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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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My name is Jonathan Willis, I'm the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump's rally. I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the secret service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at president Trump.
post timestamp
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Johnathan, you should know better than to post something like this.
imagine coming out to 4chan about this shit
americans are fucking retarded i swear to christ
Well you're gay for listening to a dumb bitch woman. Should of just shot. You faggots are still so afraid of being actual men. Take some more TRT and pretend you're a man.

You. Listened. To. A. Woman. Adam. You. Dumb. Bitch.
Monitoring this sniper for about 3 mins, then I'm taking the shot on the Xclose tab button.
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Proofs or fuck off
Fake nigger, but 90% chance that they didn't take him out right away on the off-chance that he's just some weirdo with a camera and not a gun, and killing him would be really bad.
post proof or forever be a faggot
A photo of your SS ID
post dick, passport, and security badge
Good job retard that makes you party to the conspiracy.
wouldn't proof be his name being the actual name of the sniper? I'll be watching for this hero to be in a single car auto accident over the next week kek
Post arm with tat, your cock, and your gun.
I want to believe you. I'm sorry you were in that position. Thank you for coming forward.
This is actually believable, even if fake.
Please post proof
They established in the 40s that using "I was just following orders" is a bad excuse. You have no excuses.
Checked. Post dog too, larp fag.
You need to post some proof before they van you. We'll handle the rest fren.
Time for your summary execution then isnt it.
>1 post by this ID
Into the trash.
Secret service gets to order around local police?
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You only had one job.
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Not true. I took him out. Israel saved Trump. A woman. Lmao.
My name is Jesus Christ, I come here to inform the public that you are fake
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On a side note, wtf is this shooting position? He looks like a fag.
sure you are john
Dude it was trump or an innocent you did the right thing
low quality larp and anyone who believed it after reading it is a retarrded nigge
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its called the larper
Provided this is real, OP people werent witch hunting you. What in the fuck are you hoping to accomplish by putting yourself in danger with glowies?
it's called the frog and is the hottest new thing in the glow community
Mainstream media would not publish something damning like this if it was real. They are 100% in bed with Democrats. They would however happily investigate anonymous reports that Trump left a stinky fart in an elevator in 1988.
My name is Jona Willy Im the officer in the famous photo of the two shitters on the roof at Trump's rally. I came here to inform the public that I had to shit so fucking bad for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the secret service refused to give the order to push out the poop. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing my ass before I took shots in it from president Trump.
It's probably to keep his dilator in place.
Yes. Just like feds when they have jurisdiction
Just shoot next time you big fucking pussy. Imagine needing to wait on officer shekelsteins opinion
You could have pulled the trigger and said youre on a 3 month nofap spree and finger got possessed or some shit. Wanker!!
My name is Donald J Trump. I'm in the famous photo that is circulating on the internet today of me bleeding fist pumping under the American flag. I refused to let some tranny loving pRedditor take me out. I 100% heard that bullet coming and moved my head
In the video you can see he 'jumps' back as the guy fires, almost knocks his tripod off the roofpeak and has to re position himself, reacquire the target, before he finally shoots back.
Confirmation that he had eyes on thru the scope and the reaction is that he shat himself at the magnified view of the muzzle flash.
So he had a clear and confirmed view of a definite threat - the guy, the rifle, the prone position - and STILL didn't fire.
>Either the SS is 100% useless, or they are 100% involved
There's a video? Sauce?
I didn't follow the orders though, as soon as the shooter opened on Trump I returned fire despite strict orders to not engage. I had eyes on the shooter for three minutes watching him fiddle with his rifle and adjust the scope, it was obvious he was a shooter yet I wasn't allowed to engage.

After I killed the shooter I was arrested, questioned by the FBI, and just released an hour ago. Already lost my job for not following orders, but I'm glad I took the shots anyway.
Nice try, but that cops name is Wonathan Jillis (he's Amish).
Big if true

It's entirely possible even believable that the military-industrial complex would stage or otherwise allow a useful idiot to do this in order to bolster the popularity of pro-israeli warhawk ((($ Trump $))) ... ie they want an expanded israeli war & a pro-israel/jew (((christian nationalist))) administration.

