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Previous: >>473209153
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

▶17k celebration banners!
>A - https://files.catbox.moe/dpxgrp.png
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>Combo - https://files.catbox.moe/eo8pur.png

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Hungarian PM arrives in Moscow - https://archive.today/Dnmp7
>US set to announce over $2.3 bln arms package for Ukraine - https://archive.today/kxBLx
>The Ukraine has a month to avoid default - https://archive.today/OVZkX
>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq


▶/chug/ MEGA

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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>S-300 goes firework
>AT mine /chug/er at it again (new york)
>Hohols in car hit mine
>3 minutes of unpublished Krasnopol strikes
>Hohol 4th of July cringe
>VDV clearing apartments in Chasov Yar
>New Russian GoPro combat footage compilation
>Precise strike on some Kherson houses where hohols were spotted
>Hohol cosmonaut
>FABing of positions in Kharkov direction
>A Russian soldier has help from his squad to propose to his girlfriend
>Lose your legs, get 1500 hrivna in return (34 euros)
>Guided bombs versus building with FPV operators
>Iskander strike on Dolgintsevo airfield in Krivoy Rog
>Comfy morning in Dnepr
>Repelling night attack by sea drones in Novorossiysk
>2S6 Tunguska destroyed by two Lancet strikes Kharkov region
>Hohol Marvel
>Hohol FPVs vs Russian Tank
>Cluster missile strike on Mi-24 Heli at airfield in Poltava
>You dont need hand grenade if you have AT mine
>Street combat in Volchansk soldier POV

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enjoy the bread and remember to be antisemitic every day!
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clustermunitions (RBK-500 ShOAB-0.5) being used on an ukrainian forest line
Terrific, absolutely terrific.

>"Watch out! That one's a cornball-type!"
militaries without borders
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Chasov Yar bombas
Kill yourself you evil Jew scum. Coming here to advertise smoking, just die already
Post some gains NOW
>AT mine /chug/er at it again (new york)
A little close there
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according to the uploader, he only suffered a concussion, don't worry about it
I don't know how to feel about...Bukhalpha? Alphanka?

Well, maybe it's still just Buhanka, only this is her parade uniform.
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Thanks for the bread
I should've been in bed hours ago
i stayed up til 4 this morning baking
/chug/ is just fun
He was like right next to the house, maybe I'm being a bit doomer but there's no way that didn't fuck him up at least a little, right?
/chug/ is the only place on 4chan i even use anymore, it's very comfy here, even during quiet american hours
Already answered. At least he's not dead (hopefully that's not a propaganda lie). Was worried when it didn't show him getting up/leaving
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you made this mess, now we clean it up
seriously...wartrucks and qt 2D together = heaven
We're coming up on Euro hours so hopefully we start getting more meat. Seems Euro anons post more relevant content from telegram etc/ have more informed takes on the matter. It's why I stay up for these threads.
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shut the fuck up. burn all leafs. jews are bad. niggers are intolerable. be true to yourself.
So these primarily kill through overpressure, right?
russian soldier shoots armed quadcopter out of the sky (any idea what kind of gun he's using?)
Same. I occasionally go into humor threads at work, but anything else is too gay. /chug/ is comfy due to all the creative anons making original content
/chug/ also made me stop caring about American politics which has been wonderful







thanks for bread
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if by overpressue u mean turning hohol strongholds into dusty craters, da.
> /chug/ also made me stop caring about American politics which has been wonderful
same here with german politics
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Russian soldier throwing anti-tank mine into building
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ooooooh ooooooooh aaaaaaah
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Just default bomb. Over pressure is odab, with more fire
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>missed 17k
It's over
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Henlo frens
fair enough

