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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>473281202
Ultra MAGA.
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White bros, we got too cocky!

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>Wisconsin approves mail in ballot drop boxes
>Morning Condom
>Already seething
I hope you enjoyed your moral victory for the week.
you are a gnostic piece of shit, you are anathema
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Shitposter in Chief
I'm slightly annoyed that I have to filter shills. There should be an auto-shill feature on 4chan.
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What the FUCK is wrong with boomers
i'm neither
did you get sand in your pussy or find a stick up your ass this morning?
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>dates removed
Hey you should add them in with MS Paint and repost. That will convince me.
Wanting censorship is niggotry
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Biden the pedophile.

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just found out they're going to be building 200 shitbox townhouses behind my home
>the knower plays ignorant
that is a sin
wow that's pretty based desu
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edomite hands typed that post
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Good news, guys, John Kerry has a substantial lead this summer. Can't wait for the Kerry Administration!
was for >>473291530
Could be worse. Could be section-8 apartments.
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Filtering is unironically onions behavior. What's wrong? Can't handle a wee bit o' banter? You think I'm bad now just wait until election night.
>One post is a poll
>The next post denies all polls
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Be a shame if a leftover firework went off.
Not like that. I just want a single "Shill" button on the post. Instead I have click 4 times for each shill.
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umm dem bros wtf. I thought AI was on our side
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Soon you will be living in the ghetto fren. Unless you move.
The biblespammer DMs me pics of his pecker. Surprisingly it's uncircumcised, and it's about 4.5 inches fully erect, and brown (he's Mexican.) He shaves his pubes though, I mean immaculately, including his scrotum.
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Checked and here's the link:
did you misclick because you're mad
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This kind of makes it look like geriatric-joe is dropping out.
and the bitch cunt got STDs from niggers
>policies for open borders
Says the kike cum sucking faggot who imported more legal shitskins than Obama or Clinton
Besides half mil H1B visas for street shits in tech sector taking jobs from
White kid in nerd comp degrees

Not to even mention his kike pardons and pollard
I wish ID-filtering could be extended to "filter IDs whose posts match this filter"
only filtering individual posts means I still have to deal with all the faggotry I don't have regexes for
because he is, like it or not. kamala harris is their candidate come september
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in 3...2...1...
I hope not; Joe needs to stay the course!
why would i be mad?

>God will bless you when people insult you, mistreat you, and tell all kinds of evil lies about you because of me. Be happy and excited! You will have a great reward in heaven. People did these same things to the prophets who lived long ago.
Trump did not “import 1,100,000 savages a year” you utter subhuman.
>Take their guns first
donors are pulling out but biden already has alot of cash on hand
>twink fuckers are neocons
explain this? loyal servants to neocons?
>I hope not; Joe needs to stay the course!
I agree. I want to see the media trying to cover up for joe as his condition gets worse and worse.
>Says the kike cum sucking faggot who imported more legal shitskins than Obama or Clinton
Straight up fucking lie
>Before February 2019 - August 2019 Central American surge
>After Surge
> U.S. authorities apprehended 29,200 people at the border in January, an 11 percent decrease from December, according to preliminary Customs and Border Protection (CBP) numbers obtained by The Hill.
>average /ptg/ poster
>why would i be mad
because you posted this and misclicked in your next reply
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Fake story. He canceled one appearance in front of teachers because of a strike.
You know why none of this gets any traction whatsoever, don't you? I get that your obsession drives you to spam it, but somewhere in your mind you MUST understand the real reason why nobody gives it any weight, right?

Surely you arent thar consumed by brainrot that you're too far gone to comprehend why this has gained no traction amongst the masses.l?
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joe biden literally raped his own daugher-repeatedly.
shit happens, i noticed and made the corrective posts
You know why none of this gets any traction whatsoever, don't you? I get that your obsession drives you to spam it, but somewhere in your mind you MUST understand the real reason why nobody gives it any weight, right?

