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>One of the classmates, Zach Bradford, said he had taken American history and government classes with him, that he appeared to be “incredibly intelligent” and that his views in high school seemed “slightly right leaning.”
>Former student Max R. Smith remembered Crooks as an intelligent classmate with conservative political leanings. Smith recalled participating in a mock debate in a course they took together, where their teacher posed questions on government policy and had students stand on opposite sides of the classroom to signal their support or opposition.
>“The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other. ... It makes me wonder why he would carry out an assassination attempt on the conservative candidate.”
>Paige Updegraff, 20, said she went to school with Crooks and was in classes with him, including a health class and a P.E. class. She said he had a “quiet, raspy voice” and mainly hung out with and spoke to a couple of other boys.
>Updegraff says they were interested in the military and ROTC as a way to get into college, and they sometimes wore clothing that showed off their interest in the military.
>Updegraff also said she was pretty sure that Crooks himself or one of his friends wore a pro-Trump shirt while in eighth grade.
>”I would almost put money on the fact that I probably had seen him wear a Trump shirt or something along the lines of that beforehand, which is why this is so shocking to me,” she said.
Confirmed /k/ nafo troon slava Ukraine
Either neocon faggot or flipped on Trump because he "saw the light" and went lefty
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He was going to vote Trump in the election.
>donated to ActBlue
>classmates said he wore a mask AFTER the mandates ended
Yeah, a real right winger here.
>the right devours itself
many such cases
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>remembered as
>him or someone else
>almost probably something
Right wing chuds like the proud boys have been wearing facemasks for years and Trump also donated to the Democrats. Does that make Trump a leftist?
Yeah, the right is totally devouring itself
>3 weeks of "Biden must go"
>after shooting they're all "eh, he's staying in , but were gonna lose anyway so who cares"
>a dozen conspiracy theories about the shooting being staged
give it a rest they could claim he had a nazi tattoo and seig heiled before shooting Trump and he would still be a leftist
They can make up anything they want but the guy was a lefty fuck the media can go fuck itself
Considering its PA most likely seems he registered to vote in competitive GOP primaries. 2022 it was the Dr Oz election and Oz was a weak candidate against the left wing Fetterman. He's anti-Trump obviously, and if he donated to Dems, its most likely he's of the left wing anti Trump variety or at most the neocon Never Trumper Lincoln Project faction
Parents both therapists. Kid was MK ultra

He was brainwashed to do this

What are the parents registered as?
>Right wing chuds like the proud boys have been wearing facemasks for years
What. A. COPE. They didn't say "he wore a mask for years before Covid" they said "he wore a mask AFTER the mandates ended". LOLOLOLOLOLOL I'm sure he had an "OVER THE NOSE!" shirt as well.
>d Trump also donated to the Democrats.
That was 30 years ago when Trump was friends with all of them and the Dems weren't insane. You think the shooter went from "actblue donor/mask enforcer to right wing maniac to Trump killer in 3 years"?
>I don't remember anything about this loner with no friends but I do know his political affiliation
>I'm screencapping everyone of these threads by the way!
>most likely
Statistically that's not most likely at all. Only a tiny percentage of voters go through the effort of registering for another party just to vote in their primary. Sure it happens sometimes but most people just register with the party they prefer.
>Former student Max R. Smith remembered Crooks as an intelligent classmate with conservative political leanings
If this is true its obvious why he would want to kill Trump
here comes a whole thread of cope comments. wont matter tho they're too far gone at this point
>What are the parents registered as?
It’s some obscure big brain 4-D chess type of accelerationist shit isn’t it….
>"he wore a mask AFTER the mandates ended"
They didn't say he was wearing it for the purposes of COVID, just that he was wearing them. Look at the J6 footage, tons of right wing trumpers in facemasks to hide their identity. He was heavily bullied for his looks, I'm sure he'd take any excuse to hide his face the same way chuds took the excuse to hide theirs.

Trump was donating to democrats well into the 2010s, not "30 years ago". He also shilled for the Clintons.
Dad is allegedly libertarian
This is a guy radical enough to assassinate the president, so if anyone is dedicated enough to "stop Trump" and do something like that, its not as far fetched as a normal person.

