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Why did Russia fail to go to the Moon?
russia already visited sun, moon is for pussies like america
Fewer Germans
The fake moon landing will hasten America’s demise, and Russia will take top position because they will have clout around the world because they never lied about a moon landing
They made the ship, but the ship was hijacked by mutated sharks. A couple cosmonauts gave their lives to protect this planet. Didn't you see the documentary "Sharkside of the Moon"?
couldn't into heavy lift rockets and bad economy
Notice how everyone is ready to shit on America until it comes to the moon. A big no-no in leftardism. To undo the moon landing is to undo muh science gods.
If you actually believe America went to the Moon, you're fucking retarded.
They did go with probes. Neither did the US with actual humans. https://youtu.be/FlpstXNjImY It looks like a 60's or 70's sci-fi movie. A pretty average or even poor one in parts and details. You wouldn't be able to communicate while landing that jet, there would be a big crater while landing that jet, the shadowing doesn't make sense for the moon settings in the pictures, no pictures made of stars during the night as they were there for like 3 days supposedly (lol) and making perfect pictures with no problem with those temperatures & an old camera (lmao). You can see the actors getting lifted numerous times. The flag does move without being touched which doesn't make sense for the moon either. Most counter arguments are poor and they released a cringe psyop to discredit the really fake moon landing with poor arguments and an actor acting like a movie maker, in reality the US government themselves made it and it's fake regardless of this bullshit. The moon landing with humans is the actual conspiracy simply because they survived radiation that would have killed them numerous times over twice somehow without proper protection going through the radiation belt as the rocket couldn't lift it all back then, this is also why no human has still been there with our tech (they need to actually fix this problem). The landings at some point did happen with probes and there are real good pictures of the moon and thus likely also material. The bigger conspiracy is that they scrubbed clear structures shown on some places in these real pictures. Nasa overall just sucks and it's perfectly reasonable to suspect degenerate masons and the US government to scam their people for high billions of $$ and to 'win' the space race against the Soviets who were clearly leading it.
>America visits planet of war
>Russia visits planet of love
North Korea landed on the sun not Russia
We split the atom and invented the atomic bomb but sending men to our nearest little rock and back is too far fetched? Just accept that generation was the master race
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why did America?
They made a deal in 60's. Russia keep quite about "moon landing" in exchange for free vodka.
The breakaway civilization told everyone no
Did China and India and Israel all get something too?
US did a lot of cool stuff back then. even the Shuttle was cool af even if it wasn't the best over all choice.

>You wouldn't be able to communicate while landing that jet,
> there would be a big crater while landing that jet,
>, no pictures made of stars during the night as they were there for like 3 days
what night? if you mean appollo 17, they landed during lunar morning, and a lunar day is about 14 earth days in length
> those temperatures & an old camera
what temperatures? do you think things lose all their heat instantly they enter a vacuum? its wasn't an old camera either, its still one of the best medium format cameras you can buy, and theirs were modified for the environment
Why was it necessary to build a superheavy lift rocket that could put all three sections into orbit in one go? Why not launch each part on smaller, more reliable rockets, assemble in orbit, then go to the moon?
Russia didn't fail to go to the moon.
They just knew it was a giant waste of money and resources.
Russia is actually the most successful country in the world.
Russians still believe in exceptionalism.
that was definitely one option and Von Braun had plans to do it that way. Thing is that the Americans nailed orbital rendezvous and docking during Gemini, while the russians didn't until much later, and both the russian and US programs decided on a single launch long before they knew how to do that.
It came down to the success of the heavy lift rockets, or not, because that was route which was chosen a decade before the first landing basically. once committed, everything else was designed and built to do it that way.
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They sent a dog there
Interesting answer.

I don't see how that stopped us or the Russians or China from going to the moon since Apollo. Especially with how regular and reliable that rocket launches have become since then. NASA draggs their feet a bellyaches about needing SLS perfected before trying again, but they could do it right now by using a bunch of SpaceX lifts.
>stopped us or the Russians or China from going to the moon since Apollo
both countries descended into failed communist economies. china tore itself to pieces or starved and any tech they had was given to them by a gradually weakening soviet onion.

but look at whats going on now - china is fast passing milestones in space travel and the US is now working towards going to the moon and beyond using the multiple launch approach you mentioned, mostly because of the massively increased payloads they want to take there.

