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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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If you have brown hair and or eyes... YOU! ARE! NOT! WHITE! PERIOD!
Wrong, well-poisoning cocksucker.
If Varg is blonde, then I am blonde
>genetic mutation for eye color
No thanks
Aristotle, Plato, Heraclitus etc etc all of them were BLUE EYED NORDS
you’re not white unless your hair is pink
Varg is right
Are you circumcised by any chance?
Retard shit like this is why leftists are so dominant in politics.
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We wuz kang an shieet
brown hair and eyes is still white.
I have blonde, red and brown hair all mixed up. I have very light blue eyes. I stand at 6'6"....

I'm ethnically Greek.
Fuck off with your D&C kike bullshit thread.
I'm Mexican, so yes.
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Italy, Greece are real Europeans and white people. You nords are barbaric abominations.
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Picrel isn't white? lol!
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Daily reminder
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>Euro cuck has an opinion
>pajeet behavior
poo law
I don't want to be white. I only want to help you guys not get exterminated. It's only fair.
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He looks whiter than you nigger.
Total strawman
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How is Ballou not white? What is he then?

It's hilarious that varg had to backtrack when his son was born with blond hair
I have green eyes, my dad have grey ones, its weird he look like some kind of reptilian ayylmao alien becayse of that
Varg's kids aren't white.
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Picrel was white enough for Hitler, he's white enough for you. Fucking snownigger propaganda.
brown hair*
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Fuck. I have eyes. Later bros
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You might not like it but this is what the first Whites looked like.
im not a dying breed.
You're a strawman on a Swedish VPN, lol.
You meant to say that his son was born WITHOUT blond hair right?

Well, that is incorrect. All of Vargs children are BLOND and fully NORDIC. Varg hasn't backtracked at all
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but all white with blue/green eyes and blond hair are massive cuckold in all western country. Why ? Is this genetics ?
Cool. Can I get promoted to increase diversity?
>sexless NEET pretends hes better than your average nigger/spic thread #7365266377463
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Brown eyes and brown hair are more masculine, meanwhile blonde hair and blue eyes are beautiful and feminine.
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am I?
Tendency toward consensus hive mind thinking due to the fact of being pureblood. The racial hivemind can only be intact if genetics are intact. This is why America is a total cesspool
I'm blonde with green eyes and a penis of average length and girth. Is that acceptable?
I like his hairstyle here. I kinda want my hair to be like that. Sick of having it long.
Varg, like 90% of all pure blooded scandinavians, has "kommunefarvet" hair (google it). It's brown. We often have blond hair when we're kids and then it slowly gets darker when we get older (before it starts going gray).
If you see anyone above the age of 25 with blond hair they're almost guaranteed to be bleaching it.
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Glownigger slide thread. Focus on the assassination attemptattempt.
I don't save or post pictures of kids but when I was on twitter he posted a family picture and one of his children had brown hair
Yes. You may proceed into the ethnostate
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Show me a picture of a man with Blonde hair and blue eyes that mogs Gregory Peck.

Where is he!?!
based. Shine the light on those fucking bolshevik kikes.
jewish thread
You’re greek faggot, when is the last time you’ve seen a white person
This is based on the misunderstanding that dark blond hair is equal to brown hair. No, those guys you're seeing have dark blond hair, it has NOT turned (((BROWN))) with age
Blond hair and blue eyed American here. Fuck you Swede you fucking faggots are letting Somalians have hand grenade fights in the middle of Stockholm. My white brothers with brown hair and brown eyes are closer to me than you are with your sandnigger apocalypse.
I'm not white.
but i only fuck white women
I’m not white I guess
Nope, Vargs oldest son has got dark BLOND hair. Nordic 100%
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>Show me a picture of a man with Blonde hair and blue eyes that mogs Gregory Peck.

