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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>turns head
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you mean Mossad kikes
Why would they kill their golden goy?
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git gud
this is no jfk boy, no jfk
You just know a team of jews are seething right now. They're probably bleeding out of their eyeballs they're so angry
>Be american
>Gets shot
Many such cases
Why would the jews assassinate their own candidate?
because they have no loyalty to anyone.
trump can give them everything and then they will do this if they think there is more value somewhere else.
I think the fact that an assassination attempt was made gives him some semblance of credibility
I'm not sure who Donald Trump really is, to be honest.
it looks like a bullet hit lower too, maybe on the podium
the kid was in a blackrock ad.

CIA would hired ex sniper not a 20 yo chud
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> sits on your face
The SS overwatch let him take the shot even though they had him in their sights.
I want to service her secret
i just thought this up, as it just clicked.
>kike candidate assassinated
>republicans seethe
>jews banned guns and republicans embrace due to 'MUH PRESIDENT'
>america fully kiked, civil war cannot happen and kikes remain in control
This is why real snipers aim for center mass.
>banned guns
That would not happen lmao.
If they killed drumpf a civil war would probably break out.
Maybe that was the intention.
fuck you kike, jew vote on the left, national average on the right
Yes it's not the MOSSAD it's the faction of jews who wants to keep sending billions $ to Ukraine. It's the Nuland-Blinken camp. Trump is on the camp that wants all aid to go to Israel exclusively. So surely MOSSAD wouldn't oppose that.
dump truck just arrive
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Never snubb off or interfere in other jews business is the way they operate.
There is no faction war between the jews in government and the jewish oligarchy.

In English, doc!
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>Gay Nick Fuentes fans 2 days ago: MIGA! Trump doesn't care about America anymore! No trans rights without Palestinian rights! Reeeeee!
>Gay Nick Fuentes fans now: Here's why Israel tried to kill our best friend Donald Trump
>fuck you kike
This is literally you
trump has super saiyan reflexes
he saw the bullet flying towards him and dodged
>jews don't get their way no matter who is president
>chaos, dividing Whites and civil war aren't their greater plan
You must be very new
went for glory and their own hubris ruined the whole plan

many such cases!
White americans would come out on top in any sort of civil war.
The jews control the president obviously.
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> Wow, kikes are playing all sides!! Wozers!

You traitorous rat you.
People are telling me that the shooter was a "registered republican", but why would a modern day republican want to kill Trump? The guy is like the God Emperor to these people. Did the shooter think that George W. was still in office or something?
Ukraine is new Israel
Have you seen the shooters face?
Doesn't seem like a rational individual, to ugly and dorky looking to be under any suspicion of the security detail.
>White americans would come out on top in any sort of civil war.
I'd see it as the best excuse to deploy military assets on right wingers
>The jews control the president obviously.
Wouldn't disagree but they serve agenda above loyalty 100% of the time
because he wasn't a republican. he lied.
can you imagine people lying? weird right!
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>Nigger ball player
Have you seen the american hand egg sports players?
I bet you watch the Superbowl lmao
Yeah, i seen 'em. Dude looks a bit inbred
That's such a weird ass lie to make up. If the guy wasn't affiliated with anything, the public would quickly point to democrats but they're making up this lie that he is republican to try and divert blame from that party; but the lie is not grounded in logic when you think about it for a moment.
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They are never in disagreement about the eternal support to Israel. It's just that Netanyahu is super greedy and wants all the aid for him alone while Nuland and Blinken want to keep fueling the Ukraine war because it's their life's work.
Many Democrats register as Republican in their states to vote for in the Republican primaries for a candidate more favorable to lose to their Democrat
Happens a lot more than one might expect
Remember their only operative is win at all costs, that's why the right keeps losing to them
A lot of dems or independents voted in republican primaries to vote against Trump. It varies by state and I'm not sure about PA, but many states will auto-register you to Dem/Rep when you vote in one of the primaries so you can't vote in both.
Since Biden was effectively uncontested this year, there was no need to vote in the Dem primary.
It's just that easy to ruin jewish plans.
Ohhhh that makes more sense now, thanks for the explanation guys
The "conspiracy theories" you deny about Trump being peaked based are true.