Or he's not politically motivated at all.
The far right groyper theory has too many holes. That type wouldn't be better off with a Biden or Haley/Desantis president, they'd actually be worse because those GOP candidates are even more pro-Israel and neocon. And why would a groyper donate to ActBlue even as a "joke"? I think the Never Trumper or lefty saboteur makes the most sense
One of op's "sources" is a site called wesa.fm
>They didn't say he was wearing it for the purposes of COVID, just that he was wearing them.
Wrong retard.
"Another classmate, Jason Koehler, had a somewhat different view, telling KDKA that Crooks as a loner who was bullied for his appearance and wore camo/hunting outfits in class. He said Crooks would often sit in the cafeteria alone before class. He also said Crooks was very COVID-conscious and wore a surgical mask long after they were required. "
>Look at the J6 footage, tons of right wing trumpers in facemasks to hide their identity.
The shooter wasn't wearing the mask when he was shooting. He was still wearing it a year ago even after Biden and the PA gov said "enough of that shit".
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You have no fucking clue what you're talking about, you infant.
The Democrats carry out massive campaigns in closed primary states to sabotage GOP votes for DECADES, and even openly advocate it as in picrelated.
Also, as a zoomer first-time voter he fits perfectly in their retard target demographic.
That was a 69 years old Thomas Crook
>Trump was donating to democrats well into the 2010s, not "30 years ago". He also shilled for the Clintons.
Ok. My point still stands. Dems werent' insane yet, and he was friends with all of them.
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>NYT desperate to push a narrative right out of the gate
Into the trash it goes
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>That was a 69 years old Thomas Cr-ACK!
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"Federal Election Commission records show that a donor listed as Thomas Crooks with the gunman’s street address gave $15 to Progressive Turnout Project, a Democratic-aligned political action committee, on Inauguration Day in January 2021, when Crooks was 17. "
He probably liked Trump at some point in school but his Democrat parents broke him after Jan. 6. Later he developed some kind of hatred toward Trump probably because he needed someone to blame for his inceldom in school and after.
>He probably liked Trump at some point in school but his Democrat parents broke him after Jan. 6.
Yeah, forever maskers love Trump and donate to Actblue.

Anybody unironically using 'chuds' deserves to get their face smashed in. Go back to your faggot platform idiot.
Just NOOOTICED the 2506 Milford Drive poorly hidden behind the blue markers lmao
>dems werent insane in the 2010s
>literally when Obama lifted the ban on trans in the military
kys tranny
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>east coast zoomers that think supporting Trump is what weird nerds do and being leftist is what the cool popular kids do say weird nerd kid was "probably" conservative and "seems like the type" to be republican
Or he hates pedos and Israel, like a true conservative should. Faggots like you are the problem.
>This guy who tried to murder trump and ensure a (((globalist))) government was obviously a right winger
statistically most voters aren't going to try to assassinate Trump either but here we are
When was Actblue donation?
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Why would American high school kids bully a nerdy loner guy, particularly a right-leaning one? I would have assumed that the incessant school shootings would have encouraged them not to make guys social outcasts like that but would instead compel them to be kind and inclusive out of fear. Does no one think, "hey, that kid might snap one day and shoot up the school?", because it's a very real possibility in the US.
>Later he developed some kind of hatred toward Trump probably because he needed someone to blame for his inceldom in school and after.
It's more likely thank you think
t. seeing this shit happen with my friends
Chud on Chud violence. Sad but predictable. This means Biden wins.
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Wrong. He was transitioning. Many suck cases.
Shouldn't you be masturbating to cartoon children or something?
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Nothing like today, faggot. Nothing. If you were older than 14 you would understand. Obama and his Dems were absolutely tame compared to the maniac of todays Dem party.
imagine being so retarded that you consider a retard to be incredibly intelligent
oklahoma is a one party state so that first guy makes perfect sense
>When was Actblue donation?
On Biden's 2021 inauguration day.
This is all zoomers
Well done. I totally missed that.
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So after Jan. 6

He spent too much time on /pol/ and went full accelerationist.

No one in the world would die for Nikki Haley.
There seems to be a lot of allegedly, almost, pretty sure, type of wording. I wonder why?
Jesus christ dude, he wasn't brainwashed, he was just recruited by intelligence assets.
He was some squirrely lil schizo and they amped him up and recruited him, just like they did that poor faggot that lived with his parents and they were sneaking into push him to bomb a federal reserve building while his parents were out.

Its not hard to recruit dumb young schizos to do dumb young schizo stuff, especially if you have nigh-unlimited resources and billions of dollars in research around methodology.

Think less MK Ultra program and more FBI tranny Discord mods lol
If you're against Trump or identify with RINOs you're not "conservative", you're just another branch of leftist. Everyone knows this and you know they've hammered away at it for 8+ years.
That's the wrong guy

How far we've fallen in 24 hours from ANTIFA super soldier to "well maybe they remembered wrong!"
>be 20 year old retard
>live in this dump
>somehow have the resources necessary to buy a gun, get into a campaign rally unnoticed and shoot a presidential candidate
Nothing fishy going on here...
It's not impossible but I find that unlikely. Then the outcome would be a Biden or Desantis/Haley presidency, and more gun control measures. I think a groyper would be more likely to go for Biden than Trump
Yeah so what? He was so in love with Biden that he support him on his historic inauguration with money.

