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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>solos your entire right-wing ideology and reality, represented by retards from all countries in a 100 vs 1 debate, in front of 50,000 people
>doesnt elaborate
Everybody on all sides of the political spectrum thinks this guy is an unhinged lunatic now.
>I get my political opinions from a cuck
What he said exactly
> Unhinged meltdown mocking the death of a family man while simultaneously claiming the moral high ground
> no one cares because they already know lefties are unhinged psychopaths
Laugh at him while fucking his wife.
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Look at him dude. He has a high school education at best and was a former McDonald’s employee and carpet cleaner. It was impressive he grifted for as long as he did.
I have never once seen destiny win a debate.
Goddammit Levi for the last time stop making shitty destiny slide threads and admit you're obsessed with a cucked low IQ shabbos goy

Turn in your laptop tomorrow, I'm cutting your access to turtle board and you will NOT be getting any compensation for these low rent shitty slide threads
I ain't going to lie, he is a faggot ass cuck bitch that let his ex wife fuck niggers off the street in his bedroom but he was cooking like crazy in that stream. It was body after body.
Your political opinion was shit, you can't revolt you can send people to die alone
His woman was gargling on a nigger's cock. He loses automatically.
He said the guy who caught the stray bullet and got killed at the Trump rally deserved it for supporting a traitor.
He then acts smug about the assassination attempt and tells people to train their marksmanship so they won't miss next time.
He's very happy about the assassination attempt and wants leftists to keep escalating the violence.
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>hasan is now more respected than this dysgenic cuckold laughingstock
Mr borelli, please
Destiny unironically believes if you're a Trump supporter you deserve to die. Nevermind if you have a wife and kids and are by all accounts a good person--voting for Trump makes you unworthy of life, according to King Cuckold. He's truly sick.
Buy an ad.
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e-celeb spam campaign thread #1492485932593258
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>a literal jewtuber söyboy cuck, a nobody
And why should anyone care, again?
All fields.
Adderall addiction is dangerous.
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Buy a fucking ad.
Guy should get examined for sociopathy he's showing all the symptoms
Don't care. This is the tenth thread I've seen about this faggot.
Unbelievably based.
holy based
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Why should people have sympathy for putin cocksuckers who got their brains blown out by allegedly one of their own
>condones political violence, on the basis that his political views are "more American" than the other party's
>celebrates the death of a bystander, because of his political views
>states he'd lose no sleep and not be bothered if his mom were killed in the same manner, because of her political views
Mr. Manlet Tinypecker, aka "Cuck Smurf".
>/pol/tards can't actuall engage with what he said, or point out what he said was wrong
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solace in the fact that I beat him once in a Starcraft 2 match 12 years ago
he believes, based on the supreme court rulings, that Trump is a traitor and anyone who supports him is either a sockpuppet or a willful traitor
Unhinged Lunatics For President!
Unhinged Lunatics Against The President!
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I would keep watching this cuck have the biggest public melty yet. He's raging so hard right now that he can't see straight and is actively doing his own version of "HEY LITTLE DONNIE" posting, that's how bad it is. I know that's nothing new but the way he's doubling down on the vulgarity of it is going to do more damage. He's going to scare the rest of his passive limpdick audience away because not even they will follow a man who wants thousands of men to rail his wife all because an orange man made him mad.
thats Peter Dinklage
Who is that faggot and how is this shit politics?
if you're willing to concede that the points here: >>474199783 are faithful representations of his positions then that's enough for me
Okay I’ll do it in one sentence. Everyone Destiny wants dead are the only people that keep society functioning.

Do you like running water, anon?
Putin didn't flood my town with migrants and try to turn my kid into a tranny.
>optics andies
Based on what?
>muh Putin
What has he done to you personally?
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He's basically a wannabe "pop star" in the sense that Jews have a whole collection of these people who are paid to advocate certain opinions / takes on political matters
most americans cant name the 3 branches of the government so i wouldnt be surprised retards hate someone who is actually informed, i'd put myself in front of that trump's ear if i got owned by liberal cuck like most right wing grifters
this idiot is a buffoon
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pretty much this. people get their buttholes in a knott and repeat his tweets because they're braindead and lost the forrest
not only did he lose, badly, but his recent tweets about DJT are hilariously bad. How can anyone be this stupid?
More importantly, open admits that he fucks horses.
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Is there anyone left on the political spectrum that respects this sociopathic neoliberal cuck?
Skinny guy here. Is wearing a tight shirt as a fat guy as uncomfortable is it looks?
>destiny is kind of brave
thats what pisses them off so they retrait to their
>lul cuck
buy an ad tinynigger
people on both sides hate destiny

