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Don't believe your lyin' eyes.
another guy?
Nah, I have my money on the autistic, bullied kid
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The original guy before they started shilling Crook.
compare the ears dude, the two little nubs near the top of his ear matches thomas'..
If we have his criminal record, we have his name. If we have his name, we can search his social media. There's got to be pictures out there that will bridge the gap from the left to the right pic.
enough cope, facial hair doesn't match and Max looks way older even 7 years ago
the face doesn't really add up, it's not a scar from his stretched ears it's blood and he can't grow facial hair.
They've scrubbed everything. Nobody has heard from Max in nearly a day now.
>left has gauged ears
>right doesn't
>earlobes don't just stretch shut after gauging them
Retard Alert!
now that im looking at it, the end of the line that looks like a scar on the dead guy isnt close enough to the jaw bone for that to be the sewn up gauge scar. i think the shooter was crooks
also the picture on the left is 8 years old, so yeah.
All shilling and kikery make it hard to know anything
300 win mag is based holy shit. Probably liquify too much meat in a deer but for moose or bear.. Hmm.
some moron just started spamming him here and then other idiots took it as fact and spread it, like roger stone, who thinks he's real clever hiding his 4chan browsing by calling it "his sources"
nobody knows where the maxwell posting actually came from, unlike the other guy, jewgazing, who was just pretending to be the shooter to troll people, you can follow that one back
this one came out of nowhere and they've been pushing it all day even after official information was released

someone is trying really hard to make this a conspiracy theory but the fact is that Maxwell is in his late 30s by now and the incident that happened to him in 2017 is completely fucking irrelevant to anything

all of this information can be found with a quick google search
shooter and maxwell have the sexy tranny philtrum above the lips, deep state narrative with “their” shooter doesn’t
Eye brows are different. Everything else is similar.
>verification not required
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his gauge was obviously stitched up, chances are someone ripped it out. You can see the scar. Lying kike.
Crooks doesn't even have the same hair color, and he has neckbeard hair growth. Shooter doesn't.
But are they both missing?
The shills dive the thread then quickly move on once exposed. I have seen more than enough.

Your heads will rollolololol
>They've scrubbed everything
Google had the “results are changing rapidly “ disclaimer up all day. Very fishy
>they've been pushing it all day even after official information was released
So you’re pushing the FBI narrative?
The goal now should be to try to find this guy. If he cannot be found, it's him or he's involved and got v&
Member when the CIA shot kennedy, from several locations, and they said the shot came from the book depository, behind him, yet the exit wound was on the back of his head? Also the magic bullet that hit him, turned 90 degrees and hit governor connally ?
keep spreading this. chances are we won't find him because he has either been exposed of or was sent overseas.

do we really have any other choice but force? The NAP has been violated. We are fighting a hot-cold asymmetrical war as I type.
Hairline does not match guy on right
neither does color
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Checked. The more shills claim the science is settled, the more I will post his name
could it be blood, and not a scar from having the gauge hole stitched?
regardless, still looks a lot closer to the antifa guy than this Thomas dude they're pushing; the dead body's lip shape is a lot more pronounced than Thomas' who has a flatter top lip
that is the claim but you would have to be a gullible idiot to take that at face value. or someone trying to spin a false narrative. This was just like JFK and we are the people at the ground level. If we don't care, the world will not either.
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They lie about everything.
yeah, I wish we got clearer photos of the dead body, but that's pretty difficult to acquire unless some fed has access to it now
>the dead body's lip shape is a lot more pronounced than Thomas
Yep, they got sloppy because anons were already onto the real killer.
You can see the eye in the dead picture. It's Just barely open on the right. The eye color matches the color of max not the other kid. as pictured here >>474189754
Can't we just proof of life this Yearwick guy and sort this out?
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I hope you guys realize what is coming. Tie up any loose ends and liberate yourselves from your attachments. Otherwise you will not be able to see or fight clearly, without inhibition.

Now might be a good day to start reading Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War'. Make no mistake, we are in one.
Someone more schizo than me please analyze the two faggots lips compared to the dead faggots lips.

Seems right side has thin lips. Dead guy doesn't, matches more of the fullness of the left guy. Also upper lip points up on dead fag and fag on left.
But facial hair growth pattern doesn't match left guy. Nor does it look like he requires eye glasses.

My heads full of fuck
Surely there exists a better photo of Yearick's right ear somewhere. That or proof of life could instantly debunk this if it's false.
holy shit you are right, I didn't even realize you could see his pupil

Can someone enhance and separate the colors using photoshop so we can get a RGB value?
picture of Maxwell alive is 8 years old
What I find strange is that neither of these 2 guys have come out and made a post about being alive and not involved whatsoever

If I was being blamed for shooting at the president, I'd post proof of life immediately on all my social medias to dispel the claims; unless the feds already wiped the Thomas kid from existence (shooter HAS to be this Max guy)

>ear shape matches
>lip shape matches
>teeth seem to match, but no confirmation
>eyebrow shape matches, just plucked/trimmed more in the death pic
>hairline similar
>chin/jawline more square/broad than the pointed one Thomas has
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Remember to think Hiroshimoot for buying 4chan. The Japanese loyalists have been on our side from the beginning.