It was his dad's gun. And the Secret Service is staffed with women now so that answers the rest.
>always stood his ground on the conservative side
He knew Trump is a liberal operative, not a true conservative
Thats how I know this is bullshit. Zoomers are extremely edgy and a lot of them are hard right
And consider he donated money to Biden + the Democrats are the ones who have been amping up the "Trump is a threat to democracy" rhetoric and idea of Supreme Court presidential immunity making Trump a dictator lately
damn this is the cope of copes
Statistically speaking, people don’t try to shoot a presidential candidate. We’re dealing with a schizo here. Only statistics that matter compare him to other political schizoids. Political schizoids are the small percentage who do this.

The desired outcome would be civil war or some other grandiose faggotry.
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Please tell us about your old classmate
>well he was a loner and kept to himself but I definitely remember him being a conservative and a Trump supporter
the CIA diverstiy hires in action, lmao
Only good Republican
That’s my theory too. He was trans and was trying to save trans from “genocide” by killing trump.
>if you don't worship Israel you are a leftist
nice try, shlomo
>He also said Crooks was very COVID-conscious
A terminal case of media brain rot, no wonder he did what he did.
My favorite part about Destiny and left wingers is that if there's any indication that a shooter is "right wing" (leftist clown world term) then they spam the internet and shill raid. But if a mass shooting happens and it's a trans shooter, they are mysteriously silent or, "le ban the gunz!"
confirmed manchurian candidate
>he was brainwashed by his schizoid lib parents to kill Trump
wow great cover, we almost blew it here Biden bros
MK Ultra strikes again
Who coached him to say he had conservative leanings?
Good thing Trump let Fauci in the White House so he could tell what to do in the pandemic. Also the Saudis
i would try to turn the chud against my enemies
Are you seething?

It is. There's been a notable downtick in statements from Republican electeds re: the shooter and his motivations. They know he's some schizo-groyper type and are hedging by talking about civility politics and rhetoric.

If this guy was left wing they'd chimping the fuck out.
>No one can find any basedcial media or anyone to interview for a day on the biggest event of the year
>Now magically things are being said that are perfect for the narrative

lmao this is so fake and gay
>He spent too much time on /pol/ and went full accelerationist.
I've been saying this since yesterday. Could be a radicalized poltard.
He's gotta be one of those chuds that went full pro-Hohol because muh nazis but it's based
>slightly right
>shoots at Trump
well hes def a republican

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His house?
the media who called trump hitler for 8 years arent desperate or anything....

the media just got done covering up the fact that biden had dementia btw
Yes, I’m seething so much I have to resort to fighting with online incels about how one of them shot Trump
8millionth panicked fedpost thread of the day, it's too late you homosexual faggots
Well his parents are Democrats so
lets put 2 things on the scale

>registered repub
>tried to kill donald trump with a rifle from a roof

which is a bigger indication of how he felt?
Now talk about trans mass shooters.
This is incorrect, the mother is registered Democrat and the father is registered Libertarian. Before you try to lie again, I live thirty minutes away from Bethel Park and it's more so a red area with some blue.
A lot of young men have Democrat parents but none of them have shot at Trump so we have to consider his parents views.
>putting your right fist up means you're a commie
lol image a rightoid thinking before he speaks
this is what happens when you have no inner monologue.
Wake up, Anons. Therapists are the problem. This is what happens when you have two therapists around
>split household
So basically they voted Democrat because the wife was in charge
>wearing hat with Brazilian commie logo
>caption says “hail, comrades”
yeah clearly right wing behavior

Former classmate says he was always wearing a mask, even after COVID was over, and was made fun of for it.

Every single news network who has covered this interview has cut the clip before the student mentions the mask.
Why would a white democrat father buy an AR-15? Especially one with a fancy tricked out handguard?

trumpmania fans love being victims and pray for this so they can enact play out their revenge fantasies
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thought about this earlier, it's a bit of a stretch but it does fit.
Latter. He was so far right he hated Trump for being an Israel shill. He registered Republican instead of Independent because you have to be registered with the party you vote for in a lot of the country. ActBlue is known for faking donations using random census data, too. It seems obvious.

