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New video of shooter just dropped!
wew lad
>no webm
nu bump
post webm or non-x link
>hurrdurr Americans will totally lose a fight against the govt
Look how completely inept, incompetent, lazy and arrogant they are. It's a paper tiger.
I wonder if he heard the people calling him out so he had to get it on.
Here you go. I had to cut out most of it because of size limit. Still suggest watching the whole video with sound
no lol fuck you - who the fuck are you that ANYONE should do that?
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AI generated.
This is better with sound. You can hear people saying "OFFICER, HE'S ON TV ROOF."
Ok? Whats your point?
Cope you lost
omw. do you want apple or cherry?
its that you left the tracking data on the link:
Still retards think deepstate is a conspiracy.
should have morphed it in to Baldwin
British posters are the ones trying to undermine the Secret Service with the fake "3 minute" window bullshit. Took homeboy 30 seconds to climb on the roof and get into position.
>The single mom hasnt even starting SCREAMING at Ross yet
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limpdick spectators could've easily thrown a waterbottle at him, buying more time. if i were there it would've gone down differently.
>be SS
>assigned to former president and current democrat VP nominee
>2 buildings in abandoned farmland in pennsylvania
>just cover one (i'm sure it's fine)
>shooter lines up shot
>dozens of people inform police (I'm sure it's fine)
>shots fired
>trump protects female SS agent after he's hit
>>>we saved his life! We're heroes!
It went down perfectly in retrospect. If you had done that, he wouldn't have shot and everybody would have said that it was staged by Trump.
just post video url
He technically got a headshot he was no noob
>baby puke ID
Military Intelligence tracking thread
Why’s it’s called secret service if it’s not a secret?
thanks you will ride eternal in Valhalla
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New video

Is there a full clip that goes the point the SS doom him?
Blow your brains out Pajeet
lmao, wtf
You wouldn’t have done shit you pussy



holy shit, the place was surrounded with SS and they didnt do shit when the guy is in plain view and everybody is telling them there's a man on the roof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lmao. Who would win
>The most elite security force on Earth backed by Pennsylvania's finest in charge of protecting potential president re-elect
>A 20 year-old special needs incel wearing cargo shorts and sporting an AR-15 with iron sights
You can't make this shit up
Why does video cut out? He shoots shortly after this.
their service isnt necessarily secret
what happens on their watch is - they dont talk about what they see without approval, ever
I dunno. Wish there was an actual thread on all the different videos collected so far.

There’s some I’ve only been able to find once
Trump was supposed to be killed by your SS
It's obvious an inside job. But the truth about who orchestrated the thing, will never be known.
ill call it right now- the secret service put the local police department in charge of securing that building- a simple job. secret service will do that as they simply don't have the manpower (if it was acting president it'd be different) to secure everything outside of the venue.
the local cops were tards. they assumed the secret service are ninjas who had everything covered so they didn't take it seriously. most of them were probably sitting in their squad car with the AC blasting watching trumps speech. i have no doubt they had the means to reach the secret service on the radio (secret service is on secure comms but surely can talk to locals) but they failed to do so out of incompetence or just not believing anything was happening- and they were worried if they were wrong they'd be in big trouble for ruining the speech.
its really that simple. thank god trump was alright and going forward the secret service will have more people there to secure everything and not rely solely on local cops. (if in a big city the cops are fine for stuff like this- NYC for example- they do security all the time for events) - but bumfuck towns no way they'll be trusted again.
it's clipped and sold to TMZ
the next segment is the part we have already seen, where the camera moves up right when shooting occurs
is this real
>inside job
British Propaganda
You clowns keep spamming this misinformation, it's gay
Nah, just common sense, but as everything that happens in your country, truth will never see the day light.
>But the truth about who orchestrated the thing, will never be known.
You have to be a retard to not know.
Israel paid for this just like nick said
The world is full of them, mine specially.
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This three cops wore the ones that that went up the ladder then came down after they saw the shooter had a gun
>"It was just an oversight, bro!"
AI glownigger astroturf
Trying to respond but keep getting banned.
Fuck are you on about?
He's dead and not only didn't accomplish his goal, but he only hit non-targets and galvanized the entire campaign. That's a definitive loss.
What a shit show
Why are NPCs even sperging out about roof activity?
the question we need answered is what is the name of the security person in charge of the event?
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Latest meme graphic just dropped to beat the pitiful media ones that are out right now
It looks like he just turned his head to the side and got bloody.
Anyone else starting to think it was just one retard with a gun and that glowies including SS are just less competent than ever like every other institution?
Just choked on my drink lmao
Looks like some autist has a grudge against the alive guy so he's pretending he's the dead guy. It's gay as niggerdicks in your faggot father's asshole
If this was done to some leftie leader, USA would have been burning by now.
Schizophrenics should be medically euthanized.
First, one shoots multiple innocent people.
Then, thousands more show to absolve him as though it didn't really happen.

