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Get ready for the drone swarms.
fuck off faggot
really really weird
What is the matching Q tidbit for this assassination event?

A killing bolt will shine but not kill?

Rod and the ring will strike? (Rod and ring are what Iron sights look like on AR15)
Probably some time traveler.
Rule #1: Every Spectacle Is The Work Of Kikes
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Why didn't he flinch? Serious answers only
Has to be ‘The Shot Heard Around the World’
Who is this dude?
Anyone have the pictures of him in the crowd?
a memory
gazing at the dust
gazing at the galaxy
space trippin
of the stars
searching for ufos
from neptune
to mars
So Fusca plays along with the Qtard thing for the fun of it? Was it him at the Guidestones?
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Obvious jew, that's who he is.
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>July 14
there's also a Q post that says 'FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT' the same thing Trump yelled when he got back up
He's Trump's guardian angel.

he was behind trump and he didn't duck or take cover or anything.
Shit here I go again down this hole.
many such cases
spoopy. been seeing a lot of to-the-date timestamp matches in Q threads.

idk what kinda glowniggery this is but it is spoopy
He watched his dad die when he was 4 years old. He'd seen it happen before.
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you're fucking retarded
everybody with half a brain knew an assassination attempt on trump has always been likely
they literally beg for it on social media lmao
> Jewish guy clearly
> some mossad agent
> doesn’t even flinch when the bullets start flying.

Seriously some weird shit.
Wasnt from this current rally. If it was, im Q schizo again
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He isn't Jewish
Q-uasimodo predicted all this you know
perfect hint, can't believe nobody got this.
I like the theory that he is Gaddafi much more then he is JFK JR.
alright first the psychic guy predicting this 3 months ago now this. what the fuck. Time travel, divine intervention?
lol never heard that, but agreed
QRD on Q? I thought we all agreed that it was always just a silly meme
Yes he was sitting behind Trump on our left. Didn't everyone see this guy? Hence the thread.
Noticed that!
Troon commie time travelers is an insane plot
Capcha: VPNH
>louis Freeh
>anagram: house rifle
if instead Trump had been fatally shot his last words would have been "if you want to really see something this sad, take a look at what happened"
Do you have more context or are you just schizophrenic?
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checked and side by side
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OMFG it's real. Look up "celebrity issue 69"
This feels like the meme magic days in 2016. Kek is back boys
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FFF = 666
Hey guys Q here. I didn’t predict this.
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>One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.

revelation 13;3

July 13th

you see the current issue of People?
I know I've seen him before. He glows harder than Agent Smith. Mount Rushmore rings a bell.
So this guy is aware that internet weirdos think he's JFK Jr ?
He did. He grabbed his ear and kind of crouched, then dove down.
That's actually very strange indeed.
Spooky shit
He is literally reading b? Or my mind?
if i'm not mistaken those were in regards to something different and had nothing to do with the Q bullshit. somehow they got associated with it
That's what I'm asking.
I didn't save that picture.
Is he wearing the same shirt?
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> july 22, 2024
This is the big question imo
Besides the weirdness of the text, it's just bizarre to wear a shirt with a magazine cover printed on it anyway.
LOL THATS THE EDOMITE/jew that was shouting front and center when the fake assassination took place
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The Rod and the Ring are Mesopotamia, which is modern Iraq.
Killing bolt maybe.
Q bros. Are we back?
Watch the vid, right after Trump fist pumps and says fight fight fight he loses his shit, in a good way.
Yeah Q won hard
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drop the hate, pick up the love brother.
praying for you.
Never left.
No he's wearing a Trump shirt on that day. Says Trump near the bottom of the shirt, shows trump with an open collared white shirt, jacket and MAGA cap.
Bitch, who the fuck thinks a graze is a mortal wound? Think a jfk style hit and Trump survived. That would constitute as fulfilling the prophecy, not a flesh wound.
Rokos Basilisk confirmed. I kneel AI senpai
It’s not real
Shouldn't you all love him more
He's a wizard and deflected the bullet.
This is our board, always has been, we made the rules that cannot be broken here.
I thought rod and ring was the vaccine. Because a needle has a rod and ring
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mfw I'm way too high for this shit right now
No he literally mirrors the resurrection tard cake. The world isn't going to slober Trump now. If that changes we'll see.
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we hate the hate, love the love.
have a blessed day.
This guy is God and is protecting Trump
You don't realize how (((they))) meant for the last few days to turn out, how much media production they just had to destroy. This was to be the next JFK.
The first arrest did shock the world didn’t it?
Don't you find is strange how they are making trump into a messianic figure even before this event they have been making parralels to him and Jesus or comparing him to king David, Many hardcore MAGA evengellicals believe this. In revelations it says that Christians will be deceived by the beast.