Just look at his dysgenic flat face. You know it was lights out for him if he caught a cold.
Are we seriously having that discussion after 2020

Because he was a Libertarian (aka retarded).
How is that proof of him being some secret psyop antifa libtard? A lot of people wore/wear masks regardless of their politics, ESPECIALLY mentally ill people who were either self conscious or extremely paranoid.
youre overthinking it. likely just completely suicidal loser who wanted an impact in his worthless life and figured to take out his one idol
I'm not prepared to jump to any conclusions. His motivation remains incredibly mysterious.
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>Movimiento dos Trabalhadores Sem Picanha
Any brazilanons want to tell us who they are?
he's dead so he's definitely voting Democrat for the next 50 years
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>ActBlue is known for faking donations using random census data, too. It seems obvious.
wait what? elaborate pls i'm curious.
Lmao, that’s also completely possible. But I called it from the get go that he wouldn’t be antifa like everyone here thought they had guaranteed, and most on here are still believing that this retarded kid was a hired actor by the deep state to sabotage Trump’s election. I agree the most likely scenario is that the kid was just extremely unwell, though of course you have to be in order to even entertain the idea of this
for you
He could have also just hated jews and pedos though
That’s cope. Most were Democrats
Yeah, no one believe he was “republican”
But it doesn’t matter
He was groomed by the fbi to take the shot
It's proof that he was bullied for wearing a mask and most of the media doesn't want you to know that.

My post didn't contain the words, "secret psyop antifa libtard." However, no "conservatard" I know goes around wearing a mask after COVID.
Lol. Lmao even.
It’s something those orgs do on both the right and left, they just kind of falsify data all the time—whether it’s truly on purpose or some kind of accident is beyond me though. I would post proofs but I’m in le car. Some other anons were compiling links on it yesterday but it got buried by people accusing them of being antifa defenders lmao. Either way I’d believe that he donated to Actblue, I doubt he has coherent politics and the donation is from before he was even able to register to vote (when he was a minor).
He was a troon. That's why no one can find his social media. He was going by a female name.
Well duh, but mentally ill people also exist and defy logic, as seen by this retarded sped who just nearly murdered trump. It’s extremely obvious this kid wasn’t a dem, OR a republican. He’s just insane.
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>conservatard attempts to kill DRUMPFFFFT
lmao yeah ok
>Right wing chuds like the proud boys have been wearing facemasks for years
He was so republican he thought only he could make America great again and Trump was in the way
Many such cases
sorry rabbi, not gonna work
It's weird because this is supposed to be a sick burn. Not one leftoid in this shill raid have proposed a single reason why a righty is shooting at Trump. But it's supposed to make us angry because... because... stop thinking! It just is okay!
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>Parents both therapists. Kid was MK ultra
Shut the fuck up, chud.
This dumb fucking thread again.

>"He was conservative because somehow his middle school classmates said he might, maybe, possibly have once worn a Trump shirt 9 years ago. And 13 year olds totally understand what conservative is and they will have 100% perfect recollection on this subject while simultaneously claiming this kid was shy and withdrawn."

>"Also this one time his teacher put him on a 'conservative' debate team, so yeah."

If this is what you're running with then you're a damned idiot and you deserve to be hit a fucking asteroid.
MK Ultra is a bitch
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>MK Ultra program
>tranny Discord mods
thats the same thing
He was in Latin class? Based!
Based accelerationist trying to get the civil war going immediately
its okay i know you were hoping it was the big bad antifa again. hang in there maybe next one
It wasn’t middle school it was high school. He wasn’t “put” on a conservative debate team he deliberately chose the conservative position every single time, even if he was the only one
You mad chuddy???
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interesting stuff, ty. you think he donated because some other students were promoting it (e.g donate x amount of money to help voters")?
Typical conservative. Can’t debate so has to commit violence against their political opponent
dont upset the chudster or hes gonna smash ur face in, or shoot trump. careful
Trump is not a conservative, for one.
Also, Trump's an objective degenerate pedophile. Trump is a carpet bagger taking advantage of desperate rural retards.

A real conservative would not want Trump.

>he's conservatard and tried to kill Trump for reasons.

Fucking brainlet.
So glad my sarcasm isn't wasted on you.
Woah a dnc extremist.
Not allowed to speculate about SSRIs because of HIPAA. Sorry, you’re conspiracy theorizing
Fuck off retard
That it?
>right leaning when all your faggot classmates are raging libtards
So he probably wanted to keep guns to kill right wingers and that made him right wing?
Why no interviews with his current coworkers or fellow students at community college? Only spoke with people who new him two years ago… in that time his physical appearance certainly changed, going from the same awkward but clean cut look to the long stringy hair and scraggly goatee…
Stop shilling this.
You still spamming this shit?

