants nigger KEKAROOO
/uhg/, give me wikipedia articles that will reignite my russophobia
Most grim stuff you got?
If you've ever done any investing, you would realize the entire concept of "worth" is pretty retarded. For example, what is Bitcoin worth? The Western world is a bunch of financial ponzi-schemes driven by money printing. They can keep inflating the bubble as long as enough people keep buying in. But the entire western world is leveraged to the hilt. If there is ever a margin call, the entire Western financial system will go the way of Luna UST.
if ukraine was winning the spam would be unnecessary
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Nice, repeat it more often and you might not end up in hell after all.
>NATO allies will pledge 3 additional PATRIOT Fire Units to Ukraine during next week's summit in Washington
>The US Army will drawdown one, and Germany and Romania will also send one each
Said spamming pidor.
Nah, the spam is here just because vatniks get mogged on the front lines. Winning or losing has nothing to do with it.
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/uhg/ is laughing at russnigger incompetence, problem? LMAO
>t. hohol loving Moscow faggot
Show flag
My city is being invaded by churkas so I can naturally sympathize.
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putin thought it'd be good to import millions of these faggots, now getting scalped is a real concern lmao.
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>Mr Broccolini I told you that drones cannot be evaded using water
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Putin is sending Russians to certain death in meat waves and importing niggers and churkas to replace the demographic loss.
Its in the interest of average Russians to end this war
>Nah, I spam here because I am a lonely faggot who doesn't have IRL friends or goals

Oh that's......that's super cool man. You ever tried painting?
You might be able to channel some of your teenage angst into some real cool pictures. Your mom could set up a nice Facebook marketplace for you.

It might be nice to find some type of purpose or substance in your life!
Hope everything gets better for you bro!
Good movie for educating people about the value of russophobia

China keeps buy the so.ybeans grown here in the US like their life depends on it
They need to guzzle s'oy sauce or else they'll die
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Why do you insist on using that flag? We all know you're just a rookie pidor sent here to gather (you)s. I'm feeling generous today so you can reply and get some free ones.
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>russia drops from the top 10 worldwide economies
>Pot meet kettle
They only only use it because it looks like the ribbon russnigger where in the military
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I have posted this so many times in chug, that they cannot debunk it but to cope that chinksect bureocrat is a nobody
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Your cope doesn't change reality shitskin, remember russniggers killed their golden goose and now gazprom runs at a loss....the shithole gas station, isn't making enough money, KEKAROOO
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Remember, the russnigger rubble did so poorly, putin was forced to tie his fag currency to the chinks KEKAROOO, now cope, seethe & dilate.
Literal pajeetwave

wow that's disgusting. I can get behind a russian invasion being retroactively justified
And then right behind is Mexico lmao.
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Cry about it shitskin lmao
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Murdering more than a generation of young men, your nations economy, your military credibility for this? And it's only ramping up. Monke sure is the best jewish puppet.
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Death to Zelensky

Death to the jews

Death to ZOG
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Hamas will kill your family, jew
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Not the zog nooo!
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Oh no no no no no
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>differentiates between sand niggers
They're both subhumans, shitskin lmao.
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Both mudslimes and oyveys can eat dirt. Jerusalem is rightful Christian clay.
>july 2015
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true, its much worse now
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It's only gotten worse since then
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have the rate of muslim influx in to Russia increased or decreased since then?
I have seen their most recent videos and they look like they want to leave that shithole but can't or FSB kills them
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Many such cases. Ukrainians seem to be their own worst enemies.
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russnigger invaders can go back to their shithole if they don't want me enjoying their dead corpses KEKAROOOO
The amount of shits I give towards this gay war extends as far as my tax dollars go to it. Fight your own battles.
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You know, if i'm being honest, when I see these videos, i don't even know who is dying. Ukrainians, russians... I've come to realize I don't care.
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No one gives a shit what a turdie shitskin like you thinks LMAO
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>Illegally invade a country
>country fights back
>claim invasion justified because they fought back
You're an idiot
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>there are (((anons))) here who like Z-lensky unironically
Holy shit that is GRIM
That you can post this while perpetually spamming gore really shows an amazing lack of introspection.
russniggers keep giving me content, shoulda stayed home niggers LMAO
>Burning car in the backgroudn
Was that Attempt #1?
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Did you catch this Good Russian?
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kek, didn't even notice that. It probably was lmao, his dejected look realizing that all of the funding for his fag robot was stolen is too good.
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Yup, up to 79 now. It went from averaging 1 a month, to 1 a week, to 3 a week, now we're up to 5 russnigger suicides a week. Insane, that'll be their lasting legacy when this is all said and done.
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Chasiv Yar, remnants of the canal district (east of the canal). AFU pulled back to the west side of the canal last day or so.