Final Fantasy games and similar teach us one thing. To destroy the corrupt kingdom and the false god's throne.
Ears match Crooks guy more, anyway. I don't think that's a sutured close gage hole either. Just blood. Need more photos though of dead body. The lips certainly don't match Crooks.
>History is rewritten in real time
We 1984!
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bump. yearick looks like dax from acid bath but in all seriousness why go out of the way to make up this matthew thomas guy? Only thing I can see is that the optics might be better if the shooter was politically ambiguous. Ord
I can see it being both of those faggots, dammit
Someone posted a picture of the corpse showing that the ear shape was modified in photo editing software. I don't have the original post sadly. We aren't the only ones working on this thankfully. That doesn't mean we should all get tired and take a nap and let the professionals handle it though. *Yawn*
bingo. Maxwell Yearick was anti-fa with multiple assaults at Trump rallies. He was then fighting in Ukraine.

Obviously this cannot be allowed to reach the mainstream.
>why go out of the way to make up this matthew thomas guy?
Maybe to cover their tracks. Avoid any incriminating evidence pointing to the handler
Nose looks more like left then right to me
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using arrested antifa along with ukranian zogbots was their MO at january 6th makes sense they wouldn't want american voters to connect the dots
Something else to be aware of. The picture of Crooks before the shooting was cropped and doesn't show his pants.

This picture likely did not come from the event, but rather was something the feds had on file, due to the same shirt being worn with somewhat of a similar appearance.

No one knows where this picture came from. It just appeared to fill the narrative. This is more than sus. It is blatant.

We are at war and it has just turned hot.
Eyebrows don’t match, nose don’t match.
Christ you guys really are fucking face blind.
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forgot pic. cropped, doesn't show pants, came from nowhere, claimed to be drone footage, but I was told no drones were allowed at the event for security reasons.
only thing that connects this man to the shooter is his shirt. They likely abducted this dude before the shooting and planted explosives in his residence. standard mo
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first time doing something like this, but you can see the resemblance of the Maxwell guy by simply tracing their faces
Was the shooter wearing glasses when on the roof?
What's betting that the gun's serial number comes back as a weapon that was supposed to be shipped to Ukraine but some how found its way to antifa. Armaments destined for Ukraine never leaving US soil and secretly arming the left. They'd need a different shooter and backstory to prevent the 'wrong' questions being asked.
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>tfw cope over being a registered republican
>tfw cope over demo ranch shirt
>tfw cope over identity

Holy fuck. You fucking brain rotted retards on the right are killing me.
Skull shape and brows match to right.
forgot nose on the left pic but still closer to him than Thomas
I didn't see any but I wasn't exactly looking for them, will give a look now
Nobody is ever going to hear from Max again, because he's dead on top of a roof.
People have different kinds of expressions, retard.
look at the chin... it doesn't match at all. Crooks chin is pointed, triangular. Yearick however has a matching chin and every other fucking feature the corpse has.
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fuck off kike

we will not just stop in the US but we will rout out every single influential member in your op.

your days are fucking numbered jew
Thomas has a nigger nose. Shooters nose matches Maxwell.
No shit nigger, but changing your expression doesn't change your lip shape
If it did I'd walk around with massive nigger lips all the time
Look at the noses : Crooks had two pinholes as nostrils !
you can 100% tell by the nose
yeah, I forgot to trace the nose but even without it it's blatantly obvious
What is a lion eye?
>dead shooter pic within hours
Still more evidence than they've released about Sandy Hook in 11 years.
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just a heads up shills changing to spam/ off topic mode to detail thread

you fucked with the wrong anon, faggot ass bitches.

come knock on my door I fucking dare you
The pic of the guy they are calling the shooter has a shorter face than the dead guy pic, facial hair didnt match dead dude... OP pic looks more realistic for a match.
Go look in a mirror. Look at your lip shape when keeping your face relaxed while letting your jaw hang so that your mouth opens a bit, then clench your jaw and put on the goofiest wide smile as possible. You should notice that your face looks somewhat different.
With Three months of gym and a haircut that dude have could live as a Chad. Instead he died like a retard
hey faggot


you're fucking fired nigger

Oy very!
Yeah that’s the same guy. The dead body pic looks nothing like the 20 yr old autistic kid. 20 yr old kid had no facial hair either. Wtf is goin on here?
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someone needs to contact Thomas' dad and share this with him.
CIA going to dissolve his body in acid now?
its a cover up in real time

rightoids are arguing about his voter registration and missing what is right in front of their fucking faces
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Mossad killed jfk my guy.
CIA was possibly involved but lets make sure we name the jew when they do heinous shit.
>different hair
oh hi glownigger I see you in every thread relating to this guy.
That means Thomas is still alive right guys? Guys??
upset you are forced to defend an obvious mistruth? everytime someone calls you a faggot, you realize that changes who you are just a little bit, right?