>slash his throat!
>slash republicans throats
Your tranny kid grew up and turned liberal.
He was so far-right he went around the political sphere and landed in far-left
Zoomer retards consider everyone who isn't a straight up marxist to be conservative. Doesn't mean this guy actually was.
Clown World didn't really start until Obama's 2nd term.
Maybe a little bit before, as the trigger seems to have been Occupy Wall Street, which was late 2011.
Before tranny bathrooms and rapefugees, Dems were widely seen as the cooler heads. Republicans were more about war, deficit spending, crony capitalism, mass surveillance, and pandering to fundamentalists.
Bill Clinton was still relatively fresh in people's minds. Of course we here associate him with Epstein, NAFTA and Glass-Steagall repeal, but most people saw him as a pragmatic centrist who was good for the economy.
Poltard confirmed then. Everything about him screams right wing incel chud
>right wing incel chud
lmao yeah, except for the attempting to kill Trump part
dumb tranny is dumb
damn you are upset. do you go to bed hoping its all just make believe?
>accelerationists suddenly don't exist
Best case for the left he's a neocon Never Trumper, worst case he's an antifa. Either way, it doesn't look good for you, because he's aligned with the anti-Trump faction who have been pushing fearmongering message about fascist Republicans and Trump becoming a dictator. The neocons and leftists have common ground on the issue of Trump
>blah blah blah
He was a tranny leftypol cuckold whoi donated to an anti-Trump cause like all incels losers
>yeah bro he was such a right winger he wanted to kill trump to make things even worse
lmao yeah ok
its still the same. republicans are contradictory though and will always be grifters. theyre going to be about war when it suits them and their interests. now when its some country fighting for their freedom suddenly theyre the peace doves. yea okay guys. democrats are just run by arrogant career politicians and somehow fucked their own shit up twice. trump was toast if they decided not to prop up an 80 year old man with a swiss cheese brain
ya its likely none of those. thats all maga wishful thinking
lmao give it a rest, just accept the fact that you're going to lose the election
and your life will remain a hot mess
Implies he's some hard right groyper fag when he covid muzzled hard
>he's this
>he's that
no, he's a mk ultra victim, ffs.
And that's probably not even the guy, I seen at least a dozen of so call suspect since yesterday.
At least this one is not from Italy.
If it's not those, its an apolitical schizo. Its not an accelerationist grifter because they wouldn't want a Desantis or Haley presidency as an outcome, nor would a groyper donate to a DNC PAC
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Are you fuckers seriously going to look at these two images and go, "Yeah, that's the same fucking guy." This is fucking retarded! They don't even look remotely similar you goddamn morons!
>69 years old Thomas Crook
Don't you realize that's a FAKE age?
If you believe in accelerationism, you also believe in letting flow the natural course
I doubt there's any accelerrationist that would be turn into a mk ultra bot for glow niggers to do a psyops and false flag (in the sense that it was planned by glowies, not that there's no fatalities).
/pol/ never encourage this type of shit because is fake and gay and don't solve the problem in any shape or form.
Leftards trying to shift the blame on /pol/ is so hilarious when like golems they talk about killing Trump and his family everywhere online or IRL. Like the kikes and golems they are.
You were even lamenting for the miss shot yesterday on slop-media.
>Does that make Trump a leftist?
The reason you can tell Trump is not a leftist despite being friends with leftists and donating to the democrats is because he holds no leftist ideals. Which is the same reason you can tell that the person that tried to kill the republican candidate is, in fact, not republican.
Who could have imagined.
>They don't even look remotely similar
The deformed ear, upturned pig nose, eyebrows and gigantic jaw all match. It's the same guy. How can you look at the ear and not immediately see it?
He’s exactly what I imagine everyone on this board looks like
This board sucks. Plenty of people on the ACTUAL far right hate Trump because he’s not fascist ENOUGH, i.e. he is a fucking Zionist lapdog for Israel and literally always has been.
He did it because of Trump's child raping
is this some sort of lefty cope thread trying to come up with excuses so they dont feel responsible for this nutjob? even though every one of them still wants it to happen?
His political views probably changed over time, it's common for young people. The ActBlue donation doesn't match this, neither does being "COVID conscious" after mandates fell.