Nothing left and no place to hide, just ruins and shells of buildings.

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Gay tranny thread
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Reminder that it took puccia 3 months and tens of thousands of dead to take this micro district.

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yes but enough about chug
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>5 russnigger suicides a week
Not much lost
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People laugh at you when you walk down the street
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Oh, I'm sure it's much higher than that, 5 video'd ones, imagine how many go unrecorded lmao.

Salut to
> 41st and 67th Mechanized Brigades
> 56th Motorized Brigade and 5th Assault Brigade
> 241st Territorial Defense Brigade
who held this for 3 months of direct assault on this isolated district
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Helps when I attach 4/4
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Why are you here then?
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I remember when russniggers said they'd capture Chasiv Yar in fucking April, 3 months later, they captured a block lmao. The absolute state.
Maybe he's spamming this gore to give faggots like you a reminder of what Putin's incompetent decision making gets you? He's not a good leader, he's a retard just like everyone else... And these retards are getting a lot of people killed. If he had a moment of clarity, just a brief glimmer of competence, he could stop it all in an instant. Instead, like Trudeau or any other globalist scum fuck, he imported 1.2 million shitskins into his country... Which really makes you wonder if this really is just some elaborate WEF humiliation ritual and he's only serving his globalist masters.
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Don't be so chugphobic
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To cry anon. Who's got the webm of russnigger crippled being sent as assault meat.
Reminds me of Marinka and puccia Mir
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I like how I managed to forget about this tranny until you brought it up (again)

can't you just join /lgbt/ board and give us normal hetero folk a rest, you should feel at home over there. I won't judge you, but stop with your irrelevant tranny love, chap
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>Gay tranny thread
You'll find the Russians at /chug/
Kino except for the red circle
I didn't encode it. Have a dead Zigger instead
>post gore
>i won

>"bbut its on topic you zigger"
Why would i consider engaging in a general who posts dead russians for sport? Youre just like ISIS or those cartelniggers
>still less faggy than Ukro-tranny Happening General
You trannies like to project shit from useful idiots years ago. Russia is going to win because ukraine is only reliant on the west. Even with all the gear and ammo, Ukraine won't win.