These (((people))) are open to whichever puppet administration/candidate gives them the most of what they want - and that can change at any time as they've demonstrated in the past. Perhaps Biden used antifa types since they act as a leftist/communist thug army.

**ALSO** a non-lethal "assassination attempt" could easily be constructed to PROPEL a candidate in votes/popularity, rather than eliminate him.
Alright Jonathan ... I believe you ... But lets talk about that red wristband...
No sincerely if it was me and I was innocent I would have done it too. I would be pissed off enough to go scorched earth on my superiors to clear my name.
There was a tree
Oh and it's obvious they had eyes on the target, because he didn't get that many shots off. It was an AR he could have rained at least 30 from the mag. The fact he only got off 8 shots means they popped him. They're not good enough to magically zero a acquire and zero an active shoot within 8 shots.
fake and gay
however I would disregard such orders if I was in (((your))) position.
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Imagine listening to the leader of the Secret Cervix instead of doing what has to be done.
Sure bud. Sure.
>and has to re position himself, reacquire the target, before he finally shoots back.
>shoots back
Doesnt even look like that. He just crawls backwards and goes prone on the roof.
Post proof otherwise You're a nigger
acquire and zero*
you're a hero. someone will take good care of you i'm sure.
Since you’ve been fired post fed nigger ID
Your name is Toby, nigger.
Except, those orders by the Germans never explicitly mentioned killing jews, and the Germans actually were just following orders. Had they received orders to kill the jews, they would have done it with German efficiency, there wouldn't be a single one left. And the Nuremburg trials were a sham, confessions were extracted after extreme torture including genital mutilation. Don't try to use Nuremburg as an example.
Go on some podcasts ASAP and tell your story, it'll get out there.
Hey Jonathan! You seem to be having a stressful day. Would you like to relieve some tension by letting me suck your dick and eat your ass? Just lay there and let me take care of the rest baby....
>secret service wouldn’t let me shoot
>police vest
Nice try faggo.
My name is John Soldier and I am part of a private security force under the employ of trump. We were offered a bribe not to go to Pennsylvania by none other than the Jews. I regret to inform you that my platoon took this bribe. My commanding officer, Commander Ander, said that the money was more important. She said that nothing bad would happen. Guilt is tearing me up over this. Why did this happen
>be secret service sniper
>train your whole career for this literal and exact moment
>against all odds, the moment actually arrives
>assassin in crosshairs
>don't take the shot
cute pup. What about the people that got hit in the audience what happened with them?
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no cop could possibly be retarded enough to post this.
Zero proof will ever be posted ITT and you boomer retards will gobble this up regardless
Quality front end devs over at ABC news.
Post your ID, sweatie, or it didn't happen.
Post ID, Badge and selfie with time of posting. No one would believe you otherwise and no one with share this shit with the wider public. You might be acting with caution but you've already said your name, if some fed actually took this seriously you'd be gone in 24 hours. So go out with a bang and post all proofs.
And finally why the fuck are you posting this shit on 4chan?
tits or GTFO
take out the perp btw
Post proof, son.
what a absolute nigger cattle you coulda just took the shot they dont gotta unlock your trigger for you to shoot you dumb motherfucker. institutionalized piece of shit.
If this is no larp, you need to get on the media as soon as any gag order either comes down or expires. The whole country deserves and needs to know why this risk was allowed and why innocent lives were taken. Even had the shooter succeeded in JFKing Trump, your testimony would still be vital, so there's no reason to assume it wouldn't just because he did not

Think carefully on history, your side of it will be in the history books one way or another. I believe going to the mainstream media is the better choice, they have the reach, and I doubt they'd turn down something as important as this. You can even lead with the fact that since you're fired, you're free to talk. Do it ASAP while everything is still fresh.
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To be fair, the fag in the photo is just a police officer and not SS, his tac vest says POLICE
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Is this guy telling the truth?
I never had a qualm with those cops will with some but nothing serious unless you do the rat shit.