Or you're a shill kike, kys.
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They tried to do the deed on a Saturday so they all had an excuse too.
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This the "assassination attempt" worked perfectly. Now everybody's back on Trump wagon as planned. Genius move.
GOD moved his head.
Trump is a divine being.
Because hes not a satanist.
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Was it really proper bullets? Not Airsoft BB balls?
So it's truly a miracle he didn't get headshotted live on TV. Incredible really.
So where is his internet history?
Same thing
Lol. Lmao even
shit yeah they got her video
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>just make sure to keep the shot no more and no less than 1mm from my ear bro!! otherwise my head might literally burst like a watermelon!!!
They tried it
No... more like "We need someone we can control more than Trump who has money and popularity". So they try to off him 2 days before the RNC where the only candidate still with Delegates is a literal whore... Haley. She never officially "dropped out". She was waiting for this to happen so they could just install her.
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That was when Trump cut himself with a razor like they do in Wrestling.
They claim there was no shooter, only high tech ketchup packets and crisis actors like the Sandy Hook shooting.
2 people in the crowd got hit, one died.
>thinks it isn't political theater
I want to service her cervix
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You tell me.
do you know the story of the frog and the scorpion?
Shill strawman
Left wing incels are really becoming a problem
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>when you see a swarthoid nigger say something stupid and gotta hit them with the Nordic hyperborean stare
I want to be president now
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>*Hawk tuah*
Of course it is, but the theatre was to JFK him in 4k
Mike Pompeo isn't Jewish. Check these infographics before respamming.
She gave her delegates to Trump a few days before the shooting.
biden administration or democrats must have instructed the secret service to do a shit job of protecting trump. And then just wait for some mad person to do the rest
may God have mercy on our souls
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I can't fucking believe he dodged it. This nigga is so powerful...HE FUCKING SURVIVED THE MOST CLEAR CHANCE THEY HAD TO GET HIM.

>Zionism vs Bolshevism
How do I filter out Sweden on a mobile device?
>the jews
there are several different faction currently fighting each other atm
nuworld/marxist jews
old world jews
pure zionists
there are crossovers. shared assets. all have international networks
but there is a power struggle going on.
thats why mossads man, epstein, got capped
Of course.
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the left still hate him tho, cnn was victim blaming him for like 3 hours last night. random faggots are having meltdowns over drumpf right now all over the place, some are in this very thread lel
>Yeah that's her with the brapper. I better use some air fresheners just in case I starts sniffing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful...I just start sniffing them. It's like a magnet. Just brap. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the brapper. You can do anything
if the jews had a coherent endgame, their history wouldn't be one of repeatedly getting minecrafted
It was theater, but in the sense that Trump was able to think on his feet(after getting his shoes back on of course) to turn a near assassination into some of the best PR he could have ever asked for.
And best of all the shooter did it for the low cost of 5 rounds to the head.
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>no "jumps out of the fucking balcony and walks it off"
Trump really brings out the demons inside of most liberals. On Reddit there was a story about how the person killed was a firefighter who had shielded his family when he hurt the shots. All the comments were saying how he wasn’t a hero because he was at a Trump rally. It’s actually causing less extreme liberals to realize how batshit insane their party is.
Not with .223 and a BMI over 40.
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A majority of jews blame Donald Trump for the Tree of Life shootings and over 80 percent of them voted against him.

AIPAC ran about 7 people against him who all failed spectacularly, and AIPAC spent far more on his opposition than Trump.

jews are pro-NATO (they are nato) and anti-isolationism. Trump is anti-NATO and pro-isolationism.

“America First” was the pro-Hitler party in 30s. They want him dead.

There wasn’t a single other candidate running an “America First” policy, Nikki Haley told a “crowd” of 60 geriatrics that “Trump is deranged and we need to give Israel everything they need.” LOL
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god i wish that gun was my penis if you know what i mean
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More statistics from the Jewish Democratic Council of America.

Trump plays chess with them, he is the most vilified and hated candidate ever in American history because he doesn’t play ball with them.

Trump literally wants to pogrom illegals, jews have spent 70 years telling you they are “dreamers” and every time a strongman leader says he wants to keep the nation clean through deportations, they get pogrom sweats.
The blood flowing from his ears was the most energetic hes ever been, he probably had an erection for the first time from the adrenaline, Melania is probably getting cum dumped right now.
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A majority of jews blamed Trump for the Tree of Life shootings.