Trans-nations like ukraine won't exist in a few more months. Cope. Seethe, DIAL8 faggots.
>posts dead russians for sport
Technically it's for laughs as well.
Besides, they all could have stayed home.
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Cry about it shitskin
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lmao this shitskin still thinks russia can win, GRIM. Remember shitskin, putin is now willing to give up crimea, OOF
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boo hoo, casualties are to be expected.
>Why would i consider engaging
Don't . Go somewhere else. We post gore here
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Ehhh, Germany was in Moscow, but with Lend Lease, even such failed nation like Russia somewhat managed. Ukraine can definitely do even better.
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>You trannies like to project shit from useful idiots years ago
I'm sorry which general has had multiple trannies exposed throughout the years? Which general simped for one? Bragged over their nudes? Jerked off to man tits? You troons aren't ever going to memory hole it no matter how hard you try to project lmao
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Mmmmm bacon
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That's right shitskin and I'm gonna laugh at every one of those casualties KEKAROOO. Now keep sending your meat while you replace them with pajeet shitskins lmao
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Skippy's mum got rolled at the brothel again so now he has to collect cans and plastic bottles so he can pay off her crack debt.
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>posts old shit again
Amazing. Nigger, you need more material, you jack off to the same shit repeatedly.
>>473215957 is right though.. ‘russnigger, russnigger.. blah, blah,’ ‘kekaroo,’ .. the quality of these threads has really gone to the dumpster.. and the only one behaving like a nigger in threse /ugh/ threads is you. Truly, if Ukraine were actually the victor in this conflict, if they were the dominant player, you wouldn’t be spending 1/2 your life shilling these gore webms. You must be getting shekels to post here every day. Yes, the whole world gets that these drones have created a new level of misery in todays battlefield.. people understood that two years ago. These /uhh/ threads were started as a resource for informing in general terms on the conflict.. they were never intended to be a personal blog for your gore webm collection. Get a life, faggot.
hey the overcompensating mentally ill nigger on social assistance is back spamming his dead subreddit calling everyone shitskin for 70+ posts 10 hours in a row
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>>posts old shit again
Funny, you're doing the same. Next you'll post Ukraine's 1 token nigger athlete again
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Whatever it suits for your pathetic and forced containment thread. You think yourselves by posting gore you assume the high ground but in realty youre just edgelords who are going against board culture "for the lulz" lol.
Can someone explain the "bandolier" looking thing on the chest of the stereotypical cossack outfit... The thing that looks like a row of flares in little pouches...
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Why are you still here if you don't like it?
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The horse is beaten already. Ukraine is an illegitimate niggerstate anyways given the Euromaiden riots and CIA backing got king jew in charge. Your nazis are kosher nazis safe for the department of defense.
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Bro, I've been dropping in and out of these threads for two years at this point and there has been no change. These guys act like this because they hate Russians, it's really that simple. Not a hint of fucking desperation to be found... They don't like these guys and every day just brings more reasons, and content, to share. Don't overthink it, because this is really not that complicated. Fuck with the West, expect Western people to laugh at your misfortune.
Nigga, this is 4chan. Everything happening here is for the lulz. Like now I'm laughing at you. Please post more insights, cats are fine too.
there is footage of vatniks using scooters
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Hey shitskin, if you want fresh stuff, you just gotta ask for it KEKAROOO
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Great buzzword salad, zister. You'll surely get a bonus for that one
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Can't beat fucking chinese golf caddies though, lmao
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Imagine how disappointed his mum is when she looks at his monkey face everyday.
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Cry about it shitskin KEKAROOO
lmao took you forever. I can post xoxol gore channels on TG. Any NIGGER can do that kekek
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Face stomped tranny
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>going against board culture "for the lulz" lol.
>board culture
You nufags are so fucking gay lmao. I guarantee you if I ask you about any /pol/ tourchstones, you wont be able to answer a single fucking one. Here, watch this:

What were we spamming when Ron Paul got railroaded by the GOP during the 2012 primaries shitskin? KEKAROOOO
Hate crime in jewkraine lmao.
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RIP another /chug/ baker
And it becomes worse with each year. Moscow recieved more than a million of immigrants within the last 6 month. It's over.
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Your little chink phones don't have enough space to compare to my gore folder shitskin KEKAROOO
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I love watching russnigger invaders get ack'ed, got a problem with it? Back to /leftypol/ you go shitskins LMAO
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he doesn't know...
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These? They are for bullets cartridges. Remember that way back then cartridges were made of paper tubes and filled with black powder. They were put in these to keep them try and intact.
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>posts dead Russians he jacks off too
Fag. LPR and DPR will be free, but keep spamming the same shit NIGGER. No one, except you, cares about your folder.
You still haven't stated what 3rd world cesspool they pulled this level of desperate retardation out of.
Let me guess, now you're going to post your hand again to prove to all your 4chan friends how pathetically insecure you are LOL
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If you didn't care then why are you getting so mad about it? Lmao.
Jokes aside, scooters and bikes are kinda useful. They carry only one person so less people can be targeted with a single drone/shell.
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russnigger shitskins immediately go to faggotry, many such cases KEKAROOO
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>Let me guess, now you're going to post your hand again
That's right shitskin, something you'll never, ever be able to do because you're BROWN and intrinsically know that you're simply inferior to me LMAO.
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Mass replying to one dude that posts gore videos is kind of a desperate play, dog.
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check'd, lord KEK blesses you this day with those digits and holy shit, russnigger invaders are getting chinkier by the day LMAO
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Are you okay NIGGER? The west is either going to halt shipments to ukriane or run out of ammo. Whatever comes first is irrelevant as Ukraine gets destroyed. Hohols will get brutalized in the end.
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What would you rather be in, a decadent west MRAP, or a chink scooter.
Yeah, in about two weeks, everything will turn out just fine.
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KEK A FUCKING ROOOOO. The Western war machine is spooling up retard.
I would agree, but for specific tasks behind the front line. Storming entrenched/fortified positions on motorcycles, or bikes is suicide. If I recall correctly, the US Rangers use dirt bikes for scouting.
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While russniggers cry and seethe that nork shells are fucking trash LMAO
The meme republics are dead
What an absolute fucking joke these clowns are. The West should all ramp spending up to a 4% minimum just so these shitskins never even think about it ever again. You get lax on shit for awhile and they think you're a pussy.
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Serbia deserves a redemption act, i admit was a fool for believing those memes making fun of serbs drinking vatnik cum
You zigger losers need to do a lot of imagining to cope with reality. Any evidence to connect gore leaf with the guy you spam yet?
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Western arms are 15x the price for Russian arms with the same bang. Corporations also focus on profit so it's even more expensive in their contracts. Even nork ammo JUST WERKS. As you will probably post a tragic misfire from artillery.
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Why? That makes no sense what so ever. Even having those tapes in NK is a death sentence.
To be fair, they were being real faggots at the start of the war, they just figured out they could make money hand over fist providing shells to Ukraine and now we're here.
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Why war happens? Who is behind it?
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>Even nork ammo JUST WERKS
LOL. I wouldn't even attempt using it. This is what happens
Good morning and total death to all kacaps, moskals and ruzzians especially to this faggot ZFBcSsnC from sosach.
>Pucia is paying for those
That makes it so much funnier
Hilarious. The Russians are obviously kicking the fuck out of the retarded Ukie faggots and these cucks are trying to still claim Ukraine is winning. Even Baghdad Bob would be ashamed of these inbred retarded Ukie cocksuckers.
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>Western arms are 15x the price for Russian arms with the same bang.
LMAO, keep sending meat assaults on fucking e scooters faggot, my gore folder craves it.
That's the best part. You know there are proofs of how wrong and delusional you are and yet you still hold onto your beliefs for some sick reason.
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Losing ground in Vovchansk? During your grand summer copefensive? On a fucking village that's halfway cut off from a river and literally on the russnigger border? THAT'S A FUCKING KEKAROOOO
If they are doing as you claim, then it would be a trivial matter to provide proof.
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>Even nork ammo JUST WERKS
sure does
If russnigger invaders lose 4km2 more during their grand summer copefensive, they'll have lost more land than they gained, KEKAROOOOO
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Yeah, that was a silly statement. Of course someone will show you your error
So, the sidecar is a coffin for the driver? The vatniks truly are pushing the limits of modern warfare.
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Let's ask the actual russnigger ztards that are using said shells, OH NO NO NO ZIZTER, NOT LIKE THIS LMAO
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Go to jewkraine then xoxol. You were filtered into Russia after the operation, why complain?
Gore posting will continue until Ukraine is free.