Imagine selling your soul. You won't recognize yourself in the mirror in 10 years. Assuming you make it that long.
If it's Crooks that means Yearick is still alive, where is he?
they kidnapped thomas most likely, idk what they intend to do with him. swap bodies for the autopsy most likely and dispose of Yearicks.
Nope CIA will have him in custody and remember the bath tub get rid of drug lords body acid scene in breaking bad?
Meds, retard.

Nah, I am here just to shit on retards pretending to be some kind of internet detective forensics sleuths. Nothing in life brings me more happiness than knocking down incompetent retards down a notch or two.
Imagine being black bagged by the cia, tied to a chair, drugged, and shot with the same caliber rifle in the same spot as Yearicks. Knowing if you are even conscious that you are going to be killed and disposed of with your name dragged through the mud for a crime you didn't commit.

Sell your cloak and buy a sword.
>Meds, retard.
>ad hominem attack
Afraid of facts.
Wouldn't he need his glasses if he was gonna see his target?
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are you telling me the shooter was Jesus Christ himself?
good point.
Also need to know if he had iron sites or a scope.
Its the guy on the right, not the left for sure.
Poor bastard, I guess they’ll say the other guy died in Ukraine
wrong, eyebrows match, chin too
Democrats register Republican all the time so they can vote in Republican Primaries dip shit. Republicans also do this in registers Democrats. Rush Limbaugh came up with the idea in 2012 when Mitt Romney was running against Barack Obama and a whole shit load of Republicans registered as Democrats they could vote against Obama in the primary.
Not really. The shooters face appears to be long. The guy on right has a pointed or tapered chin
The eyebrows are different
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ps the guy in the drone footage that was identified as the shooter had shorter hair. Dead guy has longer darker hair.
>search his name on youtube
>find this
>see date
>see channel creation date


This is very good
If the dead body is not Crooks where is Crooks? What do you think they did to him and why would he be singled out?

According to this footage from TMZ. He has glasses and long greasy blonde hair.
Ignore Ukraine shills and other UN faggots. This guy was an antifa reddit brigade faggot fighting in Ukraine. The gig is up once this is exposed. Ukraine will fall by Russia's hand when we cut you faggots off from the tit.
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The thin eyebrows and their shape are enough to make a relatively strong match. His strange ear deformity puts the issue to bed conclusively. Notice how all the well poisoning kikes replying to you and spazzing in the thread refuse to even address the strange cartilage structure in his upper ear and how it matches other images of the kid on the right perfectly?

Oh and I just noticed when I rechecked OP, you notice how whoever made that image conveniently cropped it to hide that ear abnormality? That's awfully queer huh?
The eyebrows look different, but otherwise very similar facial features
This is game changing desu, good fucking job anon

spread this shit as far as you can
They had a picture of him wearing the same shirt that Yearick was wearing at the shooting. Notice his pants are cropped from the image. This image was tailor picked for us.
Twitter. Post it on big name accounts.
Looks like it, but they appear to sit very low on his nose. Lenses also look much thicker than cooks
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I've seen bottles of piss brighter than you. He was registered as a Republican since 18 and has re-registered since. No fucking lib I know likes demo ranch. Every onions built lib is against guns.
>b-...but Rush Limbaugh
That was the dumbest fucking pile of cope I've ever had the displeasure of reading. Get off. Touch grass. Thank me later.
save and archive this if you are serious, how did you find this, what search terms, take a screenshot of the date I will do the same
>"The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, even a god-king can bleed"
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I heard "security camera footage" but I likewise am confused how we don't have a better source.
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If it's this guy, where did his glasses go?
>how did you find this
Just youtubed his name and scrolled down a bit
What would be the point of lying about the name of a dead person?
Well, well, well. Spicy find anon
>what are contacts?
Are you this fucking retarded?
dont believe these shilling actblue guys.
That's a good question. I saw someone in a thread last night correlating the position of that photo to a concrete feature near the foundation of the building he ended up climbing onto to take the shot. Droneshot maybe? Although the quality of the photo isn't consistent with what I'd expect from a drone. Then of course the question becomes how did that photo end up posted here so quickly? I recall it was in the original sticky less than an hour after news broke.

I'm confused as to the DNA match in a few hours time.

Maybe ya know worth a question
If it wasn't Yearick, he should be alive. Simple as.
guy on the right has the same fucked up ear as the shooter
>If it's this guy, where did his glasses go?
Probably the same place his teeth went when he got blasted by the countersniper.
How would they run a biometrics match if there was nothing to compare it to since crook was never arrested before?
> the face matches pretty well
Indeed. Mouth, chin, thin beard and hair color. Crooks also has a much shorter face than the dead guy but Yearick's at that angle would fit nicely.
the dude on the left has a scraggly beard but it aint as scraggly as the dead one's
>inb4 he shaved
thats a under developed non maintained chin and the hair is much thinner
1000% agree.
are discords really still spamming this shit?
blood packet hidden in the maga hat
What does it matter who the shooter was? LOL, this is such buffoonery. Everybody knows Trump will do the jews' bidding and that's all there is to it. No left or right in the real world. Right, so Crooks has both things that tie him to the left and things that indicate he was on the right. So maybe it wasn't Crooks. The point is who cares?

