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Previous >>474139772

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

See >>473899231 >>473899365
>The Ministry of Health has highlighted recently that hospitals in Gaza are struggling with over 10,000 reported cases of Hepatitis A and 880,000 cases of respiratory illnesses, with diarrhea, skin infections.
>Foreign Policy: Months of intensive Western naval operations have failed to secure the Red Sea. #Sanaa has proven to be a formidable force
>Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: We bombarded with mortar shells gatherings of Zionist enemy army vehicles in the Shuja'iya neighborhood, east of #Gaza City.
>#Urgent The British Foreign Office urges its citizens to leave #Lebanon immediately.








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

Yemeni armed forces:

We reveal the new USV ‘Toofan Al-Mudammer’, which entered service officially for the first time and targeted the ship TRANSWORLD NAVIGATOR.
New 6/30/24


Al-Qassam Brigades:

footage of sniping a Zionist soldier in Shujaiya, east of Gaza City.
New 7/2/24



Footage of targeting the headquarters of the 91st Division in the Biranit barracks of the Israeli enemy army on the Lebanese-Palestinian border.
New 6/30/24


Al-Quds Brigades:

Footage of our mujahideen striking enemy soldiers and vehicles in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, with mortar shells.
New 7/1/24

>New Islamic Resistance Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Footage of the joint operation launched by the Yemeni armed forces and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted a vital site in our occupied city of Ashdod, and an important site in our occupied city of Haifa.
New 6/12/24

>New Al-Sharqiya Battalion
A group calling itself "Soldiers of God - Al-Sharqiya Battalion" publishes scenes of the detonation of an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in #Jenin
New 2/21/24

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
What's people thoughts about the Trump assassination attempt?

It doesn't look like a false flag to me. Though there seems to be fishy details about the shooter it does seem like John Hinkley lone nut shooter.

Because in the end they're both shabbos goys and both parties are just different sides of the same coin.

Answer me kikes.
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>News / Clips

Moment of sniping a settler this afternoon south of Nablus. West Bank.
New 7/2/24

These are the survivors of IEDs
New 7/1/24

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Our preparation continues.
New 6/30/24

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of the rockets we launched at the Zionist army command headquarters in “Re’im” colony, in the Gaza envelope.
New 6/29/24

Settlers forcefully occupied and stole a house belonging to the Palestinian Al-Khalidi family with Israeli army protection in the Old City of Jerusalem. While the family still inside !!
New 6/27/24

Yemeni Armed Forces:

“We reveal the hypersonic ballistic missile (Hatim 2) for the first time, along with footage of its launch targeting the Israeli ship (MSC SARAH V) in the Arabian Sea.”
New 6/26/24

A massive fire has broken out in Al-Issawiya, east of #AlQuds.

The fire spread near an occupation army camp and area surrounding the Hebrew University in east occupied #AlQuds, according to local sources.
New 6/25/24

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
>>468522229 (Dead)# (Dead)# (Dead)#
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.























This retarded faggot literally spamming to himself
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Eilat port declare bankruptcy Next Haifa port
spamming what dumb nigger
Cry more, oven dodger
Another Na-ACK-ba, 2024
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Thanks for the bread, baker fren
You are welcome fren
The Haifa port is not jewish btw. It belongs to China. What most retards don't understand is that the the attacks against Haifa are all financed by the UK. More han half of Hamas is controlled by the UK via the Muslim brotherhood.
Kikes being petty criminals
He's not a kike, he's a lowly kike worshipper: a evangelist tranny
Not much to report on right now
low tier conspiracy fren
>Hamas is controlled by the UK via the Muslim brotherhood.
only domesticated Muslim brotherhood are controlled by the UK like in my country or the egyptian branch Hamas labelled a terrorist organisation in the UK
I know this nigger. He claims to be Catholic, but doesn't know how to pray the Hail Mary. It's a JIDF shill
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>low tier conspiracy fren
I saw Mohammed Deif at a grocery store in Gaza today. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
I see, he's scum either way
Real Catholics hate kikes. This is why they created protestantism and evangelism, to lure oblivious fools I to working for kikes. Everytime someone claims to be catholic, if they fail to deliver hate to kikes, then they're not real Catholics.
Jordan authority are trying to break the Yemen siege with a land bridge starting from the UAE toward pissreal
Total traitors death
fren the politics in the middle east is too complicated
Yahoo strategy to "supply Hamas" backfired he thought divide and conquer strategy would help to get rid of the resistance but it turned that Hamas trapped him and lured yahoo that Hamas will never attack pissreal again and they are happy for just ruling the gaza strip
Also the money that yahoo gave to Hamas are Qatari money for the reconstruction and building of Gaza strip after 2014 war
Jordan is (((their))) most important ally in the Middle East. Even if the resistance blocks the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, Jordan serves as a land route between the Arab world and Israel
Jordan is a fake country that should be belong to Syria
Their royal family are from british they are not Arabs The british founded Jordan to make some influence in the middle east
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Thanks for the bread man!