BAVOVNA after UAVs attack on the LUKOIL oil depot in Pavlovskaya, Krasnodar Territory!
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The Meat Cube hungers lmao.
Ahaha, pidor from sosach has answered to me! Go and sit back on a broom, you miserable losing faggot.
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russniggers can't even protect their own fucking oil refineries, when it accounts for the vast majority of their exports. THE ABSOLUTE STATE
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Russian losses per 05/07/24 reported by the Ukrainian general staff

+1110 men
+10 tanks
+11 APVs
+54 artillery systems
+57 UAVs
How recent?
Why isn't a patriot such as yourself at the front?
Only wikipedia articles?
GM and TZD
Any juicy happenings?
>45 replies
>as OP

How does a country as big as Russia fit inside your tiny head?
Only two references to anal sex from this vatnik? Impressive.
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The Russians don't care about ground. They care about killing and crushing up Ukies who will fight, even unwillingly. The Ukies are fast running out of meat to send. You stupid punks are too dumb to figure out the obvious. The Russians aren't taking nearly as many casualties as the Ukies. The Russians could still win this even if the casualty rates were reversed. What's even the point of you retarded fuckheads even putting up this obviously moronic shill effort online? Even Zelensky himself is obviously getting real and starting to position to cuck out. So why bullshit like this?
Nice, nice, all ruzzians must die from starvation.
Last night, Ukrainian UAVs attacked the Krasnodar and Rostov regions in Russia. In Primorsko-Akhtarsk, Krasnodar, drones targeted an electrical substation, and debris from one drone reportedly damaged a three-story building. In Rostov, a UAV attack resulted in a fire.

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>>473222805 3 hours ago

>Last night, Ukrainian UAVs attacked the Krasnodar and Rostov regions in Russia. In Primorsko-Akhtarsk, Krasnodar, drones targeted an electrical substation, and debris from one drone reportedly damaged a three-story building. In Rostov, a UAV attack resulted in a fire.
video 2
>Papercraft & origami
>Last night, Ukrainian UAVs attacked the Krasnodar and Rostov regions in Russia. In Primorsko-Akhtarsk, Krasnodar, drones targeted an electrical substation, and debris from one drone reportedly damaged a three-story building. In Rostov, a UAV attack resulted in a fire.
video 4
You're full of shit and totally retarded, breh.
>We didn't even want the territory we invaded!
In bits and pieces, much like the average Russian mobik
So ethnic Russians shit up /pol/ because 2ch has been overrun by Mongols? Interesting
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Overnight, Russia again attacked with a group of drones. But Shaheds are losing its significance, as they are being shot down most of the time. This night, all 32 were shot down. Mostly by mobile air defense groups.
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Sad and terrible way to die.
Says the faggot who gets triggered by combat footage
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The British parliamentary election resulted in a landslide victory for the Labour Party, with Keir Starmer set to become the new prime minister. The ruling Conservative Party, led by Rishi Sunak, admitted a crushing defeat.
impotent hohol rage is why they film this shit
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That's it? I need to pick up the pace shitskin KEKAROOO
They are running field trials, before the order is given to Shoigu's classmate's step-cousin
Look dude, I hate Russia and Putin too...but why you bringing that negative Jew hating into this thread? Off topic and not cool bro
oh no more gore! such professionalism!
On Russian television, a video was shown of a Russian soldier finishing off another Russian soldier after an FPV strike. However, they misrepresented these Russians as Ukrainians. An expert then commented on the "animalistic nature" and "fascist ideology."
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The russnigger invader shoulda stayed home lmao
A HIMARS rocket strike targeted a Russian "Supercam" drone crew somewhere in the Luhansk region.

