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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>English language analysis

>Meme Collections

>Thead OP pasta

>What do

>Counter culture
>Schwarze Fahne
>Wir klären das
>EinProzent podcast
>Am Rande der Gesellschaft
>Der Schattenmacher

>Learn German script (Kurrent, Psoiderlin)


>Flügel TV (german)

>3 mins
>pg 8
it's over
Death to America!
bump'd & saved LOTGH edit
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Almost impossible at this board velocity.
I am the Mourning Star

I am the Truth
Behold, the Green Lion, the Feathered Serpent! Amen
Germans, the best way to smoke weed? I want the volcano. Fill chamber up with .2g, and each bag is 1g, and can be used up to 5x. Kinda pissed some college dudes told me I'd only get 2 bags full for half a g. Fuck them.

>the Feathered Serpent

Got photos of that. No, not gonna share these here.
Shit I mean, 1 joint not 1g. That's why in the US you gotta max Gothic Barbarian look, and always be caught with your knives on you, so you don't get riped off for weed. That's why some Americans look that way. Makes sense.
Basically, if the normie looking "cool kids" approach you, they are trying to rip you off and then laugh about you behind your back. That's why you gotta Max Freak, so they don't have the balls to approach.
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feed off the meme then roll image for OP is the plan
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Seems to work for now.
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reminder that kraut/pol/ threads aren’t chatroom threads either talk about bremerhaven politics or move to /bant/ you can shitpost to your hearts content on /bant/ and no one will give a damn but on kraut/pol/ you have to talk about bremerhaven politics
Holy based...!
>In der Nacht zu Sonntag stieß ein junger Marokkaner (18) einen 55-Jährigen die Treppe zum Gleis hinunter. Das Opfer erlitt ein schweres Schädelhirntrauma und starb auf den Stufen!
>Laut Polizei war der Uelzener am Samstag bereits mehrfach durch Delikte aufgefallen. Am Nachmittag soll er in der Innenstadt einen Taschendiebstahl begangen und am Zentralen Omnibus Bahnhof (ZOB) einem 31-Jährigen ins Gesicht geschlagen haben.
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Italian Americans take bullets meant for and shot by germcucks
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>POV: DAGO when he sees Tay chatting up Bremmie chads again
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*clears throat and addresses the class in a friendly, encouraging tone*

Alright class, it's time for our math lesson! I know some of you might be feeling a little stuck on the exercises we've been working on, but don't worry, that's completely normal. Math can be tricky sometimes, but I'm here to help you through it.

First, let's take a step back and think about why we're learning math in the first place. Math is all around us in the world - it helps us understand patterns, solve problems, and make sense of the world. When you get good at math, you'll be able to do so many cool things, like build amazing structures, create awesome video games, or even launch rockets into space!

Now, I know the exercises might seem hard, but that's because you're learning new skills. It's like when you were first learning to ride a bike - it was tough at first, but with practice, you got better and better. Math is the same way. The more you practice, the easier it will become.
So, let's take a look at the exercises together. I'll walk you through the steps, and if you get stuck, just raise your hand and I'll come help you. We're all in this together, and I know that if we work hard and support each other, we can get through this.

Remember, it's okay to make mistakes - that's how we learn! The important thing is that you keep trying and don't give up. I believe in each and every one of you, and I know you can do this.

*Now, let's get started on those exercises! I'll be right here if you need any help. Let's do this, class!
smiles encouragingly and waits for the class to begin working on the exercises*
> I know you'll give heaven some hell.
wtf does that mean?
The Fool cloaks himself in royal purple
humble thyself before the wrath of the Ox and gaze upon the 7 Brides

Aumgn Kring Kalikaje Namaha
>he tried to infiltrate the Republican party
this is the cause of him being set up
Venture forth into the earth's interior and recover the Adamantine Gem
where are you pulling this schizoposting from, it's vaguely familiar
Will there be a civil war in the usa now? Someone already working on it?
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Strahlensatz is serious business

Math lesson??
Trump will cuck like usual and Americans will forget about it after November.
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mal lieber das 'raut und die Vegane-Bugburger-Fabrik, anstatt dich den ganzen Tag mit deiner Snekdame zu vergnügen.
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Would write the story differently but alright, whoevs would ask me ...
You can ignore me, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring me.
The guy literally has a divine mandate to start a revolution, but he'll bottle it.
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An actual revolution would cripple the country and then the chinks will have burger for dinner. That is the big issue, otherwise I would fully agree seen from a US perspective. Given what is ahead of them now (nasty nasty stuff) the only solution would be to somehow unite a country behind a common cause and have it face what might as well be an existential crisis soon. While at the same time finding some way to perform the finer surgery to remove any rotten elements which would otherwise sabotage any efforts here. I see only one viable path here, Mr. President ...
He's coming back!
safety bms
>I see only one viable path here, Mr. President ...
Totaler krieg?
I hope boomfuck dies little piece of shit
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Bremerhaven and Krost is cerebral stuff.

