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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Shills fear the orange fist of power. THIS IS OURS NOW FAGGOT NIGGERS!
half life?
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>the orange fist of power.
I like it. I think it should be more than just the fist though, the whole arm rising up in deviance. Like All Might.
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Maybe one day we'll get half life 3.
hey thats kind of cool lol
Fuck yes haha the fist of leftist power has been secured

It's like a cointelpro color revolution, only for good guys!
u got mspaint
fucken do it
typical white man, stealing our culture for your own

hurry up. Im still waiting.
niggers never even wore human clothes on their own
Back to your mud hut you filthy savage.
I'm waiting too.
two smaller fists in the back ground
i don't get it. you're using a leftist symbol but it's orange? not that i don't like orange or anything, but why this symbol specifically?
They still fucking don't unless they're in a White created society.
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Fuck back to r*ddit glownigger, I won't explain what everyone that knows, knows.
Maybe a collage of different colored fists? For trolling giggles
I love this timeline
are you casting a spell and trying to convert people? i think this is all very fake and gay. don't approve of rallying around symbols or colors, but would rather anons rally around truth and justice.
I like it.
You're a bot aren't you. Fuck off to hell where you belong.
Truth and justice are too nebulous and fleeting
nope not a bot either. just don't like wizards who mutter and peep (isaiah 8:19). say what you mean.
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>everyone that knows, knows
i'm one that knows, nose.

if you only knew how IMAGE OF THE BEAST things really are
I can still buy and sell without any marks, nor is there any worship going on.
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truth and justice are timeless and self-evident, some times even self-solving. really though? you're just bored. big whoop, yes life is boring deal with it. people who crave happenings at the expense of others are bad people. everyone suffers. it should be that people would want to help each other alleviate the suffering.
>itt pretending we invented the Marxist fist
>which blm also used
Now i am for sure you're a chatgpt ai.
>but why this symbol specifically?
Orange Lives Matter
Not pretending we invented you filthy faggot, we're taking it away and rebranding.
Checked, you speak the truth.
did i figure you out? can't blame it on chatgpt, faggot. isn't there a happening thread you can poooooost in? life really is just very boring, nothing you can do about it.
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Based, take their means of production including their memes
>it's retarded
keks back
but you fuckers need to put in the work
for kek
Seethe and cope, all your resources now belongs to maga

Copyright infringement on the pirate islands

Is called jon lovitz island you know
We're waiting
No, u. Filthy street shitter.
yeah, that's the ticket
Tell reddit I said hey.
I like this one too. Good job anon. This is the funniest shit ever right now. Just gotta get normies changing their pfps in support of it. ORANGE LIVES MATTER!
Denounce the talmud.
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ohh I liek dis kek
take over the fist !
It's stupid. I love it. Post it everywhere.
its smarter than you'll never be
I denounce the Talmud, fuck kikes, fuck niggers, fuck jannies (fuck jeets)...etc but most of all, fuck your retarded idea.
Niggers couldn’t even invent the chair on their own
don't get all defensive, fag. I said I love it
>nooo dont use our jew jitsu against us
You know why.
Trump is the leader of BLM!
This is unironically a very good symbol. It’s simple, effective, and it’ll make them seethe to no end. Nice idea OP.
So is this just a discord trying to make anons look stupid? I find it hard to believe you're all this retarded; despite previous evidence to the contrary.
Oh, then you're just a sour leaf.
Not my personal idea, just sharing it with everyone for the lulz.
Cope. It’s about commandeering the symbol. Common tactic and very effective. But you already knew that of course, you’re just feigning ignorance.
It was also used for feminism back in the day. It's almost like they're all connected...
Imagine being a retarded zoomer wigger loser and thinking the fist symbol started with niggers
Probably not. Moron

So we're sticking with this is a good idea? Alrighty, you crazy kids don't stay up too late.
The raised fist is a commie symbol and making it orange just acknowledges their insults of Trump. This is retarded.
>orange fist of power
The bulletproof orange fist of power
Symbolism has been hacked to trick you out of your rights. My fourth decree is that henceforth, all symbols are propoganda designed to steal.
Orange powa
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Shills in this thread are very perturbed by this for some reason. Peculiar.
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Just like "Chud" right? Fuck off shill, it's ours now.
Um, basado!
It's a joke, you moron. But a joke that people might take seriously.