End Schizophrenic rights.
I think the women of the SS are incompetent but the real incompetence in this situation comes from the local police.
like influencer said
Fuck off faggot
No one thinks that this was anything other than the SS allowing an FBI patsy to shoot trump, glownigger
what makes you think they ever were trusted. trump's enemies are in control of his secret service detail, and they don't want to give him more people
guarantee everyone there that froze and pointed has said that about other happenings before
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Or they were there to stop bystanders who wanted to be heroes
probably not, the left only mobilizes when police beat up black people

fucking hilarious man.
The dead guy doesn't look anything like the jew they're blaming it on. No way the guy on the right>>474211518
is only twenty years old with meth teeth. The Jew they're blaming it on will have a media career in a few years like David Hogg. Remember antifags, this is your fate. They won't even give you credit for your deeds.
>Took homeboy 30 seconds to climb on the roof and get into position.
but he didnt fire for some time
if that were true he'd be dead. even dementia joe knows it'd be political suicide. the right would rally around whoever took his place- probably don jr.
1. Where's the fucking Bodycam video from each goddamn officer
2. Why wasn't each officer segregated immediately and debriefed
3. Cross-reference the answers to discover anomolies

When spectators are being more observant and vigilant than SS and local police, then it indicates criminal malfeasance, to say the least.
cops are such scared faggots these days
isn't that a bit anti-semitic?
This is Fucked up, but I thought he was wearing shorts?
he's not got meth teeth, he was shot through the mouth,
did a little bit of a longer webm here. video still truncated however
mean to post in thread lol
They still have to get someone to do it>>474211518 and all they have is meth mouthed homeless antifags who miss, get domed, and called a jew.
maybe his pant leg rode up somehow
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that scared me
Doesn't look like it. The only thing I'd accept is he slammed his mouth on the roof when he got shot and knocked his teeth out. You're never going to get anywhere without more imagination. Gonna wanna see those teeth though.
The fuck? Just how deep does this rabbit hole go?
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Disinfo faggot
Produce maxwell yearick and your narrative will be believed.
he's wearing shorts in both, its consistent. you can see his calves in the video when he stands up
Never mind. Just noticed he is wearing shorts in the new video too. It's just harder to see
That was a lie, I'm never going to believe the guy on the right>>474211518 is only twenty years old.
I don't doubt the probability of FBI involvement. That's their grift, to take advantage of mentally ill people. But I honestly think it's just one guy who never understood why he was bullied (being a weird piece of shit). What rustles my jimmies is the counter-snipers just fucking sitting there. I can chalk almost everything else up to gross negligence and incompetence.

Need the full story on that more than anything. If they didn't get the go-ahead, yeah it was a glowop.
the nigger went up there with fucking iron sights? LMAO LOL
His legs or pant legs looked really white?
Hard to tell
the TMZ clip would have shown it but the camera was zoomed in and they flinched when the shots went off.
I bet the feds have the whole thing somewhere. they still have the hotel/gas station tapes of the cameras that were pointing directly at the pentagon impact on 9/11, never released them
Theres no logical reason why that building wasn't clear. Jewish Intel agencies make (((mistakes))) and let their patsies do their dirty wetwork
A woman.
>A 20 year-old special needs incel wearing cargo shorts and sporting an AR-15 with iron sights
30 year old homeless antifa meth head>>474211518
but I get what you're saying
Looks like full pants but hard to see
But also consider this >>474214114
>It went down perfectly in retrospect.
The family of the fire chief might disagree with that assessment.
Good point! I want death cam.
I wonder if colorism played a role here. The dude had blonde hair and was white, kinda goofy looking in the face. He looked like a retard who would vote right-wing.