AIPAC backed candidate Chris Christie blamed the rise in antisemitism on Donald Trump as one of his main attacks on him.
The chud was given blanks probably by his handlers. The glowfag sniper who was supposed to actually kill Trump missed when Trump turned his head right after he had committed to the shot.
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>picture of the shooter, he works for black rock
>Donald will donate 6 gorillions more for israel
What did America first meant by this?
>Melania is probably getting cum dumped right now

yep, another Baron is probably on the way.
He was born out of an assassination attempt...Fucking legendary
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80 percent of ALL jewish voters say Trump is evil for protecting the national identity of the United States.

Next, I will show you how they feel about DACA.
he literally swatted the bullet away with his head like you would an annoying insect.
this man is taking based to a whole new level.
staged and gay!

people register opposite of how they plan of voting in the general so they can vote in the oppositions primary. my mama told me to register as a dem so i dont have to do jury duty. dont know how true it is also voting doesnt matter lmao
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hes got the ultra instinct
I think the people there would have murdered the media instantly for inciting this
90 percent…
NINETY PERCENT of ALL jews support DACA, a program that gives illegals what is essentially full citizenship.

Nothing has changed. jews hate Trump and always will because he isn’t “their” guy. He wants the southern border blocked off permanently and wants to deport 10 percent of the country. This is the jew’s worst nightmare.

The jews will not stop until Whites are a hated minority in their own countries and then the United States into a third world shopping mall that benefits jewish oligarchs and the jewish state.
very funny post, I kekeded'd, underrated, upvoted
Tfw pointing at illegal alien statistics savs your life
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>glownigger didn't respond back
goddamn they really are fucking incompetent.
good to know. it'll make it easier to crush their skulls with your car's tire wheels when the time comes.
The bullet was redirected to someone in Gaza Palestine.

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I start posting statistics from the JDCA and AJC and the thread goes silent.
''there could be niggers around here.''
Biden is zombie rubber stamp on a cabinet of 100% Jews. Dream scenario.
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A event like this could only happen in White Boy Summer.

>Why would they kill their golden goy?

They wouldn't and didn't.

If you look at this massive fake shabbos faggot for tens of seconds before the shot you will notice that his body language is:

1. The excact same posture before and into the shooting, indicating the he knew the shot was comming.

2. His head is unnaturally "turtled" into center of mass.

3. He is leaning away from the path of the bullet, before and into the shooting.

He knew, it was staged, pick your reason.
This. If you can't see it there's honestly no hope for you.
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I don't get it
What did he mean by this?
If you talk like a faggot redditor there's honestly no hope for you as a shill. Just kys now and start over.
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synagogue of satan
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>Kanzen naru ougon no "kaiten energy"
shut up kike

cant wait for Christ to come and smite you all
…I think that’s what he said
The Crying Game
does trumpstore ship to canada? looks like no, its greyed out at checkout
>How much are they paying you guys to control the narrative here?
“LoL,” said the scorpion, “LMAO.”
meh, even trump has a better dumper
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>golden goy
lets look at their history with drumpf
>hated by the msm, rinos, dems
>constant attacks against him and pushback for everything he tried to do in office
>locked down the country, burnt half of it down
>forced non-solicit mail in voting because of the 'pandemic'
>lawsuits, impeachments, investigations, endless. even after 34 felony convictions they want more
>finally get him out of office
>wanted to pass laws preventing him for running for office because he's an insurrectionist
>didn't want to let him go to his own sons graduation because of the retarded lawsuit in nyc
thats just off the top of my head
oh shit i almost forgot
>they tried to blow his fucking head off yesterday afternoon
why didn't they just give him a second term? what was the point of the last 8+ years lol
It could be coincidence (yes, technically it COULD) but blackrock deleted this ad from their channel.
Just why did they do it? It was a stupid move.
there's a clip of Netanyahu being scolded by Trump right in front of him after a reporter asks about settlement expansion in the West Bank

Biden and Trump may both let Israel walk all over America but Trump as a person would take any opportunity to walk over Netanyahu as a man, and Netanyahu probably doesn't like that

Not that he okayed whatever this is, just food for thought
I got your bump.
/pol/ is a shill concentration site now
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>Trump knew he was going to get shot and willingly took the bullet
Even if your legitimately retarded schizo belief was true, that would actually make him even more of a bad ass and worth of the vote. Fat cunts like you can't even muster the courage to risk geting downvoted nevermind stand infront of a bullet for your convictions.
If you get under their skin enough they will brag about how they have “taken it over”, and they have. It’s 90 percent theater and 10 percent genuine users they are trying to poison.