he defended kyle rittenhouse which makes the left hate him and the trump derangement syndrome makes the right hate him
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>gets cucked in front of the whole world
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I’m not talking about “le both sides” like a faggot destiny viewer who thinks he’s some enlightened centrist. Im talking about ALL sides. from normies to extremists all over the spectrum no one respects this faggot anymore except his brainwashed cuck cult that blindly worships him
destiny defends capitalism and doesn't automatically side with the woman in domestic disputes
he also doesn't shit on the US. he thinks leftists who shit on the US all the time are cringe.
he's also pro-israel(which is anathema to leftists)
all these things make leftists hate destiny

I am not a far leftist and i kind of like destiny

i am left of center with some right-wing views(one of them being against open borders and i am kind of racist lmao)
> from normies to extremists all over the spectrum no one respects this faggot anymore
did he hurt you?
i don't pay attention to midwits, i find it saves me a lot of time.
>loves Israel
>hates Trump
That's really all that needs to be said. Destiny is a cuckold, and will always be a cuckold. His political ideas and opinions are bankrupt as a result.
He only hates Israel because he got dumped for a Muslim. You have to be an absolute peabrain to think he is in anyway principled in his “beliefs”
>Trump side: "I don't think killing innocent people is good."
>Leftist side: "I think killing innocent people is good because I can pull up a tweet of them saying something stupid."
Dude this guy literally celebrated that a republican voter died. He's a fucking lunatic. Celebrating the deaths of innocent people is peak sociopath behavior.
huh? but i thought advocating for violence GLOWS?
On the other hand, though, being white and still voting for Trump is also sociopathic behavior.
It's weird knowing this guy from when he was just some funny Starcraft streamer who played zerg well 15 years ago into the weird 2024 political caricature he is now
In half a year this guy won't have a single person on the planet he has common ground with besides his "W" "L" angler fish sperm barnacles. His impressively potent method of argumentation is literally too powerful for someone so emotional
>why wont you engage with his insane rambling?
>why can't you debate someone that makes up 99% out of thin air and never admits to being wrong about anything ever

you cant debate stupid, its uncurable
republicans pretending like they are gandhi now

why do they always do this?

if it had been biden everyone here would be celebrating
I didn't get the oreo part but personally I eat the tide pod whole
>gets cucked irl and in every debate
>doesn't elaborate
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I think he’s the one who’s hurt and has mental breakdowns every other week, my cuckerino duderino
>if it had been biden everyone here would be celebrating
Why would be celebrate the DNC managing to replace their shitty candidate with someone who might actually beat trump? I want that senile old fuck to live well past 2024.

I want him to live long enough to face trial for all of the corruption and pedo shit he's been up to for the last 50 years. Decades in a prison cell, forgetting more and more of himself, until he's a babbling old husk that doesn't even know why he's trapped in a square room at any given moment.
"There's no such thing as an innocent person" is the pretext for governments to mass murder people.
You're not even a cuckold you granny-bodied midget, you're a FAILED cuckold, you couldn't even betabux for a literal prostitute that was fucking MARRIED to you.


The debate broke him. He’s just Hassan 2.0 now, shilling for his masters.
Why hasn't he Kurt Cobain'ed himself yet?
Innocent people exist - it's just arguable whether people who vote for Trump and are white are actually innocent.
weaponized retardation
Why is Peter Dinklage everywhere now?
he doesn't know where egypt is on a map. he's retarded and you're a retarded shill. kill yourself immediately, now.
Anything he says, he says because that is what he is told to say, that is why every one of this failed cuckold's opinions are the most pathetic beta opinions you will ever hear. You like him because you are so fucking worthless that you look up to a failed cuckold. Your father either abandoned you or paid you far too much of the wrong kind of attention. Maybe both.
This guy is retarded and a shabbos goy
>wa wa he used the courts to get his own way!!
I’m other words, he played by the rules and won? Imagine if the Supreme Court ruled the opposite, then he’d be saying ‘too bad don! Then the rules!’
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We're gonna make amazing deals with Israel!
wtf i love tromp now
What do you expect from a faithless materialist cuck who makes up his morals as he goes along? There are no objective standards to these "people".