For the small scale landings of the apollo program a single large launch vehicle was doable. just a couple guys and little bit of equipment each time. a single starship landing will place more mass on the lunar surface than all 6 apollo landings.
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I like dogs who didn't die in space
i Laika, if you know what i mean
Money. The russians went with a too ambitious design. That design couldn't work with the technology of the time. Interestingly, that's similar to the design SpaceX went with, and they took more test launches than the russian version ever did to succeed. The russians simply saw that their design wouldn't work and would need a budget they didn't have. The Apollo program was simply more reasonable and they had more money to accomplish it. It was still a monumental undertaking that employed a huge fraction of the nation to accomplish.

Idiots who say "it never happened" don't know how many million of people were affected and the industries involved. It was a nation-wide group project.
>Why did Russia fail to go to the Moon?
Russia is Nigeria with snow, they are practically a third world country by any metric, Stalin set them back 100 years, and Putin is setting them back another 100 years
>and they took more test launches than the russian version ever did to succeed
how are you figuring that? i think the N1 had...4 launches and blew up every time i think, the last time right on the pad, taking a lot of people and facilities with it. That, and the things you mentioned, led to them ceasing their moonshot attempt. Starship is similar in that it has lots of engines on the main stage, but many are gimbaled rather than thrust variable to control attitude, amongst many other differences.
Sergei Korolev died in the middle of the race
>I don't see how that stopped us or the Russians or China from going to the moon since Apollo.
Or America.
There's no other valid answer other than it was fake.
Note how infantile the Canadian anon's responses to that are, he always shills in these threads, he'll post at least 50 posts itt.
He will also lose argument and start accusing anybody who disagrees with him of being a flat earther
hello flat earth fren. which infantile responses are you talking about
cuz mb moonlanding is fake ?
what did the US do with what they learned from the moon landing? literally nothing. whether it was faked or not is not important because the end result is the same, just a bunch of money wasted for nothing other than propaganda.
They didn't own such splendid talents like Kubrick
they didn't have stanley kubrick
just go search for this string "technology developed due apollo program" and spend some time reading about it.
>Starts accusing anons who don't buy the moonlanding of being flatearthers
>Exactly 1 post after I said he will
Kek dumb shills will never not be retarded
Because space is gay
we both know you are, but it really just a joke since you brought it up first.

again, which replies of mine in this thread do you think were infantile?
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>technology developed due apollo program
Let's see ... well imagine that. I'm sure Kubrick being there is just a coincidence
Not enough money and political turmoil if you want a genuine response.
yes, the top director of the period, known for his excellent photography, was able to buy one of the very few highest quality lenses produced to order. Since he was also consulted for advice on how to best equip and plan the photography/videography for apollo, we can bet he used his nasa contacts to be able to snag one of those awesome lenses.

>waah kubrick filmed it
for which you have no evidence, let alone opposing evidence in the form of his busy schedule of producing his best films all through that period, and the fact he never left the UK after moving there in 1961 lol
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In noviet Russia moon comes to you
Yep, there ain't no fucking way in hell this is a coincidence.
Is that a Bosmer?
Soviet technology just wasn't up to it; they lacked the metallurgy, electronics, communications infrastructure, or manufacturing standards needed for a venture of that complexity.
there is literally no resemblance at all, what a shit stupid conspiracy theory
They are space pussys
Something like that couldn't be that much on the nose, now would it? The sweater. The numbers. The way Kubrick butchered King's story to make it fit something else entirely. There's something going on in there.
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soviets cut funding for the N1 after Korolev died
>Danny is playing on a carpet with trucks on a pattern that somewhat resembles the launch pad
If it was the only thing ok but
>He gets up with an Apollo 11 pic on his sweater ("launches")
>"Travels" to room 237 (Moon is 237k miles from Earth)
Too many "coincidences".
When you add all the other hints from the movie it's impossible it's all by accident
>Moon is 237k miles from Earth
no, but perhaps you meant miles. But even then, the distance varies constantly. Min is about 225k miles, max about 252k miles. Is the number 237 in there somewhere? yes. but so are many other numbers.
>no, but perhaps you meant miles.
scratch that part actually, had some kind of brain malfunction/reading comprehension failure lol
The Soviets put so many probes on the surfaces of different planets yet when the US lands a man on the moon is counted somehow as a win, it's like claiming an participation trophy,
yes, its all absolutely the same thing
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I'm thinking if Russians now would actually try they could go to the moon because no DEI
maybe. guess they''d rather kill ukranians and their own people instead.
We absolutely went. Six times.
A) We did go back. Six times we went in total.
B) We're going back again. Artemis has been in the works for years.
>But even then, the distance varies constantly.
It was the average nasa gave
>A) We did go back. Six times we went in total.
Since Apollo ? No you didn't. All 6 times during 1 president btw
>B) We're going back again. Artemis has been in the works for years.
>Kennedy announces "we're going to the Moon in '63 before America even had a successful space flight
>6 years later they are on the Moon (practically from scratch)
>Artemis and other are in the works for decades and they have things to build on but somehow they just can't figure it out
Also design bureaus were competing for resources and there was no agency to coordinate space-related projects.
>It was the average nasa gave
when? where?
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They went to a different planet. Sent all sorts of probes and got interesting info
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fair enough. most of the averages i see mentioned put it at 238800 miles, and its was 245k miles away during apollo 11. but anyway, you're still ignoring what i said about kubrick here >>473267916
No more German propulsion technology.

