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Only retards think ethnic-Russians aren't white.
The same people who think Russians aren't white will tell you that Finns and Baltics are white(and even Karelians because of that one Azov guy).
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Actual Aryan. Same ethnicity. Different geographical region. Aryans have a little bit of a tan. I feel like people who deny that din’t live in wide open regions with kittle tree coverage. When you live in an area like that your people develop a tan. Central Asia is not really in the tropics at least not as much as the savannah and they’re not coal black like niggers because indo-iranians/aryans still had snowy winters.
Russians are ultra white but they also act extremely niggerish which is a strange conundrum.
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>this wasn't white according to Shitler
Race "science" without genetic research is 100% asspull
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There are way whiter South Asians than that bro. Behold unreduced Sintashta Aryan phenotypes amongst the Tajiks.
NAFOtroon meme
Russians don't act niggerish.
They aren't overrepresented in crime statistics.Contrary to Poles and Americans
See BKA Report every single year.
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balts and russians arent white, only western europeans are white. russians are asiatic mongrels similarly to how latinos are asiatic mongrels from race mixing with the asiatic native americans.
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90% of white russians who looked like this was slaughtered by the bolsheviks, including the Tsar.
but somehow the mongrel russians praise the bolsheviks to this day and curse the germans who tried to put an end to bolshevism
if you act like a violent nigger, i'll call you a nigger

simple as
“Genetic research” is a joke. The use disproportionate ancient sample sizes to modern sample size. For example it’s usually a 1 to 10 ratio. That is they test 10 modern people for every 1 ancient sample on average. It does depend on the culture and region but generally there is a smaller ancient samole size. The “genetic scientists” also don’t test specific populations with other populations. For example they don’t test Finnics and Finno-Urgrians with otherancient Tungesics or test ancient Caucasian Iberian samples with modern Austrians.
Naa, only Brits and Saxons are white.
Russians are not white but they desperately try to be white and suckup to whites. For example, they read european books from the 1800s that noone cares about today. Russians are pathetic, I feel sorry for them
Benjamin Franklin explained this like 250 years ago.
Russians are not cucked like western Eurooeans they have not gotten rid of their warrior culture like western whites have.

A Finn pretending to be white. Many such cases.
>Swedes and Germans
Lol what?
White is a meaningless buzzword with 0 scientific basis
>but my zog general from WW2 said they are Mongolians

If Patton could see USA and Europe today he would said the Republic of fuckin Mongolia is whiter.
>Guise trust da scienze and sheit, One Race = Human Race.
Yes, you're Asiatic mongrels because of the mixing with Sami and other Finno-Ugric peoples. For Germany, you mixed with Slavs, French, and Italics(other than the Saxons).

Sorry niggers, you're not white.
I meet german girls in my country i was puzzled to find out they were darker than me then i realized some people tan while others burn under the sun.

Tbh being able to tan according to the environment is superior genetics than being a weak pale fuck like Scottish people.
>White is a meaningless buzzword with 0 scientific basis
False. But I wouldn't expect a nigger to understand it.
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Russians/Ukranians are genetically closer to Anglos/Germanics than either group is to medoids. I love Hitler, but he was unironically wrong about Slavs, and the science doesn’t lie.
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By this logic Aryans aren’t white because the mixed with Dravidians, Turks, Bactrians and Elamites and yet you retards believe Hitler’s well poisoning about Aryans. Hook line and sinker. Aryans are not white then. This board has spoken. Let it be know from this day forward Aryans are not considered white by pols own standards. There for Hitler was full of shit.
Russian isn't an ethnicity, it's a nationality. Russian people look like chinks on the other side of the mountains.
To add on to this. If a Brit or German travels to Russia, Russians will assume he speaks Russian because they cannot differentiate. The same will happen if a Russian travels to Britain or Germany.
Yeah like 25%

Pick one;
>25% of Chinks
>13% of Niggers
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Baltaryans will always by whiter than you though Martinez.
When we talk about Aryans we are talking about the original Aryans not their mixed-race descendants. Aryan(by which I assume you mean the Yamnaya and the progenitors of the Indo-European language family) aren't even evenly dispersed across Europe. The Basques and the Sardinians have pretty much no Yamnaya ancestry. But both are generally considered white.

Regardless, I was making this point ironically because the person I was responding to was being ridiculous.
this retard jumped out of a window trying to kill himself and now he looks like shit
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Maybe an actual Russian can chime in here. But from what I understand, the ‘Rus’ are a distinct majority ethnic group in their country. The Asian looking “Russians” are called Yakuts/Buryats, and are a distinct ethnic group in eastern Russia. Russian is both an ethnic group and a nationality. Asian “Russians” are not ethnic ‘Rus’ though. The ‘Rus’ are an Aryan grouping closely related to Northern Europeans.
Any normal person with a healthy brain knows most Russians are whites, only retards and shills spit the opposite, they are trying this angle to dehumanize Russians and is a weak and retarded approach idk why they keep insisting.
Anglo-germanic protestant obsession with racism is real but thats about it. "Race" is a social construct that is dead and burried for 95% of the population and it is not coming back.
>Russians don't act niggerish
Races don’t change. We are the same as the first humans to ever walk the earth. The races are locked into the fabric of our reality. There are sub-races as in different variations on the same race but those are also all ingrained on the fabric of reality.
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Nigga we have almost 200 different nations living here. It’s not just yakuts and buryats.
But 80% of us are either Russian completely or at the very least Russian to such extent that the mixture is barely noticeable
>We are the same as the first humans to ever walk the earth.
What? No we're not.

>The races are locked into the fabric of our reality.
No, retard. A mixed-race person is an entirely new race. It's just like dog breeds.
not western* and that's a good thing
if by white you mean chink hybrids, sure
Finns and Baltics are different from other Europeans genetically because we lack beduin admixture other Europeans have. If you consider this lack of beduin DNA as being non-white then you must also consider Turks white as fuck.
>"Race" is a social construct that is dead and burried for 95% of the population and it is not coming back.

