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Hohols are blowing shit up on Russian territories non-stop.
A few months ago the Ukraine strikes on Russian territory were considered rare and some kind of achievement, now it has become an hourly thing and Putin is doing nothing about it.

What is going on?
>Putin is doing nothing about it.
That's not true. Putin is making impotent nook threats, and getting laughed at by everyone.
>Putin is making impotent nook threats
He never made one nuke threat. Westerners are twisting his words. Acceleration will cause ww3 and ww3 will be fought with nukes. This is what he says constantly, which is true. And Westerners say the same exact shit.
It's pretty obvious Russia is incapable of proceeding further and while making small tactical gains have absolutely lost the war strategically.
It's over for Putin. He gambled and lost.
Ah, fuck off you disingenuous cunt.
They blowing up Russian oil depots and terminals. Crippling Russia's finances.

And their doing it with toy airplanes.

Slava Ukraini <3
They hit another battalion hq today. Ammo still cooking off.
even if it seems like slow and steady progress theres going to come a point when they're too low on steam to keep pressing forward, so the only option will be to go back to where they came from... its a shame considering how little land they have back in Russia, what would they ever do without absorbing the Ukraine? they'll have no where else to go. it truly is sad imagining them stuck in such a hard situation with no hope for the future. its pretty obvious that the only option for them is to keep pressing forward no matter what the costs.
They tasted their long range drones awhile ago. Renember when they bombed the fucking russian flag in middle of kremlin lol? I think they are now mass producing them and that's why we see more drone attacks deep in russia. Also, russia doesn't have effective anti drone like ukraine has (like skynex).
>theres going to come a point when they're too low on steam to keep pressing forward
this perfectly encapsulates delusional NATO wishful thinking
>ukies bombing their own cities
They have already lost one million soldiers.
>calls me disingenuous
>gives zero counter argument
kys anglo scum
Putin threatens nooks after every single thing he deems an "escalation" yet he still hasn't used them cuz hes a lil bitch.
I agree with you, Voronezh and Belgorod are rightful Ukrainian claims.
They are down to doing assaults in golf buggies and riding dirt bikes. A large one got decimated yesterday on the Kharkiv front.
The only cope is coming from the russian side.
Have you donated to Ukraine yet?
Z faggot, I hope Ukiechads blow up your dacha you worm
enjoy paying reparations for the next few decades you subhuman serf
It’s over. 2 more weeks and the 2023 summer counter offensiyve will take place
Putin and Medvedev are constantly nuclear sabre rattling. I'm not going to waste my time arguing with obvious russian shills. It's all on video/social media and anyone sane has seen it.
Russia invaded Ukraine with zero provocation, don't even bother with the NATO encroaching argument, it's a red herring.
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I wonder where you can finder bigger whores then Euro girls?
>Lose 8 villages a day in the Donbas to Russia
>Rage launch rockets into Russia that does 0 to change the battlefield
Is this a NATO strategy or somethin?
Yes, multiple times and I attempted to join the foreign legion 2 years ago but I have a drug conviction so am not allowed. I work with a ukrainian charity here in Scotland that fund raises.
I will be visiting Kiev next month.
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trust banan