Turns out a commie shithole of Slavs and Khazars doesnt last too long.
The rocket became the world largest non nuclear explosion and killed the engineers building it is what.
You're right, Starship succeeded at its 4th launch actually, which is interesting
No, you absolutely didn't. Nobody did. If you did, then you'd easily get there right now yet you can't. This isn't some extreme lost Roman technology, you there supposedly 60 years ago. You have all the "data" and working mechanisms to build it again, if it actually happened.

Not to mention the footage and everything surrounding it is absolutely retarded and bang on unfeasible. The footage of the original speed "walk" proves how much of a hoax it is.
yeah it was great. ITF3 was a success for the booster and staging, although ship had issues and failed on reentry.
Russia didn't invest in landing in the moon. Russia strategy was solving the easy problems first, one by one, while USA strategy was solving the hard problems.
>you'd easily get there right now yet you can't
Yeah they can. Just like they did in 69. But there is zero point. I think you just need to get over the fact that your country has never achieved anything.
They had plans but quickly scrapped it because it's really fucking expensive and doesn't really serve any purpose
They spent those money on orbital operations and shuttles to the Moon and Venus the same year as US moon landing
the chinese literally had to rebuild their country from scratch after like 20 years of unbroken war, that's a pretty steep bill
pretty much true. artemis 2 could have been manned and it would have been, like apollo 8 was, if nasa had balls and a serious competition they wanted to win.
it made the first satellite, first space stations, first space walk, first soft landing on another planet, first picture from surface of another planet, made an innovative albeit shitty mars rover, first recording of another planet surface
the moon is small time
t. soviet space autist
that's the tsars' fault, russia went from defeating napoleon to getting its shit pushed in by the japanese in just 90 years and all of that was well before the revolution
>the moon is small time
yeah, i guess thats why they gave up, just not worth it.
>going back
question is when
>no pictures made of stars during the night as they were there for like 3 days supposedly
Good bait
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The best Nazi scientists wanted to come to America and not some frozen shithole like Russia
its so realistic
I hope they visited the sun at night, otherwise it would be too hot for them.
i hear the dark side of the sun is quite nice
Both America and Soviets stole rocket scientists from Germany at the end of WW2. The Soviet's project leader was an egotist that chose to ignore the expertise that their German's provided.
Even the russians concede we put people on the moon. They studied the radio frequencies to verify. Russian nor the chinks deny our moon walk.
I like how space x with modern tech fails at making rockets that land and take off again but apparently decades ago they done it on the first go no problem

Also, didn't they leave the camera man up there cos who was filming them fly off the moon lmao
Lol, but you lost the technology. So either you are are retarded or liars. Pick one. I don't really care which. They both amount to the same thing
Von Braun and his buddies willingly sought out US troops so they could hand themselves over and get the fuck away from the Russians. The US didn't even want to bring them over to start with and it took quite a while before there couuld be an argreement to do so.
Van Allen's belt.
you mean the Van Halen belt?
Communism always fails
Becoming they threw their only halfway decent rocket engineer to the gulag, which caused health issues that eventually killed him.

Korolev's death was also very unexpected and that pretty much killed the N1 program.

The Soviet's Union technology was always rather crude compared to NASA. This approach worked for the first stage of the race since it isn't that hard to launch something into orbit, but doing something as complex as a crewed lunar mission requires a degree of sophistication that the USSR simply didn't have.
The LEM wasn't reusable like the space X stuff is. When starting from the moon only the top part would launch. It was also lighter and didn't have to deal with the atmosphere.

