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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I infiltrated his group “The Daliban” They are all openly calling for political violence and posting photos with weapons. Things are fucking crazy in there. They have lost the plot. Destiny is not who he has been showing himself as to normies. To his drop left followers he has been stoking violence and I wouldn’t be surprised if the shooter was a member of the Daliban.
post screencaps or lying faggot
Can we get a better pic of Mr. Badass here?
Anyone can go moon themselves and I just did post one of the caps you fucking retarded jew.
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You remember the 2020 George Floyd riots. The left was pumped way up and ready to fight. If Trump had won the elections, every large American city would have burned.

But instead Biden won, and there was some gay ass thing on January 6.

But you have to consider the alternative: If Trump had won, civil war would have started, with the left being the initiators. They were ready.
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Here fucking niigger. Now go get your own caps.
Destiny's wife is so fucked.
This is exactly why the CIA rigged the election. Or the reason they told themselves they were doing it was to prevent civil war
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Remember that guy who immolated himself to warn the world about Peter Thiel, the German faggot billionaire that murdered the man he was having an affair with?

Yeah, that guy was right.

These billionaires are all pedo creeps that need to be removed from society for good.
This has nothing to do with my thread you subhuman
Who even is this person and why do you care? Is this some nonsense for terminally online autists?
Anyways as I said. There is a lot of openly calling for violence happening in that group in all kinds of threads. You can see first hand how deranged they are.
Libshit retards are welcome to bring it, any time. We wish you would.
These are run of the mill psychotic leftoids who are members of Destiny fan club the Daliban. The point of my thread is calling attention to the fact that it is DESTINY HIMSELF radicalizing his followers to violence. Now go sully a different thread you hook nosed goof.
I wonder what caused Destiny to snap.
I bet it's because we make fun of him about his wife cucking him with a black bull.
He took that real personal I guess.
begone, female
How’s the weather in tel aviv?
they're cargo cultist wannabe poltards who think they can control reality by screaming "BASED" and posting unhinged calls for violence. their brains were broken by 2015
He spent years simping for the establishment and Biden and he's in a full meltdown because his side just lost not only the presidency but their carefully constructed image of being the " good guys". He's been sperging out on X, burning every single bridge he had, for two whole days now and in still going. Don't know what the hell he's on but it's strong shit.
holy shit give up the fucking spam already nobody cares about this cuck manlet you've been posting like 20 threads about him an hour since yesterday
How organic of a post. This board is overran with glowniggers right now. They don’t want people knowing that the left is actively plotting violence. The Samuel Hyde quote “they want you and your children dead” is real life.
This is the type of dude that wants to kneel you in front of a ditch. He won't pull the trigger or dig the hole but that's absolutely what he wants.
The thing is, they can't stave this off forever. We would have had won today if Trump had died yesterday. No amount of election manipulation is going to stop this shit. At the very least, we'll get a much worse rehash of the Years of Lead in Italy.
Destiny and the people like him, yeah. They’ve managed to convince millions of people that right wingers are literally evil and need to die.
Jewish hands typed this post. I’ve made zero threads at all this entire week you fucking faggot. I can see I’m over the mark though.The presence of all these shills alone proves I’ve rustled your jimmies. You faggots can’t save destiny now. I got the receipts.
He's just angry because he can't find anyone who hasn't fucked his wife.
Organic /pol/ posters do not make retarded “but an ad” posts out of context when they don’t make sense. Nice attempt to try to fit in, but you’ve failed.
sounds like some irrelevant nobody
Glow niggers really hate this thread OP, keep up the good work.
America is not a real country anymore.
It's a bunch of groups with competing interests all crammed into a room together. I don't see how you politically resolve this situation where everyone thinks everyone opposed to them should die. Seems like some kind of civil war or mass domestic violence is baked in at this point.
Nobody said they weren’t irrelevant nobodies you sub 80 iq Edomite. My post is that Destiny and his followers are openly talking about violence and they are. You can’t obfuscate it. You can’t downplay it.
Secular talk did a video on the shooting. Apparently there’s only two possibilities. Shooter was either a Nazi or mentally ill, according to secular talk.
>destiny is

