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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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If you are wearing these sort of glasses and are under 40 - STOP.

Consider the shape of your head and face and look at what fashionable options work best with your face and wardrobe.

If you know someone who is wearing these or, god forbid, are a parent who's kid has these. It is time to intervene YESTERDAY.

The damage these pussy deflectors is doing to young men in their crucial years cannot be overstated. Yes they may still be a bit dweeby and awkward but this can still be ameliorated

There are long lasting contact lenses, there is lasik, there is RPK, there are more acceptable frames out there. Holy shit man.
My mom was just saying that the shooter looks extremely familiar and I had to tell her all these shooters have a similar physiognomy
Women should know better than to let their sons go out in these. Are Moms really blind to their own kid's faults? Do they need another woman to pull them aside and give them a hint?
Parents will get in such a huff over grades or them breaking curfew while letting them walk around like this, it's nuts.
Maybe they just don't care at all.
What kind of glasses was this faggot supposed to wear?
It's his face. Ugly dweebs are ugly. It don't matter what frame you put on a dysgenic. Lipstick on a pig
He'd look better with contacts and a better haircut. Or just shave his head.
I'm not convinced this is the dead guy in the pic. It looks like the alive guy in the security footage though.
He's jewish
nah I just got these and I don't have insurance.
They look more like libtard glasses anyway
contacts are not as convenient so thats a non solution
maybe go screech on >>>/fa/?
what glasses should one wear? surely not the "trendy" circular frames that every tranny and zoomie fagoid are wearing?
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It's not the glasses you retard, it's your face. Put these aviator glasses on a fat balding neckbeard and he will look like a sex offender.
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Some dope frames could have changed everything. Instead he got domed by secret service at age 20 having never gotten his dick sucked.

Lessons in there.
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He should have been looking at what the other 20 somethings on Tiktok wear.
Large glasses with thicker frames and a more rounder style is the meta for this generation. When I was in my 20's it was the more square plastic frames, like what still often sells in East Asia.

Depends partially on your age. If you aren't a zoomie just pic something that pops and looks professional, which still isn't those thin/no frame virgin specials. If you are young then see what influencers are wearing on Tiktok, particularly guys with a similar head/face.

I am aware that he would still be a bit mediocre but it's an easy one to take off the list. He isn't ugly. He needs frames that pop to distract from his face a little while he works on also getting some skin color, clearing up the acne, etc.
Zuckerberg also looked like a pale freaky Jew but finally well into his adulthood he has finally started consulting with image people to help him out, and it is working.
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>Zuckerberg also looked like a pale freaky Jew but finally well into his adulthood he has finally started consulting with image people to help him out, and it is working.
I can't lie I was actually impressed by Zuck's makeover. He went from lizard to human.
real answer: any robust but minimal frame
do not get half-rimmed glasses - they break easily
I actually stopped wearing glasses because of the glasses chud meme. I needed them for one eye but I refuse to wear them now because of this board

Meh I was in love with an older man with these glasses. There was always a dramatic moment when he placed them on the night stand before railing me like fucking superman. Kinda miss him
Isn’t it weird how phrenology turned out to be real and we’ve remade it as a field of research using meme faces?
I'm not kidding. I literally look like that angry chud that keeps shooting up schools, malls and at president's. That's wack. Stop telling me to kill people you fucking kikes. I'm tripping enough as it is
>Yo anon you see that
>uhh *squints*
>bro just wear your glasses
Then you gotta explain what a chudjak is
These types of women purposely make their sons ugly because their bpd narcissists who have Oedipal fantasies.
Look if you ever commit to a shooting spree or whatever against some curry people you need need need to round up all your old photos with those glasses and burn them then wear contacts for all your photos and professional social media for at least a year before the act OK
Oh ill put them on when that happens, but the forehead lines are what freak me out. I then look at things with that same angry half squinting look. I'm not actually mad I'm just studying whatever it is in front of me. I stick around too long usually because of the autism. Then I come here when I'm pooping and you fuckers posted another mass shooting with my glasses face again. It's spooky
women do it on purpose, dont act like you dont know
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Wear a monocle.
We need a Great War on Chuds

>wears chud glasses
>8 year old haircut
>no sex, repels women
>Feminine facial.structure

Put them on the list
That's not a bad idea.. new meme if I pop off. Canada is fucking wack man
From my universe those were the 'cool' frames and thick frames meant you were a child molester. It appears as though I have traversed into the clown dimension
I'm sorry but those Buddy Holly tubodork glasses are the most beta thing you can wear in public.
Are you in your mid 30's?

Never thought of this before, but it sounds like something women would do. Some really are witches.
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>The damage these pussy deflectors is doing to young men in their crucial years cannot be overstated

Women love these kinds of glasses. I get complemented on my Cartier buffs at least once a week.
Go rimless, avoid half-rimmed.
>Are you in your mid 30's?
No I'm an older zoomer (mid 20's)
I don't like those "incel" frames but I know plenty of normal people that wear them. most are 30+ professional types though and don't look or act like incels so it's fine for them. they just want simple frames that aren't faggy fashionable types.

anyone that looks or acts like a weirdo should especially avoid them because it will complete the package
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You don't understand. Whatever glasses yall migrate to will be the new chud meta.
You can't escape it, because you're IT. You - the dysgenic dweeb - define what chud glasses are. In past, all these dorks migrated to thin no frame glasses because the thick round ones used to be the ones stereotypically worn by dorks previously.
How long will you try to desperately escape who you truly are?
>tfw I just realized my glasses are half rims
Fagdresses are political.
If you're a faggot wearing a dress and are under 40 - STOP
Looking like a faggot is normal for the era and still a step better than looking like another background chud.
This shit makes me want to get lasik all the more, why is it that every mass shooter and incel seems to have glasses? Fucking sick of it
they interviewed one of his classmates who said he got bullied for what kind of clothes he wore kek. these pictures should make it obvious why he was bullied and ostracized
She was thinking of Elizabeth Warren
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>le pol face
All American schools that aren't too negrified would improve if uniforms were mandated like other countries do.
um excuse me students need to express themselves by having the freedom to dress like whores, negroes and homosexuals while they learn about those very same subjects
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both native american
They were cool back in the MKULTRA times
Oh wait
I guess they still are
Let me guess, you gotta look like Jordan Barrett to have those profile pics?
the pictures are of his face, he was bullied because he was ugly.
Obviously bullying will always happen; it happens in England and Japan and wherever and they have uniforms. It just takes one less thing out of the equation, like having to be so self conscious of financial status, which as a kid, you really can't help since you don't have that sort of independence yet and therefore shouldn't have to worry about.

He is ugly in the way that average people are when they lack a good concept of what they need to improve upon. There were doubtless other people about as mediocre as he looks who still had a pretty good time in school with their peers because they rounded out other things like hobbies and personality or just worked on their image as best as they could.
Look, see here guys?
Right of the shooter, these are the glasses of his generation.
His classmate is doing it right.
those glasses aren't flattering and make him look like a fag but at least they aren't shooter specials I guess

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