> The ears match

On the other guy "Cooks" they picked / plastic surgeoned someone with similar ears as the decoy "identifier" on this person.

This does look like a matching face.

Did they swap out a different dead guy?

Really strange.

I love the anti christ but hate democrat CIA niggers.
It's Crooks. Right ear matches.
Yeah, but nose and lips are completely different.
One anon claimed that the photo of the corpse was modified in photo editing software. They extended the ear lobes before releasing the picture.
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>LOL, this is such buffoonery.





Ok although, when you look at the eyebrows it does look like cooks
Thank for the trying. Anyone have any decent AI facial recognition software? So the glowies say it’s Scott but it’s really Yearick to shill it? So Scott was suicided?
idk, I think Cook's are thicker.
Oh, Crook's. Because the other guy is Maxwell... Or whatever. Whatever. It was Crooks. And I don't see how it matters who it was anyway.
I've been away today. The guy on the right is the one the glowniggers are calling the shooter, while the guy on the left is the actual shooter? Is that correct?
When I duckduckjew Maxwell Yearick I get a bunch of results for Thomas Matthew Crooks, so I am honestly confused.
Dude on the left has a unibro.
Dude on the right's eyebrows have never met. Besides that, the ear structures are completely different, not just the sewn-up gauge.
Different hairline too.
You are a paid Trump shill.
Yes, where is Yearick? If he's still alive he would be delighted to see someone trying to hit Trump. Doesn't he communicate? He seems to have (had) a telegram channel: https://t.me/MaxwellYearick
then fuck off you have no business being in this thread unless you are a kike UN shill
>I don't see how it matters who it was anyway.
Then wtf are you doing in this thread you faggot?!?!
Where was the dead body pic released cant find it on any news agency.
Why? You don't want organic anons in your thread? I can go then but I fail to see what the purpose is if you're not actually persuading anybody (but the lurkers but maybe they'll think twice now).

Yea, you have a point I guess.
It’s definitely not the lesbian on the right.
Nobody can explain the difference in beard hair
that picture of Maxwell Yearick is 8 years old. He had a scraggly beard, but in 8 years the beard would be growing in even thicker
the picture of the Trump shooter has beard hair that's even thinner and more scraggly than Yearick
it doesn't matter if you shave, it won't grow back thinner and more scraggly
The Trump shooter had the facial hair of a 20 year old. The mugshot of Yearick is from 2016. He's in his 30's by now.
There's literally no way it can be him for that reason alone

That's Jason Roberti
It matters who the so-called experts officially say it is. Why? Trust.
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>haha why does it matter who it was haha
>it's not important, okay? haha what a buffoon
>gosh I'm feeling so sleep anons, we should really stop talking about this
>btw you're a paid Trump shill if you call me out
>GOD I'm just so fucking ORGANIC with my posting right now!!!





>muh beard hair, muh in 30s, it literally can't be becuse it just can't you can't explain it
antifa faggot commie takes estrogen and fails to troon out, ends up with shittier facial hair, job done, retard fed

Look at the drone footage of the alleged shooter.
Still going to persecute Antifa.
the channel is called Maxwell t6, what's the connection to the actual shooter aside from the name "Maxwell"?

No one is trying to persuade anyone but you faggots. We're simply asking questions and having a conversation.
You can shave and it can grow back....
Referencing this pocture I think it’s the thomas guy after all. Everything matches, especially the spacing between the eyebrows.

What throws me off is the nose looks difference.

ears, hairline, eye color and eyebrows match Crooks though
what fucking dna match, wtf are they comparing it to? Crooks wasn't a criminal, why would they have biometrics on him?
Yearicks skin tone seems more similar to the shooter
>boston bomber identity = unidentified
soz reddit.
I'm not part of whatever pathetic shill campaign this is, no
you guys don't even sound like 4chan posters
T-Maxwell = Thomas Maxwell. Video taken on July 12th. Black room whispering HELP
bruh is that him?
The beard on the dead guy is much weaker than the guys mugshot. That alone is pretty evident. The eyebrows are also much thicker on the mugshot guy, and the brows match the shoe-face kid more more. Hard to tell with the nose as there's too much blood.
I saved lots of yearick stuff last night, will dump when I can
>Trump speaks at RNC convention
>crowd cheers
>Trump makes a comment about not to always believe what you see
>camera shot of Yearick and Scott cleaned up in suits and ties
>Trump points and winks at them
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Stop posting this crap
>Crooks wasn't a criminal, why would they have biometrics on him?
because they didn't have any, because it's cooked books, because it's a coverup job, because he's a preselected patsy who might not even exist outside of records glowniggers created for the purpose of this psyop

fuck me I'm starting to think the Electric Rain shit isn't a LARP or psyop, just a constantly failing attempt by faggot commies and American dual citizen kikes to demolish the US from the inside out and Yearick was a part of it
no the account is called Maxwell T so it isn't Thomas Crooks

This is Jewgazing aka Thomas Crooks.
The fbi ID, this guy Jewgazing as Thomas Crooks bcause of the pictures on social media.... do you think the shooter took his ID to the shooting ?

