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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Yesterday I was proud to be an American for the first time in years.
me too
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turn to religion instead

Because all we do is win.
this guy sucks tho
God dammit, that picture will be in the history books centuries from now, won't it? That's literally living through history in the making.
is it not telling that the first explanation people went to is that this was a false flag/psy-op? we are living through one of the worst times in american history.
Feels like the magic is back desu
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i doone been tellin my canadian bros they're honorary americans for a long time.
same goes for brits and aussies. honorary. our freedom should be your freedom.
Time acts like it hasnt had anything to do with the current political climate.
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i may get a new hat br0s
which one do i get? i feel like i need a third for this election.

can you think of a single more powerful picture of an American president? I guess Washington on the Delaware comes close but he’s kind of just standing on a boat to an uneducated observer.
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i own those two already.
kinda digging the black

I can't think of a more powerful picture of any world leader desu
That picture was already on t-shirts and keychains 2 weeks ago! No joke!
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No you fucking boomer. Until they release the tapes of Jews and their golems getting executed on the whitehouse lawn during covid, you should not like the corporation of America. Until Declass, this isn’t the republic yet.
>another unhinged psycho shoots up a crowd
>proud to be american
how many teeth are you missing Cletus?
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>a fucking leaf
That picture is beautiful. I am inclined to believe that it was a staged false-flag only because that picture and the context around it is too perfect. Truly, life is stranger than fiction.
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They're really quick with these covers.
Hell yea brother
Ngl might grab one
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>okay and then you will shoot at my head but miss and hit my ear make sure you only hit the ear, nothing could go wrong
cuz From the day I was born The nurses all gathered round
You said American.
Canada is in North America.
And they gazed in a wide wonder at the joy they had found
never said trump planned it. I think it was truly a botched attempt at assassinating him, but it glows bright.


Do not downplay the significance of it, what a shitty publication.
Do you live in a downtown honkzone condo faggot? Stfu
>demoshits are now literally trying to kill your candidates

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they have it on ebay too
Unironically the most iconic photo of my lifetime
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You have no idea how much you deserve it. God bless you and God bless America. I will pray for you. FIGHT!
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There are about 7 legit kino tier pics I’ve seen from those 10 seconds. That one is just the most kino.
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these images pump me up
Good goy. Now send your blood and treasure to israel, and buy my tshirt!!
Of course the fucking Horus Lupercal would drink coffee out of a pitcher because fuck you, that's why.
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someone asked for a touhou edit
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>American (n.): Person of any race, nationality or ethnicity currently subject to a major cultural-industrial system centered around dissemination of principles related to Homo-Africanus worship, industrial scale race mixing and Jewish cum gurgling.


A sniper who knows how to use a snipe riffle and prepare for the assasination but focuses on the side of the head so when the zionist politician turns his head at slight angle he shoots and only scratches the ear

The zionist politician immediately poses in a historic photograph. His supportets are sold on the narrative about him being god-send David fighting the evil, pro-Palestine forces on the left
Whatever your political leanings are, you have to admit that picture it so iconic.
because an amerimutt schizo nutjob tried to kill an american hyper zionist, and the crowd chanted "USA USA USA" while shitting their pants... I guess.