In the first half of 2024, Ukrainian ports increased cargo handling by 68%, processing 52.7 million tons compared to 31.3 million tons in the same period in 2023. This increase, reported by Danylo Hetmantsev, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Tax, and Customs Policy, included over 63.5% agro-industrial products and over 36% from other sectors like mining and metallurgy. In 2023, cargo transport was restricted by the Istanbul Grain Initiative, which only allowed agricultural exports from three Black Sea ports, a process hindered by Russian actions.
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I'm tired of this faggot war bros

I just want to go visit peaceful Ukraine/Russia and walk with a qt along an old soviet era road with fields of wheat or w.e surrounding us
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Don't like it? Head on back to leftypol faggot LMAO
It's okay, it's just a Russian
My God, you Ukie shills are even more retarded than I had assessed. That's all you can respond with? Utterly childish and valid nothingness? Why don't you go to Ukraine where they need you? Are you a cripple? Paralyzed from the neck up?
Ukrainian partisans sabotaged a railway used by Russia to transport North Korean ammunition. Agents of the "Atesh" movement successfully conducted the operation on the Trans-Siberian Railway near Yekaterinburg, resulting in the destruction of a part of the railway line.

You don't sound like you are our bro, dude. Our bros want to see all kacaps dead.
Thanks...In all this shit that is this board, I like seeing a random American anon stand up for me and my people. Gives me faith in the direction of this website
The drone systems battalion of the 63rd Mechanized Brigade, with the assistance of the artillery division's intelligence, successfully destroyed another Russian tank this morning.

Keep going nafobot. Post more maks bullshit.
If he stayed at home he'd die of alcoholism.
The SBU has detained a female FSB agent group in Odesa, consisting of three young women who were covertly collecting information for Russian missile and drone strikes on military targets. Posing as casual visitors, they identified locations like military recruitment offices and medical facilities, sending details to their FSB curator. The agents also sought to be employed by Russian intelligence services. The detainees face life imprisonment.
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Reminder shitskin, putin is now willing to give up crimea KEKAROOO

Achilles Battalion from the 92nd assault brigade showed recent work. Two BMP-3's and an MT-LB were destroyed.

I just want seggs

Both sides are dying for jew leaders, and Putin is part of the scheme to give Russia to the west and he's just sacrificing Ruskies for no reason but replacement
hi /chug/, put me in the screencap
Forest fires continue on the left bank of the occupied Kherson region. Russian forces are unhappy.

Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán stated that while Hungary's EU Council presidency does not grant it a mandate to promote peace in Ukraine, the country can still be a useful tool for those seeking peace. He added that Europe could do more to promote peace.
Chop chop the fuck out, fucking tourist.
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Tomorrow there'll be the zflag pajeet shitskin posting that, guaranteed lmao.
Pure art! Incredible.
Ivan, stop working for 20k rubles in lakhta. Huilo invented an a possibility to receive 200k rubles/month. You just need to come at enlistment office.
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You jews will lose israel and die.
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Hi cumchugger.
The 95th Air Assault Brigade is conducting stabilization operations to destroy advancing Russian assault groups on the eastern outskirts of Pivnichne, Toretsk direction. The efforts involve using a BTR, a tank, FPV drones and calculated artillery.

>five minute video of smoking some niggers out, this is just a clip, the rest is catboxxed
to die is the purpose of life
Why lie like that? It's obvious and just openly pathetic.. Ukraine is unlikely to survive much longer. Losses are drastically increasing for the Ukies while the Russians take less and less losses from a chewed up and collapsing Ukrainian force. We can all see it you fucking idiotic Ukie shills.
Ukraine has received its third Patriot air defense system from Germany. The Ukrainian crew has recently completed successful training for this system in Germany, ambassador to Ukraine, Martin Jaeger confirmed.
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You get the fuck out, you can't come back either
Orban posted a photo from the airport with the caption "Peace mission continues, second stop - Moscow".

Viktor has a plate in his head.
Footage from a body camera of a soldier from the "Lyut" brigade shows the battles in Vovchansk, Kharkiv region.

Nigger, go back to your hug-box in chug, you won't find support here. All ruzzians have to die.
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Your (((bros))) will be laying a childless tax soon unless you are a VPNigger. Stay mad, Russia is going to win whether nato goes all in or not.
To achieve peace in Ukraine, Ukraine must fully withdraw its troops from Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions, according to Putin.