You gotta see it as creativity like on a fixed point, it would rather be a thing of "can i do that" other than should i do that, as you outlined that. It is like having a jar full of some kind of sugar and the ants will come, and as 4chan says if you leave out a cumjar the aliens will come. It in a sense you can prevent that by telling them. But if you that all by yourself like a bubble that goes from one place unbothered to another.
it's basic sharpshooter training don't move no matter what when youre on target not if there's a bee, not for a spider or creepycrawler, not even if the instructor unzips, rips off your pants and fucks you in the ass. you must always stay on target.
My god you guys are retarded. When did pol get so fucking stupid. “The perp” is not something a secret service agent would say. It’s something a retard imagines they would say. Same with “the top brass”
Or that sturdy version of that in some kind of way.
My name is Jimbo Carlson, I'm the other officer. Jonathan is a huge fag. He was being investigated for fucking little boys.
>claim counter: 6
>proof counter: 0
I want to believe but damn it all you're making this difficult
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Joe: Donald... what happened to you, hunh?

Donald: Yeah, lookit. They spoiled one of my $8000 suits.

Joe: Jesus! Who?

Donald: Hitter. Somebody musta brought him Never seen him before

Joe: Jesus, Donald, maybe it was the Clintons they got a deep beef going back to the 2016 election.

Donald: you might be right

Joe:Anyway I'm glad you made it Donald, we'll return the favor for you. In spades.

Donald:Nah, I'm gonna take care of this myself.
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You dont ask for permission to shoot if you identify a shooter with a gun.

gay fake and cockbutt
Having faith they will miss when the shot must be allowed is necessary. But this may very well change things entirely inof itself to prevent such a risk again.
He got off the shots.
The subsequent 5 were SS returning fire
under police it says secret service
The shooter got off 3 shots.
The subsequent 5 were SS returning fire
>After taking the shot, a bald eagle descended upon the roof, held up a rock, asked where your god of evolution was now and then the other police officers turned to me, clapped and said YOU GO GIRL
post 4chan id on your left arm showing the tattoo
If it's not a larp they'll be silencing him quite soon.
Looked like the snipers had bolt actions
Thanks you for your service.
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God saved Trump today…

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the second agent on his knees completley ducks for cover when the shooting starts
Kek that little moment of panic when he realised he actually had a real world situation.
this one I think
Lol are you trying to get him killed?
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This or GTFO.
How long until the sniper who took out the antifag starts on the podcast circuit? How long until a different SS sniper says he was ACSKHUALLY the real shooter and releases a book?
>my dad works at Nintendo
>There could be presidential assassins here, he thought. They could be anywhere.
Yes, unfortunately, you do have to get authorization before pulling the trigger.
Sounds larpy. Got any proof?
>nothing ever happen-ACK
You better be trolling. If real, you just guaranteed your death along with potentially your family's... No lose ends, as they say. Buy a plane ticket to anywhere in Europe and seek asylum in Russia ASAP (like right fucking now). You just got fired and want a nice long vacation in Amsterdam
Found it:
Yeah, my dad works for Nintendo.
"Apparent suicide in his car in a public parking lot" seems to be more their M.O. now.
The fact remains that the SS definitely had something ready but did not execute. Without this thread the alt lite lad came forward and said he told the SS about the perp but nothing happened until it was too late. Seriously I hope the family of the dead lady in the back sues the FBI for this. Imaging allowing a civilian die for a slight chance of allowing Trump to die.
Big if true. Also, if true RIP Johnny.
Tits or gtfo
>God saved Trump
It certainly wasn't the women who was ducking instead of protecting him.
you will be rewarded in heaven.
Yep. Don't dodge, hit. Hitting is your cover.
Trips or didn't happen
Feds have the title of agent. SS wears police so there's no confusion that they're law enforcement. Even sheriffs or anyone with law enforcement status can wear the word police, and oftentimes do because defense attorneys have made a fuss about "my client didn't know he was police"
You need to do what's best to protect your family anon, but at the same time you need this info revealed for the betterment of mankind. I do not know what else to say. Someone died here, and the US was 2 centimeters from civil war. Bump.
As if they would just release you to the public if this was the case. Work on your larping, anon.
>serve in the tranny army
>butt fucked by your instructure during small arms training