Challenge him to a shoveling contest.
>so i wouldnt be surprised retards hate someone who is actually informed
destiny could barely locate 15 out of 50 states in the US just a few months ago when he took some quiz on his stream. he also had no idea where israel or iraq were up until a few months ago. he's the biggest midwit in the world.
Never really listened to this dumb cuck until I saw his appearance on lex's Israel Palestine debate. What a morally bankrupt attention whore. Pathetic dysgenic faggot. What kind of loser follows such a weak beta?
doesnt how wife have sex with other dudes?
I don't know about YouTube and twitch influences. Undecided about their effect on my cattle. My white lambs have been ravaged by wolves
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He is a small funny bodied asshole with a lisp. I hope this is the hill he finally dies on and I never see him face or name here again.
>why beezin le vaush btfo le /pol/
ohh its desticuck and another shit bread
looks like a cave man

he forgot to evolve
He is maybe so delusional he thinks he has any organic support. His only money comes from a fed slush fund used for 'consensus shaping'. He has very probably gone too far and they'll pull the plug/ Watch this little wretch pivot to try and grift 'right wing' retards and then watch the cuckservatives fall for it before he gets black bagged
This is the abdominal phenotype of the yellow guy from the sin city movie.
Buddy? I think overall the systems we have need a complete overhaul. I want every device destroyed. Burn the churches. Destroy the shopping malls, but the outlet stores are fine.
He's literally a faggot cuck trying to convince everyone that he isn't so. Sorry, but if you can't keep a woman with millions of dollars, you're a faggot cuck.
Living in that body is punishment enough and it will only get worse.
They do use fear to control our hearts. They threaten us with gore, because it's free. It's effective.
>doesnt elaborate
The only accurate line. If he can't spray and pray with manipulated studies/numbers, he just makes personal attacks until the topic changes. It's like arguing with early 2000s chatbot
Don't you guys think that's hot? That should make him your hero. 4chan is known as the blacked capital of the internet. Every time a BBC spam thread gets posted on /pol/ you all say how hot it is. /gif/ has like 30 different versions of blacked generals up at all times. /int/ is an unofficial blacked board. It goes on and on.
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Destiny wants Trump supporters getting shot:

Destiny has moved on to the political violence level against conservatives:

Destiny wants to watch Devin Nunes be killed:

Destiny can't wait to genocide conservatives:

Destiny celebrates the Trump supporter being killed in the assassination attempt:

Endorsed by Youtube and twitch.
Destiny is based, and MAGA supporters are fucking retarded.
Youre such a brainrotted faggot poltard you think “all sides” of the political spectrum are just every flavor of retard extremist.
He made a fool of himself. I thought he was supposed to be smart, kek.
>literal cuck
As if he wasn't an extremist himself kek
destiny is a sociopathic neoliberal hack. he has zero principles and just shills for establishment interests. (Biden, Israel, etc.) you dgg subhumans were groomed into believing that destiny is right because LE BOTH SIDES hates him. in reality It just means that he’s a psychotic faggot with an unpopular partisan ideology.
>it’s the principle of the matter, mr burnelli
i don't care about destiny's romantic life

people who obsess over his girlfriend fucking other men tend to be cuckholds themselves. they either tend to be cuckholds or homosexuals