>btw guise Anglo-germanic protestant (whites AND christians are racists) obsession with racism is real but thats about it.
Slaveic albino niggers are not white, fuck you.
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no it is because you have asiatic ancestry from ancient north eurasians and vikings who had asiatic components from siberia.
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And of course arabs too.
No. A white person and nigger create and abyssinian for example. Asians and whites create finns. They’re not mixed race they’re a different race entirely. A pajeet and a chink create a turk. It’smpretty simple.
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Aryans had ANE admixture.
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Aryanjeets should return to siberia where they belong and leave Europe to the Europeans.
Russia is so big it has many different ethnicities all spread out; 190 of them.
Angloids are literally white jews. they have massive noses and big foreheads, it makes me think that anglos crawled out of hell and came to impose their hellish ideals onto the rest of the world, none of you are white
I am russian and I look 100% like him, just more handsome
yes which is why they were race mixed mongrels, just because chuds worship yellow hair doesnt mean they are white.
Is time to acknowledge the elephant in the room.

Theres no differences between ethnic Russians and ethnic Finns, stop pretending you are something else.
show me one white male in russian goverment
Well I’d argue that there are fewer actual total ethnicties and dozens of sub ethnicities but that’s an outside perspective.
Turkey ane > germany ane
Wait..so Turks will make Germany MORE ARYAN??
What's white about you swarthy southron beduins?
Mutt are you insane in your projections, these people are called buryats, or yakuts, or tuvans, not russian, also fuck whitey cumskin niggers
there is no way sami plots that close they have 20% east asian dna, this pca is retarded
In all likely hood they’re probably the Caucasian Germanics. This would account for the more asiatic features.
you mean the people who built all of civilizations from the start? whats good about slant eye pale chink hybrids in the snow who have accomplished nothing ever except to latch onto european identity which is actually brown meds and not siberian chinkmutts?
central southern scandis where 80% of them live along with lithuanians latvians are the whitest europeans +- belarusians and certain russians
>No. A white person and nigger create and abyssinian for example. Asians and whites create finns. They’re not mixed race they’re a different race entirely. A pajeet and a chink create a turk. It’smpretty simple.
You are correct insofar as modern races are effectively mixes of ancient populations, but there were many ancient populations, and mixtures are not uniform across races.

A modern European is a mix of about five different ancient populations who existed everywhere from Western Europe to Anatolia to Siberia. These groups diverged genetically for about 50k years until they began combining at end of the last ice age(interglacial), and especially after the Neolithic Revolution/Bronze-Age/Iron-Age/etc.
no true dna tests show it
Mordva, moksha, karelians and chud are not ethnic russian, they are slant eyed niggers, just as euroshits are pale niggers
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Russians are probably the whitest people on Earth. Shame they've also been kiked for the past century.
All civilizations were built by ancient aryans with lesser swarthy races (your ancestors) as their slave cattle. Even egyptian pharaos were blue eyed aryans. Closely related to modern celtic peoples in the British isles. Celts were an aryan tribe. Blue eyes is an aryan trait.

Sorry shitskin. Aryans ("aliens") built it all.
chuds think because asiatic mongrels have pale skin that makes them white Lol
aryans are corded ware and basque have plenty of aryan genes, sardinians arent white in any sense
i m nigger i m nigger i m nigger i m nigger i m nigger
aryans were the first to have chariots spoked wheels, swords, socketed spears, metal armor etc etc

and the earleist civilisations are found in europe among european farmers not middle eastern arabs
pure chink cope lol your chinkoid ancestors had literally nothing to do with anything other than creating jeets, your legacy. Actual europeans legacy in the med have always been bronze gods, never pasty pale yellow haired asiatics with slanted eyes and pig noses (traits inherited from race mixing with asians in siberia)
worshipping communists is one thing but the nazis tried to put an end not to bolshevism but russians
>european farmers
came from the middle east retard, early european farmers were not aryans and were the culture on which all western civilization is actually formed.
Bro stop, thats a retarded cope you are like niggers trying to project your lack of relevance with others achievements


Most likely modern egyptians are genetically related to ancient Egyptians at least to some degree (my bet mostly)

Same with Greeks, Italians, Portuguese and Spanish people at least until the year 2000 before the mass inmigration from Africa/Middle east.
Lmao glad you admitted to being a shitskin. Now you can stop pretending to be white.

Also where are your shitskin paternal lineages?? Your shitskin ancestors got cucked hard it seems :S
I will rip your eyes out you whorespawned niggermutt, Finns are whiter you muttmericans will ever be. As for russians, i don't give shit what they are. But you mutilated mongelmericans sure aren't white.
i do not worship pasty skin, I am a med God and like my ancestors I glow golden in the sunlight. Gods true chosen people.
>Why they root for Russia and dont join Zogs?

>Time to post more nigger porno to correct this
no they came from anatolia and were not middle eastern arabs genetically but italian

its also these people that invented farming and taught it to arabs
typical happa rage, why do you cling so hard to this concept of whiteness that isn't even a thing?
>this pca is retarded
Yeah, it definitely seems flawed.
yes now you are admitting all of the civilization was actually formed by italians which is true, and they originated from anatolian farmers, they were not aryans from siberia but MED GODS which is why all western culture is centered on MED beauty standards
Americans are corn syrup and estrogen filled mongrels with mutilated genitals and fanatical loyalty to Israel instilled in their maimed mutt brains from birth, don't waste your time talking to them, they don't argue in good faith.
the fin happa is seething when confronted with genetic reality
So, a nigger. Thanks for clearing that up, muttmerican subhuman.
Keep telling that to yourself, muttmerican shitskin. How's your foreskin, Gonzales?
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indeed just like your cope hallstat to represent nordics when we are more masculine, bigger jawed skeletally robust than your people