the three day special operation is about to commence
what's the point in donating, I'll just let me government donate more weapons on my behalf :) it's comfier that way and then any non-NEET Z tard in Aus will end up helping pay in one way or another ;)
+ I get to watch ziggers ride gold carts and dirt bikes into battle and get blown up for FREE
Stfu you stupid little prick. The men are talking.
>blowing up large logistics hubs in a land war
>0 change
>*smug chud face*
If Moscow is burning, that means ziggers are winning.
go dilate
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>He never made one nuke threat
Consistently hitting large oil installations, ammo dumps, headquarters, anti aircraft installations and logistics hubs has no effect?
Oh, my sweet summer child. Why don't you go back to your medical service provider and ask for a late term abortion?
Your birth was a mistake.
Post one example of Putin threatening the West with nukes.
Just one example.
im sure you know that lots of russian units have turned against Putin and Russia and are fighting with Ukrainian units.
Depends on what you mean by "nook threat". They've reminded people that Russia has nukes and are willing to use them under certain circumstances. However, if that is considered a "nook threat", then every nuclear weapons country that has a published nuclear weapons doctrine is making a standing nook threat.
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What do you mean?
We can meet if you want.
We buy drones and equipment for the guys.
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Well, considering the USA is funneling trillions of dollars into Ukraine to keep their proxy war going, it's the least that should happen desu
Meanwhile Ukrainian demographics are doomed beyond repair, ukrainian soil and resources are being sold dirt cheap to Blackrock kikes and the russniggers are advancing on the East, but I'm sure that 2 more weeks and Ukraine will turn into a paradise
Show flag.
Ukrainians attack military targets, russians attack civilian targets. Russian terrorists have also blown up many civilian targets in Europe the last few weeks.
>Putin says that if Russia gets threatened by NATO nuclear war becomes an option and its nuclear forces are more than ready
Thank you for proving my point.
judging by the amount of daily shill threads ukraine must be losing pretty hard
>Only NATO can have ill intent.
Russia's goals are completely self serving and self enriching. Let's not act like they're the good guy in this situation.
Stfu orc
If your point is that putin is constantly making empty nuclear threats, then yes. Your point has been proven.
I'll do some due diligence.
>Putin is doing nothing about it
So all the hard work for nothing? What a shame.
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Two more weeks and Russia will surrender.
Ziggersissies, I don't feel so good!
NATO is a defensive alliance.
Hohols or Ukrainian
Make up your mind you retarded spaz
>what would they ever do without absorbing the Ukraine?
Considering the geography of the region, Ukraine is very important for them strategically. Russia needs borders on the Carpathians really to feel safe from invasion. Russia won't stop until they get their desired outcome as having a NATO base in Ukraine is an existential crisis for them.
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>He never made one nuke threat.
It's not that you Russian faggots are liars; we all know you are and expect it.
It's that you're so fucking bad at it. You don't even put in any effort, you make it so painfully obvious that even a child knows how disingenuous you are.
Is it that you learned how to lie from from your leaders who treat their citizens like retards? Is that it? Or has the vodka already killed all of your brain cells?
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Why would he do anything? He can just enjoy the wealth he swindled from the slavefolk and laugh about it.
Please do.
fake and gay
Astra is kiev pretending they are russian war correspinondents. Fake channel that is Ukraine approved for news.
What a cuck
Russia will stop when they are stopped. Not before. They will be stopped though, make no mistake of the level of global commitment.
There is absolutely zero chance of Russia taking Ukraine or remaining in their sovereign borders.
If Nuclear power threatens you and your territory, saying that you're also a nuclear power and will strike back isn't a threat.
It's shameful how finnfags act. Russia literally saved your ass from Sweden. Finland is an independent country because of Russia.
Post an address and I'll come give you the opportunity to say that to my face.
How far west could they push before NATO intervenes properly? Odessa? Kiev? Lvov?
is that what the faggot voice in your head tells you?
>If Nuclear power threatens you and your territory
Show one (1) example of a nuclear power threatening Russia
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>Have you donated to Ukraine yet?
I'm a keyboard warrior, just like you. <3
they havent hit an oil depot since june 20th, cunt shill

fuck off with your fake Astra telegram channel
NATO doesn't need to intervene (much as I wish they would to save ukies having to do it)
Russia has been stopped in their tracks and have effectively been demilitarised by Ukraine. They are a spent force.
Any reasonable leader would admit defeat and leave but Putin knows he dies or ends up in the Hague if that happens.
This is one man's survival now. Nothing more.
Thank you for your valuable contribution, now kys you zigger scum.
Zelensky proves to be quite the chad

>steals tens of millions of money from Western donations
>buys luxury mansions and cars
>also blows up Russia's infrastructure, making Putin look like a pathetic cuck unable to subdue a smaller country

I have to admit, I underestimated Zelensky, but the way he achieves all his objectives is impressives, considering he's the leader of some poor shithole that has to survive on gibs.
Meanwhile Russia will get into the 3rd and 4th year of the 3-day quick military operation
Russia will border Romania and you will suck more american dick
This. ZOGmutts are seethint at basic logic lmao. Oh well, they deserve death anyway.
like making up bullshit propiganda is going to help anything.
you are a lying cocksucker so I jyst assumed you were gay
That's gonna be great for us, because they will all invest here to make sure we're Europe's fortress
Rat, gtfo my country and to the frontlines. Chop chop
July 6th, Krasnodar krai.
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In the long run Russia will win the war of attrition against Ukraine, but it will be a pyrrhic victory.
Any peace settlement would be temporary and only prolong the conflict. Putin can't be trusted anymore than the Western allies of Ukraine's corrupt government. Both sides want a wider conflict, but the West wants Russia softened up first. Things are about to heat up on both sides.
17 Firth Close Sheffield. I'm in all week except Thursdays.