now this is powerful.
Remember this?
This is actually very credible as these guys were police officers, not federal employees. The problem is with the feds, not local police.
tits or GTFO
wait is that how it's work ?
Trump is way over 6'. She couldn't save his life Even if she tried her best. The shooter was a noob who was aiming for headshots instead of centre of mass areas like an experienced redditor pointed out earlier. That's why he hit the woman in the back. Recoil was too much.
>the head of the secret service refused to give the order to take out the perp
you know, I believe you
What are you trying to link up here?

Tsk tsk tsk. I thought you knew better than to break our confidence and become the insider threat you were trained to detect. Your career, such as it is, is now over. Stay where you are so we can have a chat about your future.
Have you ever played call of duty mw2 1v1 on rust?
It’s obvious when you’re playing against a scrub. His shots are all over the place because he can’t contain the adrenaline. I doubt the shooter had any real training. Buddy got nervous and fluffed his shots.
>I didn't follow the orders though, as soon as the shooter opened on Trump I returned fire despite strict orders to not engage.
The reason you were given strict orders not to engage is because those on the plan were going to fake kill him.
Yeah I can see that guy's acting career going places now, thanks.
in before fictional and homosexual
What do you mean "Trying" ?
When Trump was first elected, a woman on Secret Service said she couldn't be counted on to protect someone like Trump.
Trump Jr ditched his SS detail because he knew they would just kill him.
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Shut the fuck off
Fuckin Serbs.. I swear to christ
>We are aware of our own op, thanks
Lol all these people always trying to "warn the government" of the ops it's fucking running.
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Post tits or gtfo, SIR!
You don't. The chain can easily look the other way or give you a stern talking to. You know, the "hey dont do that again, silly billy" type talking to.
Hey Faggots, My name is John, and I hate every single one of you
post proofs or gtfo
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surely you snapped a pic from your perspective using a triggercam or similar, that you could share with the class here?
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This shit is great.
>Sir, duck down. We're trying to save your life!
fake and gay kys
Show tatoo
Wait that's kind of weird. It's not like the assassin was wearing a gillie suit hiding in a bush. They did fail to shoot him. Possible deepstate job.
I enjoy a good larp. So much so that I encourage you to spread this on every website that will take a post like this such as GLP, the Q board, X and even reddit. If we're all on the list then no one is right? You'll also make disappearing you a challenging prospect the louder you are.
Can somebody explain why he waits 8 seconds to shoot him and raises his head up around the same time? And there's like two snipers aiming at his ass for the same amount of 8 seconds. The fuk?
Impersonating a police officer, especially a federal agent is a serious felony. Logged and noted.
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Some of you know nothing.
So then what would've happened if you did it anyway, you're claiming they would've killed you or what? Any answer other than they would've killed you means you were part of it, any true patriot would do it anyway
they look like police rather than secret service snipers
post dick
I’m going to need a picture of your penis as proof of identity
No way, shouldn't it be at an angle where it's going to the ground? 6
Other people know his name besides just himself dumbass, wouldn't everyone he works with know his name?
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Check this crazy shit out.
If trump was really cool he'd make "top ear hoops" a thing , but ONLY on the right side (the straight side).
I know this is a LARP but it did look like that from thevideo
nah the guy wasn't even that far away, only 150 yards or so. 5.56 at that distance is pretty straight shooting
Can't have an IQ over 80 or they would recognize they just have to shoot niggers and other shitskins on sight to end all kinds of crimes
>post dick

well if we give them the benefit of the doubt, perhaps they were watching the commotion of people running and were staring at them on the ground instead of some guy on the roof, but the blast helped him figure it out. is there not a longer webm of that?
witnessed Secret Cervix
Timestamp with tattoo larper
Oh that's right, you can't.
The straight side is the left one.