Death to all Jews

And TKD of course.
You are welcome fren
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They are all kikes.

Remember the fact that anyone beside kikes coming here to post is absurd.

Kikes have been doing this for years so it is the same people over and over again.
No amount of trucks can be comparable to cargo ships though, this is probably just keeping them afloat at best. I wonder what that cuck king gets out of it.
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Would love to see those trucks blown up.

Last I heard Jordaninas are getting paid off, to keep them quiet.

Remember Jorsan is a fake country, only made to protect Pissrael.

When the war started the amount of money they have gotten has increased by a lot.
>I wonder what that cuck king gets out of it.
Habibi traitor Arabs are doing it for free They fear america ans isreal more than Allah and their people
Don't have to tell me twice :/
it's just delaying the inevitable at this point
True, Iran should help build the resistance in Jordan. There are millions of Palestinians in the country, they just need training and material support
no sign of coup or revolution What happened to us that we become a pathetic cuck nation
They have been slowly arming resistance factions
in Jordan and sneaking arms into the West Bank.
But I imagine it's extremely difficult and is more of a long term thing.
Unless they're waiting for a new front to open
before they make a move.
>Iran should help build the resistance in Jordan
They can't Joran have a majority of Muslim Sunni population that hate Shia more than jews
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>meanwhile wlad fawziya
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>From Giza in Egypt now!
>Egyptians turn against the Sisi, and project his picture as a traitor!
>One of the images says “You guys didn’t already know that I was a thief/traitor?”
>Take to the streets and trample on everyone who stops in your way, people of Egypt!
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>Egyptian authorities have detained some men responsible for the demonstration.
hope this sparks something among egyptians
holy shit lmfao, I have a few buddies from around there I'll try asking.
>The Roosevelt aircraft carrier is attacked by the Houthis in the Red Sea with drones and ballistic missiles.
Sadly those guys will never see the sun again
Sisi one of the most brutal leaders in the world RN
>anti-Sisi protest next to a burger ad
My sides
Oh great now I'm going to have to return to work with an awkward boner
remember when shills said nothing happened to Eisenhower? then it went to Jeddah, returned to US and it's crew were crying about muh PTSDs
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Bless the guys who did it
Out of all the cucked arab leaders he's the one that I just don't understand what his end goal is.
He's so openly treasonous and hostile to Palestine I don't get it at all. Doesn't even pretend.
He's so disconnected from the outside world, it's like he only interacts with current events through western handlers.
>understand what his end goal is.
He studied in the UK, barely knows any arabic at all, and is culturally an englishman. HE HIMSELF doesnt know what his own end goal is. He just does as hes told by the crown.
bro got me bricked up for no reason on a monday morning.

The time consuming to offload from a ship to a truck, and then get it all over by land takes too long.

Everything in Pissrael is censored. The info we get is minimal, yet enugh for the kikes to be here in groups
Jordan has a loosely muslim population that strongly affiliate themselves with the western narrative
i dont know of any deeply religious jordanian that likes israel. theyre not even sunni.... theyre barely religious at all. almost agnostic imo.
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When did that hatred begin? Was it before or after the jews started their attacks and jew tricks (in the 1920's/1930's/1948)?
I ask, since all the online sunni vs shia hate is usually unit 8200, which is why you've seen a sudden drop in memefags and others replying to each other in fake arguments on chan ("sunni dogs must die", "shia dogs must die"). It all abruptly stopped, once unit 8200 of the IDF got drafted into physically fighting for the IDF, due to such an extreme shortage in manpower
Kek, hopefully he'll get the gadafi treatment
Hopefully they won't find who did it
it started after the falling of the secular regimes in arab countries and during the Iraq invasion americans fueled the hate in order to break harmony of the resistance
Idk but I'll go shit post on his tweet
Saddam is a hero my friend he got a bad fate cause america wanted to humiliate him like he humiliated them
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At the end of the day Hamas did the attack without telling anyone about it

>it was all staged

Sure Yahoo probably knew about the attack. But didn't think it would happen? I think he knew it would happen (because he was wanted 1 year ago). It could be that he in a way planned it to go his way by having them attack in, to justify the genocide.

2 weeks before October 7th. Yahoo held a map in UN which it was showing normalization with Jew Arabs around them. The map had also removed Gaza and West Bank.

The reason they had few military personnel there is because most of them were ready to invade Jenin in West Bank.

But there is one thing that I do wonde about. Which is why it took them so long to respond to the attacks.

They said 7 hours before the helicopter came.

Which makes another question. Hamas needed hostages. Why would it take them 7 hours to get them?

I don't know. But either way. What I am getting at is Hamas knew they were about to be abounded.

So they took the matter into their own hands.

Here is the thing tho. If this whole thing was "staged" then this doesn't make sense. Because why would you want the whole world to see what's happening in Palastine? I mean was the awakening also staged?