Russia is gaining ground each day though and Ukraine is in no fit state to recapture their lost territory. Stalemate at best imo
No address I see. Pussy.
>The west supported an illegal coup in Chechnya that turned into 20 years of war against Russia.
>The west supported an illegal coup in Georgia that ended with the 2008 war against Russia
>The West supported an illegal coup in Ukraine that ended with Ukrainians murdering civilians in Russian-majority places.
They will invest back home and leave this shithole, meaning you wont have your job of sucking american dick
First of all there's nothing Putin can do.
Second of all unless they start bombing oligarch palaces and personal property there is nothing they will do.
Blowing up a factory and killing 100 workers is okay.
Blowing up an oligarchs palace and killing his alcoholic druggie daughter demands a nuclear response and WW3.
None of these are nuclear threats are they, chang?
Keep seething, Russia will disappear and we're gonna get a piece of the pie
Romania will disappear in your lifetime while Russia will remain for many more centuries
Not acurate, I decide that
I was in Bucharest a few weeks ago. Was very western leaning and didn't look like it's going anywhere. Are you one of those men that sleeps in the flowerbeds?
You will see in a year when Ukraine gets carved up
Fake and gay.
Whatever. Ukraine is the necessary sacrificial pawn to finally get Russia to disappear
It's worth the price
Did you not see the legions of gypsies, poos and pakies?
Oh great the Chihuahua nation is talking
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>Russia captures an pile of rubble that was once a village after wasting thousands of men and months of time fighting for it
>"Zaza look how strong we are, rest of Donbass in two more months stupid HATOtroon!"
>Ukrainians blow up strategic targets such as weapon depots, troop barracks, weapon production facilities, oil production/extraction facilities, etc.
The USA and its puppet EU are constantly funding enemies of Russia to destroy Russia.
Imagine Russia funding anti-America Mexicans with unlimited assault rifles, military vehicles, etc that would be considered a direct attack on the USA by a nuclear power.
>gypsies, poos and pakies
I did, they looked like they were well policed and kept in line. Really should clear them out of the flowerbeds though.
Sure things nigger lover, in a decade you will be begging Russia to save you
Well guess what they are majority of the youth in all cities, they will demand to separate and form a new nation.
>Russia will remain for many more centuries
Yes, as a bog dwelling people living off bear meat and mosquito burgers.
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>"nooooo, you can't attack our ammo depots!! We purposefully put them around civilians, so you're war criminals for attacking them!"
>"ha ha, yes. We're attacking your ammo depots. And you're evacuating your civilians from the general area because you are bitches and we are winning."
Oy vey.
That's right it pays to be on the winning side. What's Russia got to offer anyone except being robbed? At least uncle Sam will give you plenty of weapons and unaccounted for money. Just make sure your leaders trickle some of that aid down to the common man.

>Bawww america is better at intelligence ops than us bawww

Try not to think about dick sucking all the time Ivan. It's weird.
Russia has been arming enemies of the west since the cold war you idiot.
Thankfully white brits will disappear in a few decades.
>you will be begging Russia to save you
From what, best living standards Romania ever had?
Russians will continue to be poor fucks and vote for a Mongol to rule them like a tsar, while they slave away and drink themselves to death.

Russians can't even save themselves from themselves
>it's a shame
>it's pretty obvious
you write like a faggot journalist

you probably write for the faggotdailymail
>they will demand to separate and form a new nation.
You're a fantasist. Have you considered you can just say no?
From the gangs raping your wife and daughters. In fact I hope your entire family gets enriched
Have you considered to say no also? You know being minority in 12 large cities already
Rumours of our demise have been greatly exaggerated.
>our monke overlord dindu nuffin
>This place
>Logistic hub
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>gangs raping
We're not Western Euro cucks
This, why are Russians pike this?
Your biggest export is young women for European brothels lad.

>The USA and its puppet EU are constantly funding enemies of Russia to destroy Russia.

And what is russia doing, just crying about it?