Shit the fuck up. He (you) are a short worthless cuck who abandoned his child for a 5/10 homeless whore. He has never had even an ounce worths of respect from anyone other than a couple of neckbeards.
What really drove him over the edge was when he found out Trump fucked his wife too.
it was an antifa commie radicalized by muh project 2025 trump = hitler narrative
>basedular talk still exists
Mentally ill just means left winger so maybe
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good, accelerate
>civil war because someone who was already president becomes president again
Retarded faggot no one would do shit
2 weeks ago every libtard was saying the Supreme Court decision meant Trump should be assassinated. Now *crickets*
How can you make common ground with people who can't even keep a consistent narrative for 2 weeks?
He has an entire group of over 20,000 fans hanging on his every word and sucking his dick endlessly. They are all in some kind of complete meltdown defending destiny lates tweets and you can observe how unhinged they are and how much they want us dead. By “us”, I mean the actual 3% of real people here. Not you fucking retard five eyes spook faggots and kike bots.
The question I always like to ask leftists when they shill for political violence, is: "What will you do when you lose?"

They never have an answer, and practically shudder at the possibility, having never conceived it. Try it yourself, sometime.
>We'll shoot you all who support Trump!
>You're the evil ones, not us!

Metal illness is really running rampant among these retards, isn't it.
if destiny and hassan got the same treatment along with all their supporters the world would be a better place. Them and their supporters are more vile then any politician in history. Hassan's also openly bragged about going to brothels raided for human trafficking.
Density has clearly been tasked by his owners to try to restore things to the previous Derp State script - the one that called for Trump's assassination to succeed and America to plunge into civil war.
who even IS THIS PERSON?????
>beware this circlejerk of generally unintelligent, pathetic, and limp-wristed zoomer larpers
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Destiny is just a mouthpiece for the Biden admin
he is told what to say and how to act
obviously Trump was supposed to die and they are angry that it didn't go that way and basically everything they try fucks up
Unironically get Elon on this he will ban him off Twitter
report all that stuff. We can get him and his entire "audience" put away.
I’m starting to lose pity. Thank God they’re not posting on anonymous accounts ;)
Shut the fuck up you brown diversity shill hire. You keep screeching the same dumb bullshit that I’ve already replied to. Do you think any real poster or lurker has been convinced of anything by your subhuman “point”?
Why are you lot acting gay? you shoould be posing as one of them and ecoraging them.
Damage control. I’ve been walking around Ottawa saying MAGA to every faggot and blue haired freak I see. The reactions are hilarious.
How can get elons attention? I did @ him about it but I don’t even have blue check.
I did report some of it to X
>They were ready.
always ready to start shit, but no guts or any idea what it takes to finish it.
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Oh no, the gloves are off? Oh shit... What does that mean?
They aren't melting down, on the contrary, the mood in his sub is completely celebratory and they view this as a "purge" of "stealth conservatives" who thought there was a place for them in the community (this is objectively a cult mentality but somehow they never apply that label to themselves or have any self-awareness at all.)
what is this pussy behaviour? why are you trying to decelerate? ACCELERATE
dont discourage them
>the left was ready
>Kyle Rittenhouse blocks their path
I want Destiny to expose this to get destiny locked up. I’m not going to accelerate and fed post to get myself a visit . If you’d like to, go ahead bong.
When will the leaf menaced be raked? Sick of these faggy ass threads. Go back to discord and stay there nigger.
10 shekels have been deposited in your account. No actual genuine poster would thing calling out Detstiny for inciting violence is “a faggy thread”. You’re either a homosexual destiny fanboy yourself or more likely, a minimum wage paid shill whose bad at their job
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>The left was pumped way up and ready to fight.
Yeah and how did that work out?
These douchebags just cant finish the cycle of grief, it gets aborted and restarted every month
Would Kyle have missed the shot?
Destiny is literally a terrorist leader
Imagine exterminating a bunch of scrawy vegans while they scream about how they're gonna get ya. Getting horny thinking about it. They really think this is a motherfucking game lmao. What's even better is that rightwingoids just want jobs that pay enough to live, something leftoids claim to also want, but apparently the rightoids are le bad? Imagine starting a war because kikes told you that transgender socialism was the only system that can exist. Lmao.
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Hard to know. All his shots were taken at melee range.
The leftist idea of civil war is where they burn down 90% liberal precincts with no resistance. Rittenhouse proved the minute they get shot the leftoids start screaming because they never planned for the NPCs in the game called "civil war" to shoot back at them.
Leftists are like shitty chatbots, but even a chatbot can stay on topic- the leftist just segues into unrelated shit randomly.
Destiny is probably an FBI agent. 32yo millennial (or so he claims) trying to radicalize teens.
Let them find out feddie faggots.
when e celebs become irrelevant they usually super nova. he's like a 30 something mitwit with a cuck fetish and no prospects or children. this is his last change at relevance.
kys americunt, I hope you get anal raped by destiny when the two of you are in jail.
who is Destiny? Rapper?

