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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Picrel is from thread >>474132977

need to find who owns/leases this building.
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Tax Address
Area (Acres)
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Did he bring his own ladder? kek

Great question. I have to think not which means someone left it for him, think they'll collect it or fingerprint it? Or will the FBI """lose""" the eveidence (again)?
based, thanks anon

It's former Preston Labs from this guy. Just looks pretty normal. Owner of the buildings shouldn't be a big deal.
Whoever pwns it should turn it into a bar called snipers folly.
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the owners are complicit whether they know it or not.
I'll bet there are jew rape tunnels going from there to the local elementary school too.
headed there now to do a ground sweep, will report back later.
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hmm did they move the body
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There are four businesses in the plaza, agr is second from the end. The shop at the end is a silicon extrusion/manufacturing, contracted by pstd ltd (pennsylvania sex toy dildo limited)
It was a dildo factory making simulated cocks, not 100% on this, needs more research
meant to reply to >>474186384
American Glass Research is currently a division of Agr International, Inc. Initially established in 1927 as Preston Laboratories, it underwent several changes before becoming American Glass Research. Agr International, headquartered in Butler, Pennsylvania, owns and operates American Glass Research along with other facilities in Maumee, Ohio, and Delft, The Netherlands【90†source】【91†source】【92†source】【93†source】.

For more detailed information, you can visit their [website](https://americanglassresearch.com).

- [History - American Glass Research](https://americanglassresearch.com/history)【91†source】
- [About Us - American Glass Research](https://americanglassresearch.com/about-us)【92†source】
- [Headquarters - Agr International](https://www.agrintl.com/locations)【93†source】
- [Home - American Glass Research](https://americanglassresearch.com)【90†source】
Shooter had security detail information >>474170479
Roof access ladders on buildings are usually a code requirement. Any proof this is a portable ladder?
Full History of American Glass Research and Related Companies
American Glass Research was initially established in 1927 by Dr. Frank Preston as Preston Laboratories. The goal was to understand the response of glass to external forces and provide essential technical support and research for the glass container industry. Over time, Dr. Preston and his team developed crucial test procedures, many of which became ASTM standards used in quality control tests today.

In 1962, the company was sold, and its name was changed to American Glass Research. The capabilities of the company expanded to include the manufacture of quality control and laboratory scale test equipment. This evolution continued with the integration of on-line operation equipment for concurrent evaluations during container production.

In 1988, the company further expanded its product line to include equipment for evaluating and testing plastic containers. As part of this progression, the company was rebranded as Agr International, with American Glass Research established as a division under Agr International.
By 1997, American Glass Research moved to a new facility that provided increased laboratory, office, training, and storage space. This move was aimed at cultivating an environment reminiscent of the early days of Preston Laboratories, focusing on supporting the industry with a dedicated team of researchers.

Further expanding its services, American Glass Research acquired West Analytical Services in Maumee, Ohio. This acquisition allowed them to offer compositional analysis, USP/EP testing, raw material analysis, glass property testing, and heavy metal analysis to their customers.

In 2018, Agr International opened a new testing laboratory in Delft, the Netherlands. This facility aimed to provide numerous benefits to customers, including shorter turnaround times and the convenience of transacting business in the same language, time zone, and currency (American Glass Research) (American Glass Research) (Agr International) (Agr International).

Executives of Agr International and American Glass Research
Testing Staff:

William G. Slusser
David Machak
Peter de Haan
Dr. Wenke Hu
Dr. Brandon Aldinger
Doug Holscher
Brad Salitrik
Gary Smay
Dominic Baker
Linda Pilosi
Tim Barr
Patience Zimmer
Rick Bayer
Jennifer Hu-a-ng
Analytical Staff:

Neal T. Nichols
Brian D. Mitchell
Carolyn Wuenstel
Canice Bileski
Sarah Couturier
Ernest P. Lippert
For more detailed information, you can visit their About Us page.
ladder is likely how zoggies gained access to the roof after the shooting, see my other posts to see how the kid accessed the roof
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from xitter
This is the kind of info we need, well done and thanks anon
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someone must have better quality image, this is from the heli feed
Executive Positions
Agr International Executives:

Henry Dimmick Jr. - Chief Executive Officer
Sudha Jebadurai - President
William Bellis - Chief Financial Officer
Robert Cowden - Chief Operating Officer
Georg Wolfe - Chief Technical Officer (PitchBook)
American Glass Research Testing Staff:

William G. Slusser - Director of Research
David Machak - Manager, Pharmaceutical Services
Peter de Haan - Research Scientist
Dr. Wenke Hu - Senior Research Scientist
Dr. Brandon Aldinger - Senior Research Scientist
Doug Holscher - Research Scientist
Brad Salitrik - Research Scientist
Gary Smay - Research Scientist
Dominic Baker - Research Scientist
Linda Pilosi - Research Scientist
Tim Barr - Research Scientist
Patience Zimmer - Research Scientist
Rick Bayer - Research Scientist
Jennifer Hu-a-ng - Research Scientist (American Glass Research)
Analytical Staff:

Neal T. Nichols - Senior Analytical Chemist
Brian D. Mitchell - Analytical Chemist
Carolyn Wuenstel - Analytical Chemist
Canice Bileski - Analytical Chemist
Sarah Couturier - Analytical Chemist
Ernest P. Lippert - Analytical Chemist (American Glass Research)
For more detailed information, you can visit their About Us page.
I wonder that too. Really, did nobody notice a random guy with a rifle wandering onto their property then trying to climb the building?
Pretty sure it's here
Executive Backgrounds and History
Henry Dimmick Jr. - Chief Executive Officer
Henry Dimmick Jr. has a strong background in the glass and packaging industry, having worked in various capacities at Agr International before becoming the CEO. He has overseen significant growth and strategic developments within the company, including the expansion of service portfolios and global market reach. His leadership has been instrumental in maintaining Agr's position as a leader in quality assurance and process automation equipment for the packaging industry.

Sudha Jebadurai - President
Sudha Jebadurai, currently the President of Agr International, has a rich history of leadership and innovation within the company. Before her current role, she held positions that allowed her to gain extensive experience in operations and strategic planning. Sudha has been pivotal in driving the company's focus on customer satisfaction, quality improvement, and sustainability goals. Her leadership has guided Agr through significant transitions, including the acquisition by Indicor (GlassOnline) (NewsnReleases).

William Bellis - Chief Financial Officer
William Bellis serves as the Chief Financial Officer at Agr International. He brings a wealth of experience in financial management and strategic financial planning. William's expertise has been crucial in navigating the financial aspects of the company's growth and acquisitions. His role involves overseeing the financial health of the company, ensuring robust financial practices, and supporting long-term strategic goals.

Robert Cowden - Chief Operating Officer
As the Chief Operating Officer, Robert Cowden is responsible for the overall operations of Agr International. His background includes extensive experience in operational management, process optimization, and strategic implementation. Robert's leadership ensures that Agr's operations run smoothly and efficiently, aligning with the company's goals for quality and customer service.

Georg Wolfe - Chief Technical Officer
Georg Wolfe, the Chief Technical Officer, leads Agr International's technical and innovation efforts. His background in engineering and technology development has been critical in advancing Agr's product offerings. Georg oversees research and development, ensuring that Agr continues to innovate and provide cutting-edge solutions in quality assurance and process automation for the packaging industry (PitchBook).
### Government Contracts and Agencies:

1. **General Services Administration (GSA)**:
- Agr International is listed on the GSA schedule, which means they provide various products and services to federal agencies through pre-negotiated contracts. These include laboratory and in-line equipment, automated process systems, and specialized testing services.
- Source: [GSA eLibrary](https://www.gsaelibrary.gsa.gov/ElibMain/contractorInfo.do?contractNumber=GS-07F-0001Y&contractorName=AGR+INTERNATIONAL+INC&executeQuery=YES)【152†source】【153†source】.

2. **Department of Defense (DoD)**:
- They have contracts related to quality control and process automation equipment, particularly for ensuring the quality and integrity of packaging used in defense logistics.
- Source: [Government Contracts](https://www.governmentcontracts.us/government-contractors/company-BSG2414566-agr-international-inc-Butler-PA.htm)【144†source】.
3. **Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)**:
- Contracts for specific projects such as replacing parking lot lighting at FAA facilities indicate Agr’s involvement in infrastructure and facility upgrades, ensuring compliance with stringent federal standards.
- Source: [Government Contracts](https://www.governmentcontracts.us/government-contracts/opportunity-details/NBD00159892421132053.htm)【144†source】.