Also they didn't leave a cameraman, they left a remote controlled TV camera there.
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still though, all worked on the first try?
It wasn't the first try, they did perform a lot of different tests. The development of the LEM was apparently rather painful and the entire thing costed 2 billion dollars (in the sixties mind you).

The Apollo project as a whole suffered two massive disasters as well. Apollo 1 killed it's entire crew during a test and 13 blew up in space.
You try to source components that weren't manufactured for 60 years.
Russia is a turd world hellhole that cant even go to kharkiv. Russia isn't the USSR. Why did the USSR fail? Lack of tech and skill.
>some faggot in a video claims we couldn't do today what we did in 1969
Shit! You disproved me!
>Why did Russia fail to go to the Moon?
America made it first, there was no point in spending money to be second.
The components:
>Space suits
Improved since Apollo
>Life support
Improved (they even have toilets now unlike Apollo KeK )
>Various spacecrafts
Improved, just look at the Space Shuttle, they couldn't dream of it back then and then there are space stations etc
Allegedly improved (sending rovers to Mars but somehow Americans have to use Soyuz rockets to get to the ISS)
>Inb4 they use spaceX
No, they still mostly use Soyuz
>Inb4 muh SaturnV
They still have 2 SaturnV rockets.
If they could build them from scratch in 6 years they should be able to reverse engineer them in 60, maybe ask Chinks to help KeK
>some faggot in a video
That's a NASA astronaut so he should know.
Unless you think NASA lies about everything but not the moonlanding hahahahaha
>Unless you think NASA lies about everything but not the moonlanding hahahahaha
>we couldn't do what we could in 1969
Laughable claim. Go back to your youtube conspiracy videos.
All the things we currently have and use have different properties, to rebuild the Saturn V we would need to re-engineer the entire thing from scratch anyway. So they went and tried to make an even better rocket and that's how constellation was conceived and aborted and then Artemis and SLS was born.

Because of the problems with constellation and then the SLS (rocket science is an Indiom for 'hard' for a reason) nasa didn't have a human ready suborbital transport vehicle. Delta rockets can't be used for humans, too squishy.
You're not making sense
>You say NASA could absolutely go to the Moon rn but "they don't want to"
>An actual NASA astronaut with multiple ISS missions says they want to but they can't because they've lost the technology
But you apparently know better than him because Reddit told you KeK
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Nobody went to the moon. It is literally impossible for humans to go there without dying to radiation.

I would also love if some of the sciencebois itt can explain to me how can the Apollo shuttle go and come back from the Moon with the amount of fuel it carries but we are unable to the same thing without using 10x more fuel in 2024
>should be able to reverse engineer them in 60
were they trying to do that for 60 years. no. that last artemis mission could easily have been manned by nasa are more risk averse than previously.
> they couldn't dream of it back then
yes they could. they were testing stuff like that before and during apollo.
but you dont believe its possible to go to the moon anyway do you?
>1 astronaut
>they "lost" the technology
Curb your autism. Clearly, if the US REALLY wanted to go back to the moon, they could. We have self landing rockets now you total fucking idiot.
That's a retarded cope
>We have better tech now but we can't go to the Moon because constellation
They have everything they had back then but better and more of it so why can't they go ?
The obvious reason is that such travel is currently impossible ? Why ? Hard to say exactly but the radiation is possibly the problem.
>they've lost the technology
and when did that one guy say that? why not quote anything else he ever said instead of this one little sentence which you and others refuse to understand in context?
No one has been to the moon yet, the moon landing was a psyop from the cold war.
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They KNEW what was up there
>but the radiation is possibly the problem.
no its not, not so far as relatively short moon missions are concerned. you have ZERO evidence to support this line of argument. No i suppose you'll refer to some out of context quote made by von braun in the 1950s.
>NASA could go back to the Moon clearly
>NASA employs idiots like Don Petit who don't know what they are talking about
You shills are totally broken at this point because you have to shit on NASA in order to praise NASA KeK
oh no, he's knows whats he's talking about - its flatfags who dont know what he's talking about and relentlessly misrepresent it. So, when did he say that he'd go back in a heartbeat if he could? how long ago was that? has he made any more recent comments about the subject?
Operation Avalanche
The point is that the travel is impossible, learn to read. They obviously have the tech but can't go.
If it's not radiation (but it is) then it's something else, maybe they don't have the tech and never did
>The point is that the travel is impossible,
>if i repeat something over and over that means its true
why? i know for you it MUST be impossible even though you lack evidence or supported reason.
>If it's not radiation (but it is)
lol you fag. like i said, you've no evidence for this. nothing at all.
>they obviously have the tech
>maybe they done have the tech
>maybe i'll just make stuff up and be hard to pin down
It's possible, it has been done both manned and unmanned, hell, the ISS passes through the anomaly every once in a while.