The shooter is maxwell yearick

The shooter had another Demolition Ranch shirt with a flag on the side....
his middle name is maxwell
the ear is really it for me
>eye color





Nigger the tshirts arent the same..... the blond guy is Jewgazing on Twitter. A troll named Thomas Crooks in rl.

The shooter had another shirt on. Which is demolition ranch written on it... and not the Dr with hawk

this is weird af lol
That was a mistake on my part, was my post. There is Maxwell Yearicks and Thomas Crooks.
Fuck the feds. They lie. I’ll trust /pol/ autists and shit posters before any three letter agency. Fuck off back to your Muslim shithole country.
He could've had a driver's license on him.
I also calculate a higher probability for a hardcore Antifa of 30+ years to have more criminal energy and experience than a bullied zoomer. A ZOOMER!?
blonde guy isnt jewgazing, blonde guy is Thomas Crooks. But the source of the image = ???? + it is cropped. This image was likely taken by surveillance and handed to the FBI once they found a match for appearance then snagged a duplicate shirt for the real shooter who died. Crooks is in a vat of acid somewhere.

Maxwell Yearick
>you guys don't even sound like 4chan posters
>4chan posters
kek. who tf are you to talk

we need to share this as fast as possible to influential types before it is deleted. if we have to upload it from our harddrive anyone can say it is fake.
God fucking damnit you retards just do a damn blood/DNA test
maxwell's beard is too strong. He's too old to have a baby haired beard. His eyebrows are also thicker compared to the kid
the kid's fucking smiling of course his lips would be straight

Again !!! Thomas Crooks is the real live name of Jewglazing ! And the fbi identified it trough social media claims like picrel who used his troll with a demolition ranch shirt with claims like "drone footage shows" which was seen by 700k right aways after the troll.... the media toon these pictures and probably fbi jews intern with contacts to the fbi used the pictures to make a rundown on him and the media started to say "the fbi confirmed".....
Someone would have to remember selling him a firearm. He’s distinct and doubtful he would obtain it through the blackmarket
Face blind autists completely fail at this. You can clearly see it's the sperg incel dude
Is it possible to brighten that youtube short?
no wait you might still be onto something
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Just by looking I’d say left guy & centre are the same person. Look at his left ear in the left pic, he already has that gauge hole sewn closed.
Of course I’m only going off sight, but you cannot believe anything which comes from international organised crime political parties, media and debt syndicates so anything that they claim has to be doubted.

Nope look bear structure of pic right top >>474208802
The shooter is maxwell yearick.

The media after 26h are still using the pictures of the troll. This makes one think bcause all the media are bound at CNN/AP newsdesk and part of juden groups owned by blackrock or shellcompanies....
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you boys notice something after I machine gunned some posts out that shit on the faggot fed narrative?

they've largely all SHUT THE FUCK UP and either abandoned thread or sought out new marching orders



>recapcha MAGA
Smiling doesnt make your lips super thin when they're usually thick bro
I am same age as Maxwell and my beard is literally the same size. Fuck off kike.
Has Yearick produced a proof of life post of some sort? Obviously he'd know he's being scrutinised online in connection with this which could put him in hot water. Surely he'd want to dispel this myth saying online through his social media that it wasn't him?
yea not sure how to do it myself but thats a good idea

If they had drone footage of him dont you think people woule have seen them drones and they would have acted before he was even on top the building ?
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Doesn't matter because in the end
The facial hair doesn't line up, and I don't think the brow does either.
Every single one of you guys have face blindness.
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keep being a retard.
Anyone have pics of maxwell's ears?
It doesn't look like him you face blind nigger. The eyebrows are too far apart and too thin. That pic of yearick is 8 years old, he wouldn't even look the same anymore.
Fuck you faggots.
NO, his telegram channel was posted earlier and he is NOT ACTIVE (assuming kraut bro is being honest, i dont use telegram so cant verify)
The page is blank for me???
Fuck, this glows.
search him on YT there are videos of him being arrested previously
its was styxhexinhammer
thats the video, looks like it was taken in the trunk of a car
if you do find photo's of his ears post it here
And what would the purpose be to dispose of one guy instead of another? It’s not like anyone of them is/were highly trained CIA operatives who needed a faked death.
The guy who supposedly did it got killed instantly.
How convenient.
The corpse actually does resemble yearick more than crooks. The eye lids are mouth are exactly the same as yearicks. Crooks head looks a lot rounder than the pic of the shooter.
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Get glasses retard. You morons are desperate for it to be maxwell because muh narrative
I don't believe the official narrative.
Not after what kikes pulled in 9/11 and the Kennedy shooting.
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why not release detailed images of the body of the shooter and his face so you can 100% prove it's who they say it is instead of just expecting us to believe them?
The nose is uncanny.