It was a quintessential amerimutt moment.
oh, and don't forget, we're going to be shooting you in the face like 5 times after you take the shot - we sent you the details in the teams meeting chatroom
That's Perturabo you sperg.
I stopped writing fanfiction when I was a teenager anon, you should have done the same.
are you retarded? can you read?
forgot my >
it glows to the point where active negligence could have led to this retard's presence/ability to take a shot. Anything more complicated than that is retarded.
you forgot the dude's ear
Its time to accept that God protects those that protect israel. Note how terrible your life is compared to divine intervention for trump as proof.
He is not President, remember last 2020 elections that were rigged? Do any of your even remembers that? Liberals are still somehow talking about Russian collusion hoax from 2016 on the other hand.
They should make the Blacks for America merch better. It's very plain. The Latino merch is way better
this is the photo that guarantees his re-election
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Not sure if trolling or not, but It's time to accept that the God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and Tel Aviv, Israel has the biggest annual sodomy parade on the entire Asian continent, beating far bigger countries. It's time to remember that modern Israel is a secular country created by the British empire/Rothschilds and maintained by American Zionists/neocons. There is nothing Godly or divine about any of that.
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i am going with the black maga hat.
its dark maga time.
Not really a white tho. Just happen to have that flag by your name. Denounce the Quran and the Talmud
Imagine if Trump just straight up announced at the RNC that he's calling on all patriotic Americans to rally armed and armored to protect him until the election like a Praetorian guard.
If it weren't already a done deal, this photo made his win a done deal.
Assuming it's not a really good fake, the fact that he got his ear pierced is 100% magic
If this leads to TKD, then sure. Otherwise, globohomo still exists and everything is still just getting worse.
It's almost like Biden pissed off the people who own the media
kek my apologies, indeed he has no wolf pelt on his shoulders. the tubes in the skull always confuse me between the two and also angron when he wasn't demon prince. I shall do better next time.
Perturabo totally would also brink the coffe jug tho, since it is more efficient use of both his time and glassware.
Yeah, we took another step forward toward being a poverty-stricken, unarmed Palestinian tier society.
That photo makes the female agent look like she's clinging to Trump for help, not covering him.
Also, something bugs me about the guy in sunglasses NOT protecting Trump but moving away from him leaving him wide open.
I'm proud of living in the same continent as the United States.
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well, there are two links.
ebay = https://www.ebay.com/itm/126545094119

and the "WinRed" Republican National Committee =


pic attached is also on ebay for 11
bucks: https://www.ebay.com/itm/196479678141
but i am going with dark maga.
it fits the mood.
UC Berkely graduate?
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>verification not required
Why is she ducking? Is she protecting his lower extremities? The shooter was aiming at his head.
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fuck yeah.
it makes me fucking mean man.
these cock snots have no idea how much this pissed me the fuck off.

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This event has absolutely shifted the energy. I genuinely feel proud to be an American. We just witnessed history in the making, this picture is gonna be remembered for centuries. Even though I think Trump is kiked out and isn't the greatest president, he's definitely become a symbol of the American spirit & resistance to globohomo whether earned or not. The magic is back. WE are back. I feel good bros.
Sorry but actions prove otherwise. Everyone that seethe about israel is a miserable loser that cant stop losing. Those who protect israel are rewarded with divine favor. Embrace zionism like hitler did.
i think it's funny how the media refuses to call it an assassination lol
Thanks. I look forward to the avalanche of spam mail sent to my mailbox
>Yesterday I was proud to be an American for the first time in years.
unironically this, trump is a bona fide patriot
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Me too brother. If Hamas attacks us, I'm ready to go enlist to fight Iran. Every American should be patriotc. This country has been so good to us white men and Israel has been our greatest ally. I almost became an antisemitic white nationalist but thank God I became a GOP voter instead.
If they do, that just further cements that Trump is going to win. a
Assassinations happen because someone hates the person so much they want them dead, which in this case, only happened through mainstream media radicalization of a young mind. An "incident" leaves it up to interpretation that it could have been a freak accident with someone with no intent.
Trump would lay down his life for this country
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The energy is electric. You know it’s back because you can feel it even if you don’t want to. It hums. I’ve been putting off getting back to lifting for months, using the heat as an excuse. If Trump can take a bullet for me I can lift the weights. I can be the best American I can be for him.
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haha that happened to me on the last one i got from the official Trump store.
they were selling for over $300 at one point.
glad i have that one. they are elite.
the black one just feels right.
now is the time of dark maga,
vengeance is ours.
What are you talking about? They didnt at first because of standard media etiquette. The media isnt against Trump like they were in 2016. Trump has a massive base of jewish support with Miriam Adelson, Ike Perlmutter, Steve Schwarzman, Bill Ackman, Bernie Marcus and several others.
Same brother. A lot of us were. Even one of my moderate liberal friends said it made them feel patriotic.
You're not American.
That's just some bullshit that gets in the way.
Imagine if he wasn't vaccinated
He didnt even pay for the legal defense of January 6th supporters. Some of them are still in prison. Leftists have lawyers guilds that bail antifa scum out the second they get locked up. Trump bailed on than Jan 6 guys like a coward. He pardoned some jews and niggers but not them.
>Yesterday I was proud to be an American for the first time in years.