Remember all the traction that the "O.K." hand symbol got? Now that was amusing
It's pretty interesting how they're playing it off like it's just a silly idea and we should just stop.
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Imagine the headlines of this. "White suprmacist steal what was once a symbol of power for oppressed minorities and turn it into a dog whistle for MAGA"
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we fist nao
Steal? Naw man, Trump payed for it with blood.
Not bad
You’re very bad at your job.
"prepare for the orange fist of power shills."
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the red maga looks like blood lol
Fucking true. OLM.
The shape of this makes for a nice twitter avi
I like this one, it will cause a lot of seething.
who the fuck uses discord you troon?
That's what I did lol. Hope it catches on and even normies do it. (I'm not the creator just sharing it because I see great potential)
do maga in white
rotate the letters upright imo
Posting it on Twitter is the best way for it to gain traction. I can even see boomers co-opting this because of how old and recognizable the symbol is. Make no mistake: simple symbols like this are some of the most effective propaganda in the world. That’s why this symbol has been used so much in the past. It’s why Trump did it in the first place.
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Needs to have trumps wounds on it a little
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Take it. Take their symbol and mock it with something that has real memetic power like this. Print the stickers, put it on preddit, poster your campus.
Shills are really not liking this thread lol
lol theyre posting whores and jewish quotes for sure. this could be a good new symbol. i'm for it
It will make an amazing shirt.
i was 100% sure this would happen as soon as i saw him rise his fist
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woohoo goldfish bros
It honestly HAS to happen. It's too funny and powerful for it not to.
I want to turn that black walnut into a white man's warm cum canal, if you catch my drift
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I don't think it translates very well
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Imagine voting and shilling for most foul jewish orange Jew, then acting like there's a jewish conspiracy of jewish quotes against your precious MAGATARD threads.

So, how many jabs did you take?
denounce the talmud and faggots then
He's decried the forcings.
Exactly, mostly his enemies promoted it and took it lol.
This is a shill.
I think it would be better with maga written in small letters all around the ring tbqh
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It looks like a penis.
denounce the talmud
imagine unironically shilling for the globohomo coin clippin child sacrificin oy veyin
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Is this thread dedicated to the King of the Netherlands?
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Motherfucker, its you who needs to denounce it, you're voting for the most Jewish occupied government in human history. I wholeheartedly denounce the Talmud. There. Fuck the Talmud. I use yamakas (little jew hats) for coffee filters.
White commies created that symbol way before blacks stole it
>dont vote for orange mad
>doesnt denounce talmud
fuck kikes, fuck the talmud, fuck niggers, fuck trannies, fuck jannies. you? (((YOU)))
It’s not a penis, it’s a fist
>White commies
We call them "bolshevik jews" around here, friend
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Oh shit, new Nazi symbol just dropped, good job anon
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Trump showed his political illiteracy by using the symbol of the enemy.
I had this same thought in this same order kek
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Damn who dat

It's been a while since someone looked at me like this
I would drop loads in side that mulata and force her to get pregnant if you know what I mean and anyone who says they wouldn't are...
Well you know the drill
He probably don't know that half those countries exist...
Woah that's a little bit TOO based
Better version
This post means we're over the target

I appreciate the idea of blood red letters, but red on orange doesn't look good. They might be better with a white outline, though.
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Trump does well in supporting Israel against ragheads while facing down the jews on the matter of immigration and gender.
Also, one of the best way to stop immigration and increase global demand on american products and services is to promote american values within other countries, that's why you see Trump aligning himself with men like Milei and Bukele.
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>N-no! Only leftoids and the global south can use fists raised!
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Lmfao dude this is great.
The watermelon and fried chicken you eat are stolen from southern culture
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This is the symbol of the White man. The fist is the symbol of the jew.
White people don't live on negativity.