you also have shit tier understanding of this and should leave the thread now, im here
the aryans taught these farmers metallurgy
Lol keep coping with your mixed race asiatic ancestry, look at your own family, pale skin sure, pig chink noses? check. slant chink eyes? check. Meanwhile meds define the beauty standard. Roman nose? Check. Bronze god tan? Check.
>indeed just like your cope hallstat to represent nordics when we are more masculine, bigger jawed skeletally robust than your people
that is from the outbreeding, just like when dogs are cross bred they took traits from the mongolians they mixed with in siberia.
the average american is basicly like a french, borderline medshit/white compared to scandinavians
Read this mongolian, when you are trying to gatekeep "white" because you live in the dark snow 90% of the year and shit on against your other europeans who were and are more relevant than ikea or nokia you are creating division therefore becoming weaker and more vulnerable against the people subverting your nation and you will be replaced and your women will be the prize.
If you whiteoids are so superior then how come the Jews are genociding your pathetic piece of shit race right now, Gonzales? Pitiful white subhuman, the sooner you vo extinct the better.
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>90% of white russians who looked like this was slaughtered by the bolsheviks, including the Tsar.
Lol this is such cope. Nazis killed more white Russians than muh Bolsheviks ever did. It was tragic. If USSR didn't experience the catastrophic loss of life they did defending the Motherland there would easily be tens of millions more Europeans alive today, rivaling the USA for the country with the most number of European-descended people. Not to mention the millions of Germans that would be alive today. Now NATO is doing the same thing in former USSR territories.
scandis are not white but are asiatic crossbreeds. French are some of the whitest people on the planet. Med = white. Scandi = mongrel. Simple math.>>473342516
Benjamin Franklin was a literal idiot.
(Wait till you find out about his opinions on women and relationships, oy vey.)
>blah blah blah
You said nothing of value or interest, shitskin subhuman. I don't even bother checking what African shithole your flag is.
your country of happas has accomplished literally nothing in human history kek
slavniggers will NEVER be white. cherrypicking a top 0.00001% male in terms of looks from ur shitholes doesnt prove anything, average slav looks like a deformed western european https://looksmax.org/threads/ending-the-slavs-are-gl-cope-100-swipes-in-warsaw.821622/
If Sweden were so great and superior to Mediterraneans, why didn't they conquered the world? Why were they so backwards until the year 1300?
Aryan purists/supremacists really need to come to terms with their mixed race happa heritage.
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why hide how beautifuly and diverse russia truly is?
More than you ever will, shitskin mongrel with mutilated micropenis.
genuine nigger tier cope
Yeah, i don't care what some seething shitskin living in Africa babbles about.
Chink muzzies or Shitskin Muzzie?
I look forward to the slightly more mongrelized russian subhuman hoard of asiatic mutts conquering your slightly less mongrelized russian subhuman hoard asiatic country
Tbh I feel embarrassing replying to you either I was trolled or you are mentally disabled.
Not cope at all, but whatever makes you sleep better, Gonzales. Btw, how's your foreskin doing?
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they have it all and are willing to share
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nah there is zero asiatic admixture in 80% of swedes, only in the most northern regions
we did conquer the world, aryans, goths, anglo saxons, franks, vikings
Not gonna happen, Gonzales. Tongue my anus, bitch, your whore mother already does.
Kek the nigger keeps seething. Cry some more, nigger.
KEK happa mutts are all exactly the same filled with the same chud rage of self hatred and projection
(Western) Russians are white
Slavs that are white are white
Finns are white
Balts are white
Germanics and Nords are obviously white
Anglos and french are white

You go somewhere like Paris, London or Stockholm and there are obviously a lot of non-white people there now, that's beyond the point. You know if you're white.
These are small ethnic peoples, just like the Indians in America. Russia is a multinational country in which many regions can constitute a separate ethnic republic. 90+ regions...of which about 30-40% are ethnic republics.
Northern Russians are whiter than any khokhol or most eurocucks could ever be. But Southern, Ural and Siberian Russians are no different than khokhols.
I love how you think you are white, Gonzales. Let's be realistic, you are Mexican mongrel with mutilated micropenis, your drunk father raped you repeatedly when you were a baby and your mother is a whore.
never conquered China, though
Aryans invented the wheel, the horse, the nomadic lifestyle and drinking milk. This allowed them to conquer all of Eurasia. (And beyond, the current racial type of the Americas is a consequence of the Aryan invasions that happened 5000 years ago.

(Aryans weren't blonde and blue-eyed originally though. That's from mixing with other Europeans.)
aryans conquered parts of china, thats how china learned to use horses and wagons the wheel
>aryans, goths, anglo saxons, franks, vikings

Aryans is a buzzword, Anglos are English, Saxons are Germans, Franks stayed in Normandi and Basque Country, Vikings raided Umbría mostly barely a few "explored" further you discovered Canada I will give you that.

Now how do you explain Portugal for example? They achieved hundreds of times more and thats just Portugal.
True. The exact opposite of what this >>473343180 hohol is saying.

No true Scotsman fallacy
Yep. Mongols learned and inherited the Scythian Aryan steppe culture. Mongols didn’t expand into the steppe until the Aryans realized there’s greener pastures in Europe.
Blonde hair originated in scandinavian and eastern hunter gatherers in Russia, Ukraine and Sweden

And the original corded ware were a mix of every hair color that you find among typical germans today, blonde, brown, red, darker
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People who don't match Russian phenotype... are not Russians?
Portugal has never achieved any remotely similar or close to germanic people with their origin in southern sweden denmark or aryans aka northern european race
Reminder that Russians are Rus and they conquered ALL OF THE NORTH OF ASIA they reached North America for fuck sake.

They have everything because they conquered everyone.
The people in the video are guest workers from the former Soviet republics that separated in the early 90s during the collapse of the USSR

They go to work in Russia and are offered huge salaries to work on construction sites in dangerous territories (new regions annexed from Ukraine), because Russians practically do not go there, unless from very poor regions.
portugese are whiter than swedes. purtugese are actual romans, swedes are chinkmutts from siberia.
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>Blonde hair originated in scandinavian
Fairly sure blonde hair came from ANE, and blue eyes came from the Middle-East from the original expansion Out of Africa. The high concentrations in Europe were driven by natural selection.

Thats the point you are talking about Germany not Sweden, we know Germany the is the shit but Germans are not Scandinavians ironically you are more related to Russians genetically.

