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Previous: >>473431823
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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Kiev what AA doing?
>Consequences of arrivals at a phenol plant in jew york
>House with hohols destroyed by missile
>Abrams getting rekt by FPV drones
>Russian specialist explains how ATACMS fuse works
>They did it again (AT mine vs building)
>Hohols swam across Dneper on homemade raft and surrendered in the Kherson region
>Iskander versus hohol AA
>Drone view of Chasov Yar canal district
>Hohol lied during interrogation
>Russian soldiers really live like this?!?
>Russian soldier shoots armed quadcopter out of the sky
>4 min of shelling of hohol trenchline near Chasov Yar, they end up retreating (warning, loud music)
>Hohol car gets hit by an FPV, no survivors
>Night time hatedrops
>S-300 goes firework
>AT mine /chug/er at it again (new york)
>Hohols in car hit mine
>3 minutes of unpublished Krasnopol strikes
>VDV clearing apartments in Chasov Yar
>FABing of positions in Kharkov direction
>A Russian soldier has help from his squad to propose to his girlfriend

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So allegedly AFU defectors have began sabotaging NATO supplies for the ukraine on the territory of Romania.
Do we have any news or videos about that?
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All hohols must die

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>tfw kiev is fucket today
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Happiest family in Russia
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Thank you for the bread!
You're literally an egyptian, that's like two levels below hohol.
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This fate is unavoidable in any country suffering from the BBC menace
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0 pork children dead
Where are my taxes going?
ahahahah can't wait for the winter when hohols start freezing to death without heat and electricity

nice way to learn about amenities western world order provides
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why is that bitch not dead ivan?
fucking putler
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Isn't that the AFU guy that died in Odnorobivka?
>Big Buryat Cock out of nowhere
oh man dont get me started on what these ukrainian refugee whores will do in NYC
>Patriot missile
That's got to be the biggest bombing of Kiev in a while, maybe in the whole war
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Has anything interesting happened today?
So what were the ukies using the hospital for?
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I agree. I pay income tax. I pay for the Internet. I'm willing to watch napalm burn everything to ash.
And this? That's not enough.
did they hit the powerplant?
Yeah, it seems pretty massive, and most of it in daylight too it seems. The summary is going to be interesting. Many other cities got hit too.
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Some sick fucks want to trophy that goblina
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Haha we have a jewyorker here
>start freezing to death without heat and electricity
Unfortunately the destruction of the network is still insufficient. How kind and merciful Putin is to the Hohol.
I wish people smoked cigarettes, again
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Wtf it can't be? I thought New York is being bombed?
and? all he's trying to say is you faggots being diaspora in the rest of the world will garner such disdain for your impartial ways. march on kiev and save west of the dniepr, let alone your entire fucking ethos
There were 124 attacks on churches during the syrian war
The vast majority, 75, were done by the russian backed Assad regime
wat is gay inkyiv posting
Egys have more culture and rich history than fucking Holols
Ra main on AoM btw
>Has anything interesting happened today?
AFU defectors are sabotaging NATO supplies for ukraine on the territory of northern Romania, but everyone is sperging over some missile strikes.
Reminder that Assad pardoned former Isis leader Omar Al-Amouri and give him a high ranking position in the ministry for sports

Assad is know to use islamists when they benefit his regime
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>Kiev what AA doing?
You're laughing?
Russia is bombing children's hospitals, and you're laughing?
hell no i wont ever live there i like pulling up and sleeping on an uzbek churkas couch for 2 days and fucking random whores on it
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There were multiple hits on different targets, seems like one of them was the powerplant.
>Russia is bombing children's hospitals, and you're laughing?
we saw hohol niggers use a cluster warhead on families at the beach
fuck em
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Somebody give me a live R/uhg reaction?
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>seems like one of them was the powerplant.
Reasons for the missile chimp out?
>AFU defectors are sabotaging NATO supplies for ukraine on the territory of northern Romania
Real shit? wtf
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doesn't small emps exist i truly dont understand why electronic warfare hasn't kicked up a notch in this day and age
No she’s a Russian pornstar called Lena Reif, she was married before porn apparently, so she cucked her Russian husband to do BLACKED.com kek
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illegal and unprovoked assault
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it would be great if israel wasnt destroying its neighbors
Incorrect and even Egypt's darkest eras are still more civilized than today's hoholstan. Hohols are probably lesser than even literal niggers.
I hope you understand that even if you are paid to be here, your actions have consequences. It convinces a lot of people that you all need to die when you murder children in a war you started.
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Biden will pay for this.
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>When the hohol child in his hospital bed gets blown apart by the pressure wave of a ballistic missile