>The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness, a Dead Sea Scroll, and one of the most important documents of the Essene sect of Jews that established a community at Qumrān in the Judaean desert during the first half of the 2nd century BC. The Essenes thought themselves to be the holy elect of Israel, the Sons of Light, who would at the end of time engage in a catastrophic war with the enemies of Israel, the Sons of Darkness.

>Netanyahu: "We are sons of light, they are sons of darkness"

Q dark to light
>Bitch, who the fuck thinks a graze is a mortal wound?
Seemed to have is the operating phrase here. At first none of us knew if he was seriously injured or not, just that he had blood on the side of his head.
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pic rel
man I already saw that a few years back but I started rereading again, had some fun in my mind using my imagination for the implications but when i saw
>I.e there can be more than one Mike Pence on Earth in a given time period
it brought me back down so fucking hard lmao
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Now you remember this meme from 2016. spooked
Trump? Yeah. Not bad nigga Q
So you are saying I can dodge bullets?
when did he change his shirt?
yes and I am perplexed at how this always seems to happen. only thing that's missing is a freemason necklace
100% the nose dont match his face, definitely would guess surgery if i had a gun to my head
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very true
Vincent Fusca. He's part of the Qanon stuff. They think he's JFK Jr who faked his death and is secretly supporting Trump in his fight against the Clintons. He likes to play along with that conspiracy so the image on his shirt is the cover of the first issue of JFK Jr's magazine, "George"
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This here was the first shot heard round the world.
Lexington & Concord.
Anudder Qproof.
Q? Or jew
Trump is not the antichrist. Barack Obama is. All this is part of the king of the north, king of the south prophecy Biden/Obama is the king of the south, Trump is the king of the north.
Good rule
It always was going to be proven true. Any doubters were retards.
Who is making Trump into a messianic figure? His wound doesn't align with Revelations, but I'm 99% sure this was divine intervention. That's as far as I'm going with that though.

Trump is not the second coming, nor is he the beast.
he's at just about every event. The George shirt was at a different event.
Youve had 7 years to read the 5000 Q posts ffs
>Who is making Trump into a messianic figure?
You have no idea how deep the Q hole goes.
This is GALACTIC intervention by ascended master Jesus and the Plaedians.
To establish NESARA and GESARA.
The apocalypse of the draconian bloodline is imminent.
We are ascending to 5D!
he is the only one that didnt duck or hide during the shooting
holy checked :D
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Q never spoke of Trump in messianic terms.
But this image was posted early on, 2018 sometime.
Qtards promoted this.
And some of the utubers too.
Q follows Asimov's Foundation series and Dune books. Especially "God Emperor"
>Q predicted this
>blah blah blah
how come nobody is talking about how the episode of The Boys that came out 2 days before the shooting was about someone that was planning on assassinating the President and had classified Secret Service documents in their house with all the information about where the potential blindspots were at a speech?
Here's a hint.
If you search for GESARA posts on facebook, you'll find tonnes of grifters explaining how Q/God/Aliens are about to Great Reset the economy, banks are crashing and will be replaced by the new Quantum Financial System - and that means you need to invest in XRP/XLM and other shitcoins.
Do you understand it now?
Bannon and his CCP handler did the same thing on Gettr
that guy has a lot of shady things going around him. If hes not some sort of important figure (speaking from a religious perspective), that would be more unlikely.