Or Gardner Mckay, just admit that the best looking Chads have BROWN hair and eyes.
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What if I had blonde hair growing up but over time it turned brown?

blue eyes and 6'4 btw
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I have brownish-greenish eyes and brown hair, like all the man in my family, and my sister has blue eyes and blonde her, like every woman in my family. Greetings from Poland, murrica of 15 century
Do you know who Dolph Lundgren is? Please
Both true.
BASED but pic related is a faggot
Acting white is enough.
There are a lot of "aryan looking" young men these days who can't even land a date and spend their lives gooning in their caves while not doing anything worthy for their family and society.
Also, I'm Jewish
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I have red hair and green eyes thank you.
>Brown hair
You are absolutely retarded.
Blonde on men is for the gays
Kill yourself nigger. I wish I could do it myself
Dark blond. Genetically NORDIC
i TOLD you they dont include us
white supremecy IS AN EXCLUSIVE CLUB why did you ever think you were in it? Dont you notice how the blonde haired blue eyed people treat you? NO, BECAUSE THEY DONT EVEN HANG OUT WITH YOU. THEY DONT MAKE FRIENDS WITH PEOPLE LIKE US.
But go ahead, support israel anyway, you fools.
Its over jews.
You may proceed
Moshe Macaquinho da Riva has a point here. Not all Jews are evil. Listen to them from time to time.
Truth. Blue eyed, fair skinned, blonde haired master race specimen checking in.
Mutation is a prerequisite for evolution. Too bad you were left behind.
>Do you know who Dolph Lundgren is? Please
He only looked good when he dyed his hair bown like in the punisher.

He looks more masculine than Gregory, but he still has too many facial flaws so he gets mogged.
You can be an honorary white though, as long as you support the success of the white race and TKD and TND.
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i'm glad, i'm tired of being white. most hated race in the world.
t. brown and blue
OP is what's called a Nordicist (and Nordics are pure btw) but uses the jewish method well-poisoning called purity spiraling. This post written by a very tall non-blue/non-brown eyed Anglo-Germanic
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lil kalle forgot that you also need pink nipples and blonde pubic hair in order to be fully white.
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Nords are the niggers of europe
>They dont invent anything
>They are borderline autistic
>They arre naiv to a point "blue eyed" becomes a saying of being naiv
>They create 0 cultures
>They claim to be kangz
Dayyum boys we wuz Vikangz

Also gay ass divide and conquer thread

Green eyes MOG blue eyes
neither is your country. sweden isn't swedish anymore.
snaps the neck of your shitskin subhuman with a single punch
You won't do shit.
you're just a keyboard warrior living in your mothers basement.
False. But a teachable moment.
Kek. Thx bro. Delusional
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You let sweden get raped by muslims, your skin is pale but you are not a white man
i can't take blonde men seriously. they might as well be women
Kinda. Mom is from Ireland, Dad is from South Africa by way of sweden (swedish last name). I grew up in Florida though so constant humidity/sun exposure probably the culprit imo
Im white in the mornings
Southern Anglo Cavalier!
The South will rise again!
But seriously, facial features and fair skin is what distinguishes the white European from the mud races. This meme is correct.
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>light brown and dark blond are two different hair colors!
nordcucks can't fathom the alpine chad
alpine masterrace checking in. green eyes tho
I have brown hair and eyes, am white. Some white people are zionists and chomos, like both presidential candidates, those people are not my friend or ally.
hang yourself wignat larper
I'm 6.1 aryan with blonde hair and red beard say that to my face mongrel.
Kek this guy is obviously trolling
Bruh dis nigga looked jewish frfr
see >>474192768
You wont do shit swedeboy
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Nigger, I would wrap my hands around your throat and kill you myself. You're a fucking waste of oxygen do the world a favor and kill yourself. I will kill you like I killed this bear
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NORDS founded Greece, Egypt and Rome, but those nords unfortunately got mixed out of existence. The smart NORDS migrated out of southerm Europe back into the north. Then we got the enlightenment and complex maths and physics. Science, philosophy and art is NORDIC. Cope
I would yield that you are sub-white, but you're not fully white. There will still be a place for people like you living in your own society away from pure blonde/blue as not to mix your inferior genes with the greater white population.
what about hazel eyes? They can appear green at times in the sunlight

pick one (1)
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You're face blind if you can't see that Gregory looks way better than him.

