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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I was really big into superheroes in my childhood, but looking back on it I was being totally brainwashed.
>Capatin America=nazis le bad
>xmen=coded gay acceptance
>Thor=kosher replacement for the Scandinavian god

The morality that American superheroes follow is also totally subversive and kosher
>if you kill your enemies they win

A lot of s o y libs get their moral code from marvel movies and star wars, even if they wont admit it

This realization has caused me to view AI in a different light because it will now be easier for nationalists to produce their own entertainment for cheap with ai video and image generation.

tl;dr comicbook superheroes are subversive

post any redpills you have about the kosherness of superheroes in the thread
But superheroes are fictional and everyone knows it. Is that how pagans viewed their gods?
>not reading the Aryan son of Satan
The avengers are similar to a pantheon of gods, but not identical to one.

My point is not that superheroes are the SAME, but that they are identical to pagan gods and the stories behind these heroes push a kosher message
looks like edgelord slop to me
no offense anon
>Being the same
Well thanks for clearing that up.
Some people like to pretend so recently. They think because pagans made fun folk stories about Hercules or whatever that they didn’t take any of it seriously despite all the contrary evidence
Superman is the best example: "Kal-el", as in elohim? Both marvel and DC are complicit in this and the fact that their top writers went back and forth between companies based upon whichever would actually produce their bullshit is enough to show why product wars by fans between companies and labels is the stupidest shit in existence. Same could be said for politics
my apologies anon
I try not to put too much effort into posts unless I know I am dealing with a serious person. I don't want to waste my energy on a blatant fed or troll
I hope you understand
I'll be more cautious with word usage in the future
This is a good point and a good way to connect the issue of superheroes to the broader problem of the kosher binary
>sports team v sports team
>coke v pepsi
>democrat v republican

it is all totally controlled
Sounds like you are just looking for a reason to complain
If an Aryan anti hero doesn’t sound cool to you then I suspect you are both homosexual and also a Mexican
I said no offense

not sure what else you want...
Correct. If its broadcast, it's orchestrated. Everything is kayfabe for the purpose of trying to use the will of people to blend the lines between reality and fiction. With enough distraction, you can concinve people that money is both real and more important than anything else in life, including reproduction. They need to install this kind of good vs bad heirarchy into people at all stages of their lives or else risk losing their battery/slave class of people to milk value from.
no, satanism is just cringe and it feeds into the judeo matrix of god versus satan

the reason why you have to come to /pol/ of all places to talk about your favorite superhero is further evidence you are an insufferable edgelord
You were also complaining like a little bitch. There’s no making people like you happy. You always complain every day and it never ends.
You made a thread complaining about Jewish comics and I post the antithesis if that, a literal Aryan demigod and you complain about that as well.

The problem is that you are a faggot and complain no matter what. It isn’t the comics.
I think he's just playing devil's advocate
>ba'dum tsh
Sounds like some shit only a bitch would say

>satanism is just cringe

I never advocated for Satanism. It’s a comic book about a demigod. You can worship whoever you want and still see an angel running around.

Just because I see Apollyon the destroyer destroying evil and think it’s cool doesn’t change my religion. In fact it has nothing to do with my religion.
>Just because I see Apollyon the destroyer destroying evil and think it’s cool doesn’t change my religion

you are an edgelord and you aren't engaging with the topic in OP

you are either or troll or retarded and I'm done replying to you
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i mean i approve of demon aesthetic but the average normie definitely doesnt bud. they're framing you as evil right from the start. look we made a blonde superhero but hes the son of satan! its the same with all the blonde heroes, can you name one that they didnt turn gay or get killed off or do something really faggoty with? i cant think of any, they've purposely done so as well; you're not gonna see a powerful german blonde superhero at all, without being some lesbian woman or something to that degree and she will be dating a black guy, its always the same shit. the whole thing is subversive, its jewish from its origin and it remains jewish through and through. even thor was subverted in the end, right along with asgard, they couldnt even give us that, they still had to corrupt it lol. jews cant control themselves, they wear their hatred right out in the open, its been this way for centuries now.
I see zero reason to care what goyim cattle think or like
Women loved to complain about unrealistic expectations in fantasy but never said a word about every male character having zero body fat whatsoever
The demon aesthetic is a terrible idea for the reason you just mentioned

anyone who embraces that aesthetic will look like a freak to normies
>>The morality that American superheroes follow is also totally subversive and kosher
>if you kill your enemies they win