Don't you think they wanted to kill them without scrutiny from social media and pro Palastinians all over the news and social media?
i think they wanted the 7/10 so yahoo could say "see, they dont want peace and hamas uses everyone there as human shields btw so we need to take over gaza". i think it was intended but they didnt think that they would gain this much backlash.
Don't kikes control Muslim brotherhood and other Islamic "terrorists" through their subversion? It's obvious cryptos have a stranglehold on Islam just like they do with Christianity.
Not my personal heros but they were based they tried to tell zog to fuck off
total sandnigger death soon?
plz hurry up and cull these animals fren
At the time, I don't think his planning went beyond "if I let this happen I can delay getting prosecuted for a few weeks and figure it out from there."
He couldn't figure out from there so ever since then his only priority has been to do anything to keep a war, any war, ongoing. Self preservation above all.
My bad i meant Gaddafi
you know what will be interesting? we will most likely be alive when the CIA files will be opened on netanyahu and the zionist project as a whole. i look forward to that day
Things have been accelerating more and more, we might see this shit come to light before 2030 lol
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The funny part is the peoepof Iraq (shias) want Saddam back.

Since 2003 the Shias have not built a single school in Iraq. In fact, when the Americans invaded, the Shia imamas told them that the Americans are our friends, and not to attack them...

Proof is the war in Falluja. Oh boy did the burger-men get roasted there. Falluja lost but only because the Americans started losing so they started using chemical weapons there to win the battle.

The kurds in north have but not the Iraqis in south. When they had little money for food, they were told by Shia mama's to eat biscuits.

Saddam had alot of issues. But he was way better for Iraq than any other.

The kept the Shias in check.

The issue with the Iraq war was that Saudi let the Americans use bases to supply everything they needed. Remember that Saudi has a big border with Iraq.

Iraq got decided fairly quick. They had the kurds up north.
The shias down south.

And Americans with 4 other country doing the initial invasion.

Iraq were getting tok good, technologically with weapons. Remember they were the only country which has sent Scoud missile from that far. In fact they modified the engine so that the Americans could not shot it down.

Proof is, well Scott Ritter was the weapons inspection for the Americans at the time and he was the lead guy in Iraq to shoot down these missiles.
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Well. The only way he can get reelected is by giving Pissrael land.

Of Pissraelis get to settle in Gaza they will be happy with Yahoo. That is his plan but he can't do it.

Hamas keeps attacking them from all angles in northern Gaza.

And he can't do much always because of Ben Gevir and the other fag which I don't remember.
Why does the syrian rapefugee from Norway who was acting like a karen now hide behind an anarcho capitalist memeflag?
Pretty gay.
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I doubt they will, the important information will be blacked out.

You know. Where are thes so called "Anonymous" they were there when it was about ISIS, or in Syria and Iran and Russia.

Not a single word from them when it comes to Pissrael...

I guess they are just fake shit.
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Gaddafi was based.

But the Chad of the Chad's was King Faisal.
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It's Afraid
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nah jordanians are pretty religious, more religious than iraqi shiites that for sure
same can be said about zionism
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least retarded mibounsi, iran supported america taking out their biggest threat saddam baath regime, they funded the sectarian shia militias
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What's with all these plebbit spacing memefags & VPN's recently?
It's as if they're trying to make sure that no one pays attention to them, first by using memefags which get filtered by uBlock Origin, 4chanx, etc. And then if you haven't installed those, they warn you again with the spacing.
I remember posting a webm back in the day, where it is clear that the king of jordan does not even know how to pray like a Muslim has to pray.
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Nos now fren.

We don't use the word Zionism. It's illegal here on 4chan.

I am sure you mean the Jews.
Gadafi was also based
he's literally british
Have the (((salman's))) learned how to pray yet?
Miga tards are fucking stupid and they have flooded pol again...
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q tards are back too
Yeah, I'm shiting up there 500 thread fucking retards.
anonymous is pretty well known in the hacking scene to be mostly made up of glowies or people working for the glowies.

Either way, they arent really that skilled anymore and the organizational structure they operated on before is completely gone. thats why lazarus and other east asian hacking groups are the strongest now.
The thing with anonymous is can anyone can claim it. We are all anonymous.
>The thing with anonymous is can anyone can claim it
No, its a pretty massive org. anyone can claim it but anonymous is very diligent at pursuing and punishing their copycats.