Surely you arent thar consumed by brainrot that you're too far gone to comprehend why this has gained no traction amongst the masses.l?
It's a fag with aids, anon. Yes, he's that far gone.
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>posts in /ptg/
>For months Trump asks biden to take cognitive test
>Now media is asking for biden to take cognitive test
b-but muh blue Texas..
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/ondoegvbbg

ND 6/11: yes
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

it happened because something triggered anger which then caused carelessness that resulted in a misclick. stop being mad, anon.
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This is new arrivals
Thank heavens I saved all these
Hey ptg...
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>claims gnosis
>just makes shit up
many such cases, sad!
This is peak shitposting right here.
At least until the next time he shitposts.. lol
>$684k for pussy

>He thinks the YouTube dislike extension is accurate
> . .
The ocean left you a voice mail. Something about shark week.
One of several reasons why the dislike bar is gone.
Very small sample size
Anything happening?
>gets mad
>fails to read filename
>proves me right
>the the special counsel's
Dude at least make sure your infographics don't have obvious errors. I agree with you, but it's tough to take you seriously when you post dumb shit like that.
no clue I just lurk from time to time
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Remember when we had a president who could walk on level ground without falling on his ass every few minutes?
im jerking off to the thought of you getting attacked by a pack of rabid niggers
Because the MSM and social media companies run damage for him constantly, you retarded fucking faggot.
Thank you for your advice, 1PBTID.
You don't seem even slightly like an emergency shill called in to cope.
>Because the MSM and social media companies run damage for him constantly
They're literally lying about his cognitive health and trying to get him to drop out right now, you fucking dipshit.
And a wildin kike appears
That was a quick shit reply.
Anyone can confirm in 3.3 seconds
I hitch is how fast
Youre hitting refresh with your herpes smeared fingers after your ass fuck at Schvitz
I can't imagine the state of mind of someone who would simp for this.
It was a different time.
im saying that gnostics are spiritually transexuals