But the blastwave will still do damage away from the fireball/shrapnel? Like everyone in that line is dead from those 4 bombs or is that survivable?
light em all up, comrade ruskie
its bad here and getting worse
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>/chug/ also made me stop caring about American politics which has been wonderful
ever since i started following the war, the only american stuff i care about is their foreign policy. it's nice to get away from the nonsensical culture war garbage (which they somehow incorporate into their foreign relations aswell)
is he ok
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AK-patterned shotgun
My guess it's either a Saiga-12 or Vepr-12, two most obvious choices
Monkey putin has a soft yet intelligent gleam to his eyes that makes him seem friendly and relatable, but still a bit wild just beneath the surface. Would give banan/10. This meme has been a disaster for /uhg/ and NAFO
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im just sick of hearing about trumpkike and how hes REALLY gonna end the war
this war and israel war made me realize the conservatives are probably worse than liberals here
anyway voting doesnt matter
execute trudeau; leave russia alone
plenty artic for everyone
thompson oligarcy needs to go
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oleeey XD
I will at least give America this: they believe enough in their culture war ultra-liberalism to fight and die for it (and convince their proxies to do likewise) anywhere on Earth.
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another mine throw
yeah he's fine!! he always does shit like that
Natural selection at play.
I just can't help it bro
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How would Fidel castro feel if he saw how his son is aiding a bunch of ukrainian nazis and making canadians cheer for them
>me after throwing a sad brown face down a stairwell
dont worry, rcmp, our tactics have advanced
gl pinning those other murders to me
all in the game
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Is there war weariness in Russia?Can they continue the war for 1-2 more year until ukraine breaks?
>anyway voting doesnt matter
Honestly this. I've never been able to take our system seriously once I learned about Hegelian dialectics and saw just how much they use controlled opposition and false dichotomies.
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I stopped caring about american politics a long time ago
it really doesn't matter who runs for what office or who gets in, no one has our best interests in mind, nothing will ever get better in the current system, democracy is a farce
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best compilation of donbass fighters (from 2014 and onwards) that i've seen, very nice
and convincing foreigners that,being a submissive protectorate is ideal state for their homeland where they can experience prosperity and gay rights and whatever else the fuck
there hasn't been a mobilization since autumn of 2022, they're doing just fine with volunteers. so i think they can keep going, russians ideologically agree with the war (unlike say, war on terror for USA), they can
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would be hilarius to see Azov-chan or Alpha swap clothes
My understanding is that the war hasn't affected most Russian's day-to-day all that much, and much, much less than it's affected Ukraine's civilian population.
next poster sucks crimea-chan toes
Putin and Russia have outlasted 3 Tory prime ministers and ended the Conservative govt. in Britain,
Macron is on the way out, so is Biden,
Zelensky isn't even president anymore, his term has expired,
the blowback of this conflict will likely wipe out every Western leader currently committed to defeating Russia,
I think they're going pretty well, they've disposed of most of NATO stock of war materiel and a fair few Western war tourists.
the Russian economy has been boosted, their international standing has risen,

how can Russia tire of winning?
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An anon in a previous thread was asking an AI genning anon to make Buhanka in Alpha's outfit. He made a few. I think it's a good look for her (and it does seem like a parade uniform).
>and convincing foreigners that,being a submissive protectorate is ideal state for their homeland where they can experience prosperity and gay rights and whatever else the fuck
The US Gov't really does treat their "allies" like an abusive spouse treats their partner, don't they? It's shameful, and it never fails to make me angry.
ukrainian car gets hit by an FPV, seems no one managed to get out of the car
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Show me the gains right NOW
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>there hasn't been a mobilization since autumn of 2022, they're doing just fine with volunteers. so i think they can keep going, russians ideologically agree with the war (unlike say, war on terror for USA), they can

I haven't heard any news about the daily volunteers that Russia gets for a year now.I remember last number about it was around 800-1200 a day.Anyone know if that dropped or increased?
Now that Russian military industry is churning out huge amount of war materiel i doubt they would have problem properly outfitting another 200-300k army.
Dunno, maybe they should do another 200-300k mobilization just to get that decisive deployed manpower edge over the hohols and finally finish the job?But if their volunteer recruitment is good enough they could just wait and build up their new armies and slowly introduce them to combat with rotations,this is probably what they decided to go with.
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A chimp king with absolute power that killed his political rivals outlasted prime ministers and presidents from democratic nations? How could that be!?
name one political rival that Putin has killed?
My sides
Taras! You're going to the front with your boys! Come, we have a vehicle for you!
>Have you for us a Bradley?
>A marder?
No, Taras.
>Then what?
You get very special vehicle, Taras! Here, look, station wagon! Very fast!
>But what about drones and
Very fast!
Same, but it will eventually start to get an effect of society.It all depends what are the real casualty numbers(especially the dead) and how long Russia can keep the economy prosperous despite the war.
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yep, just read up on how your government reacted to france refusing to go in on iraq in 2003. anything but total submission is unacceptable. what's even worse, is that the bureaucrats who run this continent are fine with it, just look at scholz. he can't say a fucking word about german infrastructure (nordstream 2) which they spent billions building being destroyed by america. everyone knows america did it, but they won't do shit about it
well, taking another 2-300k men out of the workforce isn't good, and there isn't really a need for it to win the war it seems. it'll be a slow, painful death by a thousand cuts for kiev
Holy shit. I hope he is ok. Anti tank mines are so powerful yet so dangerous.
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All true, but for a true victory Russia have to decisively defeat the ukrainian army to such a level that even western bullshitters and gaslighters cannot mental gymnast into an ukrainian victory.
If ukraine and nato won't accept anything but a frozen conflict to gain time to re arm and start the conflict in the next few years then the only way for Russia to decisively end this is to delete the ukrainian army.
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Look at that absolute gyat. This better make it into the 18k banner. Ivan chose... wisely.
Drumpf is more likely to try and end the war than Sleepy Joe, ddespite a further hit to his reputation because plenty of cumservatives have been brainw ashed into thinking the war is "le good".
>voting doesnt matter
way to out yourself, zoomer
They re-created two new military districts (Leningrad and Moscow) with 500,000 soldiers (some of whom are only now participating in the Kharkoof offensive). The fuck they gonna do with another 200-300k? There's a limit to which you can saturate a specific front with troops after which it becomes dangerous/a waste and the troops either wait to get rotated in or you need to open a new front.
You talk about this as if you're shopping for toilet paper "better get extra". Soviets developed a whole science around this.
Now, now, Putin has not killed any of his political rivals. Rich men are often the target of ne'er do wells, and often get into shady business. Their ambitions drive them, you know? Any of his political rivals that have died have suffered tragic accidents, or been done in at the hands of business rivals or enemies they made in their criminal dealings. Holding him accountable for every such happening, simply because this is occasionally convenient for him, is holding him guilty until proven innocent. Simply irresponsible.
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how are things in myanmar, anon?
>Toretsk direction: . In the southeastern part of the village of Druzhba, Russian troops are consolidating along Polevaya and Sadovaya streets. The advance in depth was up to 400 meters. In New York, our units were entrenched along Zheleznaya Street in an area up to 1.55 km wide to a depth of up to 800 meters.
>Pokrovsky direction: . South-west of the village of Voskhod, the Russian Armed Forces advanced along forest belts in the direction of the western part of Novoselovka First with the aim of attacking the logistics of the latter. In Evgenovka and near Yasnobrodovka, the pace of hostilities remains high.
>Kharkov border region . The intensity of hostilities remains high near Glubokoye. Heavy fighting continues in Volchansk .
>Chasov Yar:. In the Orlova tract, the Russian Armed Forces continue to press in the direction of the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal.
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>well, taking another 2-300k men out of the workforce isn't good, and there isn't really a need for it to win the war it seems. it'll be a slow, painful death by a thousand cuts for kiev