kike shut your viperous mouth

get rapped by HEZZBVLLZ
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Russia's own air defense missile did that
Whereas in this case Russia deliberately aimed at a hospital and said "Let err rip boys"
Big difference
genocidal Putin bombs bakery next to children's hospital, wounding 1
Lmao, stupid cat looool
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they are being used even worse than literal niggers lol
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More from Kiev
You can see the missile here
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morning fireworks
Israel sends it's regards.
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shut the fuck up euro slave, americans say what they think, thought-crime faggot. die in hell, boil in piss with your faggot ilk. your own countrymen will have their country back the moment your flesh is peeled from the bone and everyone like you

ww3 is international civil war. get over it kikepawn
is Russia this based????
Your existence is of no consequence
Israel should be nuked and all it's population crucified along entire Palestinian border if your standards were applied so stop being anti semitic
Pearl won
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looks infinitely better with straightened hair
Won what?
They ran out of patriots so they’re using buildings to stop the missiles
Pretty clever
>▪Kiev: 15 dead and 38 injured.
>▪Krivoy Rog: 10 dead and 47 injured, 9 in serious condition.
>▪Dnepr: 1 dead and 12 injured.
>▪Pokrovsk: 3 dead

just 29 :(
Man I wonder how many missiles they fired. Apparently there were also a good chunk of Kh-22s/32s and Kinzhals used. Probably also Gerans at night.
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>Bombing Donetsk for eight years.
>Aahahahahhhh, they shelled themselves.
>Bombing you.
>Angry and indignant pig sounds.
Hohols. Hohols never change.
Look at the subtle precision, the tasteful thickness of the dust cloud. Oh my God, it flew over the high rises for a direct hit.
And by sabotage you mean highway robbery?
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so do ukrainians treat high value military personel in hospitals for children or why are there so many soldiers with backpacks
>It convinces a lot of people that you all need to die when you murder children in a war you started.
thats literally why i hate the jewkraine dumbass thats exactly what they are doing
>Russia is bombing children's hospitals, and you're laughing?
yes, total hohol death, they are not human
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>You can see the missile here
That's just a fragment after the interception by a MIM-104 Patriot™ system.
>dagestanka at work
>anonchik have you seen the news?
>no. What happened?
>an oncology hospital in ukraine was bombed!
>... inb4 she starts crying about russians being horrible
>oh it's so terrible! You know who did this? I'll tell you. The jews!
>ooooh anonchik this is all too familiar, this is propaganda they bombed it themselves so they have something to cry about!
>it happened before, Putin bombed russian houses too and also bombed Dagestan and then Chechen war was justified to people
>oooh I know their jewish tricks I'm telling you
This woman is a walking shitpost generator and swears like a sailor
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is this a russian agent
Try getting a reservation at dorsia’s now you stupid fucking bastard!!!
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Who is this little guy?
There's a fully manned battalion right there. Why are they pulling people of the street to send to the trenches?
How many children did Ukrainian regime kill in Donbass since 2014? How many in Belgorod and Kursk regions?
Don't attempt moral superiority when you have none. And especially when you constantly, CONSTANTLY lie about civilian infrastructure being hit when Ukrainians use it as military bases.
Do I even want to know?
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I personally shelled it
if you had to chose between standing in a trench until Russian drone spots you and you roll the wheel of what weapon will kill you, or to be ceremonially in kiev and LARP being useful

