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Previous: >>473456050
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

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Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Hungarian PM arrives in Moscow -https://archive.today/Dnmp7
>US set to announce over $2.3 bln arms package for Ukraine -https://archive.today/kxBLx
>The Ukraine has a month to avoid default -https://archive.today/OVZkX
>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Kiev, what AA doing?
>Consequences of arrivals at a phenol plant in jew york
>House with hohols destroyed by missile
>Abrams getting rekt by FPV drones
>Russian specialist explains how ATACMS fuse works
>They did it again (AT mine vs building)
>Hohols swam across Dneper on homemade raft and surrendered in the Kherson region
>Iskander versus hohol AA
>Drone view of Chasov Yar canal district
>Hohol lied during interrogation
>Russian soldiers really live like this?!?
>Russian soldier shoots armed quadcopter out of the sky
>4 min of shelling of hohol trenchline near Chasov Yar, they end up retreating (warning, loud music)
>Hohol car gets hit by an FPV, no survivors
>AT mine /chug/er at it again (new york)
>VDV clearing apartments in Chasov Yar

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Thanks for the bread!
When will mykola with hohol flag go back???







thanks for bread
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I denounce the Talmud
Thanks for the bread

Wendy ^-^
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2 weeks and hohols will surrender
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pyytrtyyyyyt styytyys?
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Me in the middle
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I look like this and say this but I don't do this.
sorry for the dumb question, but does russia ever release official statements when they bomb hohol cities? something like
>our intelligence found an ammo depot hiding in a school and we decided to strike it
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i agree wholeheartedly. also funny meme coming from a gore poster.
Polish econonmmy in the back
Legit question i've been wondering about
Why can't they shoot a net at FPV drones?
Or something like that that will cause the wings to not work
It seems to me it would be pretty easy to disable these drones ??
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but you are american...
Billons must shell
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dudes gonna probably flee to poland or gerMoney and start racking up a body count
Some of them are aware how shit their government is
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astute observation, sven
Totaly fuckin fake and gay
Get better material pigger
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Bradley = dog shit
They say the same thing every time.
>Military targets were targeted and targeted. All targets were hit and hit, all civilian hits were hit by ukie air defense, heil hortler!