I'm 25% on the transitioning theory, he looks like the type and growing his hair out matches.
Trump is a liberal tho. 100% liberal just like Abe Lincoln.
He was a windup toy. Probably had a cute lady pay sudden attention to him. Kek. BE CAREFUL. You fags are so gay.
How can you look at the nose, the facial hair, the eyes, the eyebrow, and the different shade of hair and not immediately see it? Holy fuck
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anon's right. That's not the shooter.
The earlobes.. dead shooter bro had those big ass nigger things in his ears that he sowed up. This guy... nothing like it.
Leftists take pride in assassinations. Right wingers do anything they can to pretend it’s not them because they only talk tough but never act.
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Former classmate of Trump rally gunman says he was ‘bullied almost every day’

Tons of far-right accelerationists get baited into glow ops, look at the Whitmer kidnapping or Buffalo. I don't think he was a /pol/ guy, I can't think of anyone who hated Trump over Israel who was also forever-COVID, but this is just wrong.
Only hardcore DNC shill middle aged libtards would want Trump to die. I’m pretty sure the further left you go the more seriously they take a Trump death funnily enough, because they (like the far right) also hope for a complete restructuring of US politics, and can tell that Trump being killed would just make the right double down. It helps that the far left doesn’t give a fuck about Trump being president because to them he’s a liberal too.
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Well they definitely are seething in this thread, possibly dilating
I don’t think the kid was forever-covid, he probably has some autistic health anxiety that prevented him from going all in. Plus, who knows how recently he became far right. A lot can happen in a meager year or two when your mind is still developing at that age. Most people are apolitical until their mid 20s.
he's autistic and face-blind
simple as
We need common sense ladder control laws.
His blood and treasure went to the left. That’s the only thing that matters in politics
>I don’t think the kid was forever-covid,
"Another classmate, Jason Koehler, had a somewhat different view, telling KDKA that Crooks as a loner who was bullied for his appearance and wore camo/hunting outfits in class. He said Crooks would often sit in the cafeteria alone before class. He also said Crooks was very COVID-conscious and wore a surgical mask long after they were required. "
as if trump wasn't going to win the whole time. America just wanted a break from trump when they chose biden, and at this point they want a break from biden soooo
Hmmmm, if only he had some sort of online presence, like a social online environment in which you can interact with others, some sort of social media... so that we can plainly see what his beliefs were...
But alas he's the only 20 year old in the country without any. I trust our government to be fully transparent about all information that comes forward
The FBI's currently looking through his phone. Take everything they say with a grain of salt obviously, but if he was a groyper they're going to come out with that instantly and they probably don't have reason to lie about him being radicalized far-left. Maybe if the NeverTrumper theory is true, it's hard to picture any of those types having the balls/insanity to actually shoot Trump but it would be inconvenient for an institution dominated by them.
Some kind of "landless workers movement" in Brazil. Sounds rather lefty to me.
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Based, he was /ourguy/ trying to stop this zionist spy from starting WWIII for the kikes
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>it's not a cult!
If this picture is a present Crooks, the moles on his face are absent in the picture of the bloodied dead assailant.
New Footage

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Far as I know this is the only confirmed present Crooks photo.
>Think less MK Ultra program and more FBI tranny Discord mods lol
That is MK Ultra and I'm not even being facetious to get a one liner in. That's literally how it works.
how am I Sicilian and have a way more narrow nose then his? you Anglos ate mutts.
He was a wignat and shareblue larpers convinced him Trump was going to hurt their precious Palestinians
Trump Rally: “How and Why”

i knew lefties were stupid deranged idiots but this is next level
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Why would the Jewish media lie about a Jewish assassin and portray him as a right winger?

Seems implausible, at best.
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>op is long a detailed, thread is popular
you lose, faggot
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hes mad about trump being a pussy on Jan 6th or Israel or covid or failing his first presidency it isnt hard to understand
I voted on the left side of politics for the first two elections here in australia, after that I grew up. the shooter being a conservative in school doesn't say much about his intentions. I think it's more likely he didn't enjoy being a loser with unpopular views as an adult and wanted to make a change to impress people.
he hated trump
seeing the video then seeing the groundwork he laid out with his shirt and registration makes sense
dude got what he wanted in a way
he just messed up for being a massive fucking spaz beforehand, though
Has this guy been jaked yet?
Impressionable young kids that know what's being fished for
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>I would almost put money on the fact that I probably had seen him wear a Trump shirt or something along the lines of that beforehand, which is why this is so shocking to me,” she said.
Wow, what amazing memory that she recalls some loser's shirt who she probably had 0 contact with. wtf, at least put some effort in your deflection. This is just lazy.
That's not him you bozo
>>“The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side
What does that even mean in todays political climate? Conservative in his age group nowadays means you think a man in a dress should cut off his dick and try to look passing before you call him a "woman".
>quiet, raspy voice
Ok he has autism
Because the New York Times isn't biased. And they never lie or mislead.
Sage this shit thread
>America just wanted a break from trump when they chose biden
America didn't choose biden.
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Even tho the term is mainly used by right wingers now
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I think he just realized he was a turbo incel and realized he had no future. Dude worked in a retirement home, one of the most depressing places on planet earth. Probably realized he would never have a family and would likely end up one day in a similar place to the place where he worked. Probably just decided to do something exhilarating instead of just shooting himself. Doubt politics played into it at all, he probably just decided that nothing matters.
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Based and cheating-pilled.
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The ActBlue Shooter, they're calling him.
take it to jews >>>/news/ maybe
this is pol
we write and report the news, not read the news
more like AvkBlue
Yeah, I'm betting the same. What I hear from zoomers is that conservatives often get bullied for their views, which can either radicalize someone further or induce a switch.

