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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I'm in a shithole blue state.

Has anyone else left a liberal diverse shithole and ended up in a red state? Are you glad you left?
moved from CA to NV for work back in 2019. I thank God every day
Yea it's nicer here but there too many dumb trailer crash Republicans here. Hopefully that changes this upcoming election cycle.
NV is practically blue though. How much better can it be?
>MN to Middle TN
I got out of Minneapolis (little Somalia) right before Floyd. Best decision I ever made. I was blessed to escape when I did.
friendly reminder that minnesota is a red state with a blue city
t. not minnesotan
>One blue shot hole to another

>Hopefully that changes this upcoming election cycle.
Why would the election make the trailer trash leave your area? Also how bad are trailer trash?
No because living in a blue area of a red state is only marginally better than living in a blue state
left bay area california for wyoming 20 years ago. every visit to the home town is worse than the last. haven't been in the state in 4 years, haven't been in the bay area 7. What was once really cool and worthy of the Beach Boys praise is now a shit hole. glad I left and watch out for people trying to make the new place worse.
Illinois is a red state with a blue city.
North Somalia you mean?
So would you recommend living in blue areas of red states then?
just barely. if you've ever driven through it there's pretty much reno, las vegas, carson city, and a whole lot of nothing between there and utah.
I can't imagine why you'd pick NV over UT though. Just don't like Mormons?
That’s cool, please leave Murfreesboro ASAP. We have been full for the past 30 years and don’t want you here.
Depends completely on the place. There's many things about an area that make it desirable or not beyond politics.
I'm red pilled in Washington State. I refuse to cede the gorgeous Puget Sound to the leftists. Just get out of the cities, and you will find that people are well mannered and level headed. We are not nearly as crazy as Oregon or California (yet).
tell that to the spicks
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Actually went the opposite direction (FL -> Chicago)

Not a move I'd recommend to most but it worked out for me. I got a great job at a tech company you know right out of school in 2021 with my gf (who's from a very wealthy suburb of chicago but we met in college in Florida) so I had a lot of support when moving here. Got a great deal on an apartment in a nice part of the city and really enjoy it, but I'm definitely not going to stick around forever.

The issue is - I'd love to move home, but living in Florida as a young professional just does not pencil, at all. I'd have to:
>probably switch jobs
>take a pay cut
>double my rent
>double my transportation budget (I basically never drive here)
>never be able to afford a home even with a very good tech job

So once I'm more established in my career or go out on my own, I'll probably move back. But for a 25 year old it's a pretty good setup.
>in 2021 with my gf
*in 2021 and moved with my gf
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Yankee go home!
I moved from CA to Phoenix. It's ok, but will be better once we get some more progressive policies in place.
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And then there's this based fellow in CT
CA to TX.

a lot of people relocate for their jobs so they don't change politically
>wealthy suburb of chicago but we met in college in Florida
Yea. Life has been good to since. California was near impossible to live in, you don't realize it until you leave it. The people are different on the outside. They are nicer and more civilized. There are plenty of jobs if you look hard enough and if you hit it right you can have options for employment. Laws are pretty good. No homeless to harass you.

Somebody told me; it's better to be a rich man in a poor state, than a poor man in a rich state.
coastal PNW to TX.
love Texans, hate the climate.
want to back, but don't want to deal with another scamdemic mass hysteria.
not getting traction forming Texan invasion force to take over PNW.
feels bad, man.
If you're talking about the place I think you're talking about you're close, but no. She's english/czech.
True. But the Red in Minnesota would be Blue in Texas. Even the most conservative hicks are tied to labor unions and progressive BS.
>I refuse to cede the gorgeous Puget Sound to the leftists.
i want to move back to the Sound or OlyPen so bad.
don't want to deal with another scamdemic mass hysteria.
Seattle to rural Virginia about an hour from WV. BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE
I moved to Franklin, yes I am a cake eater. I find Murfreesboro lower class and distasteful, also crowded. Murfreesboro: 60 minutes from Murfreesboro.
Red states have far more landwhales and black male/white female couples. Nowhere in the USA is based anymore. Just try to make the best of your own little spot in Hell.
That is every state in the Union anon and why when retards here say to just give up on the cities is when you have already lost your state.
Swing states are a meme.
I live in Ohio. I haven't seen one presidential ad and were voting in like 3 months.
Ohio must be red.

Vote 3rd party.
I left rural Illinois for Florida. I knew that I had to leave Illinois but I wish I moved out west instead of Florida. Florida is full of drug addicts and homeless. Traffic is a nightmare during the winter months and the drivers here are terrible. I'm paying double for car insurance and rent is high.
Be dumb and stubborn and live in a city where you privately retain your inner Nazi < move to a rural town that's majority white and safe

Uh ya I'll take the later retard. Enjoi your mulattos and tranny's...
How did you decide on Franklin?

It's hard to find info on what those communities are like on the ground.
>Red states have far more landwhales and black male/white female couples
i doubt this stronkly
I grew up in southern California then spent my twenties as a zogbot living in different places, I settled in South Carolina and bought a house and I will never leave. There are trump flags and American flags all over my suburbs. I will never go back to California
is this faggot right >>474206240
I had a job where I had to live in Nashville metro or Atlanta. Nashville was the clear choice. Davidson county was out, I have multiple school aged children and don't want to pay for private school.
Franklin is an entire city of families that make $200k to $400k household income. Everyone has kids, everyone has the same values, upper middle class values. Absolutely the perfect place to raise a family. Brentwood is overpriced, Thompson Station and South is the boonies. Arrington is new money fake rich people and influencers.
Just go to maine, vermont or new hampshire. That's my plan. Hopefully I can get guns somehow.
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Yes, left Colorado for Kentucky. Took a 30k pay cut to do so, but I own a house and 17 acres instead of living in a 1br/1ba now. And before you ask: Fuck off, we're full.
Captcha: DJTT
I don't think most of us will buy into another scamdemic. I recently moved from Ballard (North Seattle) to the Olympia area. Much more elbow room, better roads, ample parking, all the same big stores, and great wilderness. Come back, we need people like you. Of course you need to be able to deal with the long rainy periods, but you must know that already.
cities where all the people are dumb fuck
No. You see coal burners in cities and suburbs attached to cities. You might get one or two women who indulge but they are a lost cause and people don't like her. Watch, the anti-rural/anti-red state shills will claim that there are meth heads out there and there is no culture and tell you to go back. You might even see the CA defense force show up.
I took 50k off mine. Somehow have a new car and soon another as well as a new house.
Vegas calls the shots for the entire state. Vegas is filled to the brim with spics and niggers, and the number of each demographic gets higher and higher each year.
many such cases!
>Wisconsin blue
Kill yourself Illinigger. Because Madison and Milwaukee are blue infested shit holes doesn't mean the whole state is like that.
u mad nibba

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