Israel mass murders children, jews are actively exterminating White people from their own countries, and I’m voting for Donald Trump.
Trips Dont lie all kikes destined to be smited
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There is no such thing as a coincidence
Faggot FBI muslimnigger tries to deligetimize this event by making bs claims like lizard people and flat earth.
Mutterica is now in subtle war between zionist jews and socialist jews, and of course, white golems will die in this 'civil war'
>Why didn't they just give him a second term?
It wasn't his time to have one back in 2020. But now it is exactly as planned. How are guys not seeing the pattern recent pattern since Obama. Blueman then redman then blueman and now redman again. Its a simplification but I'm calling it now that after Trump its going to be a Democrat in 2029 probably Gavin Newsom likely. Can't you see how they play us like a fiddle.
We ain't scientists!
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>schizo conspiracy theories
Nuke it
pretty bright "night" my man
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Exactly. I'm voting for him too but I can still call a spade a spade.
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Is there a non-faggot version of that video in not-potato-quality?
my cock is in peril
martyr or not no one is gonna enlist to die for isreal
We'll see.
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God saves

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They are afraid. They can't let him back in after what they have done to him these last eight years.
Center mass isnt a headshot. Headshots send a message.
They aren't scared of the kike asslicker Trump. They are scared of the NatSocs who vote for Trump. His constituents spell TOTAL KIKE DEATH in bold letters.
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unreal luck...almost impossible
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Fuck crazy man.
what the hell
With God, all things are possible, Anon.

Put trumps face onit
People unironically register as the opposing party for a host of reasons in the united states. Usually primaries are locked to only the registered party, and there are more than one popular reasons to do so for political gaming that are long established in the us. Registering as another party especially for the people more into politics than normal is uncommon but not rare. It is for exploiting party politics.

> t.T-zone
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Democrats we're registering as Republicans to vote for Nikki Haley in the primaries. This is known. He was likely an Antifa tard.
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checked jesus christ its jason bourne
There is a God. For this to happen, in front of arguably the most important person in the entire world is devine intervention.

Why can you only see the bullet from that one down up angle?
People are asked if they want to register to vote a lot in the us when dealing with the government or groups funded by the government in various ways. I get asked a few times a year I'd suppose just from memory, I've never really thought about it. But every time you are asked you are able to send in a registration that overwrites your current one.
The same reason why jews killed jews in soviet union in 1937.
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Contemplate the miasma
Trump is unpredictable. This is why the establishment hate him, and why world leaders fear him. He's unlike every sycophant that comes up the ranks among the deep state and unlike every other world leader. He is a molotov cocktail thrown into a den of wolves.
Need a bigger caliber to pierce that meat.
Not just that but there were ZERO new wars under Trump and he was winding things down, getting deals done. With Biden not only did he fuck up relations but there were two wars. Trump is the best option to prevent white men from being drafted and sent into some pointless fucking war. That's why there's so much damage control. They don't want people to enjoy this moment for even a few days.
Jewfags on suicide watch
It's incredible luck that any camera managed to catch the bullet at all. The bullet timed up with that cameras framerate perfect for that to happen. The chance of two cameras doing the same thing is next to zero.
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Wait, wait. This implicates quite a lot of things here.
They are too lazy/incompetent to train their sleeper zombies outside of their comfort zones.
They are really a tight crew. No shadow cabal running in every corner.
Evil has fucked off innawoods. They are too incompetent to be evil.
As below retarded, so above retarded.
You're an utter fucking retard lmao
trump ear 9
looks like trying to recreate jfk exploding head wound
Illegal immigration saved his life, no illegal immigration, no mega chart to look at. Is that irony?
he missed. Jesus christ personally saved trump and moved the bullet to miss. Jesus also saved me as well. The emperor protects. Fuck judas shills. True bread for true romans. spqr
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lmao you know he was already president once right?
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one head turn botches an entire CIA operation 1 year in the making
Huh. you are right there is a link there but I think it is specifically suburban around a glow-town not rural or trailer-park, there are a bunch of other associations that unlock by looking into this.
There's something hitting his jacket near his right kidney it looks like, did another shot hit ?
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Thats what they wanted. Trumps exploding head in 4k for everyone to see just because they can. They probably had some much planned ahead after their assassination was successful but they fucked up.
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Forgot to crop
>record scratch
>crash zoom
>"Oh he did NOT just do that!"
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still tho, for breaking news /pol/ is the best aggregator
the shills can only spazz
Yea, that shot was on point. The shooter did not miss because he pulled his shot, he missed because Trump turned right as the trigger was being squeezed. Similar stuff like that happens to hunters all the time.
Jews are front men and you are all retarded niggers falling for actors and fake news.
Unironically we'd have been better off if he hadn't turned his head: Trump wouldn't died a martyr and someone younger, more energetic, and less beholden to kikes could rise to take his place.
I want to throw a vanilla cream pie at her bottom.
Not a phone in sight, just people living in the moment
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It was a glownigger hit job.
The plan was for Nikki Haley to be president. That's it. Yeah, it's a boring conspiracy, but that's reality for you.
How close would the bullet need to have been to have him grab his ear like that? I know there’s a pop when a bullet passes close, but luckily I’ve never been shot at so I don’t know.
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Really makes me think this guy was a trained shooter. We are blessed that Trump was able to avoid it.
Autistic speech patterns and body movements are literally a super power.
>mossad kikes
>cia niggers
they're one and the same at this point