Older generations can probably see the same with religious kids. I'm a late millennial. The popular kid stereotype leaned Republican until somewhere in the Obama years, but religious kids got bullied hard even by kids who still thought Bush was doing a good job in '08, or who were loudly pro-Romney. They either isolated themselves or stopped being religious.
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He watched this video and wanted to either injure or kill Trump to blame democrats and make them lose an election.
>That's not him you bozo
Who is it then because he would still be alive to confirm he's not the killer.
Haven't clicked the video but if it's the guy going "I hate Trump, I hate Republicans," that's a TikTok guy who noticed he looks like Crooks and decided to fuck with people. If it's the schizo screeching about Republicans, that's some kid at Arizona State University.
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I'm on about the video where he shouts kill the fascists, but you're missing the point I'm making here. There needs to be a follow up video from that guy to confirm he's not the shooter. If you don't do that it will continue to be used to fool people.
It's possible he was one of those NAFO /k/ types. Those are the only people that are "right wing" and anti trump, because trump might shut off zelensky's dollar spigot and they're too emotionally invested in the ukraine war to let that happen. There's a very real chance that as this guy squeezed the trigger he thought "slava ukraine".
Then he followed his ukrainian heros directly to hell.
>where their teacher posed questions on government policy and had students stand on opposite sides of the classroom to signal their support or opposition.
What a shitty teacher. Absolute state of American education.

a high percentage of the people in US are stupid, overbearing, loud, and aggressive. That's the main reason why. Also, people subconsciously see loners as a threat to group cohesion.

t. USA person who went to school in USA
Or what lol can’t accept he hates Jews and posted here
damn, did we just lose?
>The same mefia that has been after Trump for 8 years are now spinning his assasination attempt into sonething more favorable
He was an antifa loon, confirmed, he larped as republican in a failed anti-Trump raid, and tried to kill him yesterday, no amount of media lies will change that
>Updegraff says they were interested in the military and ROTC as a way to get into college, and they sometimes wore clothing that showed off their interest in the military.
So he was a ZOGlodite lol
>He was so far right he hated Trump for being an Israel shill.
This is most likely. I don't see why that would upset migatards, though. Sucking Jew dick is a major part of their political identity.
>that flat wide disgusting nigger nose
Imagine seeing this everyday in the mirror. Rough.
He’s clearly been groomed. The fact that they scrubbed all digital footprint beforehand is proof enough without even considering every other inconsistency and irregularity.
What you have here is the arguement for eugenics? Why are we letting weak feminised men like this even breathe?
>no "conservatard" I know goes around wearing a mask after COVID.
The far right never made being anti-mask part of its identity. Skull masks and full body corona suits with full face respirators were common.
This. Thankfully most of these people are quad vaxxed and if not developing cancer as we speak, will become sterile. Always look on the bright side.
Only niggers still wear masks
Yes we did. Wearing one was like a beacon to let people know you’re a mind raped leftist. It was always this way, even in California. Pretending otherwise is very disingenuous.
>propose a single reason why a righty is shooting at Trump
Blowback for supporting the Gaza genocide perhaps. Or even Trump's infinity jeets comment on the all in podcast.
sounds like the left is trying to distance themselves from the deceased faggot, all lies, like always.
You are a migatard, not far right. The far right was masked up for months before the media started promoting masks.
hmm. i feel like we're coping.
These news sources talked to first-hand contemporaries. We're just theorizing based on random noise.
Seems like more evidence is making it clear he was at least conservative and probably more far right than anyone seemed to realize or wants to admit.
Migatards don't believe the far right exists. They think everyone on the far right is secretly a paid leftist shill.
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New york times is agreeing with you now