what would you chose
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full circle
cluster warheads are for killing people and people only and those fuckers cost a couple million each it was on purpose retard
>a patriot failed in flight and landed on a childrens hospital
air defense missiles need failure management modes. they should go inert and land safely via parachute.
putin is wearing silk gloves when dealing with oinkraine
no buryat liberators personally alahu ackbared in the hospital
assault is legal and provoked
invasion is illegal and unprovoked
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>for killing people and people only
and by this i specifically mean "Anti-personel" as in just for infantry and not structures.
obviously all explosive weapons are meant to kill people one way or another,
A bit too long to be Patriot
That would have been funny though.
Fucking vs being fucked, my gf complain all the times I bruise her cervix but I pretend to not understand.
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that's disgusting, but so is weighing these things when it's clearly escalated to this point through both parties. if only swedes could argue on the internet like this for every conflict happening on earth for the past 20 years worldpeace would be achieved!11!!!! are you fucking kidding us, and then you talk about us like we're the warhead. yeah yeah ree ree masturbation and video games discord and 4chins all day we know retard
Curse of the 8th Decade cometh!
wow, he's literally me
It’s our fault for not delivering to the ukraine multiple times the world production of patriots missiles.
its length makes me think it wasnt a cruise missile though, they arent really long and thin like that because they have to be carried by aircraft or deck silos on ships
Very long and narrow. RIM-7 Sea Sparrow fired by modified Buk?
did the highest authority, jihadi julian, already post his 2 cents regarding the queef pounding?
they don't have an auto-destruct system?
more questionable is their practice of transporting stones with lines of soldiers
aren't they supposed to quickly evacuate people from the damaged building or something?

my conclusion:
they are clearly evacuating someone under cover of the crowd
and the quick excuse they managed to produce for the crowd presence is lining them up to throw stones
what's the status on the ex in question?
was she mauled by Kalibr?
Requires a nuclear explosion for anything remotely useful.
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what are their thoughts
Ahahahahhhh, the defeat element is from a BUK(SA-11 Gadfly). Who would doubt the accuracy of Ukrainian air defense?
Shit, so we can't put the hospital in our frags? That's sad.
>what's the status on the ex in question?
Probably being an even bigger whore in Europe
>so do ukrainians treat high value military personel in hospitals for children
Considering how much they harvest organs it would make sense.
well they better do it cuz im starting to be under the impression that i cannot live with 40% of the population to the point of developing megalomaniac ideas such as nuking the CNPP/CHAES itself
One more.
I was beginning to hope it was time to destroy Kiev.
That actually makes sense.
Ain't no way they decided to form a multilayered line to fling fistful of stones instead of grabbing several wheelbarrows or a dumpster truck.
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u hurt a girl russhits
its like they dont even have uniforms and just dress like range dudes i hate those fucking polo shirts so god damn much
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Hohols are claiming it to be x-101, but I don't see the wings on the video.
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Another false flag to get more money
It’s absurd how a girl in Europe earn more in an hour with her holes than an ukrainian man in a month in a factory.
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you betrayed every forefather, oh wait you're romanian or some shitstain
Chief Rabbi Of Ukraine Moshe Azman
I pray that the Almighty will quickly punish those villains who fire missiles at the peaceful cities of Ukraine!!!!!!


The Religious Patriarch of whole Ukraine and all that is Ukrainian has condemned these strikes and sang a song here https://x.com/simpatico771/status/1810278375711449460
Does someone have videos of chinese mercenaries with subtitles?
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One things for certain, you Moskals are going to lose.
Evil never wins in the end and you guys have proven how evil and paranoid you are by attacking your sibling nation.
oh noooo that so sad :(
>cia backed isis mass executes civilians
>some fragments hit a church and break a window
le heckin evil assadino noooooo

kys, jew
You think Zelensky ever wore one of those medallions?
Why is Russia so comically evil
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>vape & broccoli
something along the lines
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I think the explosive power is to great for it to be an air defense missile, and Russian cruise missiles are quite long and narrow, much more so than the Patriot Pac-2 missiles Ukraine have received. It looks like a Kh-101 to me.
>condemned these strikes and sang a song
>Evil never wins in the end
>people who spent their entire life reading history while you watch lorefacts about darth vader in Onions Wars on jewtube reacting to you
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Odessa. Cannon fodder hunters sneak up on victims in ambulances.
Nothing surprising, though.
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I thought this tweet was fake
Fucking (((NATO))) being faggot söyboys. Disgusting.
ukraine has a jewish president and jews are the definition of evil
you don't need a wheelbarrow even, just throw them out of the way of the evacuation for the time being, if you have time to carry something, bring in some ladders or paletes to stack up as a ladder
The wings are in profile view.
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Why are hoholinas like this?
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Answer why the Ukrainian air defense bombed the hospital? >>473439781
>Cannon fodder hunters sneak up on victims in ambulances

Great idea, eventually they’ll get torched just in case.
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>And by sabotage you mean highway robbery?
They set entire parked convoys and warehouses on fire in a straight line from the UA border.
Or at least so it seems from the little coverage it is receiving because everyone is focusing on the squealing pigs instead.
>"maybe we should kill zelensky to stop this?"
>*vaaaaaaaaaapes* "nah lmao"
Does Hrukraine have modernized Buk?
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good morning
Russia's right to self-defense, frog niggers
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must be recruiters
i need more basedhankas
>There are children under the rubble
Why are there children under the rubble of the building that was hit that is NEXT to the childrens hospital?
Why were they bringing the children out of the hospital and into that building?
>just throw them out of the way of the evacuation for the time being
Even that can work.
But still the main point is that they are using an obviously unnecessary human crowd to remove debris, so its purpose must be something else.
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>Does Hrukraine have modernized Buk?