Left Jewglazing - Thomas Crooks (identified trough pictures he used for trolling)

Right Maxwell Yearick the actuall shooter, with stiched earlaps of his earrings. Its claimed he fought in ukraine and the hit is bcause trump wants to freez ukraine gibs the jews in the goverment schemed for since 2014
>You morons are desperate for it to be maxwell because muh narrative
We’re not pushing a narrative. We’re questioning the government/ media narrative.
I don't think calling anyone that attempts to poke holes at your theory should be called a shill, just disprove them. Can you provide screenshot to the one >>474189754 provided any make any real claims?

I've been studying the pics a lot and if you are only looking at the pic you provided in OP, then yes it does look the the guy. But when looking at the comparisons together like the one I posted above

>Killers beard does not match up with guy on the left. Left guy looks like he can grow at least a full beard on the jawline, guy on the right does not.
>The right ear(his right ear) of the killer and the guy on the right seem to match up more with the bumps
>Eyebrows of killer seem thinner, left pic guy has thicker eyebrows.

I'm willing to look through all available data, but I need to see more convincing arguments other than just the two pics pasted together. But you won't, you'll probably just call me a shill and try to continue what you're doing now.
They’re probably dumping him on the ocean now as to not offend communist antifa members
>the blond guy is Jewgazing on Twitter. A troll named Thomas Crooks in rl.
I actually cannot believe how dumb /pol/ is in 2024
Jewgazing is not named Thomas Crooks you fucking ignorant piece of shit
Jewgazing is not pictured in any of the photos I posted
You are beyond retarded and easily trolled and manipulated. Frankly, you don't deserve the truth.
>Thomas Crooks is the real live name of Jewglazing
No it isn't lmao. He was trollilng you. I can't believe how dumb you are.
Ok. Do I still have to work for them and use their currency though?
could of been one of the cops or first responders that know other agencies will try and conceal his identity or lie about it
>that pic
based shirt
They are actually correct on this one and you clueless retards are 100% wrong. Your rational for thinking it's Yearick is that some dried blood on Crooks ear is a surgery scar. You're fucking BRAINDEAD.
Also, I can't give a ton of credence to the gauge argument since people are saying he got it repaired/stitched up and you can see the scar. I'm not convinced that's not blood, but am welcome to being proven wrong.
this is very revealing can you measure the distance between say his chin and his earlobe and see if that matches with the dead guy? i know you'd need some kind of reference point in the dead guy photo that you already know the measurement of though
Jewgazing is not Thomas Crooks
Jewgazing's name is not Thomas Crooks
Blue t-shirt is Jewgazing
Jewgazing made a troll post claiming to be Crooks
Thomas Crooks is in the grey t-shirt and is the shooter. We have his graduation video where he responds to the announcer naming Thomas Crooks. He is the shooter. You are profoundly low IQ.

What dont you get that he trolled people and posted all this pictures himself you utter lying faggot at bridage77.

I hope your daughter get raped by shitskins you bastard

Here other picture of Maxwell Yearick before he let his hair grow
There's TMZ footage of the shooter, he was wearing glasses. But he doesn't look like Crooks.
Yearick was in Ukraine and has a rich history of assaulting Trumpers. If a Ukraine soldier tried to kill the president, even if he is US born, it is over for Ukraine. National security interest.
>Jewglazing - Thomas Crooks
Your evidence that Jewgazing is Thomas Crooks is a short troll video he made where he initially pretends to be Crooks for a laugh and then ends it by saying you got the wrong guy because he OBVIOUSLY is not Crooks.
Eyebrows and facial hair pattern reveal these are not the same men
Per RRN Trumps drone was jammed. The shooter had help.
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The guy in the other pictur is not Thomas Crook its Jewglazin and he posted that picture and bigger accounts started to spread it with "drone footage before the hit"

You fucking 77th jew. Hope a shitskin rapes your wife, rapes your daughter and kills your son
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A completely different guy!
holy shit two guys with long hair brown hair have the same t-shirt which has probably sold hundreds if not thousands of copies of that shirt from a youtuber with like 6 million followers fuck, case closed i guess guys this bong has figured it out move on memory hole the whole thing
the ears of the right guy check out
What the fuck
He is right and you are wrong. You are confusing Jewgazing (a troll) for the patsy, Thomas Crooks.

