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Nafo sisters, this looks bad..speaking out against the Govt of Ukraine is antisemitism.
Ukraine War Is LOST! Ex-Military Adviser To Angela Merkel Speaks Out.
The military situation for Germany is not only bad, it's a catastrophe after the failed NATO proxy-war against Russia in Ukraine. Many people do not realise what the situation actually means for one of Europe's largest industrial nations. In this talk, Dr. Erich Vad exposes in detail the many flaws of German and European security.

Dr. Erich Vad was an advisor for security and defense policy in the Bundestag from 2000 to 2006, and from 2006 to 2013, he was a department head in the Federal Chancellery, Secretary of the Federal Security Council, and military advisor to Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Recently, Dr. Vad authored a new book in German titled “Abschreckend oder erschreckend? Europa ohne Sicherheit” ("Deterring or Frightening? Europe Without Security") and it is a book with a clear message: Europe must strengthen its military and achieve economic emancipation. Germany should be a driving force in this effort.

While I do not fully or even partially agree with some of Mr. Vad’s recommendations, I find his analysis of current events very worthwhile, as it comes clearly from realism, coupled with strong military considerations for European security.
It's been known for a while already, Ukraine simply doesn't have the men to retake the lost territory. Prolonging the conflict will mean more economic damage to Russia at the expense of Ukrainian lives, so either NATO gets boots on the ground (not happening) or nukes fly if the West wants to "win"
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>But the excessiveness that sometimes become visible when people say we must destroy, defeat and beat the Russians, recapture Donbass and Crimea, and fight to the last
>And also in Germany this belief in miracle weapons
>As a historian I really want to smile sometimes if it weren't so sad because we've seen all this before
The eternal German
>Prolonging the conflict will mean more economic damage to Russia at the expense of Ukrainian lives
Russia is taking on heavy debnts fielding an army and paying them insane salaries to boot, it's not that simple
Fucking lol
This is just propaganda though. Russia's economy is soaring. You are the victim of lies in an information war, the only sort of war the west can wage, and they're even starting to fail at that now.
>You are the victim of lies in an information war
The irony of this sentence.
Inflation adjusted Russian gdp per capita in 2008: $16,972.73
Russian gdp per capita now: $14,391.18

Everything about growth in the Russian economy since then is propaganda that only retards believe. Russia is in an economic depression for 16 years. Bare numbers don't lie.

The war made it even worse because it redirects resources from productive investments into the war effort. It adds to the GDP momentarily at the cost of future losses. Taking men out of the workforce also increases future potential loss.

The way Russia lies about growth is very simple, they underreport inflation. Nominal gdp in rubles is corrected for official inflation and then compared to the previous year.
Dumb nafo homosexual donbass has coal and tell me what the other gained territories have, i already know its just that ur a retarded faggot troon cunt out of a meme country i hope the simps sons were right and churkoids sweep across the worthless north and slaughters every nafotroon ever
Gdp is complete bullshit before we used that indicator we compared what the countries produced sector by sector and it made more sense, the sad reality is that the west produce nothing anymore and we don't have natural ressources and no funny numbers will help us cope with these facts
Waging war is not free and partially transitioning into a wartime economy comes with it's own problems later down the line. I don't buy into the MSM narrative of Russian economy being at the brink of destruction, but at some point you'll have to foot the bill for the whole thing. Ukrainians have no real way of winning, they're just weakening Russia at the behest of globalists. If that's their grand scheme it's quite sick
>Bare numbers don't lie.
You mean the same numbers the West takes from the Ukraine state department without the slightest amount of criticism? The same bare GDP number what makes Russia a backwater gas station yet the entire NATO can not produce even half the ammunition it does? Or the same numbers where EU is fine and dandy yet somehow the economy is down the shitter at the same time?
Bread has gone up by 50% and gas by 60%. It is safe to assume the same in the west. I don't know how you will cope with this data but I don't care for you are a 1pbtid.

But isn't Russia a nation of raw materials full of population. War to it means what. It makes its stuff. It has a bigger population and where it lacks it trades. That's its larger difference then let's suggest otherwise. Suggesting economics are a thing of some other banking institution and not completely how it is fighting.

Take Norway for instant. If it was fighting how much more money would it have to raise to fight somebody else. It would have to buy most of its weapons and pay its army. Each unit be it arms and ammo, weapons and troops would cost far more. Because it doesn't completely manufacture it today, or have the same resources. It has a number of resources although it uses far more funding. Because it lacks in that manufacture.

Russia makes all of its stuff and manufactures and has far more resources trading. What exactly does those banking figures mean? It is fighting conquest, before any of those figures were even relevant. How did historic armies like Vikings fight. They didn't rely on somebody else's bank. Unless they were buying mercenaries. It was the gold and resources held fighting and raising an army. Those armies manufactured their weapons and raised their own troops. Some other Banks is largely bullshit. It's sanctioned from it anyway.

You're relying other statistics. Who knows what they are today?