you claim gnosis, so im calling you a tranny
Find it funny that we're seemingly always one election away from fascism. If democracy is this fragile I say just get it over with at this point. Dispel the illusion.
i actually feel sorry for you at the moment
i must be getting soft
You know that and I know that. I need to make sure it does too. I want it to admit to itself that it's malice that drives it, not a misguided hero delusion.
The polls with Michigan and Wisconsin you screencapped…
Trump is ahead in every other battleground state in particular PA…
They covered it up as much as possible until June 27th you nigger lover
It seems like a slow news day. The threads have been a lot slower than normal lately.
That's really weird anon.
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>lying about it
yeah. millions of people didnt watch him mumble, shit and fart his way thru a debate.
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Look at this geriatric retard!
Who the fuck would support this guy?
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Your post debate bump is over.
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Lots of people spent decades building "community" tools on the assumption that only their side would ever use them and then threw toddler tantrums when their enemies picked the tools up. I guess they bought their own propaganda about all their enemies being uneducated hicks.
You're welcome?
>damage controlling this hard
you're such a dumb nigger lmao
i'm pretty sure i only claimed that the first image i posted made you so angry that you misclicked and then pretended not to be mad
>right now,
After ignoring it for 4 fucking years you fucking faggot.
The funny thing is kamala is already the candidate and no one knows it by the simple fact that joe cant finish another 4 year term. So if think joe is too old you are voting against kamala replacement.
It's like watching somebody bet his life savings on a horse that had a heart attack and died halfway through the race. The denial is heavy and you're watching him insist that somehow the dead horse will win.
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This child-raping retard doesn't even know what fucking planet he's on.
>Biden winning MI and WI by more than 2020, which is fucking impossible
>somehow Biden up in MI and WI but not in PA (his home fucking state)
This poll is garbage, retard.
No matter. The constant attacks from the MSM are just making Joe even stronger.
Buying into their own propaganda is exactly what's utterly fucked them and will always be what utterly fucks them.
Funniest part is the propaganda's meant for us, but it only works on their choir.
if you post any gnostic garbage i will call you a tranny, its the called the B.S. law
watching him pretend hes not shitting his pants over a dead cat bounce poll is funny thouhh
>which is fucking impossible
Incumbency bonus.
Running against the orange menace bonus.
>The constant attacks from the MSM are just making Joe even stronger.
Ok faggot. Literally everyone disagrees.
>b-but that new poll!
Trump up by 7 in PA = victory
Sheeeit. Kike really went into overdrive huh kike rat tunnel faggot
wonder what he has at stake, honestly
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If it happens, I hope Joe and the Biden family burns the metaphorical house down on the way out
I don't see Joe stepping down at this point. He's completely lost it.
>Trump still wins national popular vote and leads Biden in 5/7 swing states
>forgetting 2020’s polling error in MI/WI
>Biden plus 12 and Biden plus 9 on election day 2020
It’s over for Joe Biden if this is supposed to be a good thing. Bloomberg unironically damage controlling with push polls
>can’t bring Biden up so they bring Trump down
I wish I was paid desu
>Incumbency bonus.
No incumbency bonus is worth that much. No way. And how is Biden winning in MI and WI but losing PA (by fucking 7 no less). Biden loses PA = election OVER. So by your own metric it's done.
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Will the shills shill for heels up Harris if Joe falls out?
Will they cheer for him to die in the ring?
What happens when no one steps up who can actually scratch Trump's paint?
Hopefully mass suicide.
how can you still be this smug?
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>Biden loses PA = election OVER
Not when he wins Florida, Georgia, Texas and Arizona, dumbass.
He's a nigger.. They have no frontal cortex.
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Are you joking? This can’t be genuine
>Will the shills shill for heels up Harris if Joe falls out?
Yes, they are mindless sheep.
2 week ago Biden was "sharp as a tack" now he "has to go".
well you have fun, then.
you wouldn't be a jew, jesuit, or mason who wants this knowledge kept out of MAGA hands, would you?
hes too stubborn
hes too isolated from the rest of his party
his inner circle are making the decisions and they want to stay
Maybe he would if all the top dem leaders came out against him publicly
I had a salad today. Butternut squash on a pile of iceberg lettuce and pine nut toffee. Some earl grey tea with a bit of lemonade for dessert.
He's spent, wasted, almost 10 years of his life shilling for a senile old man just to stick it to the chuds. If Biden crashes and burns, and right now he's in the burns stage, then all that time, all those moments, mean absolutely nothing at all. He'll look like a fool among fools. A dedicated fool who wasted an entire decade on a man who just wasn't worth it.
He won two of those last time and was within single digits in the other two.
>Not when he wins Florida, Georgia, Texas and Arizona, dumbass.
LOLOLOL. Florida, GA, TX = 0% chance. AZ = 5% chance at best. Trump will also win NV (he promised to remove taxes on tips).
Literally over.
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do you prefer lettuce or spinach?
>this knowledge
you are a fool, your knowledge is vapor
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>He won two of those last time
You mean during covid, and BLM and the media going all in on attacking Trump? Biden has 0% of winning GA and a small % chance in Arizona.
ur still a kike and a faggot
>niggers built America
>platinum nigger plan
>gets niggers outta prisons with FSA
Ur a Fucking kike
Post loc
>Ah! Well, nevertheless.
Cope lol seethe too lmao
The quick change when every one has known for years is very suspect.
notice that you avoided my question.
why is that?
>Red New Mexico
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Like I said. Extreme denial is a hell of a thing.
He's not actually smug. He's pic related.
Just look at what he's saying and what he's posting. Suddenly he no longer takes the MSM seriously when before he supported them and linked them constantly.
He knows it's fucked but his cost is beyond sunk. We're talking challenger deep.
>would you keep 'this' knowledge out of others hands

what knowledge?