> born during a blood moon
> mothers name is Mary
> fathers middle name is Christ
> son-in-law has made the biggest real estate deal in history, paid a lot more than you would for a building like that, and that building happens to be 666 fifth avenue
> plot armor

imo, he is most likely supposed to be a sort of false messiah
"You wanna really see something....take a look...."
>shots ring out
i dont know about that
I knew many Qtards were into that shit.
I never was. It's stupid. Just another fiat.
The economists I listen to have no use for crypto either. Never did that.
Don't know where Q himself stands on it.
They were mostly about restoring the Republic.
ok, what psychic guy?
The q skibidi

Captcha: YR882
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>Donald Trump Babalon Working aka Moonchild
Don't conflate Crypto (BTC) and Alts. You'd do well to keep them entirely separated in your mind. Bitcoin will be the next world reserve currency, anything else is just a temporary pump. Lots of opportunities to make great money with the alt market but they are distinctly different in the way that BTC will be around forever and XRP probably won't.
I still have a bag though just in case.
Lol and the serpent had his ear pierced and the people followed him to their promised judenland.
yeah, there was a twitter account that exposed a lot, called Donald Dark. But he seems to have deleted his account or something. He is nowhere to be seen
People who dodge bullets tend not to bleed everywhere like a bitch.
Yeah this fucker stood out immediately to EVERYONE. MOSSAD 100%
I think you mean Donie Darkened https://youtu.be/eAvSjmpSbXI
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Nice job anon. This is the best shot of him I have seen so far. Was this from a video? Still? Have any more?
Hhhhaaaaaaaaannnngggg on sloopy! Sloopy hang on!
BTC as reserve currency? Not. Likely.

BIS reinstated GOLD at a tier 1 asset, not BTC.

One good Solar Flare or EMP and BTC is gone.

Gold been around for at least 5000 years as a Money/Currency.
That retarded "prophecy" isn't Q shit. It's just a post somebody made one day.
>It will happen when the weather cools
It's fucking July.
Yeah, what happened to him? Was searching for a while on X but didn't find him
Time travelers are trying to killme
>muh crypto will be real i swear
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Accept your in a simulation
Oh yea? But what kind of faggot are you?
First fucking result kraut
>Power goes out, permanently
>Only purchasing power is labor
That's cgi bong.
He also pushed his way through the crowd from the top right of the bleachers to get right behind Trump in the center frame.
Dayum that's the fastest Mandela effect e ver
Q all started after the Las Vegas massacre.
If there is no electricity people can use coinage and even cash.
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Ooooh, I probably didn't recognize him because of the nog in his profile picture. Was searching for some guy with a Donald Trump pfp in black and white, red eyes lol
I remember you from x, stay safe
Q, quantum. Makes sense. Accepting that it is a simulation means entirely that we are set for the only timeline which will lead to our success, quantum inmortality. You can't die, consciousness prevails
Yeah the guy behind the account is literally black kek
Trust the plan.
If there are time travellers then there would be some trying to save him.
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Anything after Assange lost access to this account is garbage. Doubt he would post this since the Podesta Files and Hillary emails basically started Q stuff
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There are time travellers, for real.
That's why governments around the world run fake lotteries with multimillion dollar prizes.
To catch time travellers.
Rod and ring are the capital letter Q retard.
some people are legitimately too dumb to realize what's going on sometimes, and don't react immediately
they just sit and watch attentively until it dawns on them

i'm not following the story of the guy in the stands, but at a glance he looks like the kind of person who is lost no matter where he goes, so im going to say he's stupid, because he's obviously jewish, and there's a very good chance campaign handlers put him in the stands to pander, because thats what they do
Remember on adjustment bureau how their hats are actually important?
Technically Saturday was supposed to be July 14th but its a leap year
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>What is the matching Q tidbit for this assassination event?
Pic related.
CERN and timeline war
Steins gate is real
Valiant Thor.
"A week to remember."
So trump is going to be elected president and have a war with Iran?
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>Nice job anon. This is the best shot of him I have seen so far. Was this from a video? Still? Have any more?
I had the rumble stream open since it happened live and rewatched it about 100 times. My pc crashed and it closed and now it wants a login to view it.
If you were in the middle of temporal war. Would you know?
The past is contaminated by the future.
>6 years ago
Why the fuck should we care? Here, I'll make a super le epic predickshun: A think is going to happen, and it will be big!
Q boomers and migapedes are a plague upon this board.
How do you know there weren't?
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Nothing ever happens
check these
I kneel
Everything that is happening has already happened and will happen again. You know this: We spoke of it before. Unless we awaken we are doomed to reset.
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Came to stop the inevitable nuclear war
Which may not be inevitable..?
Awaken or Reset.
Fuck this shit is definitely rigged, globohomo is laughing at us.