Anonymous is just that big of an organization, easily over 1000 members and thats just in ONE of their servers. god knows how many more they have.
The Islamists deserve it all.
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When are they going to finally release all the IDF files that they hacked?
>When are they going to finally release all the IDF files that they hacked?
never, their ransom was prolly paid back by US taxpayer money.
Anyone aware of the yemeni posting regarding the spy ring they were going to expose ?
I was here for chanology when that shit really took off. Fun times.
It would be interesting to see, I should actually snop around the dark web to see if there is anything on this.
LOL, I'll tell her to put it on her head upside down
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Bastards, I would have been willing to pay more tax money, for it to have been released
> I cleaned the article of ads and wasted space, in case anyone planned to save it
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like this?
Stop being a terrorist nigger.
He is clearly more comfortable with his British than his Arab side.
Who knows, I guess it depends on how many gallons of oil are involved.
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you sandjeets know that Trump is a lock now? he'll greenlight the hezbollah war and moving the gaza population into the sinai

its completely over, sandnigs, better luck next time
>another loss in the middle east incoming
wooooow, who couldve seen this coming!
I wonder why she hasn't been killed yet
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big if true
>jew spends 9 months being mindbroken over watermelons
why are they like this?
>heckin' trumpereno will magically destroy hezbollah
not happening
Kek, reposting. Thank you
>jew spends 9 months thinking about palis RENT FREE
anybody got the picrel without the logo?
Go die for kikes mutt. Maybe you'll get lucky and become a nugget and get a refurbished iPhone.
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Why would the mideast lose? When was the last time that burgerland actually won in the mideast? Let alone, they're already getting BTFO by the Houthis. They just attacked the roosevelt >>474189239
The DEI troon mutt troops are completely incompetent, so there's no reason to expect them to know how to do anything except lose
i meant a loss for the US
hondouranon is gonna love this picrel lmao
Kek, ngl pretty funny
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Sorry, didn't have my contacts in. I probably misread it.
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My hero
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Why does post volume always suddenly plummet around 9pm NYC time (ie. now)? Which countries go to sleep around now?
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Do you guys know anyone who supports Pissrael? I redpilled my mom and brother about the parasite colony
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oy vey

open borders for israel btw
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>Do you guys know anyone who supports Pissrael?
No one does except for jews, and people that benefit from jews (either directly, or they make their lives hell for not supporting jews)

Why do (((they))) push the goyim to eat bugs, and have it put in all the goyslop. If they then won't be able to eat most of the food in the west?
> Look at your packaged food items, and essentially every single one of them has a kosher symbol on it. Which means that you paid an extra couple bucks on your grocery bill, to have everything blessed by a rabbi
Yummy chocolate
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White women are a fuckin' joke. Their only redeeming quality is to reproduce with BBC and create Brazilian-esque qt's
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Shalom to you!
funny but if he's gonna set that point then i'm afraid i'll have to side with the kikes this time, bitches do need to shut the fuck up
/k/ has literally been wrecked by their jannies. Board is half off-topic politics threads but post the most milquetoast criticism of the NAFO orthodoxy and you get swarmed with downboats until you get banned for wrongthink
It's a glownigger board
>Turkish Foreign Minister: We agreed with our Saudi brothers to play a role in the process of normalizing relations with the Syrian government, and we also expect the same role from Iran and Russia
FSA rapefugee BTFO
>The port of Eilat declares its bankruptcy as a result of the Yemeni siege by Ansar Allah “Houthis” in the Red Sea.
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Many have said that it was accurate until 2022, when the glowies took over the board. Now it's completely unreliable per most anons
Salud hermano. Viva Cristo Rey
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To jews, this is worse than the thousands of jews killed in the past 9 months, and well over 70k injured. They only care about the shekels, and the Houthis played this completely correctly.
It's why USA was willing to negotiate with the Houthis, by lifting all sanctions, removing them from terrorist lists, and so on. If the Houthis could be defeated, or weren't doing major damage to shitrael, USA never would have gone groveling, and begged them to "negotiate"
Pretty accurate
>¡Queremos brindar!, por el final de los judios cernanoa a nossotros esta, ¡Salud! ¡Salud!

Big brain movement, much of Jewish power is derived from control through shekels, with the tap turned off it will be harder for them to buy politicians for their cause.
i just like palestine and think israel ain't legitimate. simple as
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How many shekels do you think that his father thought that his head was worth?
> He was obviously extremely upset, that his son's head wasn't selling for enough shekels
You will get civil war before that
roaches just want to rape ypg
bashart al asshurt will be killed eventually, you will see
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Every american will look like this by 2050, and its beautiful
israelis look arab yet they still be racys n shiet
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I wanna bury my face in Zendaya's ass crack after she does a 10 mile jog
Dios mio
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Picrel, this literally could of been every racist white man. Colonising the wombs of beautiful, real WOMEN, and having successful, passionate sex filled lives. Instead they will die, eating some white becky's boiled chicken and carrots every night, seething forever in kneeling posture for their Orange Jew donald trump. Pathetic.
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> Come on goyim, why aren't you race mixing yet??
reminder: pic related is the "innocent bystander" who got killed at the trump rally. i guess his two daughters will "get over it" just like the japanese did
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>some sarcastic shit

take this Gay test, anon. If you don't want her, you're gay, simple.
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As if we needed more ways to detect shills to filter out, who made it through the initial round of passive 4chanx filters.
> The old shills used to actually make you work to realize they were kike shills. The new ones just keep saying it upfront, letting you know to block them instantly