Escalation of the situation to the point where it becomes obvious even to the greatest retard that going on as things are will push the nation to the brink of (self-)annihilation ... then providing a viable looking alternative. Roughly the idea. It depends in detail on a lot of outside factors too ofc. As things are they could not even attempt to try and commit to total war btw. Yes, it is that bad.
> ein junger Marokkaner (18)
Erwachsenenstrafrecht, da ham wa nochmal Glück gehabt.
Trump will rot out Antifa once he grabbed power. They will be declared terrorists and deported to Gitmo.
These just keep getting better and better
You can ignore me and you can ignore the consequences of ignoring me, but you can't ignore the consequences of the consequences of ignoring me.
Just keep 'er alive for another 1.25 hours then...

will save the day, as usual.

Who are you calling little, ya mutt ?
New episode just dropped.

On it, Chief!
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Other alternative is he wins with a landslide, does a repeat of his last tenure (descalating with russia etc) or the dems are dumb enough to rig it again which probably still wouldn't have consequences.
Never once in its entire history has America "saved the day"
N-Notice me, senpai!

Ideally. The polarization still needs to be resolved. Consider, the money printer has become finally unsustainable, financial bubbles will burst, the industry has been gutted. No simple time ahead. Societal unrest pretty likely, so if there is still too much political split then...
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Hm, you're looking at it from a pro-usa standpoint. It would've been more entertaining in the long term if he got got
but less kino pics...
>me reminiscing about Dago's time on the /kraut/
did we groom the dagun?

>Hm, you're looking at it from a pro-usa standpoint.

Ofc. But we can also consider the alternative scenario of a civil war. Would in a way be fun as I am a bit doubtful the current damaged administration could count on much loyalty from the military ... fighting your own people for a senile idiot? Might still float with the armchair officers but think even those would have a rather bad gut feeling with it. Nobody wants to be on the losing side in the end.
He's busy paying seminal reparations to Black Kweens now.
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Germania delenda est.

The Quaternary is concealed in the Tertiary
He's been suspiciously absent...

Btw the last vid has been interesting, thx.
did Police become more brutal since Covid?
rare footage of police doing their jobs
fuck off arab
>6 minutes ago

Oh you... XD
Repli ?
Should we attempt to exfiltrate Lithuanon ?
Crotchety old bastard would find smth to complain about, even if we succeeded...

Good lad. :)

Been doing it since 1781, Nigel. Who taught you history ?

what "milieu" are krauters in?

Oh my now that is cute! XD
prekäres milieu

>but 2 more degrees
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>Die um Orientierung und Teilhabe bemühte Unterschicht: Dazugehören und Anschlusshalten an den Lebensstandard der breiten Mitte – aber Häufung sozialer Benachteiligungen und Ausgrenzungen; Gefühl des Abgehängtseins, Verbitterung und Ressentiments; Selbstbild als robuste Durchbeißer
Was the least gay one I could find where they're not fighting. :D
prekärer performer, brem style
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Gaywad pairing
>Milieu der Performer
will I reach it?

this so much! feel.brem.now
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>Was the least gay one I could find where they're not fighting. :D

Yeah I dunno why that is such a popular depiction ... btw now that is one fancy colorful hybrid!
Power bro pairing.
Oh my... :)
expeditives Bleh!
>"Wir haben Kinder in den Einrichtungen, die wissen in der fünften Klasse schon, dass, wenn sie erwachsen sind, sie mal Bürgergeld beziehen werden",
Can Krost inspire the prekärkids of Bremen to become expeditive performers?
Mythical creatures can be many colors. :)


I got something like that on my home office wall.


See, just the kinda bs why we gotta do that restricted access stuff ... :P

Heh, I know. Do like my natural camouflage here. Looks pretty human enough.
Can be difficult...