And what better place to spread it than the centre of the Internet, 4chan Hahaha amazing. X marks the spots, 2024 really is the year
>Get ready for the drone swarms.

Orange Man needs to stay in a bunker until after the election, deadass.
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You bring on a VP they are so afraid of they would never try to kill you again.
That's not Q nufag.
It was just some Anon.
the prophecy(tm) isn't q
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>Q bros. Are we back?

Soviets spread rumors of Romanov loyalists inside the Red Army that would help bring the Whites victory. The did it again the late 80s to give the idea of anti-communist underground (like Piezcenik at InfoWars saying "we put him in [Putin]". The more spooky this Qoomer bullshit looks, the more on guard you need to be.
There is a video posted by Vincent Fusca on tiktok, cross posted to twitter here


Uploaded to catbox
Qanon is irrelevant to the big picture. If it helps you get there, enjoy. but don’t get hung up on it.
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I think boomers have developed face blindness as an evolutionary strategy to prevent them from disowning their mulatto grandchildren.
>Fight Fight Fight
Qanon doesn't get anyone anywhere. If you're gullible enough to even entertain it, you're too defective to ever understand the world around you.
Oy vey
>You wanna really see something sad...
I noticed that too Anon
>a week to remember
If nothing else happens this week will you retarded q fags drop this stupid shit
You can get something valuable out of lots of things that are complete bullshit. As stupid as it was, Qanon was at least interesting until it got jewed and cultarded
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>they staged another false flag
>Q won!
WTF kind of logic is this?
this is fucked beyond fucked
I'm not an MKULTRA expert but that sounds like a plausible trigger phrase to me.
What is this jfk shit? The glue of the earth? Are you niggers clinically retarded?
Except it's not "a week to remember".
Lurk moar faggot(s) >>474227101 >>474229495
For reasons that perhaps only he knows, within moments of being shot Trump literally quoted a Q post from 2018.
Nope. There are things in this world so retarded that anyone who believes them will always be worthless, Q is one of those things.
Omg shut the fvck up you retard. Notice the esoteric, hand behind the back freemason symbolism.

The all seeing eye on the dollar isnt a larp, they write scripts to control all sides always. The kennedys are jewish british agent assetts. Reagan was too. Trump is a 33rd degree freemason. His family is mostly if not all transgender. Alex Jones bleaches his hair. ITS ALL BVLLSHT.
The jfk shit is retarded. These are the same people that think Trump is chosen by God, but RfK jr. is a nobody.
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i thought they kilt john lenonn..
It’s because hes the “trump card” for the goyim. This has been pre planned for a long time. The goy cattle will cheer for their own destruction.
The first set of Q posts were exactly dates and times for arrests that never came to pass, yet they kept going.
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Alex jones barely has any hair.
You people are all stuck on midwit. I’m out.
You don’t get what I’m saying at all, which makes you just as retarded as the cult fags.
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Deebly goncerned about "THE NEXT AMERICAN REVOLUTION"
If you ever thought "maybe there's a chance Trump is sending me secret messages on 4chan about mass arrests", even for a second, you're a retarded beyond redemption. It's not a gateway, and there's no amount of "redpills" that can fix that defect.
>shot in the head
Seems pretty mortal
Anyway the gay jewish prophecies only need to appear true to the goyim. They don’t actually need to be true, like the holocaust.
Trump was never shot. Sure they will clip his ear or whatever but they either cut his ear when he went down or it was fake blood. Yes trump is in on it all.
That Schumer clip is something else.
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I'll be sure to take 14 days to prepare
He doesn’t seem phased at all by the shooting.
How did Trump survive?
How did the shooter get to his location?
Who are the people currently in the secret service "protecting" the former president?
Who gives the orders for the secret service?
Is Trump the former president?
Is Biden the the current president?
Pay attention to the news cycle.
Who or what will make the headlines next?
Get ready for the shift.
Stay vigilant.
The tide is turning.
The SS has never been tbe good guys.
Pay attention to Argentina.
Someone's son is about show himself.
(Flip upside down)
(Check the date)
Huh? Did he actually say that in an interview, or just joking around?
Stop doubling down on me jew. Statistically, it’s likely my iq is higher than yours. I see nuance; you don’t. You’ll never understand what I’m saying because you aren’t capable. This is why the world is stuck in LCD culture. Most people just aren’t that smart. You might as well have Down’s syndrome to me, but you think you’re brilliant bc all you do is hold yourself up against them.
Why/ how 99% sure of that? Low IQ?
Oh good, /pol/ woke up.
(Not financial advice, opinion only)
Saying “Lexington and Concord” doesn’t mean anything faggot
Trump just said his RNC speech is a message of Unity.
There's no room for nuance. If you ever considered Q, you probably have a sub-nigger IQ, likely due to boomer-specific conditions like hepatitis-c and ingesting lead paint chips as a child.