It's been nice knowing you. Sad you're about to commit suicide by shooting yourself twice in the back of the skull with your hands tied.
In all seriousness, if you're telling the truth, you have no place to run. So better to forget you ever posted this, hope everyone ignores it as a rando crazy.

Alternatively, help train the militia, which you should do anyway. But I don't fancy your odds. The baddies in the SS pretty much never leaves shit leaking, especially on something like this.
I'm sorry for you sir, short of you driving yourself into a river, getting plastic surgery and tattoo removal, and never contacting family again, I have no way to help you. Maybe you can hide with neighbors, but the SS will just use Sat footage to trace your movements and find you through contacts.

The rest of you, train the militia, so you never have to wait on men like John or their bosses.
"overwatch" is something left to local law enforcement in the detail, partly because of the cuts.
In video it did look like they were aiming at him amd only shot him after he shot first
Someone out here will genuinely be like "yes, I believe that an officer just leaked a government secret and his full name so that he could go to jail"
what would be the government secret here? assassinations of citizens aren't lawful.
You don't get fired on the spot for something like this also. They're are administrative procedures that need to take place. It's not like working at Denny's.
And they wouldn't let him leave.
You could have just done it, and figured out the consequences later, if any.
Fake, but I can see it being the case.
Show tattoo if you want to be taken credibly
You aren't him, but we know for sure the snipers were on orders to let the kid take a shot at Trump and hope he got the kill before getting the green light to return fire, otherwise the idiot wouldn't have died so fast.
Of course larpwarz fat its all smoke and Morrison antifa is thd FBI since thr 30s crisis actors and thr pyramid
Exactly its a good larp
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Not anymore.
The right side is OUR side now!
There have been plenty of leakers and even people like Elon and Taylor Swift post and lurk. Nothing but absurdities are to be found here anon, or have you started to normalize this madness?
post tat faggot
Sounds about right, they feared killing some kid doing something stupid and getting shot in the process.

Could you imagine if some "trans" kid got blown away trying to hold up a sign at a Trump rally, the leftist media would have a field day.
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>Secret Cervix
Kekked and checked
Post tattoo
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>no proofs

Of course.

It was aired somebody else alerted authorities he was on the roof. If he had a gun, no markings of your service, why wasn't it protocol, where no kill order needed, shoot on sight?
>schizo larp.
This should be comfy.

gonna explain this to you so you understand it
they prob didn't confirm the guy had a gun til just about the last second
those guys didn't wanna light him up unless it was for sure a gun, imagine if some college kid got shot up at trump rally for going on a building roof
That's secret service, that town can't afford these rifles and gear
Nose looks suspiciously non-Caucasoid.
There was a water tower that gave overwatch on the majority of the site surroundings, and the building was in view of the stage, as the highest item in view in that direction from the stage.
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i believe you, but without proof it means nothing
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>guy fucks up at his job
>it's duh deep state!!!!!
i wish i got to use that excuse every time i fumble at work
In what world does a long rifle look like a camera? Dude has a sl$10k scope.
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...but why
Why would Trump fire you for doing our duty?
You can read "SECRET SERVICE" right on the vest under the "Police" text
tits or gtfo
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What a nice suggestion and totally not a semitic spirited threat.
>In video it did look like they were aiming at him amd only shot him after he shot first
That's how you know they aren't cops.
The roof is pitched, if he was laying in the prone position his muzzle would be pointing in the air and he wouldn’t be able to see the target. The position he’s in allows him to get on target while keeping mostly covered
one other option exists. move in with Donald Trump, if he'll have you.
timestamp with your faggoty ass wristband as proof or gtfo.
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>no reason for political violence
These people cheer at dead (((fascist))) and are all for political violence that's what they do and enjoy to do mostly on the internet. You wouldn't believe how much of them are sending anonymous tips to feds all day long like little dickless internet warriors and all for free. Commies are hand in hand with corporates and the jews, they are the tools to do such things. Keep your eyes open, around commies never relax.
staged and gay!
At least OP was smart to read the Secret Service on the back of the carrier, this retard is blind
No way did he have him in site for 3 minutes. He hears the shots, and jerks the entire instrument over to his right about 30 degrees to aim then takes him out.
You have your priorities in order
Sloppy job all around. I would hire PMC's instead honestly.
Holy fuck bro, you're gonna get vanned
This is the third post you've called someone by a first name