The space shuttle was a dead end, constellation was a dead end and was salvaged into Artemis. It's first crewed launch is scheduled for late last year and it's going to be a dress rehearsal for the actual lunar landing the year after that.

NASA these days is extremely underfunded (which is why constellation was canned btw, because Obama refused to increase the budget) so it's a wonder they're doing any crewed missions at all.
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Hahahahaha based
I might watch it
>Why did Russia fail to go to the Moon?
Why does this rocket need to stop at a servo 20 times to get to the moon. Couldn't they have made the tank large enough. Even in the 60's they knew how big the tank would need to be and how much fuel the would use for the trip, supposedly
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>we destroyed the technology
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Communism doesn't prevent you from winning every other goal in the space race, only the Moon landing which requires capitalism
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>Why did Russia fail to go to the Moon?
why couldn't you do it as well and faked it then?
compare the mass of the apollo stack and how much made it to the lunar surface. then keep in mind that starship refueled in orbit can place more than 100 tons on the lunar surface then take off back to lunar orbit. 20 launches for each lunar mission is the highest number anyone suggested. the low ball number are 6 or 7.
it does when your economy is weak and youe heavy lift rocket doesnt work, then takes out half the launch facility blowing up on the pad. and sure, they made a bunch of firsts during the early days as the US program was gaining momentum, but once the US figured out orbital docking and rendezvous, a vital ability for all kinds of stuff, they never looked back.

and, many of these Russian first were only first by a matter of weeks, do keep that in mind.
you mean once US figured they could just make a fake moon landing and siphon NASA's budget to their black/wet projects and also gain a propaganda victory in the cold war.

it is a very smart thing to do but also very, very sinister. if the moon landings are really fake that is one of the most evil acts a government ever carried in human history in my opinion.
no, because there was no need to fake it. its not impossible to go, and there has never been a single engineer of any kind who has disputed any part of the equipment used to do it.
why can't NASA find a single engineer to design a space craft similar to the ones designed by people in 60s and use that design to go to the moon in 2024?
Look at Orion. that's basically what it is, just using modern materials and tech. thats why they can have 4 people on board for longer missions and it still weighs less than the Apollo CM
Are they putting 20 1000m3 tanks spread between LEO and the moon or 1 big 20000M3 tank floating in low earth orbit so it can refuel
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Because the computer granny passed away
>1 big 20000M3 tank floating in low earth orbit so it can refuel
pretty much this
went for Differential thrust rocket instead of simpler vectorized nozzle design, leader of the program died, top 2 kosmonauts died, bad timing, over ambition, loss of talent, etc

not taking more German scientists in also fucked them
you can't possibly believe Orion will ever be finishes and will ever get launch in a lunar mission.
The Orion capsule wasn't ready for crew life support for Artemis 1. The schedule exists for a reason.
they did it, literally a year later
how will they put 20 times the volume of fuel in the starship when the capacity is 1/20 the required volume or are they going to tow the fuel tank with them to the moon
with nasa the way it is who knows. hope it will. what was not ready on the capsule? something substantial? they thought apollo 8 wasn't ready but they did fine.
SpaceX rockets are indeed similar in design to the N1

>went to the moon (totally real plz believe)
>but lost the technology, whoops
>also lost the original telemetry data
>meh it was nothing interesting anyway
>decides to shut down the whole thing once russians launch ship capable of tracking rockets
>pure coincidence, actually ran out of funds, yup
Yanks lie as naturally as they breathe.

Not to mention one of the moonrocks they brought back was loaned to a school which got tested and wasn't really from the moon and they then claimed they sent a replica actually.
literally 19 months later, and then with unmanned robotic craft. which is good, im not trying to talk shit about the Russian space program.

Wasn't until 1969 they finally managed to achieve a fully manned orbital rendezvous and docking
If the USians got beat by a couple of weeks, why can't the USians best themselves by a couple of years? Are they they that chinked and browned?
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The Dutch national Rijksmuseum made an embarrassing announcement last week that one of its most loved possessions, a moon rock, is a fake -- just an old piece of petrified wood that's never been anywhere near the moon.