My point is, you should stop this retarded stupidity of trying to find irrelevant differences among ethnic europeans and stop underestimating them you have bigger issues like Apefricans and goat fuckers replacing you forget the past.
Russians, even though they are literal Mongol rape babies with brains full of bolshevik semen, vodka and communism, are still more relevant than whatever African microstate you live in.
There are niggers with natural blonde hair in the pacific
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Earlier, the chineese learned wagons directly from contact with aryans like sintashta and andronovo

>Bronze Age (circa 2000-1500 BCE):

Archaeological findings indicate that the Chinese were using wheeled vehicles during the Bronze Age. The discovery of pottery models of wheeled carts and the remains of wooden wheels in sites like the Erlitou culture (around 2000-1500 BCE) provides early evidence of wheeled transport.
Shang Dynasty (circa 1600-1046 BCE):

The Shang Dynasty saw the further development and use of chariots. Chariots were an important part of the Shang military and were used in battle, as indicated by numerous chariot burials and depictions in Shang artifacts.
>Russia is more relevant than Honduras.

Thanks Einstein any other insight?
No blonde hair was originated in eastern hunter gatherers scandinavian hunter gatherers in russia ukraine and sweden

>Another EHG from Samara was predicted to be light skinned, and was determined to have a high probability of being blue-eyed with a light hair shade, with a 75% calculated probability of being blond-haired

>found in three Eastern Hunter-Gatherers from Samara(Russia), Motala(Sweden) and Ukraine c.10,000 BP

Blue eyes also originated in european hunter gatherers not middle east
No we overlap with germans, germanic people descend from southern sweden.

English language comes from scandinavian
>you should stop this retarded stupidity of trying to find irrelevant differences among ethnic europeans and stop underestimating them you have bigger issues like Apefricans and goat fuckers replacing you forget the past.
Exactly. And more importantly, Europe needs Russia if wants to have a future.
our blonde hair originated among european hunter gatherers originally on its own
They are bronzier. What's wrong with your shitskinned brain? Why do you keep using bronze and white interchangeably?
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>10,000 BP
Blonde Hair is much older. The earliest known DNA sample is Afontova Gora 3 from like 16k years ago.


"Phenotypic analysis shows that Afontova Gora 3 carries the derived rs12821256 allele associated with, and likely causal for, blond hair color, making Afontova Gora 3 the earliest individual known to carry this derived allele.[24] The allele was found in three later members of the largely ANE-derived Eastern Hunter-Gatherers populations from Samara, Motala and Ukraine c.10,000 BP, suggesting that it originated in the Ancient North Eurasian population before spreading to western Eurasia.[25] The hundreds of millions of copies of this mutated alelle (a single-nucleotide polymorphism) are at the root of the classic European blond hair mutation, as massive population migrations from the Eurasian steppe, by a people who had substantial Ancient North Eurasian ancestry, entered continental Europe.[26][a 1]"
they are white as snow until they tan to become bronze Gods. Not pasty pale chinknosed slanteye chinksects kek.
>curly hair
Confirmed nigger
>Angloids are literally white jews
They are the jews collaborators and henchmen for sure
>Even egyptian pharaos were blue eyed aryans.
Egypt was ruled by several different races throughout the centuries.
>Bronze god tan
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nah theyre not, and protuguese have negro dna too, swedes arent chinkmutts

besides the most aryan people overall genetically are the Erzya people of russia, only that they have gotten small amounts of east asian dna kindof like finns

Their clothing is very reminicent of aryan apparel, and high amount of blondism just like among sintashta
they didnt have blonde hair just a gene for it
>why didn't they conquered the world
Because they're not greedy Jewish lapdogs?
Nu-/pol/ is too retarded and is filled with shitskins for this take.
>muh hohols
Lahta noviop ples.
At least the could try with Math, Astronomy, Philosophy, architecture, government, Laws, Metallurgy, art etc... like those fucking mediterraneans subhumans.
If by Aryans you mean Russian, England, France and Portugal then yeah.
da, towarisch
>English language comes from scandinavian

Thats not entirely true and you know it, English is a mix of different language including Latin.
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no by aryans i mean northern europeans
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>No we overlap with germans, germanic people descend from southern sweden.
Germanics don't descend from Southern Sweden. Which wouldn't even make any sense if you think about how they got there(Asiatics are north of them). Germanics are corded-ware.


>they didnt have blonde hair just a gene for it
The gene evolved from ANE and spread into EHG. Eastern Hunter-gatherers were a mix of


There's nothing special about Swedes. Just stop.
Come on nigger Philippines is literally the name of a Spanish king and Taiwan was called Formosa.
No english is a germanic language entirely in its grammar, structure and everyday words

English: Going over to you now
Swedish: Går över till dig nu
Portuguese: Indo até você agora
You keep overlapping Germanic success with Scandinavians.
Why are they sending waves of "white" orcs instead of using their superior white technology.
>Germanics don't descend from Southern Sweden.
Yes they do, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW-C4FVDYtg

You realise goths descend from sweden right

They had a gene they didnt develop it, hunter gatherers in sweden ukraine and russia did
Germanic people come from us, shudnt i overlap swedish success because im not all swedes?

They are my people and genes, we are talking about my people
Baltics need to get their water checked. What the fuck.
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wild thought, scandinavians are germanic
>Germanic people come from us

Dude STFU you are full of shit there were millions of german when there were barely a few thousands of nords

You keep braghing about Goths, they literally destroyed Rome like Africans are destroying Europe.
not really true... you are just the least mixed with the pajeet farmers who entered europe later in history
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>2.2% japanese
Germany is more closely related to Poland, I know what you up to, sorry but Hitler was wrong with this theory.

Germanic trives were a paint in the ass for the Roman Empire.
what's your point, Scandinavians are still Germanic? you dense?
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This is how he looks like in 2024.

Russia is fake and gay.
See >>473341541
Slavs are more closely related to Anglos/Germans than either are to southern Europeans or other ethnic groups throughout Europe.
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I guess the problem here is what we mean by "descend". For example, where do the English descend from? England? Celts? Anglo-Saxons(Denmark/Netherlands)? Vikings? Normans? Something much earlier like the Yamnaya?

Depending on where you start history, Germanics could have many different sources. Pic-related.


I'll listen to your video though. I like that channel. I'll let you know if I change my mind.
or maybe they weren't pajeets but apparently were proto-jews
My point is very often mediterranean nations were more relevant than northen europeans countries until the 20th century, and Sweden has been absent almost the entire history.

And England exist thanks to the fucking Roman Empire.
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The Bolshevik revolution was a great tragedy for Russia. 10-15 million ethnic Russians slaughtered instead of the non-native shitskins in your country.
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>one of these types
those feelings you feel
they aren't mutual
you will never be med
I have been telling him that, Russians are the same thing as the butthurt bell and even Germany.

