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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Women aren't having children anymore.
>Every woman on Tinder has 3 kids.

Pick one.
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>*woman has 4 black kids*
bro chill we aren't the empire han solo kek
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>Women aren't having children
With ugly incels
No. I choose neither.

Then how exactly are all the ugly incels being born?
>women aren't having white children anymore
jews are so evil and poisonius and antagonistic vile creatures
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>Women aren't having children anymore! What's wrong with them?
>*two minutes later*
>Literally every women on Tinder has 4 kids. This is sooooo annoying.

What does the "alt right" want exactly?
By 5+ normies fucking ugly cunts

Who exactly are the dads though? Are they chads or incels? If they're chads, then the kids should be chad.
>fucking ugly cunts
jews would know about that, that's why mirrors are illegal in Israel to prevent heart attacks from shock of the ugly monster looking back at them
Look I'm not Romanian I don't care that much
Nigga u mad
it takes one to know one mister noseberg
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ukraine is your future home you parasite, is it better than desert shithole israel?
she doesn't need a husband
her daughter needs a father
jews will never be like saudis they will only ever be high level gypies, and your grift wears out eventually and you get kicked out for yopur poor behaviuor
fuck you evil non human evolved demon
jews use niggers as pets and weaponized them against non jews, beware jews and their pet niggers
She is not bad looking, if she put the glet up for adoption and cleaned herself up she would probably do ok.
Some randomness in recombination has historically seen the best results in survival.
If the stupid could simply go for beauty and size, we would end up like those often extinct flightless birds even faster.
>she doesn't need a husband
>her daughter needs a father
Correct. But black culture isn't to have a father. She's destroying her daughter's cultural right to be a fatherless nigger.
Look at those souless, Black eyes!
these jewish girls are having a time of their lives
so happy for them
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Jews are not white , these girls clearly are tho
children means human not niglet ape
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Yes, women aren't having human kids. The bioweapons trashy women shit out are just future prison inmates.
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She has one, he left because he's a NIGGER. You chose to sleep with an invasive species and now it's left a turd on your rug which it expects you to look after. You chose your path, Roastie; now deal with it alone, or in the company of more negro pump'n'dumpers.
NO self-respecting white man should have to lower himself to accept this bullshit and no self-respecting white man wants to raise a tar-baby as it makes him look weak. Your family tree ends where that brown mistake started.
Drown the niglet and I'll think about it.
c-c-Can't it be both?
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She puts that baby in the oven for 5 hours at 500 degrees or the baby in the microwave for 30 min then maybe I’d consider
fucking walking abortion disgusting
Women with kids have trouble finding men. I know of one step dad my age.
>my black bastard daughter needs...
You do not deserve that ID
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Ed Sheeran's wild oats.
jej. good post
>if it was white guys getting minority women pregnant then you'd be typing "BLEACHED CONQUERED COLONIZED WE ARE MAKING THE WORLD MORE WHITE"
Yeah so what? Black people make the world worse.
I meant human children
amzing isnt it?
women who have no intention of ever getting married and or having kids are being paid thousands a month to receive gallons of semen
from male specimens who are arguably high grade
successful women in their 30s who put establishing a career above everything else and make either close to 6 or 6 figures or at the very least dont need no man but still want kids have to pay 10k+ a pop for semen they are told came from the tippity toppest tier of men and totally not from the dude behind the counter who just filled up the test tube with his own semen
How can white women fall in love with this is beyond my comprehension
>The few woman on Tinder have kids
Ok... yes
>The many woman who are not on Tinder do not have kids
... Yes?

You can have both OP.
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Well, it's true that most women in the west aren't managing to have children by now, and will die lonely among their cats and box wine. But these women in their 30s have mostly given up and just go to work and sit at home watching netflix by now. The women who do reproduce do it in the most dysgenic way imaginable, with the awful selection of men they have access to (average men are below consideration and are not considered "men" per se.)

So yes, it's a strange situation where both things are true. Most women today have given up and are basically femcel shut-ins, while every woman on Tinder has 3 kids by some random assortment of drug addicts and non-whites.
Wait, can OP really not solve this one?
Incels are made by single moms. It's not about their genetics at all. Whenever there's some incel thread where people post pics, there's a wide variation in genetics from the classic chud look to handsome guys. The thing they ALL have in common is that they're raised by single moms. Single motherhood produces incels.
They ain't having kids while in school like used to, remember teenage pregnacy being bad?
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jews own mas media and reach humans minds

There is no race mix in nature sinners are washed away by time. it means ending of the pure blood line mutts do not continue to breed it is a dead end in a few generations for sure.