dave rubin and milo attacked destiny for his polyamorous relationship

sneako is a cuckhold. he let other dudes bang his girlfriend in front of him
Sage all twitter and eceleb threads
Report all twitter and eceleb threads
You act like /pol/ wouldn’t celebrate if elections were real and a democrat voter died.
>I have never once seen destiny win a debate.
this is just retarded
he has an extremely high win rate.
That being said, he sounded unhinged last night
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Buy an ad faggot
Shartyfags need to go after this manlets revenue so his beta orbiters fuck off
Fuck his (ex)-wife right in front of him.
>implying pol doesn't do this all the time
he didnt ramble at all, he was incredibly succinct and explained every part of what he believes
I thought you guys supported working class? Now being a carpet cleaner is worthy of mockery? Who are you to speak up on your high horse?
>doesn't elaborate
>knocks on door to see if his wife is finished fucking some nigger
>door opens
>line of men waiting to fuck her
>she yells at you to go grocery shopping and pick up new bedding
>scurry off to store like a rat while smirking over owning the radical right on Twitter
Destiny is what happens when you can't be honest about how you feel when your girl fucks hundreds of other men and it eats you up inside until you explode. in addition hes retarded
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What would I do? You mean what am I going to do.
The fucking adderall has cooked his brain permanently.
He'll have Parkinson's symptoms soon, if not already.
I would attack his cuck chip on his shoulder relentlessly until he broke down crying or left. Oh wait.
The only post here that matters. Everyone else is a cuck faggot
What advice or philosophy do you accept from your carpet cleaner? The point is he’s a grifter.
LMAO destiny and succinct do not go together. you can literally see when the adderall kicks in and he goes into a meth fueled gish gallop with zero facts, and even if it had facts it'd all be in service of defending retards and drag queens. hes a waste, a medium sized fish in a little tiny piss pond that would get annihilated in a debate with 19/20 of my friends. what a loser
>what would you do
Fuck his gf
Then ho come Destiny has never convinced me of anything? I'd call that a 100% loss rate.
Like we're laughing at Trump while Melania fucks a new guy every night.
I still find it amazing that Hillarys desperate attempts at fanning cold war flames and blaming her loss on Putin worked so well into taking place on the incredibly weak minds of Americans
For fuck sake, Putin already stated he prefers Biden (because Biden is a weaker leader and competitor)
>extremely high win rate
When judged by retards and midwits that are impressed by speaking quickly, emotive posturing, and changing the subject. 0% win rate concerning facts. 0% among the cognitively capable.
Finally the seals have been broken. Nebraska Steve is out. Tremble shtiters, you are Palestine now.
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Destiny is an unironic cuck whose wife left him for the bull. His opinions are worth less than shit and every week that passes exacerbates his raging midlife crisis as he realizes he can't grief for much longer after riding with biden on a dead hill.
Yet still BTFOs rightoids in debates. Guess you guys aren't sending your best :)
nigga you would pay money just to look at some pussy in real life
This dude does NOT leave his house lmfao
How can literally no right winger defeat this Goblin in a debate?
If the Muslims Jihadists didn't merc him a few months ago, none of you cowards will either .
it helps to have a strong moral foundation. The bible doesnt count for shit, especially when you dont even follow it.
Just look around itt. Nothing about his arguments it's all cuck, cuck, cuck. A chicken has more weapons than your average Trumpkin.
deep state trying to astroturf this fucking loser?
glowies are thrashing hard with this shit.
the top threads are such shit right now.
>faggot brags about his wealth
>spends it all on a miami 1200sqft bugbox
>I literally live better than him while he browbeats poor people on twitter
>wife also didn't leave me for an aids patient
wow i didnt realize how truly worthless this dweeb was. sad!
Says it isn’t him
I'd rather be working at McDonald's as a burger flipper than a rich, 5'3" cuck.
I'll just beat the manlet up, because might makes right.
I'd doubt and cuck him
>If the Muslims Jihadists didn't merc him

lol, why would they? He's a waste of time to even kill.
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What does he win for rage baiting this hard? Does he want to be shot too for clout?
maybe he does have a death wish
Your e-daddy Cucktiny got cucked, LMAO
Put generally like that, I would honestly have to think about it. Specifically destiny, then fuck no
Why? Why should I want to live around a billion spics? I don't see you posting under a mexican flag.
Why would an American shoot another American for ridiculing a Putin dick rider? What the fuck kind of retarded shit is that?
Destiny has to be the most embarrassing motherfucker on the planet.