They felt for the propaganda dehumanizing Russians.ñ like the good goys.
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>We WUZ father of all Germanicz
>We WUZ Ancient Russia

Why are Swedes particularly such we WUZ niggers?
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Watch the vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW-C4FVDYtg
There has never been any pajeet farmers in europe
I just used it to model, ur east asian dna isnt from japanese obviously but some sample siberian hunter gathererish called oleni ostrov

>Y-haplogroup N1c probably entered Europe from Siberia during the Bronze Age or the Eneolithic period. It first appears in the European ancient DNA record in two samples from a burial site at Bolshoy Oleni Ostrov, in the Kola Peninsula, dated to 1523±87 calBCE

>where do the English descend from? England? Celts? Anglo-Saxons(Denmark/Netherlands)? Vikings? Normans?
Literally just offshoots of original aryans from the steppes. All Europeans share their ancestry but northern ones more so. Sardinians etc. barely have any.
You were differentiating Germanic success from Scandinavian success, as if they are different people. They are broadly speaking the same Germanic people historically, and in later history Scandinavia had both the viking conquests and the Swedish colonial empire that you seem to overlook.

I don't get what kind of pissing contest you're having, but you're a bit all over the place here
I dont really care about I just dont want more Ukranian vs Russia etc. Gulliable idiots killing eachothers not realizing zogstates are trying to form division to kill their fellow europeans and if you were to see me would you say i am a Mayan Indio?
No theyre not, germanic people overlap genetically
>There has never been any pajeet farmers in europe
yes, I think that is right.
So they came from the near-east then, so most of europe are related to jews?
>ur east asian dna isnt from japanese obviously
I know. If anything it's just a common ancestor from the steppes.
At least you can fuck off in the woods and not be bothered by zigger corps
Yes, and it’s a great shame. Slavs are brothers. Hitler couldn’t have been more wrong, sadly.
English descend from anglo saxons, and all germanic people has its origin in nordic bronze age from southern sweden and denmark (northern germany)
oh no no no only 0.05 difference between Russians and romanians
Whatever you want faggot just No more wars for Zogs.
Can jewish and churka dominated russia then stop attacking their brother nations?
they are italian genetically
Yes some variety of siberian anceint north eurasianlike, ANE that all europeans have is basicly euro/asian hybrids but not even that but thats how you could explain them, "Siberian"
no, to bolshevism exclusively
you're experiencing survivor bias, you are grateful to your oppressors for sparing you to the cost of your soul
>I am a savage murderous nigger because they are the same
Yeah, I was asking the Swede because he keeps trying to start history at an arbitrary point in time to make Sweden seem more relevant than it actually is.

>English descend from anglo saxons
If you watch the video you linked, he discussed the Corded-Ware Culture(as I mentioned before). But yes, the Germanic language itself comes from around 500 BC around Denmark(Jutland). But the video also discusses proto-Germanic languages and their origin. Proto-Germanic languages are the equivalent of French/Spanish/Italian being a descendant of Latin. But where does Latin descend from? I feel like your concept of descent seems to be based not on ancestry but whoever conquered who last, especially in regards to language families/subfamilies.

But based on your logic, who are the Hungarians descended from? Who are Romanians descended from? Who are Turks(from Turkey) descended from? Turks might speak a Turkic language, but they have almost no Turkic ancestry. It's like believing West Africans descend from France because they speak French.

When you actually look at real ancestry, Swedes are just Corded-Ware with Asiatic admixture. They did not originate blue eyes. They did not originate blond hair. They had Vikings and that's about it.
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Actually if you plot southwestern finns for ANE like maltaboy instead of aftontovagora they get no east asian at all, i think you need to use northern or eastern finns then
Swedes have no asiatic ancestry ive shown several dna tests of it how stupid are you.
>They did not originate blue eyes. They did not originate blond hair. They had Vikings and that's about it.
De-pigmentation really has nothing to do with location. But I think it is more likely to survive in the North since you don't need protection from the sun.
he looks 103% romanian from the south
>but they have almost no Turkic ancestry.
turks are 50/50% mixes of byzantine greeks and turkic invaders

I wonder how brown and seething you are at aryans like swedes

You seem like a insufferable faggot that constantly make up retarded bullshit in your posts
rusia did a great job dehumanizing themselves by playing their imperial ambitions in eastern europe in lands that never belonged to them and will never belong to them
Swedes had goths that ended rome, vikings, anglo saxons, geats like beowulf, closest genetic distance to aryans.

The anglo saxon invaders that replaced all male lineages and brought the germanic langauge to britain were scandinavian genetically, they replaced the celts that are less aryan than scandinavians

Vikings defeated armies as far as morocco and went to persia. Founded russia. You have nothing even remotely like this in your history.

Nordic bronze age had the oldest chariots in europe, swords, and are the origin of all germanic people
You will be genetically almost identical to a savage psychopathic nigger of your own countryman. The genes that cause savage anti-social behavior are marginal in the scale of the genome. Your argument holds no water.
Idk bro but you are extremely biased for Sweden and most people dont have such a powerful autism to scrutinize so many details, most likely your information is unreliable and inaccurate there was someone from this thread who said Scandinavians built the piramyds, you even implied you conquered China and said Nords invented english and they are the fathers of Germany and the Roman Empire.

The reality is Sweden was mostly irrelevant, you had the Vikings they were cool and sheeit they discovered Greenland and Iceland and Vinland but you are inflating their achievements absurdly some things happened for amalgamation of different cultures, ethnicities and language if Nordisim was remotely involved you claim it as mostly taking credits from other people because they didn't have blonde hair etc.

Dont be a Jew.
Not to mention the environmental and cultural factors.
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There is no country as cuckoo as russia. People have been assraped there throughout history.
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Don't care. I'm watching your video. He is literally making my argument for me. He basically calls the claims in the video bullshit(the East Scandinavian ancestry coming from the Baltics). He believes it came from "the south"(IE Denmark/Germany). But even if this East Scandinavian ancestry(Sweden) he talks about came from the Baltics, in what sense would Germans then descend from Swedes? Wouldn't they descend from Balts?