Thanks for the bumps though. I can't see any of your posts, but 4chanx notifies me the chan ID whenever something gets blocked
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So many shekels from the kike shill NGO's wasted. Just for plebbit troons to group chat with each other. Well, not wasted I guess, as they do provide free bumps
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Go take your meds anon, they'll surely help return you to some state of non self inflicted paranoia about black women but, they won't actually help you until you admit to us and your family that you are a closeted, homosexual man.
Ngl, would
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'Das rite.
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>dying for israel
lmao get fucked
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I assume that I'm right on point with my discord and plebbit theories, since I keep getting free (you)'s. Probably shipments of free salt from the mines, along with all the free bumps
timmy cucks could never satisfy a black kween

only a bbc could

same goes for Becky's

timmy is just there to clean up the mess while I film the moneyshot
bruh we should bring back slavery
Don't care about migatards and muzzie invaders
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comfy times are ahead
Henlo, Syrian fren
kosomak nusayri kalb ibn mntaka
This faggot https://youtu.be/yzKe-V5gm74 says Hezbollah just attacked a kike base in the Golan Heights
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good day to you fren
>sub 90 iq nigger still takfiring
have a (you)
Speak English, FSA nigger
dw you ain't missing much
they're only good at throwing random insults like retards.
he was cozying up to the right wing kikes at dailywire, now he's switching over to the other side?

what's his endgame?
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Just another dumb golem
He will never set foot in Syria again and will spend the rest of his days mourning Assad's victory
Silly how some people consider Israel to be the only super power in the middle east and they can't deal with shit like this. If they were to nuke everything around them it would just be stupid and pointless. This goes to show the criteria to qualify as a super power has to be based on the geographical location advantage. Israel has none. They need to make peace with Hezbollah.
what edgy pali tweets?
"Haha dead pali kids". Shit like that
he's been super pro-zionist since oct 7, saying edgy shit about how palestinians deserve to be exterminated and starved and shit like that...seems like his whole schtick is just to be as contrarian and edgy as possible for clicks/attention
shitskin thread
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weren't they trying to take syrian land a few years back?
based, expect more news of business closures in the coming days
>Israeli forces have fully withdrawn from Tel Al-Hawa area, leaving behind bodies everywhere.
>This is the American backed israeli democracy in full display, no wonder why they care about Donald Trump’s ear but don’t care about Palestinian lives.
the other possibility is that his recent trip to israel didn't go so well and the kikes treated him like just another dumb goy and he didn't like it too much
This will make many in the general happy, Badr Dahlan looks much better and seems to be recovering well.
It's because he got his wife stolen by a suicidal crack-addicted Arab femboy and I'm being 100% serious
He never recovered from that lol
religious leaders need to declare a jihad
Kikes don't try and slide the thread, it never works
2 more weeks
until kikes grow a pair and push hezbollah beyond the litani? lmao.
jus' hate jizzrael
simple as
I got six twater accounts perma banned
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imagine if sunni and shia religious leaders called for a JIHAD against jews worldwide.
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holy shit, the Japanese are considering TKD!
boomers on suicide watch!
Based samurais. Tengu BTFO
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kike mongrel eurasian negroids don't need to exist!
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Every fucking kike that I've seen is so unattractive, they all have this unnatural look to them.
Free speech only works for big accounts, except Lucas Gage who burned the Talmud
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Kek, that means your content is working. Luckily you have many more left
Always make sure to keep at least 10 being 30 days old or older. As the WEF female that elon hired, said that the newer accounts have less visibility and more restrictions
Replace the scotch with Araq and this is literally perfect.
Europoors will never experience Levantine comfiness.
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extremely based and araqpilled
gm fren
Hadrian defeated them so hard that only 300 were left. This led to a genetic bottle neck and endless incest in their lineage
btw you and the bedouin are the reason I don't have the kike flag filtered yet
Feel free to filtee it nontheless.
يعني كإنه بطلع من شكالاتهن شي واحد منيح
الله يوخدهن ويريحنا
holy based !
thanks for the good news fren, good morning to you too. we will keep baking palirats for more good news.
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>only 300 were left
What a shame, had he wiped them off completely we wouldn't be in this mess.
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>Feel free to filtee it nontheless.
no, it's worth it
>الله يوخدهن ويريحنا
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If it does a namefag, you can keep the kike flag filtered, and just unhide each of the namefags of your choosing.
I do that with the sideways christian cross flags, and I manually unfilter all the Iraqiswede posts
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yeah but our 48 palibro here isn't namefagging, plus I'm used to shills at this point, they're def not as bad as they used to be 2 years ago
You are one of the bad frens, no one should be happy about this tragedy.
What a disgusting guy that actor is, I'm not kidding. Even his wife divorced him.
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The kikes always are. It also disgusted me early on before learning about him, that for either one of the borat movies, or another. The one taking place in the deep south, he got underage kids shitfaced drunk, didn't tell them it was a movie, and baited them into saying racist and other edgy things. Then destroyed their lives after the movie got released, by throwing them under the bus- from the way it was edited, to the way that they were demonized online.