>cuckold whose wife left him for a Swedish tranny
>deadbeat dad who abandoned his kid so he could fuck mentally ill e-prostitutes
>horrible relationship with his parents, says they deserve to get killed for being Trump supporters
Cucktiny's foundation was to let other men fuck his "wife"
Then she left him, LMAO
Exactly. He's just fallen into the same abyss of cringe where losers such as Moviebob fester in a downward spiral of shrill irrelevance
Destiny is begging for someone to kill him.
project harder lmao, destiny takes more Ls than his gf takes black dicks
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I made it 1 hour into listening to this guy once. are people here actually his fans or is it some kind of larp serious question.
You tell me, jeet
We wouldnt celebrate at all, because the dead still vote democrat.
This literally happens to every leftist. They keep dividing their audience and others for clout until they realize they have no influence anymore. Then they bitch and moan that other people don't take them seriously.
After the Palestine shit he's been losing more and more of his target audience. And after this he probably will be blacklisted by conservative influencers. It's actually over.
he's never won a debate
Because they're a Trumple Republican and have no concept of loyalty to their country or their contrymen. BOOOOOOM, get fucked, loser.
Probably fuck his wife
Well said sar
PUTIN this noose, 100%
Enjoy the fact I'm not Destiny I guess
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>what would you do
Fuck his wife lmao
He encapsulates the out of shape male who can't compete with the jocks/in shape males, coping instead by being "smarter". Goes to great lengths to deny rational thought in the face of inconsistencies, and will always assume he is smarter than the person across him, because if not then he has nothing over them. Holding onto his youth with degenerate tricks (coomer brain combined with low physical load on his body), making him look misshapen and odd (young mans head on an out of shape boys body, when he should be a mature man). The problem is there are many like him so he has a following. Even if he can come to terms with this, see's he needs to work out, see's he would be better off taking on some of the ways of those he has looked down on intellectually...he is still in a for profit industry where the people providing him profit maybe don't want to see that.
if you say something positive about putin that doesn't stop you being american
Don't care what you say. Staying up 24h on drugs tweeting isn't something a winner would do
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Du pratar med amerikaner. Hela deras "kultur" går ut på skroderande och pengabegär. Ingen bryr sig om någonting annat.
Oink oink pigger
Hold on, this racist pig got something to say. Get it out, retard.
No one is saying he wasn't an American, just a retard.
I don’t even know who this guy is other than he does by a generic uncreate handle “destiny”. You zoomies need to stop worshiping Internet personalities
Can somebody tell me why shills are obsessed with this guy.
he wasn't a retard
biden's cabinet is full of niggers and trannies and thinks and treats trump supporters as domestic terrorist criminals

you have no rational reason why trump supporters should like him more than putin
nobody with that ability would waste it on him though
He could have a billion in the bank and be knighted lol. He is a dwarf cuckold. I'd rather be meth head on the street.
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Destiny is BASED. Shapiro is a dumbass.
I'd probably fuck his wife while he watched in the corner.
>thinks and treats trump supporters as domestic terrorist criminals
Because he tried to coup the government and his followers are complicit.
>you have no rational reason why trump supporters should like him more than putin
How about kinshp with your countrymen? I bet you'd let Trump try to take a crack at Australia too, like a treacherous scum.
Cope lol
whoa, this guy paid some whores and grabbed their ass for a picture!!??!? HE'S SO COOL WTF IM KNEELING AAAAA HES SO BAAASEDD
He let other men fuck his wife. His opinion on anything dosent matter.
Isn't this guy (?) (looks like a tranny honestly), a cuck?
only know about this guy from my zoomer brother and I cant remember if hes the one who fucks horses or is a cuck
I'd butt fuck him until he's incontinent
This is the correct take on Destiny. The shameful way he lives his life should tell you there is no wisdom in anything he says or believes.
Working class is anyone who relies on a safe from an employer. Can be in that situation even with a higher education these days.
None of what he says has weight behind it so who cares. Its like when my nephew called me the Rizzard of Oz. Shit made me laigh so I said Rizzle me this Gyattman.
The one on the right was his wife.
> Because he tried to coup the government and his followers are complicit.
>How about kinshp with your countrymen?
destiny and biden supporters in general wants to kill their countrymen if they're trump supporters
I've reached the point where people like you need to genuinely hang yourselves. I don't want people to debate anymore I want people to genuinely just start fucking going to civil War
How many of those women are with him now?
doesn't make he said false lmfao
preppin em for the bvll eh?
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just posting stuff for attention that his wife never gave him kek
The saddest thing about these kind of relationships is when you see the female clearly is only there because this sub par male can provide her with resources through his accumulation of currency, that he can maybe open some doors with added viewers/sponsors to her own content portfolio, whatever that may be. But the only men really willing to "save her" from this predicament are similar type men, but likely less resources, just simps that likely consume his content. Other men get turned off that she put herself in that situation to begin with. So she gets used by real men that only want some sex, use and dump her back with her pay pig.