whats up with the repeating bit anyway? I thought its just a translation thing but they often do it in longer news reports where they repeat the entire intro section.
>leave the Chechens alone
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poor m113 bmp bradley
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Launch an offensive for Vodyane.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Import foreign prisoners to serve indefinitely in penal divisions. Conscript all liberals, illegals, criminals, PoWs, and suspected traitors into Storm-V. Focus on increasing the deployment of non-Russians to the frontline. Use summary execution and other methods to ensure military discipline.
4. Deploy combat infrastructure and engineering group. Pay "Northern Bonus" to civilian volunteers for this effort.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU. Advance ecumenical efforts with Latins.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Ensure firearm education for boys in grade 4. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. An event on 10 September to remember the heroes of WWI and the Russian Civil War, and to venerate the Romanov Martyrs and remember that, before the Bolshevik Revolution, Russia was a great Empire which spanned from Kalisz to Novoarkhangelsk.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
Putler is based and based
america is gay and gay
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I am American though
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Putler is baZed and genocidal towards hyhyls
Amerisharts are gay and jewish
making Belarussians play minecraft is the most horrifying part of the picture
oh you are american? name all 50 of our semi-autonomous oblasts
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Ghost of kyyiyv is now real, ukies will go to sleep in fear.
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Deploy botox on the frontline
What if they're actually playing Dwarf Fortress?
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Russia is illegally bombing ukrainian gender reassignment clinics
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total autism relief valve one way or the other
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GM! /Chug/! Anything to report?
Trick question, a real American won't be able to do that due to geographic cretinism
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I want every kids hospital, every womens hospital, every Trans HRT SRS Center in Ukraine hit with 20x FAB9000s. Just do like Isreal is doing and give the hospitals an ultimatum to evacuate.
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Listen, the kids were born in pigland and they have cancer. Being a missile target is only the 3rd worst experience of their lives.
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>funny meme coming from a gore poster.
They are evolving, slowly learning about memes.
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>Anything to report?
kyyyyv hella lit rn fr
much seething underway
He will find fine comrades in the Avoz brigade
you have passed the test
you may now walk around wally world in cloths that clearly indicate you have given up on life and/or are high on opiates
2 more weeks and the Ukraine will regain Crimea
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Good idea
Denying the holocaust was made illegal in Finland just after Finland joined nato.
Same for germany and poland, both which are nato countries.
There also hasn't been a single conviction for holocaust denial in Russia
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kike needs to bomb hyhyl children more seething is magnificient, I dont even care about normie opinion due to falseflag
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texas, california, chicago, dallas ummm
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holy shit
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Kiev got bombed this morning, see:
>>Kiev, what AA doing?
That's bait!
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks
Total hohol Death! The ukraine must be Impregnated!
Also its funny that always when somebody says "we have freedom of speach" and i point it out fuckin npc-s get blackscreen
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How's the tide turning going?
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credit to the anon in the last thread who finally figured this out
Slowly, but surely Russia is gaining more ground whereas the ukraine is losing men, equipment and territory
>Brazilian mercenary Murilo Lopes Santos killed in action on Zaporozhye
>Once in Europe, Murilo Lopes Santos disembarked at Krakow, Poland, and took a bus to the Ukrainian border. Then, he stood for a month in the Ukrainian city of Ternopil.
Pay close attention, GRU chads. They are shipping mercenaries for training in Ternopol by bussing them over from the Polish border. Kalibrate. Kalibrate with extreme prejudice.
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>Denying the holocaust was made illegal in Finland just after Finland joined nato.
Muh freedoom is non-negotiable
>freedom = gay marriage, trannies and nigras
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Every time I check on these threads she just keeps getting bigger. Juet how big can Azov chan get?
Also freedom is when 90% of politicans are jewish
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But the heckin clidrenrinos... Hospital... Patriots...
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Anyone who's not emotionally invested in one of the sides can see this clearly.
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>last thread
forgive me i'm retarded
give this man a medal
remains to be seen
There is no freedom of speech in Europe and nato is a foreign power that should fuck off from Finnish soil.
They won't do shit, there's fuck all in Finland they could want.
Same for us, passed really quick without any debate whatsoever
MorningZ Tanyafren!!!!
Right after you went to sleep Kiev was kalibrated very nicely
I hate jeets
Good morning sir
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Hello Tanyafren!
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EveningZ Nazunafren!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hello Katyushafren!
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Hello, here's some Kiev video.
UK murder rate per 100k is 1.2 with mass immigration
Russian murder rate is 6.8
6 times more murders!
Can some white supremacist zigger explain?
That's le joke.
Damn, do we have the juicy details on what got hit yet? And unironically what was the air defense doing?
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Kalibration of Kiev today was pretty kino
Hohols are saying that it was their 9/11 today
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two hospitals (one w/ muh chilluns) and four pieces of electrical infrastructure at minimum as per hyyhyyl screaming
peace in our time (through total denazification of even the grubs of taxpayer filth)
I saw the videos.
Was quite something. I think during the initial assault we got clips like that.
That's a lot of decoys. Some even have fireworks for extra believability.
Imagine how much international support Russia could have if they weren’t so cartoonishly evil bombing children’s hospitals.

>Iran has embarked on a massive expansion of its defence industry

>Satellite images show 30 new buildings in two locations near Tehran for the production of missiles and drones - Reuters

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there are no innocents
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Whoa! Where've you been posting them? I missed 4 through 8.
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>sticky munitions
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>Destruction of three HIMARS MLRS in the Kherson direction.

>Against the background of other events, it was believed that the southern section of the front was relatively quiet, but in fact this was not the case. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are not giving up attempts here to work out the rear of the Russian army, but the price for such attempts is increasingly higher.
>It is curious that the quality of combat planning on the Ukrainian side has also dropped significantly.
>We will tell you what this is connected with in our large analysis very soon.
damn! THREE with one Iskander-M!!!!
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cmdr kotski's special reserve, added to relatively frequently
Putin is more of a crime boss than a politician, his ties to the russian mafia were proven multiple times
Don‘t expect any humanity from him
>>Iran has embarked on a massive expansion of its defence industry
>>Satellite images show 30 new buildings in two locations near Tehran for the production of missiles and drones - Reuters

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I think piggers attacked some border region of Russia yesterday, damaged an oil depot and killed civilians there so this was a retaliation strike
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beri naisu
that's epic
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Mari8 is top tier. Also good to see my own edits included in there.
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Might be. But I doubt that they are going to lern from it...
Sounds too good to be true, but we have seen some kino Iskander strikes recently.
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mine are designated w/ numbers, foreign assistance gets labelled with letters

How would a drone defend against this?
Why not Buk?

