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TLDR: Traitor feds/jews are working with chinese private security, ISIS and the cartels to make a terrorist attack against the USA. They have an operation running through these border patrol forward operating bases at the arizona mexico border. Their plan looks like to shut down the grid in the southwest, midwest, south and east coast of the USA simultaneously with a broad terrorist attack across multiple major US cities. This is all followed by a land invasion by CCP ground forces from the west coast and north border. Cartels will be pushing through the southern border. Immigrants are being trained and given weapons to participate in the terror attacks. They are soldiers for the united nations. This could happen any time before the election. If they want to win WW3 they have to decapitate the US with the first strike.
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Here are the archive threads for the original posts and the discussions
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Previous thread

To the anons calling me a glownigger saying this was shut down years ago but now its being kept alive because they want us to talk about it...

Keep in mind I was in the original threads I created these screencaps from back in april. Ive been monitoring mentions of Electric Rain Volt Typhoon and Project Catastrophe and have seen little to no activity since april. Ive been sitting on this information playing dead in real life because I received threats not to spread the info. I live in arizona and they know who I am. SO im posting this stuff anyway at risk of my own personal safety because I dont give a fuck. I fully expect to get banned by jannies for posting these even though its politically relevant.
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Alright lets start from the beginning.

These screencaps are from a supposed whistleblower who created a series of threads here on /pol/ on 4/20/24. The poster described information regarding forward operating bases on the arizona mexico border conducting criminal operations. They said that corrupt feds in the FBI/DHS/CBP were working with Huawei Chinese Private Security, mexican cartels and the islamic extremists arriving in north america as immigrants. He showed us pictures of underground tunnels supposedly constructed by Martinez Construction Inc, a federal contractor construction company run by a couple who have a deep background in the federal government. He also showed pictures of unmarked helicopter flying into one of the FOBs. He brought up Patrick Linnenbank, a europe security expert who runs a private security company out of dubai.

Now this ties into previous leaks from 2020/2021 relating to a group called CNASR - Coalition of North American Socialist Republic. It all starts with the Nashville Bombing. A youtube channel called S MCG released a video of the explosion the day of the bombing. A different channel under the same name was found that had cryptic videos with temporary data storage. Users discovered documents detailing a communist takeover of the United States with signs of sleeper cell activity inside the country. The documents outlined a plan called Electric Rain, which was to take down the power grid and launch a subsequent attack on mainland USA to takeover the country.
>This is all followed by a land invasion by CCP ground forces from the west coast and north border.
How is China going to amass a huge fighting force on the northern border let alone the Pacific without being noticed?
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They already have. They have tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands inside of canada already. Tens of thousands of chinese nationals have entered the united states in the last couple years.


Waged by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and augmented with cyber warfare, orbital space weapons and the activation of CCP civilians currently embedded in corporations and governments around the world.

This is the bombshell that has emerged from the leaked audio out of China, for which a full English translation and transcript has now been published by whistleblower Jennifer Zeng at this link. https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/home/2022/5/16/top-secret-recording-war-mobilization-meeting-of-the-southern-war-zone-of-the-pla-guangdong-province-is-in-a-state-of-war