Haley will be in Trump's administration anyway, there is zero policy difference between them.
trump is the main character of the game and he's using save states.
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Kek haha the black pillow and furniture makes your cat look to be wearing a black cap or a black top hat in the thumbnail XD
you should just give up. it didn't stick and it's not going to, especially now
your plan is ruined
your guy missed
the end
This, Tesla time technology
How can you die a martyr when it was all an act?
Scented service
god bless thy anon
Divine Intervention.
these people, are already held in contempt and have ignored the law. they continue to commit open treason, is garland going to arrrest himself? no, he's already in contempt!

treason. this is treason.
This, it's fucking amazing, they had their comped SS agents in place to let the shooter take the fatal shot first
But not only did it fail but it exposed the fuck out of them
They failed
And as you put it,

the end
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checked and power-pilled
Divine intervention. God has spoken.
Haley would be a better goy
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>oh no I think I hear popping sounds
>please don't lay on top of me Secret Service-kun!
>and less beholden to kikes
So do you think a real sniper missed and got away because of skills/connections or a real sniper missed and got shot by his connections or a real sniper was suicidal and missed? or a antifa-faggot that got glow-opped that fuck up? I think the question here is who did the glowop behind the shooter and why did he slip through security which very seriously was the highest. How did that kid get so close to trump is the serious question, he has presidential security since he never stopped being a candidate. What happened to the secret service did it have to split in two and it now sucks?
proxy, plausible deniability
Tar-chan was a good anime. Pretty formulaic and tropey with some noxious 90's Japanese humor but if you're looking for good wholesome fun and something to binge watch you can't go wrong.
FBI tongues my anus
damn thats a dope meme, gave me chills
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>As below retarded, so above retarded.
got a kek outta me
I'm convinced that divine intervention changed the bullet's course at the last second. God wants certain people to survive, and this is coming from someone that nearly died in a fall a few years back. Either that or Trump got extremely lucky here due to the shooter being a terrible shot.
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The glowniggers don't send their best anymore, so sloppy.
Why wouldn't they?
They want to show that if you ever oppose the system they will kill you.
powerful right?
those are on trumps side
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Looking for sheep you fucking cuck?
I’m sure the spot between her asshole and vag-hole is the best smelling. It almost always is on a girl.
You get the nice sour scent from her front hole mixed in with that wonderful musky warm aroma from her anus, topped of with just hint of that salty goodness of her sweaty taint.
You know you’ve got a keeper if you can detect a bit of urine as well.
The back of my mouth tingles and puckers like I just sucked on a lemon when I smell this. It takes everything in me to not give it a lick so as to not ruin this symphony of a smell.
I see a jew nose in that ear. My fucking brain is ruined.
>trump surrounded by jews
Jews hate trump and biden already gives them everything they want anyways.
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You got btfo by the Trumpster, swapping vpn's isn't going to change that
There is a shadow civil war between Globohomo Jews and Zionist Jews, and all their various golems.
Not saying the Zionists are the good Jews- they still want us dead. They just want us to die for Israel.