The Rijksmuseum is famous for its fine art collections, especially paintings by Rembrandt and other masters. One of its lesser known objects, the "moon rock", was first unveiled in October 2006 as the centerpiece of a "Fly me to the moon" exhibition. At that time, the museum said the rock symbolized the "exploration of the unknown, colonization of far-away places and bringing back of treasures..." A reading about the "moon rock" was even held on October 7 because it was a full moon!

The rock was given as a private gift to former prime minister Willem Drees Jr in 1969 by the U.S. ambassador to The Netherlands, J. William Middendorf II, during a visit by the Apollo 11 astronauts, Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin, soon after the first moon landing. Drees had been out of office for 11 years, but was considered an elder statesman.

When Drees died in 1988, the rock was donated to the Rijksmuseum, where it has remained ever since. According to a museum spokeswoman, Ms Van Gelder, no one doubted the authenticity of the rock because it was in the prime minister's own collection, and they had vetted the acquisition by a phone call to NASA.

According to an article published by the Rijksmuseum, at one time the rock was insured for approximately half a million dollars, but its actual value is probably no more than around $70.
from what i read, the LEO tanker can hold 1200 tons of fuel. Each launch to fill it can carry a bit more than 100 tons. The booster which will refuel and then take the lander version of Starhip will take the 1200 tons of fuel. They also plan to have refueling capability in lunar orbit so that the lander starship which will stay in lunar orbit for several months at a time can land and take off more than once.
you misrepresent as you type


that was never handed out by nasa. compare what it looks like to every single other gifted sample.
>Replica moon rocks
Russia was more interested in Venus.
a return sample mission from venus would be impressive. the chinks are trying for a mars sample next
>does not even try to refute anything
Your concession is duly noted and accepted.
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Their rocket designer died before N1 was completed and IMO the rocket's first stage was too complex. The more engines = more things to go wrong IMO. You can read about it here:
ive answered all your silly points before and yet here you are, posting them all over again. several of them have been discussed in this thread already, but i'll mention the russian tracking ship thing quickly by just asking a few questions;

have you ever bothered to work out russias tracking capability before they had that ship? Do you think it wasn't possible for them to track an object on a lunar mission sufficiently to know if it was really going to and on the moon before?
venus, but you are right, u.s muricans are cucked by their corp plutocracy
>i will ask questions and hope you make my point for me
Ok. I concede.
You win, americans landed on moon, nothing was faked, I am a fool in fool's pants, debate is over and winner is you.
i'll see you next time with your list.
muh psyop from cold war is real!!!!!
humans went to the moon and even come back!!!!
elon musk will colonize Mars by 2025!!!!!
why did America?
so it uses 1200t of fuel to get to leo of send it up empty then fill it in space which takes 12 more launches to fill the tank also while hanging around for several months in lunar orbit
>All for a 3 day trip
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>Why did Russia fail to go to the Moon?
guess again chud
And with my youtube link, don't forget my youtube link I carry with me in case of moon landing debates.
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nobody ever went into space, they would get fried by radiation
>All for a 3 day trip
no, not all for a 3 day trip....or it doesn't have to be when you can take 100 tons of stuff with you and a bunch of people. The apollo LM was easily able to keep 2 guys alive and happy for 3 days on the lunar surface, so what do you think HLS could do?

oh yes, your link to american moon, the most well produced collection of idiocy i've ever seen.

Seriously though, you should answer those questions i asked about the ship. its obvious you never thought to do so.
Van Allen himself. They sent up counters, they all went off the scale. The Russians said they didn't want to send people to the moon. Why? Because they didn't know how to protect them from radiation
>We just flew around the radiation brah.
lol. lmao even.
>They sent up counters, they all went off the scale
what scale? was the sensor protected like a guy and spacecraft would be, or was it directly exposed? what about the later flights? did the apollo craft go through the same parts of the belts? why do you refuse to understand that they did in fact fly over the VAB and did so at their top speed? Does this matter when it comes to radiation exposure?
>We just flew around the radiation bro
Of course not. I don't play the jewish game of "I will ask questions and drop subtle hints so you arrive to a conclusion yourself"
If you want to say something - say it, I won't say it for you.
everything is a scam and everyone is a scammer.
and yes, there you go with this shit again. you dont want to understand the difference between electromagnetic radiation and high speed particle radiation. i know where this loop goes with you so whatever.