>turks are 50/50% mixes of byzantine greeks and turkic invaders
No. Pic-related. Red is Central Asia.

Indio Mayan come from ancient asians from the ice age, the most distant people to actual niggers you could ever find.
Everyone knows who is Russia, Nokia is most famous than Finland.
>lands that never belonged to them and will never belong to them
yes goy Khazaria belongs to jews
You are just a honduras nigger with zero knowledge on european history.

There arent many people with knowledge on european bronze age.

Nordic bronze age was the richest culture in europe and the most advanced with trading networks all the way to ancient egypt 4000 years ago. The first swords in the world and similar culture to aryans with the oldest chariots in the world outside of sintashta.

We are the origin of germanic people and the language. German jastorf culture is a expansion from nordic bronze age.

Swedes with swedish dna were the goths that ended the roman empire.
Fuck off scum. We know what we experienced. They shot my great great grandfather in the church. It's not that he died. People died in wars. But he was brought to the church.
Okay? Why would anyone want to be known by the billions of brown shitpeople of the world? We literally just want to be left alone.
We can plot anglo saxons dna found in england they were fully scandinavian

We have ancient genomes to plot turks against, they are 50% byzantine and 50% turk invader mutts
Being famous is not the reason for attracting niggers is becoming part of Globohomo because jids bring them like Pajeets to keep the ponzi economy
>being this defensive
I use nigger also non-literally. My point is that you can be ethnically the same as someone who is personality-wise or cognitively way different from you. The genes that determine ones behavior are but a small part of your genome.
your people were retarded that built pyramids in 1500 when we made cathedrals and used glass axes

an entire people of hundreds of thousands where coqnuered by a small group of a few hundred europeans that went into your kings and just cucked them and took over everything

its the most pathetic people in mankind
Of course it is. It's the same reason why people still go to Paris on vacation. Because they have an image about it that no longer exists.

Also russia will get pajeeted and africanized very hard. Deals have already been made and russia has chosen to side with the non-white world. There's nothing right-wing or ethnonationalist about them. The only based thing they have is the anti-tranny agenda yet I still see webms of russian trannies on /pol/ all the time.
Regardless of who I am or not, your information vary from Inaccurate to made up WE WUZ bullshit and you are extremely biased.
Yakut girls have big tits.
you have no knowledge which you already admitted too >>473352947
>Idk bro
>most likely your information is unreliable and inaccurate

And now you claim to know its innaccurate, ur a homosexual feminine guy
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>We have ancient genomes to plot turks against, they are 50% byzantine and 50% turk invader mutts
I literally linked you an image of their DNA, retard. I marked Turkey in red. They are 8% Central Asian according to studies. Show me evidence of this 50/50 bullshit. All you do it make shit up. Even the video you linked disproves your argument.
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You have zero ancestors in history
This turk is basicly passively aggressively not admitting hes a turk behind a USA flag to in secret cause DC among white ethnicities, while seething that hes a fukin mutt with no ancestors.

They are like jews fucking dishonest rats :D

I spit on you faggot

Who do you think the Franks were, retarded anon? For Italy, who do you think the Lombards were? Retard.
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Even if they were white, with the rate of Russian women whoring their wombs out with Muslim men will soon turn them into mulattos.
t. has 4 Russian cousins alone
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Turks are biggest mutt people
looks asian dickhead
They're white, but white in a ghetto way, somehow. It's hard to explain.
The ones on the western side are usually White. The further east you go they look like chinks or roaches.
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England_Saxon is not all of England. I honestly don't even know what that refers to since even in Eastern England, Anglo-Saxon ancestry is less than 80%. And in Western England it is closer to zero.

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These "on average" are kinda stupid though, for example we have the Sami people who historically settled the tundras in the very North, the Finns who settled the inland around the lakes, and Nordics who settled the coasts.
And of course while there are many people that are some admixture of those, still the three different ethnicities very much exist today.
Not quite so extreme of course, but imagine taking a "average" DNA of an American then it could mislead people into thinking that white americans, niggers and chinks do not exist but only this "American" which is a mix of all of them. Yeah, retarded, right?
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>This turk is basicly passively aggressively not admitting hes a turk behind a USA flag to in secret cause DC among white ethnicities, while seething that hes a fukin mutt with no ancestors.
I'm not Turk at all. I'm just annoyed because you make shit up.

>Who do you think the Franks were
Mix of Celts, Germanics, and Latins?
>low IQ russiaboo nonsense
i like russia, but you're fucking retarded if you think "nazis" killed more white russians, the soviet mismanagement of the country eclipses any wartime death figures.
>If USSR didn't experience the catastrophic loss of life they did defending the Motherland there would easily be tens of millions more Europeans alive today, rivaling the USA for the country with the most number of European-descended people
yeah except their fucking birth rate was still abysmal and it was because of soviet era policy and other modernization byproducts that caused bigger problems
>Not to mention the millions of Germans that would be alive today.
yeah war kills a lot of people maybe you allies should've allowed germany to prosper at that point or maybe just not engaged in a jewish gangup on post-versailles germany
The core of "european" russia was turkic and muslim before anatolia itself was conquered by the turks. Russia has more muslims than all of western europe combined, and is twice as muslim per capita was sweden or france. Russians themselves are usually a mix of tatarmongol and slavnigger. The kind of russians you posted are in the absolute minority in russia. Youll probably find at least half of them living abroad in the prosperous west.
ukraine on the other hand, has a valid claim to being a white and christian nation.
>t. Paid shill
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That "finns are chinks" meme comes from the Sami people who share ancient prehistoric DNA from a common ancestor that is also shared by Ezkimos and Siberian Chinese.
Finnic and Nordic people do not share this admixture, for some reason someone mixed Finnic with Sami, it became a meme and then 4chan "knowledge".
In fact Sami people live in the very North of the continent, in Finland/Sweden/Norway, picrel is from Norway in 1900.
How eloquent from you.
The Finns ate chinks comes from the fact many finnfags have slanted eyes with asiatic look.
>Turks are biggest mutt people
Correct. But they're not 50% Turkic invaders and 50% Byzantines. The Turkic invaders became the ruling class but they didn't displace the native-population. Same with the Arabs before them. And yes, the Ottomans brought in lots of Europeans into their empire.