There were approximately 50 complexes at the beginning of 2024(The Military Balance 2024. — P. 213.)
Because there was a Pizza Planet there
Defense conglomerate of stateless enteties?
That's sounding a lot like a state to me
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There's a level of either immense ignorance or arrogance to go into a warzone to relax and not expect this

the ukrainian people need more wake up calls like this.
That shockwave is sexy
Look at the positive they can cube him now!

It really is one, should've waited fot the pic in better resolution.
so russmutts are actually based?
>Man maybe we shouldn't have listened to Zelensky frfr.
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>missile came in from south-west
So it's a marketplace attack 2.0?
Some said that it's AIM-120 AMRAAM
Janny Tranny Janny Tranny Janny Tranny Janny Tranny Janny Tranny
Guys, they made up a name for non-Russians who support Russia:
>zigger + weaboo = zigaboo
This looks way out of proportion to me to be 7.5m long
>So it's a marketplace attack 2.0?
My bet is going to be on "it's photoshopped"
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>Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
>Russian missiles are undetectable, precise within a meter, impossible to intercept superweapons ONLY when they intentionally target hospitals and puppy shelters
>they're useless inaccurate cold war garbage otherwise
>Russian terrorist attack on one of Ukraine's most important children's hospitals.
>When is it allowed @JoeBiden Ukraine finally to destroy the Russian air bases with our weapons???
>When will @OlafScholz finally Taurus for exactly this purpose???
send the heckin tauruses!
You can easily see that it's a X-101
S p r i n t e r F a m i l y
"Get to work, parasites!" - Drivers in Poland were enraged by the protest of climate activists, who blocked the highway in Warsaw.


Climate activists should start torching Jewish oligarchs and see instant direct improvement with their non existent carbon surplus problems, instaed they work so hard to destroy farmers and private transportation and introduce carbon limits on credit cards
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The schnoz is different.
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>Somehow the same type of Russian missile that leaves a 20m crater just barely damages a building. Almost like it's not explosive enough. Curious.
Reminder that
>It didn't happen
>they deserved it
>it should happen agan
fuck it NATO intervention NOWWWWWWW

Send 1 000 000 NATO troops to protect children hospitals!
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Zigger is our word, you can be a zigga though
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So what's the Ukrainian narrative for the small number of casualties?
>We intercepted everything except the children hospital
>Their missiles don't work
>Patriots are in control
Το μόνο που με νοιάζει είναι οι πύραυλοι του Βλαδίμηρου να βρουν στόχο στην Τουρκία και να μας δώσει πίσω την Πόλη μας.
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you have to admire the stupidity of the Ukrainian junta, Israeli's Washington DC and all the elements of Globohomo,

literally nothing can budge these stubborn motherfuckers, they'll stupid all the way to the bitter end without ever wavering!
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>we support you with all our hearts
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Can't say zigger that's too close to another world and they are not racists like vatniks
>The Russian Armed Forces destroyed three HIMARS MLRS launchers and up to 10 foreign specialists who serviced these systems, according to a new briefing from the Ministry of Defense.

>Moreover AFU lost another Abrams tank in the area of responsibility of the Center group, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

>Footage: destruction of MLRS of March 05, 2024

Keep informed with https://x.com/east_calling


HIMHERS sisters not like this :(

>Russia aimed its ballistic missile attack at the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital's toxicology building. No air defense missile affected the flight path. #WarCrime

>More indication of a deliberate Russian attack, possibly coming from a Tu-95 over the Caspian Sea, launching several Kh-101 cruise missiles at the direction of Kyiv.

jihadi julian the missile expert
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X-55 to be precise, you can see the engine under the missile.
hahaha their mind is literally buckbroken they are not even allowed to think the nigger word
you can always tell it's a redditor by the way it types like a female school teacher
to the last europeanian and americanian
kek, they are worse than gypsies near subway stations
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the dinosaurs got unlucky,
but we are stupiding ourselves to oblivion and cheering along the way!