Being stuck inside some old dusty tiger skin? Ah, it is nothing, really. :)
Was referring to a dragon tryna be seen as human but ok. :D
Apparently the ID is meant to tell you that it's the same poster. What the fuck? Did you guys know that?
How many of you fuckers are there here anyways ?
nice job

p.s: checked
Bünter! You survived! I'm happy to see. You're the most valuable person to me.

Oh you ... ya damn scalies ... really a bit alike in that regard. ^^
Are Germans scared yet? Trump will drop Europe like a potato. Should have gotten nukes when you had the chance, hope you kept up with your Russian lessons.
I mean... thanks ? :)

Picrel. :D

Finally, some actual politics !

Reptile logic. Good luck reading my controls, they are in Kzinti. :D
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Lmao this weekend
When challenging one, just scream and leap! :)

Can't even beat Spics. Wtf is bloody wrong with ya ?
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Both my national teams can beat spics
Both ? You got some triple citizenship I don't know about ? :)

I shit you not, I almost did that with a flower pot recently. Why did she hang that damn thing at forehead height again?! Fucking!!
Been there, bro. That feral instinct to fight back, even against inanimate objects ! :D
No you retard
Well you didn't beat them today...
I'm 'Merican, we don't give a fuck about soccer.
We play it as kids, then the best athletes go onto better sports...
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Holy kek saved.
Have one back lol
Sup booms!
Whats your take on this shitshow since the shitshow debate?

>a wild gazebo appears

... or some windmill. Shitfuckdangit!! Saugraffi! The swearing sure does help indeed. Restore inner calm. :)
Hey gator bait !
Sleepy Joe was already in trouble, now he's fucked.

Got a story there, will save it for later...

Looking forward to it ...
>If you're an unathletic 20 year old with a semi-auto and a car and no military background, you can confidently park 200 meters away from the stage of an event in a swing state where the former president of the US and current presidential poll leading candidate will speak, walk some 60 meters towards him, climb a barn/warehouse facing the stage, calmly position yourself on top of the roof and take 5 to 8 shots before being taken down.
Maybe the time will come when a competent nation or union of nations will take their rightful place as leaders of the free world and use their position to restore order and purpose to this fake plastic world currently led by unqualified soon-to-be brown folx.
Will tell it to bump here if necessary.

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>Got a story there
Share NAO

I required. I will read it under whatevs circumstances.


Kekeke ... :D


Hold mein Bier ... I actually like those burgers btw.
the manifesto is unbelievable
Goat above, Goat below
Was on a family vacation in NoCal (Monterrey) One January long ago...
Was staying at a hotel with a (heated) outdoor pool. We were in it after dark, probably 40*F outside. That's 4-5*C for you Eurotards. Was comfy 'cause the pool water was quite warm...
Then it started raining.
The chicks bailed immediately and ran to the room, which was on the ground level and maybe 50 feet away. I told 'em I'm be right behind them...
Well, they neglected to leave the sliding glass door to the room open, and when I got out of the pool I ran full speed into it. :O
I took a step back and kicked the shit outta that door, but was old school American made thick double or triple paned glass. no no damage. :)
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Snek above, so below.

>I told 'em I'm be right behind them...
>*bump !!*

Case where I would have considered the wrong hole by instinct then.
>wrong hole
I'm pretty sure that I conceived one of my kids on that trip, so... :D
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Reddit above, Reddit below.

Thought of the better way to vent then. :)


Clearly beneath me.
The sheer amount of people who don't realize that this was a staged attack on Zion Don and that he is an integral part of Agenda 2030 is shocking.
oh it's 2030 now? not 2025?
Damn right...
"Oh, you didn't wanna get preggers again so soon ? Think again!" :p


Yeah it was staged, and he was supposed to die
AGENDA 2030, you dumbfuck. Go to back to r/the_donald please.
Trump has
>suggested introducing the death penalty for anti-semites
>initiated Operation Warp Speed and told his followers to get the vaccine countless times
>suggested going gloves-off on Palestine
>banned bump stocks
and so on, and so on etc.

>Damn right...

That is just right up my alley. :)


So what magic is that then I ask. :)
No, he was supposed to survive. It's fake blood, or he cut himself, as is standard in WWE from which he came.
Zion Don is an integral part of the Agenda 2030 plan.
They still haven't told the particular bullet type.