This too.
But right now, the Zionist Jews don't have anyone better than Trump.
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His foreign policy is peace. They want greater Israel not just zog. If they kill him they get back to neo-con wars for Israel.
I doubt it was Israel though. Dems just really really hate him
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>possibly literal virgin
I told you fucks it would be a White Boy Summer
I want to stick my peepee in her poopoo hole
>jews convince an untermensch to do a thing
>provide him with gun not zeroed
>the target takes cover where he's smeared with fake blood

Trump was always gonna win reelection since jizzrael loves Trump but it's at least a little bit convincing now
anybody can register as a republican
he could literally have registered like 2 days before the shooting
divine intervention
god bless trump
god bless the usa
god bless 4chan autists

Here's the full video of the shooting up until he gets escorted out of the event. Looks fake and gay. If there truly was a shooter, the ss would've huddled over him for a good 10-20 minutes covering all his sides until they could ascertain that the dead shooter didn't have any accomplices. One could make the gross negligence argument however I doubt security protocols haven't been revised to factor this in following kennedy's assassination. Almost seconds later there's an all green to escort trump out despite the very real possibility of another shooter being present. I'm not buying this shit. Also they slathered him with some red dye whilst he was on the floor. Guy should've had his eardrum popped as a result of delta P, however he's out golfing the very next day. Fuck out of here, to any retard that thinks these former actors actually run a country rather than just play out whatever script is handed to them when they get into office.
He’s a Zionist through and through
why is there a little puff of smoke coming out of his right pocket when the bullet impacts? somekind of hollywood pyrotechnics?
fate, God is not done with him
Even UK media(US owned though) actually were impressed.

"A picture says a thousand words, and this situation reveals the character of a man. While Reagan joked with his doctors and asked if they were Republicans. Trump raises a historic fist in defiance at those that try to kill him with blood on his face, it's eye catching and one for the history books".
Kino of the highest order
I registered as a Democrat a few years ago because I heard some crazy tranny was going to run in my deep blue district and I really thought that tranny best represented the Democrats that my district deserved. Nothing came of it though (maybe he/she/it joined the 41%?) And it took me about a year to get around to switching it back.
migger detected, opinion discarded
he is undeniable...
it is crazy how different things would be right now. i wonder if hes gonna do rallies and if he does how tight security will be
Can sumone explain this?
Shots were fired. EVeryone heard them.
But how could the crowd hear them from so far away. The shooter was too far away for those shots to be heard.
Was there another shooter in the crowd?
Damn I love that word, anon. Some alliteration would have been appreciated but that's still great. Perhaps 'muse'.
shooter was only like 300ft away
you can hear gunshots from much farther than that, depending on the caliber, but even a .22 would be loud enough
I think the bullet would have missed completely if he hadn't turned his head. You don't always turn with your head, but also your body. this can move the central axis that you might normally stay on if you moved only your neck and head.

The axis shift put trump closer to the bullet, from what I see. Would have been a complete miss otherwise.
bullets break the sound barrier when they fly past you anon
it sounds like loud snaps, like someone stepping on a large dry twig, only much louder, sharper and immediately threatening in your vacinity
They can't bump the Trump.
You can hear shots for miles. If they're moving towards you, you can hear when it passes even if you can't hear the original firing because it's breaking the sound barrier.
which is why subsonic rounds exist, since they don't break the sound barrier
you won't even notice you're being shot at, unless you hear or notice the bullet impacting something nearby
Wow. His whole top ear got shot off.
And he still got his shoes back on
Why would "god" allow him to be shot at in the first place...
I noticed that too.
I can't figure it out.
Last night Red Skull said this was a .22 subsonic.
He had a bullet proof vest on, didn't he?
yeah its commie war machine, left media and oil jews (biden but want to replace him now) vs zionist ahole extortionist right media jews (trump supporting)
he looks old and feeble here, almost confused.
>ClA is different than kikes and kikes love Trump
Whew please explain your worldview. Did you just expose that ClA is anti white and anti kike?
You are correct.
Zion Don is Israel’s number one goy
>Fake meme
Share Blue, bricshitskin, or both?

0.167 seconds

"Why is there women in secret servi-"
they're gonna assassinate Biden while he's in office by tripping him and then easily manipulate the female nigress as they are the most corrupt people on the planet by far
Glad to see others recognize this is the only possibility. The patsy was not the shooter - and that means it wasn't just a crazed nutjob who's now dead, case closed, but a conspiracy within the highest levels of the US government.
consider euthanizing yourself
She's had some kind of stroke
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>their golden goy
Based kiwi
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I don't get it. Explain?
They didn't
Motobe is the best besides yujiro/baki
on one of those documents it said he was unemployed

he might have been a neet who tried to kill trump out of fear trump would take his neetbux

he doesn't strike me as a leftist. he wore an american t-shirt in one video and looked like a rural kid. the chances of a person like that being a leftist is very low
in one picture*

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