Have you ever actually read a superhero story you retarded nigger
many heroes have a no kill rule and most kids cartoons about superheroes don't allow deaths to be shown due to censorship

I don't understand why you are having such an indignant response because I don't like capeshit
Yes it's a Jewish mockery of our ancestral gods and legends.
Why should anyone give a fuck what normies think? How far does cucking to normie sentiment go, do we go all the way back around to Marvel movies and talking about how "Nazi authoritarianism" is senseless violence that threatens the peace and prosperity of a multicultural democracy? The very least one should be able to do to overcome this matrix and its brainwashing is look at Hitler, look at Satan, look at vikings and Norse mythology and say "that's fucking badass". Americans are so kosher from their Puritan roots that it sickens me.
The no kill rule only seems to apply to focused targets because collateral damage would definitely be an issue when you're throwing people through buildings and such. It's like angels and demons fighting ehere only innocent bystanders take any damage
>The morality that American superheroes follow is also totally subversive and kosher
Don't forget how a lot of these movies involve elements like
>you have to kill your sister!
>you have to kill your mother!
>you have to kill your father!
to save the world of course
embracing satanism would be a death sentence for pro white pagans since pagans and other non Christians are already hated by the right wing

The main problem with embracing satanism is that pro white pagans are the good guys, so why would we associate with a symbol of evil?

There is zero reason to care what goyim cattle think. The people who gather here are losers and want to continue using the same losing tactics that they always have. At this point it’s fair to assume this will never change. They can watch jews take over their entire country in 5 years and will still refuse to change tactics.

The optics thing is the perfect example.

Niggers get 100 million views celebrating being thugs and you have faggots on the right saying “think about the optics dude”

The reason everyone thinks the right wing is faggots is because of this bullshit

A bunch of Mexican autistic virgins in suits show up yea that’s a good look
Just Jewish comedy basically. This is why can't watch Mel Brooks movies anymore. The mockery is so obvious
I haven't seen this at all back when I used to consume capeshit, can you give an example?
Nobody is embracing Satanism you are just a retard.

The son of Satan is the destroyer angel Apollyon. He is an angel of the lord and the Zionist messiah

Almost all conservatives in America staunchly support Zionism
The Zionists Freemasonic messiah is Apollyon, Zionism is aryan.

Apollyon - the ARYAN Sun god - Is AWAKE


Antichrist, Freemasons, & the Third Temple: Evidence the Antichrist comes from the Illuminati

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Tr-Zof2jGbw [Embed]

The Messiah and One World Government


COUNTDOWN TO 2025 AND THE SECRET DESTINY OF AMERICA—PART 40: Zeitgeist 2025, Sibyls, and Visions of the Final Roman Emperor


The Freemasons are zionist. Their entire purpose is to be the knights when the antichrist comes, who is Apollyon, the beast of revelation.

Trumps house is covered in Apollyon stuff, if he isn’t a Freemason he is obviously infatuated with their ideology to do such a thing

Proof That Trump Is a Mouthpiece For Apollyon

The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-third degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America.

> The Ancient Greek: δαίμων, pronounced daimon or daemon (meaning "god", "godlike", "power", "fate"),[1][2] originally referred to a lesser deity or guiding spirit such as the daimons of ancient Greek religion and mythology and of later Hellenistic religion and philosophy.[3] The word is derived from Proto-Indo-European daimon "provider, divider (of fortunes or destinies)," from the root *da- "to divide".[4] Daimons were possibly seen as the souls of men of the golden age acting as tutelary deities, according to entry δαίμων at Liddell & Scott.[5] See also daimonic: a religious, philosophical, literary and psychological concept.
It’s literally just an angel or nephilim

You can read a comic book about an angel without worshiping them
christopher knowles already did it
"The Gods Wear Spandex"
is the name of his book discussing this
Interesting anon
I might have to read this
Uhhh. Infinity War for example, where green girl has to kill her father
There was a Captain Marvel movie where Marvel finds out her female mentor/mother-figure is actually the villain.
Those 2 come to mind but you could watch any marvel movie and you will find at least a few major kosher story elements like this.
for kids, whats the difference
I totally forgot about that because those movies were total slop, but those are interesting examples to consider
This is absolutely the case, but it was a long, drawn out process of market selection. Weird Tales and other publications were trying to capitalize on an urbanized youth, trying to close the gap on kids who would be around a campfire telling stories a generation or two ago. Teddy Roosevelt's generation read the classics and Norse sagas, which he loved. The next generations had different heroes eventually Solomon Kane, Conan and etc. While this was going on capeshit slop began to take root.