First it was "Drew"..
...don't remember the second time
>Imaging allowing a civilian die for a slight chance of allowing Trump to die.
Police have NEVER protected trump supporters at the rallies. We are expendable to them any way you look at it.
Weak larp Gomez
That's the mohammedan, classic sandnigger pose - generally not used by White Men but i saw a Spaniyard shooting like that once, on the range.
I believe you. I follow my gut
What's the white tag on the side of the prone sniper's scope?
Americans are the biggest pussies in the world. No wonder they end up going insane from PTSD just by serving in their meme military.
That bullet would have entered his skull based on the angle of that hole
Based. Changed the course of history by blowin the head off the tranny reddit terrorist
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If true you saved America as a nation.
they're not going to hire country yokels with rifles to protect Trump
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OP, I hope you understand that whether or not you are telling the truth you will be visited by federal agents with the intent of reaming your asshole.
So if you did this as a larp, you really fucked up.
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Show tits and ass.
dude if you're serious then this is serious shit
it means from the inside the even the republican side of the deep state is against trump
You're a hero but you're at serious risk from being hounded by the deep state. They've done worse to bigger nobodies, you think they're going to let you expose this shit? You're a hero that if this is true is exposing something very serious.
People will believe you.
Make your fear known so that you are given sympathy when it happens. Do not follow any links here it's too dangerous if you're on here saying this the feds already know and are plotting against you
Either OP was a larp (likely) and fucked off, or feds cut his wifi already. I want to believe
We already have reddit fanfictions of the incident coming out. God I hate this timeline so much it's unreal.
Lol guy in the photo is still being debriefed somewhere, not posting his name on 4chan. Try to make your larps more believable.
You would be surprised at what small local police districts are able to afford as they buy most of their gear used from the army.
Post video and show proof.
>0% proof
>over 9000 replies
way to go faggots, way to go
Don't they land like a plane but quicker?
Amishanth l'Singhjeet
Guys OP hasn't posted in a while
Was it a scam or was he already taken out?
He's in Killaries basement, being tortured by her and Obama for letting Trump escape.
I want to believe
Post tattoo arm with timestamp
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Israel is basically an organized crime racket in which you have to bend to the knee if you want to be in politics
Post proofs.
OP you just post this anonymously why should we believe this
Doggy (reciever)
>big if true
the fact so many people take this post remotely serious is the reason why /pol/ is so shit

also i'm the literal king of england btw no i won't post proof but i promise it's true!!!
Those binoculars are around the wrong way thats why
Those guys must have been watching him for a while though so it's a good op trick if so
India haha
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You are on the run right?
Bullshit. Why not post it on X?
In the case of the 2014 Lindt Cafe siege in Sydney, an elite trained sniper who had the terrorist in his sights for many minutes also claimed afterwards he was also told to hold his fire the whole time by his supervisors.
General rule of thumb is to take everything with a big ass grain of salt but at the same time crazier shit has happened before on 4chan
>My name is Jonathan Willis
Why come no tattoo? Scrote
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its completely understandable considering we are the most trusted name in news and jews. what year do you think it is? this is it man. we are it.
Does this work on jews asking for a friend
Show bussy so we can verify it's you.
Post tats or post tits.
There is no way you'd walk away from this so quickly if you were that cop and speaking the truth.
Shit larp
>Shitty LARP thread with no proof
>Thread's almost hit bump limit
This place sucks
Wtf did he get shot with a bb gun?
Gotta admit this was an absolute fuck up guys.
This is really fake and gay. I can’t believe anyone still thinks this political theatre is real.
The spectator that died got bb’d?
Do you believe in Jesus?
I pray you do.
Seems like they saw something but I am not even sure those dudes even shot at the faggot.