We saw how much panic and pain the small expeditionary force into Kharkov caused for hohols.If Russia could get the decisive edge in manpower it could quickly collapse the ukrainian front by opening up new fronts.
At this point the hohols barely have enough reserves to plug the gaps on their line, even their Toretsk-jew york fortress is cracking.
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>just read up on how your government reacted to france refusing to go in on iraq in 2003
Were you... not born back then? Or just not reading the news? Wtf lmao.
>even western bullshitters and gaslighters cannot mental gymnast into an ukrainian victory
Impossible. Oinkraina will always be SLAVA.
Sergeis are assaulting Ukrainian trenches on motorcycles. Sometimes being fast does work. You just have to be luckier than the rest of your squad :^)
Novoselivka Persha is finished. Ukrainans are leaving.
it's not Russia's fault that the West are dummies,

Hitler still believed he could win right up to a few days before he poisoned his dog, his newly wed wife and shot himself,
Russia fucked Germany up pretty good over all that, they saw it through to the end,
Napoleon thought he could fuck over Russia,
it took a while but Russia ended that by entering Paris.
let's see how far Washington wants to go, the Russians are already entering Niu York!
>yep, just read up on how your government reacted to france refusing to go in on iraq in 2003. anything but total submission is unacceptable.
The character of America's interactions on the world stage betray a deep mental illness at the head of our governing bodies and economic institutions. Literal harms to themselves and others, literal madness. It's a psychogarchy, I think, a government made for and by psychopaths who run it like some kind of giant psycho voltron they control.
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>Were you... not born back then? Or just not reading the news?
i'm a zoomer, i was born after 9/11
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>They re-created two new military districts (Leningrad and Moscow) with 500,000 soldiers (some of whom are only now participating in the Kharkoof offensive). The fuck they gonna do with another 200-300k? There's a limit to which you can saturate a specific front with troops after which it becomes dangerous/a waste and the troops either wait to get rotated in or you need to open a new front.

Open up new front in Sumy/Chernihov silly, that would completely fuck up hohol war efforts.
>Open up new front in Sumy/Chernihov
You have said that crap like how many times since 2022?
>what's even worse, is that the bureaucrats who run this continent are fine with it, just look at scholz. he can't say a fucking word about german infrastructure (nordstream 2) which they spent billions building being destroyed by america. everyone knows america did it, but they won't do shit about it
Of course, he's probably filthy with compromat and leveraged all to hell with bribes. He knows the minute he lets Germans come to terms with the truth openly, they'll not get the floodgates closed again. We'll see how long the people will tolerate this. If the native Germans are too forgiving, I doubt the many migrants will be. There will be blood west of Kiev, before it's all through.
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>more fronts
Brilliant idea, anon. Why is Belusov so stupid? If only he knew...
>psycho voltron
What? It's just a struggle over money and power. Always has been. Not that complicated.
Sounds horrid, anon. I'm so sorry for you.
>/chug/ is the only place on 4chan i even use anymore, it's very comfy here, even during quiet american hours
In 4chanX > Wrench Menu > Filter > Subject