it's quite bizarre,
I was supporting Russia until now but bombing a childen's hospital is not cool.
Total Hohol Death! The Ukraine must be Impregnated!
i really hope you support Israel o.O

it would be wise of you
yeah, WAY too far!! Putin just crossed a red line. I'm tweeting my thoughts RIGHT NOW
That does not look like a squirrel
well don't be hasty and believe the Ukrainians, they hardly have an impeccable track record for honesty.
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>it's quite bizarre,
yes but also comfy because who wants to continue in the direction we were heading anyway?
>The Ukrainian Air Force gave information about the missile strike today.
>Shot down:
>1/1 Kh-47M2 Kinzhal ballistic missile
>3/4 Iskander-M cruise missiles
>0/1 3M22 Zircon hypersonic cruise missile
>11/13 Kh-101 cruise missiles
>12/14 Kalibr cruise missiles
>0/2 Kh-22 cruise missiles
>3/3 Kh-59/69 cruise missiles
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maybe you need to look at it from a different angle?
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But what if they bomb two children's hospitals? Would that be cool enough for you?
I don't want to continue in the direction we are heading, but I would like to continue!
G'day /chug/
Listening to Linkin Park right now
>they are not even allowed to think the nigger word

To say the word Nigger is the ultimate act of physical, spiritual, and physical denouncement of the satanic global zeitgeist. It is the ultimate sacrilege to the gospel of human oppression. The mere utterance of Nigger is so shocking, so utterly apostatical to the average parishioner of tyranny that saying it is a form of absolute spiritual resistance and providence over your own soul. Nothing, beyond denying the holocaust which is seen as the one true unforgivable sin tantamount to denying Christ, is as blasphemous and morally reprehensible to an acolyte of judeo-globalist ruination than to speak the word Nigger. Murder, child rape, animal cruelty, all pale in comparison to the perceived level of evil and inhumanity levied by the great forbidden word in the eyes of the average thrall of the International Jew. Saying nigger is the ultimate expression of freedom, the only way to truly shed the shackles of mental slavery and claim your place in the annals of history, peopled by the greatest minds who have ever lived, the strongest warriors who have ever fought and died and killed for their beliefs. Speak "Nigger", and watch the bodies of the enslaved writhe and cringe in horror, shielding their ears and eyes, their faces will gnarl into a demonic grimace, they will weep and gnash their teeth and descend on you like a multitude of rabid jackals. And you will stand strong and truly free from their yoke by nature of your own strength and raw power over the soulless and accursed horde with the utterance of their bane. Like a mighty lion in his domain, stoic and unwavering, as if to say "Fuck you nigger. You won't do shit". Say nigger and be free.
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>but I would like to continue!
we will
brave ruschink patriots are in charge, trust the plan
>only 7 out of 39 missiles made it we swear
>we have no evidence of this but please believe us
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is this rape
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Based on the footage I think they hit the 3rd toxicology department building.
From what I can find online there are news of the entire hospital being transformed into a military infirmary and also a listing for the building being used as an "infectious disease center" meaning it is possible to have been used as a bio-lab.
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reminder the people of ukraine are to blame for this because they allow zelensky and his handlers to live
we need the return of the *CLANK*
>we should invite more comets to Earth, what could go wrong
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you have to admit clownworld is jumping the shark at this point and it's quite disturbing to watch.
>My fellow planets
this is nonsense purely because that one volley was like 4/5 consecutive hits and there's no way those would be of different types from the timing alone. And they've left no room for that in their fantasy briefing
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>dinosaurs got unlucky
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>My fellow dinosaurs
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>clownworld is jumping the shark at this point
i do admit it, but this was inevitable and is a step in the right direction towards the destruction of the old world order and liberation of the people
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are you questioning their honesty?
Nu York benis status?
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They're taking Bidon to durka :(
>cluster warhead on families at the beach
If it was intentional then 90% of those families would be dead or missing a limb. The only way cluster bombs hit that spread out is if the rocket fell apart a few km away. Which means Russian AA hit it near the Russian airfield and it broke apart high in the air. Those Russian families were vacationing down range from an active war.
They still have 2 left so why are they crying?
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you will never win terrorist orcs
Our critical infrastructure and Military Industry have successfully intercepted and destroyed the orc missiles.
>They still have 2 left so why are they crying?
Probably because a Stalin Style building was destroyed?