Profile and explosive mass check out.
It was a fiery but mostly peaceful rocket strike
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Russians dunking on le tragic hospital realy makes me think cuckwar is over and it starts with minds.
it can't
if I were a drone I could dodge it (I'm just that good)
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>ukrainians killing civilians again
That seems to be all they're able to do, then they wonder why people hate them.
Now that's a face I haven't seen in a long time
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Thanks, good collection.
As for the hospital, have there been any pictures as to what exactly was hit? The missile doesn't impact the main building. Also it seems to be coming from the west unless I really fucked up with geolocating the thing.
Strike video as webm, will attach map in next post.
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I'd bomb children's hospitals too. In fact, chances are the hohols bombed their own children's hospital, but I'd bomb any facility that performs human sacrifice to Satan, and that includes children hospitals in the West.
it can't, you're now a foremost military theorist. congratulations to you in earnest
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OG version was too big for catbox. I've finally re-encoded it. (it was 250+MB for under a 2 min vid)

>The arrival of an 9M723-1 operational-tactical quasi-ballistic missiles of the Iskander-M surface-to-air missile with aerial detonation at a landing where three HIMARS missile launchers with escort vehicles were sheltering, presumably near the village of Klapaya, Kherson Region.
These HE/HIMMARS are manned by mutts. There's gonna be a lot of screeching and kvetching today and tomorrow.
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Guten morgen!
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>saving preview with timecode and watermark
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I saw one of the videos of the front of the hospital with a huge pile of rubble in the street, so one of the smaller buildings presumably got evaporated, but I don't know which one.
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there's literally nothing wrong with targeting civilians, it's war, anything goes
Apparently someone already thought of this
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I noticed. It's a nifty scheme.
something big has changed with Russian ISR. they're striking all kinds of hard-to-find targets now.
Imagine, how much lives and territory Ukraine could save if russian was accpted as second state lang
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Greetings, fellow /chug/gers :)

As you can see, our western liberal democraties are working perfectly as intended to represent the will of the people.
We totally do not cheer for Russia and China to crush this system that is totally not corrupt and absolutely fair into the ground.
We totally support the ukraine (which is winning), CIA, EU and NATO (very democratic organizations) and would obviously support any of their war effort and totally not oppose a draft or commit any violence to recruiters

War Is Peace
Freedom Is Slavery
Ignorance Is Strength
So the US biolab?
Today they striked at the last nonjew in kiev.
Imagine how many fewer homes Zelensky would own if that happened
>electorates are sieges
far more likely to just be your average hospital lab wing
>As you can see, our western liberal democraties are working perfectly as intended to represent the will of the people.
>We totally do not cheer for Russia and China to crush this system that is totally not corrupt and absolutely fair into the ground.
>We totally support the ukraine (which is winning), CIA, EU and NATO (very democratic organizations) and would obviously support any of their war effort and totally not oppose a draft or commit any violence to recruiters
>War Is Peace
>Freedom Is Slavery
>Ignorance Is Strength
good goy, very semitic
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European elections are all rigged. At least France is not as bad as UK.
necessity breeds innovation
We know they've been doing launches with batteries of M270 at night, so it's not like concentrations of their launchers don't exist.
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yes but overengineered munitions are vastly inferior to rapid fire sticky toys

>consider the following
Jean-Luc Mélenchon - La France Insoumise (far-left)
The candidate advocated France's "non-alignment". "This means, in practical terms, that the Russians must not cross the border into Ukraine, which must be absolutely respected. And that the Americans must not seek to annex Ukraine into NATO". He finally questioned the role of Emmanuel Macron in this crisis, who "has gradually placed himself in a position that has lowered his credibility."
Sunny Bakery Desserts is next. THD
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hello /chug/
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Democracy is so fake and gay, bros...
>We interrupt this program for breaking news: A freak accident happened in *insert random US base here* where *insert number or air defense opperators* died when a V-22 Osprey tragically crashed in the middle of the Pacific. Recovery is unfortunately, impossible.
Just because you don‘t understand their system doesn‘t mean it‘s rigged
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I think its just because they used to be further in the rear and because the hohols are running out of options they're bringing them closer to the front line