So it was really a mix of the original Byzantines/Greeks, peoples from the Caucuses, Arabs and other Middle-Easterners, Europeans from the Balkans and other Slavs, North Africans, Central Asians, and even some South Asians. Hell, Muslim raiders went as far as Iceland to kidnap white slaves, and then of course, there were some Sub-Saharan Africans as well.

It was an empire. The Roman Empire was basically doing the same shit, just not as far.
Would be nice if the axes were defined.
Why are you so obsessed with Finland dude Sweden has a rich history
Swedfag ignores the fact that while Poland was getting ass raped by Turkey Spain was the only power stopping them from conquering Europe.
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Anglo saxons were fully scandinavian genetically

Beowulf was geatish from wulfings clan in ostrogothia sweden. Sutton Hoo helmet and the ship burial was swedish vendel helmet :)

>The story is set in pagan Scandinavia in the 5th and 6th centuries. Beowulf, a hero of the Geats
oh no no no no no!
Yes they did the byzantines genes got mutted and wiped out which dna tests show
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paid to say true statements? you are a indospic jungle mutt.
you might not like to hear it, but it's a fact.
Barring North-West Turkey which indeed has a remarkable European heritage, the bulk of the Turkish ancestry is made up of Native Anatolian and Central Asian components. The latter being around 20-45% depending on the province.
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>White is a meaningless buzzword with 0 scientific basis
>"Race" is a social construct
No. Races do exist. It's "white" what has no meaning in race science. More than that, there is shitload of races.

>If you dont agree with muh propaganda against Russia is because you are demoralized
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That "look" comes from the chud ancestry though, there is zero yellow DNA.
What average Finn looks like can be seen simply in youtube by watching a random walk video like this
Obviously ignore the invaders, there are many arabs, jeets, niggers and actual chinks on the streets, but those are not Finnish.
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>Germanic people come from us,
>We wuz Germans and shieeet
neolithic farmer ancestry is the defining and unifying characteristic of true wypipo, ie western europeans.
you are just mad that you are from a divergent population and cope by saying there are no wypipo
Propaganda against Russia?
Russia is 20% muslim. Just loook up the number of muslims in russia, and history of islam in russia, retarded beaner
>It's "white" what has no meaning in race science

Whites is just synonymous for Caucasians or ethnic Europeans and among Caucasians there are obvious more similarities between then than a any kind of caucasian with Mongoloid/Apefricans.
600K mudshits in Moscow ALONE.
here you go, squatemalan subhuman
>All atheist are overweight men obsessed with japanese cartoons
You know who else killed a lot of Russians? The Russian aristocracy for nearly 300 years of slavery of the native Russian population. Fuck off with your bolshevism.
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Russians are MONGOLS
khazaria is rightfully Swedish and passed to Russia (romanov) via conquest from the Ottomans/Garay dynasty
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Yeah race is definitely not a social construct.
Nationality is.
And while the modern Europe has somewhat formed around racial lines, in every European nation save the most smallest ones have different races living in it.
And sure, you could group some of the races under a category of "White" if you wanted to, but it doesn't really mean anything.
Usually when people say "White" what they really mean is "European" which is category that contains a large array of different races.
What website are these from?
>The core of "european" russia was turkic and muslim before anatolia itself was conquered by the turks.
Being conquered by the Mongols doesn't automatically make you Muslim, retard. The Ottomans controlled like a third of modern Europe, but only Albania/Bosnia is Muslim.

>Russia has more muslims than all of western europe combined
No it doesn't. No one knows the exact number of Muslims in Europe. But there were roughly 19 million in 2010. Around 26 million in 2016. There are probably 35 million in 2024. And that's only for the EU which doesn't include Muslim-majority countries like Bosnia and Albania.



In comparison, Russia has about 14 million Muslims.


>Russia is twice as muslim per capita was sweden or france.
Again, false. France has 6 million Muslims in a population of 68 million. Which is about 9% Muslim. Russia is about 10% Muslim. The difference though is that Russia's minorities live in their own ethnic Republics. France's Muslims live in Paris and its other major cities.
yes, you are fully demoralized.
in the future, you are going to call some western country brown and pozzed despite seeing this.
next time a chechen fighter has a fight in the ufc, you will cheer him on because you think he is based and trad <3
russians are the aryans, the thing is the aryan proto jeets are sub human mongrels (IE russians) yes they invaded raped and pillaged europe (EEF)>>473342648

>Cultural similarities between the Nordic Bronze Age, the Sintashta/Andronovo culture and peoples of the Rigveda have also been detected

>The Nordic Bronze Age region included part of northern Germany

>Evidence for horse-drawn chariots appears in Scandinavia c.1700 BC

>Swords from the Nordic Bronze Age appear from c.the 17th century BC

>the Nordic Bronze Age became the richest culture in Europe during its existence

>The Nordic Bronze Age is often considered ancestral to the Germanic peoples.
(note: no asiatic slanted eyes or nordic ogre pig nose)
no its not fair ur supposed to be retarded and brown people superior in old times thats what they told me in school when we learned nothing about european bronze age and aryans

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my jewish education skipped out on history this cant be real this must be lies!

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>every single "russians are not white" poster irl
>You are this and you are going to so that.
>russian asiatic mongrels are white goyim!
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Slavs aren’t white
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The kikes won. This board is fucking cringe and gay now.
pig nose is a mutt trait, see this for comparison of nords and anglos>>473344909
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>600K mudshits in Moscow ALONE.
That 25 million number is not from the government. It comes from the Grand Mufti who made it up.

The 600k could be correct but the total population of the Moscow metropolitan area is almost 22 million. Which would make that 600k a whopping 2.7%.

In comparison, Paris has about 1.7 million Muslims with a total metropolitan population of about 13 million. Which is 13%.