It's all meant to be a stand-in for actual heroic traditions, but it has become a crude mockup and one of subversion of primordial truths rather than an affirmation of them. This is obvious to all but few can articulate it.
Do you not realize how pointless it is to think in terms of "right wing" and "good guys"? According to normie cattle in present day and forever more, Hitler is the Satan that opposes "right wing" "good guys". He was a dictator that "hated freedom", and he pushed for "extremist violence" that they know to be villainous and not "good guy" behavior. Our ancestors will never be redeemed within the narrative in which everything they represent is demonized. Normies are not faggots who hate White people by accident, this is all in accordance with the natural evolution of Christianity and the ideology it spawned.
I agree with what you say, but we as pagans don't have the numbers to take on the earth. We need public acceptance or public apathy.
If we appear too threatening or too dangerous in the eyes of normies, they will demand that the government take action to crack down on us.

If pagans look like a bunch of psychopathic satanic faggots, it is over for us

you are being too bullheaded about this
They are slop and I pretty much stopped watching any of them after Infinity War when I realized that Thanos is actually supposed to be God performing the rapture but instead it's portrayed as mass-murder. Like the rapture from Satan's perspective.
If anyone's interested, I have a TG channel on these topics: https://t.me/satanicsymbolism
...but damn those digits
ngl, that 666 while talking about the rapture is a crazy coincidence
Look up at how based Red Skull is in what he says vs Captain America. Even pointing out that the country he fought for no longer exists. He was so based that TV tropes literally banned him entirely from their site.
I don't see how I'm being too stubborn or too rigid in any way. There is just nothing productive about "paganism" just being reskinned Christianity for the 100th time. Look at "movements" online that have tried to promote radical paganism like we are currently discussing. Varg Vikernes is essentially just a Christian nationalist who uses a "pagan" larp to give himself justification for laying down heavy criticism toward Christian institutions. Does he or anybody like him actually pose a threat to the system, actually represent a cultural resurgence of an alternative to modern sickness? No, he is another debt slave coping with his favorite set of delusions, he is nowhere near Hitler's footsteps. Let's look at another example you may or may not be familiar with. The Joy of Satan. Anti Christian, anti jewish, anti Muslim, anti faggot, pro pagan Satanism. Sounds good right? Wrong, it's another Christian guilt cult where the only people who have anything to gain are the grifters at the top telling you to trust the plan. They believe in modern politics, democracy, pacifism. Skinsuiting paganism, Satanism, even Nazism doesn't change that. Only embracing the actual Satanic spirit can do that. Only being truly threatening can do that. It's a lot I've said in this post, so how are you following?
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>Year of Our Lord 2024
>Pic is still relevant
This is retarded and you are most likely a fed

Satanism is cringe and it is subversive. It also promotes bad values like homosexuality and feminism

You cannot be prowhite and be a satanist.
Ka-Lel, as in the biblical Haylel (Lucifer, also known as Nimrod the one who made mankind rebel). Nimrod even had a garment which gave him super strength when he put it on, so he could fight and tame giant beasts and kill hundreds of men by himself. Of course, the original superman Haylel was the youngest son of Cush. As any man of cushitic origin, he was a very black, bulky and tall negroid man, with a very large BBC and powerful bull muscles all over his body. An imposing figure indeed, he used to fight barehanded against leopards and other big felines as a kid, to show his strength and gain fame. Although he wasn't really a god, (You) can't compete and he would leave you bucks all broken and mangled.
Interestingly enough, American negroes are direct descendants of nimrod through his daughter Azurad, wife of the Semite Heber (patriarch of the Hebrew people). This explains why you are all amused at paying money to watch nigs playing sportsballs in the arenas. If they have the nimros genes and the warrior genes, it simply makes them more aggressive, faster, stronger, more resilient and impressive to watch. Watching two hebrew niggas with azurad's genes in a boxing match is like witnessing a duel of titans before the pathetic soya cucks. Moreover, it makes your women worship the Big Black Cock.
I don't know what kind of comics you read as a kid but all my comics were about hot women with big tits in skintight outfits punching monsters.
it troubles me how often that happens
It is crazy because I just can't force myself to believe in God the way that Christians do