4. **Other Federal Agencies**:
- Agr International's listing in the Interagency Contract Directory (ICD) suggests their equipment and services are available for use by various federal agencies under multiple contract vehicles, including Indefinite Delivery Vehicles (IDVs), Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs), and Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs).
- Source: [Interagency Contract Directory](https://www.contractdirectory.gov/contractdirectory/)【152†source】.

For detailed and specific information about each contract, including financial details and performance periods, you would typically need access to procurement databases such as SAM.gov or direct inquiries with the contracting agencies involved. You can visit Agr International’s [official website](https://www.agrintl.com) or check the [SAM.gov](https://sam.gov/content/opportunities) for more details on their federal contract engagements.
Department of Defense Contracts with Agr International
Agr International, Inc. is involved in several contracts with the Department of Defense (DoD), providing a variety of products and services, primarily related to quality control and process automation equipment for packaging and manufacturing. Below is a detailed list of DoD contracts that Agr International has been awarded:

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Contracts:

Contract for Facilities Maintenance, Repair, and Operations Supplies: Agr International provides various maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) supplies under a firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract. This contract supports the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.
Contract ID: SPE8E3-24-D-0003.
Source: Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support.
Naval Sea Systems Command Contracts:

Contract for MK 41 Vertical Launching System Production: Agr International supports the MK 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) production requirements. This contract involves both domestic and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) to allied countries.
Contract ID: N00024-23-C-5325.
Source: Naval Sea Systems Command.
Army Corps of Engineers Contracts:
Contract for Demolition and Construction Services: Agr International is involved in a firm-fixed-price contract for demolition, building relocation/reconstruction, and construction. This contract includes work in various locations and supports multiple Army engineering projects.
Contract ID: W912HN-24-C-4001.
Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Contracts:

Contract for IT Multi-Network Support Services: Agr International provides information technology multi-network support services under a significant modification to a previously awarded task order. This contract supports various research and development initiatives.
Contract ID: HR001121F0006.
Source: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Navy Environmental Restoration and Infrastructure Contracts:

Contract for Environmental Restoration and Infrastructure Projects: Agr International supports the Navy's Environmental Restoration, Navy (ER,N) program and other infrastructure projects, particularly in the Pacific region.
Contract ID: N62742-23-D-1802.
Source: Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command.
well the property is owned by the glass company. i don't or cant find any information about commercial renters.
we have no way to know for sure unless someone spotted him scaling up the roof throught the back shed, the rifle could possible already been hidden/stashed nearby as not to attract attention
we will never know for sure
we dont even know if the kid drove or had vehicle nearby, at least i havent seen those reports
yes this was another aspect, how did he get to the site
there have been reports today that police found explosive devices in the shooters vehicle. I am assuming he drove it to the rally
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two ladders
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hmm this report makes it sound like the vehicle was at his home
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maybe not
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trump saw a big pair of nice BOOBA and turned his head to look, just in time to dodge the shot.
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just gets weirder
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Just a query, how the fuck does >>474186384
relate to picrel? Look at the roof length and color.
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That's the cops ladder he used another one you can see in the same Sky News feed
Arizona is a CIA stronghold.
bumping the best thread
(You)r picrel is a severely oblique view from the ground, in comparison to the drone view pics.
different reflections, also the side wall colors barely show in drone view and the drone camera chroma is different from the cellphone vid still
Saw or read somewhere today the rally was held at Butler Farm Show. https://butlerfarmshow.com/
that could also be a police ladder, we will never know for sure
>Butler Farm Show
yeah we need digging on this as well
entire location and perimeter
Are you fucking kidding me??
American GLASS RESEARCH????????
His handler glownigger thought of everything.
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also i cant help but notice that glowies moved the body
Second ladder matches eye witness saying he saw him running across roof 2 to jump on to the gap, then crawl up roof 1
There would be a cuckshed involved.
>Second ladder matches eye witness
see my other posts, my theory is he got access in between the two buildings through the shed, which is more obscure and out of sight