launch a direct attack on USA or NATO or just stfu dumb fucking ziggers, sick of your crying over everything
Now do Scotland. (My country) Idiot.
Oy vey yourself, nigger.
Explain what were Russians doing in Prague in 1968
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Whatever helps you sleep at night
And do I appear to defend them?
Why is the pussy bitch spamming this board instead of dying on the frontlines like a good little ZOGmutt. Chop chop little bitch, off you go to the minefields.
>What is going on?
theres a nato summit in a few days and they are desperate to make it look like they're not getting their shit pushed in
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Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
the smartest ukraine supporter
I am against the West and USA so I am not in the same house as you and the rest of the american dick sucking retard
If you could read you would already have your answer you council house dwelling, single mum having waste of space.
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you suck at this lol
You lost.
>Russia invaded Ukraine with zero provocation
fucking idiot kill yourself
I won already since I am above you all
The soviet union isn't Russia.
Also, the soviet union after Stalin's death turned into retarded globohomo central.
Thank you for your contribution, unfortunately this conversation requires a higher iq and someone who holds a social status, unlike you.
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you're not even human let alone a man
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Well, yeah see. Putin is a bitch, and he knows we've tied his hands about muh n00ks. So, he'll enjoy this conventional trwnch/bombardment war of yesteryear until we get bored of giving Ukraine shit to use to blow up Russian children.
Based on Iraq and Afghanistan, I estimate another 10-15 years of pulling up this bitch nigga's skirt...
>won already since I am above you all
Do you sleep in those elevated flower beds?
I sleep in your mother
>higher iq
>believes the jewkraine dindu nuffin
like i said kill yourself you fucking idiot
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Lmao, Vladik you need to try way harder or you'll receive the broom.
>drone attacks
dayum, those are the W's Ukraine has to take these days?
they're fucked lol
Starting to lean towards fake and gay story. This place is the boonies. What's the point? Doubt ammo trucks could even reach it regularly. This building is the only thing that looks like a place to store anything, but it's not military and sort of no point since they are not being invaded. It's far from the front I just don't get it
Im not interested in piggers and ziggers anymore, i want nafotroons to die and westoid faggots to get killed by niggers and ahmeds
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nobody in history has lost harder than spineless weak anglo cucks
I also support my local Ukrainian community by buying things from their little shop. Every little helps.
It's rewarding to know I do my bit for those that deserve it.
It must really annoy you that there are people like me. Doing good work.
Shame, your vitriol and hatred affect only you.
This is nothing compared to upcoming civil war in muttmerica.
Sure. Soviet Union isn't Russia, but Putin justifies his special operation with 300 years of history. Russian copium sure is finest in the universe at this point.
>one afghan cuck got caught
Yea big deal. We used to have this kind of things even back in the 90s when all sorts of weirdos tried to cross the border.
We don't have boatloads of niggers trying to get in.
>really to feel safe from invasion
The US/NATO has never once, even during the Cold War, had plans to invade Russia. For fucking what? Communism spreads by coup and revolution, the entire point was limited to containing this retardation.
>jews who traffic children and shell their neighbors for speaking russian deserve even MORE of your money after stealing 200 billion

nigger just fucking kill yourself you are too much of a useful idiot to keep walking the earth
>you're not even human let alone a man
Wow, such an argument. How will I ever recover?
Why don't ziggers have any credible arguments left?
And i hope you are boosted 7th times now.
The explain what Russia was doing in South Ossetia.
>Hohols are blowing shit up on Russian territories non-stop.
>What is going on?
You bombed and shelled their territory and more importantly sent your army there so on occasion they'll strike depot munitions and factories on your territory. I don't see why this should come as a surprise.
>Communism spreads by coup and revolution,
We would never do the same thing because we are the good guys right?? Right??
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You are out of touch with reality then, no wonder you suck american dick
yea well i bought atomic heart platinum edition knowing well the taxes on it are used to FAB 1500 ukranian positions. I might even play it one day.
I'm as white as humans come. Now let's be seeing yours?
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Hey bong guess what
most of the world hates you disgusting kike slave niggers not just russians
Yea those are insects borrowed for a season to do some seasonal work, then scram.
They won't be given citizenship. We should use the Saudi Arabia approach, get some of this cheap labour and keep it locked in camps, then send it back. Best approach
Fake and I gay. they blew up some rusted out fuel tanks.
No. I never took the Vax, never wore a mask and never stayed home. Try again lad.
Let's see now. Western propaganda sez Putin is threatening the west with nukes. Western propaganda slaves believe it. Priceless. Ok.

But then they try to convince others that it is true.

You can't make this stuff up.
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>We should use the Saudi Arabia approach
Dont worry we are reaching them fast from behind
you are just as easy to manipulate if not moreso than the blackest nigger of the congo so all anglos are official niggers
And I care not a jot, you should really read some history.
Brits have never cared what others think.
Why would I read why other diarrhea you shit in this thread, fuck off to the frontlines animal.
Putin isn't doing anything about it because the security inside that country is dogshit.
That's also why ISIS has been able to kill people by the hundreds recently.
The police only acts fast to oppress their own people in Russia.
Every American I've ever met is an infantile, over emotional participation trophy holding imbecile.
>Brits have never cared what others think.
you care what the rothschilds think thats why you've been their slave since the 1500's you weak peasant
I'll be visiting them next month, you'd know that if you could read.
In the history of communism there has never been a peaceful transition. There have been numerous bloodless transitions to democracy, however. Fuck off, shill. 5th Columnists get the rope, first.
>Another Jewkrane and JewSA glownigger bot thread.
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it's obvious you're a jewish tranny. go dilate
Whenever I meet the Rothschild's I find we don't have a lot in common desu.
Meanwhile in the UK and France people are still being raped and killed by Muslims daily. lol