>China’s shutdowns of Shanghai and Beijing were actually a cover story to allow the military to use sea port infrastructure to load cargo ships with military supplies in preparation for a large-scale “D-Day” land invasion.
>Although the United States is not specifically mentioned in the leaked audio, the preparations refer to a “Final War” and are deemed far too extensive to merely be targeting Taiwan.
>The invasion forces would cross the Pacific disguised as merchant ships / cargo ships. Once they arrive within short-range rocket range, containers on the top of these ocean vessels would open up and launch short-range rockets, including tactical battlefield nuclear weapons, striking National Guard and military bases in California. Chinese troops would then land on the beaches. They would seize the ports (such as Long Beach), then use the ports to land heavier ships which would offload armor, artillery, and other heavy weapon of war. From there, China would have established a beachhead similar to the way allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
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>Both China and Russia have pre-staged large caches of weapons, uniforms, RPGs, automatic weapons, night vision equipment and other military gear across the United States, county by county. These equipment caches will be activated when the CCP and Russian civilians are told to “go hot” and begin carrying out domestic sabotage operations targeting the US power grid, fuel refineries, railways and other infrastructure targets. From the transcript of the leaked audio, “We should take the way of using civilians to cover and support the military… We will mobilize overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese organizations to actively participate in supporting our military operations.”
>China is deliberately stockpiling massive quantities of food supplies (grains), microchips, ammunition, commodities and other items in preparation for being economically cut off by the West, just as the USA and NATO did to Russia. This further implies that China is preparing to attack the West and is anticipating the West’s response by watching what the USA and NATO have done to Russia.
>China is actively converting its economy from a normal peacetime operation to a wartime operation, and China’s military leaders cite their “success” with covid lockdowns as proof that their command-and-control dominance over domestic operations will keep them in power.
>China is expecting massive riots and civil unrest in the large cities around Hong Kong (Guangzhou and Shenzhen), and they are committed to using special forces from the PLA to immediately execute protesters and instantly quell any uprisings.
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>China and Russia have teamed up in this effort to destroy their common enemy (the USA). Russia’s operations in Ukraine are essentially a “fixing operation” to cause the USA to commit its military hardware and troops to the Ukrainian theater of war, thereby creating vulnerabilities and lack of military readiness in the continental United States (CONUS), just as China is preparing to invade the USA in a D-Day-style landing of troops and military equipment.
>From other sources, we also know that China is taking active steps in global currency wars to dump the dollar, dump all dollar / Treasury debt, and prepare for a global dollar collapse.
>This invasion plan has all been aided by Gov. Newsom and the Democrats of California outlawing AR-15s and normal capacity magazines, causing the people of California to be ill-equipped to defend themselves against invading enemy forces.
>California Gov. Newsom is complicit in the entire operation and has been paid off with $500 million in laundered money that the state of California first transferred to China as part of a $1 billion “PPE purchase” scheme which resulted in $500 million going back to Newsom and his treasonous co-conspirators. Newsom literally used taxpayer funds and China money laundering to pay himself half a billion dollars in kickbacks, believed to be denominated in gold, cash and crypto.
>China’s goal is to exterminate every last American in North America, then conquer the fertile farmlands of the Midwest, which are desperately needed by China to produce the crops that will feed its people and support China’s global expansion toward world dominance. The longstanding military posture of China includes a plan to exterminate every last American, including all the illegals who currently reside in the USA.
>China can raise up to 100 million military troops over time, flooding CONUS with a seemingly endless stream of combat troops.
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Who cares anymore? Fuck this country. Its over. 50 percent of americans despise the flag and everything it stands for. They would rather fly a flag that celebrates dude’s fucking each others ass or niggers murdering and stealing. This idea that america is any cohesive unit to even attack now is laughable. They destroyed patriotism, imported a shit ton of browns and attacked anyone as racist who disagreed. No one will ever give a shit about america again. This is not fixable before it falls apart
>They have tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands inside of canada already. Tens of thousands of chinese nationals have entered the united states in the last couple years.
But these aren't fighting men by any means, just Chinese. I've seen them, they aren't going to scare anyone
but nukes tho
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This is the type of attitude they want, to give up and accept defeat. Theyve sowed chaos in the USA for decades in preparation of this. In my eyes there is still time to unite people against the threat. I dont want to see american citizens slaughtered and this country gone forever.
I dont believe thats true. But go ahead and tell us more about these chinese tourists you know so well.
Thats the point, they have to make a move to decapitate the US before we have a chance to respond. Any response or retaliation by the USA will be mutually assured destruction.
Don't care
There are very few "IMMINENT DISASTER CATASTROPHE" scenarios that aren't beneficial for me.