Still, this was the second wave of strikes so probably they tried finishing off whoever they were trying to kill during the first wave.
I love coffee
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Just look at how fuckng flat she is
"we're the United States of America, we can do anything!"

Tits that are too big are gross.
Looks like a cruise missile with turbofan intake deployed and in terminal flight phase. Could be a Russian Kalibr.
Reminder that amerisharts sailed millions of men and material to Europe and died by the thousands to 'liberate' them only for them to be ungrateful bastards
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>Kinzhal shot down
>Zirkon not
>shoigu fired
>massive day time missile strikes return
coincidence? now gerasimov
Ukrainians shouldm't have been hiding military targets behind civilian infrastructure.
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this time we will finish the job!
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Wise words
Both are basically impossible to intercept with Ukraine's current AD capabilities.
If they allocated more forces in the real world rather than the dream realm, things wouldn't be so bleak right now.
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finally youre here
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Very important
when the counter oink begins ?
Correct, there was a location that was repeatedly hit with very high accuracy four times in a row
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MLRS Patriot doing xis part.
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The pic has been sitting at 90% done for two days now.
I really need to finish it already.

Anyway, so, can you tell me something about the new commie overlords of France?
I heard they hate (((them))). Is that true?
If so - they're genuinely better then Le Pen.
Amputated and flung against the screen
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Lmao thouht that pic was Malfoy
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Nigger you're about to get invaded
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they're going around in circles trying to find the problem, but not spotting the elephant in the room,
at some point everyone will reach the same conclusion and the international day of the rope will begin
even dead he will live rent free in your head
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>Russia is bombing children's hospitals, and you're laughing?
And Ukrainian telegram channels again are posting these typical square shaped shrapnel pieces from anti air missiles as proof.
Guess it is another case of Russia launching S300 and Patriots at Ukrainian hospitals.
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the funny thing about this is that there are videos of just one building taking five cruise missiles. and there's plenty of video and photo evidence of buildings being wiped out elsewhere too. not to mention ukraine's energy infrastructure niggers themselves also reported four more destroyed transformers. clearly a lot of things got hit given the evidence.
moment US collapses you will all be
>yea PRC we did not mean anything bad can you take us back peacefully uWu

I hope PRC nukes you
You have to be beyond deranged to blame God for your own misgivings and failure and claiming MUH ANTISEMITISM
>By Shmuley Boteach
nevermind, checks out
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what did he say about that cluster bomb hitting the crimea beach filled with civilians on vacation?
It is but more importantly, why did you demolish the Chang Kai-shek statues?
Based Belousov delivering the goods, unlike two other idiots I won't mention.
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Claimed is xermars caught in the wild. Can't see shit though, so would rather wait for the daytime visual control.

My eyeballs say it looks like a BM30 rocket, but that would be ridiculous.

PAC 3 CRI, PAC 2 and S300 look like very good candidates.

Cruise missiles tend to have mid section wings or in the case of Islanders a different shape.
At least it's a military convoy.
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It's an X-55/X-101
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that's definitely an Iskander-M ballistic missile impact. i will always recognize that fragmentation pattern. russians only use them on valuable targets.
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How is hitting an empty toxicology building at a hospital "delivering the goods"??

Aimed a mere 50 meters west, 100 Ukrainians would have died.
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Also Targeting the Ukro Ministry of Infrastructure
might be one of your bio-labs?
Where the hell did those wings come from?
>what did he say about that cluster bomb hitting the crimea beach filled with civilians on vacation?
I have seen nothing of it on his X feed. he totally ignored it I guess
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oh wait my bad. it was written in goymany so it slipped my search. he blamed Russia for the attack
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>>Since there is no good reason not to like us.

This just in, God is jealous of the Jews.
Jesus Christ .. every civilization on earth , 109 countries -- 600+ states , thousands of years. You think ONE of theses jews would think , "Hey maybe it's us ..."
Nope , not one . Can an entire race be Narcissists ?
pretty sure a lab like that would never be trusted to a 3rd world shithole
lmao you have labs in fucking Kazakhstan and Georgia and before you say it "le why would we have it there lmao schizo" i will remind you that you had a lab in China where you developed a virus that you used to kill dozens of millions of people across the globe
Could be a Photoshop actually.
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Counter argument: big tits are fun to play with

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