I must have avoided the "back alley" :D
>from which he came

I really hope you haven't disappointed Trump by not taking his vaccine!
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Why do you fall for every COPEop?
Yeah, let Daddy Trump stick the needle into your shoulder! Maybe you can even get him to inject it right up your ass! Wouldn't that be nice!
Ok, I'm confused, show flag...
Why are you unable to objectively look at what Trump himself always says regarding Israel, weapon bans and Israel?

Why are you so dumb?
It's all true about the goyim. They're all retards. Oh my God are they all dumb.
>schizo yuro

I'm not one of the nutters that got six shots and cried when I got covid

I also didn't get covid

I'm also not voting for trump OR ol sleepy, why are you climbing up your own ass over this?
Not commenting on his actions but you're genuinely delusional if you think this was staged
he loves hearing himself talk shit about biden too much to interrupt his own speech for this
those are good things
>>474184443 (1 off, thank God!)
>he doesn't know that they always play both sides
Trump will win, and he will invade the Middle East. Him winning is vital in order to get the (christian) right to go along with the whole Agenda 2030 thing.

My damn enthusiasm at times. Well lubricated and far off my aim ... XD
they're not

israel needs to be cut off as soon as possible

Bump stocks are shit anyways.
>Well lubricated
>far off my aim
Not really. :D
israel should be free from the river to the sea
Yeah, that's it. If you believe that Zion Don just so happened to receive a grazing shot (what are the odds?!), and then the shooter was instantly killed so he can't be questioned, you're a complete retard. This is the litmus test.

Anyway, I'm off forever. Enjoy your r/the_donald roleplay on here, and please take the vaccine - it would make Trump proud, and the world a better place without (You)!
You're just seething your nuts off cause he'll cut off jewcrane's funding
free from life, yes

I would have glassed by now, but as you can SEE, I'm clearly not in a position of authority
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umm .. schizobros .. ?
it's that malding fat baltoid
Revelation has already happened
Keep truckin' on, Reichsredditor! Who knows, maybe after, what, a decade or so on here you will finally make up your mind, and come to a conclusion!

Ah, Cuckpole. Have fun with your chakra exercises!

Good luck with your first Saturn Return btw. There are consequences to staying a manchild. Don't say you weren't warned.
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the anti-lum was unironically the forebearer, we were right
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I thought you were leaving "forever"
praise be unto the Lord of this World

To All! To All!

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
I now practice something much better, from Tibetan Buddhism
Why not reject all of that and just become an expert on trance states and astral projection?
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how long until you actually leave, retard

You do not understand ... :)
Then who sent me the link to the WWIII vid earlier ? :O
Latvian ?

Six .50cals, nice...

Should just punch a pretty hole ...
Time for you to screw off to r/de forever lad
Tik-tok, you'll soon be 27...
No I won't
jews are the superior race i mean they run the banks
Lotsa lead. :)

>soon be 27
Heh. Hehe. Haha !
ah, the industrial debt complex
>he's an expert on trans states and astroon projection
miss me with that fag shit. look up chöd meditation, you harness negative emotions like anger, hatred, and fear to gain power and control
the military industrial complex is based and redpilled
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Holy kino
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And the schizoid seething stops
Because ?
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This italian single handedly saved england from pro negroid propaganda TWICE
say something nice about him
Only Italians I can say smthing nice about these days have the surname Taliaferro...
Pronounced here in God's Country as "Tolliver".
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once again, Romans save European civilization ..
Only did the flaming alliance flag and the blood part of the edit tbf
Wops make tasty food.
There, I said something nice...
How many units are you on tonight
Metric or Imperial ?
Again, same >>474191795 question. :)
bit like one of those walk and touch your nose tests
Half a liter ?
>walk and touch your nose tests
Never been so sauced that I couldn't pass that one, and that's sayin' something...
>Half a liter
of what you mongoloid
Slavic potato juice. :)
Ya halfwit bong.
AA is calling you
I'm busy, will let it go to voicemail. :)