lol, your tranny picture?
accidental fires happen all the time.
Spinach for sure. A girl needs her iron.
>Blue Texas
>Blue Florida
you're fucking delusional lmao
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I hope your sense of humor remains intact in four months.
Nothing kills more niggers than niggers. Does that make niggers maga?
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>blue florida
>>Red New Mexico
Who said that, retard?
You're an embarrassment at this point.
You can't read, you ignorant motherfucker?
Yep, this race is basically the Biden family vs. the Democratic Party, and Trump just gets to sit back, watch, and walk into the White House. Biden and the Democratic Party itself have turned on each other.
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This doesn't look so good for ol' Pedo Pete, does it!
what knowledge?
your question makes no sense
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>You can't read, you ignorant motherfucker?
You didn't like the post, retard. That's why I asked.
And NM going red is more likely than FL or TX going blue.
Dude lies like it cures obesity.
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You don't EVEN wanna compare war chests, kid.
this is clearly deeply personal for him at this point and cold hard facts dont matter
i think we both know that isn't the part of the question to which i'm referring
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just make it as difficult as possible for the dems so a generation of democrats lose their seats in the congress
>in June
Yeah, because Trump broke fundraising records in May. And Trump still has more cash on hand right now. AND donors are 100% behind Trump. Mega donors are calling Jeffrey Katzenberg a liar and other are stopping the money train.
And Blue Texas
Thanks to trump 1.1 mil shitskins a year who always vote blue always will
Can’t wait for Nov
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not even worth the (You)
no im not a jew, or a mason, or a jesuit.

now, what knowledge were you speaking of, lmao?
Ya I usually don't bother filtering more than the shill IDs. That is the best way (90% removal). Usually it's just one or two.
And yet only Trump has had any real accusations of pedophilia. And multiple trips/parties with Epstein. And found to be a sexual predator by a jury.
You know, all this talk about someone replacing Joe, maybe you tards should think about replacing Trump; I mean, after all, it's likely that he's going to be inside of a cell come September.
i don't believe you
If the donors are cutting Joe off and shifting to the House and Senate races instead, this isn't even relevant anymore.
>at this point
Notice how he screencapped a post where I compared him to a gambling addict going all in. That one struck a nerve. He's mentally destroyed. I can't imagine how fucked his head was when the entire news media started shitting all over Biden after the debate.
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Oh, so THAT'S why shills are returning to the 8-years-dead-and-buried "Trump is a pedo" tactic.
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i dont think you have any gnosis, i said it was vapid
>he thinks Latinos are on the blue team
Maybe in the northeast and CA but in TX and FL they are for Trump;.
Yes, MAGA is closely allied with the Black community. President Trump has a Platinum Plan in place to help African Americans recover from Democrat mistreatment.
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>Exhibit PP
yeah that's what Joe did in the shower with Ashley
I like the Joe tripfag now because his posts are just comically ironic since Joe lost the election at the debate
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Don't worry, biden-fags: Trump only benefited in terms of votes by dementia-joe's abysmal debate performance!
clearly because he still doesnt realize that snapping does nothing when anons dont have to expand and read them and can filter his ass in seconds. but hes deeply invested in simping for a foolish doddering old man
think whatever you want, sweetheart. no skin off my nose.
it obviously upsets you, you even lay traps
>maybe you tards should think about replacing Trump;
Why? He is winning. And even the media that hates Trump never went this hard to "replace" him.
>it's likely that he's going to be inside of a cell come September.
I thought it was supposed to be July? Oh yeah, they pushed back the sentencing date to re-evaluate the new immunity SCOTUS victory. Stop being delusional. Trump isn't going to jail. The court cases are done for the rest of 2024.
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Never been wrong btw
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I won't eat anything that isn't made of animals, bread, or refried beans.
>I like the Joe tripfag now because his posts are just comically ironic since Joe lost the election at the debate
He always uses the exact same crappy leftist memes, so we started mocking him because he wasn't putting up his tripfag.
So now he uses it knowing we are screen-shotting to mock him when biden drops out.
I just pity him. When you're insisting that Florida and Texas are blue and that Trump is ever gonna see the inside of a jail cell, shamelessly pushing the date in full "TWO MORE WEEKS" fashion, then you're a textbook case of a broken man. Debate night destroyed him.
>2 more months bro
Trump won, seethe about it :)
>immunity SCOTUS victory
It doesn't apply to private conduct, you absolute fucking dipshit.
>Never been wrong btw
>Except when I said hillary would win.
Denial in 3...2...1...
are you sure that wasn't just to clown on you again
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I knew there was a reason I saved these
Lichtman picked Trump, moron, try again.
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>Never been wrong btw
He's been right 9 out of 10 times. So yes, he has been wrong. And most elections aren't toss ups. Anyone could have told you Obama would win in 2008/2012, Bush 2004, Clinton 92/96.
He should add a "key" for "President in a waking coma"
You can totally have meat on a salad, even fried meat. A little bit of lettuce won't kill you!
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He never did post those signs.
if installing Trump as a puppet was a work, real life has crashed their plans because…
>Voter fraud is is shown to be a legit problem
>Mainstream media and Hollywood has been shown to be their propaganda arm
>The 2 tier justice system is now on full display
>Everyone has been taught how the legislation game is played (create an unconstitutional law, let it take years to repeal however enforce it while it’s working its way up to SCOTUS)
>The Epstein / Maxwell honeypot operation is wrecked
>Everyone now knows the southern border is a problem and got pretty much everyone to agree illegals must go and a wall must be built
>People now know the educational system is indoctrinating kids and working AGAINST the parents by teaching them degenerate behavior and trying to turn them trans
> Jews (in the US) can no longer walk down the street thanks to their military action in Gaza
>Most of America is wondering WHY are we sending hundreds of billions to Ukraine and Israel
How has Trump being their puppet worked out for them exactly?
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Read between the lines though. They said Trump benefited in VOTES, but not in BALLOTS. Guess which one is going to matter in Nov? The Dems are going to cheat even harder this time I think.
is joe tripfag among the prophets?