>the kike still thinks he can claim places he never captured lol
So why aren't you at the frontline
Oh no no, russkii pidor from sosach answered to me again!
Putin stated that he and Orban discussed potential ways to settle the war in Ukraine. Orban called for a ceasefire to create conditions for negotiations. Putin mentioned that the chances of winning the elections for Ukrainian leaders who have lost their ratings are close to zero. He emphasized that Russia supports a complete end to the conflict in Ukraine on Moscow's terms, not just a truce or a pause. Orban noted that after his trips to Kyiv and Moscow, he realized that the positions of the parties are far apart.

So much for Viktor Orban's useless contribution.
This. Jews aren't the real enemies. Russians are. TZD. Glory to Israel. Slava Ukraine.
Can we please start European Parliament's Article 7.
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Funny cope shitskin, but only one of us has hundreds of webms of dead russnigger piles and it aint you KEKAROOO
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it's so cute when you discord troons project
T-14 Armata > T-90-M > BMP-Terminator > BTR-82A > BMP-3 > BMP 2 > BMP 1 > DesertCross-1000 > Blyatbarns > Blyatbikes > Blyatsteps.


>get on your E-scooter and go home niggers
The pajeet shitskin doesn't realize if he wants to poison the well, it has to have some nuance, he's too brown to understand LMAO
If Israel really wanted Ukraine to surrender, they would just tell DC to stop the weapon shipments.
10 years ago. Do you recognize?

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Hurry MAKS, you can still make 50pbtid before thread dies!
>liberast ITT will soon be conscripted or jailed
I don't need to poison the well. Your well is filled with jewish semen already.
Russian forces took three months and thousands of lives to capture the "Kanal" neighborhood in Chasiv Yar. Since the start of the campaign to seize the city, the Russians have lost 99,000 personnel, mostly wounded but a lot of dead as well.

In the south, five Kh-59 missiles and seven reconnaissance drones, including four "ZALA", two "Supercam", and one "Orlan-10", were shot down.
Zelenskyi's evening speech


I want to thank our partners for fulfilling air defense agreements. We aimed at doubling the strength of our air defense shield, and today the process has begun.

I thank Germany for the Patriot that is already in Ukraine. This is powerful news. And there is even more powerful news: I thank the United States for another step towards strengthening our air defense, our Patriots.
We keep working, and new decisions will certainly follow.

The Ukrainians have already proven that there are no Russian missiles that we cannot shoot down. And we are doing our utmost to make the Russian terror lose.

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Do svidanya
>lord furry via donbasslarpushka
lmao, you "people" just love getting grifted huh
Russian propagdandists are clearly running out of ideas. Due to the lack of any meaningful success at the front, they pass off the cold-blooded execution of one of their servicemen as Ukrainian actions against their own. Aside from pure lying, these people don’t even have shame. Although, what else can you expect from a fantasy superpower?
Viktor Orbán, the Prime Minister of Hungary, sits and rubs hands with war criminals in Kremlin.
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You'd think shitskins would learn, considering that's how they make their living lmao.
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Oh they've been trying to help out their cousins but Russia has been too blatant with their subhumanity for it to be easy
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>Russian propagdandists are clearly running out of ideas
Same with russnigger shills here, their summer copefensive failing really did a number on their morale LMAO
Considering the track marks there, I'm really surprised these aren't flatniks
A former KGB agent praised an ex-Trump admin. staffer Elbridge Colby on state TV, suggesting that his foreign policy would implement the position that the U.S. "doesn't] need Ukraine at all." Colby is a contributor to the 900-page Project 2025 document.
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> but Russia has been too blatant with their subhumanity for it to be easy

gtfo. Israel does whatever the fuck it wants to do. They openly bribe the entire US Congress. Literally every US President has to go kiss the ring of AIPAC. You think kikes would have any problem pushing propaganda to support anything they want to do? You're a fucking loser. Update your resume because the gravy train is about to end.
More oil depots on fire in Kuban(?)
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Sergey Mardan weighed in on a poll that found that one-third of Russians would be fine with nuking Ukraine. Mardan disagrees with them—not for humanitarian reasons, but due to his genocidal, imperial belief that Ukraine does not exist and is part of Russia.