And people complain that the EC here produces results that are disproportionate to the popular vote

Given that liberal democracy is an has always been a system of procedural manipulation, all elections are a farcical.
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Hello K-on Fren
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pozzed pov, too anti-Russian
Most french voted against becoming a puppet of russia deal with it
Yeah i think my goo net is a better idea
Main idea is just to get something on the wing blades that causes it to crash
you don't need to actually capture it in a net
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>Concerned Kiev citizens, captured a magnificent missile attack on A combined heat and power plant in Kiev, as evidenced by the characteristic white and red smoke stack.
I read somewhere that if the war in Ukraine ended today, Ukraine would have 12hrs+ blackouts every day for the next 3 years. But we know that the war will not end today and Russians keep on pounding at the electrical grid so Ukraine won't have electricity for at last the next 10 years (if longer).
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>Party gets more votes than the other 2 parties combined
>Fewer seats than either of the other 2 parties
Our Democracy moves in mysterious ways, but how does that happen?
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Oh but it is
They prefer to be the puppet of ZOG
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absolute kino
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>electorates are sieges
Seats, presumably
It's effective
Henlooo Ritsufren
Kaboom day in Kiev
That anime is American propaganda
(upload the video please, I have internet troubles)

About the night hunting of scouts

Russian intelligence officers discovered the movement of a large number of equipment and personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. After observing the movement of the column, the coordinates of the stopping place were transferred to the missile units, after which the Iskander-M missile defense system launched a missile strike. The action took place in the area of the settlement of Stetskovka, Sumy region.

The footage shows a wide area of use of the cluster part of the projectile, the detonation of an ammunition depot and a column of fire with a nine-story house.

According to the source, it was eventually destroyed:

– artillery ammunition depot;
– 12 units of automotive equipment;
– 7 all-terrain vehicles;
– trucks carrying ammunition;
– up to 65 military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (during the formation).

It seems the Russians understood Kiev's wishes of decommunization so they're removing all those pesky hard to remove commie factories.
How nice of them.
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hello sir
Could be.
Buk are bigger than AMRAAMs.
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>Just because you don‘t understand their system doesn‘t mean it‘s rigged
Literally how is it even possible.
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Repeating numbers
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>As for the hospital, have there been any pictures as to what exactly was hit?
It collapsed an exterior wall of the toxicology department which is a separate building than the main hospital.
Doesn't seem to have been a particularly large explosion.
boom boom kiev is fucket today
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The shell pierced a power line and got stuck in it
How could anyone be against the nice treaty? It's in the name.
>I read somewhere that if the war in Ukraine ended today, Ukraine would have 12hrs+ blackouts every day for the next 3 years. But we know that the war will not end today and Russians keep on pounding at the electrical grid so Ukraine won't have electricity for at last the next 10 years (if longer).
I think the real question is how the population is going to survive the winter. Something like 90% of combination power and heating plants in the Ukraine have been destroyed, replacing the heating capacity with electric heating would be impossible even if the power generating parts of those plants were not destroyed.
They're going to have to evacuate pretty much the entire country.
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>Three unconditional conclusions in connection with the deliberate missile strike (X-101 class missiles) on the Ukraine's largest children's hospital "#Okhmatdyt"...

>1. This is a fully deliberate action, specifically designed and approved by the entity Putin. On the eve of the @NATO summit. As a slap in the face to the alliance. Rf sends an informal signal to all about the following: "even the outright murder of children will not make them (the Alliance) take all the necessary decisions. And that is why we continue to attack"...

>2. Literally, in parallel with the deliberate attack on children in the the Ukrainian capital, the leaders of Hungary and China once again demanded "an immediate ceasefire". This demand is not directed at #Russia. It is directed only at the West and #the #Ukraine. And its purpose is to create a false feeling: the aggressor has the right to kill, because he speaks of "peace", and the victim should not defend himself and therefore should immediately stop resistance. Leaving the territories and their own citizens to the aggressor... It looks extremely not natural and absolutely stimulates Russia to continue attacking...

>3. Right now, the country that deliberately launched a massive strike on the Ukrainian cities and a children's medical facility in Kiev continues to preside over the... @UN Security Council. This is an absolutely blasphemous signal to all neutral countries that there are no rules and outright cannibalization is encouraged. Moreover, there is no proper UN response, which directly points to the obvious: if the war does not end with Russia's total defeat, the world is in for a terrible short history of bloody chaos... Where life has no value and death is the new synonym for the word "Russia".