that filters out every non chug or chip board.
I think the Kremlin will wait until the AFU is completely exhausted before launching a big offensive, they probably want on that's akin to the 1975 spring offensive rather than operation bagration. An attack the absolutely destroys the enemy, encounters little resistance, and ends the war right then and there rather than one that was just highly successful but leaves a lot of fighting left to do.
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Yeah that's my point.At one point Russia will have to decisively win to finally end this.They have to overrun,encircle and destroy the ukrainian army and take over huge chunks of ukraine.
Otherwise we are just going to end up with a gay frozen conflict.
Even with a few government swaps in the west they are not going to give a worthvile peace treaty to Russia unless they win big on the battlefield.
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Good morning frens. how did 17k go?
You are pretending like Kharkov re opening didn't happen.
The AFU will only keep receiving much better weapons from the HATO as poccnr is resorting to use scooters made in chinkland
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>Brilliant idea, anon. Why is Belusov so stupid? If only he knew.

We need to tell him anon, tell him our masterplan on how to win.
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the US Govt. does behave like a mafia crime syndicate,
a combination of the costra nostra and the kosher nostra,
it's a historical fact that America inspired many of Nazi Germany's racial laws, imported Nazi's after the end of WW2 and also co-opted the Imperial Japanese biological weapons programme,
even the President that allowed the creation of the CIA later regretted it,
the overall commander of allied forces in europe who went on to become POTUS expressed his concerns about the growth of the power and influence of the military industrial complex in his farewell address,
the only thing we don't have concrete proof of is that the CIA assassinated JFK for having the audacity to want world peace.
Peter Dale Scott has extensively researched and documented the CIA's involvement in drugs, arms, money laundering, assassination of competitors and aggressive takeovers of other countries through coups for the benefit of US corporations,

it really does sound like a mafia crime syndicate to me.
I unironically wish /pol/ would talk about what's happening there more. I suppose it's hard because not many anons are actually from there, but it seems like the kind of thing that will be important on the larger stage depending on how things go in Europe. It's near to China so I wouldn't be surprised if USA tried to stir the pot there to get China's focus on something else when Ukraine starts caving.

I know we lost a lot of our glow over there, though, so who knows if they can even still do that, but I know they would try.
This is full retard mode
so be it, it is what it is,
>i was born after 9/11
you sweet summer child. depart of this cursed place.
At least with motorcycles you're not all cooped up in one little box. If Sergei eats shit and dies to a drone while you're all on motorcycles, you don't necessarily join him, you know?
the jewish mob was in bed with the feds for decades so it only makes sense that they behave that way
>not going to give a worthvile peace treaty to Russia unless

with all the hysterical bullshit and shreiking, I cant see any deal at all
im expecting not just the hohol army to be deleted,
but the hohols in total
anything left over will become russian, or target practise in the "special military zone"
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Bad morning aids mongols and 3rd worlders.
Hope you have a horrible day.
miss by 3
I want to cry
Hoover refused to admit organised crime existed in America because the Jewish mafia were blackmailing him with a photo of him sucking his boyfriends cock,

not much has changed in America, has it!

>It's near to China so I wouldn't be surprised if USA tried to stir the pot there

YT Brian Berletic, he covers things pretty well.
the new atlas
p.s. the murricans are in burma like flies on shit, been stirring the pot for years now
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>they probably want on that's akin to the 1975 spring offensive rather than operation bagration

Good point.Russia is probably waiting on election results on the west while continuing their attrition war strategy.By next year they will know what political environment the west gets post elections and then ukraine will be almost completely a run down conscript army with low morale and their society tired of war,especially after spending a full winter without electricity since their energy infrastructure is largely destroyed now for real.
The problem is that doing it slow also give time for Nato to plan and scheme.Who knows what kind of bullshit escalation they come up with next?
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That's not your fault but fuck im too old for this shit man. I was in highschool for 9-11.
>The problem is that doing it slow also give time for Nato to plan and scheme.Who knows what kind of bullshit escalation they come up with next?

its going to get worse before it gets better
he is right you know
but Americans are worse
Vodka delusion dreams.
Don't worry tovarish, Ukraine will keep getting well funded regardles of who wins the elections in said countries
Your generation... what a world you entered. It's rose colored glasses to say the past didn't have many problems still, but things were very different. It's almost impossible to get across with words what the world was like before mass internet. What people were like. I'm glad the younger generations still care about the truth, though.