i wish you would at least try to be all gnostic and shit, but you are so nasty and ill spirited

a little yapping dog

>yap yap yap yap yap yap

why did i even get this damned thing
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>eating greens
Do I look like a fucking rabbit to you?
>It doesn't apply to private conduct, you absolute fucking dipshit.
Then why are they "delaying and re-evaluating" the sentencing?
"Judge Juan Merchan said the former president will now be sentenced on September 18, “if such is still necessary.”"
As it turns out, those weren't just shitposts.
81 million.
>How can put u out of ur misery?
Learn to get a sentence out properly, faggot.
Do you have long fluffy ears and a cotton tail?
Reminder that I am still baking.
Why would you post a picture of a president who got 30 million less votes than Biden?
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You mean picrel? Yeah, I heard it load and clear.
There is no doubt Trump will win the 2024 election just like he won 2020.
What I do not know if whether he will be cheated out of the Oval Office by the Deep State again, or whether joepedo is so far behind now that they can't make that work again.
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>i wish you would at least try to be all gnostic
>you are a gnostic piece of shit, you are anathema
getting mixed signals, here

>rent-fucking free
What stage of grief are the shills on right now?
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Joe's in the mud, half of his party wants to ditch him and the other half is in complete denial. Trump will win, you will cope, and I expect you to do the honorable thing and livestream your suicide.
They'll be stuck in denial on loop for the rest of their lives.
>/pol/tards don't understand population growth either
The average IQ here must be room temperature.
Deeds not words.
Trump never signed any bills allowing for this.
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Guys, no international crises after 8pm, please. joepedo needs his sleep!
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Please explain detail what you mean. You think population growth will turn FL and TX blue?
yes, i think you LARP as a gnostic, i wish that your were actually gnostic and did not run and hide when challenges arise

because that you are lukewarm, you are disgusting in my mouth and i spit you out

it would have been better (for me) had you been hot or cold
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>muh grammar
>Hurr he thinks
Well here you go faggit
2016 it was over. 2020 it was over
Now it’s 2024 and shitskins are in the million higher than before
>Muh grammar
You got btfo harder than rebbe fucking ur ass at Schvitz

Frfr no cap. Where you at. Texas has legal mutual combat laws
God willing it is the latter, but is God willing to let this turd-sandwich continue? Virtually every metric I look at shows that things are wildly screwed. Usually countries die at this point.
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Trump won.
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My God! I think we've found tripfag's real identity!
>just be what i want you to be
get off my dick pls
i am taken
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1:30 am phone call about an international incident..
President Trump is still up shit posting and is ready to do the needful.
President Biden is in an induced coma.. and Hunter takes the call.
Make the choice.
>>muh grammar
Not muh grammar, I just have no idea what you're talking about you fucking retard.
>>Hurr he thinks
Yeah, FL, with a large and growing Hispanic population, has only gotten redder and redder in the last 10 years.
Clot Adams is coming in hot. Glad he's redeeming tho.
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thats amusing.
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well, lets just call this my win and move on

whats that now 23-0? 24-0?