Thoughts on this song/vid ?
No, what ?
You'd go for the MILF, right ? :D
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Menstrual sex ? Gross !
The Islamists got that one right...
You espouse orthodox judaism too?
Yes. they are useful...
Reform Jews though, ugh !
What ?
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>took a break from schizophrenia posting
>>to bite bümmer for his anti-bloodsports with MILFs stance
Never been into older gals...
Ok, a 19 year old did use me when I was a drunk 16 year old but that was an aberration !
bonuspoints for variety
>thread made by memeflag
>definitely not by israelis who obsess
>germs still reply and love america
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Fuck off, Canuck. :/
But you have more French blood than I ;).
>Thoughts on this song/vid ?
Trash (didn't even have to play it).
>I actually like those burgers btw.
I liked many aspects of them. Now it's morphing into something ugly.
>you have more French blood than I
But you choose to live with the faggy baguettes. :)
>didn't even have to play it
That's why you old worlders are our slaves, no imagination...
orthokikes are a bigger cancer you dumbass old bastard
WTF is that ?
>But you choose to live with the faggy baguettes. :)
But I have no French blood.
>no imagination...
To the contrary. I can tell it's garbage without listening to it.
>orthokikes are a bigger cancer
Obviously lol. Only a boomer could think Ben and Jerry's Jews are more disgusting than Chabadists. American boomer ignorance has cost the world decades during which we had and still have to endure Jewish quasi-total political dominance.
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lmao, like this one too
>But I have no French blood
I have about .4% Fag frog blood. But I'd never choose to live there, gross !
>To the contrary.
You're a freakin' Pole, just be glad We let you into the West... :)
>American boomer
Are literally ze master race. :)
>I have about .4% Fag frog blood.
Right... this claim will be investigated should you ever attempt to enter the Fourth Reich while fleeing brown hordes and the sound of the Mariachi.
Pretty sure that my 1/256ths Norman French Prottie ancestry will not be a problem there... :)
(you), on the other hand, could have East Slav subhuman blood...
>Norman French Prottie
I already educated you on this at least once. It is the Celtic south that was Huguenot. Normans were forever Catholic.
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>educated you
Heh, that'll be the day...
Papism is a brown Med religion, the the Frenchies are divided. by race.
Real White people will Never be Papist, you hear me ?
There seems to be a lot of calls on both the left & right for a dictator to rule America, are you for this motion?
>(you), on the other hand, could have East Slav subhuman blood...
Where do you think the Slavs came from?
Frankpole, my nigga
No, we are not Eurosocialistcollectivists ffs !
Nor Monarchists. :/

A lesser branch of Whites. What ?
Germany is so great because of Slavic blood
Ah so kikery all the way down it is then
Magnificent sarcasm.
Then why is Pooland so shit retard?
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Neetzsche is my witness
No. You West Slavs are Human because of Germanic blood. :)
Ukraine> Russia.
Kikes> sandniggers.
What ?
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You've sent me this already. Pretty funny. But Western African Negros are actually worse today as they don't have any white admixture.
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Only one American there, a recent immigrant that knew about rockets. :)
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I've been looking at pictures of Cavaliers and it's pretty much all (very) dark hair. Boomer you are still in denial about the Yamnaya invasion of Europe that gave us the Germans and others? They weren't blond...
>dark hair
Worker bees.
Are you in denial about the blonde hair blue eyed Germanic being ze master race ?
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>Worker bees.
Haha cope. Yamnaya people were just stronger and smarter booms. But hey, blond girls are alright.
That's a Celt. They're swarthy, it's different.
Nikki was ok, I studied his works extensively...
Still a crossbreed though. :)
Lol no, you don't know what you're on about.
you don't mean anything smell krauts.
btw, do you all wash yet, or are you all still allergic to water/bathing?
>was ok
Big talk for a 20th century IT worker. Copernicus was a supergiant.
>I studied his works extensively...
His works? Plural? Which ones?
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Fuck krauts
only good thing CD Projekt ever made was GOG.com
it has to be said
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>CD Projekt
didnt even play one of their games, but im one of these rare persons actually liking the books.
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need cata's seethewall on this
Does anyone have one where trump is the god emperor and he's surrounded by loyalist primarchs
>god emperor
gosh. imagine all the 'even you brutus' memes we could have harvested, if that incel would have been a competent marksman.
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Eh I'll take Guilman sure, thx
>meme flag
>says nothing in a huge block
is this a new derailment technic?
kys troon
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>faggots tell their blog
>omg it's so cute XD
>so in january I bumped the glass during vacations
>glowgniggers everywhere derailing
worst thread I've seen from years
kys krauts
fuck off memeflag concern shill
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What the ... how is this one still alive ...
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How dare you conflate Kaiser Reinhard with some sleazy zionist grifter

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