What a great time for you to donate to AIPAC , to help make America great again.. support your jew and shabbo goy patriot. With your help we can defeat communism. Donate NOW
south america and north america are different continents
>He didnt even pay for the legal defense of January 6th supporters. Some of them are still in prison
Oh fuck yeah, I like him even more. Fuck LARPers
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Uhhh sweetie don't you read the news? He fell over and had to be led off stage by the Secret Service. Embarrassing!
it was pretty based
And then everyone clapped
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Because what reason would Horus need coffee for? He's jacked up on chaos koolaid
>Perturabo totally would also brink the coffe jug tho, since it is more efficient use of both his time and glassware.
Now you understand.
I don't even wear hats and I'm not even really on the MAGA train because of Trump's allegiance to Israel, but I want the keepsake
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We are SO BACK!
>Trump's allegiance to Israel
This is the one thing from ever making me jump on board with him. Otherwise I think he had a good run the first time domestically
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>but have you considered JEW ZIONISTS.
Just shut the fuck up. Annoying petulant children.
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i find Trump to be even more gangster than he ever was.
the fact that these pieces of shit tried to convict him in a fake ass kangaroo court, they arrested him, dragged him through the mud, and now shot him?
yeah.. its on now.
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are you Picrel by any chance? Your shit gives me similar vibes.
That angel looks jewy
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The only thing he didn't have was the nigger vote, and surviving an assassination attempt then fist pumping is the sort of shit that would impress niggers.
It makes the left seem like the pharisees and childish. Trump is now elevated to a messiah figure and they are agent smiths
>"God" saved Trump
>Shows Woman angel
>looks jewy
Indeed. Maybe that what they call Shekinah
>mad stormfag noises
Uh, why?
What did you do?
Don’t matter they still hate to see any goy succeed and rally other white people.
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Nothing wrong with loving your country and people. But, you have an anti-White parasite known as the jews flooding the West due Americans's lack of noticing. We suffer today, while you suffer tomorrow.
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its dark maga time
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Today we are all MAGA
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Dood is sick
I feel the buzz to anon
He looks 25 years old here
Reddit is still shitting itself I see. Good to know. :3
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>god-send David

They have been meeming the whole trump is king David thing for a while heard so many ultra maga Q tards claim that he is king David plus the lion symbolism aka lion of Judah .....and then there is shit like pic rel. They really want to push the whole anointed by God messianic trump
>lower case t
bro i laugh at a good tRump meme but that is straight ass. wtf? why would you post that cringe?
The claim was that Trump would die for this country and its not true. Any goy that makes it to billionaire status in jewmerica is thoroughly selfish. That's why jews like him. And whenever they call in a favor, like sending US troops to fight for Israel, Trump will oblige. He's a good politician but he's transactional and not some selfless ideologue.
This picture is a huge neckpill

It really is all about neck girth in the end
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Proud we live in Africa Tier shit hole where Democrats can Openly call for and commit acts of terror While republicans just hide and say 2 more weeks as We continue to send Billions to JEWKRAINE and ISRAEL
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>Russian collusion hoax

Russia, Russia, Russia.