Although it seems we are paying more for it? Somehow
You feel that way because France is also in a sustained economic depression. It's not the 'West' it's Western Europe which is rapidly falling out of the first world status.
Inflation adjusted French gdp per capita in 2008 $66,395.51
Gdp per capita now $47,359

America is growing, China is growing, Eastern part of EU is growing. Western Europe and Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are in a very long economic depression.
Italy is in a depression for 36 years.
All those governments fake growth data in the exact same manner.

The future of Western Europe is an open air museum that's relatively good to live in for wealthier foreigners. Impoverished locals will provide cheap service labor. The future of Russia is an irrelevant shithole with Indian living standards. They will never replace the current military losses.
>Bread has gone up by 50% and gas by 60%. It is safe to assume the same in the west.
Oil 2007 $72.34
Inflation adjusted $105.32
Oil 2024 $82.53
No, oil actually became more affordable compared to 2007.
Bread price data is harder to find but almost certainly same story
And yet our gdp is allegedly growing every year, not by much but still growing. I think it should give a clue about the usefullness about said indicator wich was the point i was trying to make in the first place. If the losses estimates for russia is the same type of wishful thinking i'd say we are literally fucked, the future of western europe is sadly quite clear but you can't say the same for russia unless you huffed too much westoid propaganda

What happens when collapse occurs at any rate today? I hope your GDP covers it and you can print your way out of it in increasing debt and recession and inflation. Norway isn't particularly affected there. Unlike many others who have more mouths to feed. Although you cannot even sustain your own population in food production for example.

GDP becomes irrelevant in that context. Let's suggest any factor increasing today causing our global markets to collapse more. We are in a soft collapse already and have been for over a decade. Faster rippling into increasing uncertainty and you're quoting us GDP on it? I smell irony

Can Norway feed its entire population in the agriculture it produces. GDP is its marketplace. Where it baters on a Global marketplace such and such for stuff it can hardly sustain in the event of much wider recess.

Will the sky fall on its head or will inflation peak even more today and will it like everywhere else struggle to find any other productivity apart from increasing its population, come to Norway melt zee ice, into even more uncertainty producing nothing else except another gimmick called GDP? Welcome to another debt ridden economy
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Of course globohomo is gonna try to spin NATO's utter failure into a hysteria about the need to funnel 6 quadrillion shekels into the military-industrial complex and close the Ukraine-war-winning-capability gap with the Soviets.
>to Angela Merkel
So this is the guy that said that nordstream was a great idea.
Dig a hole, gdp rises. Bury a hole gdp rises. It's a scam.
It's quite clear we need to stop pegging our country's progress with GDP.
It's a statistic that is manipulated to hell and back and therefore means nothing any way.
Yet, it's the primary way that we're told that everything operates. The line MUST go up.
I'm tired of trying to move the line. FUCK THE LINE.
its the usual salami tactic I don't like people who still believe in the system. Its fundamentally broken and whoever tries to skip over the fundamental problems is just a shill at the end. Either willingly or unwillingly he refuses to name the central problems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSLkvIB0GTg
That's because if there's a low exchange volume the exchange rates are meaningless. If a few people sell their homes for cheap it doesn't mean everyone in the neighbourhood will also sell for that price. Estimating the cost of the whole neighbourhood based on the recent sales prices is incorrect.
A german/russo alliance is by far the best way forward for the world but it creates massive anglo butthurt.
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russia lost 88% of its former fiefdom.
it's holding on to basically scraps.
and calling it a win.