Captain cum funnel resembles a 85 year old geriatrics patient.
Biden will be president for 4 more years and Magats won't do shit about it. It's just that simple. Personally I'm not pleased with Biden, I'd prefer a proper socialist in the white House, but as long as the orange turd doesn't get reelected then I'm happy.
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pencil-neck zoomies acting tough... awww
What broke Tiny’s brain anyway? Not too lost ago he was still yucking it up with overt Trumpfags like Nick Fuentes and Dick Masterson and this was still after le ebil insurrection that almost overthrew Our Democracy ™ and opticshaming palestine supporters for saying the Jews had it coming so what got him all riled up?
Anybody can go in there and look, I just did. It's leftist filth.
who tf is going to arrest him? have you not seen the state of the US justice system? or my country's, or yours?
Kyle was remarkably effective under stress though, and 130 yards from prone isn't that hard of a shot. Even a 20 year old soft boi under the guns of cops almost did the job.

I'd say Kyle gets it done.
>starts civil war
>other side has all the guns
>realizes screeching doesnt stop actual bullets

It will be the shortest "war"in the history of the world
>The gloves are coming off
Won’t do shit
>every large American city would have burned.

Oh no that would be horrible!
These faggots are getting themselves pumped up to fuck each other in the ass
Liberals are not cut out for violence
Fascinating. Trump does nothing but whine all day and night like the left. Why do they like wars and assault rifles all of a sudden but not Trump?
You wouldn’t get the chance, they’d shoot first and then all die from friendly fire
He won’t do shit. Have you seen that armchair white cuck loser?
This this fag is advertising on here with constant destiny threads
Yes, that and his tween dweeb following being edgy. It is basically the navy seals copy pasta, but they're too young to know that. So we're going fukl circle and are back at this generation repeating the gravy seal pasta attitude.
I’m reporting every destiny thread I see
Buy an add
You exaggerate
These faggots only operate in areas they already hold, with sympathetic DA's
They would have chimped for a few weeks and it would have ended
They have no power projection, and only play softball
>If Trump had won the elections, every large American city would have burned.
> If Trump had won, civil war would have started, with the left being the initiators. They were ready.
The leftists would have started the civil war by burning down leftist homes?
That.... doesn't make any sense.
Reminds me of when Sam Harris ruined decades of reputation of him being a secular moralist when he talked about how "Hunter Biden literally could have had the corpses of children in his basement, I would not have cared,” he said. “There’s nothing, it’s Hunter Biden, it’s not Joe Biden. Whatever the scope of Joe Biden’s corruption is…it is infinitesimal compared to the corruption we know Trump is involved in. It’s like a firefly to the sun.” As well as supported censoring the Biden Laptop story because it would damage Biden.