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Armenians are chechens are caucasians too.
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much whiter than americans
Some Russians are white but the kikes genocided most of them
can't hate quarter-finns
Tbh Im starting to think Honduras is whiter than France and England.
His haircut is ridiculous, his beard is ugly and stupid I dont like his religion but he is white/caucasian
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Exactly right.
The Judeo-Bolshevik revolution was funded by the Rothschilds which destroyed the living standards of the Russian people, killed them in the dozens of millions, and looted their wealth and gold to the hands of the Jewish bankers in Europe.
Before the revolution,
Russia had the largest gold reserves in the world,
no national debt,
peasants had the largest land ownership in the world and the nobility the lowest,
Russia produced more food than anyone in the world, more than France and USA combined, Russia had the lowest taxation in the world,
it had the most advanced and impartial judiciary in the world
free schooling up to university, which was cheap
it was the first industrialized country to limit the working hours in factories and mines
trade unions controlled working conditions in factories
social insurance existed for the poor
labour laws were so advanced and humane that US president William Taft said
"the Emperor of Russia has passed workers' legislation which was nearer to perfection than that of any democratic country"

>The people of all races in the Russian Empire had an equality of status and opportunity, which was unparalleled in the modern world. His Imperial Majesty Tsar Nicholas II (1868-1917) and his state bank had created a workers' paradise that was unrivalled in the history of mankind.

Watch from 1:25:58 onwards

It is VERY important to understand that most that the Jewish media teaches you about the WWII and history is wrong.
The Judeo-Bolshevik revolution was nothing but a massacre of the Russian people on behalf of the Jewish criminals
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american family vs russian family
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The USSR was ruled by the Jews, even though Stalin purged some of the most egregious of them, the power structure that Jews designed remained in place.
And today all the ex-USSR now-CIS countries are run by the Jewish oligarchs.
Yet again a brother war of Jewish interests is happening in Europe, both Ukraine and Russia are controlled by the Jews.
The last time Russia was actually in the hands of Russians was back in 1917 when Nikolai II was still alive.
And the rothchilds are pushing for another war and you ar falling for it again
>how do you do fellow nazis? Ruzzia is not white total russian death save the dollar
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That is the Jews doing too, they simply want to destroy white people no matter where they are.

USA restricted immigration to Americans, meaning Northern and Western Europeans, from 1776 to 1965.
What happened in 1965?
Well, a certain Jew by the name of Emanuel Celler, had infiltrated their government and repealed the race-based National Origins Formula, and installed the Hart-Cellert Act of 1965 in it's place which removed the race restrictions and replaced them with restrictions for migrants of European origin, effectively creating a policy of Non-White America.
When the act was introduced, it immediately decreased the amount of people coming from Northern and Western European races and opened the floodgates for everyone else, including Jews themselves.

>The National Origins Formula had been established in the 1920s to preserve American homogeneity by promoting immigration from Western and Northern Europe. During the 1960s, at the height of the (((civil rights movement))), this approach increasingly came under attack for being racially discriminatory.
>The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 created a seven-category preference system that gives priority to [...], and refugees.
>The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920s. The act formally removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans as well as Asians, in addition to other non-Western and Northern European ethnicities from the immigration policy of the United States.
>Prior to the Act, the U.S. was 85% White, with Black people (most of whom were descendants of slaves) making up 11%, while Latinos made up less than 4%.


The more you dig into history, almost every bad thing that has happened to white Europeans, a jew was behind it.
This includes majority of all the wars that have been fought in Europe against each other.
all cats are one species
>USA restricted immigration to Americans, meaning Northern and Western Europeans, from 1776 to 1965.
>What happened in 1965?
>Well, a certain Jew by the name of Emanuel Celler, had infiltrated their government and repealed the race-based National Origins Formula
yes and now 80% of mutt flags on pol are anything but northern or western europeans i guarnatee you
>American family as depicted by (((Hollywood)))
>Russian family killed by (((them)))
Hmmm, I wonder what these 2 families have in common.
so its ok to shit on them

whenever you see a US flag consider it some kind of spic/swarthy mix
America 1776-1965 RIP
>(((Americans have been subverted we should spit on them)))
You're glowing nigger
Seething jew tranny
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Nazis were in the right.
Hitler was right about everything.
That Nazis wanted to destroy all the Russians is completely and utterly untrue, it is simply Jewish pilpul and propaganda.
Hitler didn't even want war, actually there is undeniable proof that Hitler didn't even expect war from the simple fact that Germany hadn't moved to wartime production in 1939.
All they wanted was to get back Danzig, a 97% German city from Poland that was lost in WWI because Germany was made the sole scapegoat of the war (even though it was started by the assassination of an Austro-Hungarian archduke by a Bosnian Serb) and the Jews penned the Treaty of Versailles with the aim to humiliate and disarm Germany and hand it over to the Jewish bankers.
The Jews in City of London pushed the UK government which then pushed Poland to not accept, and then to agitate Germany by massacring 58,000 ethnic Germans culminating on the Bloody Sunday of the city of Bromberg where thousands of German civilians were killed
Jewish historians have later "corrected" the number to be just a few hundred instead of thousands, which is of course not any more correct than the "6 million jews" of the holohoax.

Germany and Hitler was the good guy in WWII, trying to save Europe from the Jewish bankers, just like Napoleon and France before him, and jews have tried to hide the facts ever since.
Because if people would to learn the truth how it was yet again the Jews who caused WWII and the death of 80 million white people, people would be stringing them up from lampposts and trees.
he got upset because his grandpa is most likely a mexican and because i dont consider him white he lashes out in anger, its very common

>mirror mirror on the wall, tell whos the niggerest of them all
You're the tranny jew with a VPN posting niggers :)
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i went to the streets today first time in a month, and was shocked how everyone was white and pretty, i felt myself like a cave monster in comparison, since i haven't shaved. So many pretty girls in glasses, in shortest skirts ever, mayb even without skirts - i saw 2 schoolgirls maybe and they wear like a t-shirt that reaches ever so below waste and there is no skirt visible, fuck those legs are deliscious, how the fuck is this legal, i live in the region with so many muslims, its too tempting...

oh, and by the way, they were 16 probably and its legal to fuck 16 year olds in Russia, sucks to be you in USA where you have to pretend people who fuck anything below 18 are pedos, sorry to break it to you - its just you, everyone else enjoys 16 year old pussy. Except you and me, because i am a cave beast.
No. We are called Caucasians because we passed through Caucasus from Mesopotamia. Caucasians as in geographic terms are not related to us anymore.
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but admit it was funny
they cuck themselves not being allowed to have sex with women until they are old so niggers can fuck them during high school

its part of their cuck fetish culture

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