Try not to let it make you too cynical. Youth should have hope.
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By the time AFU is "exhausted" there will be no need for a grand offensive. Russian troops will just be able to walk all the way to Queef.
>roll up to village
>"hi Taras, this Ivan. You wan FAB-3000 or surrender?"
I'm going to bed
>Verification not required.
Burma is hilarious in that it shows how autistic and fucking evil Americans are.
>Hurr durr kill all the Palestinians for baby Jesus
>Let's fund a Muslim rebel group in Myanmar
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>with all the hysterical bullshit and shreiking, I cant see any deal at all
>im expecting not just the hohol army to be deleted

There is another problem with hysterical and womanly west, which is that the closer ukraine gets to a total defeat the higher the chance that they escalate the conflict in a delusional way like pretending to be ukraine while deep striking Russia.
They think its genius and Russia won't respond.
I'm still waiting for my answer,

name one political rival that Putin has killed?
It's always been a struggle for money and power, and to some extent there have always been these psychopathic impulses, but the totality of capture that has now been effected over the governments and economic apparatus by these particularly mentally ill is unprecedented. If the character of nations can be personified by the sum and average characters of their people, then America has become more psychopathic than ever.
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>Russia faces difficulties with Chinese imports as Beijing tightens control.
>China has tightened export controls on military and dual-use products since July 1, the Moscow Times reported on July 5. This has already made it more difficult to deliver Chinese equipment and machinery to Russia, the Moscow Times reported, citing Russian importers.
good night
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Hoover was a cross dressing faggot, FBI is just holding up traditions
is that The Moscow Times located in the Netherlands by any chance?
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They lost the air war, they lost the artillery war and now they are running out of manpower.
The question is not who will win the war but how big ukraine loses.
Please explain why anybody opposing le monke suddenly dies?
Bad luck.
>election results on the west
I don't think its the political environment, though maybe the Kremlin is still hoping to keep its options open wr/t a deal.
> completely a run down conscript army with low morale
It's already there, hence why I think the "big arrows" will come once an offensive would be little more than a drive off into the sunset against an army that's barely capable of resistance.
Again, Operation Bagration outright destroyed Army group center in 1944 but cost the Red Army 180k KIA and there was still another 9 months of fighting left to get through, the 1975 Spring Offensive just ended South Vietnam with only 8k KIA.
>They lost the air war, they lost the artillery war and now they are running out of manpower.
This is pure projection, poccnr used to have advantage for everything in 2022, and still could not achieve one single 3 days SMO goal
what Hoover was doing would be a nothingburger today,
it makes you wonder what compromat they have over the current elite figures?

child porn snuff movies?
in other words, memefaggot has nothing while desperate googling like a mad dog.
They got vaccinated by pfizer
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Imagine if Russia would create "The Brussels Times" located in Moscow and spam the internet with bullshit articles.
>Government Gadfly Found Murdered Was Terrified ‘People Were After Her’


HAhahaahah OMG Jews are literally killing goy mutt civilians and nothing will be done about it hahahahaah

how much of a subhuman slave nation you have to be LMAO
What have we got on a Masoud Pezeshkian ?
please explain why so many people that oppose Washington wind up dead,
how many opponents has Washington killed this century and openly gloated about?
>They think its genius and Russia won't respond.

i cant wait for 'gas explosions' to start in the west
>it's a historical fact that America inspired many of Nazi Germany's racial laws, imported Nazi's after the end of WW2 and also co-opted the Imperial Japanese biological weapons programme,
A good number of our aerospace and rocketry programs have/had offices in and around Denver. Denver International Airport is shaped like a swastika you can see from space. In front of it is a large building that looks a bit like the eagle worn on Nazi uniforms.

>the overall commander of allied forces in europe who went on to become POTUS expressed his concerns about the growth of the power and influence of the military industrial complex in his farewell address,
I actually watched this speech once. It was years ago now, but it was one of the things that sent me down the rabbit hole with regards to the MIC.

>it really does sound like a mafia crime syndicate to me.
Because it is one.
same reason anyone with information against clintons dies, or boeing whistleblowers, ect
very enviromentally unfriendly
>Kateryna Denisova, The Kyiv Independent news desk
when his life is all about peremoga
I mean, this board was balls deep into discussing that 2015-16 and it fell off. The podestas being matched to the Madeline McCann kidnappers, Hillary being implicated in some horrific audio recordings, Galifantas and Seth Rich etc etc. Too bad Trump's a bitch made corrupt nigger himself and did absolutely fuck nothing about it. Trump would sell his own kids for a pack of crisps as long as you let him tell you about what a big golf course he has.
I believe Jews won several years of soft power over Iran, enough time to exterminate Gaza