Also a tree was blocking the way
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He's a bioleninist. He absolutely does not have the build or composure of a chub.
I don't believe he's conservative or traditionalist either, but rather a contrarian.
>Seemingly conservative by the politically illiterate
>Debates a lot
>Skin and bones
He's definitely a DesTiny/Shapiro goon. He's also most likely a repressed homosexual given his build.
MAGApedes are usually obnoxious and find people to circlejerk with.
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Where the fuck did this pic come from?
Why did Trump go back to PA after four years of lying? Does he consider it an inbred, meth-addicted, Sackler oxycodone (jewish heroin) addicted flyover state? Would he go back to Israel after promising them billions of aid but giving them pardons for black rappers instead?
insane how incompetent
such a bad shot he wasn't allowed to be on the school's rifle team
no mention of a job or college
>pretty sure
>would almost put money
Loner means sperg or schizoid. Leftist spergs all troon out, and schizoids don't have the motivation to do shit. So that leaves right-wing sperg, meaning /pol/ack.
>school rifle team
that's fucking cool
Like I said yesterday, classic case of guy who was brought up in a conservative shit family (yes, you can be a conservative and still be a fucking idiot parent), then realized that he'd been wrong the whole time, and saw how much that cost him in terms of his identity, being an incel, etc and felt he was wronged by the whole conservative apparatus
Mother was a Democrat (regime sycophant) and father was a Libertarian (greedy degenerate).
>Attempting to grow a beard
Adam Lanza 2.0
They're calling him the Blackrock Shooter shlomo
No clue, but it matches the shirt and hair in video of him crawling on the roof with the rifle.
exactly. that really isn't the same dude. nose note even from the same continent of ancestry.
I could see him being a conservative then falling for the coronahoax and it snowballing into the Ukraine and Palestine shit. COVID restructured a lot of people's ideologies
Could be too inattentive to his appearance to shave it, many such cases among 'spergs transitioning.
>tl;dr: he a good boy he dindu nuffin
get a better joke, this one's stale
more like ack!!!!<blue>
Huh, then if true it must have been that he felt he was brainwashed by conservatives. Either way I still blame the parents in their entirety
>not the same dude
How do you reconcile the fact that the nursing home and his parents haven't seen Crooks for 48 hours since the shooting?
>I could see him being a conservative then falling for the coronahoax
A conservative falling for the coof shit? No fucking way. The media was so fucking jaded and people picked sides fast
This kid wearing a mask AFTER Biden and the Dem gov of PA saying "enough of this shit" proves what a leftist retard he was. Donating to Actblue sealed that designation.
Confirmed maxists. The guy in that picture is full Marxist/Communist
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there is the MST (something like 'movement of the landless'), who are Lula voter oportunists who like to set up illegal toll checkpoints and threaten farmers
that cap seems more like right wing satire related to some speech from Lula where he'd supposedly enable poor people to buy picanha "again" which is traditionally an expensive beef cut. I believe he got bamboozled and bought the wrong cap since that subtitle reads 'hey, comrades'
Seems to be a common theme - wasn't it an Antifa who shot up Las Vegas?
Paddock was a member of "Antifa WAR - Whites Against Racism" and he'd posted online alot about hating whites and stuff, prior to the shooting. They scrubbed it from the internet immediately after though, like within 30 mins of the shooting. I saw some anon post about it a couple times immediately after the shootings, but nothing since. It's strange because there seem to be several layers to that Vegas stuff too, as it's pretty clear now that it was some rogue group (Mossad acting like Saudis, just like 9/11) that was shooting from different rooftops and a few blackhawk helicopters, they used some expret marksman or advanced-precision rifle systems as the shots were directly in the middle of the forehead or between the eyes.

So what will come of this one, then? It seems weird a beta boy who was picked on would do this, alone at least. Is it Discord-tier brainwashing or is he the scape goat? The dead shooter pic doesn't resemble him at all....
Transgender conservative. many such cases
Conservatives don't donate to ActBlue and keep wearing the mask after the mandate ended.
There were loads of conservatives who fell for it at the start you could even see it on here
Paddock was the patsy. There's no way the international jew wasn't behind both of these incidents. Sloppy job mossad just gets more and more pathetic.
It's an american phenotype. You don;t see it elsewhere in the anglosphere.
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its actually his left
you can tell because the hats logo is flipped horizontally
Trump is better at making social media websites. Example truthsocial.
Trump is better at singing. Example
Trump is better at memes. Example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f90BL4uVIag
Trump is better at being president. Example not needed.
Trump is better at being rich. Example not needed.
Trump is God's favorite, evidence not needed. But incase it is needed just skip to 11minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BH-S5GtFj0
If he was working at a retirement home, chances are it wasn't "just a coof" for him and actually a big deal

if vaccinated, then brain damage
>b b but, it was only $15
>a a and he was registered republican!
>a a and we got his former classmate to say she maybe, one time, saw him in a trump shirt
anytime some dipshit says he's actually a republican, just post this.

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