I say this is sad because too many women are just like that; it makes it hard to trust any of them.
this guy will commit suicide very soon. he is mentally ill and unfortunately refuses any help . all we can do is ignore his tantrums in hope that he stops.
>not pictured - Destiny tied up and eating nigger cum out of their demolished vaginas while he cries like a bitch
this is edited right? LOL
I was jsut about to post the picture, he fits the look and demeanor. How does freak fucks watch this guy? or any of these ecelbs?
Feels like 75% of humans are trash and we' be better off if they didn';t exist.
He's such a pussy that he likes watching his wife get fucked by her boyfriend. Even that isn't liberal enough, so he paid for their rent so they could also live together. King of the cucks, liberal destiny.
I have no idea who that is. Sage.
Okay, feel free to open your eyes whenever you're read, because he definitely did.
>in general wants to kill their countrymen if they're trump supporters
lmao, that's fucking unhinged.
I would fuck Melina in front of him.
yep. dude feels invincible because he managed to grift some free money from retards without thinking for a single fucking second about some of the other retards he constantly rags on, like Hasan or xQc, who are stupider than him yet made more than him, and how transient that money really is. so he goes on a meth and vyvanse bender like the midwest liberal wastoid he is and burns every bridge possible in his drug and porn-fueled hubris. dude will spend his 40s begging teenage commies to pay his motel rent. smarter, richer people have lost more over less, Stevie is cooked.
He did not, the Mueller russia hoax garbage was a coup attempt.
> lmao, that's fucking unhinged.
Destiny has been saying this
He will when kick/youtube ban him in a few days to avoid being sued for hosting him
I am trying really hard to see if this is photoshop or not lmfao
His analysis is correct, but he’s purposely supporting the immoral side like the ultimate contrarian psycho.
>c’mon guys, we’ve been gaslit for nearly a decade straight, our balls are fuckin BLUE here, of course this was gonna happen eventually
>and that’s a good thing!
I think it's a reference to how destiny spends most nights "solo" shitposting online while his wife gets fucked by big black men in their bedroom.
dude replied to himself lmao
>Is wearing a tight shirt as a fat guy as uncomfortable is it looks?
Ask your fat tranny "mom".
kek, bro how are you this deep into fucking Russian propaganda for AMERICANS? What the fuck are you even doing with your life? Aren't you getting assfucked by China as we speak? Trump 100 percent sent fake delegates and attempted to pressure Pence into not doing his job using violence and intimidation. That's literally want a coup is.
>Destiny has been saying this
Link the clip of Destiny saying let's go KILL the Trumples.
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>trying to paint a literal cuck as a badass
Not gonna work, trannie
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Destiny is honestly a really, really bad person because he'll spend a million years researching a topic and talking fast in his stupid little pull up chair on stream making tons of money all because he has some feeling that he refuses to address.
he is completely stunted emotionally. he refuses to care about his own race, being spiritual at all, caring about his own country at all. he takes himself so fucking seriously he thinks he's above it all and doesn't have to do normal shit, but just like everyone else, he isn't, and it fucks him up and he can't think about shit half as clearly as he thinks

People like him cannot be trusted because he's like a used care salesman of intellectualism. He can convince you of just about anything but he'll go against all of it the minute he has some experience he's never had before
He's just too immature to be taken that seriously. he's a tiny little man
destiny lost so bad to andrew wilson he blacklisted him. in reviewing another debate of andrew's destiny admitted andrew was smarter and more well read than him. destiny doesn't believe in epistemology or the three laws of logic.
>Dude this guy literally celebrated that a republican voter died.