If he had been swarthy looking like an Italian the pig cocksuckers would've shot him the second he climbed on the roof. And the racist motherfuckers in the audience would've been watching him like a hawk.
Kek, boomers are now reposting the most obvious 4chan shitpost in that thread, 1k likes and if it's got that many here it's got more somewhere else. That explains the low quality shit spam here, they literally don't know how to use computers and believe this stuff.
Sha'nekwa Williams
the ladder was in that little alleyway behind the tree, going up that connecting hallway between the buildings
I see what you did there.
>muh rules of engagement!

Secret service is supposed to protect the president. They had all the time in the world to surround and protect the president before the first shot was fired, but they stood down. End of discussion.
>The Jew they're blaming it on will have a media career in a few years like David Hogg
He would need to be alive for that to happen
Also they literally all stand there and point and say OFFICER OFFICER, like nigger, go up and start throwing chairs and shoes at him if you think he's about to assassinate the president. That would at least draw people's attention and scare him.
>Bro he had a gun
And he's crawling on a roof, so if you get close to the building he can't see you as easy as you standing there in open grass. Normalniggers are fucking useless.
Big part is that it's 50 something sections
Haven't seen a picture of crooks dead yet.
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On a side note I have that stupid gen z boss and a mini going on my head in repeat and imagine that's what you hear when entering hell, but millions of them saying it in unison.
Thanks for making resuscitate and old meme
I might've contributed to his sloppyness
Dude, you don't go from "I got bullied in school" to "I'm gonna shoot the President" on a whim. You do that because you fucking hate the President because he's literally Hitler or whatever bullshit these kids are smoking from the media and Democrars these days.
I meant It*
so glad there's no sound on /pol webms so I don't know what you're talking about
he's using Hitlers language, as per skibidi biden, so what else is a zoomer to do?
They blew his brains out only a matter seconds after he took half a dozen shots or so (in rapid succession).
How the fuck did they locate the target and aim so accurately in just a handful of seconds from when the shots started?
The only plausible answer is that they already had him in their crosshairs and were ordered not to fire until the assassination took place.
We have to make room for all 50 "he was a Republican" and destiny slide threads.
You have failed glownig
He was inches away from killing Trump.
Wasn't disputing that. I'm just saying he could have been mentally ill and retarded enough to do this on his own without glowie's singling him out to mkultra him like individually. America is a very mentally ill place these days.

why not
The blackrock ad and the counter-snipers are the only solid evidence for glowie influence on him so far. I do agree that the building should have been secured and all of this but you've obviously never worked for a woman or you would understand what I'm saying.
You are a retarded nigger and you should kys. You don't need anything special to let anything happen on purpose, other than letting it happen on purpose. Other than that its just a waiting game.
This just looks so retarded, the biden dei ss is not going to like people seeing this.
It was literally the only building where any such shot would be possible from in like a 500 meter radius or more and whoopsies it looks like we just so happened to forget about securing or even just keeping a watchful eye on that one chief!
What are the odds!?
His parents were also government licensed therapists. I don't think he's dead though.
Your cointelpro is failing glownigger, no one believes you
Can I build a fort?
some idiot woman apparently
it's either incompetence or they needed fuckin clearance
either way that doesn't make me ever want to go to an event

fuck sake
This is the biggest psyop right now. Everyone believing the SS had "all the time in the world". Where did this rumor come from? 4chan. Who gets blamed? "The head of secret service!" By coincidence the head of SS is a woman.
>inb4 don't believe your lying eyes
No one catboxed this yet? Wew lads
If you're implying that there is sufficient mass propaganda to create golems like this dumb dead asshole, then you should know that's also what I'm implying. I'm saying that it doesn't seem likely he was singled out like the many "lone wolfs" the FBI "finds" (insane people who they pressure to do mass killings and illegal shit with guns, etc).

he's dead, and that's a good thing.