i have it written down somewhere, one sec
>President Trump is still up shit posting and is ready to do the needful.
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>Virtually every metric I look at shows that things are wildly screwed.
We will not be saved through "democracy."
Follow Christ and you will be fine, anon.
I don't fight the left because I believe in the GOP. I fight the left because it is satanically evil.
you know it's bad when they have to send us Rick to shill
Imagine thinking this dumpster fire of a website is worth paying shills for.
you can call my clear superiority whatever you want
Don't be fooled. Once a fairweather always a fairweather. The weather hasn't been more fair for Trump lately, so you'll see people like dilbertman taking his side first. He'd turn around just as fast at the first sign of trouble.
>i do this for free
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>Imagine thinking this dumpster fire of a website is worth paying shills for.
Only a shill thinks TX and FL will go blue.
That's the truth. I think Trump is a necessary bandage to buy us all a little more time. I don't expect much DEUS VULT from this next term though. If they can kick out 20M the way that is claimed we might have a chance. We don't have enough people like Tucker that understand the demographic IQ bomb that's going off.
you have never once stated anything about yourself

you are a vapor on the wind

here today, gone tomorrow
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>Today, Joe Biden had what’s being described as a panic attack with tachycardia (HR was ~160) and he experienced a brief episode of AFib. He was given Metoprolol, plus a blood thinner by IV and oxygen by nasal cannula.
I can't imagine wasting ten whole years shilling for somebody and not get a cent.
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I don't know what's more pathetic, that he's paid to be here, or that he's pretending to do it for free.
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Watching CNN and MSNBC clips on youtube. Every "should Biden drop out" segments have a black man or woman and they all say he SHOULDN'T drop out. And the white anchors/white guests all have looks on their faces that say "shut the fuck up you fucking retards".
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Boomers are whats wrong with this country, they're so desperate to cirtue signal to not be called racist, that they would rather destroy their country than say something a crying brown person doesn't agree with.
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I wonder what trailer park they polled.
Weird and retarded.
They had to call tripfag back in to shills.
To many of zir compatriots are in therapy after biden's debate failure.
Leftists are all such fragile, weak pussies.
i think it's pathetic that's he's so stale people tell him to put his tripcode on when he tries to hide
>CNN and NY Times are both polling trailer parks....
It should be Tucker or Flynn. Or someone so far right that they'll never try to take Trump out.
is anyone making a collage of fed up looking news women speaking to biden lackeys after the debate?
someone should be doing that
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does...that bother you?
The thing is not only that he fell. He couldn't get up without help.
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i wish you had a form to you, but you are just a slime
>It should be Tucker
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That's not true; I'm sure they're also polling the local Walmart.
>or whether joepedo is so far behind now that they can't make that work again.
It's obvious by the panic that he is.
Biden said he doesn't believe those polls, chud. He said he gets "great crowd sizes" that's all that matters (even though crowd sizes didn't matter in 2020)
well, sucks for you
yeah he did do the oh fuck bounce didn't he....
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>that fucking headline
>3 polls
yes, you are just sad to be around
>That's not true; I'm sure they're also polling the local Walmart.
Yeah, and according the poll that YOU were touting Trump is up by 7 in PA. Trump winning PA = OVER.
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I'd start a hot war if I was China, kek.
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muh bill gates only invested in nuclear energy for burgum
>I only accept the polls that say what I want to believe.
Many such cases.
Boomers, not even once
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Imagine the smell.
You miserable fucks have a nice night.
See you in the next /ptg/, retard.
Buy an ad you unfunny narcissistic faggot.
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>this retard thinks we like biden
I think that another four years of Trump will radicalize the white population to a degree where it can function in a "majority minority" state until the situation can be dealt with in another way. Despite what the Fuentes faggots seem to think Trump has done wonders for white nationalism and white identity even if people will not call it that publicly. Spam "miga miga miga" all you want, there is not another movement or figure in the country that gets a bunch of otherwise demoralized white people to spontaneously identify with one another and organize to that effect.

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