>of course i never bothered to check on the visibility of the moon from mother russia before
>i'll just assume they needed a ship to know if a craft was really going to the moon or not.
this ship thing is not the gottcha you are looking for
im just flying around in muh spacesh
>oh no a high energy proton. better fly around that one.
we're off to the moooon
oooh no more Z particles, quick buzz, fly us around it.
there are areas of higher particle count and energy, and areas of much less of both. Where do you think they chose to fly through? How do you think that effected their exposure?
yeah yeah they just got out the radiation radar and flew around it, in their mm thick spacecraft.
what do you think the satellites you mentioned were doing up there all that time? thats right, they were mapping areas of higher and lower particle counts.

> mm thick s
many mm, of various materials. go look into it. ive read it averaged out at about 9g/squarecm density. go find out about that too.
satellite aren't real for the exact same reason.
send tin can spaceship into space, 100MeV particle hits aluminium hmm i wonder what will happen then. Oh thats right, Bremsstrahlung. They'd have been x-ray cooked inside
>n no we just flew around it.
Don't tell them this it's Nigeria with snow
Because they sent probes instead ? Why bother sending a man to the moon when they preferred Venus
>In some cases, such as the decay of 32
P, the bremsstrahlung produced by shielding the beta radiation with the normally used dense materials (e.g. lead) is itself dangerous; in such cases, shielding must be accomplished with low density materials, such as Plexiglas (Lucite), plastic, wood, or water;[26] as the atomic number is lower for these materials, the intensity of bremsstrahlung is significantly reduced, but a larger thickness of shielding is required to stop the electrons (beta radiation).

oh dear. tin can spaceship would have irradiated the crew
>it's ok we just flew around it.
lets pretend they did walk on ze moon (they didn't but lets pretend). There's no solar particle wind on the moon? oh i think there is.
>um well, the betacloth spacesuit would have protected them.
maybe they could jump around the particles?
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>spends billions on le moon rocket
>destroys the technology afterwards
makes perfect sense
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What did he mean by this bros?
>satellite aren't real for the exact same reason.
oh, so the satellite used to collect the data you referred to in the beginning wasn't real?

> 100MeV particle hits aluminium
did they fly through areas with that energy level?

sure, and do you know how the secondary particles are best stopped? i'll tell you since this is my last post for the evening - a fibrous material or something like foam-type insulation. can you guess what was placed between the layers of honeycomb aluminum and stainless steel on teh CM?
yes you are, very.

come back when you have something more than your speculations on the radiation environment on the moon and ignorance about the construction of the suits.
>oh, so the satellite used to collect the data you referred to in the beginning wasn't real?
is a rocket a satellite.
man i know canadians aren't too smart but . wow.
>come back when you have something more
come back when youv'e got something better than
>we just flew around it bro
i get it, you are a skeptic but your argument that you saw something in a stupid movie is low IQ bullshit.
at least provide credible criticism of the vast amount of evidence NASA provided in film, photo, thech etc.
i understand its fishy to me too that the orion radiation data was not published yet.
but dont pollute it with your movie bullshit.
oh and i know exactly how the suits were built.
they wouldn't stop anything but alpha radiation.
the suits were built by a womens latex tiddy holder factory too. lmao.
The Earth is flat and stationary
Because they don’t know how to lie as beautifully as the Americans. Filming the moon landings in a Hollywood studio.
Faking 6 moon landings is harder than just going to the moon.
Do non-boomers really believe we went to the moon? Its been 50+ years and we haven't even gone back and can't go back.
Day 30 of u.s. astronauts stranded at space station hvhs
yeah every time they say they're going back, they don't. and then it gets cancelled. NASA steals millions of dollars per day. For what? They can't send people to the moon in 2024 and they couldn't in 1969.
We went to the moon. Don't underestimate the abilities of white men. You probably wouldn't believe in nuclear weapons if we didn't use them on you.
starting to wonder if NASA is just secretly funneling money to the Jews.
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I love how they further modified the lower photo and got the only guy out of it. Women Strong or some such nonsense.
space blankets! why do these conspiracy theorists always forget about the space blankets! and the hamburger toothpaste goo! and the hose for pissing and shitting! amazing useful technology! who woulda thought that for a small price of a mere $200,000,000,000 in 1969's money we could have these wonderful things definitely worth it just for the technology alone. there was no other way. science grants? naw. lets build 6 huge rockets first, then make some neat tech. it makes sense. only schizos would question this. plus secrets just dont exist in the government. thats preposterous. can you imagine if the government kept secreta from us? i sure cant.
JPL is an interesting one.
Started by a kike freemason occultist who blew himself up and was cucked by his woman . lol.
>They killed 8 million. Don't underestimate the cruelty of the nazis.