White people are so fucking retarded
Probably nothing was actually hit. It's some fucking boonie town in the middle of nowhere. Only place claiming it is the meme lords kyiv independent.
Post rape and murder rates for your country?
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you're donating your own money to jew wars because jews said its the right thing while you are being conquered by niggers you braindead cuck
Hohols getting desperate because they are losing the war badly
Holy cope batman
Seriously Russia looks lame as fuck at this point lmao
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useful idiots always go first thank God, speed up the anglo extermination and kill yourself for jewish profits already thats what your slave race is for
Nope, we're not even 5%.
And I'm talking about some insects temporarily allowed to work here then told to go back
They're not "population" here. They don't even get in the census, not citizens.
>lose 8 villages a day

Lol, dude I'm a Russia shill but you know this is just not true. Maybe 8 villages in a year if we are being honest here
It's starting to happen here too, I know. But we at least aren't white.
If my country suddenly converted to Islam that would just be a return to status quo for our already arabified genetic pool lol
Meanwhile you white people are commiting suicide because you embraced this evil
>you're donating your own money
Yes. I'm not poor.
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couple billions invested in war propaganda/malicious lies might do that
Don't believe everything you read here kiddo. The UK is still a fine place to live.
most people get mad when their money goes to unethical things like proxy wars that only enrich jews while killing goyim, but you gladly give your resources to those fucks. Thank god you will find out yourself please go to jewkraine and join the azov koshernazis for their eternal dirt nap
What do you mean? Their situation was already desperate. The country which claims (claimed) to have the largest ground army in the world invaded 2.5 years ago. Russia was largely beaten back and humiliated with heirloom donations, but they refuse to surrender. The lesson needs to be harsher.
oh yeah you're really coming off like you're rooting for russia
ukraine had a larger army than germany, france, and the uk combined. they exceeded even poland and have been conscripting vigorously to stop their inevitable destruction.
>triggered troon fanfiction
You really are a broken wee boy, aren't you. I'm guessing you have no friends, never had sex and have failed in everything you've tried because of your seething hatred for everyone who doesn't think like you. (99% of people)
It's not going to get better for you but keep digging. You'll kill yourself eventually if you don't do a school shooting first.
My opinion of you couldn't be any lower.
>heirloom donations
lol i hate when people try to low ball how much shit ukraine got, bruh they got donated more than most worlds standing armies and the newest american shit straight from operating units that actually need it. That HIMARS shit you love hearing about basically disarmed the Marine Corps against a peer threat, they got rid of tanks in favor of long range precision fires then those new systems get yanked away for jewkraine by pentagon boomers, and a lot of the marines' old abrams are already burning in donbas and one is in moscow already on display lol
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This unironically
>basically disarmed the Marine Corps
Surely this should make you happy? Disarmed zogbots no?
You can't even keep up a coherent argument you utter failure.
Why is your house such a boring shithole? I've seen Commieblocks with more life than this, no wonder you support Russia they're an upgrade.
>It's pretty obvious Russia is incapable of proceeding
It isn't obvious, retard. Do you even know what attrition is? Go read about WWI.
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i saw that place get nuked in that 80s movie called "Threads"
how is anybody supposed to sound like they're rooting for russia without sounding sarcastic? They're doing just that shit.
Your propaganda has been improving somewhat, that's what's going on.
Still too little truth to it, but keep going with the improvements, you'll get there.
Feel free to go check out the russian channels reporting it, with videos of both the drones and the ongoing cookoff. Here's an article about it. The Russians have declared a state of emergency.
Seems an overreaction to some 'rusty fuel tanks'
You fucking idiot.
if you have to actually make that claim you clearly are saying a bunch off bullshit to the contrary.
i think its gotten worse look they are even putting on memeflags and pretending to be girls shilling for proxy wars like dumbass simps here will fall for it lol
>Feel free to go check out the russian channels
>posts telegraph.co.uk
nigger come on
Fuck right off namefag. I know you.
>What is going on?

These strikes rarely do significant damage. Much more people die in Russia in car accidents, than in these strikes.

Meanwhile, ookraine is losing 2-3k soldiers a day, dead and wounded. I wonder which side will outlast the other
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Increasing desperation has resulted in a change of tactics
Doesn't feel nice does it? Maybe you should stop doing that to Ukraine
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that's deeply concerning, so when can we expect that beach party?
My evidence far outweighs your fantasy. Feel free to go and research it yourself, I'm not going to hold your hand.
(Just like every woman you ever met)
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Whay are you gay?
It will come.
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cook off of what? there is no cook off in the video. its just smoke and a fire. that is a cookoff image.
>Meanwhile, ookraine is losing 2-3k soldiers a day,
Lmao I'm no supporter of hohols but imagine believing these numbers
>even if it seems like slow and steady progress theres going to come a point when they're too low on steam to keep pressing forward, so the only option will be to go back to where they came from
Why do you speak when you don't know wtf you're talking about? Russia will never "go back to where they came from". You obviously have no idea what this war is about. Russia will either win, or be destroyed.