Billionaires on suicide watch.
Damn. Alright, time to hit the weights
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You literally Photoshop the man to look like the faggot you voted for.
Woman cowers.
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>muh Russia Russia Russia
It was very inspiring.
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retard alert
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TRUST THE PLAN! Future proves past!
As is natural. They need to stop being told they can be warriors. They are physiologically and hormonally not fitted to it. Terrible hand-eye coordination. Bad spatial awareness. Adrenaline+testosterone cocktail not present.
It's different when Trump is rallying White people for Israel. The kikes running leftist media know that Trump is their guy. They attack him within certain bounds and understand that their criticism gives Trump clout with the right wing populace. We saw Trump's presidency, he's not an outsider now. Jews can get the same compliace out of him as Biden with the bonus of getting more White men to join the military with war on the horizon.
I’m gonna head to my local gym right now because of your post anon, we’re both gonna make it
Trump IRL is completely controlled by jewish money. There's no difference under either party because jewish power supercedes any branch of government. Jews like the great replacement and it stays on regardless. They like war for Israel and they'll get it regardless. Until they're removed from power like 1930's Germany the postuting between the left and right here is performative.
you two can fag each other when you meet in the military
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>complete fucking retard tries to shoot presidential candidate in act of political violence
>"omg i'm so proud"
Good goy. Keep getting played like a piano.
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holy shit.
the fact that this happened just warms my cold dark heart.

Yeah the book titled the downfall of the American empire
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American values, courage, strength, sense of justice. Trump couldve fucked off and just been a billionaire and run the Apprentice forver but hes litterally dodging bullets for freedom, not to mention the bs legal cases and being attacked every single day since he came down the stairs and announced he was running.

They are still trying to destroy America but they will fail. You lose faggots, freedom wins
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Hell yeah. You want to go enlist in the US military tomorrow? I'm ready to go fight for America in Iran or even China. These politicians have been so good to us I'm willing to defend their way of life. Maybe jews will let us secure our borders if we defend theirs first. I missed out on 9/11, maybe well get another one so I can prove my patriotism. Semper fi brother.
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been there done that.
Former Trump 2024
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Hell yeah. Tell your children, friends and family to enlist. We need to defend this great nation of ours. Joe Biden is a good man and his cabinet are taking good care of us. I will gladly lay my life down for them and every non-white illegal immigrant who comes here. People say the Great Replacement is a bad thing but I just see it as a recruiting opportunity. Diversity is our strength and it helps to always remember what we're fighting for.
Total coincidence he used a Q phrase after being shot
>But have you considered DA JEWS?
Embarrassing post.
So whoever’s decision it was to hang that flag horizontally there got a raise right?
You were asked why, but you haven't answered.
it was a stupid question.
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many men.. many many many men..

Many men wish death upon me
Blood in my eye, dawg, and I can't see
I'm tryin' to be what I'm destined to be
And niggas tryin' to take my life away (C'mon)
I put a hole in a nigga for fuckin' with me
My back on the wall, now you gon' see
Better watch how you talk when you talk about me
'Cause I'll come and take your life away

Now man, these pussy niggas puttin' money on my head
Go on and get your refund, motherfucker, I ain't dead
I'm the diamond in the dirt that ain't been found
I'm the underground king and I ain't been crowned
When I rhyme, somethin' special happened every time
I'm the greatest, somethin' like Ali in his prime
I walk the block with the bundles, I've been knocked on the humble
Swing the ox when I rumble, show your ass what my gun do
Got a temper, nigga, go 'head, lose your head
Turn your back on me, get clapped and lose your legs
I walk around, gun on my waist, chip on my shoulder
'Til I bust a clip in your face, pussy, this beef ain't over
Why is this guy's hand so small? Look at that tiny fist. Embarrassing lol
Fight fight fight is not a Q phrase you 53 IQ covert nigger.
>Yesterday I was proud to be an American for the first time in years.
You still haven't been able to say why. My guess is you can't.
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He’s beginning to believe
Still not dying for ZOG kek
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i am back in the game now.
all that shit in the past just went out the window.
my meme game is strong and i intend on breaking these bitches.
I was proud of you too.
>Because all we do is win.
Zog candidates running against zog president with dementia nearly gets assassinated by incel antifa woke faggot.
Everything bad about this is American. How exactly are you winning? If anything this is showing your decline.