None of this matters anyways as the perp is Yearick
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The media are more trustworthy than /pol/ in 2024. This board has fallen so fucking far.
>The guy in the other pictur is not Thomas Crook
What other picture? What are you talking about you fucking troglodyte? This picture? Pic related? The drone photo? You think this *ISN'T* Thomas Crooks?
It's supposed to be SOP for the authorities to use drones in the first place. Even normie cops have been using drones at concets/events for years now. Since 2020 they've been a common tool for even small departments.
The chances of two people having the same t-shirt at a rally are impossibly remote. There is no reason to even doubt that they are different unless you're coping for no fucking reason whatsoever.
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There is an earplug scar is on the left ear of Yearick in the OP pic. He’d already had that ear sewn up?
Any pic’s of crook with earplugs?
If not then it’s ogre and Yearick’s the assassin and media (as you’d expect) are lying, yet again.
Where’s Trump as well? He probably knows this all fucky and is trying to get his head around WTF to do. Geez he survived his own assassination by big-riggers. They are terrified he’ll put them away for organised crime.
***i cannot identify with 100% certainty but right now I suspect strongly that the shooter is Yearick and this needs clearing up. Until the plague hoaxing, WMD hoaxing, riggers who set up ukraine wars and iraq wars and climate hoax every day prove otherwise they are lying.
At this point im assuming this maxwell guy cucked you and that is why you really want to pin the blame on him.
I feel like there is a photo taken of the shooter on the roof with glasses on, I didn't save a copy though.
It’s seems suspect that within hours of the incident a photo of the shooters corpse was leaked on this board along with the mysterious aerial drone shot, which looks like a cropped screenshot from a video, which implies somebody was tracking/watching the shooter and there is most likely more images or even footage of him
It wasn't the CIA it was mossad.
The guy who did was a jew by the name of Jack Rubenstein.
Their goal was to install a crypto jew (LBJ) in power, LBJ would go on to covertly support Israel during the 1967 war, and worked with them to carry out the USS liberty false flag, the ultimate goal of which was to bring the US into the war (officially), but the incompetent kike fucked up the false flag.
LBJ would go on to pass the hart and celllar immigration act as well.
Do some reaserch.
nah his body is probably being dissolved in acid as we speak
It's not a scar it's dried blood because they blew Crook's fuckin brains out. Maybe you can see the rest of the dried blood all over his face too?
>The media are more trustworthy than /pol/ in 2024. This board has fallen so fucking far.

Sad glowie
look at the fucking nose, no way the shooter was crooks the guy on the right
They're right and you faggots are wrong and coping. What else is there to say?
And nose.

This is not a drone footage of the shooter but the troll .

Were is the drone footage reported by the media ?
The media has no pictures beside the troll. And is using his pictures with a name the fbi confirmed to be him according to the pictures of the troll posted online.

But again. The shooter is Maxwell Yearick and he got blackmailed by the Jews in ukraine and made to kill trump so trump cant freez the money moving to khazaria/ukraine
>drone photo?
how do you know that's a drone photo? where did this image come from it just randomly popped up on /pol/ an hour after the shooting with no context....
Op you making another thread?
When is the next press conference to end all this madness
Go get your eyes check you blind retard
Didn’t a bunch of skinheads in Florida get revealed to be tied into Ukraine and the FBI
bros im starting to go schizo
it looks just like him

Tmz has the picture.... and here i have it too

WHERE'S THE DRONE VIDEO? You have the photo, but not the video?
theirs a very easy way to dispel all this conjecture and speculation release images of the shooters body especially of his face, eye colour and ears.
What is shaving facial hair into goatee?
Dead guys ears look photoshopped to me. Maybe the feds have a bunch if a.i. generated people with online histories they can pull out when needed? Regardless of who it is, it makes sense to lie about it and spy on that person's friends and family members.
You think that picture is Jewglazing? Are you blind? Look at his forehead. It's CROOKS. Why would a Twitter troll thousands of miles away be in the same t-shirt as the guy who got shot at a Trump rally?
We don't know, it was just alleged to be from a drone. Also feds claim they only ID'd Crooks through his DNA because he wasn't carrying anything.
They don't use drones at Trump rallies for security reasons. Any drone or aircraft that flies into the space is deemed a potentially hostile threat. For OBVIOUS reasons.

ignore the kikes fighting over the crooks vs jewgazing bit, they are looking to derail the thread. Thats ok we can make another after this one maxes out.
You’re a dickhead.
You’re the same silly dickhead who butted in trying to claim that the first thread about the shooting was an hour after the event just to try to dismiss what i was saying in that other thread, because you hadn’t realised it was the first bread on this subject on the board, you got caught out there.
Just shut up, eh. This needs clearing up and you’re a poo or something, there’s something wrong about you.
spoopy. however there is no way this is related except for having the word 'maxwell' in it, just some zoom's ARG.
confirmation bias, it's a face in near pitch blackness lmao
Da fuck...
They are trying to mess with our heads.
The only people still doubting it are you absolute braindead retards, and even if they gave you high def pics you'd still doubt it and come up with some other cope.
how do you know he was in ukraine?