Man... he's so fucking pretentious.
>look, I use big words
>I'm smart
Impact was at the southern side of the building. Vector of arrival was from south-west.

Only potentially worthwhile targets nearby would be nearby trauma-centric sections of the hospitals that could have been used by the military.
>I read somewhere that if the war in Ukraine ended today, Ukraine would have 12hrs+ blackouts every day for the next 3 years.
cuz nobodys gonna come to rebuild that place. Military aid is all they will get
I fucking wish our propaganda was about chubby 2d girls with huge tits, instead its usually about wamen and muh norities.
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For you
Wow. That's like two bullets getting stuck inside each other
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Cancer niggas are so small but already toxic dey should touch grass or something
I dunno, ask the CIA
>@UN Security Council
UNSC won't do shit. Russia vetoes.
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Or they saw what really was in the so called "hospital".
>Adverse Regime Change event
Just 4 years after the Random Chimp event, mutts can't catch a break
Thanks, that building would've been my guess just from the footage of the missile.
No clue how big of an explosion it'd take to knock out most of the windows in the hospital and knock down most of its facade, but it doesn't seem small.

The toxicology building could've been repurposed for whatever.
hello frens!
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>I think the real question is how the population is going to survive the winter. Something like 90% of combination power and heating plants in the Ukraine have been destroyed, replacing the heating capacity with electric heating would be impossible even if the power generating parts of those plants were not destroyed.
Correct. Their old system couldn't cope with every using electrical heating so they had centralized heating for all those apartment buildings.
Now they don't have that and don't even have electricity capacity to handle a 1/10th of what's needed.
>They're going to have to evacuate pretty much the entire country.
Or move to villages and heat with a stove and wood.

Come October, those cities will start becoming ghost towns.
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>nationalist party
>want to be the puppet of anybody
That's a sad attempt at "no u", (you), globohomo puppet.
Some people just need killing. Bongs are too disarmed and demoralized to do it.
How is the weather at Ramstein Mr PAO?
Redoing the elections over and over again and the people losing forming one large block to keep out the one group they all hate = rigged.

It's not like they form one block after the elections for future elections. They do it during the election and also that gay shit of redoing elections over and over and over until the current regime get's what it wants. One and done.
>Correct. Their old system couldn't cope with every using electrical heating so they had centralized heating for all those apartment buildings.
Not quite. Commie style thermal power plants double as centralized heating. Remove the power plant, no more heating.
>the entity putin
These guys are so fucking cooked in the head man
And thank providence for that.
taurus would be more helpful than UNSC
>Vatniggers destroy heating plants in the middle of summer
Haha what
>Commie style thermal power plants double as centralized heating. Remove the power plant, no more heating.
I don't know why this brilliant technology isn't adopted worldwide.
>People need heat and electricity
>Making electricity makes waste heat
It's literally free thermal energy
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It's an electoral system structured so that their party will lose almost every time. Basically it's similar, at least superficially, to the Canadian, American, and British systems, or perhaps to the Russian "constituencies" to the Duma. There is no federal list, so voting is for candidates in localities directly rather than to parties.

So, in the first round, almost every constituency voted for RN, but only like 30% or 40%. Some were 50+% and these became the RN's victories.

So in theory, the people individually in each district decided to vote for the other 2 parties in runoffs. But it's not quite so simple. Apparently there were "exceptions" to the rules in 311 cases, declared by the electoral department, so that a candidate could win with under 50% in the runoff.