I'm actually not sure if leftist moralism exists at this point...especially with Covid and how immoral they acted. I wonder if they just use a veneer of morality as a handy tool to have, and abuse, when they feel it's justified.
does this mean he joined a discord?
I have nothing to do with those threads and have said “buy an ad” in them myself when warranted. The left oid ones like “what’s /pol/ answer to destiny destroying this argument” type fag threads. Can you not tell the difference you fucking retard?
No but I believe it
It's baffling isn't it. They don't seem to have policy positions that are worth dying over, their livelihood isn't threatened, it's literally just "he is other team and bad".
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>Nobody said they weren’t irrelevant nobodies you sub 80 iq Edomite.
Thank God you anons are finally naming the " jew " properly. Edomite. That's right leaf. You did good.
My friend it is quite simple
Leftists do not believe in the human soul nor god and thus cannot remain morale under any form for stress
For this reason the end state of any leftist movement is always extermination of the problem
Rightwing movements can fall into this also, but much less so
Can you not tell the difference between a pro destiny shill thread and one which intention is to literally get the faggot arrested for inciting violence? You’re a fucking moron.
Serious tho is he not breaking the law? If so we should find a way to mass report his ass to the correct law enforcement.
They seethe when you call them this irl
You're going to be on the front lines, boy. No election. You chose poorly last election, now war is coming. Get your ass ready. You deserve everything that is coming to you.
Sheriff Shitwood would if the shitwood could, but the crazy nastyass shitwood don't care 'bout real criminals.
Absolutely. This is such an obvious "potential extremist" harvesting operation, for both right and left wingers.

The right wingers who get baited by his unhinged tweets, and the left wingers who desperately want to be a part of his new, more ideologically pure community.
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Buy an ad, faggot.
It’s brain rot from hollywood movies. These people take entertainment media so serious they think they are superheroes fighting some evil villains.
Why are these nihilist freaks naming themselves after pious men like the Taliban?
hes fucked
This is the line the shills came up with to try to fit in because they see it (appropriately) in other destiny related threads. Thing is the faggot strategy has failed and real anons have taken the thread seriously, yet they just keep repeating the same shit with 1pbtid because they can’t adapt.
we're in here
Trying to be meh edgy
Elon Musk has me banned for shitposting about jews but Destiny isn't banned, wow awesome free speech platform faggot
Just looks like you MI6 came up with a strat to contain what’s being said more easily so you don’t have to babysit all the threads.
I hate the terminally online with such a vigorous passion. The way they just post and snivel and whine and act like they have this sort of shadow influence over the world.

Noone fucking cares about Tiny. He is a goofball. His followers won't do shit. Nobody into fucking e celebs that aren't niggers like I showsneed are ever gonna do shit
Destiny works for the FBI, he was recruited when they busted him with child porn. He admitted this on stream on several occasions.
They want to try and steal that image. They fail to realise that godless and faithless wimps can't emulate men who are motivated by a higher cause.
well said, never let an opportunity for a honeypot go to waste
Fuckin glownigger strat to kill my thread. Fuck you nigger.
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the right can't meme kek
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You republicucks won't do a thing. What? Storm the capital? And then what? Nothing!
Republicans won’t. But the “nazis” will buddy.
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In particularly note the IMG_xxxx format, the mark of the liberal.