Its not dried up blood. Its a scar
300 Win Mag is just 308 but from 200 yards further away. Meat damage is more a question of projectile design than cartridge.
If you genuinely think the shooter is some antifa fag from 2016 because you think dried blood is actually a surgery scar then you don't even DESERVE the truth.
>that isn't a good enough reason to not do it the only reason you wouldn't release the images is because you are lying
He's wearing 'Demolitia': >>474208092
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I'm still skeptical this is him, those gnashing teeth don't really look like either suspects, but still. Maxwell T6, posted on the 12th? kill? help? This is very weird, worthy of investigation. What does the 6 stand for?
It blows my fuckin mind the state of /pol/tards these days. It's why I don't come to this board anymore.

Nigger Jewglazin POSTED the picture as "drone footage of shoother" and Big accounts astroturfed it till the FBI got called by media and shown the picture and the media identified the troll as Crooks and still using his pictur as the shooter.
The picture posted here >>474211113 did NOT come from Jewglazing. Nobody knows where it came from. But it shows Thomas Crooks at the rally, and the t-shirt he's in is the same shirt as the photo of the dead shooter. It's Thomas Crooks and you are coping.
Are you even Swiss? What's your racial background. I want to know the kind of idiots I'm posting on /pol/ with. Are you Albanian?
> It's a coincidence
the teeth and chin are so similar its crazy
granted i had to flip the image to get a match
All of you are fucking stupid and don't realize how sewing up a gauge hole works.

The blood on his ear isn't masking anything, otherwise you'd see a nasty fucking scar even though there is blood. You would also see a scar from most of his earlobe being attached.

Continue to seethe, nobody in the mainstream cares about these dumbass "gotcha" theories.

>inb4 "he's a fed," and "shut up fed"
I think this was done to mess with our heads by the people who actually did this.
>picture did not come from
>Nobody knows where it came from. But it shows Thomas Crooks at the rally

You are a disingenoius 77th glownigger. Fuck your mother.
>some phone quality image a dead guy with his eyes closed blood all over his face obscuring his features with long hair not wearing glasses
>and then an image of some guy with long hair wearing glasses with grass in the background and we can't see his entire face
both of which we don't know the origin of

are those the images you are referring to?
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>entire thread of retards arguing
>zero memes
>not even a link to the real shooter
absolute state


Uuuhh ohhh here comes to jewish glownigger attempts.. no im swiss, and you are a glownigger. I will start today praying for your daughters raped and killed you son of bitch....

The earlopes were fixed in Ukraine, bcause Maxwell Yearick actually was fighting in Ukraine Legion. They started to swep everything related to this guy after 2h trump got shot at. Now you find everything about a fucking troll who doesnt even look like the shooter we have clear pictures of on the roof while he is fucking shooting live
THE PHOTO POSTED HERE >>474211113 DID NOT COME FROM JEWGAZING. YOU ARE LYING. Do you actually think that is Jewgazing in that photo and not Thomas Crooks? Answer me. Fuck. Do you even think that Jewgazing's name is actually Thomas Crooks irl? I bet you do lmfao. You actually think they're the same people, don't you?
t6s is a camera and the short was a single image still

likely his photography account? the name maxwell should link to Yearick, not Crooks.
Yes, duh.
Where’s the new thread f.am

The reason why Glowniggers spam the board with false info is because of what happened in 16. This board almost single handedly destroyed the MSM narratives about the election and the country as a whole. We're fighting Obama era policy here, he authorized propaganda on U.S citizens.
>nobody mainstream
Nobody fucking believes that some rando 20 year old had the capabilities nor expertise to pull this off faggot. Even my neighbors that had fucking hillary signs out front were talking about how they don't believe the media and that this was a dem hitjob because the dems want it all. No one believes the mainstream media anymore.
>a 20 year old with no social media history
Give me a fucking break.
are you ignoring the scars from the holes in his ears being sewn up?
Looks like someone taking a photo of security camera footage freeze framed on a computer monitor>>474204982
. You can see the reflection and distortion at the bottom right. Also these are likely cheap analog cameras which is why the quality is so shit, because zooming in destroys the quality. Probably belongs to the buildings he was climbing on.

Whats with Maxwell Yearick ? Is he a ghost according to you glowniggers ?

Fucking mi5 glownigger together with pine gap whore you play together. I hope one day your families members will sleep while someone burns down your houses
>pointy elf ear
sperg Crooks for sure
Just fuck off back to lddit, you kike rat.
i'm glad you agree that the photo >>474211113 we can't see his entire face and that we don't know the origin of photo

and nobody has been able to confirm who that person is in that photo either

and i'm glad that you agree that the photo of the dead guy has his eyes closed blood all over his face obscuring his features and i'm glad you agree we can't confirm the origin of that photo either and who that is

seems we are on the same page
I have no idea who the fuck Yearick even is or why you retards are insisting that some antifa fag from 8 years ago is involved in this case. I am just posting what is true but it seems the average /pol/ack these days can't tie their own fucking shoelaces without help.

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