also here are two witness testimonies i could find

havent seen any reports of eye witness seeing him scale or climb up
maybe he just teleported
Thank you, it’s rare to find just an objective take on anything these days. Also wanted to add that Act Blue and other Far Leftist groups were encouraging Dems to register Republican so they could vote for Trump’s Republican opponents in the primaries. Afterwards, they were/are instructed to switch back to Blue.
i mean he almost got him
there's no way the shooter got that close without first practicing which was the best spot to lay on, right?
would be helpful if someone could geolocate where the vehicle is in this pic >>474197787
i dont think he would be carrying a ladder and/or ladder through a crowd of people
either he got dropped off on site or he already had the tools necessary located in place and walked there
Top left pic is supposedly from a drone (the xitter that claimed that got nuked lol)
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>would be helpful if someone could geolocate where the vehicle is in this pic >>474197787(You)
>practicing which was the best spot to lay on
if not him, his handlers.
Which I'm thinking is more and more likely by the minute
The video of the libshit that keeps getting posted was at ASU
>ladder and/or rifle*
meh im tired
Am I the only one baffled by the crowds behind trumps reaction? Watch the video and you can see multiple people just smiling the entire time, like there wasn't someone actively shooting at them moments ago. I would circle them in mspaint if I wasn't phoneposting.
which means,
we should be viewing GoogleEarth historical pics over the past 6 months or so for that building/location
They’re Incorporated. From the “Our History” tab
On their website: “ As acreage became available, several tracts were purchased, and at present over 100 acres are owned by the Butler Farm Show. About 12 years after the founding of the Farm Show, the grass airstrip on the grounds was replaced with a 2,200 ft. black-topped airstrip, which was named in honor of W. L. Roe, who contributed a great deal to the Farm Show.”

Board of Directors:

President – Ken Laughlin, Butler
Vice President – Ben Patton, Prospect
Treasurer – Cody Stephenson, Chicora
Board Secretary – Ken Metrick, Butler
Recording Secretary – Sandie Lefever, Butler
According to that guy he went from second roof to first roof by crossing 'the gap', He didn't see him climb only when he was already running across roof 2 to the gap.
He used the ladder beside the grey box it's the obvious explanation.
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Actual pro shooter was inside the building and fired through fake window.
see >>474191948
He's just checking to ensure no pulse
No you are not. My first reaction was that the whole thing seemed staged. Not just the crowd behind Trump, but also the SS’ body language. I said as much to my family (there were 7 of us watching) but only 1 agreed, sort of weakly. Now 24 hrs later I’m not so sure. But yea very odd was my gut instinct.
Maybe jumped up from this little shed right here. I've been trying to figure this out myself.
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i mean its possible but dont think the angle would match with the elevation of the podium and where one of the bullets hits the hydraulic cylinder (picrel)
that was not my point, if u check that picture and the heli pic it appears like they moved the body
this landing area must have cameras, i would assume he would avoid this side but then again he was on a sucide mission so its entirely possible
Yes that is the only critical thing to know, how did a drone pic of the guy at what appears the same event appear immediately. Some cop must have leaked that

Also this: https://news.wttw.com/2024/07/14/bomb-making-materials-found-vehicle-and-home-donald-trump-rally-shooting-suspect-law
"A local law enforcement officer climbed to the roof and found Crooks, who pointed the rifle at the officer. The officer then retreated down the ladder, and the gunman quickly fired toward Trump, the officials said. That’s when U.S. Secret Service gunmen shot him, the officials said."
The cuckshed doesn't appear close/tall enough you could climb up there unless you brought equip. However we have 2 ladders on the other side and it's a glass company, they could easily have work trucks with ladders
That was in 2020
Isn't AZ where the video of the screaming leftist was recorded? He say's kill all fascists and Republicans and so on.
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fair point, hard to judge the height of that shed
i made a new illustration where i believe he gained access to the roof
unless he went around the building in front of crowds of people whilst carrying a rifle i dont see any other way
he could have also went throught the north side of the building to evade the crowds
Video of the shooter climbing up the building
Can we get a webm.
first time seeing this one
doesnt show him climbing the roof though
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Explain the shooters ladder? He climbed up from a different spot?
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Possibly 3 or more
How did they get a top down view on him while he was alive?