If you have the expendable income to spend on an iPhone without that inner miserly instinct which leads you to buy an Android instead (and which is partly the reason why you could easily afford both if you want), you're a leftist 9/10 times, likely living off daddy's trust fund.
Flakka is a hell of a drug.
No because they're entitled pussies who just attack inner cities and poor areas for their corporate masters. All communists and socialists must hang.
The left would lose instantly. Remember, their entire cultural revolution was derailed by a 17 year old.
Yeah I must be a liberal who is literally trying to expose destiny. At least have some fucking logic behind your post dumb goof. Like everyone who owns an iPhone is on a trust fund? Fucking retarded. Do you think you’re gonna have a bunch of people nodding their head like “true” from their cracked iPhone screens from 2017? They aren’t sending their best.
His skin is soft looking, he uses all that garbage shit women use when bathing. He's never been in fight in his life lmao
wtf dyrus???
Can't even buy A-PVP anymore... unfortunately.
>Can't even buy A-PVP anymore... unfortunately.
did it get banned by an act of congress or banned by a "Recommendation" from the DEA?
Because if the latter, those recommendations are now null and void thanks to Chevron Deference being shot down by SCOTUS. I'm kind of hoping 6-APB makes a comeback on the clearnet as a result.
and that is why it makes perfect sense.
Barehanded handjobs for the bulls who fuck their wives
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>they get violent
>the government ventilates them and it just makes the left look worse
I wish these pussies would get violent. imagine being retarded enough to assume that the government would tolerate your terrorism
This is a parody account? It has to be. Dude had St. Floyd and the crispy an hero Air Force fag as his backwall.
>I wish these pussies would get violent. imagine being retarded enough to assume that the government would tolerate your terrorism
the government has tolerated their terrorism for almost a decade anon.
remember when John Brown Gun Club shot 2 niglets in CHAZ because they thought the niglets were approaching Proud Boys? and literally nothing happened to anyone involved?
>They are all openly calling for political violence and posting photos with weapons.
so like a more tame version of /pol/ except they're actually white and actually have guns unlike the shitskin permavirgins of /pol/ ?
>I wish these pussies would get violent.
Why? So they can win another war against you inbreds while you die for some child rapist billionaire? lmao fucking faggot
I mean they didn't have to do anything. Leave dumb niggers and commies to their own devices and they'll kill each other as evidently happened in CHAZ.
Later he'll blame it on benzo's ... i's worked for (((Jordan Peterson))) quite well
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Left already proved it cant meme or aim lmao. Bring it pussy. Wish you fags would but I know you wont.
>Left already proved it cant meme or aim lmao.
So when a right wing christcuck fails at shooting donny the kiddy diddler it's suddenly the left's fault?
Did they have bad aim the first time they embarrassed the rednecks in the civil war too, faggot?
First you fags said it was fake. Now "it was derr chud!"?
He was registered Republican, true. A lot of liberals openly said they would register to vote for Trump's rival, especially in the Northeastern states like New Hampshire and Vermont. PA was no exception.
He also donated to ActBlue.

You're on a lethal dose of copium. Dial it back.
>muh civil war
dont compare yourselves to the deeds of better men long dead. its fucking cringe.
you aren't Union soldiers or D-Day veterans. they'd call you a faggot too.
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Forgot pic. Relevant and related.
Your yarmulke is showing, Edomite.
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go to sleep jeet
you should be thankful we’re preoccupied and have layed off the campaign that has brought streetshitter hate to every layer of the normie sphere
talk about a poo stabber lmao. in more ways than one
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>He also donated to ActBlue.
lol you fucking tranny brained npcs can't stop believing in fairy tales eh?
right wing cuck tried to shoot your child rapist billionaire you dumb fucking faggot. COPE
hahahahah imagine unironically sucking zion don's dick 24/7 and supporting the republican party who are 1000x more pro-israel than the democrats and then trying to accuse someone else of being a kike.
you're not fooling anyone you khazar rat fuck subhuman. kys
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lol dumb fucking spic. all the shitskins/spics/chinks of /pol/ love trump. keep coping pedo worshipping faggot
I do remember them interviewing libs up north and they said they would vote for Nikki Haley to keep Trump off ballot. Probably what Aimless Antifa did up there.
So the left gets to hold the country hostage if they don't win every election? That's not democracy