And if Russia wins, the west will be destroyed. Why do you think America is so willing to start WWIII?
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>claims ruassian sources
>cites non-russian sources
Implicitly conceding your own point
>I know you.
If you namefagged maybe I would know you too.
>The UK is still a fine place to live.
the slip there lmao. Zogmutts understand they are fighting for a worse way of life, and they still do it lmao
>These strikes rarely do significant damage. Much more people die in Russia in car accidents, than in these strikes.
The damage isn't the problem but just how many attacks hohols are doing on Russian territory.
Sending hundreds of drones every single day to attack Russian soil wasn't a normal thing a few months ago. At best hohols would try to attack Russia with 5-10 drones and Russian air defenses handled them easily.
Depends what's cooking off you fucking mong.
>or be destroyed.
I welcome this development, as do 99% of white people.
Sorry, I'm not a faggot.
How big is your penis?
Please tell me more about how my language functions?
fuel you retard. it burns. big surprise. i find it odd russia uses super secret ammo storage sites in their own country when they have fucking literal ammo depot cities like Casbana. retard coping levels.
or just trash facilities fires
>launch a direct attack on USA or NATO or just stfu dumb fucking ziggers, sick of your crying over everything

That would provide an official start for WWIII and all countries will be dragged in, shit for brains.

The Russians are not that stupid, US/NATO keeps escalating in their war against Russia, currently playing out in the proxy state, it is a US/NATO war of attrition, as declared, to weaken Russia, so Russia too, is fighting a war of attrition. Long war, not made-in-hollywood US/NATO strikes.

Ok, fine, why attack US/NATO (which mean advancing from protected and reinforced positions into unprotected ones) when they keep coming to you, across open fields, feeding the meat grinder (the same protected and reinforced positions) with fresh meat.

Any day now, the regime will have to admit that they have no meat left. US/NATO is prepared, they have 200,000 troops ready and waiting on the Western borders, in the next incremental escalation, to yet again do what they said they ould never do, and deploy "boofs on der grund" in the regime.

To feed the Russian meat grinder directly.
Omg nuke threat just flew over my house!!! Why are u faggot?
Fuel burns very differently, there are many types of fuels.
Your arguments are as credible as your love life.
You’re an embarrassment, bro. No, disregard my flag and face it. You’re a fucking sucker who wants to die for jews and their whatever this is. Pathetic
New York status?
My children are half polish and I very much enjoyed living in your wonderful country over a decade ago.
Shame you are such an embarrassment to it.
>I welcome this development, as do 99% of white people.
Only stupid whites believe America winning this war is a good thing.
Just saying it won’t make it true.
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you are a retard. like literally a retard. here is a fuel fire btw. looks very similar... hmmm where have i seen it before?
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>non stop
thats fake news
Your prisons are at full capacity because you've been taking Muslim cock nonstop in your country.
Let's be frank here, the russian shills on /pol/ are largely just failed men that want destruction and carnage because they hate themselves and their failures.
You can rant and rave all you please but I'm not like you. I have children, I own my own home, I'm financially secure and my life is great.
Sucks to be you.
>i would totally go to kill all those ziggers but i can't because my tummy hurts
top kek
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Nobody is laughing here at Putin.
Actually they are desperate and in panic mode
because its now obvious that their plans are miscalculated
and Trump is coming 6 months from now
Are you advocating we shouldn't lock up criminals?
See how easy it is to make you look stupid?
It's because you are so fucking stupid. That's what makes it easy.
If you bothered to read you would find this has already been addressed.
More stupidity easily shown.
lol, with what weapons.
>Save us trump!
Imagine being such a cuck for a grifter.
The massive amount being shipped there from all over the world that will not stop?
See how easy this is? Stupid.
>The Russians are not that stupid
lmao even
>"they are failed men"
>60 pbtid
Putin is a stupid Boomer and a Lier and he needs to die same with zelenskike but that faggot is right HELLO IMBECILES if by this time you haven't realized the west gives FALSE AND MANIPULATED bullshit nonstop you need to stay in reddit never come here again and don't forget your boosters.
Now fuck off the lot of you failed men. I'm going to wash my wife's cum off my cock and go show my son how to change the oil in the car.