>All military installations and cities get nuked
>People in those areas most effected are non-Whites, glowies, communists

>World war 3, major naval blockades everywhere
>People in cities most effected aka non-Whites, glowies, communists

>Massive civil unrest
>People in cities most effected aka non-Whites, glowies, communists

I straight up don't care
>There are very few "IMMINENT DISASTER CATASTROPHE" scenarios that aren't beneficial for me.
Actually, every scenario isnt beneficial for you.

In every scenario Australia is captured as a colony for China and the native populace (you) is either enslaved or executed. Remember the camps they made for you during covid?
china will be pre-occupied with india at that point
We literally have nothing to worry about
russia can't move more than 1km at a time without getting harried by FPV drones but you think China can transport millions of troops, and billions in equipment over thousands of km to land in Australia
China owns the Canadian government and theyve been importing pajeets by the plane load for well over a decade now. Whats the I in BRICS?

Politician who ‘sold out Australia’ recruited by China

They are already well into their process of infiltrating western countries
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The whistleblower anon said he was in contact with Nathaniel Sergio.

He had a work history of bouncing around different construction jobs. His last job according to his work history was as a property manager.

Internet search showed that over ten years ago when he was 29, Nathaniel got arrested for punching a woman in the face while she was driving them both from a party. He resisted arrest and had previously been arrested for domestic violence against her.

Whats important is that Nathaniel is listed on one of the CNASR documents which is a payment spreadsheet. In 2020 he was arrested for tampering with communications towers in new york.

>On Thursday, the Sheriff's Office and the New Hartford Police Department responded to a trespassing report at National Grid in the town of New Hartford. Someone had scaled a fence and shut off power to a cellular and communication tower.
>The suspect, 38-year-old Nathaniel Sergio, of Utica, fled the scene and was apprehended shortly afterwards. He was taken into custody and confessed to damaging multiple towers in Oneida and Herkimer counties. He was charged with trespassing and criminal tampering, both misdemeanors.
>Sergio also faces a criminal mischief felony charge, which stems from a Nov. 10 incident at a different tower in New Hartford. The damage to the tower disrupted communications for emergency personnel.
>He was arraigned and released on his own recognizance under bail reform laws.

Then, a year later, he was arrested for tampering with another cell tower WHILE WEARING AN ANKLE MONITOR for his previous crimes. He had been placed on house arrest.

Six months later he had killed himself in federal prison. He was found as a suicide hanging with a sheet around his neck. He literally got epsteined.

In a heavily redacted commission report on his death, the associate commissioner of the forensics division is Dr Li Wen Lee. Coincidence?
Not my problem.
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Project Catastrophe was first mentioned here on /pol/ back in november 2023. There were numerous reports of 4chan having down time after this post. Anons speculated that the website could have gone down because of the post.
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Sounds far fetched but honestly I believe it, at least the Canadian part, IDK about the bases near mexico but it could be true. Need more proof though. Right now it sounds like an elaborate hoax until we actually see a happening.

You know a lot of shit gets said on 4chan with no backing and its mostly just larp and bait threads.

We'll see what happens come November. I honestly doubt anything will happen, nothing ever happens really.
>50 percent of americans despise the flag and everything it stands for.
The muttflag stands for jews niggers racemixing and transgenderism. Fuck your zionist faggot flag you fucking retard.
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One last bump from me for now.
Meds immediately
This post triggers the Jews and their Chinese Communist golems.
Good. I'm taking over fucking Ohio when it happens.
Bump because it's a Saturday. Read up.

congrats you have been fooled by sleeper agents thats there entire purpose, blend in wait for the signal

what if the storm is a geomagnetic electric storm that kills people outside on site

that would explain all the storm symbolism
bump again
and again
This thread outlines the plot by adversaries of the USA to invade the country. They will attempt to do this in the time to come before the election this november.
The fight with secret kung fu
>striking National Guard and military bases in California. Chinese troops would then land on the beaches
Will irvine california be fine?
There is a new WoW expac coming this august, they better not claim they can not deliver content for it on time cause of some 4chan invasion..
May be i shouldnt have prepurchased it on my Kazahk account..
Last bump from me
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I'll throw one in
Bump for exposing the plot and turning every american that lives around a china town into a righteous crusader that cleanses the land
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bump. this thread needs attention.
another bump
fuck you you fucking retarded nigger
the tldr is chinks have our phones, redskins are cannibals, and the economy isnt in play anymore
its fighting season and youre talking like a faggot
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I *LIKED* Jericho... even if it did have mountains in Kansas.
one last bump to give this thread a little more life. good luck out there every one
>ground invasion