Morality = "traffic rules for life" written for dummies in religious books.
Sin create suffer, that is pure observe able mechanics, no one can piss against wind, fuck around and find out, stay away from jews.
Cool then Weinstein Epstein Polanski and Woody Allen aren't White either
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OP about to suck so much nigger cock there won't be enough supply for coalburners
>unreadable ESL
>basic template meme points with no coherent line of thinking
>meme template normie tier image
Never post again. You are what’s ruining this board
>12 broken marriages
He actually saved 12 husbands from being married to a whore
Maybe this nigger fucking whore should find the daddy. Oh, she does not know which nigger is the father - too bad.
niggers aren’t children
poo covered indian hands typed this
>my black daughter needs a father
>my society needs criminals locked up
it's not the same
that dude is fuckign evil incarnate
JIDF seemingly doesn't care about optics, any more.
It's the first one, jew
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I had no idea Kenyans actually got married
they do if you raise them in a sect where theyre told theyre jewish and raise them to stick to their sect
The problem isn't that women aren't having kids, because they are. The problem is that they are shitting out little retarded nigger babies out of wedlock and aren't creating families. Retarded nigger babies raised by single moms almost always grow up to be violent criminals. Best case scenario they sell weed and spend all their time playing xbox. Does anyone honestly believe that Jamal who grew up in the projects raised by his poor single mom is gonna go on to cure cancer or colonize the moon? Nah, we need white and asian kids raised in stable middle or upper class families if we want to achieve anything like that.
White women prefer a strong, muscly black gentlemen with hearts of gold and dicks like the trunks of African elephants over white men. Deal with it.
literal false dichotomy faggot
>fuck jannies, fuck niggerlovers
>My black daughter needs a father.

More proof that redheads are being replaced by blacks. Also, its the black mans way to impregnate and just flee.
"to pay for the HIV medication"
>They ain't having kids while in school
Gypsies do.
Filthy whores/coalburners don't count as women. They don't count, for anything, except some LOLs when they finally pay the toll.
>black daughter.jpg
where is the father?!
You cant just a kid up for adoption kek, once you make it it is stuck with you till the rest of your life
You can even go to jail if little shit does something
Those girls are american/anglo
Anglos loove their nigs
Ed is ugly lol
>>Women aren't having children anymore.
Women only need to exist in order to breed, this always felt like cope to me.
Besides, I couldn't care less about women having children or not if I'm not having them. The ones who actually need help are the millions of males who are tragically dying childless. And unlike women, it's not a choice for them. That's why males must be given guaranteed access to subsidized surrogacy right fucking now.
White women with nigger babies have fully transformed into niggers. Nigger women raise their keeds wit out no mans.
Sure thing rajesh
Always did

Face it anon, your problem is white middle class or upper girls, is what they are lusting to
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>my black daughter needs a father
she already has one. Go crawl on your knees and beg the baby daddy to take you in.

single mothers are the scum of the earth.

men don't throw away pussy without a damned good reason.
imagine how much of a piece of shit you have to be to be thrown away as a female.
that redhead was probably pretty hot when she dolled herself up.
wonder how many average white guys she turned down while prancing in front of them.
now she's stuck with a half-breed daughter from a nog that ran out on her, but probably not before giving her a beating or three, and she's looking for a simp who will help carry the weight of her poor judgement.