You're genuinely a mouth breathing retard.
Look how everyone is blaming the woman head of secret service, is there any proof she was even there? Where is the rumor coming from? 4chan will get the blame even though "it was just a joke"
I agree with you completely, it's possible that was the case but i can't see any ppssible scenarios where the Fed's wouldn't have had prior knowledge, presumably even weeks or months beforehand that this was being plotted.
They knew and let it happen regardless of whether they directly did some mk ultra type shit and were involved with training or not.
kek this shit was an obvious larp
/pol/ and normies too low iq
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there was another smaller ladder as per pic can see it on sky news chopper
>His parents were also government licensed therapists. I don't think he's dead though.
they MK ultra'd their own kid
peak heeb behavior
Check'd. What makes you think he's not dead?
Haven't seen any pictures>>474211518
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This you?
if you are on the east coast i'll do it for the lulz instead of shitty fat people fast food
Most people don't want to get shot, but you've got a point, it really should have been much louder.
Train the Whole Militia. Minutemen were great, but the whole village should have the skills.
No I want to deport every single street shitter. Every last goddamn one of them.
>he's dead
Prove it.
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This could be fake. You have a good point.
He doesn't have to be "singled out" or whatever retard we live in a mass surveillance state no different that China at this point.
There's absolutely zero excuse for the level of incompentance here.
It was the one fucking building they had to secure, there were multiple cops on the ground right nearby but they couldn't gaurd the fucking obvious ladder leading to the roof or just station one of them up there?
They can provide hundreds of thousands of FPV drone drones to Ukraine yet not a single one can be used to keep an eye on the singular unsecured building in the vicinity of Trump?
They had snipers that on opposing rooftop they could blow his head off in a matter of seconds from the moment he started taking shots no problem but you're telling be they never thought or were ordered to maybe keep an eye on the only other rooftop nearby that wasn't being actively guarded?
It simply isn't possible for this to all be a coincidence no matter what funding cuts or whatever the fuck DEI bullshit was going on.
You completely underestimate the human capacity for incompetence
I trust you are aware of the Smith Mundt modernization act of 2012?
The part that disproves this "incompetence" narrative is drones. SS uses drones to have an aerial view to spot this exact thing. This should have become known immediately. It was. People claiming incompetence are bad actors
Shut up. This isn't Reddit stupid faggot. It's obvious they were told to stand down.so he'd get shot.
this. watch closer in vid. shorts
Exactly. Like uvalde where the pigs prevented armed parents going in. This guy had a wall of pigs around him, snipers had eyes on him and he was allowed to shoot before he was taken out. Totally blatant inside job.
Of course. You'll see none of that shit I'm sure.
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when was the ladder put in place and how did it get there?
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>in the video when he stands up
>but you're telling be they never thought or were ordered to maybe keep an eye on the only other rooftop nearby that wasn't being actively guarded
I'm not telling you that, and as I said in that post, the counter-sniper not taking the shot is the one thing that really rustles my jimmies. But they clearly saw him, clearly hesitated while that fire chief and another were being shot. And the blackrock ad. Like the one single embodiment of globohomo and the shooter is in multiple ads.

The rest I can make sense of because a woman who worked at Pepsi was in charge of event security. That is fucking crazy to me.
No, probably a couple of them at most, but most people are just blissfully unaware of things like these because they suffer from heavy normalcy bias.
Normalniggers don't think it can happen and they'll just stand there, that's the reality of the situation. They never said it, they never even thought of it, they just stand there because they'll talk about all this and that but they never really think it's gonna happen, and if it does it won't affect them anyway so best to just stand still and let the professionals handle it.
THIS. Ask yourself 'why?"
So sandy hook and parkland and uvalde and now this.
>Most people don't want to get shot, but you've got a point
Really though, they were there to watch the action. Standing right in the open instead of immediately running away out of the guy with the gun's line of sight is extremely retarded. This is probably their justification for why they did nothing but in this instance getting as close to the building as possible or to the left where you could hide in cover, or even being behind a tree, would have been better than standing in the middle of a grassy field.

Plus if you're close to the building you can throw stuff and just lob it and throw it at the building itself, not to actually hit the guy but to distract him and throw off his aim or make noise and call attention to him. This isn't actually risky at all as it can all be done where he can't see you from.