Did they forget everyone has guns or something? Let them send their target practice.
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Cool, keep me posted.
There is already an invasion of 10's of millions.
>everyone has guns
Wrong, but I'll grant it to you. Assuming 100% of families have guns: What percentage are trained for combating insurgents? You lot are dumber than the "you don't need guns you need f-16s" crowd.
Cant wait to see muttoids go apeshit start shooting up schools.
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This doesn't makes any fucking sense

>2 more weeks
>trust me bro

You don't need to be trained to take out a few chinks before you go down. That's all that matters.
Anon, there are several chinatowns around the country and the border has had it's doors wide open for roughly a decade straight. Why do you think the feds were permitting SIG threads? I like the attitude, don't ever lose it, but keep that training up.
SIG was perma banned retard
they just came back because the filty moderation stopped moderating at all
that whole thread read like a facebook boomer fanfiction
fuck off already
>a "leaf"
>I'm totally based guys
>but preparing for an invasion is faggy
You *will* be exposed, and you WILL be dealt with.

shut your retarded mouth utterly stupid low IQ
in case you guys didn notice
/pol/ and 4chan are dead
there's no one with a brain left here
zero (0)
Great. First meat wave are companies that develop violent video games. All the he-shes with blue helmets.
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Nice, you amerimutts will finally have good reason to use your guns.
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that spy balloon was way too obvious
Oh yeah, that's fear alright.

go away retard
>t. never seen combat
Bro have you been up north? Its literally all Chinese people in upper wisconsin and michigan..
If the power goes out across the entire nation for three whole days, brown people are going to have a really bad time. Remember Katrina.
>Their plan looks like to shut down the grid in the southwest, midwest, south and east coast of the USA simultaneously with a broad terrorist attack across multiple major US cities. This is all followed by a land invasion by CCP ground forces from the west coast and north border. Cartels will be pushing through the southern border.
that's a terrible idea and you should study more about Chinese military strategies if you're trying to write fanfic about it, faggot.
Watch the video “all nightmare long” on YT from 2009. Shows alot!
So has the chang that'll come after me on the day of a land invasion. Your point?
>Tens of thousands of chinese nationals have entered the united states in the last couple years.
I can promise you with 100% certainty, the local militias near the border are well aware of the Chinese buildup, including the training that’s been happening on Vancouver Island since 2016. We can also say the militias are aware of the fact the United States of Israel / National Guard will not come save anyone when this happens (dumbass military plan is to contract and defend via the mountain range) There are plans in place to protect we the people from these bugs. The PLA will get unbelievably fucked if they set foot on We the Peoples soil. Not even political, just a warning to the rotten 40iq PLA.
Chinks have basically took over the entire pnw. Seattle and Bellevue are all chinks with some poojeets mixed in
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Yes! Thank you! I knew this was something not to be forgotten. It was brought up once and never talked about again. So this is the project, yeah? Surly someone from within the US is in the know about this. Any more info you can give is appreciated
Wait until you hear our plans. Militaries plan for everything whether they'll happen or not. This is some wacko fear mongering
I'm sure everyone would love to hear
It's called a billion guns owned by actual war veterans and rednecks, good luck
That’s what the drones are for
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you got pain in the lower back too, huh
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yeah,but at least we got taco tuesday
I wonder if this can lead to him, we might actually be able to liberate the leafs.
This is just a shitty distraction thread. OP is obviously just trying to keep us running in circles while never taking us anywhere meaningful. OP uses the same talking points every shill uses. The threads aren't wroth your time.
>distraction thread
as opposed to all the other clearly thought-provoking threads of course.

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