So basically, the electoral department is declaring the winners and making the rules ad hoc, or almost ad hoc, to ensure that Macron's favorites win as often as possible. Their democracy is far more managed than that of Russia, despite their hypocritical critiques.
kek. This
Last night I drove on the sidewalk /chug/. I had to take a shit so bad my ass was cramping and it was dark so I thought the entrance to the gas station was closer, so I turned and all I heard was "BANG!" when my bumper hit the sidewalk, but I still had to take a shit so I started driving slowly on the sidewalk to the gas station and this group of kids was in front of me and started running away. I think they thought I was trying to run over them hahaha, I hope there wasn't any cameras and I get a knock on my door later
Russian media literally cheered for her evil ass but the french showed the finger to putin
>knock down most of its facade
Do you have any pictures of the children's hospital with "most" of its facade knocked down?
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Reencoded into webm for your pleasure.
Thermal power plants are also heating plants. Blow up the electricity generation portion, it also kinda stops the heating portion.
Fancy ain't it?
It's just using the waste heat byproduct as heating. We have those here in our commie blocks.
Are they going to aim them at the incoming missiles to block those?
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>Their democracy is far more managed than that of Russia, despite their hypocritical critiques.
The Putin rapes Our Democracy by being the most popular candidate and enjoying the support of the majority
Why did she make election promises to russia? While macron always stood for europe and ukraine?
I don't think giving Ukraine stronger missiles would help with anything else other than demolishing Kiev harder.
>this is not a proportional vote
Electoral deals.
But the RN is dambing on other parties, saying he is the first party because he got more than 100 seats, while no other parties have done it, since they are all small party in coalition with each others. Like the left for exemple. They appear strong, but none of their party got 80 seats (they are just a coalition of weak parties).
No, I just guessed. It looked worse than it is in the last picture you showed I suppose.
Checked. Obviously a Jeet false flag. Firing from a Vimana is a big clue.
cuck more wu cry
>serving your own national interests as opposed to those of foreign countries means you're evil
This is what you actually believe
Of course. But they get a little high for a day or say, because of the new Wunderwaffel peremoga. To then get their hopes and dreams even more crushed than before.
If you really think putin got 99% of votes in chechnya you‘re lying to yourself or straight up stupid
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And your numbers repeating too!!
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Well, more shit to the graveyard i suppose.
>If you really think putin got 99% of votes in chechnya you‘re lying to yourself or straight up stupid
If you really think "rebel" chechens are still in chechnya after decades of Khadyrov rule you're a moron.
Most of the windows seem to have been blown out but that's very common.
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>nationlist party
>want to be the puppet of anybody
Your "no u" attempts wont works.
Of course a nationalist party dont want to follow the foreign policy of Great Satan, the globohomo anti nationalist demonic entity that is trying to take over the west.
But of course a demonic spawn like you wont get it.
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>also in Xyiv today
patriot radar and 3 iris-t successfully intercepted russians rockets at the ground level today.
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>but the french showed the finger to Putin
YOU STUPID TURK, Meleonchon is anti-NATO.
>Mélenchon opposes the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which he perceives as an affront to France's national sovereignty.[60] He has repeatedly called for France to withdraw from NATO.[60]
Three year lead time on replacing those launchers based on recent contracts.
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GAINZ underway
Too fat compared to the manga !
>the french
A lot of it is not thanks to the French but ambulatory detritus like yourself
Do you think she will say Suka Blyat in anime???
le pen takes orders from tel aviv
Macron will stay president not the clown melenchon
So basically, if the map was coloured by blocs, the majority went to the faggot coalitions?
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Two separate buildings.
The toxicology department is an old ass building that was separate from the main children's hospital building.
I don't think so. But it would be very funny.
And I know a Russian who would be slightly upset about it. And I'd laugh about that.
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>The UN Security Council will meet tomorrow to discuss the massive Russian missile attack on the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital in Kyiv
butthurt lmao
>verification not required
Even bigger issue are the rockets themselves... they're becoming VERY scarce. Unless the US gives them ammo from the Pacific theater, they will be shooting blanks for a while.
They are but just not open about their opinion because kadyrovites would torture and kill them
Most chechens and dagestanis support secession
I know that, but it looked like the hospital got fucked harder than it did in some other pictures, at least at a glance.
He is toothless. All the power is in minsters and they will make sure Macron can't do shit. So he will resign.
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Ok Julian, i'm sure you're right.
Hey Nazuna i have to go for a bit you dont mind baking?
Can do.
very relevant to the thread you faggot
>if i spam garbage on 4chin ukranda will win!
When will they start to double tap ?
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Pork is getting pink again
Day is far from over
what?? where?
What's with all of the cunnyposters in uhg despite the fact they we're taking part in the "woodchipper pedo" larp only a couple months ago? Yet another attempt at astroturfing?
Doesn't really look like it directly took the hit, considering the whole facade of the main building fell off.
They even said they planned to redo the elections again if RN won lol.
>long ass stationary column
Nafo standards 3 years into the war?
The Ukrainian propaganda machine will be sure to get the right angles and cropped photos for the western media. Might even sprinkle a bit of talcum powder and some red syrup over some kids and put them in the pics
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how to put it politely...
Nothing beats the 'Blackhawk crash' that 'killed
the SEAL Team Six' that 'killed Bin Laden' being upgraded to a Chinook crash when they realized they couldn't fit that many men in a Blackhawk.
I looked back in the archives the other day, at some older /chug/ threads, and I saw a ukraine flag cunnyposter there
And the faggots in SD voted for it naturally.
You kinda do the same shit still so i'm just gonna chalk it up as "we thought we're far enough back".
Congrats on improving Orlans enough for long-range reconnaisance though.
is that tightly packed formation of hruks that got hit with a massive cluster warhead okay?
NICE, time to shill on uhg and make them sethee
Could have been crimea kun
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It was a decoy formation. No humans died.
not foot focused and was pro-ukraine so I don't think so
>I don't know why this brilliant technology isn't adopted worldwide.
Because it requires hot water pipes, the maintenance of which is kind of a bitch
And when it fails whole buildings get left without hot water.
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Cuck warfare may be off the menu, Russia now openly targeting hospitals and then follows up those strikes by striking first responders trying to rescue survivors
It's rather brutal really, not sure how anyone can justify this especially seeing as though Ukrainians are or should I say were your brothers and sisters.
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>geez general, TWO cancer hospitals?
>black rock shooter
Someone saw Miku while listening to Paint it Black by Rolling Stones
It‘s very relevant to see why ukrainians fight so hard for independence, they want their children to grow up safe and not in the russian mafia state
6,8 murder rate is insane for a european country
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It's hilarious how until 2016 they usually made a token concession, but now they don't even do that.
>Decoding chat slang for arrivals in enemy territory:
A very hard BUMC - usually an Iskander with instant detonation or FAB 3000 and higher.
BOOM - it came very hard.
BLOOD - it arrived, but not very much.
Bloop-Blooper - the MLRS did not fly in very loudly.
Bang - an incomprehensible explosion, maybe a small departure or arrival.
Popcorn - detonation.