Most people aren't thinking about any of this though and their normalcy bias would lead them to be paralyzed cattle when anything happens. They think if they don't move the guy won't notice them. That's the extent of their thinking, don't move, call for help.
News has shown videos of those two SS snipers watching the guy and immediately fired after the shooter fired. Regardless if the post is true or not, it is true that the SS snipers were watching him and fired after the shooter fired.
Biden>DHS>Secret Service
“We were following orders”
also q
>The rest I can make sense of because a woman who worked at Pepsi was in charge of event security
And you believe after all the other things which aren't lining up that this was a coinkidink also?
C'mon dude get your head screwed on straight.
If they were wanting trump dead and planning this out for a while of course they'd put incompetent (or at least incompetent seeming) people in charge of his security just to have an excuse and or somebody to be the fall guy/girl they could blame this ludicrous sequence of events on.
he looks like rob schneider and will ferrel at the same time, hahahah
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The sniper on the right is positioned way too far to the right.
It was clearly staged. trump has been compromised by the jew elites, and is now their puppet being placed in power with a staged event like this, to calm the upitty "conservatives" from continuing to talk tough.
The shooter was not in view form that side of the sloped roof for the SS snipers.

Only when he put his head and weapon slightly over the top ridge of the roof he could have been seen, but then it was too late. The SS sniper identified his location after he shot because of the sound.

IMO this was all just human error and the roof was perfect for a sniper to sneak in from the other sloped side.
ss snipers have big ass optics meant for further distances, too. were likely having a difficult time, probably why the one takes his eye off like that (ie, he didn't see him)
no one thought to throw a water bottle at him
ss certainly had a drone up and so did the us military and the fbyi and probably the state troopers too
but no footage will be released for national security reasons
from what i hear, those ss guys are looking for threats half a mile to a mile and a half away. it was someone else's job to watch the one and only rooftop just as it was someone else's job to scan the audience for threats
Is there a way to make it where it is tinynigger coming to life, with a 4chan shirt on.
Shooter was more toward middle of building.
Always were. Remember they only make like $28/hr.
Don't be scared. Bad men dying is good.
someone please post the gif of a basedjak shooting at trump and hitler's ghost appears to stop the bullet. or at least link the twitter post,
people fuckin pointed out where he was
why would that not draw obvious attention immediately?
the presence of the shooter was IMMEDIATELY known to everyone in that area OTHER THAN the fuckin SS who were both on buildings and walking directly beside the building the shooter was scaling
This whole thing weirds and creeps me out, whatever is happening. I don't like this and I have a bad feeling. Everything is constantly getting worse. It's ridiculous.
To be fair, one minute is not a long time.
Not smart here. If the secret service sees this guy with the gun and you fighting him, they aren't going to just wait and see what happens, or "shoot him in the leg". They are going to start mag dumping until he's dead and there is a good chance you will be shot in the process.
The FBI is denying that happened with the cope apparently
Seems strange to me

What if this was a failed CIA assassination attempt? Like if this would have suceeded there would be no trump and no party because he got taken out by a right wing nutjob right
The sniper wasn’t as though
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>dude the police are here, everything is fine
Low iq post
1. This is one of the highest national crimes committed and all evidence is under jurisdiction of the DHS and FBI
2. You bet your ass they were after the situation was over
3. I'd tell you to FOIA the stuff you want in a couple years but you're a foreigner so eat some dick lmao

>criminal malfeasance
Not wrong, not wrong, technically. We'll see if bystanders, injured, and families of the deceased will bring any lawsuits against the feds. It's basically expected [that they will and will win some repayment] and not much to talk about.
when will india and paki land finally nuke each other?
Random civilians can do a better job of identifying the position of the shooter than SS could. Pushing the conspiracy theory that SS were aware and in on it.
Not that hard to see what they were concluding. Do I believe this? No.
But I do think it insane that they were both aware of this blindspot and chose not to cover it even after being warned.
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>he doesn't have a profile setting to convert videos for 4chan posting ready
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New vid to analyze
Possibly indicating foreknowledge from woman behind Trump

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