I know the Adam and Eve story isn't true
I know that Jesus refers to gentiles as dogs

yet I seem to have these coincidences in life which "prove" Christianity

Maybe some hidden entity that is pro-Christianity for malicious reasons is influencing me, I don't know
You just don't get it. You don't see the future. Hitler did. Hitler saw 2024, he saw a world where Europeans are debt slaves to jews and have had their culture completely rotted to the core. The people you are cucking to killed him for that. The people you want to protect, the people you want to be your masters. And somehow I'm the fed? Somehow this cuckservative "everyone I disagree with is bought and paid for by Democrats and the FBI or whatever bullshit" is a compelling point to make? If you don't actually oppose Christianity, you're a Christian and you just admitted that. Then you try to badjacket ME. I'm not surprised though. If the world wasn't full of people as retarded as you and people even more retarded than that, it wouldn't be in this state.
there arw a lot of viking movies and shows made by hollywood, one with a jewish actress in an important role iirc, and they are basically smear pieces against white people. the way the men act is bs and girly and emotional
You are missing the point that normies outnumber you and you are unable to take them on physically

It is better to slowly redpill them and engage in dialogue rather than engaging in a fight you can't win

Hitler was also not a satanist and he would not approve of your impatience and bullheadedness
>kike kartons goyim, it's the way to go.
>blatant kike who didn't read the thread
I do wonder if there could some mass MKULTRA thing going on where they make certain numbers and phrases pop up at certain times through backdoors in all the technology.
Believing in this "redpill the normies" bullshit expired in 2016 when the MAGAtards that shilled for Trump turned out to be regular Zionist conservatives and not "alt righters" like the media painted them to be. And what are you on about, engaging the normies physically? Do I look like I'm going out into the street and raising my sword, trying to assemble a warband? Normies will win, normies have always won. Duh. My point is that you can't cope and pretend that you're winning with them. Electing Donald Trump doesn't mean Hitler's prophecy has been fulfilled and the world has seen that he was right. It's still faggots and niggers being debt slaves, we just also pretend Trump has a spiritual calling as the messiah of our nation. We win when we win. It's not going to be today or tomorrow, it's not going to be when we have an army of normies assembled from social media propaganda or some other bullshit. We win when the world is healed. When life prospers and flourishes, when our enemies are a forgotten memory. Violence is not guaranteed to be the solution or even likely to be given what we know, but if you are utterly incapable of it you are utterly incapable of changing history.
That is the only explanation I can think of
We are being manipulated by people who have much greater knowledge about the world and human history than us

Another reason I can't believe in Christianity is because older manuscripts of some of the gospels supposedly don't contain the story about stoning the adulterous woman

such a faulty scripture cannot be from God, no matter how many coincidences I see.
Art is art, the problem with most of this stuff is it is contaminated with drivel and trash. You could have great art pieces on display and you can use your imagination to come up with stories about these images. But what we get is the art mixed with liberal agendas, or other annoying agendas we didn't ask for, and stories that are never as good as the potential your own imagination comes up with when seeing the art and using your own brain.

It's something you have to come to realize on your own, that media in this world is contaminated with unnecessary shit/trash. You can only free yourself from it by not consuming it.
The Adam and Eve story is a metaphor. It's all metaphor and you find a lot of the same metaphors in other religions. The religions are just stories about universal laws of nature. The laws are often the same but the religion is different because it is constructed through the minds of a different race in a different place. You'll find that such stories in the Bible and other scripture act as prescriptions for how one should think or behave in a certain situation in society. That being said, the quality of this rulebook will decide whether a religion causes a particular people to fail. Religion is only around because the principles therein are beneficial for a group's survival, and those religions with incorrect principles went extinct long ago. That's why so many religions emphasize children (God has a Son, why not you?) or prohibit homosexuality (a society that bans it will grow faster and eventually overtake those societies in which men were not required to find a woman and have children). Anyway, read it as metaphor. Genesis and Revelation are good reads in isolation.
So why did God give nimrod his famous bow?
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The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.

Exodus 14:14
Marvel Movies are no more "art" than the chinese manufactured wall crap you can buy at wallmart
>You cannot be prowhite and be a satanist.

Zeus was literally the tribal god of Aryan, zeus is Satan in the Bible.