>There are 2 very strict BUMC in Zaporozhye. With mushrooms to the sky.
>Ivan, translate this, autotranslate fucks up.
Aнaпa cлышит yчeния ППДO
>until 2016 they usually made a token concession
Arguable Trump's 2016 victory was also such concession
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>What's with all of the cunnyposters in uhg despite the fact they we're taking part in the "woodchipper pedo" larp
My theory is in pic
>openly targeting hospitals and then follows up those strikes by striking first responders trying to rescue survivors
>1 dead medic
>not a single killed patient according to hohols themselves
So much for targeting hospitals.
The left is not as strong as it appear.
Either way its a french nigga doing it right now
why are ukrainian buildings always exploding and falling apart?

Sorry, won’t listen to some cuck nation and their people


Cannon fodder
Lots of blankets. Cold is not that big of an issue as long as they have roof over their heads.
How much power does the german president have compared to the prime minister uh ?
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your link don't work nigga
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Very true

The ones who oppose Putin don't vote. The vast majority of Chechens are not jihadis. Furthermore, it would be disobedient to their religious leadership (which supports Putin) if they did that.

Very cute!


I mean, you could say that, but I mean in a more strictly EU sense. They always gave some kind of special perk to the country in question to get them to adopt whatever stupid European treaty. Even the Dutch got an exception to the Ukraine treaty to get them into the DCFTA. But then, with Brexit, they offered only sticks and no carrots. They told them they couldn't get even a partial type deal like the Ukraine got, and would only be permitted a trade treaty with the EU if they joined the Schengen area, from which they were already exempt. They did nothing to encourage a second referendum, essentially causing Brexit.
> religious leadership
Sellouts who openly go against their religion no one takes the kadyrovite mufti serious
I suppose you would know a lot about muslim religion since you come from a muslim country
Macron works for the Rothschilds. He will go when they say, not before.
He unironically is. He's Albanian.
You're in wrong thread retarded niggers
Ghoul of Gostamel needs to taste test the pulled pork for there to be an answer.
EU is the construct of a Hapsburg - Jewish coalition.
They are confident that they can get away with it now, so their true supremacist colors are showing.
Are you stupid?

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