Imagine being you. More wanking to trannies and lonely post nut clarity.
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Nato is outspending russia almost 8 to 1 and all it's done is stall their advance.
I'm lying in bed after an energetic morning. Waiting for my lunch to be ready before joining my family.
What's your excuse?
wife's son won't be proud of you if you dont reach triple digits.
Yeah that's not going to happen. They'll nuke us all into the middle ages before that little fantasy of yours comes true.
I'm actually really fucking sick of you "people" cheering this on.
Life may be just one big joke to you because you're a neet with nothing to lose, but some of us care about our families and legacies as well as our race.
I wish I would run into a nafoid in public but you never see them. They're either such big pussies they won't say anything, or they never leave their basement
My guess is the latter.
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The Russians lately have been emptying their depots due to losses in ukraine, pretty smart for the Ukrainians to preemptively strike them.
when fucking losers like you say shit like this it makes me like putin more and more.
i used to dislike russia, but seeing this shit makes me really want to see total russia victory.
you insufferable keyboard cunts smell like you like to cream yourself with jewish dick cheese.
YWNBAW tranny
when has anything the EU or NATO ever worked out for Romania?
you are globohomo's toilet/buffer zone/sacrificial lamb.
get a set of balls, romanian, and stop simping for nato/eu - its not working.
Defending jewish interests, maybe
Yeah, kike leaders and their worshippers all seem to despise putin, tells me what I need to know
>A few months ago the Ukraine strikes on Russian territory were considered rare and some kind of achievement, now it has become an hourly thing and Putin is doing nothing about it.
heard this exact line since march 2022
Opinions of bitter average nobody retards like him doesn't matter it won't change a shit your main concern should be J3M5 and their sh4bbos, the war is still going on bc Boris Johnson and Biden gave support to Zelenskik3 and both of them are part of the shabb05 club same with Trump, they are going to make Trump president to lure you into becoming a zogbot and they do have plans for false flag to start a war with Russia they wont let a ceasefire or a peace agreement.
They can’t even supply Israel to their satisfaction. And Israel is the true #1
Wrong priorities desu, theyre getting their shit kicked in back home
NAFO girl in question:
exactly. when the synagogue of satan kvetches , you know the right answer.
>follow idiots and people who hate you or you’re a disgrace.

Yeah no. Nobody’s even paying me to be that way.
Your Id says you're a tranny.

>encroaching argument, it's a red herring.


lol, whatever. It also says I’m on TV. And I’m not.
>someone said something mean :(( now i support the opposite of what i believed before
Absolute peak loser follower mentality
Russian army was invited there by the Georgian state to help regulate the conflict with separatists back in the 90s. The Georgian government couldn't handle them back then as they were busy with the civil war, so they relied on Russia to freeze the conflict. Then Saakashvili came to power. Backed by your flag he sniffed even more of nationalist gas, demanded that Russian force left as he spiked the military spending and organized a ton of military reforms and equipment imports in preparation of reclamation of South Osetia. Russian force left, leaving only skeleton peacekeeping crew in the borders of South Osetia. Georgia chimped out, thinking they could occupy Tskhinvali before Russia reacts. Their bet was off and they had to forfeit their ambitions on that territory, plus Abkhazia, due to such an escalation.
Georgians have to cope and seethe about these lands being totally part of Georgia since then, meanwhile Saakashvili fled to Ukraine to glow over there, then returned to Georgia and got arrested for organized murders back when he was in charge.
Anglo trash subhuman, nuking your ass would be doing you a favor
Don't go near ammunition depots. Problem solved.
NAFO fails like you failed at Kabul.
what the fuck are you doing all the way in Australia?
Astra is a fake telgram account used Kiev pretending to be russians
thats a russian attack on ukriane dimwit
> ammo dump with troops
>meanwhile Saakashvili fled to Ukraine to glow over there, then returned to Georgia and got arrested for organized murders back when he was in charge.

lol. Also, huh…
>61 pbtid ass blasted nato troon
Lmao, trust me guys Russia is definitely losing, that why he’s he has to post about it 60 times a thread.
>Also, huh…
Back in the day the glownigger network was public knowledge functioning as a point of pride for the democratic world
this means ukraine is winning
Putin just sent another 100 russian men in a meatwave attack. Take that you fucking western tranny
>bloodless transitions to democracy
Loyalists like you are top tier retards. No wonder they need to hire from the third world now
Not an argument, faggot. Real democracy requires acknowledging Rule of Law. It lends itself to peaceful transitions of power, by default. The property and labour theft of communism, autocracy, socialism, etc. ? Not so much...
I thought recapturing territory was the most important thing
Frens along ze way is mostest impotante
A Russian ammunition warehouse in the Voronezh region, Russia, was struck by UAVs. Secondary explosions can be heard and the Russian governor of the region ordered the evacuation of the area. 07-07-2024
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The explosions relating to the struck ammunition warehouse in the Voronezh region are substantial. This was a lot of ammunition. 07-07-2024.
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The sappers had one job... This one made my day. KEK HD

Another one Russian invader successfully intercepted Ukrainian FPV drone HD

The Ukrainian 47th Mechanised Brigade continues to hunt for Russian invaders. fter FPV drone strike, on of Orc’s head and helmet flew into orbit. The rest fled, but not far.