literal globohomo liberal subhuman won elections

expect decline of Iran over next several years, what jews can't ever win in a war they win in peace
It's called RT to reach western audiences and publish bullshit
I see everybody freely critizing the president, or anyone else in the goverment. You are right now using an american made website that allows you to support the enemy and critize your shitty monarchy as well, Not such thing happens in 2ch where they ban you for having wrongthink against the dear leader
>This agreement is expected to be signed in the "very near future" and will reflect the "unprecedented upswing" in the Russia-Iran relationship. Experts believe it could lead to deeper political, military, and technological ties between the two countries. Iran also may seek to acquire Russian air systems like the S-400 to bolster its security against the U.S. and Israel.
>Both countries are cooperating to develop and produce more lethal drones and ballistic missiles for use in conflicts like the war in Ukraine. The agreement could involve joint ventures in oil, gas, and infrastructure projects to help both countries bypass Western sanctions.
>The key infrastructure project of Iran and Russia is the International North–South Transport Corridor (INSTC). It is a 7,200-km (4,500 mile) long multi-mode network of ship, rail, and road routes for moving freight between India, Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Central Asia and Europe. The INSTC reduces transit time from 40-60 days via the traditional route to 25-30 days, while being 40% shorter and 30% cheaper. The route connects major cities like Mumbai, Moscow, Tehran, Baku, Bandar Abbas, Astrakhan, Bandar Anzali.
>The INSTC is expected to play a significant role in the emerging geopolitical scenario in Eurasia. Moreover, India has taken an active interest in the project to open up markets in Russia, Central Asia and Europe.
>They think its genius and Russia won't respond.
well, russia hasn't really set a good precedent. for every escalation NATO has done, russia has just whined about it, no direct consequences at all
Checkin' those trips. Thanks for the recommendation!
>p.s. the murricans are in burma like flies on shit, been stirring the pot for years now
Of course

>Hurr durr kill all the Palestinians for baby Jesus
>Let's fund a Muslim rebel group in Myanmar
Psychopaths have no problems with cognitive dissonance because in the end, all the surface bluster is just a cover for their secret plans to enrich themselves at everyone else's expense. Our psycho leaders are bannerless animals who will help or harm whoever is most convenient for their bank accounts at any given moment.
meant to reply at the end here
expect Iran missile, drone programs and relations with Russia to decline so that liberal dog that won elections in Iran can appease his jewish masters and prostrate Iran to western powers for "sanction relief" (not that sanction relief can offer anything valuable anymore but it's the status of it that matters more)
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>Conscript army
>It's already there

They still have some better units that they move around the frontline to plug the holes.If those are sufficiently drained they only have crap low trained low morale conscripts left then they wont be able to quickly react and re deploy quality reserves to areas where Russians are pushing through.
The ukrainians always fought the big battles like Bakhmnut,Avdeevka etc mainly with their professional/better quality army, without that its ovyr for them.

>1975 Spring Offensive

When do you think Russia is planning to deliver the killer blow?2025 spring-summer?
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>Bannerless animals
I'm stealing that one, I like it




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Memeflaggot with gay fucking opinions, a story as old as time. Specifically the time gookmoot got caught fucking little boys in Roppongi and had to do the glowies a solid.
I missed 17k.
Post kots to make me feel better.
ukraine used to shoot down 80-90% of Russian missiles, now they can barely shoot down anything and Russia lobs missiles at ukraine whenever they feel like it, they don't even need to do their large focused raids to get through the hoholian AA.
I remember when was talks about the decreasing Russian artillery capability and increasing ukrainian artillery, now that all stopped.Russia not just kept their artillery superiority but managed to largely destroy the hoholian artillery.
where is RT based?
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>some better units that they move around the frontline to plug the holes
Well they're getting low given that the Kiev Garrison had to be sent to the front last month
>When do you think Russia is planning to deliver the killer blow
Fucked if I know, but assuming its going to happen, it could happen at any time provided the RuAF thinks its going to conclusive without incurring too many casualties of its own.
Cute. Thank you.
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>the space commies are now besties with the OG aryans
its like a total warhammer game
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you'll get over it.
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>I missed 17k celebration
Damn it all...
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it was nothing compared to the 16k
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Thanks frens. Happy Koturday.
The problem is that what we identified was a corrupt and controlled criminal justice system. We reached this place where everyone knows it's fucked and that people are guilty as sin, but because they're (sometimes literally) in bed with the judges or have them blackmailed too, nothing is going to come of it. We've reached a point where all the non-physical options for dealing with this are spent. There is no solution to it in litigation, but anons know independent real world action will just be spun up as terrorism, and stand-alone actors won't accomplish much.

That's why I'm here. Russia winning represents the best chance to destabilize enough of the western system that the lay people may finally be able to win the executive branch officers to their side and actually do something about all these crooks IRL. They've been trying to purge all but the most loyal out of the military and police forces, but a good chunk of them have to still have that spark of not wanting to play goldcloak to fucking pedophiles. We just need enough cracks in the mask and the system for the light of hope and truth to finally get through to enough people.
No one js going to read that
>for every escalation NATO has done, russia has just whined about it, no direct consequences at all