You should be sad that Trump didn't get killed, because that would have triggered an instant civil war in which the military and police would have joined in to genocide the Dems.
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>denying the JQ
Go fight for these anti-white kikes who enjoy watching our population percentage fall as they invite millions of shitskins to live in our home. They steal the wealth of working class whites through obscene usury but we should be patriotic for some reason. Sorry kike, patriotism is cringe and statistically dead. Fight your own wars.
He posted it not less than 8 times. I guess you are unable to do basic internet
This guy understands it. We just supposed to jump on the Zionist bandwagon now or what?
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Trust the plan. Where we go one, we go all!
>he's definitely become a symbol of the American spirit & resistance to globohomo
He IS globohomo you trailer trash retard
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Media Matters, JIDF, Glows, and Reddit absolutely SEETHING
You post like someone who came to this board from /r/The_Donald thinking this board is supposed to be some kind of echo chamber of Republican talking points.
yeah, that's what i'm getting at here. or we're overestimating the level of competence they actually have.
I'm a seal team 6 air team blowhard and I approve of this message
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You know, you look like your head fell in the cheese dip back in 1957.
Same but then I remembered how him and Biden sucked Jewish cock during their presidential debate

>August 5th

Damn, I will actually buy a paper copy when its out.
>not Adeptus Custodes
The shooting was predicted here:
(11 minutes)
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the vanilla gorilla is awake.
these pussy bitches woke up the sleeping giant.
Every American President keeps the title for the rest of his life, you uncultured swine.
>120 meters away
>poverty pony ar rifle
>1.2 moa at best, assuming super sperg ammo
>just graze my head bro
Yuroshitters should be insta barred from talking about topics involving firearms
This. My mother tried to correct me today by saying "FORMER President" after I had said "an assassination attempt on the president"

I just paused and corrected her, saying "He still retains the title of 'President Trump', just like all the others"
>get shot and survive
like a true gangster
No one cares about your stupid sandnigger dispute. Death to all Muslims and Jews
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mother fucking right.
I’m unironically going to vote for trump because of this
Zion Don who sold America to Israel in his first term gets shot

Mutts - " i am super proud of him"

Cant solve low IQ of Mutts
Why would the FOUR leaf clover represent the TRINITY, rather then the THREE leafed shamrock
how has it been larping as a wignat for 8 years?
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Proud to be a zionist or Israeli you mean. I'm sorry but that's why you are a clown living in a clown world theatre.
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>CNN investigates
lol. lmao
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The anime Dr stone was clever. A little bit too clever. Every human in the world is turned to stone. A small number of people break free and start moving again. They immediately set a plan to free other prisoners of stone. A devilish plot is uncovered, the world was put to sleep by an evil sex cult who enslaved mankind. Sounds eerily similar to something else. We can assume awakening and ascendance are known concepts to our rulers
many men
many many many men
First thing you'll notice about fifty cent is that he's a nigger. Secondly you'll notice that his music was written by Jews. Thirdly you'll notice that's impossible, but if Jews didn't write it then who did. Finally you'll realize the chain of supply has been hacked at the point of labelling. What is occuring. I am the true king of Canada and America. I am open to ruling more kingdoms. Submit reasons why. My cattle are being preyed on. I'm taking a profit loss overall, each white calf is worth at least 3 brown.
i have it on repeat.
Beware of music that guides you. The songs are likely putting you into a state of hypnosis. The effects? When we are in the process of making a decision, we quickly compile every fact we think we know.
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i am initiated, honed, and disciplined.
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