BOOOM! A Russian ammunition storage together with invaders were destroyed by the Ukrainian 47th Mechanised Brigade in the Avdiivka direction. The crew lived HD

The Ukrainian 425th Assault Battalion, supported by US-supplied M2A2 'Bradley' IFV, is attacking Russian positions in the Avdiivka direction HD

Here is a story of a group of orcs who decided to go to Ukraine and hide out in a basement. A big good drone came and blew up the house they were under. Now they get to play minecraft to survive. HD

The Ukrainian «Evil Peregrines» unit destroys Russian invaders with drone-dropped munitions. Never underestimate ammunition with shrapnel, as if you do not get help in time, you will die HD
This Russian 2S1 was detected near the Pokrovsk-Avdiivka sector and hit by a FPV drone. The Russian SPG disintegrated, instantly. Source Telegram Muramasa_FPV HD

The oil facility in Lenigradskaya, Krasnodar Region, Russia, is still burning. Locals have to close windows. The NASA FIRMS map confirms the extent of the fire. 06-07-2024

Ukrainians are increasingly using FPV drones to take Russian aerial vehicles. In this instance a Russian Zala recon drone was taken out. 06-07-2024

India is increasingly open regarding its displeasure that Russia uses nationals from the subcontinent in its cannon fodder tactics in Ukraine, demanding the return of Indians. 06-07-2024

This Russian ammunition storage was spotted by a surveillance drone. One FPV drone was dispatched and destroyed this building and the surroundings in a spectacular fashion. 06-07-2024.

Ukrainian artillery strikes against Russian dugouts and fortifications and along the left bank of the Dnipro and a relative drought caused extensive destruction. 06-07-2024
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In Russian-occupied Crimea a gas distribution unit exploded. The fire can be seen from afar. 06-07-2024.
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>if I only look at one side's losses then the other side must be winning!!
>armies lose equipment and men in a war
this truly changes everything

So you are just taking russian attacks and claiming they were ukrainian?

am sure that will fool people. . .
>63 posts by this id
And no, I didn't even read them. Realized from the first post it would be that way.
Show flag pajeet.
>Russia needs borders on the Carpathians really to feel safe from invasion.
...a century ago. Now there are nukes. No major wars or fears of imminent invasion between Pakistan/India now that each has some nukes.

>Russia won't stop until they get their desired outcome as having a NATO base in Ukraine is an existential crisis for them.
It may be an existential crisis, but not a tactical one. If they can survive the fact that no one wanted to invade them when the Berlin Wall came down, they can probably survive the fact that Ukrainians don't want to be Russians.
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Don't worry putin has a plan.
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Better than what they're currently fielding.
Looks way cheaper than an abrams
Good. fuck russoid mongrels.
today ammo depots blown up results:
Russia 14 Cuckholes (ft.NAFO) 1
Heroyam slava <3
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>Acceleration will cause ww3
Lie. Escalation will out-pace Kremlins capacity to mobilize kubiks and produce weapons turning the war. Thats the only reason for all the impotent threats and fear mongering. If west gets going Russia shits the bed. Simple as.

BUT if West stays scared and careful, Putin can kill 20 Million Russian kubiks, torture the country for 20 years and in the end have Ukraine. Just to have demographic collapse 20 years later. But he will have secured his position and comfort.
Oh dear, another airfield today.
Detonation also started in occupied Melitopol after arrival at the airfield
In addition to airplanes and helicopters, the S-300 division is based there
They have completely failed to mobilise the west against Russia.
All they have done is given Russia every opportunity to look like a more serious and diplomatic option than the United States and Europe.
Putin refusing to escalate not back down is a test the world is paying attention to.
We're witnessing a change of paradigms in real time, and "The West" has no answer except to double down, piss and cry.
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So many ziggers in this thread losing their heads.
You little poof. Get out of my country faggot.
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Zigger suicide number 80.....
Russia is so shit their troops don't want rescue.
These are just the ones caught on camera. Lmao
first post finntard post
of course your white. only cuck crackers run around the world 'saving' everyone while your own home burns down
Not today.
Showing your true colour.
Every single zigger in this thread can now kys after soundly being btfo as browns, losers and fundamentally Ill informed.
And ukies down another su-25.
Fucking russian losers.
Wales seems nice
This thread makes me hate both sides
this means ukraine is winning
>look at these deserters we executed, that proves we're winning
Umm ok

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