He intentionally exploited them for self gain, since he didn't like southern folk, didn't like their politics, and simply wanted them to look bad.
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God marks the beasts, and these fucking wizards keep removing the warnings that god put there intentionally
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goooood day mein negers
promoting miscegenation is very jewish
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And then if some poor goyim falls for it, he can thenlook forward to this picrel IRL
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Good morning Moominanon. TKD my fren

Indeed it is. Kikes love it, unless it happens to their own, such as vidrel
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TKD fren
and yes they do, even sometimes they promote it among their own. the only ones in the jewish community against it are the orthodox jews i believe, secular jews race mix all the time
Do you know how long Kazakhstan tried to attract the attention of the West?
Literally billions trying to belong to the western sphere all to be destroyed by a Jew. Now they belong to the brics sphere. All thanks the Jews associate them with the Cossacks.
Good night here, I'm about to fall asleep in front of the monitor, moominanon
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>Lord Farquaad
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checked and you should go get some rest then fren
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That would make sense, as 1/3 of kikes are now mutts, and depending on the study, vary all the way up to 36% negroid DNA. Many famous kikes like golda meier and other elite israeli's either say that it's worse than the holocaust, or like a 2nd holocaust. If you're a jewess in israel that's with a black man, they unironically have protests and single the jewess out for betraying her people. Viewing it as worse than murder
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I can resist a little longer, and how are you?
As a great achievement of the week, I tried food from KFC for the first time, it's really crap.
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I didn't realize how much they tried to be part of the west. But I remember when they were protesting the borat movies, due to the way that he was mocking their country and their people. There was a big international incident over it, but because he was jewish, no action from the west was taken
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Good night Chileanon. Rest up and dream of TKD
The call of his half-bong blood is strong.
Thanks fren, I'll be here a little longer
A big accident, the guy also fooled a lot of rednecks in America to try to say anti-Semitic things, even they were like what the fuck is going on, we don't say this.
Not to mention the time he delivered a bag in which he himself had defecated to that famous actress.
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yeah israel is very strict about that stuff
in america i guess its different
Drake is a good example, jewish mother, black father. elevated and promoted within the industry because he's jewish, even had a bar mitzvah as a teen
as jews are matrilineal, he is considered a full jew in the eyes of the synagogue

im doing alright
i havent had KFC in years, everytime i eat it it gives me the shits, as most fast food does
i think it may be the MSG that fucks with my stomach
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Their fried chicken used to be the only good thing they had, along with the original version of popcorn chicken (it was actually pieces of meat initially, and then simply became breaded pieces of skin and bits). KFC died here in USA at least a decade ago. Popeye's chicken is now the one known for fried chicken, and their spicy version is actually really good. Publix grocery stores in the southeast USA also have good fried chicken, especially the spicy version

In part of canada they're now using halal chicken, and removing pork products from their menus. I didn't even know that KFC had pork, or maybe it's just a leafland thing.
This infographic is interesting. Kikes are dangerous, but secular kikes are a weapon of mass destruction. I am whitepilled
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>rely knows any arabic at all
holy fuck i didn't know it was THIS bad. damn.
Are there nonces in Russia do they have anti nonce death squads(ANDS) to root out nonces before they strike
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>Hadrian defeated them so hard that only 300 were left
That's a complete hoax. All of Jewish history is a hoax. If Palestine was lowered to 300 people then there would be no more Palestinians and even the language would have been supplanted by Latin.
I generally hate namefagging, but that is a good argument.