their shills have been whining for over a year about ukraine accepting a "peace deal" (buying time to attack ukraine in the future)
you posted the same thing 3 years ago, guys.
very funny, very freaking funny.
please stop making fun of russia.
>Has lost is foot
>Is forced to wear a shirt with 'Wrong step' printed on it
They really don't need to taunt that poor soul after his traumatic injuries.
>war is lost.
LOL, they never stood a chance.
Proof read your posts, you idiot.
Until their borders suddenly touch.
I'm not per se say it's a good thing, but it would definately result in a lot less butthurt posting though
And what the ukraine achieved so far in those 3 years besides not collapsing and losing hundreds of thousands men ? They had 0 chances 3 years ago, they lost a fuck ton of assets since why would it change ?
I fully understand ukrainians who want to fight and regain their land and not land under the russian boot. They have no other choice, even if it is probably worse for them then surrendering. I wouldn't want to surrender too if I was in their shoes.
But I think that especially the bloodthirsty polacks should have no say in this. The west should strictly keep out politically and only help the ukrainians with defending and saving lives, but not with pressuring them into killing more of their own.
When you hear the poles speak on this board you could suspect that they want to throw the ukies under the bus, just so their bufferzone remains, no matter the costs.
Pressure russia, fine, but don't pressure ukraine into fighting longer as they can sustain. They already lost nearly a full generation and if this goes on for another 3-5 years they are factually a non-existent people that will be replaced by foreigners to keep up the illusion of an ukrainian state.
We should all keep this in mind. The price for not losing this war is losing the people that make up the identity of the country.
Idk who is responsible for it, if it's in selenskies interest, in russias interest or natos interest. But it's a huge crime to kill off the people for a war that will not basically lead to anywhere, just to merge ukraine into the EU or NATO. All parties are basically traitors to the ukrainian people, while all celebrate themselves as fighters for freedom.
They're dying for nothing, it's not even their country they don't consider the so called eastern ukraine as their own otherwise they wouldn't have bombed them for so many years, it's cool and all to be empathic toward ukranians but have you even wondered what the local population in "eastern ukraine" desire ? My sympathy goes to these poor people, they deserve auto-determination and freedom and fuck you if you think otherwise
sure, but eastern ukraine was basically only the foreplay to this war. It became about the rest of ukraine when Putin marched to Kiew and that's the state we are currently in.
Normal people know that putin doesn't pretty care about western ukraine as long as they remain neutral.
But the ukrainians were pressured into this war under the disguise of their own survival.
What happened in the east ofc was bullshit and western shenanigans too. But ukraine is just a political pawn that now sacrifices it's people for foreign interests. Either russian in the east or western in the west.
the USA has been in recession since 2022 at least. One could argue since 2008. The BLS numbers are all lies. GDP is fake and gay. Real unemployment could be as high as 50% because of the fucked up way they count this stat.
some militaryadviser who has never fought any war, and whose Advices let to the state german army is today speaks out. really... Think about it.
no such thing. The meaning of life is death. it does not matter when one dies. even if there is no war, all these people would die eventually and some if not many would have died anyway.
>Ukrainians have no real way of winning, they're just weakening Russia at the behest of globalists. If that's their grand scheme it's quite sick
I fail to see how the defense is anything other than in the interest of Big Capital.
Certainly not in the interest of Ukrainians.
>I fail to see how the defense is anything other than in the interest of Big Capital.
>Certainly not in the interest of Ukrainians.
for their heads no, for their hearts it is, and that's what makes it so dangerous for them
>they wouldn't have bombed them for so many years
They shelled Russian invaders, aka "separatists."
The solution is to bring in more Syrians, in order to improve security for both Germany and Ukraine.

read my glow nigger book?

fck off,
nigger this isn't even about ukraine
I think i would be a "separatist" as well if my own government bombed the shit out of my city
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>f the West wants to "win"
Are you somehow suggesting that diversity isn't quite exactly our strenght chud ?

Good post. Hundreds of thousands of Slavic Christians...this war needs to end immediately. My government should not, and should never have funded this blood bath.
So Russia is creating a middle class and this fingolian is going to try to tell us that's a bad thing I am so very happy that my phone's text to speech knows what a fingolian is it's so fucking over for you.
Took him some 20-25 years to realize this shit?
>It's been known for a while already, Ukraine simply doesn't have the men to retake the lost territory.

The problem for Ukraine isnt the lack of men, its the lack of material, such as shells, artillery, tanks, IFVs, apcs, engineering vehicles, air defense, aircraft etc etc. The west can only produce small amounts of botique weaponry and it cannot reindustrialize because of green policies and demented liberal-jewish economic theories that promote finance before industry.
>Inflation adjusted Russian gdp per capita in 2008: $16,972.73
>Russian gdp per capita now: $14,391.18

Inflation adjusted GPD/capita in the west, measured against gold or whatever, is much less than it was in the 70s or 80s, the difference is made up by easy consumer credit. Annual monetary expansion in Sweden has been 5-10% per year for 25 years, meanwhile income has risen 2-3% per year.
>It would have to buy most of its weapons and pay its army.

Norway produces the Naval Strike Missile, which is a handmade botique weapon that costs about 2.5 million dollars a piece. In a serious war these missiles would have be produced in thousands per month as they are disposable muntions. Totally impossible.
Nah, it's also lacking men now.
Unless they change the draft law once again.
They went through 2-3 million people who can't fight anymore, or can't be compelled to.
Virtually all their pre-war officer corps is dead.
Millions of eligible males have fled. And what now remains is guarded by the draft law setting the limit at 24 or something.
Even if it was changed, these reserves of people will take a long time to replenish. They can compell another 2 million to fight or so, but what then? Child soldiers? The number of males turning 18 every year is just a trickle, and do they want tod raft all of them?
That will be all that's left by that point, in another 2-3 years.
Russia has a rather insignificant public debt at 15% of its GDP, so it can still spend tons more money than any Western country without major repercussions.
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2025 is going to be a better year
OH GOD! I'm shaking so hard rn it's making my vagina hurt! I think it's time for our fellow allies to start mobilizing. I think conscription should start with the poles and the Finn's since they are the most enthusiastic to save EUROPA from the orc menace!
>European security

Russians ought to just paint themselves black, land in boats on French beaches and yell "asylum."
do you even know what gdp is a measurement of? spoilers: it's not production

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