Dude this guy literally celebrated his wife getting fucked by her boyfriend while cuck boy paid the rent.
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>I fuck every woman he gets involved with or attempts to get involved with.
>Don't elaborate as well
> Russian propaganda
It was fusion GPS propaganda.
> Link the clip of Destiny saying let's go KILL the Trumples.
He says they deserve to die, and that violence against trump is justified.
Yeah, he's short, but he wouldn't look so bad if he just worked out some, and ate better. He said it himself that he hates working out though, so he is destined to live a life of pain, and pharmaceutical pill popping in his later years if he keeps his sedentary, and stressful life up.
You are distracted by the wrong shit. Leave this thread. Things that will change the timeline are happening right now.
Buy an ad faggot. You’re a literal cuck and the only place I hear about you is here. You’re a nobody and your own son doesn’t even respect you.
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This, he's to George Soros what Sam Hyde is to Peter Thiel
He’s also 5’6 but larps 5’7
Chud virgins seething kek
Lmao, I'm choked a little bit. He has the body of a mcrib sandwich. Look at it lol
What would I do Stephen? Well id make you have a coherent point with supporting evidence rather than let you blather on and hope to god you can come up with a gotcha.
Oh shut up. Nobody cares what discount bin dollar tree ass homeless man’s versions of Danes think.
Leftist communist getting railed by the FBI and CIA is a GOOD THING and im tired of pretending its not.
I love how they all just completely malded afterwards and couldn't stop thinking about this guy for like an hour straight.
you mean a prostitute who used him for years for money/clout, fucked other guys and then they got divorced?
ebin dude!
Every man does in some way
Ive never watched his stream once. If you idiots didnt post about him, I would not know he existed. I called him a faggot on X and thats about it. He's a loser and itll be funny when someone knocks him out irl. Will make a great gif
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if you think moderates or centrists agree with destiny on any of this you're more retarded than he is
I dont know who that is but he looks like a fag
What happens happens isn't in general wants to kill their countrymen, you understand that, right? Just if the ones that happen to support an insane wanna be dictator happen to get shot. It is what it is. That isn't a call to action as you've painted it. That would be insane, right? If these retarded Americans started shooting each other would be some shit.

dude literally watched some drug addict take his bitch from him lol why would anyone care what he has to say?
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He is a disgusting hatefilled little goblin cuck.
he said he upset the guy's aim wasn't good at the trump supporter in the crowd dying was good, and was particularity enthusiastic because it was in a swing state.
dear lord if he
anheroed no one would care jus takes are base level garbage. "muh system" get fucked ho back to rage baiting on twitter
>"He's unhinged!!"
>"b-b-because he thinks people supporting a fascist, who's above the law and who tried to steal the election and caused an insurrection through multiple scheme and got his cronies in the supreme court to rewrite the constitution to give him absolute immunity for all his crimes while he himself gave pardons to all his criminal friends during the end of his adminstration, and he things those people dying is funny!! So unhinged brooo!"
ngl. This was his most based take yet. If you guys become victims, he's right, it'll be funny.
What the fuck, this guy is actually based.
Yeah, he's a cunt about this one particular death. But, he isn't calling for mowing down of dipshit Republicans en masse.
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The guy that died was a fire chief. It should illustrate to mental retards like you and Steven what role the average Trump supporter plays in society. All the people you wish dead are the ones that keep you alive isn’t that crazy? I for one would be embarrassed to realize that but I have shame and a good relationship with my father so perhaps that’s the difference.
how did hasan come out of the past year shining like gold i'll admit its caught me off guard, i disagree with some of his takes but he at least seems like a decent person whereas destiny and the others are some fucked up degens.
You could say it was destiny that eventually everyone saw the fool for who he was.
Why did he go with a Frodo haircut given the realities surrounding his physical stature?
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who cares faggot? lol, lmao even
>destined to live a life of pain, and pharmaceutical pill popping in his later years if he keeps his sedentary, and stressful life up.
That's what liberalism is all about anon
>The guy that died was a fire chief.
Too bad he supported an insurrectionist. I am sure there are nazis who're family men but if they die, they should be laughed at. People who don't care about democracy should be laughed, shamed and mocked.
Eceleb spam
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ya, the republicans did and are marching lock step line by line down the foundations of geo-politics to destroy the western world which benefits putin and is the russian playbook