anon i...
People post classified documents on war thunder forums to win petty arguments all the time.
Post tat or your story didn't happen.
that isn't the entry. It took a chunk out of the upper left. That's just pooled blood
I believe it. I can't see how snipers wouldn't have spotted this guy on the roof, and then within 5 to 10 seconds spotted him, took aim and killed him. The story is very fishy. I really do think people in government are trying to JFK Trump.
Cope, Chinkoid.
What a retarded take.
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>I came here to inform the public
Nice larp faggot.
>and adjust the scope,
I thought the shooter was using iron sights?
>shots at president Trump

He's not President, faggot

Fake and saged
>The fact so many people take this post remotely serious is the reason why /pol/ is so shit.
The fact so many immature subhumans lie here is the reason why /pol/ is not the place heroes and whistleblowers can reveal and release happenings and scandals for us noble anons.
Ironic that someone would use the pozzed up barbie movie with a 10 minute monologue about muh patriarchy for a maga meme
You retards think the SS can shoot anyone whenever they want if there's a slight chance they can be a shooter? Especially when shit like this doesn't happen often? What if it was a dumb kid trying to make a tik-tok from the roof or some other idiot doing retarded stuff? Sure, they should open fire the moment they recognized he has a rifle, but maybe they didn't see it clearly. Why do I have to explain obvious shit to you deep state theorists niggers?
>apparent shooting
It's called an assassination attempt you fucking kikes.
he will be President once again soon enough
>implying the current potato-in-chief is anywhere near worthy of the title of 'president'
seethe more, cope harder
you are being invaded by mudslimes you britcuck
but you fucks dont have the balls to purge them en masse
fucking faggot
go clean up your own fucking backyard before whining about ours
spineless britcuck faggot
enjoy your sharia turbo islam 1984 afghanibritain
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Ranjeet poopty puepty pants
Shooter didn't have a scope dumbass.
I haven’t seen any pictures of the person who got killed. Judging by such a small hole in Trump’s ear, I’m assuming coincidental heart attack.
A tranny shot trump
>opinion discarded

Go do the needful faggot.
Why spray poison in your house like that
Just get a piece of paper and a cup and throw it outside
>I hope he doesnt kills himself because of """internet hate"""
this guy is having a giggle right?
>The top brass
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>My name is Jonathan Willis, I'm the officer in the famous photo

Ofcourse you are sweetie. Here have a (you) wich you so desperately crave, you degenerate attention whore
Fake news. I'm an elite sniper hired by CIA and what happened was: I shoot the bullet the assassin shot, it was going to be a fatal shot but just like in the movie The Wanted I shot the bullet the assassin fired and with that I've changed it's way and made it hit Trump's ear. After that I shot him down.
It's an advanced recoil controlling technique. You shart when you shoot and the opposing forces cancel each other out.
Even though his ass is so flat, compared to Jonathan's, ...I'd still bury my face into it.
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The shooter or the attendee?
Your mother wen I am done ass fucking her
>not black, indian or arabic
What a shame.
If trump was legitimate, he would be calling out the replacement genocide of the European people world wide. Yet he hasn’t, he doesn’t and won’t. This is all zog theatre for the masses. Endless happenings in the clown world circus to distract you from ever doing anything politically.
Are the commenters on that video all bots or just really fucking dumb?

SS sniper uniform has police on it.
Kek, you'd think if he planned this out that he would have a scoped rifle dialed into the exact range before he climbed up there

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