Which angel you were assigned depended on which bloodline you were from
That goes without saying, but what you need to clarify is modern day disney marvel movies, more than anything. Not saying older movies weren't subject to being filled with drivel and trash as well, but at least there was a soul still in the art somewhere, maybe in the writers or directors or some actors...it was still there. Modern content being produced by these to big to fail mega corps? What do you expect?
I agree anon, it's nice to come across someone who is levelheaded on here
>MAGAtards that shilled for Trump turned out to be regular Zionist conservatives and not "alt righters" like the media painted them to be

That was pretty funny. I wonder what scheme the (((jews))) will come up with next time.
Zeus is the all powerful lord, the father. Like Odin. They get demonized by the Semetic faiths because they represent real human (man) power. The "real" lords of this plane don't want you to idolize that godly innate power of man, that you can be the embodiment of a powerful god like man, because it challenges their power paradigm. Instead you get a man that isn't powerful to worship, that tries to be pushed down some cuck path where men laydown in the face of challenges. It's like a cosmic nerd vs jock travesty, where the elites that hold generational power are your out of shape nerds, trying to rule over a world filled with jocks, and they have emasculated them to their very soul.
Abaddon is another name for Apollo (Rev. 9:11), identified historically as the king of demonic "locusts" (Revelation 9:1-11). This means among other things that Apollo is the end-times angel or "King of the Abyss" that opens the bottomless pit, out of which an army of transgenic locusts erupts upon earth.

"And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit;

And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon" (Rev. 9: 1-11).

In view of these texts, we recall how Zeus—the Greek identity for the father of Apollo—was acknowledged as ‘Satan’ in Rev. 2:12-13. The fallen angel ‘Apollo’ who unlocks the bottomless pit and unleashes the thunderous hoards of Great Tribulation locusts is therefore none other than the son of Satan and the spirit that will inhabit Antichrist

Satan’s Throne Pt. 2 — Zeus is Satan?!

WHO is ZEUS in The Bible? Look to find out!

The son of Zeus is the angel of the Lord in revelation. I posted the verses here.

>where the elites that hold generational power are your out of shape nerds, trying to rule over a world filled with jocks, and they have emasculated them to their very soul.

This is another example of how superheroes are negative because they glorify nerdiness

Peter Parker is a fictional character millions of men love, yet he is a pussy and a terrible role model when you get down to it.
>Retarded and sentimental Christian slop
>I agree, this is levelheaded
I think I just have to take my victory and bow out at this point.
you are an edgelord with no viable solution
you "bowing out" is evidence I am correct
It doesn’t matter if people believe in judaism and Christianity when Zionism is visibly guiding this ship it still decides our fate

Caring what others think is some low IQ cattle behavior. High IQ guys aren’t going to care if they fit in and shaming doesn’t work because they simply don’t care
Yeah you and your Christian buddy are right about everything. We just need heckin good people who follow heckin good role models and nothing bad will ever happen in society. I only have to bow out because you refused to address my arguments and now your only remaining "attacks" are weak and cliched. You might as well be saying "touch grass and have sex, incel" for how much value you are contributing to the discussion.
I never got into American comics but got into some manga.
Asians have a weird taste. There's too much cutesy stuff and smiling. A lot of manga now is really gay. And now everybody is crying. This started with Naruto but Demon Slayer took it to the next level with the crying. The editors at Shonen Jump need a banner on the wall that says "no more crying". How many times did Goku cry? One single time, when he met his dead grandfather.
I still like all those manga, even with the crying, because a lot of manga typically has a strong sense of morality and a very inspiring main character.
One of the first manga I read was one called history's strongest disciple Kenichi. And it's a very inspiring story about a young boy who trains constantly to become a better martial artist. He very slowly gets stronger and stronger. It's a fascinating story because of how it combines a pro-social message with consumable product. With weekly precision the Japanese have commoditized wholesome endeavor.
This would be a very good thing for boys to read, as I found it parallels one's progress in learning a craft well.
Superhero stories I always found unrelatable. That's not to say they were bad. I became closed minded to them because the characters look too strange. Firstly they're enormous. Secondly there's the tights and the capes and stuff.
Anyways this is an anime and manga imageboard and cape crud has no place here. Sage.
Thanks for reading my blog.
you are mad at your parents and that is why you hate Christianity

I agree that stuff like turning the other cheek is foolish, but your idea of just lashing out isn't going to work either