And why is it ALWAYS Dolph Lundgren? Don't you guys have any other Blonde hair and blue eyed Chads or is he the only one?
You still won't do shit.
You're still a keyboard warrior.
You're still in a basement.

+ You would never say stuff like that irl, you're a coward and waste of cum.
What about brown hair and blue eyes? And what are you?
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not even close

no dude, I'm a black Brazilian
seethe nordcuck pussyboy, you wont fight autismo
> what are you?
He's a jew.
Blonde hair is for women. Dye yours unless you want to be a cuck your whole life.
>threatening to fight someone from the safety of the internet
pick two (2)
swedes taking credit for the work of germanic europe once again

Swedes are natural born cucks.
they watch their country get fucked and doesn't do anything about it.
Isn't Sweden actually a surprisingly low total WSH+HG aggregate admixture, you're definitely less white than Norwegians.
Huh why would i want to emulate subhuman parasites instead of looking like a aryan angel.
>says the same thing from the last post

Geez nigger it's like you can't think of anything else to say. Maybe you and your room temp IQ subhuman kin need to go back to Africa. You will be slaughtered. I guarantee it.
Look how much better Dolph looks with brown hair, from blonde prettyboy twink to masculine Chad.
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Post hand palm down.
I'm not even trying to be funny like I'm WUZZING or whatever. I mean it when I say it. Egypt was NORDIC 100%. The mummies are NORDIC. They can be found all over Asia as well btw. The Chinese pyramids no doubt has BLOND mummies buried in them
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Neither will you mutt HAHAHAHA
both sweden and muttmerica are just larper nations who wont do shit about getting replaced

Are you retarded? hahahaha
sure boy, so why didnt sweden invent ANYTHING besides ikea? And pewdiepie? Even meatballs arent even swedish
Average guy online is white, between the ages of 14 and 25, and from America or USA. They try to trick you, and convince you that you're taking to somebody else. That's done through memes and propoganda. The reason they're doing this is to confuse us into surrendering our systems. Even our social systems are a valuable target for genocide. Become aware of what's happening. The memes are not funny, but people keep posting them. Why? It's astroturfing by what I've started calling an AI. I don't know the exact source but it doesn't matter.
>Op pic with brown eyes
Not white. True whites have eyes that appear light even in poor lighting.
No that's incorrect. Sweden is a tiny bit more pureblood compared to Norway but there is basically no difference
This. But these fags don't want to own up to it because it gives them gender dysphoria.
another swedecuck coping
when your german fellas came to greece in ww2 their men called your women whores cause they would fuck greecemen so much hahaha
so true

White/eyes blues eyes are massive cuckold and hypocrite
Both are white ubermensch. This divide and conquer bullshit needs to stop.
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Sweden has done exceptionally well in the hard sciences and engineering adjusted for capita. You are delusional
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Nero "unique" in the sense that he had blonde(or possible red) hair he inherited from his mother unlike the other emperors?
They are using media content to hypnotize and to gaslight. We need to be researching this stuff more closely and discovering the effects. It's clear that the ads on 4chan aren't there to make profit. Mermaids aren't black because people want to watch that. I guess it's all so obvious, I guess I should just stop pointing it out. Everyone already knows white women are becoming less abundant. And that is occuring.
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What if your brother has blonde hair and blue eyes (you share the same parents).
Dangerously based. Swarthoids in denial. Blonde hair and eyes, and ginger and green eyes exclusive to Nordics.
>the fucking elements
idek what to say
I have also heard that about Nero, not sure what to think. Pretty sure he wasn't BROWN though
lilbro sounds like a analbanian diaspora.
Im brown uwu
Not white, but I am spiritually
But nords are larger and taller than meds?
What are you on about?
I see nothing wrong with the 2nd pic
>no!!! he must be albanian!
We don't have Schrödinger or Gödel though. That is because our achievements take place in the HIVE-MIND due to the fact of being pure-bloods. We are ultra collectivistic. Individuals don't take credit. Yanks say that this is boring but it's what it is. Similar thing in Japan actually, homogeneity enables the HIVE MIND
>Pretty sure he wasn't BROWN though
Didn't imply they were brown but had dark hair colour.
We must unite. Stop this divide and conquer nonsense, no more brother wars.
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>If you have brown hair and or eyes... YOU! ARE! NOT! WHITE! PERIOD!
>mfw brown-eyed angloid
China beats you at hiveminding, step up your game
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>everyone in that picture is blonde
small brown here. hope you white guys are alright. the whites in my life are real down bad on themselves. say stuff like “we had a good run”
You are a defiled race. Silence. Now.