Fuck them let them go apeshit like the spoiled insane children they are gives us more excuses to start fucking them up legally. They are the true bad guy and have been for a long time.
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you will never be white like me jeet
cope some more you dravidian subuman
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>They were ready
Shitlibs are very reactionary. Most Conservatives/Republicans/Trump supporters are all methodical and aren't easy to provoke.
The difference here is one group is ready to start the fight and is incapable of ending it, while the other side won't be provoked into fighting unless forced to fight, and they are more than capable of putting it to a violent end.
Rittenhouse is a prime example of this.
100% white you dumb shitskin. keep sucking zion don's dick you pedo worshipping subhuman.
i can tell you're a fucking shitskin just based on the fact that you post on /pol/ regularly, since this board is 90% permavirgin shitskins now
lmao, you're so mad.
>le shooting was fake!!!!
>it was a heckin MAGA Trump supporter that tried to kill Trump haha!
>sucks that he missed
Why would a Trump supporter try to kill Trump? That doesn't make sense. If anything it was to infiltrate his enemy
Plus you fags wanted him to hit Trump.
So you like chuds now?
Or is it fake and staged again?
Cope you millimeter peter poo faggot.
kek look at it go…
why can’t you retards create a society worth living in?
billions of you yet you’ve managed to contribute literally nothing to mankind..
Destiny and his followers are clearly a domestic terrorist group. They need to be put on the drone strike list.
>see guys? my irrefutable source is a screencap of a nigger on twitter! I rest my case
all you fags prove with that photo is that you didn't care about Epstein until someone tried to rake Trump's name with it, ignoring hundreds of other names.
you pedos will get the rope
>t. shitskin who uses terms like dravidian then wonders why everyone can tell he has shit colored skin
hahahaha nice try virgin
Ok now let's all tell Destiny that he won't do shit.
the fuck are you taliking about you pedo worshipping faggot?
every democrat is in agreement that bill clinton and trump should both hang if they're guilty. only trumpcuck subhuman npcs like you are busy defending your child rapist god emperor.
fucking faggot lmao
I guess we'll have to use "that"...
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jeets tongue my anus
god you retards stick out like a sore thumb everywhere you go. i can almost smell you thru the screen kek
That's some unhinged shit to say as a public figure.
He’s accelerating and he’s based for it
Destiny is brown (Cuban) and gay (bisexual) by his own admission. Why do you think his audience are white gun-owning chads?
you’re responding to a self hating curry nigger
Abraham Lincoln was a republican leaf faggot
>JQ is now just muh israel
I hate 2024 /pol/
>every democrat is in agreement that bill clinton and trump should both hang if they're guilty
lmao right... that's why every picture of Epstein in you faggots' folders also has Trump in it but mysteriously none of the dozens of democrats on recent flight logs mulitple times like Clinton, Gates, Al Gore etc.,
>every democrat is in agreement that bill clinton and trump should both hang if they're guilty
Bill Clinton *IS* Guilty and Democrats still reflexively defend him any time this topic comes up in 2024, retard.
Every single times you fags bring up or post pictures of Epstein, Trump is always mentioned too. Never anyone else. Despite literal hundreds of names.
Prove me wrong faggot.
You can't :)
Mask is off libtards. No more feigning victim hood. The entire west knows now and your idiotic leftoid with Napoleon complex used his Adderall fueled sperg out at the most possible worst time in history. No more alligator tears. No more pretending your feelings matter more than facts. No more virtue signaling. It's actually over. GEE FUCKING GEE.
Jeffrey Epstein had close ties to dozens of rockstar globalists that these assholes idolize and those globalists get a free pass from scrutiny, but I'm supposed to believe two awkward pictures of Trump with Epstein at a party for rich assholes is evidence of his involvement in the conspiracy.
The left starts fights and the right finishes them.
Always has been, always will be
I believe you. Don't be discouraged by the shills, bots, and subinsect leftoids trying to cover for that beta manlet's crew of pig fetching subcockroach plague of the earth less-than-worthless leftoid filth.
You faggots wouldn't dare storm the capitol, the fact we stormed the capitol is so fucking bad ass. You liberals burn down shitty areas of big cities that vote your way anyway.
You want us to believe that you’re a “fellow whites supremacist ” who just happens to suck commie leftist cock. You’re calling shooter “right wing cuck”, using buzzword like “Zion don” “khazar” and “NPC” all terms that the posters of this board use who are all on the opposite side of you who is openly supporting and defending one of the most pathetic public cuckolds in history. And you think we can’t tell who’s the jew here? You using up every term on your little cheat sheet. What you got left? Lmao you’ve lost so bad it’s embarrassing.
Holy shit! This bait has given me the will to give him engagement. This is completely normal and not a cheap advertisement trick.