Also hiroshima and Nagasaki were just firebombings. There are aerial shots of jesuits walking around ground zero and didn't suffer any side effects. They chalked it up to a miracle because they prayed fervently to Mary. It's Japan's version of the dancing Jews.
surprised me to see that venus is just made out of basic bitch rocks and gravel just like everywhere on earth
did they even have any control over the traveling in space or was it just a calculated trajectory they followed automatically without piloting?
Russia never wanted to land on the Moon, just like it never wanted Kiev
It’s not just a lost technology, companies, suppliers and subcontractors just don’t exist anymore, and all the engineers,technicians and machinists who built Apollo are either long dead or have been retired for decades. It’s the loss of the knowledge part, not just the blueprints.
Because they are Russians
it being completely fake, i don't suppose it matters much. but officially they just slingshot around the earf, fly off to the moon and hope gravity does something? Funny how they could send people to the moon and be successful each time but couldn't manage to land on mars after multiple attempts and much better technology.
And Apollo 13 still brought the crew home safely.
guys internet doesn't work anymore because the guy who invented it died and his old coworkers also died or forgot how they did it so we are unable to do it again
A11 work no play makes anon a dull boy.
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based kubed brick anon
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Almost every dog that has ever existed and will ever exist has not and will not die in space.
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Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]
5. School shootings are glowop [ Sandyhook laugh ]
6. Fungus and Parasitepill [ q4agf7.pdf ]
7. Mememagick [ chaos magic, Egregore ]
8. Cancer and AIDS have cure
9. God gene [ VMAT2, Signature in the Cell, spw5nmUrpWA ]
10. Pharmakeia, Stem cell [ Foreskin in cosmetics, Finkelstein: human DNA in hotdog, HEK293: fetus cells in vaccine and products like Pepsi (tumorigenic) ]
11. Meat is incredibly important for your diet, avoid seed oil and corn syrup poison [ Dr. Chris Knobbe - Diseases of Civilization ]
12. Hunter bidens Finger Lakes tattoo [ Silent hill, Oz, Mormon origin, pedo symbol, missing people, military bunkers, anomalies research buoy, Ghislaine Maxwell submersible: tunnel to canada ]
13. CERN ritual and tunnel ceremony
14. Encryption | Hardware backdoor [ IntelME, AMD PSP, ARM Trustzone, rsabd.py, NSA SELinux, iOS pegasus ]
15. Antarctica [ Fitbit leak, Antarctic treaty, Admiral Byrd, 15th century map, /x/32364917 ]
16. Moon [ Lost footage, 1962 laser beam, Nixon phone call, AMERICAN MOON(2007), lux ]
17. Psionic [ Gateway, RV, AP, CIA-RDP96, Edward Riordan 2017 ]
The Apollo Guidance Computer worked, and the same surplus units were used for NASA Fly by Wire testing in the 70’s.
>He doesn't know
I only just now realized that they look like they're being held up by wires.
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, but on the """moon."""
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1976 movie about faking mars landing.
You have less brain cells than me mate
Still an amazing lander. That’s not an image from a tv camera either. The lander took a photo, developed it, scanned it and transmitted it. All in an environment that is hotter than your oven, high pressure and an atmosphere of acid.

one of the first movies, 1902. about going to the moon.
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The USSR put the first man in space
>A Russian Chauvinist and mysticist, pseudo fascist, known liar, denounced by his own wife as a scoundrel.
>ask this guy

You people are worst than anti communist facebook mons.
JPL originally was Jack Parsons Laboratories. Not Jewish or a Freemason. Then guy hung around with Aleister Crowley and L.Ron Hubbard, who stole his wife. Really a fascinating story.
No niggers to help them. Didn't you know?
Niggers built everything, invented everything, wuz everytang.
Right, because making a movie on a movie set is really difficult, but putting humans through the van allen radiation belt in an aluminium craft isn't.
Have you ever built anything from a blueprint with your own hands before? There’s a certain knowledge of how things are done that are not necessarily on the print. There’s dimensions and tolerances, but the Human side of the machine just isn’t there.
By your logic, go make a tube radio. Yes, you can get the whole thing on a chip. But can you make either?
They had several accidents and mishaps during the 1960s and 70s.
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I don't know how to tell you this, Jamal....
>1960's - 70's
> t. Mugumbo Singh Chong
I can do anything you want me to do that's been done before if I had the resources of US government

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