Your ancestors enjoyed Arabic cocks.
I have brown-reddish hair and green eyes. Is it over, bros?
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>Live in Greece
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What if someone has Heterochromia?
nope, Albanian
>brown/black hair and brown eyes ruled the world and has pushed civilization forward the most
>even your precious hitler wasn’t blonde
Sorry snowniggers, not buying it. You do have the prettiest women though. And you make the best trannies
I won't dispute that most Greeks are mongrel turks and now Turks are whiter than us by a yard stick but brown hair and brown eyes is still white. it's the skin complexion which rules someone out as white, along with physiognomy.
Oh course. I sunburn easily.
If you have red hair + green eyes you may proceed to the ethnostate. The question is: does your hair deflect sunlight? If it doesn't, and you have green eyes, then you're white.
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I come from the depths of the Asian jungle, am I white?
Hitler praised blondes as being the ideal German. You can praise the ideal whilst not being it
Says the la resistance cuckold while I (Chad SS) banged his french wife. Varg too.
if you don't have
>a full head of hair
>very light blue eyes
>a perfect jaw
>over 6'2
>perfectly symmetrical face
you are not white
If they didn't mix with kurds, arabs and Armenians, they would be masterrace level right now.
>The Chinese pyramids no doubt has BLOND mummies buried in them
I've suspected this for a VERY long time. Or possibly red-haired, or some combination of each
"white" is an ameircan term that means "non jews of european ancestry"
get your own term faglord
Deal with it faggler
I’m a black girl. C O P E
so did yours :)
Nah, my hair is basically red on sunlight. In darker areas it's more like brownish with patches of red hair.
Damn I guess white people are more fucked than we thought. Only my sister and mom is white in my family despite full uk/Swedish genetics.
flat nose must go
Basically: Europe was 100% Nordic. Those Nords were at some point pushed out of Europe by the last ice age, and then established civilization in the middle east when the pressure of harsh winters was lifted. They could put their intelligence to good use when their environment suddenly wasn't as harsh. Suddenly the Nords had surplus food-supply and a forgiving enrivonemtn. This enabled innovation and technology, but also enabled dysgenics. Civ is established but it also collapses. Civ moves back north and for every step north it takes it improves because the newly civilized nords can pick up where the other nords left off, without suffering from dysgenics in the short term. Dysgenics is a long term problem
I think its ancient Turkic people like cumans and some other ethnicities like Scythians and so on.
Pink nipples/vagina/asshole is the best criteria for whiteness

If your nipples are pink you are white
Checks arm, nope, I'm still white.
Hey everybody, look, OP was wrong again.
daily reminder this jewish infighting is what's keeping you as individuals slaves to the ideologies of people that control you
you cannot even unite within your own countries, how can you unite as a so called "people"?
Green eyes are caused by SOME melanin being in the iris, so according to these varg tards you are not white, yes
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Not as much as you enjoy little girls, Mohammed.
Weak feminine cuck eyebrows
The point is that they're probably of the same stock as the Egyptians. So red hair would be common among the elites
of course brother, WHITE POWER!!! 1488.
white pride world wide.
This pretty much. We pretty much sabotage ourselves with divide and conquer like retards.
We were Kings.
>say it irl so I can respond with violence
That sounds like the nigger talk you often condemn