TFW one realizes one would have been that simp if not for /pol/'s enlightening influence
She's got that 15th century eastern European farm serf phenotype
Those aren't children.
from 1990 to 2000 I got dozens of women pregnant and most of them had the babies instead of killing them.
I let them raise them all themselves, because it's not like I raped any of them and we weren't married.
I would have liked to move them all to a farm or something but that cost a lot of money. easier to just get on gibsmedatmaxxing program.
now my dna will last for 1000's of years.
>Both are true.
Another example of Burger IQ
>Here are two unrelated things.
>How come they aren't related.
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Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]
5. School shootings are glowop [ Sandyhook laugh ]
6. Fungus and Parasitepill [ q4agf7.pdf ]
7. Mememagick [ chaos magic, Egregore ]
8. Cancer and AIDS have cure
9. God gene [ VMAT2, Signature in the Cell, spw5nmUrpWA ]
10. Pharmakeia, Stem cell [ Foreskin in cosmetics, Finkelstein: human DNA in hotdog, HEK293: fetus cells in vaccine and products like Pepsi (tumorigenic) ]
11. Meat is incredibly important for your diet, avoid seed oil and corn syrup poison [ Dr. Chris Knobbe - Diseases of Civilization ]
12. Hunter bidens Finger Lakes tattoo [ Silent hill, Oz, Mormon origin, pedo symbol, missing people, military bunkers, anomalies research buoy, Ghislaine Maxwell submersible: tunnel to canada ]
13. CERN ritual and tunnel ceremony
14. Encryption | Hardware backdoor [ IntelME, AMD PSP, ARM Trustzone, rsabd.py, NSA SELinux, iOS pegasus ]
15. Antarctica [ Fitbit leak, Antarctic treaty, Admiral Byrd, 15th century map, /x/32364917 ]
16. Moon [ Lost footage, 1962 laser beam, Nixon phone call, AMERICAN MOON(2007), lux ]
17. Psionic [ Gateway, RV, AP, CIA-RDP96, Edward Riordan 2017 ]
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Biden has stoke 1 month before election, is not seen but is elected, pronounced dead. Chuck Schumer becomes “emergency president elect” and declares war on Iran next day despite not taking office for months. China attacks Taiwan immediately. US collapses overnight from bank run, debt, and jew banks. Food becomes scarce. Riots begin. Attacks on people outside of cities by roving armed gangs occurs. Police are not paid and walk off or engage each other along racial lines. Political control ends. How do you see your reaction to this personally?

1. Try to organize local people into a defense force, but people are idiots and without discipline and it seems impossible.
2. Try to make a mad max style run to family in another state in a more dependable geography and more trustworthy kinfolk.
3. Try to go into a remote area only to find others have the same idea and the theft and attack by gangs and irregular forces and food scarcity makes this impossible. Enter nearest town looking for help and get extorted, enslaved.
4. Lay down in fetal position, end up sucking cocks for cups of dry dog food.
5. Become the problem and join a gang to commit crimes that murder your soul.
6. Attack government installations with a 1:20 chance of surviving long enough to get something of use.
7. Escape to Mexico.
8. Shoot niggers till you run out of ammo, use last bullet on yourself.
9. Other.
Britbong IQ is filling your country with wogs and mudslimes.
I wonder if cases like this will continue in the future. There was a nigger with HIV who did this in Poland. I don't think he got any of them pregnant but many got HIV.

Rare hormonal birth control W.
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of course they are breeding with much better genetic material lol
Not my problem
>id: chadjew
i kneel
Niglets aren’t children
She does have a father. Where is he?
It really is beyond me how a normal healthy man would agree to raise another man's kid. But a nigger's kid? How desperate could you be for pussy?
jesus that picture is brutal.
what the actual fuck.
I look like this and say this.
Was this meant to look like a female chudjak?
I think a stepdad situation is only okay in a widow scenario, and that’s if she intends to have more children, or both already have kids.

Black spawn don't count as children. Even blacks agree with that, hence the abortion rates.
The problem is that birth rate among smart white couples are dwindling. I know some myself who refuse to get kids, when low IQ single mom coalburners shit out multiple kids
interesting video. so joey got arrested for leaking that... insane.
at 3:16 the man in the suit says, "how would you suggest this is gonna' be dispersed? aerosal?"
i'm guessing he's nonchalantly referring to stratospheric aerosol injection.
b-but i was told that's a conspiracy theory! :^)
Man and wife 5 children = net gain of 4
Chad impregnates 5 women = need to produce 10 children between them to have a net gain of 4

Hypergamist societies women actually have *more* children and the population can still be in decline because the 80% normies dudes are not reproducing.
She has a father.
You mean you need a janitor to mop up your shitty life.
Straight to the harshest, most brutal gulag. The subhuman isn't even valuable enough to be gulag-fodder.
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Burn the coal, pay the toll. Niggers know to run from women that betray their race.

You think a white guy will want you now? You are ruined forever.
>A white infecting blacks with AIDS
Criss Cross.
No to mention nobody wants to marry them so they end up having one kid they can bearly take care of because they are too stupid not to.
my sides, thx for the sunday chuckles anon
>Women aren't having children anymore.
>Every woman on Tinder has 3 kids.
These points are not mutually exclusive. Tindermoms sell their kids as sextoys.
she should've thought of the kid needing a father when she conceived her
i wonder what the baby looks like now
she looked cute then
She has a father.
This has gotta be old now. I need an update on this coalburner.
>this one simple trick destroys jewish pilpul.....
>High-quality women aren't having children anymore

>Can't parse the difference between a whore and a having a family
Demons exist,this is proof.
You still missed my point, race mixing with non-white women still means the kid is going to come out as a mutt. Absolutely no amount of coping otherwise from you idiots on here is going to change that.

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