It still backfires, I'm so used to seeing yids with nosejobs that I instinctively notice it and recoil.
Besides, it is really really damn hard to get a nosejob "right", since the rest of the proportions don't go along that well.
>im doing alright
Good to know, fren.
>MSG that fucks with my stomach
I don't know, I felt the food was kind of rancid. As if the food had been stored for a long time. By the way, maybe not the best place to ask, but this week I am going to visit an American Kenpō academy and I would like to know if this martial art is worth it.
That's another one, kfc is on the pro israel bus. Unfortunately, the popeye chain is not in Chile.
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>American Kenpō
i have no idea what that is fren
i only ever did boxing
>300 were left.
Palestinians are literally Israelites. This shit is a kike lie.
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Some of those surgeons truly are wizards though, such as picrel. Maybe he did other surgery on her face as well. But then again, it could simply be the way that the picrel is taken. Since half her face isn't shown, and hair is covering part of her face
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It is a form of full contact karate (you know the non cucked form of karate) developed by a half Irish/chinese American man, this academy is federated. Here a video demostration
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good morning frens
ت ك د
he got cucked by a muslim
Left has big boobs and knows how to cook
Imagine you marry her and the child is born with her original nose.
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we will wipe out every cross bastard
This is how 120 million of them run around with nobody noticing
Mudslimes wondering why their countries turn into dust when christchads have had enough of them and leave
Destiny has lost his mind over Trump.
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seems pretty cool
I'd say do it. I wish i took some kind of martial art
I only know how to throw punches, "bob and weave," and protect myself from punches (boxing)
when it comes to "ground and pound" or kicks, i have no idea what to do
It's just a Jew baiting you. One of their tricks is just to get religious infighting to kill a thread.
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Is brazilan jujitsu big over there? It was huge over here for a while, when UFC was just beginning to get known by normies. A friend of mine from HS had done it when he was in college, and one of the guys in his fighting class ended up being in a reality TV series about it- which included the fights, between the competitors, and was affiliated with UFC.
My friend used to swear by it before it got big, and then once it got big due to UFC, everyone else started also making a big deal about it also.
I'm talking about ashkenazi kikes, who make up 90% of modern day kikes. Christians and other non-violent groups were spared
most moral atheist
Oh, sorry. Mb, fren. However, askhenazis are very sus from my research. 85% of them can't drink milk.
God, Syria and Bashar. Cry more, rapefugee
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>we will wipe out every cross bastard
lol, im glad Assad slaughtered you fags like rats
FSA niggers tongue my ass

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shalom, rabbi
Not really, there is not even an academy near me. Tekwondo on the other hand seems to have traction here, but it is more a sporting art than a defense one.
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Ohh... the child absolutely will be, like the picrel in >>474236998 . I think it was Dave Chapelle that had a bit about that. Saying that plastic surgery is a dirty trick, to scam men into having ugly kids. Completely oblivious to what she looked like before the surgery, and now the guy has ugly kids as a result.
> I tried googling it, but couldn't find it. It was a hilarious bit, that I killed in my horrible retelling of it
I love this lil nigga so much bros, no homo
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Yes, according to my research it is quite complete and includes sparring and judo techniques, along with the classic kicks. The advantage is that this Dojo is federated with the big Hawaii headquarters, so anything I get here, they will recognize.
>I'd say do it. I wish i took some kind of martial art
It is never too early to start, I have already practiced Taekwondo when I was young, and now I want to try it again, but with something new.
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you worship a rapefugee on a stick, crosscuck
That child has to be photoshopped, I don't think anyone could be born that way.
>Dave Chapelle that had a bit about that.
I have also heard that, in the long term, plastic surgery generates a dysgenic effect in the population.
Third Temple status?
Add the 5% sub-Saharan African, the first turbo mutts.
That uniform goes so hard
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Constantinople status?

kikes are gigamutts who want to turn everyone else into a gigamutt.
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It likely is, but there are babies which are that ugly also. I didn't realize how many babies were ugly, until everyone started posting their babies online, maybe a decade ago.

I know that people defend destiny as not being a jew, but things always make more sense with that lens. Since what goyim parents besides blacks, would name their kid destiny. Let alone being obsessed about the conversion rates of kikes to goyim. Just like how after the Al-Aqsa Flood on october 7th, kikes went full out obsessed about the conversion rate of kikes to goyim. To then go on to say due to the conversion rate, that it was like 30 x 9/11's.

(((They))) kept pushing that shit on social media at the time, which I don't think it made the point that jews were trying to make. Despite that to kikes, it sounded completely logical and not inflammatory. It helped start the redpilling of a lot of people. Between that and how all their false propaganda stories that they pushed, and made a massive deal about. Goyim saw 7 different narratives from israel over a period of 2 days, and always was ultimately proven to be a llie, by the end.
> I'm falling asleep, so rambling and making less sense are likely. I'm about to pass out though, since I keep nodding off
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Looks like destiny might have gotten banned from twitter. Another thread is saying that's what this is referring to
Welcome back Syrian fren
Here is one of the best Syrian video i ever watched
When we namefag it's based because it shows honesty in our argument instead of coming off as leftist Jews or something

במיוחד ששפתהם כל כך כלה ללמוד
Well yes, it is proven that children of mixed marriages are less likely to pass the Jewish identity.
At least he is getting demonetized.

Now I say goodbye, time to sleep. Good night to all.
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>Sirens ring in the settlement of “Almon,” northeast of occupied AlQuds, due to fears of resistance fighters infiltrating the settlement.
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where's that anon who says wait for summer for the blacks to activate cuz vitamin D or something
>A group called the Transit Liberation Front smashed 10 OMNY machines in subway stations across NYC in response to a call from Black revolutionaries in Atlanta calling for a summer of resistance against the US & Israel's colonial/state violence & surveillance.