It is funny how you appear to be all for violence and yet you haven't done anything yet because you are a pussy and know deep down how stupid it would be to lash out at society when you are outnumbered

stay out of jail anon, when you mature a bit more your people are going to need you
dnr faggot
I think you did read and your shrimp dick quivered with anger and even a little fagboi precum came out.
blatant kike
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because this is an otherwise wholesome thread
>that is why you hate Christianity
It's always this psychologizing with modern people. "You should just be happy, you live a good life, you should never be hateful". As if all minds are the same and that you can apply the rules of cattle minds universally. "I would never even imagine hating a nigger, jew, or fag. These neo-Nazi scum are insane!"
>you appear to be all for violence
In what way? Did I see that there are people who need to die or be killed, did I say that engaging in violence is productive? Violence is merely a symbol and an aspect of one's ideology/morality/religion. Normies love violence when it's against "criminals and terrorists". It's not some huge contradiction to have some theories about the utility of violence whilst being a completely passive individual.
>your people are going to need you
To do what? Die in a pointless war to fill the bankers' coffers? Nothing good happened and the world spiraled into deeper and deeper dystopia in the 8 decades following National Socialist Germany. What kind of miracle do you think is going to occur in our lifetimes? Is Jesus coming back finally?
based noticer
I really shut you down this hard. There are so many viable arguments you could reach for but you're falling back on reliable crutches for losers. "If you disagree you're a fed, jew, and faggot". Amazing how your spiritual weakness and ignorance leads to the same helplessness when it comes to simply effectively refuting arguments against you.
>fed keeps replying after I found him out
>I'm still going to cope and pretend this obviously organic /pol/ regular steeped in dissident right culture is a fed
Cool concession. And now I really bow out. To members of the audience: this guy's mistakes in logic are common and easily avoidable. Unfortunately, they are just as unshakeable and impossible to dispel. When a Christian tells you "if God doesn't exist, then my life has absolutely no meaning" they mean it.
>federal agents bumping a thread they are clearly threatened by
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Correct, comics are very jewish at their core, pic related is from the old /pol/ era
the world makes a lot more sense if you imagine that most people aren't intelligent enough to be considered truly conscious. they're just following their programming. and yes the programming has been hijacked
>There is zero reason to care what goyim cattle think
You'll care when God delivers this nation back unto his children and devil worshippers such as yourself are dragged out to be burned alive in the public square. Believe me, you'll care a lot. Sure hope you repent before then anon, I will pray for you.
Even as a child I thought comic books and super heroes were incredibly gay. But I was reading at an eighth grade level by the time I was in first grade.

Comic books are for the developmentally average or lower.
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Spider Man is a good example of the subversive nature of western comics. He shouldn't be broke. He should be able to live out in the woods since he has super powers.
>Strength of a hundred men
>Aside from having super human strength he has super human stamina meaning he can build him a house all by himself.
>Super intellect
>access to advance technology, and robots
>has been shown to be able to create advanced technology.

The same goes for almost all super heroes, and even the super villains. Super villains capable of creating super advance technology and or having amazing super powers yet resort to crime. Why?
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I'm so sick of LARPagans. They're just as obnoxious as capeshit faggots and just as whiny as predditors complaining about Trump.
>you are jewish unless you worship a jew
>also stop complaining about zion don okay goy
do you feel smart after posting this?
Marvel movies are masturbation and bad for your mental health.
If not subversive at least really stupid brain rot
Go and read about the founder of EC comics. That guy was most likely murdered. When he ran the publication they released pro Christian/pro American comics but then he "died in a boating accident". His ungrateful son took over and released EC horror comics which were a form of scaring/guilt tripping kids into adopting bad undermining subversive political ideologies.

You can tell how much the original owner's son hated him. The intro, and wrap around segments for the movie Creep Show were probably based on how much he hated his father. Note that the son character in the movie does indeed kill his father. Like in comics, the father character is a straw man stand in villain for conservative men in the U.S.
This is very interesting. I had no idea about this story
Comic books are for fun
Nah they’re for average and below people. Except Cerebus. That’s the only good comic book.
It's a TV show or a movie, but in printed form. It has little to do with IQ. There are comics by geniuses written for children, and comics for adult written by retards. You have no idea what you're talking about or what sort of craftsmen exist in this art form.
The only comic book produced as true art was Cerebus. The only comic book produced for full grown adults was Cerebus.

All others, without exception, are for low IQ retards. Sorry faggot, your hobby sucks and you never even read the single, only, good comic book ever made. I pity you. Kind of a mixture of pity and scorn really.

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