Yeah, normies will totally adopt that.
Pepper Grant
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RE do this one but instead of a t put a maga in the center, same colors let's see what it looks like
I'll take two dozen and do you sell soda
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They would if Trump thew it up like a boss but his primary concern is his jewish paymasters. Both parties keep the public politically illiterate on purpose.
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Paper beats rock <3
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high res version
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forgot to turn the outline white
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fire beats paper
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now transparent version
Yeah Im noticing it too. And it was really fucking strange that Trump basically used it and said fight. I couldn't tell if I was looking at maxine waters or trump.
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I like this, would go good on cars.
Need to shoop the Orange fist of power on her armband lol
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beat them with their own weapons, then beat them more
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I wish it would happen... I think it will be emperor Baron that will use it tho.
looking good
right fist has always been ours you shitskin
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kek cheers
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Make the hole, I mean circle, smaller, and put ridges around it
lol antifa lost their only shit now
I love that story grandpa, please tell us again
Fucking based, kek. Cheers!
Lmao exactly.
You're a dumb fucking nigger
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high res
Oh shit, fucking awesome.
thanks fren, looks awesome
>did this great of work
>didn't even care that the torch was coming through his wrist
Real nice.
It requires no editing, but if you feel the need, keep the red salute symbol prominent to emphasize the theft and mockery of it.
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i like the halo effect the fill in has, doesnt look the same without it like mine
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ngl pretty good anon
true, it's better without the white BG
lol i was saying it looked beetter the way you did it, the bg made it cool
I like this one a lot
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here's this in case you missed it
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oh no putin going to paper anglosphere world in ww3 usa going down
Add the crowbar for the gamer legion.
This is actually a really good idea.
People should use this as their social media profile image.
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kek ok
Really? You might want to see a doctor, anon...
dude looks like a lady
le ink splotch de la coomer kek
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This is why he shot trump, please repost
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I doubt it just because Gabe is the type that would troll everyone, and he seems to enjoy the "Valve can't count to 3" meme.
Plus the hype would be so big, they'd have trouble living up to it, so why bother?
We must meme this into reality, imagine the arm bands and the reeees as we put the mentally ill r*dditors into the work camps.
it'll be their little summer camp, not allowed to watch their netflix shows till they go farm for a few hours kek
Breakin my heart ... Lol
yeah it was a 5min sloppy job, better now?
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meme magic is real. manifest it
We can reward them with gold stars on a board and when they reach enough of them they can use the masturbation machines.
This is going on a shirt so I can piss off the BLM faggots and porch monkeys
Yeah, I'll wear it for sure.
waifu bots. in vr shit or whatever. and they have to buy in sex content kek
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Kek. Sure, why not. Work makes one free.

IMAGINE the KINO when at Trumps next rally when everyone raises their fists and chants FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
kek i see what u did there
My penis lengthens!
fucking kek
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The media leftist meltdown will be so splendid.
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nice fren that's a really goodun
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Why are you retards making a Soros fist
gonna fist your mom
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take the red out, replace for orange, and give the fist a white outline
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We’ve seized the memes of production
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Please don't be foolish.
Pepe claimed it way back in 2017
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we just steal it , what u wanna do
Very nice
Left hand and never gained traction.
It's a MAGA fist now
>Nixon rises from the grave and counters with dbl scissors
ww3 postponed
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re purpose scrap like a real person
even feminists support trump
Soros fist is left
antifa fist is left
nigger fist is left
stop being a faggot
checked, i didnt realize i knew that until i read that.
I really wish they brought that pic to the rallies, it will be absolutely awesome also I hope now they won't start talking about God-Emperor being originated by Dune, correct, 40k is heavily based on Dune but the meme is completely based on 40k art, also, Imperial Fists are awesome.
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Here let me help you faggots out
that's a great idea if someone could clean it up a but, smooth out those lines
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thank you for your contribution anon have a sticker
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Go back to redddit you fucking retard.
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nice mate
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checked nice
yeah saw that
stealing is your culture
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trump snap when?
Eastern European kikes invented it, not you jamal
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on it fren
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Put it in all your twitter profiles now.
The jewish cock being jerked off by the orange fist is missing.
The same applies to the nigger fist.
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is that supposed to be a meme?
because it doesnt feel like a meme
it looks like you saw a better meme, then made it worse somehow. a real jewish knockoff uncanney valley sort of vibe there.
the guy sucks jew dick. everybody knows he sucks jew dick because he openly brags about how good he is at sucking off jews. and yeah, his son is a jew, which makes him automatically sayanim, and for all intents and purposes considering his position, mossad. if you dont think his jew son is informing the jews about what his father is up to then you might actually be retarded.
Moshe's Amerimutt Goyim Association?
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HL1 1998 - HL2 2004, six years.

Just wait another 20 years, it's really gonna happen this time!
Blacks Love Moshe
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mossad actually genociding amalek
Trump's Life Matters
You had one job Bruce you daft cunt
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Niggers on suicide watch:
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I can dig it, we will see where it goes
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lame like your micro penis shlomo
This one's really good
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Mein nigger
I quite like this one.
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Idk, I'm partial to the fist holding a bullet. Think about it, a meme gesture of people making fists with unfired bullets all over social media. Easily replicatable and an original gesture. Just an opinion, but could make it a more unique and therefore better symbol.
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I think the symbol of a lion works well with Trump
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Anon fixed version -thanks anon
How the fuck can you represent a whole arm fist pump in a simple image?
Yeah that's what I thought lmfao
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This seems relevant
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>fucking caught it bitch
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