The evidence that AGR is somehow linked to the shooting is flimsy. The shooter climbed onto the root with a ladder. If he got onto the roof by entering the building then you might have some circumstantial evidence.
sloppy job
they could've just called it in to the secret service

thats the mystery, apparently its leaked pic from a drone which means glowies were already watching him
Looks like he used a small ladder here to get to the rooftop. >>474198098
How did he get the rifle up there?
was it in a bag/case
didn't anyone see him carrying a bag-rifle?
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why do they not use drones? youtube 4k walking videos use them, among others. you'd get some good b-roll crowd footage as well.
who nose
It was also the first image that we had of him too. From the fringing of the image it looks like the photo was taken through optics? Look at the top right hand corner, it looks like the pic is circular but has been cropped rectangular
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looks like that columbine kid reincarnated. 'night of the living dylan,' you might say
>leaked pic from a drone which means glowies were already watching him
So where's the footage of him climbing on to the roof with rifle?
We still don’t know who shot Crook which is crazy
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I doubt we will ever get the footage from these people recording the shooter.
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nah its just the corner from a xitter or other social media screencap, i still havent found the original source who leaked it and to whom
heres one without the rounded corner

so many questions
very few answers
That red haired dude said he literally watched him scale the building with a rifle, while pointing it out to police. You'd just have to find him and ask specifics
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So sus >>474214810
wonder if they make bulletproof glass, lol
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Will we get a manifesto?
It was Saturday.
Witness said he had it on a strap and was hitting himself with it as he ran.
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hours of site planning defeated by a ladder.
the water tower had nearly full site view.
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His last post
>The local police officer climbed to the roof and encountered Crooks, who pointed his rifle at the officer
>The officer retreated down the ladder and Crooks quickly took a shot
What the everliving fuck? So cops saw a rifleman on the roof at the presidential campaign rally... and they were nah, ill give him a few more minutes.
based llmanon
Remember when they tried spinning the narrative that he was hit by a piece of glass?
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I bet there are actual fbi agents here using the autistic pics for their investigation instead of them being out in the field
Sometimes a building is just a building
Is it hard to believe that one guy just did this on his own successfully, it seems plausible that the feds could have helped him or held off the snipers, but also deniable because he is dead.
the set-up was successful
the shot was missed though
also fired on unarmed civilians
deserved to get lit up completely
AGR was sold to Indicor in 2022
Indicor is owned by Clayton, Dubilier & Rice LLC
Owner is Brookings insitute and Council on foreign relations
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From what I gather, the cop startled the shooter, and caused him to fire at Trump.
Honestly I'm impressed he was able to set up a ladder at all です
I remember that video from the CHAZ in 2020 where a whole crown of retarded leftists were fumbling around trying to figure out how to use one ladder
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Texas School Book Depository
Ruth Paine
In that case, the owners were in cahoots with the Jewish Mafia. Can you make such ties in this assassination attempt?
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They are scrubbing his public records.
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Good angle of him climbing.
any idea precisely when in the timeline that was taken?
Best guess, right before he was fully on top of the roof.
He was in the middle of the building approaching up. His view may have been partially blocked by the stands and couldn't be fully behind the trees.
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you guys need to think more esoteric
I use the Richard C Hoagland test on all time shift events
it was meant to happen . . . .
Nikki Haley was to be Pres and WW3 and NWO the end goal (R or D is irrelevant)
T has some dimensional reality protection shit going on
What are you solving for?
Schizo maths.
he got off, what, eight shots?
they allowed him that many
He was seen by dozens of bystanders *prior* to opening fire; isn't that SS's job?
>Billions of years of galactic evolution
>Relative position of random star
>Predict future of apes on rock 80T km away

Take your meds
I saw the 19.55 and first thing that came to mind was Hyper-dimensional Physics then I saw your mention of Hoagland after a scroll.
I hear 5 shots from the shooter and three counter shots
This was my experience going to a Trump rally in 2016 too. They were just vaguely waving metal detector wands near bucketloads of people that were piling in
I believe you're right. The fact this happened 2 days before the election, it's now obvious why they were throwing Biden under the bus. Run Nikki Haley (or Desantis maybe, idk but probably Nikki because she has delegates) against Wet Paper Bag Biden.
I meant convention lol but you get what I mean
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>yup, that's glass
>this happened 2 days before
It also happened 2 days after July 11th,
the original day on which Judge Merchan was supposed to have thrown Trump's ass in jail.

also the recent threat-implied statements by JB both in an interview, and a donor phone call regarding DJT
Democrats have been deliberately reassigning security detail that is meant for Trump to their politicians.
check out this pic >>474220325
the sniper team the widely seen rooftop vid aren't the ones that delivered the killshot
Shooter knew of Counter sniper positions?

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