ruined the internet and turned it into a culture war shithole by paying you disgusting shitskins to vomit your faggot talking points everywhere there's a comment section because somewhere along the line people forgot being anonymous on the internet let's you spout pure bullshit to gullible idiots, which my generation knew was bullshit, but somehow the older and newer generations take at face value
>who cares
>too bad
Yeah see you both have no real rebuttal the people you want dead are the ones keeping you alive. Maybe skip some steps and kill yourselves?
>Putin ruined the Internet
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no one is talking about hillary, shitskin
get new talking points
I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you
He might've sucked at his job. Chances are high.
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he sucks dicks takes dicks in his ass watches his wife getting fucked and enjoys it sucks the cummies out of her pussy. like why does anyone care what this midget demon think?
Destiny is the goat of our time.
I live so rural these fags would never find me. Once there GPS stops getting a signal they would just be defeated and leave. So... Yeah whatever I don't care what some city nigger thinks. If they want to ACCELERATE it is there grave not mine
>i-i-i bet I could be a better fire chief
The fact that you don’t even have an NHL contract as a Finn lets me know how grossly incompetent you must be.
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Stomp him to death while singing Imagine by John Lennon.
Fair enough
Ignore him. Even getting a negative reaction is a win for him. Block the cuck and move on.
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he was always mostly a lolcow for normalfaggots, the rest of us just ignored him
Fuck his wife, toss the midget across the room, tell him to eat my cum from his wife. He would smile afterwards. Maybe he is giga butthurt because a pol user keeps pot holing his wife in front of him.

Fuck you OP for the astroturf
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you existing, vpn vatnigger
destiny is a midge and his gf left him for another man
that's indisputable fact
anything he says can be disregarded
>Apartment complex
Holy shit what a fucking loser lmao
Jesus take the L and move along. Imagine being stuck in 2016
I punch right and dunk on the scam that is right wing populism a lot. But I still think you libtards are sociopaths. The last few days has eternally confirmed that.
Watching his life fall apart has been pretty great. Everything we all knew would happen is coming to pass.
Talking fast juiced up on adderall does not = winning a debate
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Death to the traitor Hassan, Kane lives in death!
real Gs know it was the time Steven spent in his own3d chat that radicalized him against his former audience KEK
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>shock grifter went for broke to take advantage
many such cases
>But I still think you libtards are sociopaths
kek, are we seriously going to pretend here on /pol/ that violence against the left isn't a funny funny meme responsible for many lost sides?
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With how much he get's away with and the amount he's shilled here 100% a glownigger asset. Trying to get us to incite, Fuck you Glowniggers.
The Democrats and Joe Biden are marching lock step line by line down the foundations of geo-politics too. What Dugin has accomplished is subverting the entire western right wing so that you leftists can now have an alibi from your own Gramscian subversion.
I am not. Because I will never consider myself part of this horseshit boards general culture and milieu. You poltards are duginist subversives. The redditors are gramscian subversives. You are both scum in my eyes.
What the fuck is there to rebuttal? If you support a fascist who tried to steal the election and has weaponized the supreme court to give him unconstitutional levels of immunity to make you a defacto king, and you die supporting him, nobody should care. People who support anti-democratic candidates should not be given any sympathy and should be laughed at. Simple as.
Oh, look at kang nigger here, scoffing at the peasants.
You should never drink your own koolaid, nigger.
what sucks the most about all this is now that he's pissed off the dangerous right wingers he's probably gonna get shot and killed.

what sucks about that is he's a Leftists and that's exactly what he wants to happen deep inside like all of them because their existence is just misery.
Rich enough to not work (paid off nice detached house, few mil in the bank)? I'd kick out the batshit crazy woman cucking me and enjoy the millions.

Destiny specifically? Hard pass lmao.
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He is just upset Trump cut Obamas bbc funding
Tiny is not informed, he just says shit with confidence and then denies anytime hes caught being wrong
Amazing how pretending you know what youre saying and never admitting when youre bested gets you so far
>cant argue any substance
>"N-NEVEr dDrink Own Koolaid n-n-n-n-nigger!"
The biggest koolaid drinkers are retards who support an anti-democratic candidate who tried to steal the election, failed the coup and is now attempting to run again after all his criminal activities that he had to force his own appointed supremecourt to make him immune to all the charges. Retards like you are the pinnacle of koolaid chuggers.

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