Well,Nato escalations are increasingly just talk and narrative now.They talk bigly about how they are going to send troops to ukraine and deep strike Russia, then pretend that they are winning bigly and then cuck out and implement a half assed plan.Nato maxed out their hybrid war against Russia and the only escalation they can do now is to go to war directly against Russia.
Almost guaranteed to have been injured, probably burst eardrums and concussion, if you're unlucky you could be blinded too. You're not walking away from an explosion like that without serious injury even if there's a barrier like a house between you to take some of the pressure
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I posted a watercolor of my kot in thread #16999 before getting flooded with work and got ignored. Reposting for you, fren.
Not without severe injury
It's just based
Looks like shit
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Belly of the beast and all that
Thanks. I have a foreskin, do you?
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I missed it too, but at least minmay is in the banners
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I already posted my fore.skin to here once.
They still do it, now poccnr focuses on attacking empty villages with FAB junk mostly
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We'll get 'em next time.
Hope to catch 18k
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We know your a nigger, but have you considered that if you lay across train tracks you could become TWO niggers?
It's very apt, I think. They don't really have any allegiences to anything or anyone but themselves, not even their families or children, if push comes to shove, and because psychopathy/sociopathy involve literal brain damage to the parts that process higher-order thinking, they are truly more animal than human. Lizard people thinking with their lizard brains.
ah, you kept it in a little box did you?
Was it in your rabbi's mouth?
I dont have bad v.ibes im just Nietzschean
Nice Mexibro. Keep at it.
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no, you're just retarded.
Im in bed ab.out to go to sleep. I cant take on the entire thread
I blame the boring France - Portugal match. I fell asleep.
the only thing you've ever beaten is your tiny pecker.
Comfy kot.
Is that a Norwegian black kot?
>That's why I'm here. Russia winning represents the best chance to destabilize enough of the western system that the lay people may finally be able to win the executive branch officers to their side and actually do something about all these crooks IRL. They've been trying to purge all but the most loyal out of the military and police forces, but a good chunk of them have to still have that spark of not wanting to play goldcloak to fucking pedophiles. We just need enough cracks in the mask and the system for the light of hope and truth to finally get through to enough people.
well said
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>people in third world conditions under a zog government actively geocoding them dont have the luxury of being bleeding hearts
>anyway lets fight and die for those same jews so they can racially genocide us too
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>BAVOVNA after UAVs attack on the LUKOIL oil depot in Pavlovskaya, Krasnodar Territory
>Norwegian black kot
It's called New Norwegian Kot. Don't be a racist Chud.
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So it seems, so it seems...
uhm akshually they're called cats of color now
That's what awaits le monke
I had a peregrine RKO a pigeon on my roof so I'm blaming that on missing 17k
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17k an not even 1000 posts
it's yvir
hyhyls will pay
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She's... I don't know, all the cats from her litter are short haired tabbies. I don't know why she's so different from them. But she's not from a particular breed.
Thanks anon. We talk a lot of shit about the glow, but I can't shake this feeling that at least some of them might still want real justice. At the very least, I think we could count on a good number of the regular police. The army is another matter, they pushed hard to get ideologically different people out, and they've always been more indoctrinated than the civil forces, but at the same time they come face to face with how bullshit zog actually is. It's going to be a ride once it really kicks off.
beautiful, looks like a maine coon
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>Partisans killed all the North Koreans, blew up the trains and all the ammo
It's the end for Kim once the partisans liberate Pyongyang
shid. meant for>>473228359
I'm too old for this shit. It's a fucking NIGGER!
Ukrainian agent.
She's beautiful and looks arctic.
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>83 get
blessed by the kot gods
these Ukroids really are mentally ill,
Thanks. She always act so smug and almighty with my other cats, always looking down on them, that's why I always draw her wearing a crown. Like the tyrant she tries to be.
Any pictures of it???
Or as always happend only in their heads???
Any Russian sauces on that? Sounds like it would be the big news
These are simple bombs. They have a damage radius. For FAB500 it is something like 250 meters. The closer you are the more likely you are dead or never fight again. Bigger bombs have bigger radius.
I'm no expert but those bomb seem close enough to cover each others radius so everyone should be dead or dying. Even if some survive they will never be able to fight again.
Cute being of pure energy. Thanks bro.
Nothing but feathers now
SBU will hold a vigil.
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Good morning frenZ! Happy caturday!!
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Good morning and happy late 17k sirs
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>I dont have bad v.ibes im just Nietzschean
Nietzschean you say...
Good morning bozgorbro. Happy koturday!
Looks like many missed it. I'll chug a beer later.
Henlo gypsybro, how is going? Another heatwave announced here :(
Just made up shit, new narrative is that losing territory is their defence in depth strategy.
According to MSM Atesh killed all the VDV in Kherson, Iranian drone instructors in Crimea and all the Hollywood spy movie stuff.
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happy caturday
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Ukrainians just need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and get a job! Just like us hard working Americans did back when men were men!
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>Rostec reported that they handed over a batch of PP-2000 submachine guns to the Ministry of Defense. The weapons were already sent to Russian military units.
Our necromancers should consider creating tactical zombie girls unit.
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happy caturday!
It's nice and cool for now. I don't mind the heat though.
Keep some beers in the freezer and you'll be fine.
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The energetic potential of kot is too pure to ever truly measure.
Any recent news about VDV though?
>Rostec reported
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PeePee-2000 looks goofy.