Kek. Do you know the colour of your own asshole? I don't. Eye or hair-colour is enough
Holy shit, legitimate improvement
Oh well. Guess I'm out of the club. My hair and eyes are dark brown and my hair is curly when it gets long. Gonna go join the kikes or the Chinese then.
you never used a mirror?
You nords take long to grow beards and hair anyway, you can see it easily
This is Bashar al Assad has blue eyes. It's a distant memory of NORIDC civilization before they were mixed away. This is why the mummies are BLOND.
his wife is fat
Cope more pajeet
Is she? I don't think so
Yep. Just cut yourself from more potential allies. Should end well.
unironically you'd be better off rallying under national pride if anyone here even believes in such a thing, and try to push for positive, long lasting change in more local groupings, this narrative is what keeps leftist news outlets using /pol/ as the representative of so called right wing/alt right rhetoric, when in reality it's just kids that surrendered to the memes, and so none of you will be taken seriously until you find something concrete to stand on and for
if you care about your people, your families, your countrymen, you would show it by fighting the politicians that seek to shephard them down hill
I know. Also brown hair is a marker for presence of nordic DNA.
We are both officially kikes now. Let's commit some usury on some filthy goyim, my brother.
This nord cuck shit shit is worse than wakanda
Ay no gablo inglesh por favour.
If that's your opinion I guess your going to die on a lonely fucking hill.
>rallying under national pride
Mhm no, cause that would mean mohammed from iran who recently got austrian citizenship would be part of us.
And thats simply not possible, in fact thats one of the current huge reasons why race is being talked about so much. But Id simply make my own race the austrian (basically a mix of slavs nords and albinoids anyway) and create an ethnostate for it
what wud i tell you if i said god had brown eyes and hair. wud you care?
You are coping by squinting and STILL have a feminine eye area

Vpn jew
Imagine being chink lmao
All greatest empires were brown, romans, ancient greeks, etc. If whites are just north europeans, than white are subhuman compared to their daddy south europeans, who civilized them and mog them in every regard possible.
You mean like Varg? The guy who doesn't have a 9 member 100% nordic family
Delusional. No, those empires all started off as NORDIC, and then started declining as their high tech civilization attracted a lot of brown slaves and leeches who did the dirty work. Sounds familiar? That's what's going on today. This has happened before. Brown people want what they can't themselves create. Brown people ensure the collapse of the empire, the smart NORDS move away from the brown people and the brown people stay. The cycle repeats over and over and over again
Iranians don't name Mohammad, if you knew anything about anyone but yourself you'd know that.
I am willing to bet (in a halal way) that you do not even know the name of the old lady who lives across the street from you, too busy dreaming up this "ethnostate" that's never gonna happen
there is no going back, only forwards
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>Iranians don't name Mohammad, if you knew anything about anyone but yourself you'd know that.
i know that was the first thing that came to my mind. Stop missing my point.
>know the name of the old lady
I do in fact. Its grandma.
> "ethnostate" that's never gonna happen
with that mindset? Yea. it wont. Congratz jews won. When the whole world is devolved into one mediocre race without any specific traits that made the races good you will see. In fact I believe you will come to regret it in your own lifespan
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As an opponent of right-wing ideas, these threads and these people (like Varg) always make me happy. I am glad that these mouth-breathing retards continue to make enemies of people from the indigenous population of their own countries. Please keep doing this, chads.
nordics were slaves for the brown romans, it only started declining when they let nordic refugees in, thats why many italians now look like nordic sissies
Brown hair green eyes.
Am I white bros?
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>the "true" whites
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>feminine eye area
>put my eye into photoshop and ask ai to fill in the rest with no prompt
>gives me a blonde, blue eyed male
Imagine coping this hard that even an ai btfos you kek

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