Destiny is surely not just 99% bot views and chat bots, right?
>posting photos with weapons.
And you're not posting these basedjack pictures because..?
>He won't pull the trigger or dig the hole but that's absolutely what he wants
They're all like that. Every one of them. Which is why they're in favor of open borders, hoping that all the military age foreigners coming in will murder their enemies. Because they certainly couldn't do it. So they're inquisition mascots. The very same characters that cheered the burning of witches. And they like to think they're not religious fanatics, when in fact they're the biggest religious fanatics of all. Verily.
Because I told everyone where to find it and I’m not you’re fucking nigger, faggot.
God created men, Col. Colt made them equal.
Do you realize how much I want to see you die.
>the government has tolerated their terrorism for almost a decade anon.
*eight decades
>That's not democracy
That is their democracy
>advertise that you're literally the enemy of /pol/
>"b-but you have to take my propaganda and lies seriously!"
why do they do this
why do they shoot themselves the foot (while missing their target lmao)
new thread over here
Dude you take yourself way too seriously
You talk as if you haven't figured out they are incapable of anything but the most immoral, sexually obsessed, emotionally incontinent, reactionary, animal impulsiveness humanity has ever witnessed.
This is the only thread mentioning that subinsect that has some merit. Carry on, anon.
It means their soft, weak hands that have never seen a single day of manual labor are gonna get sore easily.
That pic, haha what a loser, this is not star wars or whatever
It makes sense though. It you take Destiny's current political stances regarding Trump/conservatives/ and out wider political landscape the only logical answer is actual political violence. Go back and rewatch the old Stochastic Terrorism shit.

>Authoritarian Evil Leader?
>An ideologically captured political base comprising large swath of the population?
>A political system that has proven ineffective at safeguarding from strong arm maneuvers and various political machinations?
>The inevitable loss of your country to the evil fascist leader/king and his constituency?
Well your only recourse to save your country is violence. The only reason he has come out and said it after the supreme court trial is because it's actually illegal lmao.
americunts when glowniggers puppeteer political violence in independent, free, open, and liberal democracies they installed and impelled across the world
americunts when mossad flops an assassination
>i should kill americans

can't make this shit up
I don’t know how you guys don’t realize he’s just trying to drum up attention. He doesn’t give a shit if everyone hates him. He just wants engagement. He got Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, theQuartering, Lauren Southern, Tomi Lahren and more to tweet at him by going off the handle at just the right time. It’s just engagement with bis socials. He knows his views will go up even if everyone hates him. Hell, maybe more so. I think he believes what he’s saying to an extent, but he’s going as extreme as possible because everyone is going crazy right now and he wants to stand out.

It worked too because he is trending. That’s all he cares about.
Can you do me a favor and tell them, "do it, faggot" from me? You can screenshot this. Thank you in advance.

Nobody is afraid of Destiny simps.
Midwit take. He’s losing ad revenue, about to be deplatformed, and most importantly lost all credibility as a pundit/debator. He will never be taken the least bit seriously in the public square ever again. This is either drug induced mania or a retirement announcement, although to be honest I don’t believe the innuendos he makes about being wealthy so my money is on mania.
tiny losing it
I love how magapedes are calling him a "radical leftist and communist." Destiny is an establishment liberal who spouts DNC talking points. Leftists hate his guts.
Trump is better at making social media websites. Example truthsocial.
Trump is better at singing. Example
Trump is better at memes. Example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f90BL4uVIag
Trump is better at being president. Example not needed.
Trump is better at being rich. Example not needed.
Trump is God's favorite, evidence not needed. But incase it is needed just skip to 11minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BH-S5GtFj0

Destiny has already threatened trumps life multiple times in his private group chats.
>Leftists hate his guts.
sure they do bruh lmao
Needless to say, these losers are all getting visits and their lives are about to become extremely fucking complicated as there is probably a lot of pressure to chase down poossible copycats and their cheerleaders such as this guy Destiny himself
Referring to an e-whore as "Destiny"

If you have used this name to reffer to a person you are yourself a sheep.

Buy an advertisement you spamming negroid.

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