lso I heard another bear attack this time in a Zoo. The Russian recon team making mayhem!
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Necromancy was heavily suppressed by the international cabal once they realized we were serious about it, as were remote viewing and astral projection. The psywar is real, anon. Normies would never even dream of the things we've seen.
Well deserved. Bears should not be caged.
More made up partisans ripped out of movies.
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sr-2 is like the chad version of the pp2k
hohol blocks are getting added to minecraft?
New minecraft really going for that gritty aesthetic on the hohol NPCs.
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My kot and the next door kitten that stalks him
The kitty looks like his offspring.
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I concur, it looks far better, trad lines, compact suppressor, everything what you need tor a little midnight pighunt.
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Truly sacred animals. It's not hard to understand why some of the ancients worshiped them.
Oh I remember him! he is the big bro who brotect the smoll kid!
Replied to the wrong post, but you're not wrong.
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Maybe its this, a Norwegian forest cat.
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He is providing a purrsitive role model.
A Russian soldier fires at Ukrainian positions with a North Korean shell on which a greeting on Independence Day of the US was drawn by order from the Internet.

What a wonderful world we live in.
damn, I blame the lack of coffee and post 17k sleep deprivation
and to think, he could've bombed a pole, american, georgian, or briton with it!

Sacred indeed. My Koshka and my Ushanka.
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It is tho. But I still like it.
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Hail Kotler!
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>A Russian soldier fires at Ukrainian positions with a North Korean shell
>a North Korean shell
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Okay, that's what I kind of assumed, but I'm not all that well versed in the specifics of different bombs (though I'm learning a great deal since the start of the SMO). Thanks!

Well, not really surprising. Budanov has to have some way to justify his existence.
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Does anyone care that I’m burning down California? When will Newsom respond, when people start dying?
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0 fatalities
For now
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When exactly did shitty tattoo culture enter Ukraine?
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My favorite thing is anything with 9x39 SP-5/6 ammo. Vikhr, Vintorez etc.
I would be so demoralized if i was forced to use north korean shells after wanting to larp as if i was part of the soviet red army
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More kots!
That is a cute koshka, you are blessed to have her! Does she wear the ushanka?
do you find people avoid you in real life?
So why is the barrel so thick on these? Is it something to do with the ammunition or is it some kind of built in suppressor?
Yep, the barrel is a big suppressor for the subsonic ammo.
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forgot the pic
>suppressor for subsonic ammo
Ohhhh, so these are very quiet then? That's neat. Is it mostly a special forces kind of weapon then?
Yes, they was invented for anti-terrorist operations, with improved armor penetration.
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Pattern is similar but way different breed, one is a domestic cat and the other a Russian mother and Romanian father Maine coon.
The little brother also bring dead birds to my front door as offering for him.
yeah. it's like the russian version of the mp5sd but with biggu 9mm. suppressed and no supersonic cracks.
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Kot in kothederal, but whether they are cat-holics or a member of orthopawxy, God smiles on kot.
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I know it is the circle of the life n stuff. But since I have a small bird house I cannot approve his gifting method! But I also have a cat I know they are natural born killers. She usually kill flies and other bugs.
Where did the Leopard tanks go?
Why would you put a PSO-1 on something with basically a pistol barrel and subsonic ammo?
>russian version of the mp5sd
Well, we for replacement mp5 we have this bad boy.
Also checked.
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very cool and also checked. I suppose they're not easy to get outside of Russian then, though.
>Romanian father
Sounds about right.
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good morning to all my russian frens. most italians are on your side
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For 10% more headshots. The 9x39 is not a sniper round, but for example Vintorez have a special reticle in the scope, so the operator can compensate for the HUGE bullet drop.
It's not rocket science.
You see those bricks lazily blowing outwards? Do you think you'll be injured by a brick flying at 2m per second? Wearing a helmet that is. The answer is no.
From the fact the walls blow out rather weakly you can infer that the explosive power was spent.
If you use 10kg of explosives to launch a pallette of bricks a couple of meters that isn't going to injure anyone.
If the blast was still dangerous that stone debris would move faster, up to hypervelocity, and completely shred the dude like shrapnel.
tl;dr he got some light blast injuries, but that's it.
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>mfw kot eats more luxuriously than me
a species closer to God
400M max range.
>Budanov has to have some way to justify his existence.
They could at least try to make it believable instead of 'rag tag rebels made up of tranny barista blows up 60000 soldiers
>his gifting method
It's tame actually compared to this one which is my father's cat.
3 snake kills all shredded and put inside my mother's jogging shoes causing chaos when she finds out.
/chug/ is better for /k/ than /k/ anymore
sad but true

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