Nigger conspiracies, like the secret black president on the back of the two dollar bill or historical figures being crypto-nogs are significantly more plausible than impending mass arrests and secret messages on an image board.
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>im out
see you tomorrow fag
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Actually I qualify for MENSA and I turned them down because they're very obviously a CIA honeypot and Q became relevant the second it allowed us to redpill millions of normies and boomers on the JQ, the federal reserve and marxist communism hence people like you regularly coming here to attempt to turn people away from it. You're either a midwit incapable of perceiving the routes necessary to awaken hundreds of millions of people around the world or you're a bioluminescent that needs to find the nearest road with oncoming traffic.
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I think what the anon is saying that the Q thing did shed light on other aspects. Like people for instance. How gullible they can be. How easily it is to manipulate certain groups and ages of said groups. And even influence influential people. How far something can spread etc. So yes, the anon is right, there are many things you can get, even from bullshit. And desu, that's just the tip of the iceberg of information you can gather in the most general sense from things like Q. And yes, I'm bored and larping as Q for the lulz.
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and never left
That's a meme and an ugly undustable chandelier, in one.

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>Only purchasing power is labor
My wife has the largest private collection of high end German sock yarn on earth.
Come the Electric Universe plasma bolt, and the ice age that follows, people will give her anything to get a pair of her warm socks, which remain warm when wet.
Fuck you well poisoning, psyoped Q fags.

Retards like Qfags are the reason no one takes conspiracy communities seriously.
This is something I noticed straight away aswell. You should try counting all the heads. There are seven
There is more that seems relatable to the prophecy from that day. I'm not going into detail. But I'll leave the verse

>>And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear's, and its mouth was like a lion's mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority. One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?” And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months. ...
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Q was underway before that. 10/28/17
Someone posting as Q discussed the event the following weeks. Some of those event discussions were signed with a Q but weren't the "drops" as they came to be known, and weren't as puzzle-based/spare in style.
Don't you think, out all the things Q said that we could do this with many other things trump has said? It's schizo to believe anything other unless you have evidence. We have no evidence of anything. I think it began from an insider. Go to 4plebs and search "CBTS" (calm before the storm) as the subject. I think it's was November of 2017. Then imo, someone who saw what was happening, came and muddied the waters with the Q larp. Eventually it moved to infinity because not many here took Q seriously after the larp proved to be just a larp. Two more weeks etc.. It amazes me that after almost seven years anons are still waiting for the " good guys are winning." The good guys literally are NOT winning. Trump very nearly was almost assassinated. Literally inches from death. The good guys are fighting, but the good guys most certainly are not winning. That's not to say I'm ready to give up, and that trump will lose, but it's a fight. If the good guys had already won, the fighting would be over.
It started after Trump made the statement, "it's the calm before the storm." That happened in 2017.
start here.
Never forget that the first Q tripcode was decoded as Matlock.

It’s real

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Their narrative must be stopped.
Someone has to play a wildcard.
I was listening to content weeks in advance where there was joking speculation that Trump would have a face wound in order to fulfill revelation 13:3 then to see it basically happen and have an oh shit moment first thing I thought when I saw the assassination attempt
Reminder that Kennedy was a coomer bourgeois asshole who went to berlin saying ''dont ask what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do to your country'', which means the public servants are here to be served by the population and not the public servants are here to work for the population.