>Recently, Black Revolutionaries in Atlanta sent out a call for a Summer of Resistance, a sustained, militant, and decentralized campaign targeting the multitude of appendages of the settler-colonial so-called United States, its Zionist client government, and their many accomplices in promoting a genocidal agenda in Palestine that is killing tens of thousands.

>In response, we turned our attention to the MTA and the touchless payment system, OMNY, that it is trying to shove down New Yorkers' collective throat. These machines represent a world in which we must trade away our privacy for the right to move about our own city. The existence of OMNY and the city's desire to phase out all other methods of payment is an obvious ploy to increase surveillance and further violate our communities by policing the main arteries of transit for everyday New Yorkers — as if the subways weren't fucking crawling with police already.

>We smashed ten of these machines in multiple subway stations across the city. We estimate that this is equivalent to about $40,000 in damage. OMNY is in part result of a contract between the MTA and Cubic Corporation, a sprawling multinational entity owned by the private equity firm Veritas Capital [9 W. 57th St.]

>Veritas's portfolio also includes Peraton, which is working with the Department of Homeland Security to build HART. This advanced surveillance system will compile and centralize biometric and other data on nearly 300 million individuals, further facilitating DHS's campaign of terror against immigrants and communities of color.
>This database, of course, will soon be open to Zionist security forces through DHS's Enhanced Border Security Partnership, which promises rapid mutual biometric intelligence sharing among the Zionist entity, US, UK, and EU. Veritas is invested in the oppressive technologies shoring up the imposed colonial borders that have been constructed on Palestinian land and between the United States and Mexico, ripping apart traditionally Indigenous territories.

>Here, at the margins, we see the extremity of state violence enacted against those it has decided to keep out by any means necessary, through both active violence—when the Zionist military murders Palestinians in cold blood—and passive, when US agents allow families to drown in the Rio Grande before their very eyes. These horrors are manifold, and Veritas is profiting from them. If your city has a public transportation system, it is likely to be linked to Cubic and Veritas. Chicago's Ventra system, London's Oyster, the Breeze card in Atlanta, and countless other systems inside and outside of the US are all Cubic endeavors.

>Your governments are selling you out to a private company that actively promotes the imperialist projects from Palestine to Mexico. Why? In our view, they are rolling out an ever-more militarized version of the already extant police state. Cops flooding the subway and National Guard bag-checks are only the beginning. They are relying on us growing accustomed to being controlled in every aspect of our lives, of us willingly giving up our privacy in exchange for their rotten idea of "safety." There is no safety under occupation, and we are indeed living on occupied territory.
>We may not yet face the same violence in the metropole as we see at the margins, but, as the resistance grows and the intifada is globalized, they are certainly getting ready in case we get too rowdy, too ungovernable. We are the frogs in the slowly heating pot.

>Disabling these machines is just one small act of resistance, one that requires no more than a good, heavy hammer (16 oz. or more, no wooden handles), some safety equipment (goggles and protective gloves), and a solid plan for concealing your identity.

>Bring a friend to watch your back and go to town. Smash an OMNY, cover a camera, break one of their stupid video ads. Join the Transit Liberation Front today!

>–The Transit Liberation Front
>Reuters: The British maritime authority receives a report of an incident 70 nautical miles southwest of Hodeidah, Yemen.
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>"Navy forces, unmanned aerial vehicles and missile forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces conducted a joint operation to destroy the Israeli vessel MSC UNIFIC in the Gulf of Aden using several ballistic missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles.

>The UAV force carried out an operation to target a number of Israeli enemy military targets in the Umm al-Rashrash [city of Eilat] area, south of occupied Palestine, with the help of several UAVs, and, thank Allah, the operation
successfully achieved my goals"

>Another statement by the Yemeni Armed Forces on Sunday's results has been published.
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they found the twitter of the firefighter who was killed at Trump's rally and he's a zionist.
People are posting "his family will get over it"
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Just pick up Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiujitsu, or Catch Wrestling if you want something more "American".
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>Former occupation army minister, Avigdor Lieberman:
>“Our soldiers suffer from nightmares.”
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Al-Quds Brigades
>Our mujahideen are engaged in fierce clashes with machine guns and anti-tank missiles with enemy soldiers and vehicles in the middle of the Yabna camp in the city of Rafah.
I love karma, especially when it happens to kikes and their worshippers.
I've noticed the gore pojeet stopped spamming chip and instead makes his own threads now to farm (you)s. Must be tough out there.
Whatever helps him postpone his inevitable suicide.
MIGApedes and Qtards are back to flooding /pol/ after Trump got shot. shills probably switched strategy.
or death by explosive diarrhoea
fresh bread
>fresh bread
fresh bread
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I thought it's only muslimas that get orientalist fetish art from westerners
you jinxed it and the stinky jeet is back in the lastest thread
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asians love MENA aesthetics
Appreciating the aesthetics is not enough, we must help our bros and sisters. Those aesthetics we like won't exist without the people

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