>russia knows it can't win, there again the nook cope
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Russian state propagandist Mardan explicitly disagrees with Kremlin’s top mouthpiece Solovyov, who consistently wants to nuke Ukraine. Mardan prefers to incite genocide by peddling the lie that Ukraine doesn’t exist, rather than by nuking it.
If Israel really wanted Russia to surrender, they would just tell DC to put boots on the ground and evict pidors.
Russian invasion means nuclear war, which means the end of the most successful host the Jewish parasite has ever infected.
Russian Telegram channels report a drone attack on Rostov and Krasnodar regions of Russia last night.

It is reported that a refinery was hit near Rostov, and that TPP-2 may have been hit as well. In Primorsko-Akhtarsk, a power substation was damaged, electricity and water went out.

>Russian Telegram channels report a drone attack on Rostov and Krasnodar regions of Russia last night.
Why gore though?
A story about love and support.

Ukrainian Defender had little time to learn how to walk on a prosthetic leg.

But he had a deadline. He made it - and walked during his wedding, with his beautiful bride by his side. She was near him and supported him.

: ShoTam/Facebook

>Russian invasion means nuclear war
Only Western cucks believe that. Over here MAD is universally understood as a blank check that enables conventional warfare.
A Ukrainian armored personnel carrier made in the Netherlands of the Steel Border brigade breaks through to Ukrainian positions through an open and mined location, under hellish missile and artillery fire, to rotate Warriors and evacuate the wounded.

This was reportedly filmed in the area of Kupiansk and Svatovo. Russians fired two complete packages of Grad MLRS and 15 shells from cannon artillery at the carrier.

uh oh, now your zisters can't use your gay ass larp for a new OP. May want to spend more time in the /chug/ role play discord channel
Based. I already made up my mind long ago that I'll be voting for Trump in November, so I didn't need anymore convincing. But the fact that Trump is going to throw Ukraine under the bus (if they haven't folded by then) makes me even more excited to vote for the orange man.
Of course, MAD is just a meme. That's why Russia maintains a nuclear stockpile larger than the US. Its ok to be a shill, but do you have to be so fucking retarded too?
This has to be a LLM, right? People can't seriously be this stupid
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>>473222733 >>473224266
is the refinery bingo card completed?
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New one from Strike Drone Company.

Off to have a Bourbon and cigar.







Bake Please, too many Russhit cuckettes in here
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They went with Chinese multicam because it's cheap, and soldiers can buy it themselves, with their own money, from Alibaba, but as a bonus point ziggers can claim afterwards that any cubed mobik is actually ukronazi banderite
Funny fact being that the one that got droned was wearing ATACS, and only ziggers use that pattern
kek you know there's IDs here, right newfag? christ the shills get newer and newer
Do you get paid less if you make a thread? You have no problem spamming the same nonsense in every thread, but always beg for everyone else to bake. Does your LLM not let you bake?
The point of having a larger stockpile is to scare Amerimutts. You must be an actual retarded mutt because you don't understand our psychology at all.
Why would a larger stockpile scare Americans if MAD is just a meme? If you get nuked, you aren't going to spam nukes back?
one of the worst videos ever. all blurred out. Total shit.
Don't use the Lord's name in vain, semite.
>Project 2025
Trump disavowed. Apparently it's another smear job, claiming he said something he didn't
>Why would a larger stockpile scare Americans if MAD is just a meme?
Because you are castrated cucks who are scared of war. Russians are not scared of war and universally view MAD as a tremendous relief.
>If you get nuked, you aren't going to spam nukes back?
You would, that's the entire point. Because first use no longer gains you anything, conventional warfare is back on the table. Literally everyone here understands this.
the last breath of a russian. Aerobomber is a pure artist .

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