There is the real purpose of the republican revolutions starting in britain, america, france : the caste of bureaucrats and merchants are here to leech off the population as much as possible.
This. I believe they're trying to fufill the prophecy. I've believed it for a few years now since the one in September and the meteor shower like a week or two later. I was wondering how the fatal wound thing would work but I guess this counts. I just figured him "losing" the election would be used in place of an actual wound.
It can’t be both at the same time? Third worlder thought process.
Best fake boobs I've ever seen
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>Ghoul looking jew is JFK Jr, one of the most handsome sobs alive
Q boomers are so hopelessly retarded. It’s even worse dealing with the millenial and gen x Qtards. They have even more of an insufferable all knowing arrogance than the goofy ass harmless boomers.
Should see my ex. Nipples constantly rock hard. Only thing I miss about her are those titties.
What a filthy kike. Is he the Mossad plant for the event, like Abraham Zapruder or the Dancing Israelis?
>free Iran
Didn’t they just elect a new president, who is changing their approach to foreign relations?
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I think He'll go after Saudi Arabia because of 911, revealing their involvement, now that they've dropped the petrodollar. It's not going to be a shit show like Iraq or Afghanistan though. It would be perhaps the only way to (try) bring back patriotism in the military and support a war. US military would then be in great strategic position, fight Iran and Yemen and control the oil. Also support Israel if they attack Lebanon.
I posted that on /agatha2/ during a cleanup

>captcha: h8 tv
The mandala effect that people so often speak of would be fallout of somekind?
Bless you anon
What if it isn’t Trump but JFK?
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Qtards think everyone is jfk or jfk jr

op dodging his pills again
You faggots lose all credibility when you start believing in fairy tale bullshit like this.
Is deep zio state bringing this psyop back?
>A killing bolt will shine but not kill?
Here ya go
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Concord was the gay lbgt shooter that opened its beta the morning Trump was shot
Pic related
Now the world learns about blackrock
Now the world learns about glowniggers
Now the world learns about JEWS, 911, JFK, and everything else.
BLACK ROCK predicted it

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The /pol/ prophecy was a United Nations gayop
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>Get ready for the drone swarms
activating EMP
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Chat, is this real?
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Only his body was there.
>we want useful idiots who will be psychopaths for us
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>Who is making Trump into a messianic figure?
Foundation is a brilliant [spoiler]tv show[/spoiler] i'm enjoying it a lot so far
>was listening to content weeks in advance where there was joking speculation that Trump would have a face wound in order to fulfill revelation 13:3
What about the rest of the verse though. If Trump is the wounded head of the Beast, who or what is the Beast itself? Who's the Dragon that gives the Beast power.
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Riddle me this. Why is this account so obsessed with supposedly exposing the "Masonic" Hegelian dialect but refuses to acknowledge in depictions of the Masonic checkerboard Satan is not waiting for you on a white tile (Trump's team), but instead is above the checkerboard entirely with staircases offering you an escape from the false duality of the checkerboard into the false light of Satan?

There's been a clear organised effort to try and define the New Age movement as team Antichrist and the white hats has the Antichrist's team, The New Age is obviously evil, but you don't need any discernment to see that, nor would it be a convincing deception that could "deceive the very elect if it were possible".
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Swede is that you?
>Who's the Dragon that gives the Beast power.
Satan himself. Satan is literally cast from Heaven and is here on the earth, he channels his power into the Antichrist, so everyone worships the man Satan is designating as his conduit. It's like mimicking God and Jesus Christ.
ugly jew
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Satan-sama, i kneel
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true if big
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I like this timeline
That would be Roy Cohn, his Metatron.
The woman looks more like Carolyn than the guy looks like JFK Jr
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Imagine being this stupid.
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>As stupid as it was, Qanon was at least interesting until it got jewed and cultarded
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panx ubrfme mim. robdd xrmdbr me gwebad y ny pbydyo ig bdrmch ir posuyidia
>calls it QAnon
You're a dumb faggot parroting media talking points. Get fucked, retard.
Another retarded faggot referring to it as QAnon
You got played by the media and are another useful idiot parroting their talking points.

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